#too lazy to log onto my other blog lmao
heart-shaped-chains · 7 months
I've had coarse hair like. Under my chin for a while now, but now I'm actually starting to get it on my chin. Even though it's just a little spot, I'm super hyped about it. I haven't even started transitioning yet, I already have a head start :)
#cj rambles#not nsft#too lazy to log onto my other blog lmao#i told my dad ab it. partially bc im excited partially to test him and he said 'there you go' and seemed happy :)#and mom smiled but didn't really say anything. which okay. not the worst response to have tbh#idk its just. really sinking in that this is actually gonna happen. its not gonna be some daydream or some fantasy its gonna be reality#when im feeling down i look at my arms. all the hair on them. and im reminded of what i *could* be#dying for it. hopefully ill get it this year. worried about doctors being shitty and its also texas#but god dammit this is the ONE thing im sure about. not 80% not even 90%. but 110%. *this* is who i am#and no one can take that from me :)#ftm#transmasc#its already been half a year since i came out to my parents and theyve been pretty good about it#have yet to tell other family members but i think im just gonna start the process and *then* let them know. bc i dont need their permission#and now im actually super excited for the future like oh my god what am i gonna look like?#how long will it take my voice to drop? will my hair get curly like other dudes? i sure HOPE it does!!!!#is my mustache gonna be red like my facial hair? or light brown like my eyebrows? its thin and invisibly blonde right now.#and bottom growth. super fucking hyped for that.#idk i think im actually gonna make it#im just gonna be some guy. not a self destructive nightmare. not killing myself with drugs.#like damn i found the medicine i need. t's not gonna fix all my problems but it'll make them feel worth solving#idk im just so fucking hyped. bc now i KNOW its gonna happen. its fucking going to bc i said so.
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woozymitts · 29 days
What’s the blog I can ask about OCs on..? I know in your pinned post you said you want to try and keep your pet posts separate from your others…
This blog is fine! I post about my OCs on here now since I'm too lazy to log back onto my other blog lmao
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softestvirgil · 3 years
omg hi i’m one of your mutuals and i haven’t been in the fandom for literal ages like literally the only reason i’m still logged into this blog is to look at stuff for a different fandom and i’m too lazy to make a new separate account for that. but i LOVE fans of content realizing the significant faults of the creator and criticizing them like it literally fuels me that sounds so weird but it’s so satisfying to me seeing people point out the unfairness/poor decisions/negative evolution of their fave for completely valid reasons. basically all i’m saying is yes speak your truth! glad to have stumbled onto my dash in the midst of this convo lmao
I appreciate this a lot! Thank you. I have been holding all my feelings back for years at this point, but seeing other people open up has made me brave enough to share my feelings.
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cromwellharvests-a · 4 years
💕 straight up tho i mean im too lazy to log onto atlas' blog but i also made a fma verse for tyrias so uwu
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Shipping Interest Check!
Send 💕 (or “hearts!” if the symbol doesn’t show up) and I’ll fill out the following for our muses:
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no || we’ve talked about their similarities and sort-of gestured toward friendship, mutual tenderness, and, y’know, ship adjacent things, but haven’t delved into the depths
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be fun*** || kinda I’m... feeling it... I’m feeling a lot.... || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
***’fun’ also read as ‘deeply emotional and heartwrenching’. they’re two kind souls each carrying their own doubts and burdens in a way which I think could elicit a lot of really wonderful, gentle moments, but also some tasty anguish. the perks of a brooding partner and the fact that, even if not a typical example in half, they’re both soldiers, diametrically opposed.
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a (series) of thread(s) || anything goes
this is less so a necessary series of fully-realized threads and more a long, plotty discussion of how they get from point a to point b in a relationship. I think they’re just such an interesting and deceptively complex pair, it would be nice to establish how they develop from a soft meeting to the maturation of a real romantic bond. I mean I also just love when you yell meta at me for 30 min. so maybe I’m just making excuses for that Good Content
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies (of circumstance) to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other
Have we discussed shipping before?: yes || no || lmao not even a little. the extent of my knowledge on Tyr is ‘ooh pretty’ and ‘omniscient gate god of power’. oh and ‘my name is nicholas. and i am tyrias. and we are not the same person’
My interest level overall: I’ve wanted this for so long || can’t wait || I think it’ll be... fun?? || kinda feeling it || maybe with a lot of plotting || I need to think about it || not interested, sorry
let’s be real there isn’t a muse in your compendium who I wouldn’t at least go ‘hmmm’ over, and if my usual dynamic for Em is ‘gentle soul + wildly-powerful morally dubious other half’ uhhh the idea of romancing a literal god of power is dialing that up to an eleven out of a possible five. makes my brain hurt to think about; but in a good way! probably. 
very mythological vibes, innit.
How we should do this: jump right in || slow burn || pre-established || build up to it in a (series) of thread(s) || anything goes || and the voice uttered unto the world: fuckin’ PLOTTING my boy
Dynamics I want to try out with our ship: friends to lovers || rivals to lovers || enemies to lovers || mutual pining || battle couple || childhood friends || high school sweethearts || star crossed lovers || long time lovers || old married couple || newlyweds || sickeningly sweet couple || secret lovers || fake dating/marriage || best friends hiding their feelings || arranged marriage || soulmates || other???
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immobiliter · 4 years
Rules: Answer the questions and add 10 blogs you wanna know better!
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Nickname. Lottie. Star sign.  Cancer. Height. I thiink I’m 5′7″?? honestly I couldn’t tell you for sure, but I’m definitely not short. Favourite music artist. A lot. my taste is pretty broad lmao Last TV show you watched. Sex Education👌 What kind of stuff do you post. A fair bit of writing, reblogging pretty gifsets calling all of my muses my sons and daughters, and I have a habit of making a post saying ‘one day i’ll talk about [insert extremely specific aspect of muse here]’ and then forget/am too tired out from work and life in general to actually follow it up with a full length meta lmao Do you have any other blogs? The love of my life resides over here, and I have a personal but I only log onto it once in a blue moon Why did you choose your url? Oh okay so I picked it back when latin urls were in vogue and at that point ( this is like four years ago ) the majority of the muses I’d accumulated onto it were ‘constant’, immovable, supportive figures ( hence the latin for constant ). but then I just got too lazy to change it and essentially at this point it’s a Brand so. Hogwarts house. Ravenclaw Pokemon team. My story is literally the same as Sae’s, I beat my first pokemon game with a lvl 90 charizard and literally nothing else lmfao. I haven’t played a pokemon game in a while but these days I like a well-balanced team with different types, but otherwise I’m not hugely picky. Favourite colour. Purple How many blankets do you sleep with. Just a duvet. Following. 183.  Followers. 388.
Tagged. @iniziare​ <3 Tagging. @voiceofmany​, @hargrovetm​, @honeyglaze​, @sicsemper​, @mvseums​ & anyone else who would like to do this!!
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geniuslab · 7 years
I've decided to change what my blog is. I'd like for you all to read this but I'll put it under a read more to save your dash. You can skip to the end because I talk a lot.
If you didn't notice, my interests have changed. For the past month or so I've been using a sideblog to post all of my kpop stuff, but I've noticed that I've pretty much been neglecting this blog. If you've ever had a sideblog on here, then you know how shitty they can be. You can't follow, comment, like, or send asks from them. This would be fine if I wasn't using my sideblog 95% of the time and my main 5% of the time. It just doesn't make sense to have a main blog that sits stagnant.
I originally decided to make a sideblog because I felt guilty about becoming that mutual that turned into a kpop blog. But to be honest, my blog isn't the same blog that you followed me for anymore anyway. I've had this blog for almost 6 years. I have been a Doctor Who blog, a Harry Potter blog, a Hunger Games blog, a Marvel/DC blog, a Star Wars blog...and I'm probably forgetting others. Nowadays I'm just reallyyyy multifandom, meaning I post random things and mostly just shitpost. You probably don't even remember following me.
tbh I'm just not passionate about the things I used to be passionate about. I still love a lot of things (like Star Wars) but I don't feel like posting about them all that much. This blog has always been about the things I love, and right now I just really love kpop and dramas. Who knows how long that'll last, but for now I really love them and enjoy creating content for them and participating in the fandom.
The reason why I've made this super long post is because my blog is going to change drastically. I've decided to move my sideblog onto here, which means I'm changing my url, icon, theme, and majority of posts. I'll be posting mainly BTS, kdramas, and some aesthetics/shitposts because that's just me. You probably won't really recognize me anymore lmao, although I will put this url in my sidebar for a while in case anyone wants to know who I used to be.
I will be tagging everything as kpop and kdrama for the time being if any of you would like to blacklist it. But to be honest, I understand if you want to unfollow if we have nothing in common anymore. I have almost 3k followers on here and I know probably 5 of you like kpop, so no hurt feelings.
For mutuals, you can unfollow too. I won't be mad about it lol. But I'm not planning on unfollowing anyone, I still like seeing all of you on my dash.
If you're wondering why I'm being selfish and not just making a new account it's because I don't want to. If I make a separate account then I'll never log back into this one because I'm lazy af and use mobile a lot. So this blog would become abandoned anyway. And if you are wondering why I don't just remake and leave this blog, it's because I've had this for 6 years and I don't WANT to leave it. You all could unfollow me right now and it wouldn't change the fact that I want to keep this blog.
I will be making a sideblog for Chuck and some of my other shows to put some stuff on there, because it'll be more chill and I can just update it whenever I want. I'm not "active" in those fandoms so it'll really just be for me to archive pretty posts from shows I like. I'll let you know when I make it (probably by Monday or Tuesday) if you want to follow me on there instead for some reason.
Okay, that's about it. I'll be making the change later tonight if I don't pass out, so...I should probably post this soon. Sorry if I'm disappointing or aggravating any of you. But tumblr is supposed to be enjoyable and I'd like to have total control of my blog. Thanks for sticking around all this time, if this is goodbye then enjoy your fandoms and thanks for everything 💕
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