toycarousel · 6 years
What is your Twitter?
@toycarousels (with the ‘s’ at the end) is my twitter, and otherwise I’m just toycarousel p much everywhere else, including certain mastodon instances and reddit~!
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
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vanpora week day 3: free day
tribute piece to all the stars in the sea by @toycarousel
don’t think i would’ve gotten into hs if it weren’t for these dorks and these lovely audio pieces -albeit this one wasn’t what got me into hs but it’s def one of my faves that i’d love to see the underwater scene animated-
also a bonus bcus i just rlly liked the flow of this page
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maybestoryideas · 3 years
A very unofficial continuation of “How to Dissect Love” by ToyCarousel.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.
Kankri stands in the middle of the room, staring at the door in front of him.
KANKRI (to himself) Come on. You have to go down there sooner or later; best to do it now and get it over with. You can’t keep holding it off. Just... take a deep breath, and open the door...
He doesn’t move. He doesn’t react to the FARAWAY sound of WHEELS ROLLING CLOSER, not even when they STOP RIGHT BESIDE HIM.
He turns and sees the Listener, sitting in a wheelchair.
KANKRI Oh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there. Not that I was intentionally ignoring you, I’m just a little distracted is all.
LISTENER Are you okay?
KANKRI No need to worry, everything’s fine. I just need a moment to... mentally prepare myself.
They both stare at the door, waiting for him to move.
LISTENER How is he?
KANKRI I assume you’re talking about Cronus? Well, his condition was stable the last time I checked, but that was a few hours ago. I really should go downstairs and check on him again...
He doesn’t move.
LISTENER Would you like me to go downstairs with you?
KANKRI (shout) No! You can’t! (beat) I... I'm sorry, I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you like that, and I certainly have no right to say what you can and cannot do. That being said, I don’t think it’s a good idea. You shouldn’t be traversing stairs with your injuries, for one thing. Plus... I don’t think you should see Cronus. At least not right now. Perhaps, once you’ve both had some time to recover.
LISTENER Oh, okay...
KANKRI Look, it’s been a long night. Perhaps you should get ready for bed? I’m going to go and check on him. It should only be a few minutes. Okay?
LISTENER Alright...
The Listener ROLLS THE CHAIR AWAY, down the hall and to their room. Kankri sighs and looks back to the door.
KANKRI Let’s just get this over with.
KANKRI Cronus? Are you awake?
He takes the LAST STEP into the basement and sees Cronus sitting back in a hospital bed. He has lines of bandages taped to his body; there are rows of sutures under the bandages. There are straps around his wrists, tubes in his arm, and MACHINES at his side. He’s looking up with the thousand-yard-stare, only turning his head to look away when he finally notices
CRONUS Kankri..?
KANKRI Good evening, Cronus. How are you feeling? Any better than last night?
CRONUS ...Vwhat do you vwant?
KANKRI Well, first off I should apologize for interrupting your much-needed rest. You must be exhausted, so I’ll try to be brief with my visit. I just thought I should check and see how you’re doing. No sharp pains? No nausea or trouble breathing? If you’d like, I could get you some water or perhaps something to eat? You haven’t eaten anything all night.
No response.
KANKRI Cronus, I realize you’ve just been through an extremely traumatizing experience, but you need to understand that I truly want to help you in any way possible, and I can’t do that if you're not willing to talk to me.
No response.
KANKRI I understand; you have every right to be... upset; this is my fault and you don’t want to be around me. I know. Well, your vitals appear normal. I’ll leave you be and check on you again later.
Kankri leaves Cronus alone. He takes the first STEP-
CRONUS Please...
KANKRI (hopeful) Yes? What is it?
CRONUS ...Let us go.
KANKRI Cronus, I... (beat) I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.
CRONUS Please! Vwe vwon’t tell anyone vwhat happened, I promise! You still havwe their car, right? I’ll just tell evweryone that there vwas some kind of… accident. No one has to knowv that-
“you did this.”
That you... knewv vwhere vwe vwere. Okay?
No response. Then
KANKRI I’ll be back tomorrow evening.
CRONUS (shouts; painful) KANKRI! At least tell me, vwhy are you doing this?!
After a moment of consideration, Kankri WALKS back DOWN THE STAIRS and over to Cronus.
KANKRI I love them.
CRONUS Kankri, this isn’t lovwe. This is… this is crazy! You need help!
KANKRI (offended) First off, I would appreciate it if you l refrained from using sensational language that diminishes those suffering from real psychological disorders; especially in such an exclusionary way. Secondly, isn’t it possible that we simply have different perceptions of what is and isn’t love? I was under the misconception that your feelings were those of infatuation, falsely labeled as love, but you proved me wrong. What if you’re merely doing the same? Surely you don’t believe I enjoy hurting the people I care about, right? That I’m truly that horrible?
CRONUS I... I don’t knowv vwhat to think anymore.
Stunned silence.
KANKRI Cronus, what’s the last thing you remember from last night?
CRONUS ...Vwhat?
KANKRI Last night. I realize you were unresponsive when we left the basement, but clearly you remember at least some of what happened. Haven’t you wondered how it is that you’re still alive? Given the extent and severity of your injuries, I honestly thought you were beyond saving. We couldn’t call for help and, even if we did, it would’ve been too late. But... they still wanted to save you, and they said I was the only one who could do it. I wasn’t convinced, but we reached a compromise in the end. I saved your life and, in return,
Kankri smiles. A real smile. It’s the first time he’s smiled all night.
KANKRI They agreed to stay with me as my matesprit. No more fighting, no more silent sulking, no more trying to leave.
CRONUS Vwhat?! But vwhy vwould you-
KANKRI Because, Cronus, I would do anything for my matesprit. They can pick you over me every time, and I’ll still do whatever they ask of me. Even if it means culling a hopeless, (growing angrier) garbage, undeserving seadweller, (calm) I would do anything if it meant keeping them here with me.
Kankri pauses and BRIEFLY LAUGHS, like he just realized the punchline to a joke.
KANKRI In that regard, one could argue that we’re quite similar. Perhaps you just need time to come around to the idea. Maybe, by the time your ribs have healed, you’ll see things from our point of view.
Stunned silence. No, not stunned. Furious.
CRONUS So that’s it?! You’re just gonna keep us locked up here so you don’t havwe to be alone vwith your fucked-up self?!
KANKRI Cronus, I told you-
CRONUS Vwho givwes a shit about vwhat you said?! Let us go! If you don’t-
KANKRI You’ll what? Beat me up? While I have no doubt when it comes to the nature of your intentions - after all, you quite literally bared your heart - you need to be realistic. Half of your ribs are fractured, you’ve lost an unhealthy amount of blood, and there are sutures running along the length of your torso. Honestly, it would be a miracle if you could even get out of bed on your own. Do you honestly think you can just walk out that door?
CRONUS Someone’ll come looking for us!
KANKRI You’re probably right, but if it only occurred to you last night to go looking for your- I’m sorry, my matesprit, then I can assume it’ll be at least a couple of weeks until anyone notices your presence. Or rather the lack thereof. (beat) Cronus, it’s obvious neither of us want you to be here. But if my matesprit does- if knowing that you’re being taken care of makes them happy, I will look after you. If you cooperate, I promise you will be safe and healthy. But if you try to escape or do anything to take away my matesprit, I will stop you. By any means necessary.
Kankri leaves, QUICKLY WALKS out of the basement, and SLAMS the door shut. He continues down the hallways before pausing at a door. He hesitates before SOFTLY KNOCKING
KANKRI Do you mind if I come in?
LISTENER (O.S.) ...You can come in.
The door CLICKS OPEN, and Kankri sees the Listener, sitting in bed.
KANKRI I’m sorry; I didn’t wake you, did I?
LISTENER I, um... couldn’t sleep.
KANKRI So I suppose that means you overheard us?
LISTENER Some of it.
Kankri sighs. This is not how he hoped things would go. The Listener pauses before moving to the side and PATTING the spot next to them.
LISTENER Do you want to talk?
KANKRI Are you sure? You don’t have to force yourself outside your comfort zone for my sake, and I certainly wouldn’t want to intrude on your personal boundaries.
LISTENER It’s okay.
KANKRI Well... if you’re sure it’s okay. But, please don’t hesitate to tell me if I’m making you feel triggered in any way.
Kankri enters the room and sits down next to them. He adjusts himself so they’re facing each other, but not touching.
KANKRI Like this?
KANKRI Okay...
LISTENER So what’s wrong?
KANKRI Nothing’s wrong; everything’s...
“fine”. They both know that’s a lie.
KANKRI Well, I guess everything’s not fine. Cronus isn’t exactly thrilled with our arrangement, understandably so. I’m afraid I lost my temper with him.
LISTENER Is there anything I can do to help?
KANKRI Honestly, just having you here, listening to me, is more than enough help. Besides, you shouldn’t push yourself too hard; you still need time to let your fins heal.
KANKRI Speaking of which, are you having any difficulty navigating my hive? I wasn’t expecting you to be out and about so soon, so there are still some adjustments that need to be made but, honestly that’s my own fault; I should’ve arranged the place to be wheelchair accessible ages ago.
LISTENER It’s fine.
KANKRI You don’t have to spare my feelings.
LISTENER I’m fine, I promise.
KANKRI Okay. But tell me right away if you need help with anything. It’s really no trouble. (beat) ...You know I love you, right?
KANKRI And I would never want to hurt you...
He frowns and stands up.
KANKRI Sorry, I just...
“have to get rid of the car”.
I have to run some errands very soon. Again, sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.
He sighs.
KANKRI It’s getting late. I’d like to stay and talk some more, but I should be getting ready for sleep myself. Would you like anything while I’m up?
LISTENER I’m fine, thank you.
KANKRI Very well, then. I’ll see you tomorrow. And... thank you. For listening to me.
He walks out of the room and GENTLY CLOSES THE DOOR.
If it weren’t for the silence, you wouldn’t even notice the QUIET SQUEAK AS THE DOOR OPENS. SOFT, SLOW FOOTSTEPS travel DOWN THE STAIRS, They’re UNEVEN, like someone with a limp.
As quietly as possible, they approach the bed and GENTLY SHAKE his shoulder.
Cronus opens his eyes, panicking for a second before seeing the Listener and relaxing. They undo his wrist straps.
CRONUS Oh, thank God, it’s you. Are you okay?! He didn’t see you, did he?
LISTENER No, I don’t think so.
CRONUS Good. Vwhat are you doing dowvn here? Did you find a vway out?!
LISTENER No. All of the doors and windows are locked.
CRONUS And I’m guessing Kankri’s the only one vwith the keys. Great. Vwhat about tools or vweapons. I don’t vwanna fight him if vwe don’t havwe to, but maybe vwe can - I don’t knowv - knock him out or hold him back until help arrivwes?
LISTENER Well, I found this in the bathroom...
The Listener takes out a BOTTLE OF PILLS from their pocket and hands it to Cronus.
CRONUS Vwhat’re these, sleeping pills?
He reads the label
Vwoah, this is some strong shit. Vwhy does he evwen-
“have these?”
I don’t vwanna knowv. You should probably hang onto anything you find. I can’t do anything vwith them vwhile I’m stuck dowvn here.
The Listener takes back the PILLS and pockets them.
CRONUS Howv are your, um...
CRONUS I vwas gonna say ‘injuries’.
LISTENER It still hurts a lot. But at least I can walk.
CRONUS I guess that’s good... (beat) I still can’t believwe he vwould do something like this. I... I should’vwe realized something vwas vwrong.
LISTENER You couldn’t have known this would happen.
CRONUS But I still could’vwe done something to stop this! I knewv Kankri vwas acting strange; what if I’d said something to him, or vwarned you ahead of time- hell, I could’vwe gotten actual help instead of just barging in and trying to be a hero. Nowv vwe’re stuck here and-
LISTENER This isn’t your fault.
CRONUS But I... (beat) I couldn’t savwe you. I asked evweryone and looked evweryvhwere, but you just disappeared, and when I finally figured out vwhere you vwere, I couldn’t do anything to help you.
LISTENER We can still make it out of here.
CRONUS You keep saying vwe’ll get out of here, but do you actually know howv?! You can barely vwalk, I’m trapped dowvn here, and Kankri’s vwith at least one of us all the time!
LISTENER What about the car?
CRONUS The car? From vhwat I saw, it’s completely vwrecked.
LISTENER He’ll have to get rid of it before someone sees it and gets suspicious.
CRONUS ...Vwhich means he’ll havwe to leavwe the hivwe to take it somevwhere else. Vwould that buy us enough time?
LISTENER Enough time to get out of here and get help.
CRONUS Vwhat if he catches us?
LISTENER He won’t.
CRONUS Howv can you be so sure?
LISTENER We’ll be okay as long as we have a good plan.
CRONUS A plan. (beat) Okay, I’m in. I’m not sure howv much help I’ll be, stuck in the basement, but I’ll help anyvway I can. Just... promise me that you’ll look out for yourself. Like, if it comes dowvn to savwing me or getting out alivwe-
LISTENER I won’t let that happen. We’ll save ourselves.
He LAUGHS. Not fully convinced, but just a little more hopeful.
CRONUS Right. Vwe'll get out of here together.
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Commission finished for @remingtonflowers with their friend @toycarousel - - @APen #TransgenderCartoonist #Commission #Fanart #Genderfluid #Toy #Metta #Remi #Cuties #WorldOfHorror #red #pink #babes #medibang #ipadpro #applepencil (at Summerville, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEOPs0FaM8/?igshid=1i0xaqtza5b49
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worstseawitch · 5 years
@toycarousel I thought I was pretty much entirely detsenistized by this point but elsagate is proving me wrong
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royal-rage · 6 years
15 questions 15 mutrals
tagged by: @pink-bandaid
1. Are you named after anyone?
i chose my main name after sebastian michaelis as i was a 13 year old weeb and rage cause i am the heir of rage
2. When was the last time you cried?
yesterday :0)
3. Do you have kids?
do my ocs count?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
no, i dont! ((i used it just then aha))
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
if they are an asshole
6. What’s your eye color?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
8. Any special talents?
i draw
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
drawing, and watching spooky stuff
11. Do you have any pets?
1 cat
12. What sports do you play/have played?
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
illustrator!!! @pollyannam3 @thotrezi @pastelplantlover @rainbowpixiecat @prince-amethyst @toycarousel @whatthefuckarewe-dualsign @sittingprettyblog @shiniest-rockruff @asb-fan ... i ran out of mutrals XD
you dont have to do this if you don’t want to of course!!
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getlokiidcos · 6 years
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@toycarousel normally I don’t draw cats anymore but I was on a doodle spree and drew you and your boyfriend as cats?????????? (Your the spotted one btw) Σ('◉⌓◉’)✌︎('ω')✌︎
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toycarousel · 6 years
Contact Info!
So, I’m going to be posting the links to my various social media accounts here as I add them! Then I can reblog this post throughout the day (just so it’s all in one spot).  These are the places you will be able to find me~!
My twitter
reddit (not active yet, but will be steadily uploading stuff as I figure out the site more!)
Two Scared Siblings Podcast tumblr blog (my sister and I run this one, it’s a tumblr for our podcast~!)
Personal tumblr (may or may not have been censored -- I wouldn’t say it’s particularly *n//s/f.w. though).
My personal discord: #0334 (Mettadoll)
And my general discord server (anyone can join, just be sure to introduce yourself and be nice!) https://discord.gg/cMU6953
Personal Instagram
I’m also on a site called mastodon (<<< main site link for anyone who is interested). If you use that site, feel free to let me know about any fun or lively instances I can join!
And I’ll add more as I think of them~
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nia1sworld · 4 years
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I think the only one who likes Meenah is @squigglydigglydoo and Cronus is @toycarousel and I believe the only two that can be equal is @foolishkia and @lamiacrow and the one who really gets to be the same is @supersupremeburrito
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Commission done for @remingtonflowers which includes @toycarousel #APen #TransgenderCartoonist #Remi #Wren #Fansrt #podcast #voiceacting #coffee #mettaton #hauntedmantion #coffeecups #cuties #genderfluid #babes (at Summerville, South Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBoptarl48_/?igshid=pvtfvufa3ysv
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worstseawitch · 5 years
@toycarousel it makes me so dreadfully anxious and the fact that youtube is making money off of this is scary as fuck. Where is the button to delete youtube from existence we need it
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saitamastamaticsoup · 6 years
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Here ya go thots!! An updated queen
Tagging @toycarousel BC ofc wren gotta see my Halloween look☺️☺️
And the beautiful @dr-sappho
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sleepysalmon · 6 years
“Let me laugh for 5 minutes first and I’ll save you.” ~ #ShitBestFriendsSay _ #musicalland #musicalcarousel #toyplane #toycarousel #toyaeroplane #amusement #totoroseries #totoro #豆豆龙 #兔兔救我 #放飞机 #木旋 #toybuddies #toysagram #toysofintagram #storiesataglance #bestfriendslaughbeforehelping
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toycarousel · 6 years
Dear will you be posting your stuff on sound cloud again if they purify you off tumblr? Are there other formats we can follow you on?
Unfortunately, I don’t have any free space left on SoundCloud, and I don’t want to delete the older audios -- I tried making another account, but it was almost immediately deleted due to being considered inappropriate content??? Which is interesting to me, because a whole lot of people do what I do on that site~? So I’ll be double-checking their TOS, and then probably trying again to make another account there, but my primary mode of posting new (and old) content will be twitter, reddit (if I can find a spot for it that’s appropriate), and they’ll be linked through to other voice work sites that allow for these things~!
I’d definitely suggest keeping up with my main twitter (@toycarousels) for new content, and my content in general, as well as just myself~! I’ll be setting up an archive account there for re-uploading all my old content too~! Otherwise, my voice acting commissions (and general contact with folks I know through various sites) email address is manicpixiedreamtwink@gmail(.)com, and my alternative tumblr accounts include scotchduet (a side-blog for archiving stuff I’ve already done, and which may be purified for the same reasons), and manicpixiedreamtwink, which is a personal blog~! I think it might be flagged as well, but I’m not sure (since it’s not really content along those lines, it might be fine~!)
I’ll also be on tumblr on twoscaredsiblings a lot, which is for the horror podcast updates and general eerie content that Andrea and I create/post/photograph~! But we also take personal questions, and you can direct the ask toward one of us specifically if you’d like, just mention it within the ask~! : D We also have a Patreon (Two Scared Siblings). Where you can support our work~! I’ll be setting up an individual Patreon in the future as well~!
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toycarousel · 6 years
Changed my url name~!
So, changed my url name to “toycarousel,” (since the most highly-voted one -- sunsetcarousel -- was apparently already taken, whoops~! :’) Thank you all so much for the input~!!! It was basically a tie between toycarousel (which my boyfriend liked as well), dreamycarousel, or faeriecarousel.  So, in the future, who knows~? : D
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toycarousel · 2 years
Missing Audio Links
I know it took me like 10,000 years, but I finally re-uploaded all my missing soundcloud recordings to soundgasm! Let me know if I’m missing anything that you happen to know of! Also, most of these are super old, so no one is allowed to judge me about their quality -- I dug through these with great pain and I did it for you lmao. I’ll be slowly changing the links on each missing audio post in my actual voice acting tab as well, but for now, they’re all on my soundgasm here:
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