#trans dazai also real but i thought this was funny
haventseensun · 2 years
couldn’t get this stupid idea out of my head
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makabekazuki · 8 years
01.) nicknames: avi is definitely the most used one lmao. some others are/were sein (pls use this sometimes, i'll love u), deven, davu (tho nobody is allowed to use the last one ever), aaaand some more variations of my given name
02.) star sign: aries
03.) height: 158cm / ~5'2", i haven't grown in almost a decade and i will forever to sad that i'm below 160cm. at least heels exist
04.) time right now: 6:22am Haha oops
05.) favorite music artist(s): lmao i'm the worst person you could possibly ask this bc i don't listen to music much (basically only while commuting) and when i do, it's anime ops/eds and character songs. and i don't really care who sings those. ... i am fond of angela tho? let's go with that
06.) song stuck in head: 「 存在と無 」 by soushi and kazuki (fafner) bc i mentioned the song in the previous post
07.) last movie watched: both my memory and my attention span are Not So Good so it will remain a mystery to us all
08.) last tv show watched: p sure it was some of the digimon 02 christmas episodes some days ago. i think the last one was the one w/ imperialdramon's first appearance?
09. what are you wearing right now: a mismatched pyjama, a cardigan thing, warm socks. it's winter and i am always cold
10.) when did you create your blog: july 2010, apparently. i was 18, i'm crying, that's a terrifying thought
11.) what kind of stuff do you post: fandom stuff of all kinds, space, and #funny and #relatable text posts mostly
12.) do you have any other blogs: yeah
13.) do you get asks regularly: nope. i don't mind tho
14.) why did you choose your url: i was makabekazuki before and i wanted something less... character-y. so i looked at a bunch of space terms, found nothing, looked at minerals, and... ended up with calaverite which has a nice name and is one of the few gold minerals so that's cool. and then i had to use the german spelling bc the english one didn't work fsr?? something like that
15.) gender: what would i need that for (i'm agender lmao)
16.) hogwarts house: hufflepuff probably, Maybe ravenclaw? probably puff tho
17.) pokémon team: i'm that loser who still hasn't downloaded pkmngo so, uh. core series. i basically always use the cute ones bc i'm the laziest trainer in the world and if i Have to grind, i'd rather see some cute pkmn lmao. my moon rn is primarina, ribombee, (cheer) oricorio, salazzle, and mimikyu. all female bc Why Not. i forgot what i wanted my 6th pkmn to be so. we'll see.
18.) favorite color: green! i also really like mint, turquoise, and blues.
19.) average number of sleep: well. the mathmatical average is probably 6-7h. but what this really means is "2-4h when i need to get up early" and "10-14h when i don't" so, uh. yeah. (i do sometimes get 5-7h a night but that is not a common occurance, my sleep schedule is The Worst)
20.) lucky number: i'm gonna go w/ favorite instead and that's 3! i like 37 and 39 too.
21.) favorite characters: i Just answered a meme like that so, i'll just list some more? in no real order.
candidate for goddess - ernest cuore (the first character death that i realized as such. smol avi was very, very sad when its fav character suddenly sacrificed himself. (so naturally, "would die (or does actually die) for ppl they love" became one of my fav character types))
hourou musuko - nitorin (my darling canon trans girl child, please never talk to be abt this show's op and ed bc i'll start crying within 2 seconds)
boueibu - enatsukin (what do you mean, that's 3 characters. i love them all and my fav changes every 5 seconds)
bungou stray dogs - atushi and akutagawa are both my beloved children who i adore very much. aaand i love dazai and ranpo too, faves are hard
kingdom hearts - sora, probably? i haven't played a game w/ him in 200yrs bc our ps2 is dead and most handheld games (w/ him) are. not so fun to replay lmao
ffxiv - haurchefant and aymeric, i love those elfs. also, minfilia is good and i will love and protect her from rude and hateful ppl
22.) how many blankets do you sleep with: one. i know this directly contradicts "i am always cold" but more than one blanket is Too Warm and also too heavy so i usually just take a heat pillow w/ me if i'm freezing lmao
23. dream job: lmao. if you'd asked me half a year ago, i would've confidently told you "special needs educator at an elementary school". but i failed to get into university studies relating to that so i had to look for sth different, just to have Something To Do. so i signed up for german studies major + english studies minor at a different university (some studies don't require grades here... it's complicated) bc hey, i wanted to teach english and german sooo that extra year wouldn't be completely wasted, right? except that i ended up falling in love w/ historical linguistics (thanks, intro to medievial english studies) so. now i'm torn bc what i'm currently studying is Really fun and interesting to me but idek what jobs i could get w/ a BA in that. education would practically guarantee me a job and i'd probably enjoy it but. yeah. tl;dr i do not know fhjdsfk
24. following: less than 50 blogs. mostly friends and mutuals, some other nice-seeming fandom ppl, (fandom) artists, space blogs. i almost always backread so following lots of ppl would make backreading really difficult but Not knowing what everyone has been up to makes me really anxious, so. a small-ish group of ppl that generally doesn't spampost is best lmao
once again, feel tagged but nor pressured to do this if we're mutuals? or steal this, it's all ok
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