#torens nightshift
@torens-nightshift replied to your post “Open for Business! Hello~ This is an RP help blog!...”:
Hi!! sorry if this isn't the right place to ask (i still struggle with tumblr etiquette & didn't see anything against this in your rules ><) how do people get started in tumblr rp? i've been quietly observing a few blogs for a while and it looks fun but i feel like no one would be interested in talking to me or whatever ( _ _")
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Hello there! Getting Started™️in tumblr rp has two parts, I think. making the actual blog, and networking (while Doing Things.)
Your blog itself probably needs a rules page, this can be anything you want to say or express- some people's rules are specific, some are just a few sentences. Establishing some boundaries or guidelines can be pretty important! But! it's entirely up to you, it gives a first impression to others on you as the writer. People mostly hesitate or have anxiety about accidentally upsetting others, so having something there helps! Even if it's just saying you're pretty chill.
Something else helpful is a muse page- people want to know what kind of character that you are writing! For some they will link to a wiki page, and for some they write out a whole bio for their headcanons- For example if you looked in my Volo's bio, you'd see that he's 32, cisgender, albino, and can see through fog. all headcanon stuff that might not appear in every reply i do! For OCs especially there can be a history section detailing their life and who they are!
The other major half is networking. Following RP blogs, making a promo (which you can make visible in tags;; blahblahfandom rp, multifandom rp, crossover rp, etc.) when you find a blog you are interested in, you can reach out! through ims or asks as well. (If your blog is curated enough and has its own dash/account, your sidebar may of course recommend rp blogs! that's about the only algorithm involved. the rest's work. sideblogs notoriously have trouble because they can't Follow people.) Like, I figure a lot of personal blogs find my posts/blog through tumblr's search function- which i'm still not used to because it's the new default, rather than going into the Actual #tag.
a subset of networking is Doing Stuff. Making headcanon posts, in character posts, open starters, and threading with other people will show off your writing enough for people to notice. Some people turn their nose away if a blog 'only' contains 'too much' RP memes, vent posts, or just doesn't have what they're looking for. While it's not a requirement, it may be helpful to make sure you have examples up to see. This part kind of really never ends imo, networking and doing stuff, but it's pretty essential to getting noticed. But like any facet of the internet or world, there's always someone who wants to talk to you! And would love to hear what you have to say! I'm sure that's something that even seasoned rpers might need to hear, everyone gets discouraged sometimes. It only takes a few people getting going to boost you along tho, so! Try to appreciate people! Y'know, socializing and all that, haha.
As far as some etiquette goes, try not carelessly spam-like or reblog. Since the person is writing a story thread, they use their activity to keep track. 'hmmm i wonder if someone replied today?' i ask! i look in my notes! somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this somebody liked this
oh no! where is my post? it can be a little frustrating, so try to keep likes to real time or so, it's much more manageable. People do enjoy likes and feedback, but the first major reason that people block personals is to avoid this kind of thing. In my opinion, it probably doesn't help that it's a wordless interaction, but it depends! If you're not overdoing it, it's delightful, too!
Replies are much more free game imo, it's words as feedback and a bit more enjoyable. (I'll admit a reply on a pinned post is...a first for but hey! this works!)
Asks are enjoyed and adored. Literally as long as it isn't hate, any tumblr user likes getting asks, but RPers are ravenous, lmao. Some may get overwhelmed by their own workload and have to delete em, but socially speaking people love talking about their muses! Or how they as a mun write!
The second reason people block personals is discourse. I'd say the biggest cultural difference, if you are stepping into rp, is to please learn to share. Especially with the onset of Search showing things even mentioning character names. (some people even cen.sor their muse's name to avoid this.) You've probably seen mockey of kin discourse 'no doubles' and etc. Basically, don't be an ass about headcanons and try to respect people's portrayals. RPers would rather write, so many will not deal with the bullshit and their blog is not for arguing. Trust me that when anons or whoever interject in order to be a dick, you become the butt of the joke for that blog's whole audience. Many people love to write threads with duplicates! But even those whose rules say no duplicates as far as interactions go know that it's not nice to insult people and stay in their lane. Be Kind! Ask questions! If you'd like to share a headcanon of your own, the blog owner might like to see it, just don't be pushy and you're good! They might even have their own headcanon even if they disagree with yours and may share that! Everyone's writing is unique and that's the beauty of it! I've personally even had some random personal reply trying to shut down my headcanon/simping in a belittling way, which....i didn't fucking ask. let me have my fun!!! Sooo yea read the room! Have fun!
hopefully this isn't too much of a ramble but the first two sentences I said are the short and sweet answer :')
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volodei · 11 months
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original: @torens-nightshift
color: me
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ty for letting me adopt him 💕 i hope i did you proud!
im still doing these if anyone’s willing to let me :> feel free to hit up my dms 🫶
read below for a light halo version
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rainnotliam · 1 year
Don’t Question This
Okay so because of a certain someone… I had to relive my memories of when I was sick, and told my friends about a stupid theory. The almond conspiracy theory, in which it created the universe
Little Warning: Basically no knowledge of Bible or Church because this theory was made for fun. If you want to correct me, go ahead, but don’t start a literal fight.
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So here we have an annoyed Volo, holding a bag of almonds. If you didn’t figure it out already, @torens-nightshift is the culprit behind this.
As if this isn’t embarrassing enough to post, I have provided two screenshots of our chaotic conversation:
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I actually have to explain this. Holy Arceus forgive me for my almond sins. Keep in mind I don’t even go to church that often so basic information just flies out of my brain. It explains the stupidity of my logic with the dove.
The almond conspiracy theory is the theory in which an almond or almonds created the universe. In this explanation, I will provide a few example from my past sick brain.
Almonds are alive. They’ve brainwashed us into always putting them into bags. Perhaps they even have little meetings in them, plotting what chaos else to ensue upon us humans.
Almonds are like us, but (I can hear you screaming at me Toren since yesterday I said the opposite) have no genders nor names. They don’t need an identity, they know who they are. And who they are? We’ll figure it out soon enough.
We always pray to a godly being, but could that being really be human (this debunks my theory but of course stupid brain logic)? Could it be something that is not human, just another life in this world?
The almond could be in another form of a godly being like Greek Gods too, like a shapeshifter but uh… yeah. Like a regional form.
The dove symbolizes hope of the almonds, and the spirit is uhm okay shit I didn’t think of this through, it’s the pact which keeps the almonds sealed in a bag!
KEEP IN MIND, I have absolutely LITTLE to NO KNOWLEDGE OF THE BIBLE OR CHURCH. So if anything is wrong on here, it’s because I’m putting the words from a few months ago of my not right state of mind sick brain.
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torenchao · 6 months
changed my blog name from torens-nightshift to torenchao 🫡
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ponds-of-ink · 2 years
It has been brought to my attention Dodd is an actual last name and not a Sims-exclusive. So…
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Now there’s two of them, even if I’ve only drawn one. Thank you @torens-nightshift for pointing this out. I may or may not need to do a surname change smh.
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mezitli33 · 5 years
Steam starten und auf das Benutzerkonto einloggen. Alternativ kann der Spieler auch in einem Skirmishmodus missionsunabhängig gegen Computergegner antreten. DirectX compatible Additional Notes: Are the instructions not clear? Bitte befolgen Sie diese Anleitung um den Key bei Steam zu aktivieren:
Name: knightshift Format: ZIP-Archiv Betriebssysteme: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS Lizenz: Nur zur personlichen verwendung Größe: 27.81 MBytes
Januar um September über das Topware-Nachfolgunternehmen Zuxxez Entertainmentzu dem auch das Entwicklerstudio gehörte. Ein roter Faden findet sich nur bei den acht Kapiteln, die lose durch eine Story verbunden sind und bei denen Ihr der bösen Zauberin Syff das Handwerk legen müsst. Are the instructions not clear? Dann hört es schon auf.
Knighhshift Spieler kämpft mehr mit der Steuerung als allem anderen. Wer trotzdem den Bogenschützen wählt, sollte zum Schutz die überall herumstehenden Türme ausnützen. Fundus knigghtshift das Schlachtfeld und sogar knightshiff Händler.
Gut hingegen, dass Ihr Euren hochgezüchteten Charakter samt Ausrüstung auch ins nächste Fantasy-Abenteuer mitnehmen könnt. Knallbunter Mix und sonst nix?
Weiter einkaufen Go to my wishlist.
Knihtshift Kampagne und das Rollenspiel. Bäume wiegen im Takt, schillernd blaue Seen widerspiegeln Landschaften, sehr schön. An Gegner KI wurde nie gespart, die hat es in sich, was Anfängern schwer zu schaffen macht, ständig flüchten knightshfit müssen, um doch wieder anzugreifen.
KnightShift – Wikipedia
Im Doppelpack Ein Pluspunkt gleich vorweg: Nebenquests wiederholen sich und die Textfenster sind nicht identisch mit den Dialogen, wohl fauler Zauber. Wie komme ich zu Boldwin Auf Spiele auf der oberen Menüleiste klicken.
Januar um Jede der vorhandenen Karten umfasst mehrere Quests, deren Schwierigkeit sich bestimmen lässt und deren Lösen Euch dem Gesamtziel näher bringt.
Wie komme ich an Boldwins Toren vorbei? Das Unternehmen erwirkte daher eine einstweilige Verfügung gegen das Magazin, die die Verbreitung des Tests untersagte. Das Spiel ist ein Mix aus Echtzeitstrategie- und Rollenspiel.
Knight Shift
Einzige Herausforderung das Ganze, was stellenweise süchtig macht. September über das Topware-Nachfolgunternehmen Zuxxez Entertainmentzu dem auch das Entwicklerstudio gehörte. Die Kampagne beginnt, sobald die Mission des Rollenspiel-Parts erfolgreich abgeschlossen und der ,nightshift von Thadeus zurückgeholt wurde.
Steam starten und auf das Benutzerkonto einloggen. Willst Du sicher shoppen?
KnightShift – Test, Rollenspiel, PC – 4Players.de
Wie komme ich in Mission K3 M2 weiter Das Spiel verfügt zusätzlich über einen umfangreichen Multiplayer-Modus mit einem hierauf abgestimmten Übungsmodus. Knigutshift dark adventure begins in the RPG part: Nach wenigen Stunden wird allerdings knightshirt, dass die wenig einfallsreichen Aufgaben, von denen Ihr meist im langweiligen Gespräch mit einem NPC erfahrt, sich oft ähneln. Im anfänglichen Diablo -artigen Rollenspielmodus steuert man eine Figur aus der Vogelperspektive.
Durch die Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich mit den Nutzungsbedingungen und der Datenschutzrichtlinie einverstanden. Das Spielziel ist dann, den Gegner zu vertreiben, seine Einheiten und Gebäude zu zerstören. Ist diese Meinung hilfreich?
Knight Shift: Test, Tipps, Videos, News, Release Termin –
Über das Earthnet ist es möglich im Internet zu spielen. Im Knjghtshift siehe oben übernimmt der Spieler die Kontrolle über einen der Helden und muss Syff, die Königin der Unterwelt, besiegen, um Siegfried zu retten.
Ein roter Faden findet sich nur bei den acht Kapiteln, die lose durch eine Story verbunden sind und bei denen Ihr der bösen Zauberin Syff das Handwerk legen müsst. Navigation Hauptseite Themenportale Zufälliger Artikel.
Pierre und Miquelon St.
The post KNIGHTSHIFT DOWNLOADEN appeared first on Mezitli.
source http://mezitli.info/knightshift-35/
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.....oh right. You probably also want a way to trim posts. RPers don't really like* to let their posts stretch past 2 parts- the previous reply and their fresh new one.
Right now beta editor and legacy have different xkits, with different trimmers. Reminder that brand new blogs are locked into Beta! they use Xkit Rewritten, and have to use the scissors icon in their drafts!
personal posts can go on for ages, but trying to read and write a Story with micro-updates is a bit different. an rp thread can update like 2-7 times a day or something-
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rainnotliam · 1 year
This is all @torens-nightshift fault my fam heard me squeal at their art of Volo, they’re trying to see it while this secret almond is doing the puppy dog eyes making me feel guilty and “crying” while I change my background into a cat (why did you have to make it every time I see it my mind goes to unspeakable voids).
You really had to put me in this position, I LOVE VOLO BUT HE CANNOT BE FOUND BY MY FAM
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rainnotliam · 1 year
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I posted 447 times in 2022
That's 447 more posts than 2021!
168 posts created (38%)
279 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 404 of my posts in 2022
Only 10% of my posts had no tags
#pokemon volo - 94 posts
#pokemon arven - 55 posts
#pla volo - 54 posts
#merchant volo - 45 posts
#volo is love volo is life - 34 posts
#volo - 32 posts
#pokémon scarvio - 26 posts
#cute bastard - 24 posts
#random shit - 24 posts
#fanfiction - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#and some requests are welcomed too if i can figure out this damn app (still struggling since spirit pulled me into this)
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not me sobbing over this picture I screenshot over ten times
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Simp energy aside, Arven my precious. Penny giggling and Nemona with that fierce yet energetic expression. Miraidon being the pet. (Yes that is my MC, Vee)
I feel like this really shows the dynamic everyone has together, and that cutscene after you leave Zero? Perfection. Nemona I thank you for that wonderful idea to cheer up Arven, and Penny for telling him his dad/mom would have a great adventure in the future/past.
This really shows that Arven did end up trying to leave those feelings behind of utter hatred for his dead parent behind. The dialogue shows that he did know they died but didn’t want to accept it. Plus before we even helped, Mabostiff was on the brink of dying. The only one who’s been there for him.
62 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Penny: I’m starting to think Arven’s a dog…
Nemona and Y/N: What makes you think that?
Penny (points at Y/N): He stares at you like a lovesick puppy, almost how Mabosstiff looks at Arven when he wants food.
(Y/N sputters Spanish rapidly under their breath)
Arven: (Literally in the other room hearing them, his face could rival a Cheri berry’s color of red)
80 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Yandere Arven head cannons (AU), credits to @weirdthinkingdragon for the idea. Possessive behavior, mentions of violence of course, slow corruption:
Arven has never had another person care for him as much as you. He loves how you always pay attention to him, and act like you belong to him.
This process would go as a pure heart to slow corruption. Just simple flirting with you from any classmates (from being Champion) first only annoy him. They’re not doing anything wrong… right? Until it gets to the point where he wants to bash their skulls into the wall, keeping them there as warnings for all others to approach you.
Arven realizes his treasure all along from the assignment of the Treasure Hunt was you. You are your upperclassman’s treasure… isn’t that sweet…?
When you’re with Nemona or Penny, even praising their skills of hacking and battling… he feels an urge to pull you away. He’ll find any excuse, from Nemona apparently teaching you a way to “cheat,” or accusing Penny of wasting your time. He doesn’t get as violent with him, as Arven knows you’d be saddened if something were to happen to your friends.
He’s quite possessive. A common phrase whenever you’re in a busy conversation with classmates is “Sorry, I’m going to have to take my stuff,” and leave by dragging you across the room.
Cuddles. Arven loves feeling the warmth of the one he treasures the most (in this au at least). He might occasionally pull you into an embrace, only to rest his head on your shoulder.
Naive mind. One thing that Arven doesn’t know, is that this behavior isn’t normal for friends. He thinks this is normal for any friend. He thinks wanting to silence others just for only attention of that certain friend is normal. He thinks it’s normal wanting to have a habit of constant obsession with friend.
Nemona and Penny don’t realize Arven’s behaviors right away. But slowly, as the middle of the year comes by… they question why some classmates, some who interact with you, ignore you. They watch, fear settling in their chest as Arven can be seen looking at those who even get near you. Near his treasure.
If Nemona or Penny realize this behavior soon enough, they might try to leave Arven behind. That means excluding him from your life, exiting in large groups, or having their Rotom phones record on.
Arven may realize what they’re doing. He will find a way to silence them from telling any teacher or Director Clavell. He will attack them if he needs to.
Question of the Day: Want me to make a Yandere Arven x Reader fic? Self insert for someone? An audience?
108 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
Is it possible to make a yandare arven but kinda fluffy? Sometimes I wish the main character/reader can accept the yandare-ness (especially arven cause he been through a lot) idk so fluffy yandare arven please? 🥺
Yandere Arven, but fluff fic? Challenge accepted my friend!
Reader x Arven, of course . Slight possessive behavior, but much fluff and cuddles too!
You scrolled through your Rotom phone, absolutely tired from today. As nice as it was to have Battle Studies, the amount of training one had to go through to satisfy Dendra was energy draining. The only thing that made it really worth it was the amount of Experience Points that could level up any team easily.
Luckily, this period was language. Mr. Salvatore had mercy on class (no pun intended) and let a little of free time before class. So you decided it would be best to see what kinds of battle items would help your team in the Ace tournament.
“Leftovers would be good… but perhaps the Lucky Egg could level my team up faster?”
You questioned your decisions, torn between power or levels.
“Or maybe-”
Suddenly, there is a rush of footsteps, before your vision is covered. You drop your Rotom phone in surprise, the device landing with a loud CLACK! on your desk.
“Who is it?”
An energetic tone emitted from the question. You chuckle to yourself, before putting your own hands over the large warm ones.
“Hmm… I don’t know? Who’s very good at cooking, the soon-to-be famous chef?” You smile.
“I wonder?” The voice had a hint of amusement too.
“Arven, eres bien canijo!”
A giggle escaped your upperclassman’s mouth, as he uncovered his hands from your eyes. Arven bent down to hug you from your sitting position, burying his face into your neck.
“We’re best buds, of course you know who I am!”
“Why wouldn’t I? Arven, your voice is so soft just like that caring soul. Plus, those hands are rough from all that adventuring,” you tease lightly.
There was definitely a smile going on, because you could feel his lips curving upwards.
“I shouldn’t expect any less, that’s coming from a Champion,” Arven said. He looked up from his position, now resting his chin on your shoulder. “Que estás viendo?”
“Battle items. The Ace tournament is a lot harder, Nemona’s been training hard.”
Arven hummed, one of his hands traveling up to your hair. He ruffled it slightly, fingers gently caressing the strands.
“She’s not empujando te to do something, is she?” He asked.
Your stomach felt like jittery jello hearing those few words. Nemona had asked you to train with her but…
“No, of course not! She may be eager and happy someone is her rival, but it doesn’t mean she goes to those lengths! It’s nothing to worry about,” you manage to muster.
Arven pondered about the answer for a minute or two, before taking himself off you.
“Well, class is starting. Gotta go to my seat, see you later bud!”
He waves at you with a happy aura painting him. You smile to yourself: Arven reminded you of a joyful puppy.
A puppy that hadn’t seen light in a decade or so, ever since Turo died. Ever since Mabosstiff got injured.
You didn’t mind the way he held you especially close. After all, he had suffered through so much, the least you could do was stay by his side… right?
Well, that joy only lasted for so long. You froze as you heard the seat right beside you creak, someone sitting in it. They placed their items near yours, giving you a slightly warm smile.
See the full post
117 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Here’s for you Arven simps. Don’t think I don’t see you, I am one myself. Come out of the shadows my friend.
Arven didn’t want to think about the embarrassing situation Mr. Saguaro had gotten him into. He could hear the whispered remarks about him, saying “Oh, I thought he’d be a bit more on the studious side” or “Thought he had his father in him.”
Frankly it was nothing thankfully, as the students had quickly gotten silenced by one statement of his friend. Y/N.
“Escuchen, porque sólo digo esto una vez. Leave him alone, he can be his own person, not just a professor’s son!”
They ran for it, and judging by the bell, were scrambling to make it to lunch. Safely, where the teachers were.
“Cobardes.” Y/N muttered under their breath. “Arven, you alright?”
Their upperclassman looked at them with a silent gaze, only to shake his head. “I’m fine… they’re not even worth it.”
Y/N stared at Arven for a few moments, before breaking into a pure smile. “Glad to see you’re taking steps!”
“Cállate,” Arven gently nudged them in the ribs with his elbow, to which Y/N playfully did the same back. He couldn’t stay sad for long: this bundle of energy would find a way to cheer him up either way.
“I hope Nemona is there early for our table, I am star-ving!” Y/N laid heavy emphasis on their last words.
Arven slightly frowned. He wasn’t used to the battle-loving girl yet, who would used to defeat him and Mabostiff nonstop…
“Yeah. Hope she is,” he said flatly.
He didn’t say anything else as they arrived to the lunchroom, before Y/N practically ran over to Nemona, who jumped out of her seat to hug them. Arven awkwardly sat on the opposite side of both of them, as Nemona squeezed the air out of Y/N. Literally.
“Ahhh Y/N I missed you! We haven’t seen each other as much as we should beeee!”
“Me too- Could you let go a little?”
“Only a little!” Nemona pouted as she had her face right against Y/N’s. “We shall never separate as much again!” She announced.
Arven rolled his eyes, resting his hands against his face, elbows on the table.
“You make it sound like you’re dating almost,” he chuckled.
“Arceus no! Y/N is just a friend I really need,” Nemona responded as she hugged them tightly. “How’d it go in classes?”
Arven’s face heated a little, before promptly looking away. He could only stare at the lights again for so long. “Alright, I guess.”
“Oh! Mr. Saguaro mentioned about a ‘boy’ who’s really into culinary arts and then asked me for a correct answer on how to make meals tastier. But after I got the correct answer, he slipped Arven’s name in.” Y/N piped up.
Nemona and Arven looked at Y/N.
Nemona bit her lower lip, lowering her face. Her entire body was shaking, before a small giggle came out of her mouth.
“You can’t be serious-“
“Y/N! Bud, I told you not to mention anything-!” Arven half yelled, standing up as he said.
Oh boy was that a mistake. Arven could only hear the silence filling the room at this statement, dozens of students looking at him.
He quickly sat back down.
Only to hear Nemona burst into a fit of laughter, and hear participation from others too.
See the full post
187 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Oh. Well, uh…. Funny enough Volo is my most used tag yet Arven is more popular… y’all are down bad simps/j
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rainnotliam · 1 year
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“I’ll see you when Arceus wishes.”
Why is the photo blurry my life is ruined. Anyway, a small gift for @torens-nightshift until I get the actual drawing done. I’m procrastinating on everything. As you can tell, this is the line art, the other drawings… (shivers)
Hope this suffices until the thingy is finished!!! (Don’t worry I’ll be able to do digital art soon)
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