#toujo nozomi
loveliveheaven · 8 months
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lonelypond · 1 year
"Tall" Handsome Stranger
NicoMaki, Love Live, 2.7K, 1/1
Nishikino Maki returns to find more people at Hanayo's ranch than she expected.
"Tall" Handsome Stranger
Sheriff Sonoda Umi had very cleverly set up her office triangulated between the hotel and the largest saloon in town. This way when visitors checked their personal firearms it wasn’t too much of a trip for Umi to lock them up in the gunsafe. Maki did not carry a pistol. A rifle snugged into its case on her saddle, for protection out on the trails or in the woods. A new wanted poster caught Maki’s attention as she strolled through Otonokizaki Falls. This one barely looked a teenager. Maki grimaced. Always sad to see innocents turn to crime for survival. Good thing she’d found Dia and Ruby before someone less kind. The frontier was an inhospitable place for orphans and Maki had saved them from that when she’d found them in the wreckage of their burning wagon and took them home with her.
Right now, though, they were safe with Hanayo and Maki needed some adult conversation after a particularly difficult surgery. She tied the sprightly Scherzi to the post, striding through the doors of the Queen Of Cups.
“Maki!” The proprietor’s voice rose over a low roar, “Welcome back. Your usual?”
Maki nodded and sidled up to the bar to be greeted with a smile by proprietress Nozomi Tojo, who quickly hit a glass with a squirt of bitters followed by brandy, almond syrup, and lemon zest. “So what’s Hanayo cooking for you and your girls? Eli always makes me something special when I’ve been working late.” Nozomi leaned in with a leer.
“It’s not like that.”
“Not your type?”
“I don’t have a type.”
“Eli…” Eli Ayase was Nozomi’s partner and the local blacksmith, “said there was a big black horse up there she’d never seen before.”
“This morning when she was riding out to work at the South Falls ranch.”
Maki frowned. Hanayo was very very shy, rarely having visitors, never any non locals. An unfamiliar horse was a worry.
Maki chugged the drink, tossing three dimes on the bar. “Thanks. Catch you next visit.”
“So I’m your type?” Nozomi flipped her bar towel.
Maki growled; Nozomi giggled.
“Still holding out for a tall, handsome stranger?”
Maki leaned into the bar. Though mildly worried about the strange horse at Hanayo’s, she was mightly overwrought at Nozomi’s constant pestering.
“Some of us aren’t waiting for anyone at all.” Maki’s amethyst eyes were narrowed and hard as flint. “So I would much appreciate your not making me find another place to drink.”
“Whatever you say, Doc.”
Maki waved an aggrieved goodbye.
Hanayo couldn’t just curl up in her bed. First, a stranger with a bullet in their flank currently occupied it. And second, two children watched her every move with wide, curious eyes. And asked questions. Hanayo needed Maki to arrive soon.
“Can Nico have my soup?” Ruby asked.
After finding Nico in the barn and the struggle to get her into the house, both Nico and Hanayo had collapsed. Hanayo’s brief nap in the rocking chair had given her a boost. Once Nico hit an actual bed, she’d slipped into a deep deep sleep, not even disturbed by Dia poking her or Ruby asking questions. Hanayo hoped it was exhaustion and not the last stages of sepsis. Nico’s wound looked a deep deep red. Even deep in sleep, Nico flinched at the slightest pressure on it. Hanayo had done a quick cleaning, but had no way to deal with the bullet. She’d just layered cloth over the wound, leaving Nico lying on her back.
Hanayo hugged Ruby. The girls were so caring. “No, Ruby. Nico needs to sleep more than she needs to eat.” Hanayo wondered how many days ride Nico had had. Her horse had shown signs of hard wear. She’d have to call the blacksmith in to look at him.
“MAMA!” Dia’s excited call brought Hanayo’s attention to Maki, walking through the door, carrying her doctor’s bag, hat pushed back, eyes tired. She smiled when Dia hugged her leg.
“Hi, Dia!”
“Mama, you have to come and fix Nico.”
Dia switched from Maki’s leg to pulling with both hands on her arm.
“Nico?” She glanced to Hanayo.
“The girls found someone hiding in my barn. She’s been shot.”
Maki processed that. Girls. Wandering. Finding someone who’d been involved in a shooting. And who might have people chasing them.
“You let them…”
Hanayo raised both hands, “They always go for a walk after breakfast while I wash up. I can usually see them from the kitchen window.”
“And when you didn’t?”
“I was about to get Juniper and go look for them when Ruby came running in.”
“Where is Juniper?”
“Out with the sheep.”
Juniper was a working sheep guard dog, not her daughters’ bodyguard. Maki grunted at Hanayo.
“I am so sorry, Maki…I didn’t know anyone had…”
Maki raised a hand, pulling Ruby close when Ruby came in for her hug, “Everybody’s fine.”
“Nico’s not fine, Mama.” Ruby whispered, “She won’t wake up.”
Maki sighed. Patient first. Then figure out if there was actual danger for the girls.
“I had to leave the bullet in.”
“Yes. Leave the bullet in, drain the wound, let the new skin grow. Lead won’t kill her; infection might.”
“Her side’s really red.”
“Did you clean it?”
“I didn’t want to be too rough.”
“Wait a minute, Dia.” Maki stopped letting Dia steer her. “Hanayo, make me coffee and bring me boiling water.”
“Okay, Maki.” Hanayo headed for the kitchen.
“Fast.” Maki could feel the headache starting. Fortunately, there hadn’t been that much punch in the brandy she’d drunk at the Queen Of Cups. Her head was clear.
Lying on her back in Hanayo’s bed was a pale, tiny woman, all sharp angles and fragile beauty. Her hair was long, lush, and sable, straying all over the pillow. Her lips twisted as she breathed, maybe muttering, maybe just nonsense syllables of pain.
“Her name is Nico?” Maki asked.
Ruby nodded.
“That’s what she told us.” Dia said.
“Did she tell you anything else?”
“We had to keep her a secret.”
“We might not be able to do that.”
“Mama, we promised.” Ruby’s eyes were wide.
“And you told us never to go back on our word.” Dia was right behind Ruby.
Maki had. But Maki hadn’t promised. And although this woman seemed older than the teenager Maki had seen on the latest Wanted poster, the resemblance was enough to give her many new concerns.
“First thing, we have to get your new friend’s wound cleaned out and disinfected.”
Ruby and Dia exchanged a look.
“Mama always knows what to do.”
“I can assist you.” Dia opened Maki’s bag.
“You can. Find some gauze. Or see if Hanayo has some plain, CLEAN, cotton cloth she doesn’t need.”
“What can I do, Mama?” Maki glanced back to the woman in Hanayo’s bed, noticing the thinness and the evident fatigue, picking up a sudden feeling of loneliness seeing her so stark, tiny against the plain sheets. “You hold her hand, Ruby. She seems like she needs to know there’s someone on her side.”
“All right, Mama.”
Pain. A blast of pain and heat. Nico’s hand squeezed something small and warm and there was a high pitched squeal. Nico immediately released the…hand? She opened one eye to see Ruby, both hands over her mouth, bright green eyes wide. Then the blast of pain again and Nico turned to see another redhead, a grown up redhead, linen shirt plastered to her skin, sleeves rolled up, packing Nico’s wound loosely. The stench of carbolic acid made Nico gag.
“Hey!” Nico swatted weakly at the redhead, who pushed back to give her a long look. The eyes were gemstone colored and just as hard.
Nico felt a soft touch on her hand, turning to where Ruby was propped next to her pillow. “It’s okay, Nico, Mama’s gonna fix you.”
“I’ll make sure she does it right.” Dia handed Maki a dry cloth.
Nico forced herself to sit up. “I know it’s not that bad.”
“For a bullet lodged in you, lower abdomen is one of the better places.”
“Nico knows that.”
Maki frowned, “But there is still a bullet lodged in you. And an infection started. I think I can get the bullet out, but then we’ll have to let the wound drain.”
“Can’t you just stitch me up?”
“I would be stitching the infection in.” The doctor went back to work, “Quick way to waste my time. And your life.”
Brusque manner, quick, gentle hands, angry, clenched jaw.
“You’re hurting Nico.”
Maki sighed, “This is the best way. And I’m a trained doctor, a graduate of the Woman's Medical College of Pennsylvania.” Maki met Nico’s glare, her voice even, “It’s not my first bullet wound.”
“Pigii!!!” Ruby had turned away, her face in the pillow.
“Maybe this isn’t the best place for your little girl, Doc.” Nico patted Ruby’s back, “Don’t be scared, Ruby. Your Mama’s taking good care of Nico.”
“Here’s your coffee and water, Maki.” Hanayo put a large tray on the cedar chest.
“Can you take Dia and Ruby and feed them supper?” Maki asked, her tone mild.
“Of course.” C’mon girls. You need to eat. You must be starving.” Hanayo picked up Ruby, but Dia refused to leave Maki’s side.
“Go on, Dia. I’ll be there soon.” Maki smiled.
“Listen to your Mama, Dia. Nico will be fine.” Nico managed to not tremble at the surge of pain, keeping a grin for Dia.
Dia considered, then nodded, and followed Hanayo.
Nico let out a long breath, fists clenched. “Now Doc, make Nico fine.”
“It’s Maki. Or Doctor Nishikino. Do you want something to bite into?”
Nico glanced to where the girls had gone. “Yeah.”
Maki had her bedroll unrolled in Hanayo’s main room, ready to tuck Ruby and Dia in for the night.
“Time to get some sleep, girls.”
“I want to see Nico.” Dia pouted.
“Nico needs to sleep too.” Maki pulled quilts up around Ruby, guiding Dia under the same pile. “Don’t worry, Hanayo and I will watch over her.”
Maki had moved the rocking chair into Hanayo’s bedroom, between the bed and the window. Hanayo came in from the bathroom, changed into a nightshirt. Maki was still in her trousers and untucked shirt. She was taking this first shift.
“There’s some more coffee I left on the nightstand.”
“Thanks. Glad to have something to keep me company.”
Hanayo settled into her own bedroll.
There was a sudden sound from the bedroom, as if something had hit the floor.
“Mama?” Dia, worried.
Maki was already on her feet, anger pulsing energy to push out any sleepiness. If Nico had gotten out of bed, after Maki…
Maki stepped into the room, surprised at the sight of a ginger haired woman half sprawled between dresser and floor, not having successfully climbed in the window.
“Don’t move.” Maki reached for the rifle she’d left next to the door.
“Don’t shoot, please don’t shoot.” Both hands rose in the air, “I’m sorry. I was just going to be in and gone, after I checked on Nico. I swear. Just let me go. You never saw me.”
“You know Nico? How did you find her? Did you shoot her?”
“I saved her…or stopped Erena from shooting her again.”
“So you’re one of the A-RIse gang.”
The ginger shuffled her feet, “Not exactly. Saving Nico would get me shot if I went back. Tsubasa’s not nice.”
“Tsubasa Kira, the boss.”
“Who are you?”
“Rin Hoshizora. I’m actually…” Rin moved her hand.
Maki snapped the rifle up, ready to do damage.
“Just wait, please. I’m a Federal Marshall.” And Rin pulled out a badge. “Undercover.”
“So you’re here to arrest Nico?” Maki wasn’t sure if she wanted to explain that to Ruby or Dia. And she was positive Nico shouldn’t be moved.
“Nico’s harmless. Retired from being the number one bandit. Three days ago.” Nico croaked from the bed.
Rin giggled, “Smart move.”
Maki moved closer to Nico, pouring her a glass of water with the hand that wasn’t holding the rifle, “Drink more.”
“Yes, Doc.” Nico quirked an eyebrow at Rin, “She’s a tyrant. Pretty though.”
“Maki, what’s happening?” Hanayo crept into the doorway, her voice soft.
“We have another visitor. A Federal Marshal.”
“Ooohh, that’s so brave.”
“Breaking and entering is not brave.”
“I just wanted to check on Nico, then report in.”
“Nico’s better. Thanks!”
Rin nodded.
Maki was full of practical questions, “Report in where?”
“Got any food or coffee.” Rin was standing now, “It’s been a long run.”
“You didn’t ride a horse.” Hanayo’s eyes were wide.
Rin ruffled her hair, “Hard to hide a horse. Or track from the back of one.”
“I’ll make you pancakes.”
“Nico likes pancakes.”
“All right,” Hanayo smiled, “Pancakes all around.”
“Put the rifle down, Doc. Rin’s not gonna hurt anybody. She saved my life.” Nico urged.
Rin followed Hanayo out of the room as Maki slid into the chair. Exhaustion was never a good constant companion.
“Girls okay?” Nico asked.
“They’re fine.”
“Got a husband?”
“They’re orphans.”
“That’s tough.”
“Frontier life is rough enough on kids.”
Maki stared at Nico for a long minute.
“Seems pretty rough on you too.”
“Nico’s got kids running around too, well, before I joined….”
“Really?” Did bandits have families? Would it be safe?
“Siblings. Nico’s Papa died and Mama needed help so Nico took the first job offer.”
“Actually, Nico was cooking for A-Rise, but moved up pretty quick.”
Maki rolled her eyes. This wasn’t a job interview. Maki didn’t need a bandit or a cook.
Nico moved and groaned, “Nico will be back to cooking breakfast soon.”
“Sheriff Sonoda has your Wanted poster up.” Maki raised an eyebrow, “You looked like a kid.”
“Tsubasa wants to blame Nico for everything, have everyone chasing her while…”
Nico shook her head, “It’s better you don’t know.”
“Sheriff Sonoda will probably be up here tomorrow.”
“I didn’t come back to town with Ruby and Dia. She pays attention.”
Nico exhaled, “It’s good that you have someone looking out for you. The frontier’s no place for a single parent.”
“I can take care of us.” Maki leaned back, letting the chair rock. It was surprisingly easy to talk to Nico.
“Friends don’t hurt.”
“Do you have friends?”
Nico thought about Rin coming through the window, concern on her face, “Might now. But Nico’s always had family. We take care of each other. Nobody hurts them on my watch.”
Nico sounded so fierce.
“I want that for Ruby and Dia.”
Rin bustled back into the room, a plate in each hand. She gave one to Nico, then settled on the end of the bed, finishing hers, “These are the best pancakes, Nico-chan.”
Nico took a bite, “Pretty good, but Nico makes ‘em fluffy.”
“But your buckwheat’s grainer.”
“It’s healthy.”
“Rin likes these.” Rin shoved a huge forkful in her cheek.
“Guess I’ll have to get my own plate,” Maki had her arms ready to push up.
“Nah, Kayo-chin is bringing yours in a minute. She said you’d want bacon.”
“Kayo-chin?” Nico asked.
“Cute nickname for a cute girl. Japanese is fun. English is...” Rin shrugged.
“Next you’ll be calling the Doc here Sensei.”
“Hi Sensei.” Rin waved a fork.
“Just Maki.”
“Okay, Maki. Your friend Kayo-chin is cute. This is a pretty big ranch. She have a…partner?”
Rin relaxed, Nico nodded and took another forkful. Maki yawned. Why do people continually obsess over those kind of details?
Dawn. Maki woke up. She’d fallen asleep in the rocking chair at some point in Rin and Nico’s continuing pancake dissertation. The ginger marshal had fallen asleep at the end of the bed, curled into a ball like a pet cat. Nico was sprawled out, limbs everywhere, almost laughably silly looking. But more relaxed. Sleep had done Nico some good. She had more color. Maki found herself staring at the sharpness of Nico’s profile, remembering the humor in eyes that hid more painful emotions.
Maki tilted back in the chair, running a hand through unruly curls, watching the sky outside lighten, listening to Nico’s light snore, hearing Ruby make a little cry in her sleep, followed by Dia’s comforting whisper. Maki wasn’t home, but as she stretched out her legs and watched banks of clouds turn as red as the depths of Nico’s eyes, comfortable was an easy enough term to claim.
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2/11/23 - Nozomi Toujo, my daughter, my wife, night shift, health emerald https://www.instagram.com/p/CqKN7fjuxvV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Nozomi: hey Nico what did you ask Santa this year?
Nico: nothing
Maki: oh? Why?
Nico: because i already have it all, a group of good friends, the love live winned and a beautiful girlfriend
Everyone: owwww
Nico: and because he's not real
Maki: Σ(●д●)
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crystalkiseki · 4 years
Ai: we need a distraction.
Ai: is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Nozomi: Nicochi's time has come.
Nico: HEY.
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diayase · 5 years
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NozoEli commission for @icaruswings87 !
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ka-the-potato · 5 years
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Some drawings I've done since leaving Tumblr!
These are my most recent after doing a lot of study on poses and stuff! Other art can be found on Instagram and Twitter on my Carrd
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babushkadashusha · 6 years
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loveliveheaven · 2 years
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gamingstims · 6 years
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Nozomi Tojo stimboard for @eliayxse
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rinarubys · 6 years
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ℓιℓу ωнιтє ѕιfαc ιcσиѕ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
ᶜʳᵉᵈᶦᵗˢ ᵗᵒ ᵗᵃᶦˢᵉᵗˢᵘ
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Maki: i think is time for you to met my parents..
Nico: oh? I'll be happy to met them!
[2 hours later]
Nico: this...this is not what i had on mind..
Eli [With a fake mustache]: so... What are your intentions with my little child?
Nozomi: aren't you too old for our baby?
Maki: mom!
Nico: ... What...the...nico nico fuck..
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rdermuravey · 6 years
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r0guewrites · 6 years
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?←HEARTBEAT Eli, Nico and Nozomi Icons! Feel free to use, but please credit me if you do.
If you want a personalised icon, including one with more than one character, I have commissions open! Details
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ka-the-potato · 6 years
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"The best present I've gotten is someone who wants to be with me forever ♥️"
Finally finished this drawing! I love Nozomi so much so I'm glad I finished this on time!
Instagram | Twitter | Main Blog
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