#toshinko week 2019
radioactivepeasant · 5 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
(Since it's Toshinko Week, this is actually a bnha prompt from the Day 5 prompt: "Ghosts")
The memory was bittersweet. Inko had been twenty-six, and her parents had been pressuring her to start looking for a husband. She hadn't felt like she was ready yet. (It didn't help that the person her parents wanted her to marry, Hisashi Fujioka, wasn't actually interested in marrying her. The poor guy was in love with a woman his own parents had deemed "unsuitable", whatever that meant.)
In an effort to cheer her up (or spite her family, either was possible), Inko's friends had decided to set her up on a blind date. Except there had been a mix-up. Her friend Asuka Kayama had a younger sister with a mischievous streak. Sixteen year old Nemuri had apparently decided that the location just wasn't romantic enough, and changed the meeting place.
It didn't occur to her that her elder sister wasn't the person going on the date, and so she didn't tell Asuka until Inko had already left.
That was how Inko found herself sitting alone in a cafe, staring into her coffee. This was a waste of time. She barely had a description of the other person besides "tall" and "blue eyes". That could be anyone! Her phone was buzzing frantically with texts from Asuka, but Inko didn't want to admit defeat yet. She'd give it five more minutes before she gave up on Mystery Date.
With a frustrated huff that didn't quite relieve a trickle of hurt, Inko took her hair down out of the bun Mitsuki had put it in. It didn't feel like her, anyway. She swept it back up into her usual half-up, half-down style. That was when she heard the whispers.
"Stop staring."
"I'm not!"
"You totally are," the first voice whispered, "You look like you've seen a ghost! Just go talk to her or something!"
"What?! No!" the second man sounded ever so slightly panicked. "Absolutely not!"
Inko picked up her drink and pretended she wasn't listening in. She wondered who they were talking about. It was amusing to listen to, at least.
"Look, do you want to be a smooth gentleman, or do you want to be a creepy weirdo who stares at women in cafes? Simple enough decision, right?"
There was a stifled noise of sheer indignation. "Hey! I was there when you met Deborah, Dave. You do not get to talk to me about not looking like a weirdo."
Suddenly a grinning American man appeared at the edge of Inko's table.
"Hi! Sorry to interrupt you, I just wanted to let you know that my buddy thinks your hair is really pretty. He's just too shy to say anything, so he's hiding behind the menu right now. I figured I'd apologize on his behalf if you noticed him staring."
A giant of a man launched from the booth to the left of the table and clamped a hand over the American's mouth. Inko had to crane her neck to see his horrified grimace.
"Is he bothering you, miss? I'm so sorry, I just can't take him anywhere these days."
Inko thought of Mitsuki and snorted. "I know the feeling."
Blushing furiously, the tall man tugged on one of the bangs framing his face as if he were seriously contemplating pulling them over his face entirely. "I do like your hair, though," he mumbled. "It, ah...reminds me...of something."
"Um...thanks?" Inko self-consciously tucked a strand behind her ear. "I mean, I copied the look from a hero I met once, maybe that's what you're thinking of?"
Dave, by some miracle, managed to push his friend's hand off his mouth. "Oh cool, you met a hero? Which one?"
Backtracking, Inko waved her hands. "Aw man, I don't really want to say, it sounds like one of those "then everyone clapped" kinds of stories!"
Dave shrugged. "Fair enough. Although, pretty much everyone who meets, like, All Might has a story like that. And they're usually true! So it might not be that far-fetched."
His companion groaned and hung his head. "Dave, why are you like this?"
Inko couldn't help it, she started giggling. It was nice to know she wasn't the only person who experienced things like this. Taking pity on the two, she introduced herself.
"I'm Inko." She smiled and glanced at the t-shirt the tall man wore. "Oh! Retail Shift: Quirkpocalypse fan?"
"T-Toshinori," he sputtered in reply. "And uh, yeah. I mean, I know it's not like...great television, but-"
"But it's so funny though!" Inko accidentally interrupted. "They take every post-apocalyptic trope and just throw it out the window!"
Toshinori finally cracked a grin. "Oh my gosh, yes. Like the zombies that just keep doing whatever they were doing before the outbreak, so that one keeps demanding to talk to the manager-"
"-and she's falling apart just a little bit more every time, but her hair is perfect!" Inko finished, laughing.
"Retail is just like that sometimes," Dave interjected. "Or that's what my wife says, anyway."
They ended up all moving to the same table to continue the discussion more conveniently. After that, Toshinori and Inko met several other times without his friend Dave. It was casual enough, but Inko found herself genuinely looking forward to the time she spent with Toshinori. And despite how often he had to leave for odd work shifts over the year that followed, he seemed to feel the same.
But Inko's parents, it seemed, did not share her enthusiasm. They increased the pressure on her to marry, as did the Fujioka family, and in the end, they won.
Hisashi took Inko's family name, mostly as a sign of independence from his overbearing father and older brother. But neither of them were particularly happy. When they had their first and only child, Izuku, things got a little better. But when Hisashi's parents started meddling in their parenting, the two decided that enough was enough. After a quiet and amicable divorce (which Inko sometimes referred to as "Operation Save Hisashi" in more lighthearted moments), Hisashi made his escape to study archaeology overseas. He sent a little money back every month, even though he didn't make much. More often, he sent Inko and Izuku tiny replicas of artifacts that were "only probably not cursed".
Years later, Inko and her son happened to be doing their grocery shopping in the neighborhood near Dagobah beach when Inko thought she saw someone familiar.
"Mom?" Izuku frowned softly. "You're staring. What-?"
Quite suddenly, he snapped his mouth shut, and an almost panicked look came into his eyes.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Inko chided gently when she noticed.
"You do, too," Izuku protested weakly.
She'd been staring at a very tall, very thin man perusing the tea aisle. His wild hair reminded her of something, a fond memory she couldn't quite place until the man turned to face them. He was wearing an oversized t-shirt that Inko had definitely seen before.
"Retail Shift: Quirkpocalypse!" she blurted out without thinking.
The man jolted and began coughing harshly into a handkerchief covered in alarming stains. Izuku instantly scurried to the man's side, asking if he was alright, if he needed anything. (Inko felt a mixture of pride for her son and embarrassment for startling this poor stranger.)
"I'm sorry!" Inko fished out a clean handkerchief and stretched up to hand it to the man. "I didn't mean to- I just saw the shirt and thought- oh dear, are you alright?"
"Please don't trouble yourself on my account," the man protested, "This just happens sometimes." He cleared his throat a few times and then examined Inko with a kind of surprised curiosity in his eyes.
"Pardon me," he said suddenly, "But haven't we met before?"
Inko gasped. "It is you, isn't it?" she demanded. "Oh my goodness, what are the odds?"
At this, a tiny smile, riddled with shock, began to slide across the man's face. "It's...good to see you again, Inko. It's been a long time."
Completely bewildered, Izuku looked from Toshinori to his mother and back again.
"Wait...you know my mom?"
Toshinori blinked. "She's your mother?!"
Now Inko looked confused. "You've met my son?"
"Excuse me, please," a reedy voice interrupted them all, "But if you aren't going to buy anything, would you mind moving so I can reach the tea?"
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yanmazu · 5 years
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Day 06 - Family/Domestic
#173: I don’t think I had any other choice. Family? Domestic? It called for Toshinko stuff. So here we have Toshinori finally testing if Inko’s cooking is as good as what Izuku says. Spoiler Alert: it is
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jazthestampede · 5 years
let vickie keep her secret.
fandom: boku no hero academia | my hero academia
pairing: yagi toshinori/midoriya inko
word count: 357
rating: m
tags: lingerie, sex toys under clothing, yagi toshinori cannot stop blushing, confident inko
notes: written for #toshinkoweek2019 day 3: time/secret
summary: “so, do you do this often? walk around in lingerie, i mean.”
“i do, actually.” what.
read on ao3
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crazytwirlcurls · 4 years
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Toshinko Week 2020 Day 3: Fantasy / Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
All Might and his fantasy.
That’s it, that’s the post.
(Inko was a sketch from 2019 that I decided to outline and color which turned into this for the prompt lmao)
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toshinkoweek · 5 years
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Welcome to the second annual Toshinko Week! Toshinko Week is a seven day fandom event meant to celebrate the ship of All Might, the Symbol of Peace, Toshinori Yagi, and Inko Midoriya, the mother of Izuku Midoriya.
Last year’s event had a TON of wonderful content dedicated to our favorite might parents, and I can’t wait to see what this year’s week brings!
Mark your calendars! This year’s event will be held during the first week of September, the 1st through the 7th!
Day 1: Soulmates / Affection Day 2: Colors / Quirks Day 3: Time / Secret Day 4: Future / Memory Day 5: Ghost / Couch Day 6: Music / Dreams Day 7: Free Day / AU
I have decided to revise some of the rules from last year, but please feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns!
All content needs to focus on Toshinko! Side ships are allowed, but please remember this event is for celebrating our love for toshinko!
Any form of original fan content is allowed! Fanfiction, fan art, edits, colorings, cosplay, audio, amvs, headcanons, poetry, etc!
You do not need to use the prompts, or post something for every day. These are meant simply as a helpful tool if desired.
Have any nsfw content posted under a Read More and/or properly tagged on AO3/FFN.
Do NOT steal, use, or edit other’s content, no matter what it is. Reposters will be blocked.
Be kind and civil to all other participants. If you don’t like something about their content, simply ignore, filter, or block them.
Any genre of content, including angst, is allowed, but please tag any possible triggers!
Be courteous if you have side ships and characters. For example, if you include any additional ships, please Do Not include those in the Relationship tag on AO3. Extra ships and characters that are not the main focus should go in the Additional Tags.
Please be patient with the mods if we don’t get to reblogging your post right away, as this event is a fun hobby, not irl. Feel free to send a message or submit a link to your post if it is not reblogged within 24 hours, or not showing up in the tag. (Tumblr is dumb sometimes.)
Have fun!!!
Please use the tags #toshinkoweek and/or #toshinkoweek2019 (With No Spaces Please!), or @toshinkoweek so that your posts can be easily tracked, found and reblogged!
We hope you’ll participate and have fun!!
(banner by admin @zenzenzence)
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thedarkivist · 5 years
Toshinko Week 2019
For convenience’s sake, here are the links to all the stories I wrote for the Toshinko week, in order. 
In the Morning
All Might’s Favourite
Catastrophic Scenario
I Don’t Want to Wake Up
That Time Toshinori Got Hit On
Bonus - all the headers under the cut:
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bnhafandomcalendar · 5 years
BNHA Fandom Calendar: Week of 6 October 2019
Hi, folks, and welcome to the week! October is big for month-long events, so check out some of those, and check out all the new projects. And as always, anything highlighted red is ending this week - or in the case of those month-long events, ongoing this week.
Upcoming ship and event weeks:
@villainmonth is 1-31 October - this month!
@zine-tsuchako‘s Fancontent Fest is 1-31 October - this month!
@it-zines is hosting Angstober from 1-31 October - this month!
@bnhatimeflash is 6-12 October - this week!
@shoutokodiscordblog​‘s ShouToko week will be 27 Oct-2 Nov.
Exchanges and big bangs:
@bnhararepairbang, a rare pair big bang, is holding pinch hitter artist signups. (closing date tba)
@bnhabutb99, a BNHA/Brooklyn 99 mini-bang, is holding pinch hitter signups. (closing date tba)
Zine preorders:
@aubkdkplanner, an AU BakuDeku planner (closing 14 Oct)
@bakugoukatsukizine, a Bakugou zine (closing 19 Oct)
EXTENDED: @acidzine, a Mina zine (closing 31 Oct)
NEW: @bnha-fairytale-zine, a fairytale-themed zine (closing 4 Nov)
NEW: @katsukitchen, a Bakugou-centric cooking zine (closing 5 Nov)
NEW: @victory-mag, a tabloid-style zine (closing 11 Nov)
@bnharegencyzine, a regency AU zine, is holding leftover sales (closing 15 Nov)
@ochaminazine, an OchaMina zine, is holding leftover sales (closing date tba)
UPDATED: @toshinko-zine, a Toshinko zine (closing date tba)
NEW: @summerexplosionzine, a KiriKacchako zine, is available for free PDF download.
Zine contributor applications:
@foxfire-fanzine, a Kinoko zone (closing 14 Oct)
@inksmithzine, an anthology zine, is looking for artists (closing 15 Oct)
NEW: @krbkholidayzine, a holiday-themed KiriBaku zine (closing 17 Oct)
@coldflame-zines, a Todoroki family zine (closing 30 Oct)
@wonderduorising, a BakuDeku anthology zine (closing 31 Oct)
NEW: @bnha-helpwanted, a job-themed zine (closing 31 Oct)
NEW: @shigarakizine, a Shigaraki zine (closing 31 Oct)
Moderator applications:
NEW: @bnha-helpwanted, a job-themed zine (closing 10 Oct)
@kirishimazine, a Kirishima zine (closing 10 Oct)
@kchkfantasyzine, a Kacchako fantasy AU zine (closing 14 Oct)
Interest checks:
@todokamizine, a TodoKami zine (closing 10 Oct)
@dabihawks-vdayexchange, a DabiHawks Valentine’s Day exchange (closing 11 Oct)
@bnha-eras-zine, a history-themed zine (closing 11 Oct)
NEW: @kamijirou-zine, a KamiJirou zine (closing 20 Oct)
@queen-b-zine, a 1B girls zine (closing 1 Nov)
UPDATED: @zine-tsuchako, a Tsuchako zine (closing 15 Nov)
@ayakashikami is holding an interest check for a Bakugou zine (closing date tba)
@bnhaanonfic, an anonymous fic-writing contest (closing date tba)
If you have questions, concerns, corrections, or know about an event you don’t see listed, send me a message! And remember that reblogs spread the word about the calendar. I’ll see you all next week - Plus Ultra!
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castalyne · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might Characters: Inko Midoriya, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Additional Tags: Toshinko Week 2019 Summary:
Written for Toshinko Week 2019
Day 1 Affection
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Catastrophic Scenario
Catastrophic Scenario by NohrianxScum
Izuku was blocking the entry to the living room with his own body.
“You mustn't go in, mum,” he said, his voice shaking. “It's for your own safety.”
Words: 882, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Toshinko Week 2019
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Relationships: Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Toshinko Week 2019, Cats, Humor, they're married, Domestic Fluff, Mentions of other characters - Freeform
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20525753
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radioactivepeasant · 5 years
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Toshinko Week Day 3: "Secrets"
Either this is some kind of au where All Might is a vigilante/villain and only Inko knows, or, (as was my original intent), Inko's been secretly helping All Might prepare for his lessons out of the notebooks Izuku left at home.
Cue cartoon shenanigans as they try to keep the students from finding out about their unofficial teacher's assistant.
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ladysunamireads · 5 years
Schrödinger's Husband
Schrödinger's Husband by Yanmazu
Hisashi Midoriya might be simultaneously both alive and dead, at this point. And Toshinori will have to face the truth, especially if he wants to keep sleeping on the couch...
Words: 1668, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of Toshinko Week 2019
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Inko, Midoriya Izuku
Relationships: Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Featuring the haunting presence of Hisashi Midoriya, Special Guest Star: Couch Midoriya
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20528891
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yanmazu · 5 years
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I’m not sure I’ll manage to follow all the @bnha-fluff-week prompts but here’s an attempt! 
#168 - Seasons
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jazthestampede · 5 years
of forest nymphs and heavenly bodies.
fandom: boku no hero academia | my hero academia
pairing: yagi toshinori/midoriya inko
word count: 146
rating: m
tags: non-explicit sex, intimacy, so many similes, intimacy, so soft it’s SAWFT, flash flc
summary: moss green and sunshine yellow. what a match they make
notes: written for #toshinkoweek2019 day 2: colors/quirks
read on ao3
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crazytwirlcurls · 5 years
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Toshinko Week 2019: Day 1 - Soulmates / Affection
Cuddles and comfort make these two feel relaxed on a calm day
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zenzenzence · 5 years
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"Your master was really beautiful!" "She was!"
TOSHINKO WEEK 2019 ↳Day 4: Memory
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toshinkoweek · 5 years
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With September over, I wanted to take some time to thank everyone who participated in our second annual event, Toshinko Week 2019! If you were able to make content for the whole week, or just one day, thank you from the bottom of my heart! Your contributions were what made this event possible! Thank you so much for all the time, love and effort you put into your posts!
Special thanks to this year’s lovely content creators, listed alphabetically:
I hope you enjoyed this event, and see you next year! Plus Ultra!
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