#tracey yardley
extraordinary-heroes · 9 months
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Sonic The Hedgehog #40 (Cover art by Tracey Yardley)
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cancelled-comics · 10 months
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Suggested concept art for a canceled Super Mario Bros. by Archie Comics. In 2009, a comic book about him was planned, all because Archie Comics planned to create a mini-series of comics about a playable character that would not be Sonic. Pitch didn't seem to impress Nintendo in the end, and the comic was never created. Drawings by Ben Bates (first three pictures) and Tracey Yardley (last four)
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dweamofsweep · 8 months
archiesonic jumpscare
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When I was a kid, I LOVED the Archie Sonic comics (+Sonic in general) so I still own a giant pile of these comic books. It used to be that if I saw a drawing I liked, I would trace it (yea I know 😩 but I always gave ✨credit✨ and I actually never shared those anyways lol)
Now that I’m a little more experienced though, I can copy side by side, which I think is a bit better for studying. My favorite pencil artist was always Tracy Yardley so this is a copy of his work! (Sonic Universe #75 which I pulled off the shelf at random tbh) It’s not entirely accurate, but I think kid me would still be impressed.
I am pretty short on storage space, so I may have to get rid of my collection soon, but I definitely want to take a good last look at them before that happens.
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segadriven · 7 months
New Sonic Board Game ‘Sonic Roll’ Coming January 2024
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basicallyafool · 2 years
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"Doctor, my beloved, soon...we will have our revenge"
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shadpio · 10 months
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I wasn’t gonna say anything about the art, but christ look at what they done to my girl sally
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pand1on · 1 year
Sally is finally starting to look like herself, it only took um 16 issues for her to get a decent colour scheme
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breadbugg · 11 months
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redraw of a scene from sonic universe issue 1 close up with alt text and originals below ↓
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original written by ian flynn, pencils by tracey yardley!, inks by jim amash, colored by jason jenson, letters by teresa davidson
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gwekkuu · 2 years
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Participated in a couple of Tracey Yardley’s colorist jams over on twitter 👀✨
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aqspec · 8 months
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insert that one Tracey Yardley rouge drawing
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tkdrawz · 1 year
The sudden hate for Evan Stanley's art style is wild af. What is going onnnnn????
First things first, I simply adore Evan Stanley's art style! As well as Gigi D, Adam Bryce Thomas, Tracey Yardley, and others I can't remember off the top of my head. In fact, they motivated me to draw Sonic characters again and work on my art style! That being said...
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Art is subjective and criticism is inevitable. I get it. But using certain adjectives and buzzwords then masking it as "criticism" is beyond BS. It's an opinion, yes, but also an INSULT. There is a vast difference between disliking/disagreeing with something and being flat out disrespectful. You knew exactly what you're doing.
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You were attempting to state you opinion, as you are free to do so, but your delivery was trash. Everyone knows that the Sonic fandom takes EVERYTHING personally. (Which is a problem in itself...) However, you're just poking an angry hornet's nest expecting not to get stung.
Like, gtfo with that.
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cancelled-comics · 10 months
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In 2009, Archie Comics pitched a comic book series based on the Super Mario game series. The deal didn't go through, but Nintendo offered to work with the publisher to release comics for its other franchises- Metroid, Fossil Fighters, and Kirby.
As time went on, work on comics for the three series began to coincide with the release of games about them. Metroid: Other M was supposed to be released in 2010, and there was also a Japanese release of Fossil Fighters: Champions in late 2010, followed by Kirby's Return to Dream Land and an American release of Fossil Fighters: Champions in late 2011.
Thus Archie Comics worked on a short comic book series based on the Metroid game series, one of the Nintendo franchises and the game series that created the Metroidvania genre. No interesting material on the Fossil Fighters and Kirby franchises has been found. The Metroid comic was written by Ian Flynn. He spoke about three options for the development of the project for the comic on his Twitter.
In the first version, each issue would have its own unique story. Samus would have been chasing the weapons vendor, who would have been defeated at the end of the first issue. The second pitch told a very different story, Samus had to investigate strange mega-fauna, mad scientists were mutating animals and Samus had to stop them. In the third draft, the comic would have adapted the plot of the first Metroid game, but this pitch is the least known of the details.
The concept art for all three pitches survives, with the first three drawings by artist Tracey Yardley and the last three by Steven Butler.
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riftclaw · 1 year
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I have not had the time to really keep up w social media lately but I did enter V into @sonic-oc-showdown so I’m throwing together a post about him for anyone who hasn’t seen him before. Sege linked me a list of questions for an ask game so I’m going to answer those under the cut.
He also has a toyhouse page, which is a little out of date, but very lightly touches some darker topics (some medical and medical experimentation themes, mentions of drug use, mentions of trauma, violence and mental illness). V is a long-time comfort character which also means he has suffered so much bc that’s how we roll sometimes.
Art credits: me, Tracey Yardley!, @werewolfri0t, @spiritsonic, @pidgeonspen, @forkthief, @sege-h, @finitevus, @fini-mun, @starlitskvader (Legitimately could not choose which pictures to include so I included a lot of them. sorry. I love them all so much. If you’re not following these wonderful artists already you should be!)
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name? “Agent” bc he works for GUN, “VX” bc it’s the name of a nerve agent. It is also a subtle pun. You’re welcome.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range) Current-day V is 35 years old, but as a riftclaw he’d fall into the 18-21 age group (adult, still kinda dumb and impulsive).
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)? V is poly and is dating several people at once. He’s married to Caprice for legal reasons, but the whole of the polycule encompasses them and Curie, Valke and Luka, w V having a couple casual partners not involved in the main polycule (Atos [for now], Chad, Neura).
🍕 - What is their favorite food? V doesn’t really like to eat and kinda treats it as an unfortunate necessity of continuing to live.
💼 - What do they do for a living? V works for GUN in a weird in-between position; on paper he’s a field agent but he ends up doing multiple different jobs especially if there’s gaps that need filling. At the moment he’s acting medical examiner while they find someone qualified enough to handle the weirder cases that come through GUN’s HQ.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies? He buries himself in work a good 95% of the time but he sure loves to play minecraft. He’s banned himself from videogames bc he knows if he plays more than one he’ll never get anything done again.
🎯 -What do they do best? V’s main strength is that he’s stubborn as hell and willing to smack his head against something repeatedly until he wins. His whole side goal is developing a cure for a genetic illness that’s present in his clan and despite this seeming impossible he has been pushing his way through an insane amount of study while also holding down his GUN job in order to eventually do that.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? He loves learning about new horrible poisons and diseases, which is one of his favourite pastimes. He also loves spending time w his datemates/packmates (two different things). He hates being told what to do so anything he’s being commanded to do is something he hates in that moment. Hilarious.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories? The first time he got to hold his son again after giving him up for adoption shortly after he was born. That Muna’s new parents wanted him to still have some kind of relationship with him was an unexpected joy for him.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? There’s this whole 6-month period of his life where he was “working” for Glory he does not like to remember at all.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one? No but it’s still very close. The main changes were removing the spines on the tail and adding the big triangular eye markings.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC? Thorny devil lizards + horrible poisons I was reading about as a teen. Then I watched Repo! The Genetic Opera and you can probably see where I got his outfit from if you know anything about it.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in? Whatever genre you’d assign an edgier sonic game like SA2 or ShTH.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality? I call him genderfluid and alloaro (+ bi/pan) although he doesn’t really ID as either in-universe. His perception of his own gender tends to change a lot, and “he” is just the easiest pronoun to use when you work with humans a lot.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have? He was raised as an only child; he has a half-sister who lives in a different world and has adopted a few of his alternate selves + their siblings.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? His relationships w his mum and grandpa (the parents who raised him) are quite positive; he visits them at least once a year during the big gathering the clan holds in June. His relationship with his father is terrible and he’s threatened to kill the guy at least twice.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? This one is difficult to answer bc I’ve been rotating him constantly in my mind for 10+ years now. I like drawing him and writing about him and also thinking about what’s going on in his mind. Also I project a lot on him. That’s fun.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC? Extremely but I never finish writing. I draw him more than anyone else atm.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? No, bc it’s funny if the guy who doesn’t really wanna survive lives forever.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias? He has a general fear of losing his control of his self, which is specifically triggered by Glory’s mind control powers but applies more broadly to having his autonomy restricted.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Glory is V’s biggest adversary and basically like, his end boss. He has a couple smaller opponents (couple guys in the UF military structure, Ossein) to go through first though.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?/ 🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC? Since I was 17 or so, so about 16-17 years. We’re old!
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kinopioa · 9 months
So the summer annual is out
Ignoring past nitpicks of this issue, we have Sonic the sudden blabbermouth
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Noticed Yardley regressed to forcing a 3 spine silhouette only sometimes this issue. Hmm
The issue quickly turns petty, both sides being douchey in the process
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Sonic weirdly goes from "Yeah, you guys can just stay on your side" to "No fuck you, we were here first!"
So we go through a montage of game sessions to determine who wins. Legit, the beach is big enough, y'all are stupid
Also more Snarkley
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Unrelated, they used ComicCraft Zoinks for this. Did you know Samba De Amigo's recent game also uses this?
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They end in a tie for prior games, with the last event to break it being volleyball. Jewel feels angst of being forgotten which says more about her supposed friends than her honestly, so then they trail behind. Roth takes over given Tracey is busy
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Also that bottom right panel should've been more clear for continuity. Without the ball trail it's hard to follow
Sonic gives pep, which Jewel then gets an idea that nets them the win
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The comic further reminds us that Ian exaggerates the worst of Jet's traits off base, while ignoring Storm's existence (Storm literally only has 3 lines the entire comic)
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So they win, and despite making such a fuss earlier, they're now suddenly ok with hanging out with them
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So they do, Sonic shows how randomly gross he is, and Tangle and Jewel bond. Likely to be undone next arc...
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You know, we never see Sonic actually give Tails the crankshaft earlier, so...
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Unrelated, I feel Yardley is the only recurring artist comfortable with drawing Sonic from behind in IDW. This actually looks good for spine shape
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Shame he's too used to snarknic though
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crusherthedoctor · 3 months
By the time i sent the ask, i remember the Tracey yardley Sonic slasher smile and this is even funnier.
Enjoy what i just make.
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I made it more appealing for the Yardley demographic.
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
Sometimes I feel certain terms like s*xist/h*mophibic are sometimes thrown around at ppl just to say your opinions doesnt matter. Like ive seen the same ppl disliking evans art also dislike tracey yardleys art and he's MALE. Also Evan is currently the headwriter/lead artist so shes going to get criticized the most.
The irony is, I LIKE Stanley. Her art and colouring is sublime and aside from being a superior artist to Yardley in every way, she has never pulled the kind of shit that Yardley has such as defiling another artist's work, an FELLOW OFFICIAL ARTIST'S WORK and buckling down when told the fact that it's both disgusting and disrespectful. I just don't agree with how she draws Silver.
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