hiromusicarts-blog · 27 days
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オヤスミナサイ Good night
Orange Planet
アルバム Touch and Go より
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this-is-the-uchu · 6 months
 我々は音楽の趣味が一致するってほどではないため選曲問題が出たのですが、数少ない共通して聴いている音楽がINTERVALS(と一応CHON、でも僕は全然聴いてない)のため候補として挙がり、多く再生されそうな有名曲として、その2の彼から「Touch and Goとかいいんじゃないっすか?」と言われ、その後1週間検討の時間を設けましたがそのまま決定の運びとなります。
 まあそうだナァ......STRING THEORYのMarcoパートみたいなゲストソロみたいなのだと非常にヨイですね。Epiphanyも可です。うーん贅沢。
 上記の曲が決まったのが6/25、Sheet Happensにて楽譜とバッキングトラックを買ってパート振り分けと練習を開始したのが翌週7/1、8月中に各自REC、9/3からミックスを開始(と自分は初めての手法で音作りをしていたためこっそり再REC)、9/18にミックス完了したので音源を確認して&してもらいつつ9/23まで修正を重ね、以降10月から撮影場所をどうするかの検討を重ね、2週ほどお互いの都合が合わず、10/21に撮影、以降映像編集し10/28の日付変更と共に投稿、が事の顛末です。思った以上に時間が掛かってしまい4ヶ月超えのプロジェクトとなりました。個人的には前回の動画から約7ヶ月になりますね。
 彼の異常エピソードとしてはSymphony XのSEVENなる楽曲のイントロおよびアウトロの超絶シュレッドパートをその場で駆け足しながらノールックで完璧に弾いていまして、何故そのような状況になっていたのかは不明なのですが、その現場を生で見て、ヤバすぎて流石にちょっと引きましたね。ギターはラルクのKenモデル(全体的に赤いアレ)だし、先日動画撮った時に尋ねたら親指反らないから弾く時は握り込むフォームだし、そもそもL'Arc〜en〜Cielが好きなのでメタル一辺倒ではなくカッティングなどのポップス的なプレイも問題なく出来るので知り合いの中でも中々にハイスペックなギタリストです。
・Sugi DS496 - BKP - Nailbomb/The Mule
 使用ピックはJim DunlopのPrimetoneとFRED KELLYのSpeed Pick Lightです。動画ではサムピックオンリーにしました。映え?
 そもそもは普通のピックで弾くつもりでしたが、動画のタイムスタンプで言うと2:04からのリードパートに自分の苦手な1音毎に弦を動いていくフレーズがありまして、あまりにも自信が無さすぎてハイブリッドで弾こうとしても5弦→2弦までの4音の上昇によりガッツリ小指を使うため綺麗に弾ける自信がなく、それでもピックを口に咥えて親指→薬指にするつもりでいたんです。しかし直前のフレーズを弾いてからの猶予と自分の余裕が無いため間に合わず「さてどうするか......」といった時にふと頭をよぎったのがサムピックだった訳です。試してみるとまあラクでして。弾き心地や弦のアタックの感触などは通常のピックとは異なるため戸惑う部分は少なくありませんでしたが、最終的には慣れちゃいましたね。ハイゲインでのサムピックユーザーといえば元MEGADETHのChris BroderickやImpact Fuzeおよびソロ活動を行うFeodor DosumovやAndre Nieriなどが思い浮かびましたので、演奏している時の気分は彼らと同じです。ハイブリッド指弾きマンだぞ〜。
・TC Electronic Polytune 3 MINI(バッファー)
・Fractal Audio Systems FM3
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 同じFriedmanでも数種類のモデリングがありますが長時間の聴き比べの結果、HBE V3(ダークなトーンでミドルが多い)を使用しました。MVをあげてミドルを稼ぎつつネガティブフィードバックをMAXにしてタイトさを出したりプリ管はECC83で空気感を似せるようにしてみたりなどしましたが、それでもアンプ部の工夫はその程度です。プレゼンスはギャリ感を稼ぐためです。ローは結構スカスカですがオケ馴染みはよく聴こえるので、恐らくAaronもそんなにローは出していないはずです。
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 ドライブはPeripheryのミーシャシグネイチャーのPrecision Driveのモデリングです。このブースターはかなり迷いました。ローは削りつつどちらかといえばハイ上がり、でもTS系のミドルブーストの質感は欲しいためあれやこれやと試していましたが、ふと閃いた本機がヨイ質感を出してくれた気がします。ブーストしても歪みがタイト過ぎずジャリ・ギャリ感を出せるようにゲインをあげています。クラシックなTSと違ってモダンなキャラクターになったのはINTERVALSっぽい(別に似てないですけど)かなと。ツマミはJason Richardsonのデモを参考にしています。終売したみたいですが欲しくなってきました。
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 キャビネットはIRを卒業しまして、FM3にも搭載されたキャビネットマイキングシミュレートシステム?(勝手に名付けました)のDynacabを使用しています。レクチのV30×4発ストレートキャビのモデルにSM57とリボンマイク(モデル元が明かされてませんがRoyer R121なのかなと思っています)を立てました。青点を好き勝手動かして音を調節可能です。数値的には距離があるのですが必ずしもマイキングは近ければ良いわけではないようですね。実際のキャビに自分でマイクを立てて音がどう変わるかの経験が無いのでl、この辺りはチャレンジでした。
 その他前段コンプにMXRのDyna Compのモデリングを使っています。後ろのゲートが正直あまり効いておらずちょっとノイジーだと感じているのですが、それでもいい味付けになったと思います。
 その他マイクプリアンプはチューブ、3 Band EQはB:-2.00, M:+3.00, T:-2.50としたり、Airパラメータはガッツリ37.7%まであげたり(正直ミドル寄りのサウンドになったのはこのおかげですが似ていない原因もコレだと思っています)、アンプよりもキャビしっかりいじるのが大事だと再認識しました。
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 同じくクランチもリアンプにて音を作っています。モデリングは本家と同じくMESAのTriple Crownのch2です。比較的ニュートラルなEQのペダルコンプレッサー1でオクターブでの弦音量と整えつつ、DriveはPrecision Driveのゲインを下げて各トーン関連も動かし、アンプ部はギャリギャリしすぎないようトレブル〜プレゼンスはガッツリ下げてミドルあげています。ゲインはもうちょっと下げてもよかったですかね。さらに2段階のブーストとなっておりMid Boostを0.00dBでオンにしていたようです。パワー管は6L6 GC、プリ菅は12AX7AでどちらもJJ Electronicのモデリングです。若干トレブル寄りのカラーになります。その他全体的としてはミドルを押しまくるサウンド傾向でした。
 キャビはハイゲインと変わらず同じキャビとマイクで、その他パラメータを変更いたしました。マイクプリはFET IIです。EQでトレブルは-7.75とかになってるのでかなりのハイカットですね。でも丸くならないようにアンプ部でブライトスイッチはONにしています。
・Universal Audio 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
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 後輩君の音は彼自身がNeural DSPで作成した音を送ってもらっていたため最小限のイコライジングとし空間はこちらで設定しています。
 コンプは1176 Rev Aを使いました。ギターでは本機が一番使用されているようであのJens Bogrenもコレをよく使うらしいです。自分の音にはこちらを使うつもりだったのですが、持ち上がったミドルのキャラクターと自分の音が合わず、しっくりきていない所で他機種を試した結果1176AEがハマったためRev Aは使用しませんでした。
 逆に当初は後輩君の音にAEを使っていたものの、AEがニュートラル特性とはいえ味付け過多になるのは申し訳ないと感じていた所に、Rev AとRev Eモデルはコンプ部のオフ設定が出来るためそれならばと試した所、音質のランクアップをしながら元の作ってくれた音を邪魔しすぎない結果となったために採用しています。EQは若干だけハイカットをしてみましたが気に入ってくれたみたいです。空間系は一緒のセッティングです。
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on the late, great Randy "Biscuit" Turner (1949-2005), vocalist/singer-singwriter/co-founder of Austin, Texas art punk/punk funk/hardcore punk band, the BIG BOYS, photo from "The Skinny Elvis" 1993 CD compilation on Touch and Go Records. 📸: Bill "Fotobill" Daniels.
"When the world is blown away and mutants are the thing, They won't have a government they'll just elect one king, He will play guitar and lead a brand new type of band, Mutant rock will be the rage and it will sweep the land."
-- "Mutant Rock" (1980) by BIG BOYS
Source: https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/t581245987.
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dprowe87 · 1 year
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A USAF Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (SODA81, 57-1451) of the 134th ARW putting wheels on the runway at @triflight_ for a touch-n-go landing. 19Jan23 #kc135 #kc135stratotanker #134thairrefuelingwing #tricitiesairport #triflight_ #boeing #tricitiesairport #tri #touchandgo #aviation #aviationgeek #aviatondaily #airshowphotography #aviationlover #aviationlovers #avgeek #avgeeks #avgeekphoto #aviationdaily #aviationworld #instagramaviation #instaaviation #aviation_lovers #aviationphoto #aviationphotography #aviation spotters #planepics #planespotting (at Tri-Cities Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnvSB7-sjZD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mikem143 · 1 year
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It was a little touch and go there for awhile. But they “say” What goes up must come down. Keep repeating the process till you get it. #touchandgo #learn #fly #flying #novice #newby #neophyte #tpf #peteroknightairport #airport #davisislands #tampa #florida (at Davis Islands) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnPDKdfuZqN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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phonoselect · 2 years
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PHONO SELECT RECORDS Now Playing... The Cars ‘Panorama’ -1980 . The band’s 3rd album. OPEN EVERYDAY 12-6pm Call the shop if you have any questions. 916-400-3164 @phonoselect #recordstore #usedrecordstore #vinylrecords #usedrecords #phonoselect #phonoselectrecords #sacramento #recordstoresacramento #recordstorenorcal @thecars #thecarspanorama #panorama #touchandgo #rickocasek (at Phono Select Records) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMgUaVP9y1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miguelnothing · 2 years
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#touchandgo https://www.instagram.com/p/CfXRkEOLaeJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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freaxs-blog · 1 year
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Today marks the anniversary of the passing of legendary drummer Cozy Powell. Cozy was one of the most versatile and accomplished drummers of his time, playing with some of the biggest names in rock and roll. He was a true master of his craft, known for his precision, power, and finesse on the drums.
Cozy's career spanned decades, and he played with a variety of bands and artists, including Black Sabbath, Rainbow, Whitesnake, and many more. He was also a member of Emerson, Lake & Powell, a spin-off of the iconic prog-rock band ELP.
One of my favorite Cozy Powell tracks is "Touch & Go," a high-energy instrumental that showcases his incredible drumming skills. The song is a true classic, and it's a testament to Cozy's talent and creativity as a musician.
Cozy Powell's real name was Colin Trevor Powell, but he adopted the nickname "Cozy" early on in his career because he always looked comfortable behind the drum kit.
Rest in peace, Cozy Powell. Your music lives on. 🥁🎶 
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alexadd77 · 5 months
Die Kreuzen - Pink Flag 7" 1990 Touch And Go - USA Limited Edition blue transparent vinyl 1000 copies.
Sencillo con un par de magníficos covers el Pink Flag de los Wire y Land Of Treason de los Germs. #diekreuzen
#single #45rpm #newwave #punk #usapunk #rock #hit #80s #wire #germs #vinyljunkie #vinyl #artwork #alternativerock #recordcollection #recordcollector #7" #musica #music #touchandgo
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hiromusicarts-blog · 1 month
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Roland Integra7の実力を甘く見ていました。音色いじって出直します。
オヤスミナサイ  Good night
Improvised Constructions #5
アルバム Touch and Go より
132 notes · View notes
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We're so excited to share and announce the release of Mira Lyn Kelly's Dare to Love series!!! Each book has a brand new cover and you can now read all three books with Kindle Unlimited!!!
1-Click here
💗Truth or Dare: https://geni.us/truthordareMLK
💗Touch and Go: https://geni.us/touchandgo
💗Now and Then: https://geni.us/nowandthenmlk
Link in bio @miralynkelly
#bibliophile #book #bookaddict #bookaholic #bookish #booklove #booklover #booknerd #books #booksbooksbooks #booksofinstagram #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookworm #contemporaryromance #igreads #ireadromance #readersofinstagram #reading #romancebooks #romancebookstagram #romancenovel #romancenovels #romancereader #romancereadersofinstagram #romancereads #romancestagram #romcom #steamyreads #steamyromance
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PIC(S) INFO: Spotlight on the "Skinny Elvis" CD compilation by Austin, Texas punk rock/art punk/hardcore/punk funk band, the BIG BOYS, collecting all of their 1980-'81 recorded output, and released for the first time ever on the CD media format by the Touch and Go label in 1993.
"In 1992, with the remastering and assembling help of Tim Kerr and longtime producer Spot, Touch and Go thankfully reissued the entire Big Boys oeuvre on two discs, preserving what by then had become a terribly out-of-print or hard-to-find back catalog scattered across several labels.
As the title implies -- also making a joke on the then current decision between a slender or portly Presley for a stamp -- "Skinny Elvis" collects the releases from the first part of the Boys' life in 1980 and 1981. Including the hyper-rare debut single "Frat Cars" was a good move to start with, while adding the Boys' half of the "Recorded Live at Raul's Club" split album and "Where's My Towel" resulted in a killer hour of BIG BOYS brilliance.
The sound is faultless, letting the Boys jump out of the speakers like never before. Complete release notes are a bonus, as are reproductions of the original sleeves. The real fun in the packaging, however, comes from the tons of archival photos and testimonials from other musicians: Henry Rollins, Thurston Moore, Ian Mackaye, and Gary Floyd, among others, offer up some amazing stories -- the recollections of the live shows make even the outrageous concert snapshots look tame -- and Byron Coley gives a nice precis of the band's history.
The funniest bit has to be the rejection note from Columbia Records in 1980, wherein a perhaps well-meaning but still clueless executive tries to give "honest advice," only to inadvertently expose himself as an out-of-touch old fart. As for those photos, seeing Turner in a wig, makeup, and some sort of sequined or lame top with a baby-doll leopard-skin semi-mermaid duct-taped to his wrist is just one highlight of many."
-- ALLMUSIC, BIG BOYS "The Skinny Elvis" CD compilation review by Ned Raggett
Rock in Peace, Randy "Biscuit" Turner (1949-2005) and Glenn "SPOT" Lockett (1951-2023), more legends lost.
Source: https://timebomb.co.jp/en/products/big-boys-%E3%83%93%E3%83%83%E3%82%B0-%E3%83%9C%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A4%E3%82%BA-the-skinny-elvis-us-limited-cd-new.
0 notes
dprowe87 · 1 year
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A USAF Boeing KC-135R Stratotanker (SODA81, 57-1451) of the 134th ARW on approach to @triflight_ for a touch-n-go landing. 19Jan23 #kc135 #kc135stratotanker #134thairrefuelingwing #tricitiesairport #triflight_ #boeing #tricitiesairport #tri #touchandgo #aviation #aviationgeek #aviatondaily #airshowphotography #aviationlover #aviationlovers #avgeek #avgeeks #avgeekphoto #aviationdaily #aviationworld #instagramaviation #instaaviation #aviation_lovers #aviationphoto #aviationphotography #aviation spotters #planepics #planespotting (at Tri-Cities Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnvRc-XMWaV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
bosmermage · 3 years
Whumptober Day 6
Touch and Go (Bruises, Touch Starved)  Characters: Green, Blue, Grandpa Smith, Vio  
But they didn't notice. Well. That was a lie. Blue noticed. But Blue noticed everything.
They should have known something was wrong when the bruises started to appear. They littered up and down his arms and legs like freckles, peeking out in the evenings from under his nightgown. But, after all, he had been training harder and a few extra bruises were hardly anything to pay any mind to.
They should have known something was wrong when his tunics seemed to get a little snug and then suddenly too loose again. He was so busy though, always running around. Everyone brushed it off as a natural consequence of being a knight. He'd surely gain it all back on his summer break, right?
They should have known something was wrong when, on quiet nights when everyone else slept soundly, they would find him in the morning curled around his pillow like a life line.
But they didn't notice. Well. That was a lie. Blue noticed. But Blue noticed everything. He noticed how Red would get careless with the cooking fire on rough weeks, always seeming to be nursing some sort of burn. He noticed how Vio's eye bags were slowly creeping across his face, and his hair was becoming unkempt and long from his many study sessions littered through the week.
He noticed how Red had become so close with the princess, and how his hair had begun to shift to match hers and how he spent more and more time at the palace. How excited the king was to have a son. He noticed how Link's father doted on him for things he didn't think were all that impressive, with the air of expectation that he should eventually “come home” from Grandpa's house. He noticed how Vio withdrew from society, preferring the company of the minish, eventually even retreating so far that the only time he saw the others was for weekends.
Not that Grandpa seemed to mind too much. He noticed too.
He noticed how Link's father hardly ever spared a second glance to Green. And he noticed how Green put everything he had into his facade of normality and cheerfulness and left nothing over for himself. And he noticed how Green really didn't seem to spend much time with anyone, always busy, or kept home with studies. Hollow eyed and doll-like when he did move his ass to hang out. Always preforming perfection.
And it frustrated him.
The strain on their friendship was intense, they were constantly snipping at each other. Well, Blue had started it but he sure as hell wasn't going to finish it. Green, patently (stupidly), refused to ask for help. He wouldn't bend his dumb-ass pride for a single second to reach out or even just vocalize that there was anything wrong to begin with. It had been hard for Blue too but you didn't see him moping about it! So if he wanted to be a big baby about whatever the fuck was making him so unhappy than that was fine by Blue. He was too busy dealing with his own shit to play mind reading games with the miserable crew.
Of course, it did all eventually come to a head. It came to a head on a mid-july day when he came home to find Green curled up in bed, clutching at his pillow with his face buried in it like it was his girlfriend or something.
“Hey would you quit that it's gross,” Blue stuck his tongue out at the dozing figure. Green mumbled into the pillow in response and Blue rolled his eyes.
“I said cut it out geeze Green,” Blue snatched the pillow away and Green contracted into himself.
“Hey, give that back, I was trying to take a nap,” Green reached up pitifully and Blue held the pillow away.
“Why do you even do that Green, it's fucking nasty, why not just go get a plushie like a normal person?”
“Shut up Blue it's none of your business.” Green pouted at him “And anyways that's mine so give it back already.” Finally Green got up to his feet.
“What's the big deal anyways? Huh? It's just a stupid pillow, you have two of em.”
“Just leave me alone! What have I ever done to you??” Green swiped for the pillow again and Blue rolled his eyes at the display.
“Stop being such a baby!”
“If it's just a pillow then why not leave it be?” Vio's voice cut in from the doorway, heartless as ever. Blue didn't have to turn around to know that the stupid prick was glaring at him with his little hypocritical holier than thou act plastered all over his face.
“Shut the fuck up Vio like you know so much about precious things.” Blue barely got the words out before Green was stomping on his foot. He let out a yelp and dropped the pillow that was promptly snatched up by the other colour. He noticed the tears threatening to spill down his face, and the way he shook while he clutched the dumb fucking pillow to his chest.
“Okay, what the fuck ever,” Blue threw his hands up and stalked out of the room, determined to go do something, anything, else to get his mind off it.
“Hey, are you okay Greenie?” Vio's voice was soft and even as he came closer, very practiced, and Green nodded through the panic welling up in his chest, winding him like a spring.
“I'm fine, I just, I want to sleep,” Green sighed, and Vio searched him with his gaze. He hated how perceptive their violet counterpart was at times. He knew he shouldn't be standing there lying like a hypocrite, and he knew Vio knew, but if Vio kept standing there the panic was going to bubble out into the world and then he would have to pick up the pieces.
Vio, blessedly, nodded, moving out of the room and Green let out a shaking sigh as the tears began to pour out of his eyes, in pain, and embarrassment at the way Blue had dragged his childishness out of him like that. He curled back into his bed, pulling the cover up over his head and letting the tears flow freely. He hated how pathetic he felt, how poor of a substitute his pillow was for a real hug. But it'd have to do, after all it's not like any of the others wanted to hug him, and why would they? He was the most boring colour after all. The ugliest. The others were like flowers and he was like dirt. Something necessary sure, but plain, only begrudgingly accepted. Never anyone's first choice. He was glad he couldn't hear yelling, he didn't want to have to drag himself out of bed to break up yet another disagreement gone nasty between the two others.  
He didn't hear Grandpa enter the room and when the man sat on his bedside he jumped so hard he smacked into the bottom of Blue's bunk, flinging himself back and hissing in pain as he settled into a crouch, ready to pounce. What a sight he must have been, squinting through the pain, tears dripping down his cheeks, hissing like a frightened animal at his own grandfather. He blinked through the remaining tears and settled down on his knees, ears drooping shamefully at his shoulders.
“Hey there sweet-pea, I didn't mean to frighten you,” the words stained Green's cheeks a burning shade of red and he nodded into his lap, mortified, But Grandpa's face settled into a mask of gentle determination. Grandpa snapped his fingers and Green refocused on his hands, brought out of the downward spiral of his mood by the action/
“Vio told me you and Blue had a fight. Do you want to tell me your side of it?” Grandpa's sign was gentle and soothing, but it still sent a spike of fear through Green's stomach. He nodded dutifully, and took a deep breath to steady his shot nerves back into alignment.
“I was trying to take a nap since it's my day off and then Blue came in to pick a fight, and I.. he got me riled up cause he stole my pillow and wouldn't give it back. I know it was childish but I got angry at him and made him give it back. I'll go apologize.” Green's eyes flicked down, sign nearly as frantic as the sound of his own heartbeat in his ears. Grandpa's hands stilled his own and his world narrowed down to the point of contact, he had to bite back the tears again when he pulled away to speak.
“Green, I'm glad you're being mature about this, but I'm not upset with you for being “childish”. You're still a kid, remember? I just want to help you two work it out,” Grandpa scootched closer and Green paused.
“Honestly? I usually forget,” the words slipping between his fingers like a gust of wind before he could stop them, eyes going wide with shock enough to match the sorrow that glinted in Grandpa's eyes. “I mean, it's just. I'm expected to be the Hero and keep everyone working together all the time and be the leader and be mature and just deal with it and not let anyone see weakness. It's just, it's hard to not work like that all the time.” His foot was already in his mouth, might as well get it off his chest. He sighed again, shoulders rising up to his ears.
“I'm sorry, it's just really hard and I don't want to let anyone down,” he was wiping away tears again. All he really wanted was a hug.
Grandpa shifted closer again and Green fought down the urge to collapse into his chest, “Oh sweet pea why would you think that?”
“It's just, everyone else gets to fall down and need help, and drop out and leave the public eye and be themselves. But I have the same favourite colour as Link so everyone expects me to be him and act like him and be the hero and be the leader. I don't want to ask the others for help 'cause I'm the one they all come to when they need help, and, I don't want to ask father 'cause he always looks so sad when he sees me, and I don't want to ask anyone else 'cause I don't want to burden them when they all have so much on their plates already and I don't want to be selfish but I don't know what to do anymore.” Green rambled on as everything he'd been damming back flooded out. Grandpa brushed the bangs out of his tears gently before pulling him into a hug. Green melted into the contact, dripping tears turning into desperate sobs as he clung to his grandfather's forge-warm tunic.
Eventually, after his tears had dried out, Grandpa pressed a kiss to the top of Green's head, making him promise to come and ask for help when he needed it before tucking him back into bed. He was dozing in moments, and he'd nearly drifted off when he heard a quiet knocking at his door.
“Hey Green,” Blue's voice was much quieter than it usually was and Green looked over balefully swallowing the urge to ask if he came to steal his blanket this time too.
“Um, I'm sorry, about earlier. I didn't want to hurt you, I just got really frustrated cause I could see there was something wrong and I didn't know how to get you to talk about it, and I know that's not an excuse for being mean,” Blue was nearly mumbling into his boots, but Green could hear the hurt in his voice.
Green considered him for a moment before scooting back up from bed and launching himself into Blue's unsuspecting arms.
“It's ok, I forgive you,” He mumbled into the hug and Blue's startled laughter, before the air was crushed out of him when Blue returned the favour, lifting him up off his feet with the force. He'd never felt better. Okay maybe he had, he winced with a yelp when Blue caught a particularly nasty bruise on his side, cursing the wooden sword that had given it to him.
“I'm proud of you,” Green's feet hit the floor to the sight of his Grandpa beaming in from the door, “both of you,”
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紋別タッチ、本日は4点いっぺんにUPです💖 航空マニアの大阪国際大学・杉山維彦教授からの依頼で制作したステッカーです。 何のために使うかと言えば、紋別空港と他の空港をtouch and goする時に、マニアどうしで交換するためのものです。 しかしながら教授のおかげで紋別空港は廃港を免れ、そればかりか乗降客が劇的に増えたそうです。親友として誇らしいですね💓 詳細は近日、ブログとホームページにUPします🇯🇵 続きをお楽しみに‼️ #monbetsu #monbetsutouch #airport #illustration #design #sugi #紋別タッチ #touchandgo #sticker #ステッカー作成 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkMpgRvyaJ1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yskutminjp · 2 years
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スターバックス富山環水公園店が見えた!なんて興奮してたらタッチアンドゴーに! 人生初!!!! 体力を消耗😰 でも動画撮ったりはできるようになった!免疫がついてきたな笑 おやすみ #ana #anawings #飛行機 #タッチアンドゴー #touchandgo #全日空 #全日本空輸 #おやすみ #タイムラプス #timelapse #スターバックス #スタバ https://www.instagram.com/p/CWs_E9eP9WY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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