#too sleepy to figure out that licensing nonsense
gottagobuycheese · 2 years
was doing SO GREAT for the last few days and now all of a sudden it’s like all the accumulated sleep debt of my entire life piled into a gigantic frying pan and smashed me in the face. incredible. 0/10. would not recommend.
#both in the sleepy sense and the sinus sense#@ sinuses what is the point of you. why can't you ever behave when something else goes wrong#no but seriously this tiredness is ridiculous#went to bed at like 1 am woke up at 7:30 to remind the work coordinator I'm out sick#then went back to sleep and woke up at 10:30#had breakfast#and proceeded to nod off every ten minutes#the moment I tried to do anything other than just lie on the couch every cell in my body was like NOPE NAP TIME RIGHT NOW#CLOSE YOUR EYES OR DIE#too sleepy to read too sleepy to draw too sleepy to write#too sleepy to EAT like HELLO CAN YOU PLEASE KNOCK THAT OFF#too sleepy to figure out that licensing nonsense#anyways after inhaling some 20+ year old vicks and singing my forehead on a pot of boiling vicks water#I do feel slightly more awake#it could also be because I spent almost the entire day with my eyes closed just flopped on the couch#this post took. several hours to make#just imagining going to work on monday and being like ‘yes I promise I'm listening to you’#‘I just need to keep my eyes closed and rest my head on this table and not respond to you through any form of communication’#Cheese's personal molasses#Cheese's plague adventures#really thought I was going to get one of those fics done today#alas#it was like *opens laptop* *tries to write a sentence* *nods off* *tries again* *nods off* *tries again* *nods off* *tries again* *nods off*#meanwhile the orv-ridden part of my brain: OMG JUST LIKE BEAUTIFUL GENIUS CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED AUTHOR HAN SOOYOUNG#anyways here's to hoping that this was just a weird once off day and that tomorrow will be Normal Plague#can't believe all I did was sleep all day and I'm still sleepy...#truly adolescent hsy hours
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tanzaniiite · 5 years
anesthesia // mirio x reader
requests: OPEN
warnings: none! just some good old stupidity and fluff
word count: 947
a/n: based off a headcanon by @literally-just-mirio-headcanons about Mirio on anesthesia and I don’t know why this hasn’t been written yet. Am I obsessed with Mirio? Yes I am, mind your business.
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This isn’t how you expected your afternoon to go at all.
When your boyfriend asked you to come with him for his wisdom tooth removal, you figured it would be simple. His oral surgeon explained to you that Mirio would be in a lot of pain once the anesthesia wore off. They also explained to you that Mirio should refrain from touching his face and to not rinse his mouth because the bleeding won’t stop until after 24 hours. You were told to help him change the surgical gauze 30 minutes after the surgery as well as put a lot of ice to his cheeks to reduce swelling. It was a lot of information but you wrote it all down because someone had too. Although Mirio was in the room when the surgeon was explaining this, he was too distracted by only god knows what. So the day of his big surgery arrived, you were lucky that you had got your license that spring because you couldn’t fathom the nightmare of a loopy Mirio on public transportation. He was already a handful as is, but you love him anyway.
“Alright, we’re here. You nervous?”
You parked the car and turned to Mirio, who was tapping the dashboard rhythmically. The blonde turned to you with a wide grin, “Me? Nervous? Pfttt no way! I’m super excited, I never had surgery before” He explained, unbuckling his seatbelt. You rolled your eyes playfully, seeing right through his facade. “Babe, it’s okay to be nervous. I would be nervous too if I was getting a tooth pulled from my gums” You stated, getting out the car, Mirio following close behind. “Well when you put it like that, it sounds kinda scary!” He exclaimed. You nodded, grabbing his hand and planting a gentle kiss to his cheek. “But you have a great surgeon and I’m sure everything will go just fine. You’ll just feel in pain for a little bit but that’s where painkillers come in” You said, swinging your hands back and forth as you two walked in the building. Mirio smirked, “Plus I have a great nurse to take care of me when I’m high on drugs” He replied.
“Mirio. It’s called anesthesia”
“Same difference”
Before he was dosed with anesthesia, he insisted that you held his hand through the whole procedure, to which you happily obliged. The surgery itself was relatively short, only lasting an hour and a half, for some reason you thought it would be longer. Mirio was actually quiet through the whole thing, which you didn’t expect at all. The doctors explained that it probably was because he was sleepy, common effect anesthesia had on people. But once the surgery was finally over and Mirio starting spewing nonsense.
“Yes, Mirio?”
“Why are all my teeth gone?! They were only supposed to take one!”
You tried your best to suppress laughing as your boyfriend’s eyes filled with tears. “Baby, they only took one. I promise” You explained, as the nurses giggled while putting gauze in his mouth. “But they’re laughing at me! They know what they did!” He exclaimed, pouting. “They’re laughing because you’re acting silly, let’s go back to the dorms ‘kay?” You said a slight smile on your lips. You were so use to Mirio’s puppy-like personality that it was amusing to see him acting like a little kid. “But I want my teeth back, tell them to give me my teeth Y/n!” He insisted. The nurses giggled more and you joined them. “Okay Mirio, I’ll see what I can do” You replied before turning to the nurses. “Excuse me, nurses, would you please give Mirio his teeth back?” You asked, hoping the nurses understood what you were trying to do. Luckily, they did. “Of course, here you go” One nurse said, handing you a candy bag full of M&Ms. You thanked the nurse with a stifled laugh, then turning back to Mirio. “Look, babe I got your teeth back” You said, shaking the back slightly. Mirio stared at you in awe, “Awesome! You’re my hero Y/n!” He stated, hugging your waist tightly. You shook your head fondly, before bending down and kissing his forehead gingerly. You paused as Mirio tensed, “You okay?” You asked.
“Why did you kiss me?”
“…because we’re dating”
“We’re dating?! Like exclusively?!”
This time you didn’t bother holding in your laugh, “Mirio we’ve been dating for almost a year, did you think I was calling you, baby and babe, for no reason?” You asked rhetorically. The blonde sniffed, wiping his face with his sleeve, “But why?” He asked. You raised an eyebrow, “Why what?” You inquired, genuinely curious about what he was on about now. “Why me? You’re… you’re so gorgeous. I’m like a lump of coal next to you, I feel like I just won the lotto” Mirio explained before tearing up again. The nurses' awe’d at Mirio’s sappy words behind you, causing you to blush slightly. “I’m glad you feel that way baby, but it’s not that big of a deal-“ You started before Mirio interrupted you. “Not a big deal?! I’m dating a freaking goddess!” He shouted suddenly, causing you to jump.
“Just wait till I get these marshmallows out my mouth. I’m gonna kiss you sooo much. I’ll give you like…”
“…. a bazillion kisses”
You couldn’t help but smile as the blonde continued to ramble about how he was gonna smother you in kisses and take you out on a bunch of dates. Even on anesthesia, he was still a hopeless romantic. “…and then, I’ll buy you flowers and you’ll be like, ‘Oh Mirio, I love you so much’ and I’ll be like ‘But I love you more sunshine’ and…” Mirio continued to talk and you listened knowing full well that he won’t remember this conversation at all. Mirio sighed and looked at you with dreamy eyes,
“I just love you so much Y/n”
“I love you too Mirio”
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wrestlingisanime · 6 years
My Wrestle Kingdom 13 Mental Preparations
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This Friday, I'm going to try to stay up and watch Wrestle Kingdom…this will be like the 3rd time I attempt to do this. Ever year around this time, I tell myself, "I'm finally going to start to get into watching New Japan regularly, starting with Wrestle Kingdom!" but it always falls through.
It's mainly the time difference that kills it for me. Even back when I didn't have a job and would regularly stay up until 6 AM, I couldn't sit still enough to watch the entirety of the show. I remember the first time I did this, I was doing laundry while watching some people dressed up like Doraemon dancing on stage or something. That's the only thing I remember about that show. 
Last year, I tried to stay up to watch it, but I had to go to work the next day, so I eventually went to bed. I remember waking up at 5 AM, getting ready for work and thinking, "I wonder who won between Jericho and Omega," and then finding out the show was still going on as I drove to work. I ended up downloading the show and watching Omega vs Jericho while waiting at the DMV to renew my license… 
Anyway, this year, I'm going to actually do it! I'm going to stay up and pay attention to the show! I have my New Japan World subscription ready. The show starts on a Friday, so I don't have to worry about getting up early for work the next day. I even plan on taking a nap Friday evening in an attempt to combat any sleepiness I might encounter staying up to some crazy hour!
Now, I will admit, I really don't follow New Japan that closely at all. I'm familiar with some of the names…Omega, Okada, Naito, Kota Ibushi, Tama Tonga… but I've never really watched their matches in full. I don't know much about any of the storylines going in. But, I think that it's important to broaden my knowledge and expand my horizons into the Japanese pro wrestling world, especially in my quest to compare wrestling and anime. I mean, Japanese wrestling is as close to live action anime as it gets, right?! 
So…I'm just going to ramble about the NJPW stuff I'm KIND OF familiar with in an attempt to prep myself for watching Wrestle Kingdom 13. So let's get started.
Togi Makabe, Toru Yano & Ryusuke Taguchi vs Yuji Nagat, Jeff Cobb & David Finlay vs Hirooki Goto, Beretta & Chuckie T vs Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs  Hangman Page, Yujiro Takahashi & Marty Scurll
When I first looked at a match-up graphic of this match, I had no idea why there were so many people in a tag team match. I was confused about who was teaming with who, but I think I've figured it out.
I recognize a few names on this list, and I'm just going to detail what little I know about these wrestlers.
I've heard the name "Taguchi" said in a sexy Irish accent before…So this is the Ryusuke Taguchi that used to be buddies with Finn Balor/Prince Devitt. I don't know much more than that.
David Finlay sounds like he'd be the son of Fit Finlay…which apparently is the case! I don't know much about any of the Finlays except Fit was in one of the N64 AKI wrestling games.
Jeff Cobb, aka, the monster Mantza Cueto! I've seen him wrestle live as Matanza at the Impact/Lucha Underground show on Wrestlemania weekend last year. He's pretty freakin' good.
Chuckie T, I can only assume is that Chuck Taylor dude who was always the star of those Chikara videos I used to watch all the time, with him squealing like a little girl and yelling at children.
Marty Scurll is that "Villain" dude with the umbrella. He was a very popular wrestling cosplay at A-Kon last year. Lots of dudes with masks and umbrellas.
Hangman Page apparently killed Joey Ryan with a telephone and was haunted by cowboy boots. His original Bullet Club shirt was also a major inspiration for my Doki Doki Wrestling Club shirts, specifically Sayori's for obvious reasons…
Minoru Suzuki. I always hear how freakin' badass this dude is. Looking forward to see him wreck people.
I've heard some other names before, like Toru Yano, Yuji Nagata, and Davey Boy Smith…but I honestly don't know much about them. Hopefully that'll change soon! 
As for the "NEVER Openweight 6-Man Tag Team Championship" …well, I recently learned that the NEVER Openweight Championship is a title that isn't restricted by weight class. When I first looked at this card, I was very confused as how a 3-man team could compete to be a contender for a single title…but Wikipedia just now tells me that there is indeed a separate NEVER Tag Team Championship. That makes sense!
I still don't know what "NEVER" means. Apparently it's "New Blood," "Evolution," "Valiantly," "Eternal," and "Radical." Yeah, a bunch of random English words put together to form a nonsense acronym. Sounds pretty Japanese for sure. Reminds me of the notorious B.L.O.O.D.M.O.S.E.S. organization…
Kota Ibushi vs Will Ospreay
I really hope this match isn't an hour long, but…
So, of course I'm familiar with Kota Ibushi! He's Kenny's Golden Lover and he's done a bunch of crazy cool DDT matches. I think he was also in the WWE Cruiserweight Classic. And he starred in a kaiju movie that I really want to watch.
I only know Will Ospreay from that anime-as-hell match he had with Ricochet a few years ago that Vader got really mad about (R.I.P.).
Anyway, they both seem like amazing wrestlers, so sounds like it'll be a sick match…even if it somehow does last an hour.
Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado vs Roppongi 3K vs BUSHI & Shingo Takagi 
Why can't these tag matches just have 2 teams!!!
I honestly don't know much about any of these people. I've heard the name "Roppongi 3K" before, and it's a cool sounding name, so that's cool. I also probably get "BUSHI" and Kota Ibushi confused sometimes.
Oh, and I guess I need to finally look up what "IWGP" stands for. Okay, so apparently it stands for "International Wrestling Grand Prix" which is the governing body of NJPW…what. I don't know what that means. I have never heard a human utter the words "International Wrestling Grand Prix" before…huh, weird. I'd rather they just call it the NJPW championship, but I guess there's a legacy there that they want to preserve, so that's fair. Also, weird title names seem to go hand-in-hand with Japanese wrestling anyway. 
Tomoiro Ishii vs Zack Sabre Jr.
I did not know that New Japan had a British Heavyweight Championship.
Like many Japanese wrestlers, I've heard the name Tomohiro Ishii mentioned in podcasts a lot, but I can't envision a specific person or match in my head. Sorry. :(
I don't know if I've seen Zack Sabre Jr. wrestle, either. I know he was in the WWE Cruiswerweight Classic, but that's it.
They're probably both really good, though, and very deserving of whatever this Japanese British championship is.
Tanga Loa & Tama Tonga vs Sanada & EVIL vs The Young Bucks 
Seriously, do they just not have 2v2 tag matches in Japan?
I'm very familiar with Tama Tonga. He's that Bullet Club dude that used to have face paint that reminded me of the box art to Knights of the Old Republic 2. Much like I haven't played any KOTOR game, I don't think I've ever watched Tama Tonga actually wrestle. I know that he's done some goofy stuff on Twitter recently. Also, he's got a cool name that's fun to say: "Tama Tonga."
Speaking of cool names, who doesn't like the name "EVIL"? That name..it's just…so freaking good. I keep hoping there's an association with that one Sponge Bob episode, but probably not.
Also, the Young Bucks…yeah they're very popular, but, again, I don't think I've ever seen them wrestle. I just know that they superkick people a lot, they have streamers on their pants, and they're very good at selling merch. 
Cody vs Juice Robinson
Obviously, I know who Cody is. He was that dude who used to be Stardust! …man, Stardust was cool. Stardust is literally THE reason I started watching wrestling again. It was a bummer to hear that Cody didn't like doing the character. He was so good at it, though.
I recently learned that Juice Robinson used to be CJ Parker in NXT. That was pretty mindblowing, because CJ Parker was one of the standout characters for me back when I first watched NXT. Apparently he's a good wrestler, too, so cool. 
Also, I'm almost tempted to ask why there's an IWGP US Championship…but I guess "I" in IWGP stands for "International." …but why isn't the British title the IWGP British Championship??? Looking that up now…oh, so the British Championship is actually the RPW British Heavyweight Championship owned by Revolution Pro Wrestling. Huh.
KUSHIDA vs Taiji Ishimori
I remember a long time ago, I watched some clips from an older (then recent) Wrestle Kingdom that featured a team called the Time Splitters, which I thought was cool because I like the video game TimeSplitters: Future Perfect. But also, I guess this was a time traveler wrestling gimmick, and that's cool, and I liked hearing the ring announcer go "TIIIIIIIME SPLTITERRRRRRRSSSSS." But that's not even it! They had a freakin' Back to the Future Delorean entrance. And then there was one that had a dude dressed as Doc Brown…and apparently that guy was Taguchi. Huh, weird.
So, I guess KUSHIDA was one of the Time Splitters, so that's cool. I don't if he's still a time traveler or not. I hope he is. 
As for Taiji Ishimori, he's the new "Bone Soldier," and I don't really know much about that, other than Captain New Japan used to be the Bone Soldier and everyone hated that one for some reason, but they like this new one. And Ishimori might be going to WWE? I don't know! 
Oh, I just realized that all these matches have a 60 minute time limit…
Kazuchika Okada vs Jay White
Of course I'm familiar with Okada. He's the Rainmaker! And then he turned into that guy with the balloons…I dunno, but he's in Yakuza 6, so that's cool!
Jay White is apparently the new leader of the Bullet Club. I used to think he was always part of the Bullet Club because I remember seeing Jay White Bullet Club shirts a while back…but apparently he wasn't actually in the Bullet Club until recently? I don't know! I just know that people used to call him "Knife Pervert" and I thought that was funny, so I used it in Doki Doki Wrestling Club.
Chris Jericho vs Testuya Naito 
Chris Jericho is a guy who wears a scarf and dresses like a mime or something. I don't know. 
I always thought Naito was cool. I like "Tranquilo" and the eyeball thing he does. There's also that super cute Naito teddy bear plush that I would really like to have one day. I once bought a Naito keychain from an anime con artist alley booth. Yeah, I like Naito, and apparently so does everyone else…except Chris Jericho, I guess.
Kenny Omega vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
I first heard of Kenny Omega when people were sharing that clip of a grown dude wrestling a 9-year-old Japanese girl. I also learned that he was a huge nerd and spoke fluent Japanese. From my limited perspective, he didn't seem to blow up in popularity until he debuted as "The Cleaner" in the Bullet Club. Now he's like the most popular non-WWE wrestler in the world. I wasn't ever a super huge fan of Kenny, but he DID put Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon on his Top 10 video games list last year, so he's cool in my book. I wish he played fighting games other than Street Fighter, though…
As for Tanahashi, I remember on like my second attempt to stay up and watch Wrestle Kingdom, people kept saying that Tanahashi was the "John Cena of Japan." I'm assuming that's still true to this day. Honesty, that's all I know about Tanahashi, lol.
So, I assume Tanahashi is going to win and Kenny will finally have his rematch against a grown up Haruka!
And that's it!! That's all I know about Wrestle Kingdom 13. Hopefully I'll finally start to get into NJPW following this Wrestle Kingdom, because I honestly think Japanese puroresu knowledge is absolutely necessary in my campaign to prove that wrestling…is anime.
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