touyaistrying · 2 years
im so used to being an asshole because of everything that i am literally seething and i feel so disgusting from trying to be nice for more than a few seconds. i want to be rude but, they dont deserve it. they are so nice to us. i hate being like this. knowing its wrong but wanting it so bad. im trying so fucking hard. nobody in this system even sees that regardless. i just want them to know i am not who they thought i am. god.
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touyaistrying · 1 year
me: -helps and protects a headmate of ours and doesnt feel bad for them thanking me- War. Is. Over.
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touyaistrying · 14 days
This account was originally made Dec 3rd, 2022, by a previous headmate who no longer exists. His name, evident by the url, was Touya, and he was a recovering persecutor who was misconstrued by his peers and wanted to do better. His old pinned post can be found here.
I, who shall be called Hyena, am also a persecutor, and I am on the slow, nonlinear path of growth. Looking through this account helped me know I am not alone, and I am taking it over in an attempt to give myself a voice in a time where I feel I dont deserve one.
For the record, this blog is pro-endo, and the main blog is @thedevilandhisbride.
Touya's old personal tag was #touyatalks.
My personal tag is #hyenatalks.
Thank you for joining, or returning to, this journey. Time ticks forward, and we grow alongside it.
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