tuulikki · 3 months
Prester John came up in conversation on the way to a local Medieval reenactment village and it put me in mind of a somewhat ancient piece of medieval nerd shit on the internet:
TO: GEOFFREY CHAUCER ([email protected])
FROM: ABALIA OF SUSA ([email protected])
Good daye! Ich ben ycleped Abalia. XXVII yeeres haue ich dwelt yn thys worlde, far awey yn the lande of Prester John, yn Inde, wher the riveres of paradise do flowe ynto a see of gravel. Althogh thys be a fayre contree ful of precious stones and tables ymade of solid emeralde, wher even the tiniest tchotchke ys ycrafted of diamonde (seriouslie, ich haue an adamantine shoe-horne), yet ther are fewe worthy men that dwelle herein. In deed, a lord hight Gatholonabes doth convince alle the yonge men for to joyne his cult of Assasines and they spende ther tyme lernynge to kille silentlye and hide in shadowes. And thus no gentil man ys lefte for a yonge damosel swich as myn selfe, save for the wilde menne of the deserte who haue hornes of beestes and speke no human tongue, and thatte ys juste totallie nastie and gross. Perhaps yt semeth nyce to yow, but ich devoutely wisshe to fynde the blessinges of love matrimoniale! Ich do looke for a man riche nat wyth worldlie goodes, but riche yn corage and vertu, and thus ich haue emailed yow. If liketh yow my message, and ye haue nat hornes and be nat an assasin, may it plese yow to sende an replye to me at [email protected].
Source: Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog
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kasey-writes-stuff · 9 months
KASSSEYYYY ME WUV YOUR FICS totallie not becausey me is rereading is dem becausey me issie ummmmms (me issie) AOSIJDJDHDHDDHBDBDB
me found da fic me readied before ands it still CUTE AND ADORABLE 🥺
Awww I’m so glad you enjoy them! It’s nice to know people re read them ahhh
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coneicom · 4 years
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FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS NIO Limited (NIO) designs, manufactures, and sells electric vehicles in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. The company offers five, six, and seven-seater electric SUVs. It is also involved in the provision of energy and service packages to its users; marketing, design, and technology development activities; manufacture of e-powertrains, battery packs, and components; and sales and after-sales management activities. In addition, the company offers charging solutions, including Power Home, a home charging solution, and more. [Source Yahoo Finance] Here is a quick overview of the main Financial factors. ART - Place to visit Piazza del Duomo ("Cathedral Square") is the main piazza (city square) of Milan, Italy. It is named after, and dominated by, the Milan Cathedral (the Duomo). The piazza marks the center of the city, both in a geographic sense and because of its importance from an artistic, cultural, and social point of view. Rectangular in shape, with an overall area of 17,000 m2 (about 183,000 sq ft), the piazza includes some of the most important buildings of Milan (and Italy in general), as well some of the most prestigious commercial activities, and it is by far the foremost tourist attraction of the city. [Source: Wikipedia] #nio #stock #investing #financial #financialstatements #liabilities #totalliabilities #bilancio #automotive #investor #valueinvesting #coneicom #tradingitalia #tradingforli #art #fundamentalanalisys #milan #duomosquare #piazzaduomo #milanofinanza #italy🇮🇹 (presso Piazza Duomo Milano) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMpReZWge2o/?igshid=19ox6yw78plwn
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christa--marie · 7 years
I am churning through these drug-fueled mystery Riverdale fic chapters like an old-timey reenactor lady at Colonial Williamsburg pretending to churn up some goat butter! (Pro-tip: do not look up 'churning butter' on urban dictionary)
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i yell abt random nonsense to cope
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gender-euphowrya · 4 years
trans people : we want more representation in media french cinema : Ah, you meen you want anozer moovie where a cis personne plays a trans rôle et it’s totallie played for laughs, oui ? you want ze comédie where the actor is véry uninformed aboot what it’s like to bee trans and ze entire premise is zat it is wacky and simultaneously tragique that ze character is transitioning, c’est ça ?
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realcleargoodtimes · 4 years
The speech to mark Independence Day was an official presidential address that at times felt more like a campaign event, and saw the president accuse “angry mobs” of deploying “cancel culture” to demand “total submission from anyone who disagrees” - referring to protests regarding statues of controversial historical figures.
“This is the very definition of totalitarianism,” he said.
George Conway, co-founder of the Lincoln Project and husband of Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to the president, attempted to spell out what was said phonetically on Twitter: “Totallie-tario-tism”.
The president also appeared to struggle with saying "Ulysses S Grant", and appeared to briefly freeze while talking about Thomas Jefferson.
Other than mangling the word totalitarianism, its very use was questioned, given continued attacks on government oversight by the administration.
Many on social media decried that the president not only couldn’t pronounce the word, but also that he doesn’t seem to understand what it means.
Michael McFaul, professor of political science at Stanford University, said: “Trump obviously has no idea what words like fascism and totalitarianism mean. To those who wrote that speech, shame on you. To those that cleared on this speech, shame on you. Perhaps the most un- American speech ever delivered by an American president, on the eve of July 4th.”
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The expression “Sacre Bleu” actually has a very long and storied history. Beginning in the early 1330s, it has it’s roots in Thomas Stansford, a dye salesman that used thistles and some sort of lye to produce a radiant blue dye.
So blue and enchanting was this dye that he named it “Sacred Blue” but they discovered that the actually pigment in the end was toxic. Not very, but it would in high dozes be diuretic and laxative.
Of course, no one wants the shits from their blanket. But, the soon starting 100 year war would see another use for the dye, as a sort of... psychological warfare against the french. Thomas was commissioned by the English to engage with trade with the French in order to have their radiantly blue uniforms slowly and annoyingly poison them, keeping their armies sick.
Later on, this was all revealed from the french and the term “sacred blue” was quickly adapted as an exclamation of disgusting. Of course, it was changed to fit with how French works.
So there you go. The more you know
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Lemme just try my hand at these.
my naym is snel:
i com from grees.
i ryde long ways;
i take long sleepes.
hooman find me;
she totallie freakes.
she giv me kayl.
i eat the leefs.
my naym is snel,
and in my tym
i clime around.
i leav the slym.
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youfoundmiie · 7 years
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😘😘Sweet surprise from my beloved Daddie Mummie; I've totallie had no idea that they prepared this (my fave #Tiramisu) within such a short timeframe after I broke the news of my numerous personal achievements during #2017Q2CSA~ || 謙虛是為了走更長的路,我會牢記在心。😌😌(Asia/Singapore에서)
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coneicom · 4 years
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ANALISI FONDAMENTALE Boeing (BA) insieme alle sue sussidiarie, progetta, sviluppa, produce, vende, fornisce servizi ad aerei di linea commerciali, aerei militari, satelliti, difesa missilistica, volo spaziale e sistemi di lancio in tutto il mondo. L'azienda opera attraverso quattro segmenti: aerei commerciali; Difesa, spazio e sicurezza; Servizi globali; e Boeing Capital. Curiosità: Durante gli anni del proprio servizio il Boeing 747 ha trasportato quasi metà della popolazione mondiale. Di seguito viene riportata una rapida panoramica dei principali fattori di Bilancio. ARTE - Luoghi da visitare Il Pantheon di Roma Il Pantheon è un ex tempio romano, ora una chiesa cattolica (Basilica di Santa Maria e dei Martiri), situato a Roma, in Italia, sul sito di un precedente tempio commissionato da Marco Agrippa durante il regno di Augusto (27 a.C. - 14 d.C.). Fu ricostruita dall'imperatore Adriano e probabilmente dedicata intorno al 126 d.C. Nello sfondo: la facciata del Pantheon. Curiosità: il Pantheon fu progettato in modo che un raggio di sole a mezzogiorno, durante il solstizio d’estate, penetrasse dall’oculus e colpisse il portale d’accesso. Uno spettacolo unico, da non perdere! Visita @coneicom per altri post sulla Finanza. Scopri la Magia del #pantheon Nella seconda pagina la definizione di Total Revenue. #rome #roma #bellezzedavisitare #italy #italia #pantheonrome #analisifondamentale #fundamentalanalisys #boeing #boeing747 #finalcialfreedom #financeeducation #investing #totalrevenue #netincome #totalassets #totalliabilities #bookvalue #coneicom (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMh2g0bAE9E/?igshid=1gxbe9oa3v70k
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as a friend thing coz ur 2 young for me - 17, just barely under 6 feet tall, brown hair thats cut kinda short and brown eyes, and completely Gender Is A Fuck-free . i make ltos of typos you already probably know who this is . i like to draw uhhh. be my friend
I Think I Might Kno Who U R but im dumb BUT YEA I’D TOTALLIE B UR FRIEN
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