dalishious · 4 years
Jdhshshsjhf some people on this website really are like "Write me a 4000 word essay as to why you still DARE like Anders when I don't"
Jokes on them I have easily written more than 4000 words on the topic by now lol
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They fixed Wyll's cutscenes and you can romance him v easily now!! At least in my experience, i was playing as a tiefling woman romancing shadowheart so i wasn't even trying to and he got jealous of her fjdnnfd
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wyll here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sadmages · 4 years
I started listening to the mechanisms less than a week after their last concert.... and i live at about 1 hour away from london with a train... h-
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It hurts so bad
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dilfgmancoolatta · 4 years
You changing ur url from da to hlvrai only for bioware to drop all that... jdjdjdjfjh
bioware KNEW i was escaping from their clutches and decided to do smth about it
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cheshirepirouette · 4 years
For the watcher ask thing! Berath's bell, Blood moss, Skaenbone and drycap :3?
Berath’s Bell - How does your Watcher cope with loss? Did past experiences affect how they interact in game one?
Aati’s introduction to the Dyrwood was as they were fleeing Rauatai, after accidentally killing their best friend/rival at one of the military schools there! So past experiences Definitely play a part in how they act throughout game one; where before their personality would be best described as passionate and curious, always wanting to know and do More, this left them shaken enough to really slow down and think through the decisions they were making.
An unruly Cipher, one who lets their emotions drive their power, is a dangerous one. Even with the rivalry itself having been fostered by their teachers, the reaction in that last moment was much more explosive than anyone was prepared for.
-Rest under a read more cuz this got Long-
For the actual coping.. introspection plays a large part in it. Training and research, long sessions of both on whichever topic had caught her attention for the moment, helped to distract and serve as a form of meditation for her. Those she travels with would be hard-pressed to compare who she is through the first two arcs to who she Used to be, though hints of the old fire and snark started to peak through once she’d started exploring Defiance Bay and Twin Elms. For the most part, she leans heavily towards the Rational and Honest dispositions, with Benevolent being a close third. I think that Clever, and to a lesser extent Passionate would build up much more in the last Act, while she was coming to terms with what happened and that she didn’t need to completely divorce herself from her prior sense of self.
Dyrcap: The Dozens, House Doemenel, or the Crucible Knights?
House Doemenel, kind of. She’d hate to even call herself an ‘ally’ of them, and while she left Verzano in their hands- a decision made when the feelings of betrayal were high, after being lied to in a way that jeopardized them And their friends- others like Nyfre were carefully helped.
It Did mean getting on their bad side from time to time but when comparing them to The Dozens, likely tied with her least favorite faction, and the Crucible Knights and their experiments, she felt like she at least knew what to expect from the Doemenels. Neither party truly trusted the other.
At the same time however, she Does have a vindictive streak at times- it mainly came into play for Wirtan and Lord Harond. Banished the first and assassinated the second after all was revealed each time, and she likes to think- and Hopes- that it only comes out in those kinds of situations, when someone was grossly wronged or needs protecting. Buuut those that lie to her in general tend to get contempt, as well.
Skaenbone: Ultimately, which of the God's of Eora did your Watcher side with in the Council of Stars quest?
Aati went with Berath. Their way of thinking already matched their own and while she was never really religious, felt like if there had to be just One [1] god to respect here, Berath was the most understandable one, personality and goal-wise. It was less for religious reasons and moreso that... those who had lost their families were already in mourning, were grieving and having to restart their lives in new ways. Changing the situation on them Again, like with Hylea, just felt wrong on an intrinsic level to her. Best to take however much time you need to adjust, and eventually move on.
Wael was also another close pick; Hiravias was her closest confidant by the end of the game, with Aloth being a close second. After her first few questions about Wael and Hiravias’ life as a whole, they hit an accord and would Constantly have philosophical conversations on the God. Wael’s actual... solution, to the problem at hand, was Not to her liking and so she had to respectfully decline on that matter, but feels a pull towards them anyway.
She and Kana had differing views on what it meant to be a scholar- while both loved to seek out knowledge and compare it to what was currently known, Aati was also much more- confident? In Not knowing, or understanding that some things may simply be too far as a concept for the current point of time to truly ‘get it’.
Thank you so so much for asking! <3 Made me dive deep for these
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nitw · 4 years
I think the tma fan experience is that we're all so starved of actual canon gay content we cannot believe it actually happens so it must be fanon if people talk about it.
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rebelrevolutionary · 4 years
I have no idea how the fuck you're going to survive playing that. The thought of allying with the templars?!?? Simply the idea that my fave characters would see me as an asshole? THAT DORIAN WOULD HATE ME?!? i'd rather eat my arm good fucking luck lmao
honestly, i started the game like “im gonna be mean” and then im just. STERN at worst gfhhdghdgfdhgf
but i feel like, in da:i, the relationships you have with your companions are... more distant? less personal? someone said da2 companions are your FRIENDS while da:i companions are your coworkers, and i was like, yep. as long as im in good terms with Sera, i can handle it. the disapproval from Dorian will definitely hurt, but i think i can eventually fix that with other quests and stuff, and hes a grown dude who isnt really. mean to you even when he dislikes your choices. hes just snappy and its all coated in 9 layers of humor.
Cole and Solas will REALLY disapprove of my choices, but thankfully idgaf about Solas. Cole though........ that ones gonna be tough.........
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phantomwinds · 5 years
Draw ur fave taz character uwu
Sorry it took so long, got to work before I saw the ask. But here she is
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peridotite · 5 years
My fave su character has been steven himself since.... season 3 i think? And i always thought how madly cool it'd be if steven became so overwhelmed he became the final "villain" of su and now with suf. Seeing how it's getting closer ans closer to becoming reality with each episode. I feel like i'm on a rollercoster, one side of me asking for more very excitedly, and the other side crying and screaming to get off. So yeah. F U N.
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hawkephobe-justice · 5 years
Ok so is it just me or is anders. Genuienly Jewish coded. Like since i realised i want to convert i started hc-ing all my faves a jewish but also. Idk why exactly but even if it was 100% unintentional from the writers it just...
Hmm. My first instinct would be to say no (at least as far as intentional coding) since he’s a human Andrastian but I also watched X-Men: First Class recently and I got the feeling that even if nobody was factoring that specific aspect into it, Anders was similar to Magneto in certain respects (actively working to prevent a genocide, methods considered to be “going too far” by the more moderate characters, right). While I can’t really speak to the DA writers drawing inspiration from X-Men, it is a connection that has been made by the fans, for better and for worse.
If there is genuine coding, it’s probably of the indirect sort (he may not be Jewish-coded but he could be in some way “Magneto-coded,” if that makes sense?). That said, had I the editing skills and software, I would make something with “צדק צדק תרדוף” (”justice, justice you shall pursue”) since that’s something he does both literally and not.
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honestlyitsjustsam · 4 years
I. W. Wha. What's. Their logic??? How are you supporting slavery if you like astarion... Also of fucking course it's the solas stan saying that 🙄
Okay okay so apparently astarion was a magistrate before he was a vampire and the kind who sold slaves to a bigger vampire then later he kinda became a slave for that vampire ?? Idk actually i havent played the game but my point is that the game isnt finished yet and larian studios is known for great character development and redemption arcs
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It just sucks how people are trying to find a way to feel superior and have the aha gotcha moment over each other
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So i somehow got a very good gaming laptop the other day and i was wondering, would you recomend baldur's gate 3? I mean, i'm quite certain it's a great game, but it's still in early access, so i'm wondering if it's worth getting it now and stuff. Also, got any other suggestions for games i should try out 👀
shoot im sorry this took me so long 😭😭 ive been neck deep in playing divinity 2 original sin ever since i played everything i could in baluders gate 3 (which i definitely do recommend), its completely different than anything ive ever played. its a keyboard/mouse game :/// which i am NOT good at, but still, its got the same dynamics, it depends on the choices you make, you enlist companions and you can romance them, or you can not, but they can *actually* die :( 
the game reminds me a lot of dragon age origins, the protagonist has a lot of sass, you dont hear them talk, and theres so much you always feel like youre missing something. you can have pets OH AND LOTS OF DA VOICE ACTORS. sera’s va is in there, inquisitors, coryphytits
(since i am forever struggling i did manage to find mods and a trainer to keep me alive, if youre interested google fling trainer, its just a simple one program download that has the essentials for damn near every game)
divinity 2 is a HUGE game, like somewhere between 70-100 hours! i imagine baldurs gate will be like that too, when it comes out...... in a year. maybe more.
other than that, hmm, red dead redemption 2 is also a big amazing game. arthur is a great character, and the best part is there is npcs that are indigenous / bipoc that LIVE. charles smith is the best and you can be his buddy when he goes through some shit. and since its the wild west (well the end of the era) you can befriend some more indigenous people. and arthurs white and you can go around and be like fucking white people, am i right? and shoot up white people. its fuckin great.
borderlands 2 was a lot of fun, a short game compared to the rest. its been a while so hard to describe. cant say that i recommend 3 at all. i played it first, knowing nothing about the series and even i was offended by it. the villains were trash, they treated their characters like shit and the story pissed me off. i got a dlc i havent played yet and probably wont bc the game pissed me off. the only redemption was a gay couple you could get married. and even THAT dlc was a nightmare. super difficult, enemy wise.
the outer worlds was good, though the 1st person gave me a headache and no romance. the cc is amazing but you rarely get to see your character?? :(
watch dogs had potential, i never got too far into it bc the controls were wacky and i gave up too early, but it has some chaotic good vibes which i am very much into. im sure ill get into it more later. it looks like grand theft auto almost?? but youre a hacker. i got shot up a lot when i tried to go sneaking around lmao which is why i gave up (i tried to go sneaking around in restricted areas. im not good at sneaking) 
ummm yeah so thats my recommendations other than DA and mass effect :3 sorry again for taking so long. ive been enjoying divinity 2 so much i couldnt pull myself away :o
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sadmages · 5 years
Ah yes remember that mag 160 is only 5 minutes long, which is a weird choise from jonny and alex to end the season finale like that but hey who can complain-
oh yes it was so nice to hear jon and martin had made it to a nice cottage in scotland though! Very happy they ended it like that! 
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dilfgmancoolatta · 4 years
Hey, i know we rarely talk/interract, but you're one of my favourite mutuals. If u ever need me, for anything, just know i'm here for you, ok?
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anonbeadraws · 4 years
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icon commissions! Mahen for @trans-magnusburnsides Maeve for @ninawolverina on twitter!
✨i do commissions!| If you fancy tipping✨
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nitw · 4 years
bro. S-so. 167 huh
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