#toronto ramen
chefsloan · 1 month
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🍜Out for MAPO TOFU RAMEN @Ryu’s Noodle Bar. Mapo Tofu + Ramen = The best of both worlds!!
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Ramen Day
Nourishing bowls of savory comfort — a culinary delight unveiling layers of intricate flavors with every satisfying slurp.
A pile of thin and curly noodles surrounded by delicious and nutritious broth? Yes, please! Ramen noodles are one of the most famous dishes to come out of Japanese culture, and now they are embraced in all corners of the world. National Ramen Day succeeds in getting everyone’s taste buds excited for this robust and versatile food! 
History of National Ramen Day
Ramen has a background that can be traced back to China in the 1800s. The dish seems to have originated when soupy broth was combined with noodles and some flavorings. This warming dish seems to have traveled with immigrants into Japan in the late 19th or early 20th century where it popped up in busy ports and then gained popularity throughout the entire country.
Of course, it didn’t originally come in those little packages with the powdered soup flavors. This is a modern version that has become popular mostly based on the convenience factor. But there are still certain restaurants that serve fresh dishes of ramen noodles that are nutritious and also delicious. These establishments typically serve house-made noodles with slow cooked broth and locally sourced ingredients that are tantalizing to the tongue.
National Ramen Day seems to have gotten its start in 2017 with the purpose of creating an excuse to eat ramen – not that one is really needed. So grab a friend or family member and get ready to enjoy this delicious day!
How to Celebrate National Ramen Day
All sorts of tummies, and also hearts, will be deeply happy when National Ramen Day is observed and enjoyed with the whole family. Have a delicious time with this day by celebrating in some of these ways:
Enjoy Eating Some Ramen
Obviously, it isn’t necessary to wait until National Ramen Day to cave into that deep craving for this bowl of noodly goodness. But, this special day does offer a delightful opportunity to show some appreciation for and raise awareness about this delicious, comforting food that so many people all around the world are in love with!
Get Creative with Ramen
Forget a boring bowl of ramen with standard flavors and no color. National Ramen Day is the time to get a bit creative and push the flavor limits of this dish to upgrade it to something amazing!
Check out some of these ideas for enjoying ramen to the fullest:
Pesto Ramen. Keep the same noodles but slather it with pesto made from olive oil, pine nuts and baby spinach. Then top with parmesan cheese and roasted red peppers.
Breakfast Ramen. In a hurry for breakfast? No problem! This ramen is supported by cheesy eggs, bacon, and a topping of sliced green onions.
Ramen Burgers. Ever thought that those ramen packets could be made into a crunchy fried hamburger bun? This is the time to try it!
Zoodle Ramen. Go traditional with the toppings, but exchange the noodles for a gluten-free healthy alternative by using zucchini noodles.
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sch-nn · 2 years
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business formal
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fotographee · 2 years
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sansotei ramen — toronto, canada
july 8, 2022 // 1:46 \ 2:18 \ 2:23 PM
click for higher resolution (•⊙ω⊙•)
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travellingfoodie · 9 months
Newest Food Hall in Toronto - TABLE Fare + Social
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nuac · 1 year
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My BFF got me Frozen Ramen from Raijin Ramen in Toronto. Each took 7 minutes to cook on high and warmed up pretty easily. The food was excellent; Spicy Tonkatsu was my favourite . I'll never forget this (Thank you <3)
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sergeantaegis · 1 year
The odd of some Japanese guy somewhere being a Canadaboo and having posters of Céline Dion and the CN Tower or whatever on his room is low but is not zero. 
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lorene1voice · 1 year
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Another view of the city - day & night - #Toronto & some good convos with #Japanese BBQ & #ramen #TorontoEats (at Gyu-Kaku Japanese BBQ) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_5FSZMnbz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sooooooorandom · 1 year
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ainokou · 2 years
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markatoto · 8 months
what's your favorite soup?
another great question!!! im torn because im not much of a Soup guy, but sometimes when the Soup hits, the Soup hits, yknow what i'm sayin'??
But i guess my normal go-to is just Ramen. Sometimes just having a delicious huge bowl of Ramen satisfies my soup endeavors. in particular, a nice smooth shoyu or tonkotsu ramen just heals the soul. one of most favourite places in toronto, raijin ramen, makes some of the best in the city. very very smooth. yummmmmmmyyyy
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Chopsticks Day 
Take part in an ancient tradition that has been around for thousands of years in the Asian culture by eating with and enjoying the unique experience of chopsticks.
National Chopsticks Day appears as a fun and fascinating reason to show appreciation for this little pair of utensils. So put down that fork, set aside that knife, and pick up these two little sticks that can usher in a whole new experience!
History of National Chopsticks Day
Getting their start at least 3000 years ago or more, chopsticks originated in China and were first used as utensils in the process of cooking. With ancient roots, these convenient tools began to be used as a tool for individuals to eat noodles, rice, meat, vegetables and much more, probably around 400 BC. This was likely a time when resources became scarce and the food needed to be chopped into small bits to cook faster and save on fuel.
In the end, there was a need for some sort of tool to help with eating, and it was obviously a much-needed innovation because the tool began to spread. Chopsticks made their way from China into other Asian countries, like Korea, Japan, Vietnam and many others.
Originally made from bamboo, chopsticks have since been made from all sorts of traditional substances, including different types of wood, metal, ivory and ceramics. Of course, more recently, chopsticks have been made from plastics, resin, stainless steel and even titanium. In addition, chopsticks have been valued and appreciated for their beauty, particularly when they have been decorated with precious substances or painted with unique artwork.
By 1878, the disposable bamboo chopstick was designed by the Japanese, called “waribashi”. Many people don’t realize that the average person in China has typically used up to 200 sets of disposable chopsticks every year.
To minimize the use of disposable chopsticks and save the earth along the way, the Chinese government imposed a tax on chopsticks in April 2006. The tax of 5% was not only for those in China, but also spread from there into the places where the China chopstick makers export to, such as Japan or Korea.
Now, National Chopsticks Day is here to pay honor and respect to the longstanding, ancient tradition of using chopsticks as a cooking and eating utensil!
National Chopsticks Day Timeline
1700-1200 BC Chinese people begin using chopsticks
Originally used in the cooking process, chopsticks function more like tongs in these early days. 
400 AD Other utensils are invented
Forks, spoons and knives begin common use as eating utensils. 
500 AD Chopsticks make their way to Japan
Making a stop in Korea first, chopsticks travel from China to Kyoto at the east end of the Silk Road.
1878 Disposable chopsticks gain use
In Japan, disposable bamboo chopsticks are created.
2006 China imposes a chopstick tax
To reduce wasting natural resources, China institutes a 5% tax on disposable chopsticks, which also had an impact on chopsticks exported to Japan. 
How to Celebrate National Chopsticks Day
Take eating to the next level by enjoying National Chopsticks Day! Get excited about celebrating the day by implementing some of these special ideas:
Learn More About Using Chopsticks
While many Westerners are more used to using a fork and knife, one delightful activity for National Chopsticks Day might be to learn how to use chopsticks. For many people, it can require a bit of practice while the motor memory is retained.
Not only is learning how to use chopsticks an important cultural activity, it also could have other benefits. These benefits can include improving hand-eye coordination, teaching finger isolation and manipulation, strengthening the hand muscles, and improving fine motor skills. Some people even believe that using chopsticks can make the memory even better!
While considering chopsticks, consider some of this etiquette around the utensils:
In Japan, it is rude to cross the chopsticks on the table or to stick the chopsticks vertically in a pile of rice.
In Taiwan, it’s poor etiquette to let chopsticks linger in the mouth or to bite on them.
The Chinese consider it to be poor form to spear the food with chopsticks or to tap the chopsticks on the bowl.
In Korea, it is rude to pick up chopsticks or other utensils before the elders at the table do.
Eat with Chopsticks
While chopsticks could certainly be tried with almost any kind of food (though perhaps a burger or a slice of pizza might be complicated), they are best when used to eat food that hails from Asia. Delicious food that is Japanese, Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese can all be appreciated when eaten with chopsticks.
Enjoy Some Fun Facts About Chopsticks
In honor and celebration of National Chopsticks Day, this is the time to increase that knowledge about these interesting little sticks. After learning some facts, go ahead and share some of them with friends or family members to raise awareness in honor of the day! Try out some of these fun facts and bits of trivia to get started:
Chopsticks are different in different countries. For instance, the chopsticks found in China are longer than those in other Asian countries, with wide tapered ends that make them slightly easier to use. Chopsticks in Korea have more of a flat shape, and those from Vietnam have an end that is more blunt.
Some people actually have an irrational fear of chopsticks! The name of this disorder is Consecotaleophobia and has been included in the field of psychiatry.
In the past, silver chopsticks were used by royal families in China to check for poison. Because certain poisons would cause the silver chopsticks to turn black, giving a forewarning of danger. Since then, silver chopsticks have been a sign of wealth, affluence and style.
Chopsticks have superstitions associated with them. As an intricate part of the Asian culture, some omens go along with the use of chopsticks. For instance, holding chopsticks completely upright is a bad omen. Also, dropping chopsticks is a sign of bad luck.
Purchase Some Fancy Chopsticks
One lovely way to celebrate National Chopsticks Day might be to make an investment in a new set (or several) of higher end chopsticks. Chopsticks can be made out of bamboo or other woods and then decorated in a variety of ways.
For instance, try out a set that is made from rosewood and then decorated with gold tips. Try some pairs made with lacquer that can then be personalized with the names of everyone in the family. Or, those who are very serious about celebrating the day might be interested in pure, solid silver chopsticks that are handcrafted and decorated with Chinese calligraphy.
National Chopsticks Day FAQs
How do you use chopsticks?
Hold the chopsticks loosely at a slight angle from each other. The chopstick held by the thumb can stay stable while the other one is moved back and forth with the fingers.
What country did chopsticks come from?
Chopsticks likely originated in China around 1200 BC or even earlier. 
Did chopsticks come before forks?
Yes. Forks and spoons were not invented until 400 AD. 
Do chopsticks make you eat less?
People who eat with chopsticks may eat more slowly, which causes them to get fuller faster and eat less food. 
Are chopsticks reusable?
Most quality chopsticks are made to be used, washed and used again for years, though some chopsticks are made of bamboo and are considered to be ‘disposable’.
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kaaaaaaarf · 10 months
i have to start off with saying i'm not a potterhead by any means, i've watched the movies but never read the books (i've tried, couldn't get into it). i found your 'back when we were dinosaurs' fic on ao3 while browsing through the 'toronto' tag and my goodness! you have such an incredible writing style and i just love that it's set in my (our?) city! i just love making characters canadian tbh
Anon, I have to tell you. I got this message while I was at a Ramen restaurant and may have gotten emotional over my gyoza.
This is so incredibly kind! Thank you for dropping by to tell me you enjoy it. I specifically wrote it because I wanted to see more stories set in Toronto (communist voice: our city), so it means a lot that it connected with you in any way, especially if you're not into Marauders or HP in general! I am working on the second chapter right now, and there is a ton more Toronto-ness, including a trip to Shoppers Drug Mart (boo-hiss Galen Weston boo), Kensington Market and Jimmy's Coffee! 🫡
Also, thank you for saying such a lovely thing about my writing style. This whole message made my night. Kissing you on your Canadian face.
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liselicanis · 9 months
Good Things Fall Apart
[AO3 Link]
Chapter 7: It Sinks In
Hana couldn't believe it. The heroes that had once saved the world had come to help. And they wanted her to (temporarily) join them. Though technically, she was 'on loan' from MEKA. Her teammates had been jealous to see her go off with some of the old core members of the Overwatch team, calling her lucky and all that. Hana had teased Jae-eun about it, tapping the little charm on her pistol and mouthing 'lucky bunny' to him. The look on his face was priceless.
She would be lying if she didn't say she was a bit starstruck to meet them either. While being introduced to the rest of the small strike force, she had to remember to pick up her jaw from the floor when she saw the climatologist Mei-Ling Zhou. When they shook hands, she gushed about having read the young woman's published research journals, her cheeks cherry red. Mei had laughed and ruffled her hair, saying that now that she was part of the team, she'd get a glimpse of some of the places. Hopefully under better circumstances one day.
It was a warm welcome, one that she'll treasure for the rest of her days, and after they landed in Gibraltar, Hana finally felt like she could help bring a difference to the world.
It was a relatively short stay at the watchpoint. Not even a day to settle in and the resident AI, Athena, called all agents to the war room, where Winston explained that different parts of the world were being under attack.
Reinhardt took one look at it, and immediately zoned in on Toronto, Canada. On the way there, he explained to the new blood in the group that Toronto was the home of one of the former Overwatch captains. "She's called Sojourn, the best of the best!"
Hana nodded and prodded the old timer for more stories from Overwatch's glory days, to which he gladly obliged, much to the annoyance of some of the others on the ship. The pilot, Lena, groaned and muttered how now he'll never be quiet, but she said it in a lighthearted tone, as if she was used to this happening.
"Just promise me an autograph for later, ja?" the old man said with a wink, before launching into a tale from a battle long past.
"They call themselves Null Sector." Vivian said, signaling at the group of omnics waiting at the station to run for the ferry. Around them, the bodies of Slicers and some Artillery units littered the floor, some still spitting sparks where some limbs used to be attached. "Been on the rise recently. They attacked so suddenly earlier this morning that we didn't know what to do."
Hana kept her eyes trained on the buildings across the station, listening with one ear, and keeping track on the group to make sure there were no stragglers left behind. "Saw these guys in Busan too. Why are they doing this...?"
"Well...we fought them in London before. Wanting equal rights for omnics and all. It's just that the ways they are going about it are too extreme." The woman shrugged as the last group finally made it on the ferry and she waved towards the bridge, signaling the captain that he was good to go. "All right, let's do one last sweep around here. D.Va was it? You mind going up ahead to check things out?"
"No problem, Captain!" Hana maneuvered Tokki's controls to salute at Sojourn before she flew off towards the direction the woman had pointed at.
The streets were barren, devoid of what usually would have been a bustling hub. It made her feel uneasy as she made her way through the city blocks, stopping to examine an ad for what seemed to be ramen. Or was it udon? Either way, the omnic portrayed made her feel sad, remembering the Ravager she had helped all those months back. Almost a year ago now, it seemed.
After she looked away, all the billboards around blared red and a hooded figure stepped into view. They started speaking and at first, Hana didn't pay it mind, this was obviously propaganda by the leader of Null Sector. Oooh if she saw him she was going to-
Wait. Why...why does he sound familiar?
-ill shatter the chains that have held you in servitude. This marks a new era: one of equality, of unity. Conflict and strife will be relics of the past. Together, working as one, we will lift our people. Toget-
No. No. NO!
It couldn't be. It had to be a lie. This wasn't real, it isn't happening. It's not happening.
Yet the billboards were broadcasting the truth to her. Standing there in near silhouette was a Ravager. And it slowly dawned on her. All of this, all this destruction she had faced by the hands of Null Sector, was partially her doing.
Her communicator buzzed with an incoming message, but Hana was too stupefied to even register it. She stood there, staring up at the screens, unaware that tears were beginning to trail down her cheeks.
Memories of many nights spent by his side, tirelessly working on his limbs flooded to her. Memories of her hoping that maybe he'd stay with MEKA if he had nowhere to go. Of Dae-Hyun on the floor the morning he disappeared.
'...maybe we should leave him as is.'
Oh...oh. If only she had listened. If she had just left him there and minded her own goddamn business....
The broadcast continued, and she could only stand there, thinking about all the damage she helped cause just because she felt like being a good Samaritan. "This isn't fair...I didn't...."
From behind her, she heard footsteps approaching and she swiveled her mech to face the team, her face blank. She made a lame joke about being so hyper focused on the broadcast that she didn't hear the communicator, and from the look on Angela's face, Hana is sure that none of them bought it, but they didn't press any further.
Instead they shifted their focus on making their way to the subway system where Vivian said someone was signaling for help. Yeah, Hana could focus on that. Best to keep her mind on the mission and not on how she was basically an accomplice to all the bad things happening around here.
As they neared the entrance, Genji held up a hand and pressed a finger to where his mouth would be if it were not hidden by his helmet. Everyone strained their ears, as the Ravager's broadcast was still playing. It was faint, but something was cackling.
Everyone turned their heads, trying to locate the source. Whatever it is, it seems to move around so quickly that their eyes could barely keep up. Until it was directly in front of them that is.
A tall omnic, twin long hair-liked appendages trailing behind them. They appeared to have their vision obscured by a thin piece of cloth and from beneath, a manic smile flashed at them. Their fingers with long claw-like extensions reached out and suddenly, Angela screamed as a purple light enveloped her body.
"Angela!" Genji tried to grab her, but the pull was too strong.
"Quick, do something! I can't move!" Angela's face was panicked, as the omnic started laughing louder and louder, their long appendages poised for attack. Hana used her boosters, shoving the omnic back. That seemed to work, as Angela was immediately dropped and the enemy now had their attention on Hana.
She glared back at them, fingers ready on her controls. "Come on! You and me, let's go!"
The omnic tilted its head, their body twitching with jerking movements that really unnerved the MEKA pilot, but she still stood her ground, the team behind her quickly tending to Angela's well-being.
Suddenly, it moved again, putting distance between itself and them, still cackling. Their head twisted, and garbled sounds came from it, before snapping their attention back to Hana. Even without sight, Hana felt like it was watching her.
So creepy.
And she'd had enough.
Before anyone could stop her, she took off after the omnic, only for it to evade her every move, leading her further and further away from the team. She could hear them shouting at her, and then her radio going off, but Hana kept pursuing that omnic, determined to destroy it before it could hurt anyone else.
The chase was long, the omnic much faster than Tokki could keep up with, but still Hana powered through. Until finally, she saw an opening. Going full throttle she slammed the omnic against a building, just barely managing the two tendrils that smashed against Tokki's glass frontal capsule. The ends had pierced through, one just a few inches from her face, the other had actually caught her on her sides. It hurt like a bitch but Hana had the upper hand at the moment. And she wasn't going to waste it.
With a yell, she fired all of Tokki's micro missiles into it, until it finally stopped moving and it dropped to the ground, dead. Not that it was truly 'alive' to begin with. Not like the other omnics she had ever met before. There hadn't been any sentience there, whatever this was, it was only following its programming.
Coughing, she tried to lift Tokki's hatch but the latch wouldn't give. The omnic had crushed it, leaving her trapped. Even the ejector button was jammed. Cursing, she unbuckled herself, carefully minding the wound on her side, and twisted her body until her legs were facing the glass. She kicked at one of the cracks until it gave, and she crawled out of her ruined mech.
She tried her communicator, but that was utterly destroyed, so without it, she could not call for backup. Gritting her teeth, Hana leaned against Tokki, her head hanging low still in disbelief in how everything had gone wrong. "..should have stayed with them. I'm such a...."
As a former esports star, she should have remembered that splitting off was the stupidest thing she could have done. She should know better. Yet, the feelings from earlier, from hearing the broadcast, it really clouded her judgement.
"Why did I take that damn street...if I hadn't found him..." she lifted her hand, and cursed it. These hands of hers! They had once saved so many people, and now because she helped him...
Red. She could see red beginning to dye her gloves. Ha...so this was it, huh? By helping a stranger, she had a hand in all of this destruction around her. Even if she cried, it's not like she could ever apologize enough for this. Even if she used the reasoning that at the time she had zero idea of who he was, the truth of the matter was that this second Omnic Crisis was happening.
Dropping her hands, she closed her eyes, the weight of her sin becoming heavier and heavier with each moment. Her heart felt like it was breaking.
"Of all the humans I meet today, it's you."
Toronto's omnic population had been all too easy to take control of. Their meager military force against his Null Sector airborne omniums was almost pitiable. He had struck early in the morning, the city still too sleepy to realize what was happening and by the time they had mobilized it was far too late.
His message had been sent out, some omnics willingly joined him, but many did not. A tragedy, really. Had they really become so accustomed to living under human rule that they could not see how they were being mistreated?
An easy fix. With the help of one of Talon's agents, one 'Sombra', rewiring them would be no problem. And while she had warned him that once it was done, there was not a guarantee those omnics would ever be the same way they once were.
'They'll cease to be who they are. Entiendes?'
A sacrifice he was willing to make. A means to an end as it were. So long as he got what he wanted, Ramattra was willing to do anything to achieve it.
This was what he had once been programmed to do anyway. To lead and to destroy. Wasn't that what it meant to be a Ravager. This is who he truly was.
A ping in his systems pulled him from his thoughts and he turned his attention to a screen that displayed the layout of Toronto. Strange, on of his Stalker units was way out of her designated area. Was there a problem?
He knew that the Canadian military was still putting up a fight, but they should all be by the seafront, why is this unit here? Tapping his chin, he thought about sending additional supports but all his units were either busy or already destroyed and his new prototypes were not ready yet.
Well, no harm in going himself. There was nothing the humans could do to him anyway. They were weak. So slow. Any human strong enough to go against his army would be in the battlefront, not in an isolated area.
So who could it be that had pushed Stalker so far? As he readied a drop pod for himself, the pinging stopped and he took another look, but there was nothing there anymore. The signal had vanished.
"Destroyed?" Now that really piqued his interest. All the more reason to see for himself what had happened.
Imagine his surprise when he finally did.
To think they'd meet again like this. Oh, but how the tables have turned. She hadn't noticed him just yet, too focused on an injury and something else. He noticed how she looked at her hands, her face twisted in a grimace that made him feel...something unpleasant.
"Of all the humans I meet today, it's you." Her head immediately snapped up to him and her eyes widened in realization. Ramattra regarded her expressions, fascinated by the array of emotions she was displaying. Disbelief, hurt, and finally, rage.
Rage was something he was intimately familiar with, and given the current situation, he could understand her anger. How well did it measure against his though?
Her eyes narrowed as he drew closer, yet she didn't say anything. Now where had her chattiness gone? He didn't miss it, but he was a bit disappointed that she didn't speak. Finally, he kneeled down in front of her, using his staff to lift her chin so he could get a better look at her face.
"You saved me, so for that you do have my gratitude," he spoke sincerely, because he truly was grateful. Without her help, he wouldn't be standing here today. Without her, he'd be nothing but scrap decaying in Busan.
Still, she didn't speak, and for a moment he did wonder if she was that badly wounded, but his sensors didn't detect anything. A wound to her ribs, yes, but it wasn't fatal. She'd recover. Eventually. However he still had more to say.
Removing his staff, he reached into his cloak and pulled out the rabbit pin he had taken with him. The little plastic smiling face had taunted him for so many months, and yet he had kept it. And now, he dropped it into her lap, glad to finally be rid of it. "This second chance at life you gave me...as you can see it has not gone to waste."
He tilted his head, "But I do wish to know. When you found me there on that street, did you have any idea who I was, girl? Have you realized that your act of kindness would lead to all this?" He gestured to the destruction that surrounded them both.
"Tell me, do you hate me?"
Whether she did or didn't hate him would not affect him much other than to sate his curiosity. He watched her a she drew in a shaky breath and though her mouth finally moved, he couldn't hear anything.
Was she more hurt than he thought? No, he would have sensed it. Her heartbeat was a little fast, but otherwise normal. She moved to sit up a little straighter, wincing as she moved her hand to gesture at him to come closer.
He obliged, bringing his faceplate closer to her to hear what she had to say.
"Fuck you."
She spat at him, and though he couldn't feel it, it didn't change the fact that she had literally spit on his face. Slowly he raised a metallic hand to wipe it off and inspected it. How disgustingly fascinating that this is the first thing she does upon meeting him again. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this.
Seemed like she still wasn't quite done talking. Typical for her. This was the girl he remembered.
"I....have fought against Gwishin. Seen what...what they have done to my country. Even then, despite...despite them being my enemy, I never hated omnics," she paused, before she crossed her arms and looked away, the crease of her eyebrows furrowing deeper as she stewed in her anger towards him.
He chuckled darkly before moving back away from her. "So what? Do you think because you took pity on me that it would erase everything humans have done to me? To my people?" Turning his gaze skywards, to where the shadows of his ships still darkened the city, he sighed. "You humans really are despicable. Thinking that one act of compassion is enough."
At this, she scrambled to her feet, her hand pressed to her side. "Then what about you?! You think we'll bow our heads to you after what you've done?! You think that omnics will fall to their knees and praise you, Ravager?!"
At this, Ramattra's lights flashed red and he picked her up by the front of her plugsuit, ignoring her cry of pain. "Do you think I care about what humans think, girl?!"
Even in his grip, she had the gall to grin at him. "Then why did you keep my pin? Why ask me if I hate you or not?"
It hurt to be dangling like this. Her suit dug painfully against the cut on her side, but Hana smiled through her pain as the Ravager finally set her down. She held up the pin in question. "If you didn't care, you wouldn't have kept this. If you didn't care about thoughts of humans, you wouldn't have asked me my opinion of you. Ravager, you may not care about what humans think, but it seems like you seem to care an awful lot of what I think."
Hate? All those months ago, she wouldn't have considered such a word for the Ravager at all. She had wanted to be friends with him. Watch lame movies with him. Maybe even work together. Now though? After today, then yes. She can hate him.
Loathe him for what he's made of her.
"You test my patience, girl." He hissed at her, his fingers twitching around his staff. An act that didn't go unnoticed by her. Maybe she was pushing her luck, but right now? She didn't care.
"Fuck your patience. I hate you so much. I do my best to bring good to this world and you...you are messing it up! What you're doing is dumb and wrong! Omnics that won't join you are being forced against thei-"
He cut her off by lifting his staff, a small ball of energy vibrating dangerously at the crook. "Choose your next words carefully, human. I do still owe you a debt after all."
"It's Hana, not huma-nngh." Staggering a bit, she steadied herself by leaning against the wall. Ramattra glanced at her ruined mech and then back at her. "What?"
What indeed. He could leave her here, but as he had stated moments ago, he owed her. And he always paid back his debts. Since she had saved his life, it was only natural that he would help her.
If only she wasn't being so difficult. And infuriating.
"With that thing destroyed, you have no hope of making it out of here in one piece."
She snorted and waved her hand dismissively. "Best kill me now then. If you don't I'll hunt you down and take you apart, Ravager." Tapping her forehead, she grinned. "Better make it count."
That made him falter. Not that he knew much about her, but she had never seemed to type to have a death wish. The very thought of her being dead never crossed his mind, and he found that he didn't like that motion at all.
"I do not wish to hurt you."
"But I very much want to hurt you for all you've done. Look around! You want rights for your people but are willing to hurt them in the process too? No, why would a Ravager like you think about that, huh?"
Ravager this. Ravager that. It irked him and he had grown tired of humoring her. Tapping his staff hard on the ground to gain her attention, Ramattra pointed at himself. "Ramattra. Not Ravager, not R-7000. I have a name, so use it."
Normally he wouldn't have given his name out so easily like that, but he despised how 'Ravager' sounded coming from her. Even if that was what he was, his name was something that he had chosen for himself. It proved his existence in this world, did it not?
The girl, Hana, looked at him with surprise. Like if she hadn't been expecting that. Was it so surprising that he had a name? That there was more than just being an R-7000?
"...I hate owing humans anything. You saved my life, so in turn, I will save yours." He held his hand out to her, but Hana slapped his hand away. From the looks of it, she instantly regretted it as he didn't even flinch, and now she was cradling her hand to her chest. He stared down at his own hand, and flexed his fingers before retracting it back to his side. "I see."
So much time wasted. All he was going to do in the first place was check on Stalker's condition and instead he found her. His once savior. Who now hated him.
He shouldn't care. He thought he wouldn't care if she did or not, but in the end, it seemed like her words actually did sting. Once he had thought that he wasn't capable of feeling that way, but somehow this girl, this human...Hana, was making him feel like he was malfunctioning.
Ramattra didn't like it one bit.
A noise in the distance got both their attentions, and he decided that now was the time to withdraw. Looking back down at the injured girl, he removed the cloak that he was wearing and dropped it at her feet.
"Looks like our time together is up, Hana. You're welcome to try and come rip me apart if you can," he laughed and started to walk away from her, not daring to look back. "I'll be waiting."
She watched him go, her rage still bubbling beneath her skin. His cloak, the same one she had started to sow for him so long ago, laid there, as if mocking her. It had been modified to better fit his tastes but she could still recognize her own mismatched stitching in some parts.
He was still within her sights, but even if she tried to chase him now, there was no way Hana would catch him. Ramattra. Well, even boss monsters had names.
In the distance, she could hear the faint sounds of Angela and Vivian calling her name, so it was best to stay still. Even so, she yelled at his back, "I fucking will! Mark my words, Rav-Ramattra, I'll find you and make you pay!"
She had to do it. It was her fault things had turned out this way. No matter what she thought she had once felt for him, before she knew who he was, that was gone. Replaced with the determination to hunt Ramattra down until she could dismantle him to pieces.
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zindabad · 1 year
Ok so here’s my day very hunter Biden Timmy c went to the bank made appointments then it rained really hard so I had to run home and then I went to a tattoo place and got my Richie rich finished I’ll post pics later then I went to another one bc I wanted to get my ears pierced but they didn’t do piercings so I kept walking until I hit downtown I went to the Eaton centre I got kinton ramen it sucks compared to Toronto Indiana Jones is playing but I’ll just download it a mall cop gave me shit for charging my phone walking home a native guy was selling jewellery I got a quarts necklace and a turqoise ring and I fucked this girl w snake tattoos from the apps love her she fixed a knot in my back I wanted to dye my hair blonde or silver like riz Ahmed but the lady said it’s bad for men and my hairs not gonna grow back so I didn’t dye it I still have to buy a new iPhone , get a haircut , get my ears pierced and find some sort of lsd mushroom delivery service I also want drip but like I’m in my peaceful era and not attention seeky but like I should wear nice clothes to feel good not as a conversation starter same way I get my tattoos hidden like don’t look at me it’s all just for me
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