#trans kim having the worlds WORST time in this fic
the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
Pregnant Kim anon here again, please know that after I sent that I decided to “warm up” by outlining an entire fic and didn’t get any novel writing done lol. I would love a snippet full of ANGST because I think Kim deserves it right now for what he’s done to my brain
asdfjhagsdjfh VALID! ALL OF THAT IS VALID!
Here is your angst, my darling. I realized I actually don't have a ton of the pregnancy itself written yet, so here's a little bit (lol. it's over 1k, I got carried away) that happens soon after the birth. Kim has horrible post-partum depression thanks to everything that happens in this fic. TW for graphic description of depression and implied suicidal ideation
Chay entered the bedroom to find Kim beneath the covers still, at nearly three in the afternoon. Curled up on his side, tears steadily leaking from the corner of his eye every time he blinked, making a wet spot on the pillow beneath his cheek. He wasn’t even really crying. His eyes were just wet, and that wetness was dripping, and Kim had long since given up on trying to stop it. 
Chay didn’t ask, are you okay? Because he already knew what the answer would be. Instead he climbed onto the bed and spooned up behind Kim, and asked him, “What are you thinking about?”
“It’s not real.”
“What isn’t?”
“This. The depression. All of it. It feels real. It feels awful. But it isn’t. It’s just hormones and chemicals. It’s not me.” Kim didn’t sniffle, or sob, or sigh. His voice didn’t change from the even, monotonous quality it always had when he was trying not to feel. He just breathed. Closed his eyes against a fresh wave of tears, not that it did anything to halt their fall. “I thought once it was over, everything would be okay. I would be free. But it’s never going to stop, is it? There’s no normal for me to go back to. Just this.”
“P’Kim—” Chay’s voice cracked. He swallowed back what sounded like the beginnings of a sob and buried his face in the back of Kim’s neck. Weeks of exposure to Kim’s moods hasn’t made them any easy to handle, not least of all because he knew there’s nothing for him to do. He couldn’t take away this pain. “Please don’t talk like that. It is going to be okay. This isn’t forever. The doctor said it would take at least a month for your medicine to start working—it has to build up in your system, remember? Then everything will be okay.”
Kim didn’t say that the antidepressants only made him feel worse. Blunted him. Blurred any scrap of goodness he could cling too, until it was part of the same empty haze as everything else. He didn’t say that there was no drug strong enough to mask the bone-deep repulsion he felt every time he cradled his daughter to his breast to nurse. Nothing that could make him forget her conception when the pain of her birth was a constant reminder. He didn’t say anything at all. 
Chay squeezed his arm around Kim’s middle, between his aching, swollen breasts, and his aching, swollen incision. Squeezed tight enough that it should have hurt if Kim were capable of feeling anything at all. 
“You’re scaring me, P’Kim,” Chay whispered, holding Kim so tight he could hardly breathe. That was alright. He didn’t need to breathe. 
“I love you, Chay. Thank you for staying with me. I… I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. Or that I did, I shouldn’t have—right before—” Before he nearly died. He shouldn’t have said it then. In what he thought were his last moments, he needed Chay to know. But it was selfish to let those be his last words to the boy. 
“Thank you for telling me. I’m glad you did. And I love you, too, P’Kim, so much. You are so, so loved, and someday soon, all of this is going to be better, okay? You just have to hold on until then.” Chay’s voice turned near-manic as it fully dawned on him just what he was bargaining for. “Promise me, Kim. Promise me you won’t leave again.”
“I promise.” A mechanical admission in that dull voice, but no less true. Kim found Chay’s hand where it was pressed over his beating heart and laced their fingers together. 
Kim knew Chay would no doubt tell their brothers about his alarming mood, and they would no doubt take him back to the doctor. He knew about the lists Chay had printed out and hidden away in his desk, spread across three pages and outlining the symptoms of baby blues, postpartum depression, and psychosis, with little checked boxes to track him. He’d filled out nearly half the page for depression before ever leaving the hospital. 
Kim wondered how many ticks he got on the last page before they took him away for good. Before they took his daughter away. Maybe they should; she would no doubt be better off without him. He hadn’t even wanted to keep her. Had nearly bled out moments after meeting her. Maybe it was a sign he wasn’t meant to have her at all. 
“Make sure Kiah’s taken care of,” Kim said softly, his face half-buried in the pillows. “I can’t—I’m not good for her. If I can’t take care of her, you’ll find someone who will, won’t you?” Kim went through too much to bring her into this world, he wouldn’t let her suffer for his own unwillingness to give her up, if that’s what it took to offer a better life. 
Behind him, Chay swallowed thickly. 
“Of course, P’Kim. I’ll make sure she’s always safe and loved.” 
The weight that’s been hung around Kim’s shoulders since he made the decision to bring Kiah home finally lifted, a relief he didn’t know he needed. He sighed and sank back into Chay’s warm embrace, the tension finally melting out of his body, and squeezed the hand still lying over his heart. 
“You’re safe and loved, too,” Chay said. “You have me, and Porsche, and your brothers, and P’Pol, and P’Arm, and P’Big. We’re all going to make sure both of you are safe and loved and taken care of. I won’t leave you alone again, P’Kim. Not ever.”
Kim didn’t doubt it. He never had. All this time, Chay’s love—the love of his family—has been an unwavering presence, cutting through the misery that’s cloaked him these last nine months. Kim didn’t know how to express that to Chay. That there was nothing to worry about. Kim wouldn’t hurt himself, with or without their constant supervision. He didn’t want to. He was only acknowledging the unrelenting misery he felt every waking moment, and accepting that it would likely follow him for the rest of his life. He didn’t prefer it, but he knew it was inevitable that these feelings would continue to be his constant companions. 
However he may feel, Kim knew he owed it to his daughter to be the best father he could be for her. And if his best wasn’t good enough, he would find someone that could give her what she deserved. Even still, Kim appreciated the reassurance. Appreciated Chay, for the way the younger boy has stayed at his side for so long, seen him through so much horror and heartbreak, and would show that appreciation however he could. Even if the most he could do was hold his hand and promise not to leave.
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
Ask game, feel free to comment for both fandoms please or skip for one.
2,6,7,9 16, 17, 21, 22,
I'm going to like.... jump around to whatever fandom I feel like for each question.
2. a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Okay so I did this for Disco Elysium so -- He Xuan would never bottom. My compelling argument is he told me personally. Next question.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
I'm sorry but all ya'll Qi Rong fans who keep trying to find him a boyfriend... I support you, but maybe go stand over there? please????
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Again, did this one for Disco Elysium, so again tying into the above answer... Qi Rong is a character I'd like to be able to spend more braincells thinking about, because I think there COULD be some interesting meta I could make about him, but the fandom seems to have a very predetermined way of thinking about him and writing him that makes it so hard for me to want to engage.
9. worst part of canon
I feel like I can't speak on DE just because I haven't finished or explored it as thoroughly as I'd like to yet. For MXTX books... God I'll be so honest it was silly and fun the first time, but I cringe rereading the whole Statue Mecha scene near the end of TGCF. It's so ridiculous and outlandish that it breaks emersion for me a bit.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Okay, I'll be SO HONEST -- as someone who's come to better accept his trans masc-ness because of Kim Kitsuragi -- I'm kind of shocked at the sheer amount of trans!Kim fics. And I guess there's a part of me squinting at it going, "Isn't there something a little weird about ascribing transmasculinity to a character who -- in the real world -- is part of a race that's often feminized (the "pretty Asian boy" stereotype) and is visually the most slender and short of the male characters? Like? That feels a little weird to me, ya'll..."
(Like, not saying stop, I get it, and the fanfics handle it really well on the whole, but also like... I think it's worth asking ourselves (1) WHY Kim gets this treatment over Harry or another character and (2) WHAT kinds of queerness we're ascribing onto characters. Especially in light of stuff like me seeing KimHarry on a yuri poll.... like. come on ya'll. A tiny bit of critical thinking) (and again. not saying "don't write queer characters" but maybe like... consider diversifying your options).
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Tip Top Racer Kim. Why the fuck are none of you writing Tip Top Racer Kim Kitsuragi AUs. Why. Where's the art. Where's Kim in tight fitting racing uniform huh??? (which. uh. if anyone has a good artist you'd recommend for a commission....) (I am LEGALLY obligated to drop my favorite DE fic now just so you all can see THE POTENTIAL: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40802268) Also not enough Jean crossdressing fics, send tweet. That blonde wig is all I think about and there's so much unresolved in that choice....
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
In Disco Elysium, who the FUCK are these student communist dudes everyone is talking about because I LITERALLY haven't seen them.
Also for TGCF, the underwater kiss scene. The actual kiss is honestly secondary to me to EVERYTHING ELSE happening in that moment because people seem to forget how INSANE the circumstances are.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores Oh for my MXTX fandoms that's easy -- I am easily the second most Beefleaf brain rot person you'll ever meet and the Black Water Arc of TGCF is everything to me. Everyone always talks about the climax and the beheading and sure that's cool but the BUILD UP? The visit to Fu Gu and watching the performance of He Xuan's massacre? The Truth or Dare game in the temple? The foreshadowing with the Water and Wind master statues? The visit to Shi Qingxuan's terrace and the poetry written there? BREAKING SQX OUT OF HER PALACE BECAUSE SWD IMPRISONED HER? AND THEN SQX WALKING AWAY FROM YUSHI HUANG'S FARM AFTER "MING YI" TRIES TO GET HER TO STAY BEHIND? None of you talk enough about the LENGTHS He Xuan went to to try to avoid getting SQX involved in SWD's death and it makes me ABSOLUTELY INSANE ON A DAILY BASIS!!! I am chewing on glass about this!!!!
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wxundedwings · 7 years
list of bottom seokjin/ seokjin centric recs
key: ** is for  fics i fell head over heals in love with <3
Jin Harem ;P
Roses By sereinity ** Summary: Jin wakes up in a train with no memory of how he got there, what he was doing there or where he was headed.
Just a Little by Feather_Song ** Summary: Seokjin slips into the wrong headspace at the wrong time and ends up with six doting hyungs. OR Literally just BTS giving Seokjin the love he deserves. It's that simple.
You know I love you by DarkPoetByTheSea  Summary: Bangtan are beyond jealous watching Ken having fun with their boyfriend. The consequences are deserved. 
Reign by kristalijah * Summary: Right now though, well nothing's wrong per se, but lately his young masters were getting a bit.. Touchy.
Just once by BlackBlood  Summary: Jin was laying in the hospital bed, he still remembered the last time he had seen the other BTS members and he wished he hadn't left the way he did. Now that all treatment had failed, he wished he could've said goodbye. He wanted to see his fellow BTS members, even if it was for the last time. And there was only one treatment they hadn't tried before and Jin wished that just for once luck would be by his side, that just once he could get lucky.
just the three of us by Anonymous  Summary: Seokjin, Yoongi, and Hoseok have a three-way.  This is actually the norm for them.[non-idol, domestic au; seokjin’s casually trans in this also, nbd; alsox2 how many times can i use the word clit? spoiler: a lot.]
Our princess by selfproclaimed_princess  
What I Go To School For by Humansunshine  Summary: Seokjin lives out one of his longest-running fantasies. It’s tough being the prettiest one in a boys-only boarding school. 
I wanna be your man by xJinniebunx  Summary: Title from Boy in Luv and will probably change. Basically, Jin and the younger members get drunk, Jin gets clingy and all the members love him and want to do him. Thats it. That's the fic Also if you hop on my dick for me calling Jin princess, babydoll etc (even though it's a genuine kink but delulu fans so) I will scream k
Other Worlds by rokujin  Summary: Abnormal description: Jin: What's the worst role you could take in a movie? 0613: A side-character Jin: What's worser than a side-character? 0613: The fact that you are one? ------------------------------------- Normal description:*crying inside 0613's stomach*
Hell Is 'Round The Corner by Chogiwha (Ac1c)  Summary: Stares follow them wherever they go, accompanied by the ever-present whispers they’ve learned to tune out over time. 'Spoiled kids', some people call them, though no one would ever dare say it to their faces. 'Narcissistic'. 'Foolish'. 'Too greedy for their own good.'This little ‘club’ of theirs has a total of six members, each and every one of them rich beyond belief. There are some who view them as gods; perfect in every way imaginable. If you look no further than outward appearances, they may as well be, but even designer suits and expensive cosmetics can’t keep hiding the occasional cracks in those carefully crafted facades. They’ve never had to ask for anything. Whatever they want, they get, and the simplicity of it is almost too boring to bear. That is, however, until a new challenge appears; a race to get to the only thing that seems to stay just out of their reach, no matter how hard they try to catch up.The cards have been dealt, and now it’s only a matter of time until they find out who will get what they want most. Who will get him.
Bottled Of Feelings by JinIsMyLife  Summary: The oldest and the youngest feelings for each other finally explode, and a whole lot of perverted things occur. How will the rest of the members feel though? 
Fill my day with kisses by ceokjin * Summary:  Seokjin's day could be considered a bad one, an awful one even. But he has six pairs of loving lips pressed against his own at different moments during the same 24 hours, so it all works out in the end.
Let Us Take Care Of You. by JinForLife    Summary:  Jin is overworked because of his idol work, college life and taking care of his pack mates. It pushed him into an early heat. The members decide to wind him down and let him take a break. 
In The Midst of The Dark by gyugyu658 ** Summary: Basically, horror one-shots that only includes BTS. If there's any paring that I'll include, it's none other than Jinxbts. 
Mouthful by mochibuns  Summary: Seokjin looks good enough to eat, so Yoongi has the brilliant idea of eating sushi off of him. Hoseok and Taehyung are incredibly on board with this idea. 
I Love You, We Love You by Anonymous  YoonJinMin
Vitamin by resonae **! Summary: Bangtan watches 'Laws of the Jungle. They aren't happy to see Seokjin getting sick. 
Save Me by resonae ** Summary: In 2016, a list of male idols with sponsors leak to the news outlet. Kim Seokjin's name is on it. -- In 2021, BTS is a group with four Daesangs, record-breaking albums, and six members. Everyone calls them a success. Jimin calls them a failure.
Till Your Body Burns Up by synful  Summary: In which Jin is a first class energy draining incubus and Taehyung is the first class idiot that hits on him.
Coming of Age by resonae  Summary: Apparently, a long time ago, Seokjin promised Jungkook they'd do things once Jungkook was an adult. All fine and good, except Seokjin's dating Jimin. Jungkook doesn't see a problem. Jimin's okay with it. Seokjin wants to not cook for either one for a month.
Noticed by fluffy_lee  Summary: Notice: /noun/ the fact of observing or paying attention to something. A simple word that all the members understood but simply failed to do when it came to the eldest. 
Protective by fluffy_lee ** Summary: The boys are protective of their too-pretty Seokjin Hyung.
Hell's Plaything by Krys007 ** Summary: There are things you shouldn't know... There are secrets that should never be revealed... There are mysteries that should never be discovered...Because in the end..  you will regret even choosing that decision.
A Little Coping Mechanism by Odengiie  Summary: Little Kim Seokjin/Caregiver BTS AU that I've wanted to write for like a year now RIP Small collections of little Seokjin! The story will follow a general timeline but it's more fluffy scenarios, slight angst and a whole lot of Seokjin being adorable. If you have a problem with Littles etc then this story isn't for you leave now.
I'll warmly hold you by wayward_detective **! Summary:  Nesting is a big part of adjusting to a new pack for an omega. Seokjin just takes a little time to build the perfect one. 
The Beast Inside by minleaf ** Summary:  Their small pack was usually overlooked but when they take in an abused beta and omega, suddenly all eyes are on them. They have to defend their new family, and if that meant falling in love and breaking a few bones then so be it. 
Hold Me Tight by tinydust123 Summary: Jin looked at the full body mirror in the bathroom and a glimpse of his state right now stole his attention.
Gravity Assist by SugaMeUp Summary: Gravity assist (n): the use of the relative movement and gravity of an astronomical object to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft.Seokjin existed within a constellation, though he himself was not a star. He wasn’t even sure he would count as a planet - maybe just something unremarkable like an asteroid or a moon. That suited him best, he thought, because he too lacked his own light, and could only hope to reflect from others. Luckily, there were six stars in his constellation, so he was frequently surrounded by light. In which Seokjin is a paediatric nurse who helps six lost souls find their path and falls in love six times along the way.
A Criminal's Cure by Sonorous ** Summary:  There is no cure for a murderer. The only way they can be satisfied is to murder again and again. Luckily, the genius scientists at BTS Laboratories have created a successful antidote for these depraved human beings— A man who was created to be used again, and again, and again.
Blinded by EndlessPossibiliTaes Summary: Seokjin gave up. Gave up hope. It's been 10 years in this foster home. He knew he was too old to be adopted. Not cute enough. Not easily influenced.Too smart for those simple tricks only a child will fall for. He was waiting for eighteen. Just one more year then he could be on his own. He goes to school, he'll graduate soon. He just wants to be on his own. In his own apartment that he's been saving up for by working at the mall as a cashier at jcpenny.
Bloody Secrets by JinIsMyLife Summary:  With the ever growing popularity of Bangtan Sonyeondan, Kim Seokjin, the eldest member of the group has been feeling beyond content and satisfied. There were times in the past when his fears and insecurities would try to tear him down, but given how hectic their lifestyle now is, there hasn’t been much room for that feeling to show itself lately, but all of a sudden, he starts having disturbing dreams. More in the form of nightmares of someone beckoning him. Waking up in a cold sweat, he manages to forget about them during the daylight hours. Things take a sudden turn for the worse, when things he thought were just the stuff of myths rear their ugly head. Will the rest manage to save the oldest member from being taken away from them?
Faster than anything, further than anywhere by wayward_detectivefor nyancchi  Summary: Kim Seokjin, BTS’s angel maknae, had the entire kpop industry wrapped around his pretty fingers, and VIXX's main rapper was no exception. 
JULY (but really December) by SodiumBicarb Summary: It was nearly three am and snowing when Seokjin decided that he was just going to ask for sex with an idol in the middle of the street instead of in a darkened alley like a civilized person. OR Remember how Kris spoiled Tao when they were both in EXO? Yeah. I wanted that for our boy Jin, so here it is. #spoiled!jin
Healing the scars by onepixel ** Summary: Yoongi visits Seokjin's apartment after a fight in the club... again. 
Wrong number, Yoongichii! by xJinniebunx ** Summary: The title sucks i am sorry. Basically, based on the "I sent my picture of myself in the tub to my friend but I got the wrong number" AU. Yoongi is NOT portrayed as a selfish mean asshole like i see a few people doing too, And Jin is just as cute and soft as ever.
Switch by resonae ** Summary: When Seokjin picks up the Omega with the mint hair from the club, he couldn't have ever expected what happened afterwardOr: Omega!Yoongi is a top, and Alpha!Seokjin is a bottom.
I didnt expect you to be my princess by animelove21 ** Summary: There was something that has always bothered Yoongi. He has a consistent dream with someone he can only vaguely remember. Yoongi moves from Daegu to Seoul to further his studies in music and happens to meet shy, sassy, cute Kim Seokjin. (they happen to be in the same class) Competition is pretty fierce for Seokjin but Yoongi won't lose to anyone. Seokjin can be an airhead about love... and very awkward about confessions. 
Red Satin Sheets by ourparadise  Summary: It’s no secret that Bangtan Sonyeondan, Kim Seokjin was claimed and marked. This much is true. The events preceding are….difficult to explain. [non-con warning; read tags]
Broken by Coup Detat (MysteriousHarmony) ** Summary: When Kim Seokjin finds out that his mate has been cheating on him he takes their child, Taehyung, and leaves Namjoon - the Omega building up a support system in their new home as he comes to love an alpha named Yoongi. Meanwhile Namjoon is focusing on the growing success that is his music career, and on the pent up emotions he is experiencing from losing his mate. 
Unforgiven by onepixel   Summary: Seokjin is very popular among the students because of his look, uncommon intelligence and sweet-natured heart. Despite his kind personality he has few enemies. [non-con warning] 
Now That I See You by resonae **! Summary: Seokjin is a prince trapped in a tower, and Yoongi is his guardian dragon. Things don't go like they're supposed to go. 
Birthday Heat by bebeshark * Summary: Seokjin's birthday gets a little too hot... 
need you here by dimpledprincejoon ** Summary: Yoongi misses Seokjin while he's on his trip, but at least his pillow smells good.
we'll go slow and high tempo by springwei **!! Summary:  It's Yoongi's birthday and Seokjin wants to make it one to remember. pwp. 
Sycamore by Tree742pm Summary: Of all the bullshit Kim Seokjin could handle, he sure as hell didn't know if he could handle this.
Coping by Brandon_Roseway Summary: Its Seokjin Birthday but something is off...really off.
Precisely When Somebody Shows You to the Ocean by sinkingmyships Summary: The longer Yoongi hangs around the tank in the aquarium, the more he thinks that Seokjin is, in fact, a real mermaid. “You’re really real,” he says, keeping his voice neutral. “You’re not acting, are you?” Seokjin smiles, yet it’s the saddest Yoongi has seen him. “I am acting, though. I’m pretending to pretend to be a mermaid.”
waist high (swimming in the river) by jesspava ** Summary: Kim Seokjin is stressed. Kim Seokjin is angry. Kim Seokjin does not get stressed or angry and is rarely anything other than accommodating even on his worst days, which leaves Yoongi staring down the tense line of his shoulders while his boyfriend stress shops in their local supermarket before realizing how bad he's fucked things up this time. or: "I better not be able to walk for a week," Seokjin says, not even bothering to look at Yoongi as he unbuckles his seatbelt and climbs out of the car.
My Sunshine by JinIsMyLife ** Summary: Based of this prompt given to me by a friend : Here's an idea Jin's a chaebol heir and his dad hired him a tennis coach so him and Jin can play tennis with his dad's colleagues but Jin is terrible at tennis so in comes hobi the new coach!!! During hobis matches Jin is always sitting in front row as his lil cheerleader and it boosts hobis ego up 200% 
i'm on my knees (and i control your every move) by Throne ** Summary: You only fuck Kim Seokjin because Kim Seokjin lets you fuck him. 
Hip Hip Hooray by smiles  Summary:  Hoseok is fascinated by Seokjin's waist-to-hip ratio. Sex ensues. 
A Flawed Masterpiece (Love is Forever) by Odengiie * Summary: Smut shot about Hoseok loving his baby boy Jinnie and teaching him how to love himself. That's pretty much it Give 2seok some love man
Jingle Bells by honeydeath ** Summary: The thing about chasing is, it sends lust straight to Hoseok's core. Why? Because he has Seokjin as his prey.
A pack's price by EmpatheticShipper  Summary: Kim Seokjin is an omega that was casted out of his pack after bringing home the scent of alpha's belonging to another pack. Wounded and alone, he meets two omegas who eagerly take him back to their den.  He quickly realizes the rest of the pack members are all alphas and they take him in generously. But his old pack will not forget his betrayal so easily. With him being a target of both his old pack and a rival pack seeking new omegas, will Namjoon and the rest of the alphas be able to protect them?
Easy by Writerlia  Summary: Kim Seokjin has never had it easy. From making it from an orphanage to making it through college, he's always worked hard. So when he scores a job at his dream office, he finds it hard to believe that everything will be smooth now. Or Kim Seokjin can't ignore the way his boss is a little too soft on him and it isn't easy. 
Heart of War by paperhearts ** Summary: For the protection of his people, Prince Seokjin has to marry his fiancé’s killer: the alpha king of the most ruthless and feared kingdom in all the lands with a reputation of being a cold blooded monster on the battlefield.Worst of all, the omega prince doesn't even speak their language.
Honey by AlixSkyeDawg ** Summary: Keep talking." "What do you want me to talk about?" "Anything. Everything. Just keep talking." Or In which Namjoon helps Jin through a difficult incident, one drive at a time.
Strangers. by Eulalia_writer ** Summary: «"Row, row, row your boat gently down the steam. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, I can make you scream."». Jin turned around just to meet a blond kid gazing hungrily at him. «You sang that?» he wondered, a bit confused. «Yep. Anything wrong with that, baby?» the stranger purred back. «Look, I don't know you, but I'm pretty sure that's not what the author meant.». «Yeah? Well, I don't know you, but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what I meant.» .aka. Namjoon and Seokjin meet in a club and end up fucking in the bathroom.
Venus by Dumbtard (sophiethung) ** Summary: Kim Seokjin is scared, wounded and alone. On the verge of death, he stumbles into unknown territory, desperate to get away from his attackers and former pack. When a Beta and an Omega find him, he's certain he's going to die. But they lead him to their den, where he is given a generous home. But, being both a traitor and the single most sought-after Omega in the entire region, Jin is not sure even Namjoon will be able to protect him. 
I Told You, I'm A Monster by SarahBear1013 ** Summary: Kim Namjoon was an ordinary man. Incredibly smart. Bright future all laid out for him. Until that fateful day. It shouldn't have happened. He never should have been there. But fate was not on his side. Now, his only hope is Kim Seokjin. An unbelievably handsome, bright, kind, intelligent doctor who will stop at nothing to gently pierce the onion-like layers that make up Namjoon's complicated psyche. Will Namjoon be open to help?  Or will Seokjin's efforts all be for nothing, causing him to go as insane as Namjoon has become?
Don't break this too, my dude by Dumbtard (sophiethung) * Summary: They're all quite drunk. Mistakes are made.(or the one in which Namjoon subconsciously misses Jin and it drives Suga crazy)
My Last Dance. by SarahBear1013  Summary: Seokjin. The sugar baby. The star of The Pi Ttam Nunmul. The numbed lost soul. The aspiring singer and actor. The dreamer. Namjoon. The penniless writer. The hopeless romantic. The intelligent, wise, old soul. The idealist who wants to find love. The Duchess. Cunning. Manipulative. Dangerous. Beautiful. She can bend anyone to her will. She always gets what she wants.Namjoon and The Duchess both happen upon The Pi Ttam Nunmul on the same night.  They both catch Seokjin's eye.  Namjoon can give him love and the chance to open up his closed-off heart.  The Duchess can give him financial security and an escape. Who will Seokjin choose?  Or will he get a chance to choose before it's too late? In a world of intrigue, darkness, mystery, secrets, seduction, and lies, love is for the highest bidder. Anything can happen, only at The Pi Ttam Nunmul, because you will see at least one of those fluids – blood, sweat, or tears – by the time you leave. 
Unfinished Business by They_call_me_baepsae  Summary: Namjoon and Jin got divorced two years ago after Namjoon made a huge mistake. They kept a cordial relationship because of their daughter, Haru, and after all that time, Namjoon thought he could get Jin’s heart back. However, a new man appeared on Jin’s life and that will change the whole situation. or Namjoon wants Jin back, Jin can't forget and forgive, Haru wants NamJin together and Jaehwan is shaking their whole world.
Fate Led Me To You (Now Let Me Love You) by MinGenius99  Summary: Seokjin did not believe he'd ever have a happy ending. How many happy endings did you ever hear an unmated Omega with a child have?But fate is a funny thing. What's meant to be will always find it's way. And Kim Namjoon tries his best to get Seokjin to see that.Because of fate, they found each other.
They Say it Takes a Village (But I Think I Just Need You) by SuperBlondie  Summary: It has been one thousand three hundred and eighty-four days since he's last seen Seokjin. Not that he’s counting or anything. OR The day Namjoon meets two little boys that he didn't know existed and everything that happens after.
will you let me? by fairytaleglitch  Summary: namjoon likes to watch porn.alot.and it is most deffinitely Not A Problem, thank you very much.unfortunately for him...real life sex just never seems to live up to his fantasies.until one day he catches jin undressing and thinks he might have just found the solution to his non-problem.
Light of my life, fire in my loins (be a good baby, do what I want) by  sungmin (jeonggukkie) ** Summary: Namjoon exudes power in everything that he does. From the bass of his voice that thrums low in Seokjin’s gut with every whisper and growl, to his stature as he looms over everyone (including those taller than him), to the way he swipes a once pristine cloth over the stainless metal of his guns, soaking up the blood and dirt medals earned from the nameless men killed at any given time. A pink tongue slides over plump lips as Seokjin forces his eyes up to Namjoon’s own when he speaks again, going over their latest heists and how some grunts had nearly jeopardized things worth more than their lives warranted. It’s always amused Seokjin how out of the two of them, Namjoon is the boss. He’s a hustler in any and every sense of the world- and he’s entirely proud of it. Seokjin himself is one of Namjoon’s many prizes. And as far as Namjoon is concerned, Seokjin’s only earned title is bitch.
The Shaman and the Exorcist by metastacia ** Summary: Seokjin doesn't believe in ghosts. Which would cause a huge uproar if everyone knew since he's kind of a big deal at his university; he's a shaman who protects people from evil spirits. He doesn't remember where he got the idea to do this from, all he knows is that superstitious people pay good money. Namjoon does believe in ghosts. Better yet, he can see them and he can fight them. But there's a certain phoney shaman at his university who's stealing all his clients in his exorcism business, and he's not happy about it because haunted people pay good money. So what do they do? Figure out who's closet is holding all the skeletons, of course.
Spine Breaker by metastacia * Summary: The clock is ticking, Jeon Jeongguk only has two bottles of water, one lunchbox, and ten bombs with which he has to kill six people if he wants to live. He's just eighteen and the only experience he has throwing bombs includes sitting in front of his screen, smashing buttons on his controller and swearing at his longstanding in-game rival, VforVictory. Someone has recreated the hit warfare videogame, Spine Breaker, and although Kim Seokjin is the mascot of the game, he knows nothing about how to play it but now finds himself launched in the middle of a stranded island, his bombs missing, his glasses smashed, and a pursuer who wants something more sinister than just his death. Min Yoongi knows why he's here. He knows why everyone is here, but his battles had begun long ago. The clock is ticking and Yoongi is running out of time, but he knows that zero is not the end. It's kill or be killed.
Broken by Coup Detat (MysteriousHarmony) ** Summary: When Kim Seokjin finds out that his mate has been cheating on him he takes their child, Taehyung, and leaves Namjoon - the Omega building up a support system in their new home as he comes to love an alpha named Yoongi. Meanwhile Namjoon is focusing on the growing success that is his music career, and on the pent up emotions he is experiencing from losing his mate. Updates are slow right now due to my computer acting up, but when that is fixed they will go back to being quite speedy.
Enough by TheHalesNyx * Summary: tumblr prompt from anon: "How about Namjin with bottom jin and namjoon has a praise kink? Which jin indulges in of course... "Namjoon is sitting on the bed closest to the window, leaning back on his palms. His back is to Seokjin, but the elder can tell that Namjoon is spaced out, staring out the window at the encroaching darkness. The view is nice, but Namjoon’s thoughts are too prevalent. He’s wearing his own yukata, just as loosely, and Seokjin wonders, with a smile, if he walked down the hall with his chest on display.
look here (don’t run away) by sugababy9393  Summary:  hoseok was late and seokjin was desperate. an alpha came in and really, he didn’t have much choice. 
Let Me Give You a Hand by jinfanfics Summary: Kim Seokjin just became the youngest Beta in the history of their company to be chosen to present a project to one of their most important clients. Kim Seokjin also had the misfortune to ride the elevator with the man who wasn’t particularly fond of him, none other than Kim Namjoon, the creative director of his department. It would have all been fine, if Namjoon hadn’t just found out his secret which could cost him, not only his position as the head of the new project, but also his job as well!
You can get into a trap even if you are smart by reisar * Summary: They were two things Namjoon wanted in his life, first was his career and second finding a mate that he loves and cherish. He hated to admit it but he wanted a romantic first meeting and something like a love from first sight moment, someone who was exciting to be around and nice to talk to, someone beautiful that would make other Alphas envy him. He didn't even imagined getting forced into arranged marriage
you have 1 new message by bazooka Summary:r u n c h r a n d a. fuck this is going to sound like the weirdest shit okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~ hahahahahahaha wtf
Rejected Alpha by Little_Dimples Summary: Sequel to Registered Alpha Namjoon is really nervous. It's his third year applying to be an omegas registered and his second time getting rejected. But third lucks a charm right ? Seokjin is so different then the other omegas he's used to, he doesn't know if what he's doing is right at all. Will this year be another rejection ?
Everyone's got a secret (What's yours? What's yours?) by Odengiie ** Summary: Seokjin is the college-famous guy who gives other students blowjobs in one of the bathrooms through a Glory Hole. Nobody knows that it's him, until Seokjin makes the discovery that the guy he loves blowing the most is someone a little too close for comfort. -Title from Motionless in white - Rats
milky white by agreements ** Summary: Jimin can't take his eyes off Seokjin's beautiful, milky white legs. 
Sweet Scent of Home by honeydeath **  Summary: Seokjin and their pup were the only things Jimin needed in his life. 
To you I gravitate by Odengiie ** Summary:  Jin can't keep his eyes off of Jimin at the MV shooting. 
Possesive Parks by honeydeath **! Summary:  Jungkook eyed his father with disapproval, staring directly into the alpha’s shocked orbs as if challenging him, I dare you,because no one can kiss his appa except him. 
Weekend With The Parks by honeydeath Summary: 8 months old baby Jungkook splayed his unheld tiny palm on his father’s nose, covering the bridge and tugged them with his newly building strength. Jungkook was as mischievous as he looked.
Don't Go by honeydeath  Summary: Jimin should have stayed when Seokjin asked him to. Now that something happened to his mate, all hell broke loose.
Unexpected Distraction by jinfanfics Summary:  “We’re coming back from a party in a group and we’re all squished together in a little taxi and there’s not enough seats so you’re laying across everyone in the back and somehow your head ends up directly in my lap and you’re looking up at me and your mouth is moving and I know you are saying something to me but I can’t focus because you’re laying on top of me and I’m looking down at you and you’re all giggly and happy and you’re so fucking cute and I’m a lil bit tipsy and holy shit I can’t focus” AU taken from Tumblr 
Yoga Is Fun by honeydeath ** Summary: Tell me, who in the world could resist Seokjin in a bewitchingly tight-fitting yoga pants? Not Jimin, obviously.
Not a Star in the Sky by DarkStunning  Summary: Taehyung must be sin personified. He comes into their lives, bitter and detached, though he pretends to be funny and cute, but under that smile is something sinister. [non-con warnings; past child abuse]
You and Me in Eternity by nyancchi ** Summary: "I'll forever be your home, stay here and be mine." "Even if it is made from gold, it is still a cage." . . "Submit to me" "I'll never"
Twilight Amour by sereinitea  Summary: In which a fanciful lion meets a serene, delicate deer. With their emotions raging in their chests, that made them do the impossible, of all romantics. 
Expensive Cologne. by Sonorous * Summary: Kim Seokjin had just moved into a new high school, and all he wanted was for his final year to go smoothly. However, a certain second-year had become infatuated with him— dangerously.
Sold To My Alpha by Chrysallion * Summary:  Kim Seokjin is sold to the prince of the North Kingdom.  Note:: taejin, kookjin
Drenched in Sin by celestjals ** Summary: Jungkook finds his stepbrother, Kim Seokjin, suddenly appearing before him after leaving to Japan for 2 years. Not only does Jungkook have to deal with the recent death of his mother, but also how Seokjin glows brilliantly under the lights. He relives the memories he has buried deep in his heart every time he sees Seokjin in corner of his eye. As he journeys through the road to adulthood, Jungkook must choose between family and love. [non-con warnings]
Love And Chocolate by Etna  Summary: "We have to maintain a strictly professional relationship with the family, Seokjin. We're the staff, and it's up to us to keep a certain distance. "Seokjin has been out of work for a half a year when he's hired to work as a personal chef for the wealthy Park family. He's in love with the extravagance of their kitchen: the granite worktops, the well-stocked spice rack, the fact that they can actually afford kobe beef. But the sweetest thing in the house turns out to be the youngest son of the family.  Jungkook is kind and funny and smart and the way he smiles at Seokjin makes his heart skip a beat. But no matter how tempted, Seokjin can't possibly risk his job and close the gap between them.
Close to You by JinIsMyLife, jinsan  Summary: Jungkook was supposed to be doing his homework, when he suddenly stumbled across a link with a picture of a very familiar mole on the back of that persons neck. Normally seeing something like that wouldn’t have arisen his suspicions, but something about that person made him click on said link. He felt so many different emotions on finding out what his long time crush does on his spare time.  But for some reason Jungkook can’t look away from the beauty that Seokjin is, even while in front of a camera. Seokjin whom Jungkook has been crushing on since he can remember. A feeling recuperated by Seokjin, but because of what he does, he feels inadequate to ever be with Jungkook. Jungkook’s older brother feeling fed up tries to find ways to get them together. It might have backfired on him though, so now he doesn’t know what to do.
Lover boy by Aresk  Summary: Jungkook fell in love in his first year of highschool with the boy who his brother bring over everyday.Jimin introduced him as Kim Seokjin and Jungkook knew he'll remember this name for a lifetime. 5 years later, they meet again. This time not as Jimin's (boy)friend and Jimin's brother but as Jin, the Art teacher and Jungkook, his art student.
Stuck with U by jinfanfics  Summary: Going on a roadtrip with some friends and woah wait WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE? And what do you mean you screwed up our reservations and NOW I HAVE TO SHARE THE ROOM WITH ONLY ONE BED IN IT WITH THE GUY I CAN’T STAND?!! And what the FUCK IS WITH ALL THIS SEXUAL TENSION BETWEEN US?!!! 
Pack Dynamics by Roce (Adderrr)  Summary: Seven boys, lost in the world, find each other and form an unexpected bond. Jin feels unwanted.Namjoon wants to form a pack. Yoongi feels alone.Hoseok wants to find a new pack. Taehyung wants a mate. Jungkook wants to find a pack that will accept him. Jimin wants to prove he's strong. "Give me your hand, save me"
Love is not over by KaisuMarissa  Summary: "Love is not for me..." That is what he tough as he looked down to the road below him. ".....! Don't jump!" could be heard behind him. He didn't care and let go.  He didn't fell tho. He was saved by the person who rejected him. 
I'm Not a Little Kid by i_dont_know_what_fandom_im_in_anymoreFandoms  Summary: "You can't tell me what to do Jungkook-ah. I'm the elder here not you." "But I'm the alpha here, Seokjin. Now your going to listen to me and get your perky ass on that bed." Or Jungkook is tired of Seokjin not taking him seriously and decides to put a stop to it.
Honey, You're an Omega by Throne  Summary: Statistics show that 1 in every 7 people will be an omega.
Punishment by oshie_mxshi  Summary: In which Seokjin gets punished, but Jungkook is slightly whipped. Oh and Yoongi is done with their shit.
rainy day blues by wonhoshi   Summary: jin hears something he shouldn't have on jeongguk's headset and after being scolded, the boy ends up having an issue he needs his eldest hyung to help him out with. 
Close to You by JinIsMyLife, jinsan * Summary:  Jungkook was supposed to be doing his homework, when he suddenly stumbled across a link with a picture of a very familiar mole on the back of that persons neck.  Normally seeing something like that wouldn’t have arisen his suspicions, but something about that person made him click on said link. He felt so many different emotions on finding out what his long time crush does on his spare time.  But for some reason Jungkook can’t look away from the beauty that Seokjin is, even while in front of a camera. Seokjin whom Jungkook has been crushing on since he can remember.  A feeling recuperated by Seokjin, but because of what he does, he feels inadequate to ever be with Jungkook.  Jungkook’s older brother feeling fed up tries to find ways to get them together. It might have backfired on him though, so now he doesn’t know what to do. 
Reason by seokkookie  Summary: Because of Taehyung, he did this. Because of his love for Taehyung, he sacrifice himself And because of Taehyung, dangerous come in a shape of a guy named Jeon Jungkook. Preview "I'm sorry but he's diagnose having a leukeamia." Jin felt like the world had stop once he hears those words coming out from the doctor's mouth * "Taehyung, don't leave me." Jin chokes a sob while hugging the lifeless body of Taehyung. * I'm sorry for lying to you Jin. I am not Kim Taehyung. The real me is Jeon Taehyung.
You STARTED IT! by jinfanfics ** Summary: I saw you trying to hit the “door close” button in the elevator but I made it in and then I pushed every single button to make you later for work, but now we’re stuck in this fucking elevator as it stops at every single floor and I don’t know what to say other than “you started it” AU
don't mess with me today or I will cut your dick off by hoewith2biases* Summary:  Seokjin is having a shit day but then it ends not so shit...  
Geurae WOLF Naega WOLF (awoo~) by jinfanfics ** Summary: Jungkook really doesn’t want to be here. Not when he is supposed to be helping his father with the pack and training to be the strongest Alpha ever. How is enrolling him and Yugyeom in some werewolf academy/University/whatever shit it was, going to ‘help him grow’ as his father had told him? Jungkook was sure that that was a code for him ‘to get laid and enjoy life a bit’, since his old man always insisted that he should find himself a ‘cute little Omega to fuck’. That perv. Now, instead of fighting potential enemies, Jungkook is stuck in this shitty place, fending off horny Omegas, dealing with their pathetic jealous Alpha boyfriends while constantly running into that broad-shouldered Beta with intriguing eyes, who does nothing, but infuriate him most of the time.
Pregnancy and Tony Stark by Odengiie  ** Summary: jin and jungkook are having a baby. cuteness ensues. junkook wants to name the baby tony stark.
Tell me you love me by ace23  Summary: "What’s my hand without your heart to hold?" They had it all planned. Or so they thought. Meeting someone new might prove to be a test that their relationship will have to face. Can destiny change?
rainy day blues by wonhoshi  Summary:  jin hears something he shouldn't have on jeongguk's headset and after being scolded, the boy ends up having an issue he needs his eldest hyung to help him out with. 
Cotton Candy and Roses by Odengiie  Summary:  Seokjin starts his heat early, But Jeongguk is there to help his mate through it. 
Opposites Attract by jinfanfics * Summary: At first glance, Kim Seokjin seemed like the perfect Omega. He was gentle, kind and caring. However, there was one thing that made him stand out.He hated Alphas. Also, he wasn’t the typical submissive kind of Omega, much to everyone’s surprise.And there was one particular Alpha that made his blood boil. Jeon Jungkook, a cocky Alpha who lived down the hall, and was intent on pissing Jin off. What angered Jin even more was that the Alpha smelled so good to him, but he would be damned to let that show.
Principal Jeon. by Sonorous Summary:  Every single day for the past week, Seokjin has been called down to Principal Jeon's office for no reason in particular. This time, however, he is called down and the principal finally gets what he wants from Seokjin.
Would you be my love (Because I fell for you) by Odengiie *  Summary: AU where Jin debuted with a girl group (TWICE) instead under the guise of being a female, tricks the entire kpop industry into beleiving him, until Jeon Jeongguk finds him in the boys toilets after a show. Features cameos from TWICE obviously, EXO, Wanna One, Vixx you name it, it's going in the fic
Best of Me by MmeIrene  Summary: “Hyung,” he said, carding a hand up through Seokjin’s hair—black again, now—and leaning his own head in briefly. “Relax. This is supposed to be fun.” Seokjin glanced at him. “I know,” he murmured. “But everyone is looking at us.” Seokjin wasn’t wrong, of course, about the staring. It was date night. And Jeongguk had suggested the club because he wanted to dress up and he wanted to dance. It wasn’t his fault that people noticed when he and Seokjin stepped through the door. Takes place a few years after "East of the Sun," but can be read as a stand-alone.
Young sweethearts by mimnen Summary: Jin is a mate of the packs leader, which was every Omegas dream. He and his mate however have a five year age gap between them, and the gap has never seemed bigger when they are moving forward in their relationship.
East of the Sun by MmeIrene ** Summary: Seokjin presented as an omega at eighteen years old. The first time he brought an alpha home for a heat, Jeongguk punched a hole in the wall. He was thirteen. But that was not where their story began. The truth was this: Jeongguk had always loved Seokjin.
Sold To My Alpha by Chrysallion * Summary: Kim Seokjin is sold to the prince of the North Kingdom. Note:: taejin, kookjin
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