#toph's horizon rambling
marvelatthismess · 11 months
hii sorry to bother you, but since you have the apex cookbook do u happen to know if horizons scones that were mentioned in that one s7 loading screen made it in? its kinda haunting me ngl 😭😭
Appearing in my asks is never a bother!! Or appearing anywhere in my notifs to be fair- I'm always looking for an excuse to talk about my favs
There's no scones in the cookbook </3 but we do get these recipes from Horizon:
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She's so sweet to Pathy and I love it
(this isn't part of what you asked for but, because of these recipes, I now hold the headcanon that in the colder seasons (though they make them year round) her and Newton would make the cookies together then Mary would make tea for herself and hot chocolate for him and then they'd take it all stargazing with them)
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artekai · 3 months
10 Fandoms, 10 Characters, 10 Tags
Hi hi, I was tagged for this tag game by @robo-dino-puppy ages ago!! Like... literal months ago now. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize how long it had been, I hope you don't mind me getting to it now if it's not too awkward! I really do appreciate the tag a lot, thank you!!! :D I still wanted to do this for fun even if I'm terribly late 💔
(I'm not gonna try to make this a list of my favorite characters because I'm so bad at making decisions lol but instead here's some characters I wanna give some much needed appreciation to!)
1) Kuon Ichinose (Persona 5 Strikers)
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Of course there's another P5 character deserving of this spot, but I chose Ichinose because she's been on my mind again and she's so underappreciated! She's perfect and I won't hear any criticism towards her ❤️ I played P5S for her. Don't get me wrong, I was very happy to see the PTs again and it was fun to meet the Monarchs. But mostly. I knew I was gonna like her. All my friends knew I was gonna like her. No one was surprised. I'm getting dragged off stage before I can keep rambling on-
2) Sylens (Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West)
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My favorite old man... He is just so funny. And interesting! I want to know his backstory, where he came from, why he is the way he is. He did all of that, but did you not have fun? Did you not learn about the power of friendship? Exactly, relax. He's good at comments and quips. Ladies love comments and quips, and they go nuts for asides. And since I made a CXGF reference, on that note-
3) Valencia Pérez (Crazy Ex Girlfriend)
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One of my favorite characters even in a cast full of amazing, memorable characters that rarely misses! I'm obsessed with her homoerotic rivals-to-friends arc with Rebecca btw. I still think they should have kissed. Uhhh I mean, they did kiss, that was a significant thing that happened, I just think they should've kissed again in a different context. I have opinions on that and on Valencia's (and pretty much everyone else's) season 4 arc but I'll spare you for now ❤️
4) Amity Blight (The Owl House)
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I know, I know, not to say what everyone else and their mothers have already said about it but this is the kinda show that makes me wish I had had it while I was growing up. I like basically the entire main cast, but I chose Amity because I really can't tell you how much of an emotional rollercoaster her arc was for me. But I love her and of course her relationship with Luz absolutely killed me.
5) Toph Beifong (Avatar the Last Airbender)
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When I came on here and said I had finally watched ATLA I was waitinggggg for someone to ask me who my favorite character was. But you know what they say, when you're an adult you don't stop having a favorite character but people do stop asking 😔💔 Not really that much to say, though! I just enjoy it when she's onscreen ^^
6) Lake (Infinity Train)
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It's so hard to choose just one favorite from this show. I didn't even realize I had forgotten how much I loved everyone until I started rewatching it with Sol (especially Atticus, Amelia, Grace, and Lake though 💞). Anyways here's Lake "I am a person I'm not Tulip I'm not foil I'm not reflection I'm not a sliver I'm not a null I'm not any of the hundreds of names everyone wants to give me" they/them nonbinary icon
7) Miles Morales (Into and Across the Spiderverse)
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What can I say that hasn't already been said before? ❤️ ITSV is one of my favorite movies (long overdue for a rewatch tbh) and Miles is just such an amazing character all around. I've said it before, but, even with all of the spider people in ATSV, he was still the highlight to me! He deserves the world, I'll kick Miguel's ass if necessary, idc.
8) Fabiola Torres (Never Have I Ever)
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My daughter... I'm so sad that she suffers from the protagonist's best friend syndrome :( She's even wearing star pajamas in the gif, she's just like me fr! Except she's a genius! Her best friend is a robot! She's so cute and earnest ;-; I would watch a show all about her ❤️ Even if her arcs don't get as explored as I would like, I love her interactions with the other characters and I especially connected to her arc about feeling alienated from the queer community.
9) Constance Blackwood (Ride the Cyclone)
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Also my daughter ❤️ The highlight of RTC to me, without a doubt!! Her monologue really hit me right in the heart... She's just like me fr fr! She deserves so much better. She's everything. And her toxic homoerotic friendship with Ocean is very real, it's happening right now somewhere near you.
10) Shahara Hasan (Bodies)
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It's been a while since I watched this show so I'm not as desperate to talk about it anymore, but it really did make me so incredibly insane while I was watching it, trust me. Anyways, never have I been more sure that a character suffered more than Jesus and I don't say that lightly. Her trying her best to sympathize with Elias and nearly getting through to him broke my heart... Tragedy enjoyers when some horrible fucked up guy absolutely shatters the one person who reached out to save him, ig.
Tagging: I'm not gonna make it to ten tags lol. I'm tagging @meep-m33p, @soliscital, @woolmasterleel, and @inkpens-coffee, but absolutely no pressure to do it of course!! Also, to anyone else who wants to do this, feel free to tag me as your tagger!!
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catie-does-things · 5 years
Zutara Week Day 7: Easier
Ember Island, intermission. Zuko stepped outside for some air. He wasn’t looking for Katara, but he found her anyway.
AO3 / FF.N
After Toph had left him to investigate the snack situation, Zuko hadn’t gone looking for Katara. But even when he wasn’t looking for her, he seemed to always end up finding her anyway. That was what had really happened in Ba Sing Se, after all, and it happened again when he stepped outside the theater for some fresh air.
The intermission was almost over, so the gardens outside were empty, except for one aggravated waterbender pacing between the flower beds and talking to herself. Surprised by this sight, Zuko caught the tail end of her tirade before he could say anything to alert her to his presence. “...ridiculous idea that I would want to kiss him, when I - Oh!” Katara cut herself off as she spun on her heel and noticed she had an audience. “Zuko, I, um, didn’t see you there.”
“Sorry,” Zuko apologized instinctively, hoping the fact that he still had the hood of his cloak up meant that she wouldn’t be able to tell he was blushing as much as she was. Of course he had known the players’ interpretation of what had happened in the crystal caves was ridiculous, but hearing Katara outright dismiss the idea with such vehemence was still a little bit of a blow to his pride. He had no illusions that the two of them were anything more than friends, but he didn’t think she would have been quite so outraged at the mere suggestion. “I tried to warn you this theater company was terrible,” he offered in a half-hearted attempt to lighten the mood.
To his surprise, Katara actually laughed. The worry lines disappeared from her face and the tension in her shoulders relaxed a little, and Zuko realized she wasn’t laughing at him - she really thought his joke was funny.
“I’m not angry about the play,” Katara said with a vague gesture towards the theater doors where they would soon have to return. “I mean, yeah, it is terrible, but it’s just a show.” Her arms dropped to her sides and she rolled her eyes towards the clear night sky. “I wish everybody could remember that,” she added.
Now Zuko was lost. If she hadn’t been talking about the play, then what? He pushed his hood back and took a few steps into the garden, closer to Katara. “Did something else happen?”
Katara shrugged evasively. “It’s just…” She looked at him carefully for a moment, considering. “Promise you won’t say anything about this to anyone else?”
“I promise,” Zuko replied without hesitation. He had already broken her trust once, and that was enough for a lifetime.
Katara waited another moment, then took a deep breath. “Aang got upset because the play said he was like a brother to me.” She resumed her pacing between the fire lilies and the low hedgerows, punctuating her rambling explanation with sharp gestures. “But it was like he was upset with me, instead of the actors or whoever wrote it. And I sort of understand why, because I have been avoiding it, but just because he kissed me one time with no warning when we were about to invade the Fire Nation doesn’t mean he’s my boyfriend or anything!”
Whatever Zuko had been expected to be the thing that was bothering Katara, that wasn’t it. “Wait, slow down…” he said, but Katara ignored him. Now that she had decided to open the floodgates, it seemed there was no holding back.
“He was already so worked up and I didn’t want to make things worse, so I just told him I was confused and it wasn’t the right time.” Reaching the hedgerow, Katara spun around back to facing him. “And then he tried to kiss me again! Can you believe him?”
Her rant apparently at an end with this rhetorical question, she looked up at Zuko expectantly, slightly breathless, face flushed with anger or embarrassment or both.
“Oh,” Zuko said. He was not prepared for the turn this conversation had taken. Aang’s crush on Katara was obvious, but he hadn’t thought the Avatar was that serious about it. Nor had he realized how uncomfortable it apparently made Katara. “Did you tell him you didn’t want him to do that?”
“Of course I did!” Katara exclaimed. But then she deflated a little. “I mean, I reminded him that I had just said I was confused, and I think he got the message.”
The lanterns around the theater brightened and then dimmed, indicating it was time for the theater patrons to return to their seats. But Zuko didn’t want to just leave things there. “Maybe you need to be a little more direct with him,” he suggested. Not that he was in a great position to be giving relationship advice to anyone, but he did know Aang well enough by now to know how eternally optimistic the young Avatar was. If there was even a tiny chance, that was all he would see.
Katara looked back towards the theater doors with a frustrated sigh, but made no move to go in. “I just don’t want to hurt him,” she said. “He’s got so many other things to deal with right now, this should be the least of his worries.”
Her protective concerned sparked something like recognition, and the first dawning of a realization. “You know,” Zuko thought out loud, “that sort of reminds me of my uncle.”
Katara gave him a patient smile. “Are you going to tell me a proverb about clouds or something?”
It was Zuko’s turn to laugh. “No,” he said, shaking his head. “Not something my uncle said, but what he did...or didn’t do, I guess.” He ran a hand through his hair, trying to collect his thoughts. “You know, I was looking for the Avatar for three years, and Uncle was with me that whole time, and he must have always wanted me to realize the truth about the war and everything, and how my father didn’t care about me the way I wanted him to.”
Katara frowned. “Am I your uncle or your father in this analogy?”
“Neither,” Zuko replied hastily, looking away towards the lights of the town on the other side of the garden. “That’s not the point. My uncle never pushed me to see the truth until he had to, but when I did realize...it still hurt.” Katara had come closer, and was standing by his elbow now. “It’s a good thing, that I know the truth now, but...it had to hurt. There was no way around that.”
“So you think,” Katara said slowly, “that Aang is going to have to be hurt, too.”
Zuko looked back at her to find she was staring at the fire lilies at their feet. “Unless you change your mind,” he replied. She hadn’t outright said she’d made up her mind to begin with, even in this conversation with him, but given how upset she had been when he found her...well, Zuko didn’t think he was presuming too much.
And Katara didn’t argue that point. “But why now?” she protested instead. “Why can’t it wait?”
“Because he’s bringing it up now,” Zuko reminded her. “And if he thinks he’s mature enough to try to kiss you, he has to be mature enough to deal with rejection, too.” The theater lights flickered one last time, then settled to a low flame, leaving the gardens mostly illuminated by moonlight. Still the two of them stood there, Zuko waiting to see if Katara had anything more to say.
“Thanks, Zuko,” she broke the silence at last. “It’s much easier to talk about this with you than with him.” Then she hugged him, not dramatically throwing her arms around him like she had on the dock, but gently tucking herself into his side, arms around his waist. He hugged her back without thinking about it, because it was the most natural thing in the world.
“Katara? Are you - oh!” Suki’s voice came from behind them, and Katara pulled away from the hug, the picture of perfect innocence. Zuko tried to affect the same, though his heart was beating just a little too fast. “Sorry, am I interrupting something?” Suki asked, giving both of them a scrutinizing look.
“No, we were just about to go back in,” Katara answered smoothly, stepping forward and linking arms with Suki. “Let’s see how the rest of this disaster of a play goes.”
Suki laughed and let Katara lead her back towards their box, and Zuko followed behind the two girls. Hopefully, the play would be the only disaster they’d have to deal with for the rest of the night.
But when they slipped back into their seats quietly, the third act already begun on stage, and Katara reached over and surreptitiously squeezed Zuko’s hand in a final gesture of thanks, his heart skipped a beat, and he knew there was definitely going to be more trouble for him on the horizon.
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marvelatthismess · 11 months
So uhhhhhh when are we going to address that Ashleigh was Mary's assistant before the energy crisis was discovered and therefore before she was assigned said traitorous mission-
Source: 'Crisis to Avert' Transition from the Season 7 Battle Pass;
"Bring your whole family, bring Reid (you're gonna need that assistant). It'll be just like old times."
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marvelatthismess · 10 months
yooo have u seen how horizon now starts humming when shes idle ingame?? i dont want to get my hopes up but people are speculating that it means shes gonna get more lore soon bc of how cryptic the writers and her va are being soo 👀👀
(and if that is the case, then who will listen to her absentminded singing this time?)
I hadn't but I went looking as soon as I read this
I think there's two?? different voice lines of her humming but i cant tell if there actually is or if its just my brain being funky
However, I have now put myself on the quest to figure out what she's humming because it sounds so familiar but I can't place it
Here's one of the voice lines of her humming, I'll add the second one in a reblog once this goes up since it only allows one video a post and if it doesn't let me do that then ill put it in a separate post and link it here
(let it be ash again, I beg, it probably won't be but god i can hope - not even just for the ship but for the angst potential it'd hand us)
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marvelatthismess · 10 months
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The thoughts are thoughting but not forming words nor do I have the energy to draw it
Hopefully this'll spark a similar idea for someone else
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marvelatthismess · 10 months
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Stares heavily at the hand on Mary's shoulder because it's too big to be Newton's other hand and you can see his other hand by his chin, its also too pale to be Lilian's, so who's is it
The options are:
Ashleigh - makes sense, she's also leaving with Mary so Newt would be saying goodbye to her too
Newt's Grandmother/Mary's mother - also makes sense as she would be saying goodbye to Mary as well, we know she was around because she gets mentioned in Remnants of Affection (even though the wiki has decided that grannie = godmother for some reason despite one of the comics showing that Newton calls his godmother "auntie")
Someone that they were going to introduce and never did/haven't yet - doesn't make a lot of sense but I am still going to acknowledge the possibility
This has been eating at me for weeks, I had a brief moment where I forgot but reassessing the timeline for a fic im planning reminded me and now im suffering with my need to know again
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marvelatthismess · 10 months
Things I have done/experienced as a uk uni student that feel horizon coded:
2am library trips
Accidental all-nighter because I got a little too involved in an assignment (this happened multiple times, other all-nighters were caused by flatmates 8pm to 8am parties :/)
Having that one study spot that seemed to make my brain work better
Someone yelling "you bloody cunt" at 1am
That one time I had a full on debate with one of my flatmates at like 11pm
That one time the teacher had to borrow a student's laptop to be able to teach the class because the teacher in the lecture hall before him hadn't logged out and had just locked the computer instead
There's probably more that im forgetting
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marvelatthismess · 3 years
Tags Masterlist
Platonic Relationships: #toph's emotional support found family dynamics
Romantic Relationships: #toph's gay rambling (most of my ships are wlw/mlm but i'll alter the tag or add another if i start writting enough about any straight ships)
Incorrect Quotes: #toph's incorrect quote bank (every incorrect quote post I've made)
Asks: #toph's ask box
Art: #toph's art dump
Apex Legends
Main: #toph's apex/titanfall rambling
Ash: #toph's ash rambling
Horizon: #toph's horizon rambling
Wattson: #toph's wattson rambling
Main: #toph's arcane rambling
Analysis: #toph's arcane analysis
Grayson: #toph's grayson rambling
Caitlyn Kiramman: #toph's caitlyn rambling
The Kirammans: #toph's kiramman rambling
Cassandra/Grayson: #toph's cassgray rambling
Caitlyn/Vi: #toph's caitvi rambling
Avatar: the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Main: #toph's atla & tlok rambling
Lin Beifong: #toph's lin rambling
Kuvira: #toph's kuvira rambling
Kya/lin: #toph's kyalin rambling
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