#top 10 highest paying jobs in 2023
data-science-lovers · 2 years
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Wow Cat, entitled much? College is not a guarantee to a "comfortable living". It's a path chosen by the user in hopes of turning that sheep skin into a livelihood that pays well. It isn't always the end result and 9 times out of 10 it's because the person who went to college didn't take into account what the degree's median pay would be. I can't tell you how many times a person has sat across from me and said something to the effect of "I have "X" degree and that should be worth something more, something extra." When I asked them what the median wage of that degree is their eyes would glaze over and there head would tilt like a puppy with no answer. It's because these people never looked into what their chosen degree path COULD MAKE, they just assume the sheep skin means more money. WRONG. Let's take Cat here as an example: Cat is going to graduate with a degree in Political Science and Geography, you know two of the 7 Social Science degrees (History, political science, geography, economics, psychology, sociology, and anthropology.) and 4th in line or middle of the road when it comes to money making degrees.
Per a Georgetown University study, her chosen degree paths starts at about 33k a year with a median wage of 60k a year, but she wants to start at 50k, because college reason. Now lets get to her inflation argument that bypasses huge things to make her argument work like the Consumer Price Index and the actual inflation rate. Cat was born in 2002, not 1982 so she knows shit about living in the 80's or the 70's. In 1980 the inflation rate was 13.9% in 1981 it was 11.8%, for the first 19 years of her life the highest inflation rate that her parents, not her, had to deal with was 4.3% in 2008. 2002's was 7.5% and 2023 6.4%, Guess what happened in 2022, our government went on a spending spree that has not stopped. The average inflation rate for her entire life is 2.3%. (All of the parentage are based of January numbers for each year rather than the highest or lowest for the entire year. Years like 2009 and 2015 where inflation rates were in negative percentages I made them zero %.) Side note: before 2009 you have to go back to 1955 before you find negative inflation rates again. From 1970 to 1990 the average inflation rate was 6.8285714285714%, just shy of 3 time higher than what she is complaining about, and her folks did it on a lower wage. Enter the Consumer Price index. From 2002 to today in 2023 the average Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) is 2.5304347826087%, and from 1970 to 1990 it was 6.2714285714286%, you guessed it, almost 3 times higher again. Of course the governments reckless spending and financing wars all over hell in back has started impacting EVERYONES bottom line, Cat is apparently just learning this. Cat, you need to earn a comfortable living, not have it handed to you. You need to work your ass up from the starting line not start closer to the top. It's not a Boomer, Gen X, Gen Z or what ever else is out there thing, its a you have never worked in your field thing, you just might suck at it thing and employers are not going to pay you on the work you might be able to do or the work ethic you might have, they are going to pay you as an employee that has limited work history, get used to it. I was born in 1970 got my first job, one of only 3 I ever had, in 1986. I did not earn over 41k a year until 2009, that was with a family of 4. Between my Bride and I we earned 4 1/2 degrees and took on no debt. How did we do it, work and save, living within our means and a budget. Guess what effects us much less becasue we pay cash for things, inflation. Not holding debt frees you up to do so many more things with your cash on hand. It's was less about inflation, although that is killing just about everyone now and more to do with piss poor advanced planning on Cat's part. Example: Had Cat looked into STEM degrees, you know a field short of female applicants, where the median starting yearly wage is 43k, with an expected yearly median wage of 76k per year, her outlook for earned wages would be much different. So, in short, Cat is pointing her anger at the wrong place, she shot herself in the foot taking on degrees with limited earning potential and in over saturated job markets rather than a more technical, less saturated job field that pays more all the way around.
“I think that if you go to college, you deserve to be able to make enough to live comfortably,” she asserts. “I think if you don’t go to college you should be able to make enough to live comfortably.” Comfortably, is relative to the person, and has more to do with, well comfort than economics. That's not how life works Cat. Maybe you should have paid a little more attention to those finance and economics classes.
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aith-art · 1 year
Yeehawgust 2023 - Day 13
Yee Caw!
The birds circled overhead. Filling the void of the sky with screeches. What dark feathers were there, shone in the high sun. Noon had hit in the Mojave. No cool wind to ease the fighters in the heat. Along this stretch of desert, no one would find them. Far enough away from trade routes to be hidden from the NCR. Three bodies and a fascinating robot, roasting in the Mojave sun, two bodies prepared for battle. The third is an unbiased spectator. And the robot hovered nearby. 
Facing each other, Jules and Izzy maintain fierce eye contact. Neither one backed down. Leroy stood off to the side, hands on his hips, hat keeping the sun from his eyes. His revolvers at his side. A steely gaze filled with joy and excitement at the current predicament. He watches the two, their foreheads glistening with sweat. Whether from the heat or the intensity of their situation it was hard to tell. 
“You draw on one.” He couldn’t disguise the bright smile or the laugh in his voice. 
The birds cawed. 
A tumbleweed passed the group. 
The pair took a breath. ED-E quietly played an intense soundtrack from a Pre-War western.
They drew. Picking the top 8 cards from their decks. Jules kept as straight a face as possible. They were going to go easy on Izzy. Izzy didn’t know Caravan. Jules did. Jules had gotten mighty good at Caravan over the years of travelling. They had a strategy. But so did Izzy. 
Izzy lived for strategy games. This one would be fascinating. If he understood the rules, then they could use sabotage to give them an edge. Leroy had handed Izzy his deck. It was stacked with Jacks, Kings, and numbers 5 through 10. 
Jules’ deck looked similar, 6s through 10s, minus the 9s with a good number of Kings and Jacks. Leroy had opted not to play, he knew Jules’ strategy. He’d played against her enough to know their strategy. And as he watched, they played exactly as he remembered. 
On each of their turns they laid down their highest numbers. Izzy, her hand full of Jacks, took the first opportunity to sabotage Jules' caravan at The Hub. 
Jules got back with a full caravan. 
All was silent beside the music coming from ED-E, he’d switched to playing New Vegas Radio, and the birds overhead. They seemed to be after company, more than a lust for dead meat. 
They kept playing. Game after game. Jules let Izzy win the first game, but the moment they realised Jules was going easy on them, it was game on. Izzy took to Caravan with an intensity neither Jules or Leroy had seen before. Izzy had worked out Jules’ strategy and used it to his advantage. 
The missing members of the crew returned. Neither of them cared for Caravan, though were fascinated by how the stranger from a strange land had taken to the simple game. 
“How long have they been at it?” Arcade asked as he saddled up towards Leroy, who was observing the game though a bottle of beer, with a great smile on his face. 
“How long you been gone?” Leroy replied. 
Boone and Arcade had scored them a job, something under the radar, but with enough pay to keep the crew on their feet. But the job could wait until Izzy and Jules had finished their games of Caravan.
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alliance00 · 6 days
The Top 10 Skills in High Demand for Technical Recruitment in 2023
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To hire technical talent, the right insights into the competition and compensation based on skill sets are a must. Find guidance from top global technical recruiters.
Technology recruitment is the trickiest of all hiring activities. You invest a lot into maintaining in-house tech recruiters and depend on them to figure out whom to hire and how to go about it.
I will suggest that as a business owner or CEO, take some time to go over the data of the last few years and track every cent spent by in-house technical recruitment teams. Compare it with outcomes like retention, impact on revenues, interview-to-hire ratios based on skill sets, and impact on client satisfaction.
Most likely, you will be staggered.
What is the solution?
Equip yourself with some real market knowledge, not the buzz and the hype that is influencing your in-house recruitment teams.
Here is a blog curated by taking information from global technical employment agencies and technical recruitment specialists.
Technical Recruitment Specialists Indicate Facts That Every Business Owner Should Know
The CEO or business owners investing in tech recruitment will need to take time to get a bird’s-eye view of the tech job market. Depend on real knowledge, which can only be shared by global technical recruitment specialists with extensive experience.
Find out what kind of skills are most demanded in the market.
Understand skill sets and their value and map them with your project needs or in-house digital transformation needs.
Figure out if in-house tech hiring is based on opinions and buzz-increasing articles or hardcore market intelligence.
Improve technical recruitment practices.
Improve technical recruitment compensation decisions.
Here’s what our global technical recruitment specialists have found after going through the data of 10,000+ hiring decisions in the last few years and the requirements shared by companies worldwide in 2023.
Technical Recruiters’ List of Top 10 Tech Skills in 2023
1. Data Science And Analytics
Why Does Data Science Top the List? Data science skills are a must for all companies increasing digital maturity levels, which covers 70% of firms across industry sectors.
When the demand is mapped with the talent with specializations in computer science, statistics, Python, and R and experience in machine learning, predictive modeling, and Big Data technologies, the availability figures range between 40%-60% in most countries.
Map Your Talent Needs: If you are planning to hire data science teams or hire data analytics teams, you will need to recruit data engineers, data communicators, Big Data engineers, project coordinators, business process analysts, and experts in computer science and statistics.
2. Cloud Computing
Why Cloud Computing Skills Are Most in Demand: Post 2020, the migration to Cloud has become a critical need for a majority of companies in different sectors. The market size is projected to go beyond USD 2,300 billion by 2032, as per authoritative industry reports.
With the help of a technical recruitment agency, entry-level jobs in Cloud computing can be quickly filled by harnessing talent from key locations in Asia-Pacific, but senior talent is hard-to-find and often seized by the biggest players in any industry. We are talking about Cloud architect skills that include expertise in virtualization and service-oriented architecture or managerial roles in Cloud DevOps engineering and Cloud security.
Map Your Talent Needs: If you are planning to hire Cloud engineer teams, consider certification levels and experience in OpenStack, Linux, AWS Cloud certifications, Google Cloud certifications, and Microsoft Azure. You also need experts in APIs, Cloud security, DevOps, and databases. Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification is among the highest paying, for which compensation can cross $140,000.
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Why AI jobs have high market demand: AI is not about a set of applications or architecture – it pervades ten thousands of functions across industries. AI is what makes any application intelligent by itself.
The industry demand for AI talent is immeasurable. Chatbots, banking applications, fitness applications, drones, medical devices, biometric applications, location-based applications, game apps, Big Data analysis…the list can count 1000+ functions.
Although the potential for AI is tremendous, people with the right qualifications and experience might cover only up to 20% of the demand, as per top technical employment agencies.
Map Your Talent Needs: You need detailed plans before you hire AI researchers, AI product designers, neural network specialists, AI robotics professionals, or business intelligence AI engineers. Each project will need a different combination of skill sets. It is better to consult with a technical recruitment agency that has mapped the market for the skills you need.
4. Big Data Engineering
Why Big Data engineering demand remains high: Most companies with a huge digital infrastructure in sectors such as retail, healthcare, BFSI, manufacturing, gaming and entertainment, and telecommunication require Big Data management to process the zillions of data flowing in every day.
Technical recruiter companies indicate that the market size for Big Data jobs can only triple by 2030. It is reportedly projected to cross $684.12. The worldwide job markets for senior and top-level professionals in Big Data Engineering and Management are quite tight, creating compensation structures that cross $151,300.
Map Your Talent Needs: To hire senior Big Data engineer teams, you will be looking at 5-10 years of experience in Hadoop, Apache Spark, data mining and modeling, data warehousing, and data structuring and standardization. A technical recruitment agency with experience in Big Data recruitment is your best source for Big Data engineering.
5. DevOps Engineering
Why DevOps demand is skyrocketing: Whether companies need real-time monitoring, incident management, collaboration platforms, Cloud computing, or configuration management, DevOps adoption is the biggest need.
No wonder with the rising need for digitalization, DevOps needs are seeing a corresponding rise. Technical employment agencies report that talent mobility is huge in this domain. Global tech recruitment expertise will become a necessity to find talent quickly.
Map Your Talent Needs: To hire for DevOps projects, you will be considering the recruitment of DevOps software developers, DevOps security engineers, DevOps Cloud engineers, DevOps release managers, DevOps automation architects, and DevOps quality assurance and experience assurance professionals.
6. Information Security
Why Information Security roles are in high demand: Every company with digitalized operations will need information security professionals. According to technical recruiter companies, from hiring a CISO to hiring information security engineers, IT security analysts, and data stewards, the domain covers numerous jobs.
Map Your Talent Needs: To hire a CISO, a director of information security, or senior information security professionals, you cannot afford to ignore certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), or Certified Information Security Manager (CISM).
These certifications are necessary over and above wide experience and academic qualifications, such as a master’s degree in computer science.
7. Cybersecurity
Why the huge demand for cybersecurity roles continues: At the offset, let us offer clarity that although cybersecurity is a part of information security, it has become an industry segment in itself.
With cybercrime risks pervading almost all industries, cybersecurity recruitment has seen a constant rise, most technical recruiter companies report.
Map Your Talent Needs: For junior or assistant roles in cybersecurity, a Google IT Support Professional Certificate is a basic requirement. A GIAC Certified Incident Handler certification works for mid-level roles. But if you seek to hire cybersecurity engineers, you should be looking at certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker, CompTIA Security+, or Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP).
8. Web Development
Why full-stack developer roles are in high demand: Almost any business launch or expansion requires website and web application developer services. The demand for web developers increased by around 70% in the last few years, thanks to the huge explosion of startups worldwide, as per most technical employment agencies.
Senior back-end web developer salaries crossed $108,580 in North America, while front-end web developers reached around $100,000.
Map Your Talent Needs: Web developers with expertise in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Python, Objective C, and C++ were highly-paid. Senior full-stack developers with experience in developing for Cloud and multi-platforms, combined with certifications in React and Node.js, were among the most sought-after and the best-paid.
If you are planning to hire React.js developers, hire Node.js developers, or hire web developers with Cloud development experience, you need to scrutinize their certifications and their portfolio.
9. Mobile App Development
Mobile app developer skills high in demand: Mobile development has become critical for business survival, especially for digital marketing, sales, customer services, payments, and client experience management. There are many millions of mobile app developers, but the market is not yet saturated. Rather some combinations of skills are hard to find and among the most sought-after in the IT industry.
Map Your Talent Needs: Mobile developers with experience in Python, database integration, and UI and UX designs, in addition to front-end development, are in huge demand worldwide. Mobile developers with expertise in Objective-C and iOS development were among the most paid.
10. Data Visualization/Storytelling
Why data storytelling is among the top 10 most in-demand skills: By 2025, a majority of operations will be data-driven. Making sense of all the data will become a primary need for everything from marketing and sales to IT security management and financial management.
Map Your Talent Needs: You will need to hire data visualization experts for business intelligence, market intelligence, risk management, financial modeling, business process redesign, process automation, operations monitoring, sales and marketing analytics, or any other work involving figuring out insights from data. Professionals with certifications in data visualization with Python and BI or with R or Tableau will be a need in every division of digitally transformed businesses.
Why Choose A Global Technical Recruitment Agency For Finding Top Tech Skills?
1. A global technical recruitment agency will have specialized technical recruiters for different IT areas and geographies, providing you access to 10x more quality talent than a local agency.
2. An experienced global technical recruitment agency will have already mapped the market demand and talent availability worldwide and will give you accurate information about hiring models, trends, and best practices.
3. A global technical recruitment agency partner enables you to identify the right talent – candidates with the combination of skills, experience, and certifications that are ideal for your projects or initiatives.
4. Technical recruiter companies can fill positions in 50% or 30% of the time taken by traditional resources, as they can easily connect with thousands of candidates within hours.
5. With the help of global technical recruiter companies, you can strategically source specialized talent from locations where their availability is high, and hiring costs are less.
6. Technical employment agencies with a worldwide presence can improve your remote hiring experience and talent quality, giving you more power to seamlessly manage project demands.
7. Global technical recruitment spreliably outsource IT staffing projects for web development, mobile development, Cloud computing, data science, or any tech project.
Also Read : Technical Recruiting For Dummies, Attracting The Top Talent
Final Thoughts
Having an expert, global, resourceful technical recruitment agency partner enables you to hire superstar candidates for your high-revenue projects. You can harness the top skills most in demand in the market and increase ROI from any IT project or digitalization move.
Consult with our global recruitment agency to hire top tech talent from 30+ countries! Save time and money; increase project value!
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tomhenryyy · 4 months
Here are the references in alphabetical order:
Chamberlain, L. (2023) Lewis Capaldi on 'Imposter Syndrome' and How Success Has Affected His Mental Health. Available at: https://www.menshealth.com/uk/mental-strength/a43493642/lewis-capaldi-imposter-syndrome-mental-health/ (25 May 2024).
Cunic, A. (2024) Imposter Syndrome: The Five Types, How to Deal With It. Available at: https://www.verywellmind.com/imposter-syndrome-and-social-anxiety-disorder-4156469 (Accessed: 25 May 2024).
Dover, L. (2022) There is Still a Class Ceiling in the Music Industry, and It Needs Breaking. BRICKS Magazine. Available at: https://bricksmagazine.co.uk/2022/09/12/there-is-a-class-ceiling-in-the-music-industry-and-it-needs-breaking/ (25 May 2024).
Dredge, S. (2021) UK-based Black Lives in Music Survey reveals troubling findings. Available at: https://musically.com/2021/10/14/black-lives-in-music-survey/ (23rd May 2024).
Dredge, S. (2024) Help Musicians turns Music Minds Matter into single-focus charity. Available at: https://musically.com/2022/09/23/music-minds-matter-single-focus-charity/ (Accessed: 23rd May 2024).
Dredge, S. (2024) Report: Mental health issues surge in UK performing-arts sector. Available at: https://musically.com/2024/03/18/report-mental-health-issues-surge-in-uk-performing-arts-sector/ (Accessed: 23rd May 2024).
Ficek, A. (20th February 2024) Touring, substance use and the impact of mental health. Available at: https://www.tonicmusic.co.uk/post/afbl32 (23rd May 2024).
Gorman, A. (2022) Nepo babies: what are they and why is Gen Z only just discovering them?. Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/dec/22/nepo-babies-what-are-they-and-why-is-gen-z-only-just-discovering-them (25 May 2024).
Musicians Union (2021) Imposter Syndrome Advice for Musicians. Available at: https://musiciansunion.org.uk/career-development/career-guides/musicians-wellbeing-guidance-pack/what-is-imposter-syndrome-and-what-can-you-do-about-it (Accessed: 25 May 2024).
Paine, A. (2024) Major Labels reveal latest gender pay gap figures and outline strategies to support female leaders. Available at: https://www.musicweek.com/labels/read/major-labels-reveal-latest-gender-pay-gap-figures-and-outline-strategies-to-support-female-leaders/089552 (23rd May 2024).
Pottle, Z. (7th November 2023) Top 10 Jobs With Highest Addiction Rates. Available at: https://www.addictioncenter.com/community/jobs-highest-addiction-rates/#:~:text=1.,alcohol%20abuse%20of%20any%20profession. (23rd May 2024).
Starkey, A. (24 June 2022) The importance of Skunk Anansie headlining Glastonbury. Available at: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/vital-importance-skunk-anansie-headlining-glastonbury-1999/ (23rd May 2024).
Virgin Radio (2020) Lewis Capaldi Introduces LIvelive mental health scheme on his latest tour. Available at: https://virginradio.co.uk/entertainment/23330/lewis-capaldi-introduces-livelive-mental-health-scheme-his-latest-tour-200308560274 (25 May 2024).
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xtruss · 6 months
Americans Think They Pay Too Much In Taxes. Here's Who Pays The Most And Least To The IRS.
— Money Watch | By Aimee Picchi | Edited By Anne Marie Lee
Most Americans think they pay too much in federal income taxes, and about 6 in 10 mistakenly believe middle-income households shoulder the highest tax burden.
In fact, only about 18% of adults correctly identified the group facing the highest federal tax burden, which are high-income Americans, according to a January poll from AP-NORC.
With less than one week left to file tax returns for 2023, taxes are on the mind of millions of Americans, with many expecting refunds, and others owing money. Only about 27% of taxpayers believe their federal income taxes are fair, with 60% believing their burden is too high, AP-NORC found.
In fact, the U.S. tax system is designed to be progressive, meaning that lower-income Americans pay a smaller share of their income in federal taxes than high-income workers, noted Alex Muresianu, senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation, a think tank focused on tax issues.
"Raising another dollar from someone who is higher income is not going to be as much of a burden to them as raising another dollar from someone who is lower income," he said.
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At the same time, there's a push from some lawmakers and policy experts to boost tax rates for the rich, with President Joe Biden proposing to reverse a rate cut on the nation's top earners that was part of the 2017 Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. Under Biden's proposal, the top marginal rate would return to 39.6% from its current level of 37%.
In 2021 (the most recent data available), the typical earner paid $14,279 in federal income taxes, with an average tax rate of 14.9%, according to a recent Tax Foundation analysis of IRS data. Federal taxes don't include the payroll tax that covers Social Security and Medicare.
But it's the top 50% of earners who contribute almost all of the nation's federal taxes — nearly 98%. The bottom 50%, who individually make below $46,637 annually, account for about 2.3% of the country's tax receipts.
Of course, this excludes the impact of other taxes that aren't as progressive, such as state and local sales taxes, which are levied at the same rate on every consumer, regardless of their income level. That means low-income Americans pay a bigger share of their earnings toward sales taxes than higher-earning people.
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The top 10%, with incomes of at least $169,800, pay about three-quarters of the nation's tax bill, the analysis found.
Although most Americans believe the middle class bears the heaviest tax burden, it's actually the top 1% who pay the highest federal tax rate, at 25.9%, the Tax Foundation analysis found.
But the average tax rate paid by the top 1% has declined in recent decades, according to the Tax Foundation analysis. For instance, in 2001, the nation's top earners had an effective tax rate of 27.6% — almost two percentage points higher than their current rate.
The analysis also found that the top 0.1% of earners, with at least $3.8 million in annual income, pay an effective federal tax rate of 25.7%, which is a hair lower than the 25.9% tax rate for the top 1%.
Ultra-wealthy households often have access to tax loopholes and write-offs that aren't available to salaried workers who receive W2s, and much of their income can also stem from capital gains, which has a lower tax rate than earned income.
About 6 in 10 Americans said they were bothered by the feeling that corporations and the rich aren't paying their fair share in taxes, Pew Research found last year. That may explain why about two-thirds of those polled said they support higher taxes on the rich.
— Aimee Picchi is the Associate Managing Editor for CBS Money Watch, where she covers business and personal finance. She previously worked at Bloomberg News and has written for national news outlets including USA Today and Consumer Reports.
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delicateloveravenue · 7 months
How To Work With A Roofer
We additionally analyzed each business's credibility, size of time in business, financing options, and eco-friendliness. Paying an inexperienced contractor or attempting to DIY roof covering repair work can cost a house owner majorly. Right here are the leading picks for the very best roof covering firms and some vital factors to consider to remember when hiring one. Mitchell Roof Covering Business LLC, family-owned and run in St. Petersburg, Florida, uses detailed roof services for both domestic and business residential or commercial properties. Founded by third-generation resident Christopher Mitchell, this company ensures high quality using top-tier products and prides itself on its reputation, developed over one decade.
You may be far better off selecting a firm with an established track record that's been operating in the location for years over a brand-new firm. Always read reviews and choose based upon both spending plan and what others have to state about the company. The high quality of job will certainly guarantee the roof lasts for its optimum approximated lifetime, preventing any weather-related damage. When seeking out roof covering experts, search for an expert whose skills straighten with the range of the job available. Despite the business's dimension, nevertheless, dealing with an expert who is approachable and receptive will go a long method toward making certain the job is done precisely and in a timely fashion.
How Much Should You Pay A Roofer Upfront?
In the months in advance, it will remain crucial for service providers to have solid connections with their providers to ensure they get materials on time and spending plan. The lacks and hold-ups experienced since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic have actually eased in 2023. Nevertheless, we continue to see prices boosting because of inflation and the rise in core component prices of many of the crucial roof covering items.
You might want to pay with a bank card to offer on your own a path of option in situation something fails.
Constantly read evaluations and decide based upon both spending plan and what others need to state regarding the business.
Roofs set up in between 1907 and 1980 are most likely to have asbestos shingles or sheets.
However more important is your level of self-confidence in an offered contractor's capacity to do an impressive work.
With this in mind, any type of roof products sourced from mined products or nonrenewable fuel sources can not be considered lasting considering that those sources can not be changed. Roof covering ranks amongst the largest and most pricey tasks a homeowner can embark on, so put in the time to be particular you discover a roofer you depend place a roofing system over your head. The response varies extensively relying on the roof covering business chosen, however many companies assure https://onevisionroofing.com/services/storm-damage-repair/ their work for a minimum of 10 to 25 years. Roofing product suppliers additionally provide guarantees on the material utilized, equalize to thirty years. Lowe's service warranty is limited to 2 years on labor, with the alternative to reach 25 years for an additional price.
What Gaf Certification Can Suggest For Your Company
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However, you may not have the very same point of contact for each and every stage of the project. The information and financial savings numbers portrayed above are for demonstration objectives just, and your outcomes might differ. For the second consecutive year, Atlas returns to the wrath with shingle products intended to resolve resiliency and energy performance. The enhancements especially provide the shingle better resiliency versus the damaging influences of hail storm. The UL 2218 Class 4 influence score is the highest ranking for influence resistance in asphalt roof shingles.
OSHA Citation? Consider These Defenses - Roofing Contractor
OSHA Citation? Consider These Defenses.
Posted: Fri, 02 Feb 2024 14:00:00 GMT [source]
Nonetheless, this insurance coverage is usually restricted to acts of nature or other sudden accidental events rather than overlook or basic damage gradually. If the fixings are not covered by insurance coverage, home owners might be able to pay with a home equity funding or home equity credit line, or they can otherwise use a bank card or get a personal financing. For instance, if a home just requires its roof fixed, working with either a generalist or an expert professional will certainly fulfill these requirements.
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lead-academy · 8 months
Unlocking Wealth: Top 10 UK Jobs 2023
The blog post on Lead Academy delves into the highest-paying jobs in the UK, offering valuable insights into lucrative career opportunities across various sectors. It aims to guide individuals seeking high-earning professions, providing informative content tailored to the UK job market. The post serves as a resource for those aiming to explore financially rewarding career paths in the UK. Here is my blog:https://lead-academy.org/blog/highest-paying-jobs-in-the-uk/
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dpathshala · 10 months
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mockcertified · 11 months
10 Most Demanded Radiologic Technology Jobs
Radiologic technology operates as the unseen hero in the world of healthcare, where skilled professionals venture into the intricate workings of the human body.
From the radiologic technologist who captures the first image to the radiology administrator ensuring efficient operations, each position plays a pivotal role in shaping the healthcare landscape.
Radiologic technologists, often called radiographers or X-ray techs, are the skilled individuals responsible for operating imaging equipment.
Radiologic technology is a dynamic and vital field within healthcare that offers a wide array of career opportunities.
Also, do check out the top 10 highest-paying careers in 2023!
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cybersuccess · 11 months
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roywhitehead · 1 year
Unlocking Exciting Career Opportunities with High-Paying Apprenticeships in the UK #shorts
Unlocking Exciting Career Opportunities with High-Paying Apprenticeships in the UK #shorts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FO8aeJ4_o8 Unlocking Exciting Career Opportunities with High-Paying Apprenticeships in the UK For more information, please visit my website: https://ift.tt/6staw8h ➡️Subscribe to my mailing list! ⚡️💻 https://ift.tt/dTK47Nq ◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️ ⬇️ More stuff you should check out ⬇️ 😎 AMAZING BOOKS 👇 👌 12 Rules for Life......... https://ift.tt/A13Tv6l ✔ How to Win Friends....https://ift.tt/DcsVaPr 🚀 EQUIPMENT AND BRANDING 👇 🐱‍🏍 AV: https://ift.tt/9RIwyhx 📷 CAMERA: https://geni.us/VD5Fdk 🎙️ AUDIO: https://geni.us/zzKRu ➡ BRAND https://ift.tt/VMxcai1 ◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️◽️ 🔥 RESOURCES I CREATED FOR YOU! ⚡️💻 My *Free* Getting into Tech Guide (coupon code: techloyal): https://ift.tt/8laT7t1 ⚡️💻 My Getting into Cyber Guide: https://ift.tt/tQZxCmb ⚡️💻 Free Myers Briggs Test https://ift.tt/EQweIkH 🔥 I’M HERE FOR YOU! ⚡️💻 My 30 min career coaching session: https://ift.tt/q8lZPLo ⚡️💻 My 60 min career coaching session: https://ift.tt/q8lZPLo 🔔Ready to supercharge your career and finances? Subscribe to Roy Whitehead's channel for top-tier mentorship: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyWhiteheadCoach ✅ Stay Connected With Me. 👉Instagram: https://ift.tt/fQoqt1G 👉Tiktok: https://ift.tt/GmZy8aT 👉Linkedin: https://ift.tt/nEkGzqC 👉Website: https://ift.tt/6staw8h ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists: 👉 RoyWhiteheadCoach Recent Uploads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VaMKaELSP0&list=PLJb_PAdfuLlhLZqoL6F9gRBEAI-frzUi7&pp=iAQB ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 10 Unpopular Tech Things You Need in Your Life | I Tried Them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgl_gRHp8Mg 👉 Getting Started in Tech: Top 7 Highest Paid Tech Jobs in 2023 Roy Whitehead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VaMKaELSP0 👉 HOW TO HANDLE Imposter Syndrome | THIS IS HOW I OVERCAME Imposter Syndrome in tech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXtAbd1SV8c 👉 The ULTIMATE Guide to Your Perfect Information Technology Job after a Layoff | IT Hope https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geAHa2W9RKU 👉 APPROACH a Technology Recruiter like this | TOP 5 Recruiter Tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nwzf0F_wHhM ============================= ✅ About Roy Whitehead: Hey, I'm Roy Whitehead, mentor, $ 7-figure entrepreneur, CISO, and Career Coach. I am a tech online business owner 😊 too. Most importantly, I'm here for you! If that sounds good, consider subscribing to this, my new channel, for helpful content to supercharge your life, money-making, and career. It's the place for people who want access to senior tech leaders/mentors like me!.... Thanks. New videos every Sunday! For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔Dream big, achieve bigger with Roy Whitehead! Subscribe for weekly content that transforms your career and finances: https://www.youtube.com/@RoyWhiteheadCoach ================================= #apprenticeships #career #highpaying #uk #exciting #shorts Disclaimer: Roy participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Spend less. Smile more, Amazon.co.uk: Low Prices on Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment & more, and Amazon.ca: Low Prices – Fast Shipping – Millions of Items. Copyright Notice: This video and my Youtube channel contain dialog, music, and images that are the property of Roy Whitehead. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my Youtube channel is provided. © Roy Whitehead via Roy Whitehead https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAr0Aov5hw__pTwtP6dCng September 06, 2023 at 05:00AM
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10 Highest-Paying IT Jobs in Canada in 2023
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Discover the top-paying IT jobs in Canada for 2023. Explore lucrative career options in the booming tech sector and elevate your earning potential.
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