crazytwirlcurls · 5 years
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Toshinko Week 2019: Day 1 - Soulmates / Affection
Cuddles and comfort make these two feel relaxed on a calm day
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dazeddoodles · 5 years
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The primary way to kiss your tall lanky boyfriend
For Day 1 of @toshinkoweek: Affection 
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Every time Inko came home from work and Izuku turned on the TV to follow the news about All Might, it felt like she was seeing a ghost. Everybody knew him in his heroic form, even her son was an absolute fan of him, and he did not even know what made him so special in this household. She just could not bring those words over her lips.
That is your father.
It could be so simple, it was just four words, one sentence, and yet she would probably never be able to say that. She did not even know if she really wanted it. She loved Izuku, she also loved his father, but she did not consider it good if her son knew about it. He would expect too much, or worse, would accidentally tell someone and then he would be in danger. She could not and did not want it to happen, no. She knew he would not agree, so they would keep it a secret. Because honestly? Who would believe her? ‘I'm married to All Might under a fake name and we have a kid together, yes, I have not seen him for a long time, but I'm sure he still loves us.’
She could not say that, so she had learned to bury such thoughts.
Ghosts of the past should stay in this as well, that has always been her opinion. But sometimes ... they followed her in each waking moment, she had to realize with a pang in her heart when she first saw his debut video. After that, after Izuku was in the world. Both of them had followed his career religiously, her more than him, but that was simply their tradition in this household. Others preached Buddhism, Christianity, or something else, for them it was All Might. Toshinori Yagi, whom Izuku only knew as Hisashi Midoriya.
If she was honest, then she had almost been content to just watch him on TV and rarely get an email from him - he was not ignorant of his family, it was just that he was always away to save someone, to repair something, to improve this society slowly, so she could not put the blame completely on him. But there were other heroes who were simply not competent enough, so he always had to help.
But as she said, she had become so used to his absence that it almost did not bother her anymore. Nearly.
Then, some time after Izuku had changed his life and habits out of thin air and started training, counting calories, and being out of the house for a long time, even though his academic performance remained as it always was, he stood before her.
She had not expected him, in any way, and yet one night he stood at her door, his figure a shadow of his public self, Izuku sleeping on his back and he looked at her seriously and nervously. She would recognize him everywhere. No one else had these wild blond hair, such electric blue eyes in combination with his size. It was as if she saw a ghost. Nevertheless, it was shocking to see him like this, so sick, so fragile, as if every breeze could knock him over.
"Toshinori?" She managed softly, because she just had to ask if it was him, if ... if she was not mistaken, if she had not lost her mind.
His mouth twitched a bit, but otherwise his sunken face remained the same. "Inko."
"You're here ..." she mumbled and she was sure he could read the uncertainty in her gestures because he had always been good at it. He hesitated. "This is me. Can I ...? "He made a move toward Izuku, who was calmly asleep, as if nothing in the world could disturb him. "He's getting heavy and-"
"Oh, of course, come in!" She said more excitedly than she actually wanted to, but her heart had begun to flutter, in a way she had almost forgotten. She pointed to a door. "This is his room," she said, but rushed to open the door for Toshinori to put Izuku right in his bed. She did not have the heart to wake her baby, not when he finally looked so peaceful and relaxed. When the blonde gently closed the door to the nursery, he turned to her and her heart began to race again. Moments passed and yet neither of them made a sound before ...
"He looks like you," he said in a soft voice, and a loving expression spread across his face. "He has your traits," she merely confirmed, and yet she did not manage to get closer to him. How did one confront someone whom one had not seen in such a long time, who she hardly been recognized, who had missed so much, when so much time had passed ...?
"Your eyes are still beautiful," he managed softly, almost silently, but it seemed as if he had screamed it into the world aloud.
She took the two steps toward him, raising her arms and taking his face in her hands, which he allowed only too willingly. "And your smile is still a national treasure," she whispered, closing her eyes as his forehead touched hers and they were just enjoyed each other's presence.
Sometimes ... you should let the ghosts that have followed you in. Not all were bad.
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radioactivepeasant · 5 years
Fic Prompts: Free Day Thursday
(Since it's Toshinko Week, this is actually a bnha prompt from the Day 5 prompt: "Ghosts")
The memory was bittersweet. Inko had been twenty-six, and her parents had been pressuring her to start looking for a husband. She hadn't felt like she was ready yet. (It didn't help that the person her parents wanted her to marry, Hisashi Fujioka, wasn't actually interested in marrying her. The poor guy was in love with a woman his own parents had deemed "unsuitable", whatever that meant.)
In an effort to cheer her up (or spite her family, either was possible), Inko's friends had decided to set her up on a blind date. Except there had been a mix-up. Her friend Asuka Kayama had a younger sister with a mischievous streak. Sixteen year old Nemuri had apparently decided that the location just wasn't romantic enough, and changed the meeting place.
It didn't occur to her that her elder sister wasn't the person going on the date, and so she didn't tell Asuka until Inko had already left.
That was how Inko found herself sitting alone in a cafe, staring into her coffee. This was a waste of time. She barely had a description of the other person besides "tall" and "blue eyes". That could be anyone! Her phone was buzzing frantically with texts from Asuka, but Inko didn't want to admit defeat yet. She'd give it five more minutes before she gave up on Mystery Date.
With a frustrated huff that didn't quite relieve a trickle of hurt, Inko took her hair down out of the bun Mitsuki had put it in. It didn't feel like her, anyway. She swept it back up into her usual half-up, half-down style. That was when she heard the whispers.
"Stop staring."
"I'm not!"
"You totally are," the first voice whispered, "You look like you've seen a ghost! Just go talk to her or something!"
"What?! No!" the second man sounded ever so slightly panicked. "Absolutely not!"
Inko picked up her drink and pretended she wasn't listening in. She wondered who they were talking about. It was amusing to listen to, at least.
"Look, do you want to be a smooth gentleman, or do you want to be a creepy weirdo who stares at women in cafes? Simple enough decision, right?"
There was a stifled noise of sheer indignation. "Hey! I was there when you met Deborah, Dave. You do not get to talk to me about not looking like a weirdo."
Suddenly a grinning American man appeared at the edge of Inko's table.
"Hi! Sorry to interrupt you, I just wanted to let you know that my buddy thinks your hair is really pretty. He's just too shy to say anything, so he's hiding behind the menu right now. I figured I'd apologize on his behalf if you noticed him staring."
A giant of a man launched from the booth to the left of the table and clamped a hand over the American's mouth. Inko had to crane her neck to see his horrified grimace.
"Is he bothering you, miss? I'm so sorry, I just can't take him anywhere these days."
Inko thought of Mitsuki and snorted. "I know the feeling."
Blushing furiously, the tall man tugged on one of the bangs framing his face as if he were seriously contemplating pulling them over his face entirely. "I do like your hair, though," he mumbled. "It, ah...reminds me...of something."
"Um...thanks?" Inko self-consciously tucked a strand behind her ear. "I mean, I copied the look from a hero I met once, maybe that's what you're thinking of?"
Dave, by some miracle, managed to push his friend's hand off his mouth. "Oh cool, you met a hero? Which one?"
Backtracking, Inko waved her hands. "Aw man, I don't really want to say, it sounds like one of those "then everyone clapped" kinds of stories!"
Dave shrugged. "Fair enough. Although, pretty much everyone who meets, like, All Might has a story like that. And they're usually true! So it might not be that far-fetched."
His companion groaned and hung his head. "Dave, why are you like this?"
Inko couldn't help it, she started giggling. It was nice to know she wasn't the only person who experienced things like this. Taking pity on the two, she introduced herself.
"I'm Inko." She smiled and glanced at the t-shirt the tall man wore. "Oh! Retail Shift: Quirkpocalypse fan?"
"T-Toshinori," he sputtered in reply. "And uh, yeah. I mean, I know it's not like...great television, but-"
"But it's so funny though!" Inko accidentally interrupted. "They take every post-apocalyptic trope and just throw it out the window!"
Toshinori finally cracked a grin. "Oh my gosh, yes. Like the zombies that just keep doing whatever they were doing before the outbreak, so that one keeps demanding to talk to the manager-"
"-and she's falling apart just a little bit more every time, but her hair is perfect!" Inko finished, laughing.
"Retail is just like that sometimes," Dave interjected. "Or that's what my wife says, anyway."
They ended up all moving to the same table to continue the discussion more conveniently. After that, Toshinori and Inko met several other times without his friend Dave. It was casual enough, but Inko found herself genuinely looking forward to the time she spent with Toshinori. And despite how often he had to leave for odd work shifts over the year that followed, he seemed to feel the same.
But Inko's parents, it seemed, did not share her enthusiasm. They increased the pressure on her to marry, as did the Fujioka family, and in the end, they won.
Hisashi took Inko's family name, mostly as a sign of independence from his overbearing father and older brother. But neither of them were particularly happy. When they had their first and only child, Izuku, things got a little better. But when Hisashi's parents started meddling in their parenting, the two decided that enough was enough. After a quiet and amicable divorce (which Inko sometimes referred to as "Operation Save Hisashi" in more lighthearted moments), Hisashi made his escape to study archaeology overseas. He sent a little money back every month, even though he didn't make much. More often, he sent Inko and Izuku tiny replicas of artifacts that were "only probably not cursed".
Years later, Inko and her son happened to be doing their grocery shopping in the neighborhood near Dagobah beach when Inko thought she saw someone familiar.
"Mom?" Izuku frowned softly. "You're staring. What-?"
Quite suddenly, he snapped his mouth shut, and an almost panicked look came into his eyes.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Inko chided gently when she noticed.
"You do, too," Izuku protested weakly.
She'd been staring at a very tall, very thin man perusing the tea aisle. His wild hair reminded her of something, a fond memory she couldn't quite place until the man turned to face them. He was wearing an oversized t-shirt that Inko had definitely seen before.
"Retail Shift: Quirkpocalypse!" she blurted out without thinking.
The man jolted and began coughing harshly into a handkerchief covered in alarming stains. Izuku instantly scurried to the man's side, asking if he was alright, if he needed anything. (Inko felt a mixture of pride for her son and embarrassment for startling this poor stranger.)
"I'm sorry!" Inko fished out a clean handkerchief and stretched up to hand it to the man. "I didn't mean to- I just saw the shirt and thought- oh dear, are you alright?"
"Please don't trouble yourself on my account," the man protested, "This just happens sometimes." He cleared his throat a few times and then examined Inko with a kind of surprised curiosity in his eyes.
"Pardon me," he said suddenly, "But haven't we met before?"
Inko gasped. "It is you, isn't it?" she demanded. "Oh my goodness, what are the odds?"
At this, a tiny smile, riddled with shock, began to slide across the man's face. "It's...good to see you again, Inko. It's been a long time."
Completely bewildered, Izuku looked from Toshinori to his mother and back again.
"Wait...you know my mom?"
Toshinori blinked. "She's your mother?!"
Now Inko looked confused. "You've met my son?"
"Excuse me, please," a reedy voice interrupted them all, "But if you aren't going to buy anything, would you mind moving so I can reach the tea?"
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yanmazu · 5 years
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Toshinko Week 2019 Day #03 Secret
#246: Do you want to know a secret? (Once again, fanfic will be shamelessly reblogged so you can find it in the notes)
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toshinkoweek · 5 years
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Welcome to the second annual Toshinko Week! Toshinko Week is a seven day fandom event meant to celebrate the ship of All Might, the Symbol of Peace, Toshinori Yagi, and Inko Midoriya, the mother of Izuku Midoriya.
Last year’s event had a TON of wonderful content dedicated to our favorite might parents, and I can’t wait to see what this year’s week brings!
Mark your calendars! This year’s event will be held during the first week of September, the 1st through the 7th!
Day 1: Soulmates / Affection Day 2: Colors / Quirks Day 3: Time / Secret Day 4: Future / Memory Day 5: Ghost / Couch Day 6: Music / Dreams Day 7: Free Day / AU
I have decided to revise some of the rules from last year, but please feel free to message me if you have any questions or concerns!
All content needs to focus on Toshinko! Side ships are allowed, but please remember this event is for celebrating our love for toshinko!
Any form of original fan content is allowed! Fanfiction, fan art, edits, colorings, cosplay, audio, amvs, headcanons, poetry, etc!
You do not need to use the prompts, or post something for every day. These are meant simply as a helpful tool if desired.
Have any nsfw content posted under a Read More and/or properly tagged on AO3/FFN.
Do NOT steal, use, or edit other’s content, no matter what it is. Reposters will be blocked.
Be kind and civil to all other participants. If you don’t like something about their content, simply ignore, filter, or block them.
Any genre of content, including angst, is allowed, but please tag any possible triggers!
Be courteous if you have side ships and characters. For example, if you include any additional ships, please Do Not include those in the Relationship tag on AO3. Extra ships and characters that are not the main focus should go in the Additional Tags.
Please be patient with the mods if we don’t get to reblogging your post right away, as this event is a fun hobby, not irl. Feel free to send a message or submit a link to your post if it is not reblogged within 24 hours, or not showing up in the tag. (Tumblr is dumb sometimes.)
Have fun!!!
Please use the tags #toshinkoweek and/or #toshinkoweek2019 (With No Spaces Please!), or @toshinkoweek so that your posts can be easily tracked, found and reblogged!
We hope you’ll participate and have fun!!
(banner by admin @zenzenzence)
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ladyrosy56 · 5 years
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Day 4 : Future
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thedarkivist · 5 years
That Time Toshinori Got Hit On
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Read on AO3
Toshinori leaned back in the plastic chair, listening for any tell-tale creaks suggesting the cheap plastic was about to give up on its purpose of supporting the mountain of muscle he was. Used to be. Those dark thoughts didn’t really match the setting. It was a quiet morning. Cool, crisp air and early autumn sunlight that warmed without burning. First touches of gold on the trees around the apartment complex. He was sitting on the balcony of his new flat, ankles resting on the top of the railing, a bottle of tea and a well-loved copy of Mutual Agreement in reach.
Then again, it was his flat; he could sulk if he wanted to.
The Hall of Fame did that to him, he suspected. Most large hospitals had a special ward for heroes injured in the line of duty, since the rates of accidents were higher every year, but Hall of Fame was special. When a hero was moved there, it meant everyone wished them a quick and complete recovery, but nobody believed it would come.
He was so lucky to get out of that haunted place at all, but he walked away with some of its essence following him around, like his shadow’s more faithful twin.
To add an insult to the injury – the many injuries – he was told to take it easy for a while. Taking it easy was the exact opposite of what he wanted to do. Firstly, people needed his help, secondly, he didn’t appreciate having all that time to think. From then on, he could no longer pretend to be invincible. He had limits. He might be forced to calculate how much hero work he could do in one day, and he wasn’t yet ready for that. There were people to be saved at all times of the day – he didn’t want to have to choose. The irrevocable fate of one predestined to fall.
Toshinori threw his head over the back of the chair, running his fingers through his hair. The plastic chair didn’t even have the decency to give him at least a tiny creak. He knew he had lost a lot of weight, it didn’t have to rub it in like that.
He got up and leaned over the railing, soaking up the sunshine. Then it started to rain, because of course it fucking did. Or rather, he was hit by what could be a bucketful of water, and then by a solid object. Out of pure instinct, he caught it. A watering can.
Toshinori looked up and found himself face to face with a woman. Her face was crimson, clashing with her dark green hair. She was leaning forward so much Toshinori feared she’d be falling off the balcony next, to follow her watering can.
“I’m so sorry!” she called down. “Are you all right?”
He gave her thumbs up, and lifted the can.
“Are you gonna want this back?” he joked. The confused blink he got in response suggested his delivery left something to be desired.
“Yes, please, if you don’t mind. I’ll be right there, uh, if I can get it back. It won’t happen again.” She put her hands on her cheeks, looking so devastated he forgave her immediately. She disappeared and he could hear some rustling, then a slam of the glass door from the balcony above.
Toshinori shook his head, and had to smile, despite himself. Not quite how he imagined to meet his neighbours.
Five minutes later, there was a tentative knock on his door. He grabbed the watering can and opened the door for the woman. She was still a little flushed and in her hands was a lovely bouquet of assorted flowers from her balcony.
“Again, I’m very sorry,” she said with a bow. “It won’t happen again.”
He gave her the can back and accepted his flowers, taken aback by the gesture. “I… feel free to, really. It’ll keep me on my tiptoes!”
Her eyes widened in surprise, and then she started laughing. In that single moment, Toshinori realised one thing: Maybe he couldn’t do much at the moment, but that wouldn’t stop him from looking for other ways to make her laugh like that.
As soon as he learnt her name.
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onesmolbean49 · 5 years
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Day 1: Soulmates/Affection
This is my first time participating in Toshinko Week and I’m hecking excited to share my content with you all! :)
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bnha-fan-artist · 5 years
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Toshinko week day 1!
A new Red String of Fate appears after the first begins to fade and tangle but it's blocked off by the pad lock of a ring on her finger. Will the new relationship unlock new possibilities for the both of them? Or will the one with the key keep his distance?
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crazytwirlcurls · 5 years
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Toshinko Week 2019: Day 2 - Colors / Quirks
All Might: “Whoa! You’ve really swept me off my feet with this picnic, Inko”
Inko: “Hehee, I told you I would, Toshi”
Picnic date planned by Inko with her pulling all the stops which include showing Toshi how much her quirk use has improved since self training.
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dazeddoodles · 5 years
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For @toshinkoweek Day 6: Music They were washing dishes while listening to music when Inko’s favorite song came on. Soon enough the two were slow dancing in the kitchen.
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au/free day
You could say whatever you wanted, but Inko definitely had not expected her son - the five-year-old son who had disappeared in the park for over an hour and whom she had desperately searched for - to be with a tall, blonde, incredibly thin and sickly-looking man at the hand, reappeared and beamed at her as if he'd personally met All Might.
Her first impulse was to yell, use her quirk to pull her son into her arms and then run away, because this man was looking anything but friendly. But when she saw how the same man, despite his incredible size, collapsed, as if he just accepted what happened next, she thought better of it.
The blond haired man glanced at her briefly, eyes down and blushing as if his life depended on it. Okay, that was ... pretty cute when she thought about it.
"I'm sorry, Miss, if I scare you, but your son was all alone and lost, so I offered to bring him to you again." The man did not come any further, for her little sunshine, her baby, interrupted him rudely. She would have to talk to him about that later. Definitely.
"Mom! I want to adopt him as my dad! "Her little boy exclaimed, beaming with joy and smiling happily, as he had not done since he had been diagnosed to be quirkless.
The two adults could only stare at the boy speechless, while the man began to cough gurgling and shortly afterwards hid his hand behind his back, but the young nurse was sure that she had just seen blood ...
"My boy, that's not how it works-"
If it were not so unbelievably rude, she would start laughing, the way Izuku interrupted her again, as if he did not hear him.
"He's better than All Might!" The child exclaimed, and again the man coughed in surprise, and this time she was sure it was blood sticking to his hand. "Please, Mom! He's really cool and nice! "
"M-my boy, it would be better if we had her speak-"
"Please, please, Mom! He would be a great dad, and he does not even have to live with us because Tsubasa-kun's parents do not live together and they both love him and- "
"Izuku," she raised her voice for the first time, in a tone of reproach, so that her five-year-old fell silent, pouting to the ground, but not letting go of the stranger's hand. "Izuku," her voice softened as she knelt in front of him. "You can not just say that a stranger becomes your father, even though he's basically very nice." Especially since it's still a stranger, and it causes her fear. "You do not even know if he wants a child. Or maybe he is already married and has his own children? Did you ask that? "
She could see his green eyes filling with tears and his lips trembling. It broke her heart every time to see him like that.
"No ...," he answered in a shaky voice, before he looked up and looked so hopeful that her breath caught in her throat. "He's also quirkless, just like me, Mom. And he's so nice, Mom." She looked up to look at the man and he gave her a nervous smile, which ... looked untrained, if she should be honest. "Thank you for bringing him back, Mr. ...?"
For a moment he looked surprised that she had actually asked for his name. "Oh, my name is Toshinori Yagi, and as I said, I'm truly sorry if I scared you. It was not my intention, even though my appearance is quite ... um ... unsightly, due to an accident some time ago. "
She took a hissing breath. "How bad was the accident, that you're just skin and bones ?!" It slipped out of her before she could slow down, and even if she felt bad the next moment, her son had been kind enough to be outraged to look for the blonde. "Mom, that's not nice!"
"That's true! I'm so sorry I said that, Mr. Yagi! "She apologized instantly, but Yagi waved her hand. "It's not bad, I'm used to far harsher words." Inko frowned. "You should not get used to that."
She saw Izuku looking up at her hopefully and then at Yagi. "Mom, can we at least invite him to an ice cream?" Nodding, she hugged him. "I think that's a good idea. But only if you really have time ...? "Her voice faltered. "I have a little time, but I can only eat lactose-free ice cream ... and not much of it," he confessed shamefacedly and she just wanted to hug him, but that did not work, so she hugged Izuku a little closer. "That would not be a problem, I know a small shop that has pretty much everything on ice cream you could wish for." Pointing her chin in one direction, he looked into it. Only now did she see what glowing blue eyes he had and if she did not know better then she would claim that he seemed somehow familiar to her ...
He gave her a smile again, this time a really happy one and it looked a lot more natural, so her shoulders sagged a little more relaxed. "Then I would be delighted, miss!" She blinked at the salutation. "Did not I introduce myself yet?" She said, confused, and the other two immediately shook their heads. "No, you have not, Mom!"
"As young Izuku said, I have not had the honor of knowing your name yet." Inko blushed furiously. "Ah, how thoughtless of me! I'm Inko Midoriya, "her first impulse was to reach out, so she let the boy down and did just that. It felt as if she had been given a gentle electric shock when they touched, and to her embarrassment they both blushed violently.
"Well ... let's go, shall we? Izuku? ", She turned to help her baby, who then jumped around excitedly and over and over again sang " ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream! ", completely absorbed in his own little world. "I would love to, Miss Midoriya," the blonde replied softly, looking down at Izuku with a soft gaze.
"Please, you can just call me Inko," she told him, his smile a touch more intimate, making her blush again. "All right, but only if you call me Toshinori."
She made only a sigh of agreement before moving side by side with Toshinori on one side and Izuku on the other, heading for the promised ice cream parlor.
And if her shoulders brushed his arm again and again ... well, that did not bother either of them.
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radioactivepeasant · 5 years
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Toshinko Week Day 3: "Secrets"
Either this is some kind of au where All Might is a vigilante/villain and only Inko knows, or, (as was my original intent), Inko's been secretly helping All Might prepare for his lessons out of the notebooks Izuku left at home.
Cue cartoon shenanigans as they try to keep the students from finding out about their unofficial teacher's assistant.
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yanmazu · 5 years
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Toshinko Week 2019 Day #04 Future
247: (Ignore the wrong numbers) This is quite the stretch, since the sketch has nothing to do with the prompt(s) but it’s just inspired by today’s fic (see notes), but it’s the thought that counts and the count that thinks, no?
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angelaquindo11 · 5 years
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