lg-0522 · 4 months
Through the Veil of Agony
CW: dystocia, death, public birth
Setting: Alice had always been opposed to the country's family planning policy. As a young woman who cherished freedom, she couldn't accept the government's restrictions on childbirth. Therefore, she actively participated in protests against this policy and spoke out against its inhumanity.
This caused a great stir in her school. As one of the dissenting voices, she faced warnings and criticism from her teachers. Since joining the protest activities, Alice became one of the least favored students among the school faculty.
The school administration grew increasingly displeased with her outspoken protests. In an attempt to thwart her activities, the school secretly implanted an IUD contraceptive device in her, aiming to physically block her reproductive capabilities. Unexpectedly, she became pregnant.
Since becoming pregnant, the teachers' attitudes became even more extreme. They not only prohibited her from participating in any collective activities but also deliberately singled her out to answer the most difficult questions, mocking her as "nothing more than a human baby-making machine."
Other classmates followed the teachers' lead and distanced themselves from her. Her former friends stopped talking to her and even started bullying her. Sometimes, when the teachers weren't looking, classmates would "accidentally" spill liquids behind her as a retaliation for her "ungratefulness."
From then on, Alice became the center of rumors and criticism throughout the school. Teachers would often point at her in class, warning other students not to participate in political activities indiscriminately. Her classmates avoided her, and everyone looked at her with disdainful eyes, making her a pitiable outcast.
In this hostile school environment, Alice gradually became isolated. Every day, she endured various discussions and condemnations, along with the physical pain and torment of pregnancy, with no one caring about her suffering or offering help. This prolonged solitude made her increasingly negative, exacerbating her already sensitive nature.
And today, the difficult childbirth in the classroom became a continuation of her nightmare...
On a cold winter day, there was a gloomy atmosphere permeating the corridors of the school. Alice walked slowly, her stiff body and tired gait indicating that she was already two weeks past her due date, yet showing no signs of going into labor.
As classmates hurriedly passed by her, they whispered under their breaths and stared at her with mocking glances. Camila and Elsa giggled behind her back, while Connor and Lena intentionally quickened their pace, quickly distancing themselves from her. The school corridor seemed to have turned into an indifferent and heartless stage, with Alice becoming the lonely character being ridiculed.
She tried to endure the discomfort and pain in her body, but the overwhelming feeling of isolation pushed her spirits to the brink of collapse. Her former friends now treated her with indifference, even actively avoiding her gaze. Even Professor Anderson joined the ranks of those mocking her, pointing at her and ridiculing her choices and actions.
"Look at Alice, the girl who's now only fit to be a human baby-making machine!" Anderson's voice echoed through the hallway, causing a wave of laughter and gossip.
Alice tried to maintain a strong facade, but inside, she was filled with despair and loneliness. She needed support and understanding, someone to stand up and defend her, but it seemed like in this world, only indifference and mockery awaited her.
She continued with heavy steps, walking towards the classroom. This classroom used to be a haven of joy and knowledge for her, but now it had become her predicament. She felt her body growing more and more weary, but she knew that even here, she wouldn't receive any assistance or care.
The door to the classroom opened, and she walked in, taking a seat at the back row. Her classmates looked at her with eyes filled with mockery and indifference. They knew she lacked the strength to defend her beliefs, and there was no power or support to help her fight against this adversity.
Alice's spirit gradually sank into the depths of despair, feeling suffocated by her loneliness. It seemed as though this world didn't care about her pain and struggles. In this dystopian reality, she became a helpless and abandoned existence.
In Professor Anderson's classroom, the situation worsened. Alice sat in the back row, feeling oppressed and powerless. The mockery from Professor Anderson and her classmates became sharper and more callous.
Professor Anderson laughed coldly, his words dripping with contempt. "Alice, do you think your protest has any meaning? You're just an ordinary and boring girl, and no one cares about your actions. Look at yourself now, unable to even handle a child. It's truly pathetic."
Leo, Alice’s ex-boyfriend, sneered, his words filled with mockery and anger. "That's right, Alice, you're a joke. What makes you think you're special? Now you've made a mess of your own life, and no one will feel sorry for you."
Helen joined in with the taunting. "Alice, you're truly pitiful and foolish. What do you think you can change? Right now, you're just a pregnant failure, and nobody will have an iota of sympathy for you."
Camila, Elsa, Connor, and Lena, who were once Alice's friends, now joined in with cold sarcasm. "Look at this self-proclaimed extraordinary Alice, she thought she was so special, but now she's in dire straits." "She's such a pitiful fool, clueless about how bad her situation is." "Alice, your protest only makes you more isolated and insignificant. Look at you now, a pregnant woman, and no one will stand up for you."
Professor Anderson looked smugly at Alice, having completely defeated her and rendering her unable to continue her resistance. He turned away and continued with the class, while the classmates continued to mock Alice. In this classroom, Alice became the butt of everyone's jokes, and no one was willing to help her. She felt helpless and despairing.
Suddenly, a wave of contractions hit her. Alice struggled to control her breathing as the contractions grew more frequent and intense. She felt overwhelmed and powerless because she wasn't prepared to face childbirth yet.
The classmates in the classroom continued their discussions and mockery, leaving Alice feeling isolated and ignored. Nobody cared about the pain she was going through.
Her breathing became rapid and irregular, and she tried to find a quiet corner to cope with the pain, but there was nowhere to go. She felt helpless and unable to control the situation. She could only surrender to the pain enveloping her body.
The contractions became even more frequent and intense, and Alice couldn't maintain her composure any longer. Her body felt as if it was being torn apart, and each contraction left her incredibly weak. Despair and fear consumed her soul, and she didn't know what to do.
Alice clenched her teeth with all her might, desperately trying to restrain herself from groaning, afraid of causing discomfort to her classmates. Her nails dug deep into her palms, leaving behind profound bloodstains. However, the classmates around her continued to joke and discuss the class content, completely oblivious to her distress. Alice felt an indescribable sense of despair and loneliness. She tightly gripped the edge of the desk, attempting to shift her focus to alleviate the pain, but the pain continued to coil around her body, denying her even a moment of respite.
With each intense contraction, Alice's body writhed in agony as if being twisted by a tremendous force. She felt her bones and muscles on the verge of being torn apart, with every inch of her skin filled with indescribable pressure. The pain radiated from her lower abdomen to her entire body, and she could barely bear it.
Her breathing became rapid and irregular, and each contraction left her gasping for air. She exerted all her strength, desperately suppressing the sharp groans, afraid of causing discomfort to her classmates. But the pain had surpassed her threshold of endurance, and she could no longer remain silent.
With each contraction, she fiercely clasped her own hands, trying to divert the attention from the pain. Her palms were already drenched in her own blood from her tight grip, but this pain seemed insignificant compared to the agony of the difficult labor she was experiencing.
She felt the baby's head gradually pushing forward, but each contraction forced it back into the depths of the birth canal. Her body trembled uncontrollably as she exerted her last bit of strength to push downward, hoping to successfully deliver the baby. However, no matter how hard she tried, the narrowness of the birth canal prevented the head from fully emerging.
The pain approached her limits, and Alice felt herself on the verge of collapsing. Tears streamed down her face as she helplessly looked at her classmates, but they remained indifferent, continuing with their classroom activities. She felt abandoned, with no one able to comprehend her current pain and despair.
This was a grueling labor, and Alice's body and mind were both under tremendous pressure. Her body trembled violently, and her face turned pale, displaying extreme exhaustion and pain.
Finally, with the birth of the first baby, Alice felt a brief moment of relief. She heard the pitiful cries of the newborn, but she couldn't pause to catch her breath because the head of the second baby remained trapped at the entrance of the birth canal, unable to be born smoothly.
Alice's body was exhausted, and she felt her energy draining away, but she knew she couldn't give up. Her eyes were filled with determination and perseverance as she used every ounce of her strength to push and try to deliver the second baby successfully.
However, the second fetus got stuck at the entrance of the birth canal, continuously rotating without being able to move forward or backward. Alice felt a wave of despair choke her, knowing that this was an extremely dangerous and difficult situation. Her body was already extremely tired, but she couldn't give up because she knew it was a matter of life and death for herself and her children.
Pain and despair intertwined as Alice felt she could hardly bear it any longer. Her face turned pale, her body drenched in sweat, and her breathing became rapid and irregular. She tried to find a shred of strength, pushing with all her might, hoping to overcome this predicament.
Time passed by minute after minute, but the second fetus remained stuck at the entrance of the birth canal. Alice felt trapped, tears streaming down her face, unable to endure the physical and mental torment any longer.
Despairingly, Alice stared at the baby's head, which was the only part visible outside, feeling her life force slipping away. Each contraction brought extreme pain, her whole body trembling, and her strength gradually fading.
The baby's head was tightly wedged in the birth canal, unable to move forward or backward. Its forehead swelled with pressure. Alice could feel her body exerting itself in extreme pain, but the fetus seemed trapped, unable to be delivered smoothly.
She struggled, trying to deliver the baby successfully, but the baby's head remained stuck in the birth canal. She felt her strength dwindling, each push agonizingly painful. Each contraction brought immense suffering, and Alice's body convulsed. She pushed with all her might, hoping to overcome this predicament, but the baby remained stuck. She felt her strength draining away, her body unable to withstand such extreme pressure.
The baby's skin started turning purple, indicating signs of oxygen deprivation. Alice's heart raced with anxiety as she realized time was running out, and both her and the baby's lives were in serious danger. She couldn't bear the pain, but she couldn't give up either.
Tears continued to flow, her face contorted, but she knew she had to keep trying. She focused all her willpower on pushing, her body trembling.
Time passed by, each second feeling like a century. Alice felt her life force growing weaker, her breath becoming faint and unstable. She knew the baby's life was also hanging by a thread. The surrounding pressure and pain made Alice feel everything spinning, as if being engulfed in endless darkness.
Under the extreme pain, Alice summoned her last ounce of strength and pushed with all her might. Finally, the second baby was delivered, accompanied by two faint cries. However, a faint bluish tint appeared on the newborn's wrinkled face.
Alice finally relaxed her tense abdominal muscles. The intense pain and significant blood loss made her body unable to endure any longer. She felt her consciousness gradually fading, her strength depleted.
The mocking voices of classmates and professors echoed in her ears. She felt the heartless indifference and arrogance. They didn't care about her suffering, even looking at her with mocking eyes. This deepened the wounds in Alice's soul, and she couldn't understand how people could be so indifferent to others' pain.
With the passing of her last breath, Alice departed from this cruel world. Her soul sought tranquility and peace in the vast universe.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 4 months
Pregnant Kim anon here again, please know that after I sent that I decided to “warm up” by outlining an entire fic and didn’t get any novel writing done lol. I would love a snippet full of ANGST because I think Kim deserves it right now for what he’s done to my brain
asdfjhagsdjfh VALID! ALL OF THAT IS VALID!
Here is your angst, my darling. I realized I actually don't have a ton of the pregnancy itself written yet, so here's a little bit (lol. it's over 1k, I got carried away) that happens soon after the birth. Kim has horrible post-partum depression thanks to everything that happens in this fic. TW for graphic description of depression and implied suicidal ideation
Chay entered the bedroom to find Kim beneath the covers still, at nearly three in the afternoon. Curled up on his side, tears steadily leaking from the corner of his eye every time he blinked, making a wet spot on the pillow beneath his cheek. He wasn’t even really crying. His eyes were just wet, and that wetness was dripping, and Kim had long since given up on trying to stop it. 
Chay didn’t ask, are you okay? Because he already knew what the answer would be. Instead he climbed onto the bed and spooned up behind Kim, and asked him, “What are you thinking about?”
“It’s not real.”
“What isn’t?”
“This. The depression. All of it. It feels real. It feels awful. But it isn’t. It’s just hormones and chemicals. It’s not me.” Kim didn’t sniffle, or sob, or sigh. His voice didn’t change from the even, monotonous quality it always had when he was trying not to feel. He just breathed. Closed his eyes against a fresh wave of tears, not that it did anything to halt their fall. “I thought once it was over, everything would be okay. I would be free. But it’s never going to stop, is it? There’s no normal for me to go back to. Just this.”
“P’Kim—” Chay’s voice cracked. He swallowed back what sounded like the beginnings of a sob and buried his face in the back of Kim’s neck. Weeks of exposure to Kim’s moods hasn’t made them any easy to handle, not least of all because he knew there’s nothing for him to do. He couldn’t take away this pain. “Please don’t talk like that. It is going to be okay. This isn’t forever. The doctor said it would take at least a month for your medicine to start working—it has to build up in your system, remember? Then everything will be okay.”
Kim didn’t say that the antidepressants only made him feel worse. Blunted him. Blurred any scrap of goodness he could cling too, until it was part of the same empty haze as everything else. He didn’t say that there was no drug strong enough to mask the bone-deep repulsion he felt every time he cradled his daughter to his breast to nurse. Nothing that could make him forget her conception when the pain of her birth was a constant reminder. He didn’t say anything at all. 
Chay squeezed his arm around Kim’s middle, between his aching, swollen breasts, and his aching, swollen incision. Squeezed tight enough that it should have hurt if Kim were capable of feeling anything at all. 
“You’re scaring me, P’Kim,” Chay whispered, holding Kim so tight he could hardly breathe. That was alright. He didn’t need to breathe. 
“I love you, Chay. Thank you for staying with me. I… I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner. Or that I did, I shouldn’t have—right before—” Before he nearly died. He shouldn’t have said it then. In what he thought were his last moments, he needed Chay to know. But it was selfish to let those be his last words to the boy. 
“Thank you for telling me. I’m glad you did. And I love you, too, P’Kim, so much. You are so, so loved, and someday soon, all of this is going to be better, okay? You just have to hold on until then.” Chay’s voice turned near-manic as it fully dawned on him just what he was bargaining for. “Promise me, Kim. Promise me you won’t leave again.”
“I promise.” A mechanical admission in that dull voice, but no less true. Kim found Chay’s hand where it was pressed over his beating heart and laced their fingers together. 
Kim knew Chay would no doubt tell their brothers about his alarming mood, and they would no doubt take him back to the doctor. He knew about the lists Chay had printed out and hidden away in his desk, spread across three pages and outlining the symptoms of baby blues, postpartum depression, and psychosis, with little checked boxes to track him. He’d filled out nearly half the page for depression before ever leaving the hospital. 
Kim wondered how many ticks he got on the last page before they took him away for good. Before they took his daughter away. Maybe they should; she would no doubt be better off without him. He hadn’t even wanted to keep her. Had nearly bled out moments after meeting her. Maybe it was a sign he wasn’t meant to have her at all. 
“Make sure Kiah’s taken care of,” Kim said softly, his face half-buried in the pillows. “I can’t—I’m not good for her. If I can’t take care of her, you’ll find someone who will, won’t you?” Kim went through too much to bring her into this world, he wouldn’t let her suffer for his own unwillingness to give her up, if that’s what it took to offer a better life. 
Behind him, Chay swallowed thickly. 
“Of course, P’Kim. I’ll make sure she’s always safe and loved.” 
The weight that’s been hung around Kim’s shoulders since he made the decision to bring Kiah home finally lifted, a relief he didn’t know he needed. He sighed and sank back into Chay’s warm embrace, the tension finally melting out of his body, and squeezed the hand still lying over his heart. 
“You’re safe and loved, too,” Chay said. “You have me, and Porsche, and your brothers, and P’Pol, and P’Arm, and P’Big. We’re all going to make sure both of you are safe and loved and taken care of. I won’t leave you alone again, P’Kim. Not ever.”
Kim didn’t doubt it. He never had. All this time, Chay’s love—the love of his family—has been an unwavering presence, cutting through the misery that’s cloaked him these last nine months. Kim didn’t know how to express that to Chay. That there was nothing to worry about. Kim wouldn’t hurt himself, with or without their constant supervision. He didn’t want to. He was only acknowledging the unrelenting misery he felt every waking moment, and accepting that it would likely follow him for the rest of his life. He didn’t prefer it, but he knew it was inevitable that these feelings would continue to be his constant companions. 
However he may feel, Kim knew he owed it to his daughter to be the best father he could be for her. And if his best wasn’t good enough, he would find someone that could give her what she deserved. Even still, Kim appreciated the reassurance. Appreciated Chay, for the way the younger boy has stayed at his side for so long, seen him through so much horror and heartbreak, and would show that appreciation however he could. Even if the most he could do was hold his hand and promise not to leave.
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curlzworks · 7 months
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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mbimphblog · 3 years
Dystocia, which literally means "hard work," is characterised by a labour that moves at an extremely slow pace. When used for ineffective spontaneous labour after rupture of membranes in primigravida, high dose oxytocin definitely has various advantages. The purpose of this research is to compare the efficacy and safety of high dose oxytocin against low dose oxytocin in augmentation of labour depending on the mode of delivery. Although there is little evidence to support the use of high-dose oxytocin to improve induced labour, low-dose oxytocin may be used. Please see the link :- http://mbimph.com/index.php/UPJOZ/article/view/1740
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kasradoc · 3 years
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‏‎. Dystocia : تعریف Dystocia : پیشرفت آهسته و غیر طبیعی زایمان علل Dystocia : اختلالات نیروهای انقباض (رحم ـ هیپوتونیک ـ هیپرتونیک ـ force ارادی مادر) اختلالات نمایش ، وضعیت ، قرار ، رشد جنین اختلالات لگن لستخوانی مادر اختلالات کانال زایمانی: (تنگی لگن اغلب با اختلال عمل رحمی همراه بوده و ایندو با هم شایعترین علت زایمان سخت می باشند. به عنوان یک اصل کلی هر زمان که عدم تناسب بین قسمت نمایشی جنین و کانال زایمان وجود داشته باشد اختلال عمل رحمی شایع است ). تشخیص زایمان : بزرگترین مانع دردرک زایمان طبیعی ، تشخیص شروع آن است . بهترین تعریف زایمان : انقباضات دردناک همراه با اتساع سرویکس به میزان ۴-۳ سانتی متر همراه با غشاهای سالم . در این حالت شروع زایمان با زمان پذیرش بیمار آغاز می گردد . اهداف : شناخت سیر زایمان طبیعی شناخت سیر زایمان غیر طبیعی شناخت عواملی که منجر بر غیر طبیعی شدن سیر زایمان می گردند آشنایی با نحوه برخورد و اقدامات لازم در موارد فوق دانلود نمایید: https://www.kasradoc.com/product/dystocia/ #powerpoint #Document #Kasradoc #ppt #Dystocia #پاورپوینت #مقاله #پروژه #کسری_داک #شانه_در_هنگام_تولد #اثر_دیستوکیا_بر_وضعیت_ایمنی #انواع_دیستوکیا_و_ویژگیهای_آنها #پيشرف_آهسته_و_غير_طبيعي_زايمان #دیستوکیا #زایمان #بارداری #نوزاد #رحم_مادر #زایمان_طبیعی #زایمان_سخت #مشکلات_زایمان #سزارین #زایمان_در_آب #زایمان_طبیعی #زایمان_طبیعی_بدون_درد #عوارض_عمل_جراحی_سزارین #زایمان_در_آب #زایمان_خانگی #جشن_تولد #موقعیت_جنین_در_رحم‎‏ (در ‏‎Kasradoc‎‏) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO4sgfIplo_/?igshid=d8e2tkso860n
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usmlematerialsnet · 6 years
Obstetrics Revision All Topics in 9 Pages [Tables]
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Puppy puddle: Late night dystocia!
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iheartvmt · 6 years
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This guy was HUGE for a beef calf, which caused his mama to suffer dystocia. Unfortunately the obstetrics chains used to get him out accidentally dislocated his tarsus in the process. We splinted it, and he did very well.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
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When I hear "dystocia," I just think "shoulder dystocia." But labor dystocia is slowed progression of labor.
Labor dystocia refers to abnormally slow or protracted labor. It may be diagnosed in the first stage of labor (onset of contractions until complete cervical dilation) or the second stage of labor (complete cervical dilation until delivery). Dystocia is responsible for most cesarean deliveries.
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vetschoolstudy · 6 years
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04.13.18 | I made this diagram to quiz myself on how to describe each potential dystocia position. Can you name them all? The answers are below ☺️
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digitalfilipina · 7 years
Manila Med Forum to empower every woman with knowledge about Dystocia
Manila Med Forum to empower every woman with knowledge about Dystocia
True to its promise of valuing the good of every patient before anything else, ManilaMed spearheaded a lay forum last 16 February 2017 at Dr. Paulo C. Campos Hall of the hospital to empower every woman with knowledge about the very common problem that a pregnant may encounter during labor. This is called Dystocia. Dystocia, also calledobstructed labor, is when, even though the uterus is…
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allvet · 8 years
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Causes of dystocia
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
Labor dystocia refers to abnormally slow or protracted labor. It may be diagnosed in the first stage of labor (onset of contractions until complete cervical dilation) or the second stage of labor (complete cervical dilation until delivery). Dystocia is responsible for most cesarean deliveries.
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Shoulder Dystocia and Why It Happens
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