coffeecat1983 · 5 months
Mario Bros: Off My Chest (TransMario AU short)
Mario reached past the hospital's bed railing, taking his brother's hand. "I'm scared." Luigi stood and releasing the railing, lowered it so he could lean in and give Mario a hug before resting his forehead against his twin's. "You made it this far. You got this." Both turned, looking nervous as a man in scrubs came up. "You ready?" he asked with a smile. "Y-Yeah." Mario held his armband out for the nurse to scan the barcode. The name on the band read 'Mirra'. "Still gotta get that legally changed." Mario commented. The nurse gave him an understanding smile. "You'll get there. It's time for the next step." Luigi rubbed his hands nervously. "Love you. I'll be here when you get out." "Love you, too." Luigi watched as they wheeled Mario away.
"My little one, wake up my baby." Mario stirred. "Mmm, Ma, I wanna sleep." he mumbled, drawing a quiet laugh. "S'snot time for school." Wait, I'm not in school. There were doctors… they woke me and I fell asleep again. Where am I? Opening his eyes, he looked around. He was in a small hospital room and two people were with him. "Hey." Luigi said softly. "My baby, how are you feeling?" Marianna asked, running her fingers through his hair. Mario shifted and let out a groan, glancing down at the stitches across his chest. "Hurts a bit." He slumped back, giving them a still-drugged smile. "S's all done, huh? I'm f'nally me." Marianna kissed his hand. "My sweetie. It's done." She stood. "Your dad's in the waiting room with your uncles, I'll go tell them you're okay." Luigi waited until she left and then scooted closer to the bedside. "So, heh, literal weight off your chest, huh?" Mario laughed and cringed. "Lu! It hurts to laugh!" he scolded. He then looked thoughtful. "But yeah, off my chest, and finally off my mind." Taking his hand, Luigi gave it a gentle squeeze. "Welcome to the world, big bro."
By "CC"
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hastypastry · 2 years
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mario is trans look it up
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teethcollector54 · 1 year
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Thinking about the bathroom mario cart today…
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superexplosion · 1 year
changed my username AGAIN papelmario > transmario
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coffeecat1983 · 1 year
Always Have Been (Mario movie AU fic)
(Language, trigger warning for a slur used, Transgender Mario)
      In a small Italian coffeeshop and bar in Brooklyn, a birthday party was winding down. Remains of cake and ice cream sat forgotten on red and green paper plates. Seated at the head of the table, Marianna and Giovanni sat together. He had his arm around her as she leaned against his shoulder. Picking up his wineglass, he sighed.      "Now that was a sixteenth birthday party." he chuckled. He took a sip then raised his glass towards the bar. "Tony! Good call on the wine!"    His younger brother looked up from checking the bar's stock and grinned at him, giving a wave. Marianna sat upright and reached for her own glass. "Did you enjoy the party, sweetheart?" she said. Luigi looked up from new video game he had gotten.      "Yeah! Thanks Ma, Dad. This was great!"    Marianna looked around. "Where's your sister gotten off to?"      "Oh, he-eerm, she, she wanted some fresh air. I think she went upstairs for a bit." Arthur, who was behind the main counter, was listening in. He caught the odd sound in Luigi's reply. He knew that tone, that sound of hiding something. He'd used it God knew how many times as a teen himself. Marianna sighed. "Oh, not the roof again, she'll ruin her dress up there."      "I'll go see what she's up to," Arthur quickly volunteered. Before anyone could say anything, he was in the kitchen and heading for the roof of the three-story building. Pushing open the creaking rooftop door, he looked around. Traffic passed on the street below, along with the mixed sounds of the city. Underneath it all, he heard soft crying from nearby. Making his way past the air conditioners, he found the source of the sound.      "Mirra? Hey." he said gently, sitting beside his niece. He saw she had changed from her party dress into red pajama pants and was wearing her baggy red hoodie. She sniffled, quickly wiping her eyes.      "H-Hey, Uncle Art."    He put his arm out and Mirra scooted over, leaning against his side as he gave her a sideways hug. Both were quiet for a while.      "Not exactly a breathtaking view," Arthur spoke up. The little building was connected to other various shops with apartments on the middle and upper floors, and taller buildings were spread out around them, blocking the views. The apartment rooftops were littered with clotheslines, air conditioning units, small water towers and various other paraphernalia of city life. Mirra giggled softly at his little joke, the blue eyes she shared with her twin sparkling in the soft light.      "There's my Firefly's smile," he said, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "What's on your mind? You left the party without saying anything."    Moving so she was facing him, Mirra drew her legs up again. "Uncle Art, you always said I can tell you anything."    He gave a nod, so she continued. "Can you keep a secret?" Arthur couldn't help it, he smiled. "Kid, I kept your Uncle Tony's secret for years until he was ready to talk about it. I can keep yours, too."      "I remember when Uncle Tony told his secret." Mirra said softly.
   The family had gathered in the top floor apartment's living room after Sunday dinner. Tony had said he had something he wanted to talk about. While Marianna and Papa Salvatore took the news well, Giovanni didn't. There were a lot of heated words that night and Marianna had quickly ushered the two kids off to their room. It was true things had been smoothed over, after a lot of talking, but Mirra had never seen her Uncle Tony cry before, and the hurt look in his eyes at her father's angry words had haunted her.      "I'm afraid Ma and Dad will hate me. I, I don't," she sighed, closing her eyes and gathering her courage, "I don't think I'm a girl!" she blurted out as tears started falling. She waited for him to yell, scold her, tell her she was crazy. Cracking an eye open, she saw he instead had an understanding look on his face.      "Firefly, you feel more like a boy, don't you?" A sob made her shake. "I feel like I'm crazy!"    He put his arms out. "C'mere kid." He pulled her close in a warm hug. "You're not crazy, not at all."      "Then what am I?" she wept. "I hate wearing dresses, I hate my hair. Ma wants me to get my ears pierced and I don't want to! I don't want makeup or any of that! I want to be like Lu so much it hurts!"      "My little Firefly, you're not alone. I have friends like you, and they have a name for that." Mirra's eyes grew wide as Arthur explained.      "I, I'm not crazy?" she breathed.      "Not in the least, kid." She picked at some fluff on her pajama pants. Arthur folded his arms, thinking.      "What if I take you shopping tomorrow? You can pick out some clothes from the boy's section. And a haircut, any style you want."    Mirra stared at him. "R-Really? But what about Ma, and Dad?" Arthur smirked. "Don't sweat it, I'll handle that side of things. I promise."
The next evening...      "Arthur, what were you thinking?" Giovanni nearly snapped. "Letting her cut her hair so short! And boys' clothes? Really?"    Tony stayed quiet, keeping an eye on his younger twin. He had seen that defiant look on his face before, the night Tony had come out to the family.      "For cryin' out loud, it's not a big deal. It makes the kid happy, so let her be happy!" Arthur bristled, ready to defend further if he needed to. Giovanni opened his mouth to argue back but stopped when Marianna placed a hand on his shoulder.      "He's right." she said softly, "As long as Mirra is happy, we should be, too." Giovanni groaned and walked off towards the little kitchen. Marianna shook her head before glancing over at her children. They were seated at one of the booths, laughing and chattering as they played their handheld video games together.      "Mar, I know it's different," Arthur started to explain, "but she really wanted a haircut and I mean, c'mon, kid's got me wrapped around her little finger."    Marianna just sighed. "It's all right, Arthur." She looked over at them again. "You know, I always wondered about something when I was pregnant with them." She turned away. "Let me go get Gio calmed down."    As she left, Tony came over and sat by his twin. They watched the teens play for a while.       "Art?"      "Yeah?"      "This isn't gonna be pretty, is it?"    Arthur sighed, rubbing his head. "Nope. Brace yourself bro, this isn't gonna be a smooth ride at all."      "Well, shit."      "Yup."
5 years later...    The yellow van pulled up along the back of the coffee shop and the doors popped open. A tall, young man dressed in a green, short sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans got out of the passenger side. From the driver's side, another man dressed in a similar outfit, only with a red shirt and lighter blue jeans. Opening the back of the van, Mario pulled out one of the boxes.      "Yeesh, baking supplies for Ma are always so heavy." he said. Luigi grabbed another box.      "Yeah, but man are they worth it!" Luigi said.    The two carried the supplies into the little kitchen. "Ma! We're back!" Mario called out. Marianna came in from the main dining area.      "My boys!" she gushed as they set the boxes aside. She gave each several kisses on the cheek. "Thanks for getting those, I'm making cupcakes tomorrow and was almost out of ingredients."      "I'll take two chocolate ones as payment!" Luigi called over his shoulder as he went back outside. Mario chuckled and went to follow him, but Marianna grabbed his hand.      "Are you sure you should be lifting heavy boxes, sweetheart?" she asked worriedly.    Mario squeezed her hand. "It's okay Ma, it's been four months since the surgery, the doc said I could handle it now. I'll be careful, I promise." Marianna kissed his cheek again. "My handsome man, I just want you to be safe." Going back outside, Mario went to get the next box when someone spoke.      "Hi, Mario." Mario nearly fell out of the van, scrambling to jump out. "Peach! I, uh, hey!" he said, flustered. "H-How are you?"    Luigi hid by the side of the van, watching with a smirk. Peach worked with her grandma in the clothing shop that was next door and she and Mario had been talking for a while now. Luigi had kept after him to ask her out, but Mario always grew tongue-tied at the thought.      "I'm good," Peach seemed to be nearly as shy about talking as Mario was. "I just wanted to say hi since I'm on my break."      "Do it," Luigi hissed at his bro. Mario swallowed hard, tugging at his shirt.      "Peach, would, would you like to maybe see a movie with me this Friday?" he blurted out.    Peach's eyes lit up. "I'd love to! Maybe we could-" she stopped as an engine revved and a black motorcycle pulled up. Seated on it was a burly man in black leather pants and jacket, wearing sunglasses. Spike worked with the construction crew that was repairing a building down the street from the shops and he had gone to high school with Mario and Luigi, back when Mario was still Mirra.      "Peachy! Babe!" he grinned. "Just who I wanted to see. You and me, a date this Friday. Whadda ya say?"    Peach stepped away from him and towards Mario. "Sorry Spike, I've already made plans with Mario."    Spike scoffed. "Plans, with that thing? It's not even a real man!" Mario had to grab Luigi as his brother flew forward, fists at the ready. "Say that again you stupid fuck!" Luigi spat out.      "Lu, Lu it's okay!" Mario urged. Spike laughed, revving the bike again.      "Whatever, your loss, babe! Enjoy the dickless freakshow!" He laughed again as he took off. Luigi was fuming. "Show his face again..." he muttered "I'll kill him!"      "C'mon Lu, take five, would ya?" Mario urged. "It's okay, I swear." Still snarling, Luigi grabbed another box and stomped back into the kitchen. Mario pulled his hat off, his shoulders slumped. "Peach, I'm sorry, I, um... I mean if you don't want to go Friday, I'd understand."    Peach came over and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "See you Friday." she said with a smile. Mario turned nearly as red as his shirt.      "S-See you then." he mumbled as she headed back to her store. Taking another box, he practically floated into the kitchen.
   That evening the bell over the door rang. Mario was in the kitchen, and he heard his father exclaim happily as he greeted the customers.      "Cranky you old nutjob! It's been ages, how the hell are you?" Giovanni eagerly greeted his old friend. "What's with the beard, you look like father time!"      "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up Gio, you're getting a gut yourself. The sight makes me wish I hadn't moved back to Brooklyn!" Cranky said teasingly, taking a seat at the counter. A tall, muscular young man sat beside him. Marianna squeaked when she saw him.      "Don't tell me this is DK! You've grown into a fine young man!" she said.    DK grinned, rubbing the back of his head. "It has been a while, hasn't it?" He caught sight of Luigi. "Lu! Holy crap you grew your mustache!" Luigi laughed. "Hey, I always said I would."    DK looked around. "Where's Mirra?"    Tony and Arthur, who were both behind the bar, glanced at each other.      "Oh, shit." Tony muttered. Arthur didn't say anything, just listened. The kitchen door swung open as Mario came out. He hesitated but then came over as Marianna nodded to him.      "Hey, DK," he said softly, "it, it's been a while."    DK blinked. "Mirra?" he then broke into a grin. "Get over here so I can admire that stache, dude!"    His eyes lighting up, Mario leapt over the counter and hugged his old friend. DK looked him over. "Holy shit, man, you look amazing!"      "Thanks, DK."      "Hey, I gotta know. It's not Mirra anymore, right? What name didja take?"      "It's Mario now." DK thought it over. "Mario and Luigi. Yeah, I like it!"
   As they talked, Cranky remained quiet. That is, until Giovanni came over.      "What the hell did you let your daughter do to herself?" he asked.      "I let my son become who he was supposed to be." Giovanni snapped back. "You got a problem with it?"    The coffeeshop fell quiet, everyone feeling the tension in the air. Cranky sniffed.      "Bad enough your brother is gay, now your kid is messed up too. At least Luigi's normal."    Luigi looked down, glad the rainbow socks he was wearing were hidden from sight.      "Get out." Giovanni pointed to the door. "DK can stay, but you, get out. And don't you dare come back in here. Ever." Cranky just shrugged. "Fine. C'mon son."      "No." DK said softly.      "What?" Cranky looked surprised. DK stood up. "I want to see my friends. I'm staying." Letting out a sound of disgust, Cranky left, calling out "Don't stay out too late!"    Running a hand over his face, DK signed. "Mario, I'm sorry he- Mario?" In the tension, Mario had vanished. Arthur came out from behind the bar and went towards the kitchen with Luigi following him. "Uncle Art, I," he paused, "I don't know what to do."    Arthur glanced over his shoulder. "You go catch up with DK. Don't worry about your brother, I got this."    Heading upstairs, he stopped off at the second-floor apartment before continuing to the roof. Opening the door, he walked out and looked around. It seemed empty. Going around the A/C units, he felt his heart sink.      "Oh, kid."    Just like five years ago, Mario was sitting on the roof, legs pulled up tight as he shook with quiet sobs. Arthur sat wordlessly beside him, placing what he had been carrying next to him. He looked out over the view. Besides the construction towards the east, things hadn't changed much over time. Traffic sang on the streets, a siren howling its warning in the distance. Chatter was faint over the air as people went back and forth, each wrapped up in their own lives. Arthur closed his eyes, taking it all in. After a while there was a soft rustle beside him.      "Why am I such a screwup?" Mario asked, his voice low. Arthur opened his eyes but still stayed quiet.      "All I ever wanted was to look like and sound like I felt inside," Mario continued, "but every time it comes up, I make things worse. Coming out to Ma and Dad, I dragged Lu into it."
     "You better stay with your uncles for a while." Giovanni said. Luigi stepped up.      "Then you can kick me out, too."    Giovanni stared at him. "Why would-"      "Because I'm gay, Dad!" Luigi yelled, "And we all know what you think about that after the way you treated Uncle Tony!"
   Mario let out another sob. "This afternoon Lu almost got into it with Spike over me, then dad kicks out his oldest friend, all because of me!" he hid his face. "I'm just a freak."    He looked up, rubbing at his eyes when he heard a *pop* and a soft hiss. Arthur held out a brown bottle. Mario couldn't help it, he let out a soft laugh. "Really?"    Arthur gave a nod. "You're twenty-one, you've had a shit day, you earned it." he said. Mario took a long drink as Arthur opened his own bottle. Taking a drink, he then sighed.      "You didn't drag your brother into anything. He came out that day because he did what he's always done. Stayed by your side and protected you, just like you've done for him. As for getting into a fight, well that's just what siblings do to keep each other safe. You know what I did when someone once called your Uncle Tony a fag?"    Mario shook his head.      "I slugged the hell out of em! Ended up in jail overnight with a black eye of my own." he took another drink. "Thought your dad was gonna kill me. But it was worth it to defend my bro. Now, about Cranky. Look, he's always been stupid fuck."    Mario burst out laughing. "That's what Lu called Spike!" Arthur swept his arms out. "And was he wrong? No!" he laughed along with him. "There's my Firefly's smile."    Mario's laugher died down. "Firefly, you haven't called me that in a long time." he said.      "You're always my Firefly, kid. Always have been, always will be." he sighed, leaning back. Amid the sounds of the city, down on the sidewalk below there was the cry of a baby.      "Your Ma ever tell you about when she found out she was having twins?"      "Just that she and Dad were excited to share the news with you and Uncle Tony."    Arthur hummed. "There's a little bit more to that story. They went back to the doctor after a while to see if you two were boys or girls. The doc said one of each and your Ma asked him to check again, she didn't believe him."    Mario tilted his head, confused. "Why not?"      "She was convinced she was having two boys. Wasn't until you two were almost ready to be born that she accepted she was having a girl."    He put his arm around Mario. "Why do you think it didn't hit her so hard that night?"      "She knew." Mario said softly.      "You're not a freak, not a screwup, kid. Never have been." he picked up his drink and stood. "Now c'mon, you got a friend downstairs who wants to catch up with you." Mario got up, and his eyes lit up. "Oh, right! I gotta tell DK I got a date with Peach!" he eagerly ran for the roof door.    Arthur choked on the beer. "Wait, a date?! What?! Mario wait!" Arthur chased after him. "What's this about a date! Don't you dare spill details without me!"
By "CC"
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coffeecat1983 · 14 days
TransMario story scene.
I'm chopping and reworking some of my Trans Mario storyline to move bits to my Tony PolyCule story, and I wanted to share this scene that takes place in the TransMario-verse. Set after Mario has top surgery...
Giving up on draping his bathrobe over his shoulders, Mario got up and holding onto the furniture and then the walls for support, made his way to the kitchen. He paused, looking up at the cabinet where the mugs were kept. Discouraged, he spotted something else he could use. A few minutes later he heard footsteps and a laugh. "A measuring cup for tea?" Marianna said as she entered the kitchen. Mario gave her a tired grin. "Can't lift my arms to get my mug." he explained. Giving him a kiss on the cheek, Marianna got into the cabinet and got out his favorite mug. Pouring the tea into it she motioned for him to go into the living room. He followed her, self-consciously holding his arms over his chest in an attempt to hide the bandages. "Now, to the couch with you." she ordered. Helping him sit while propped up with a pillow, she then vanished down the hallway before returning with a bottle and an old sheet. "I know you can't shower. At least let me give you a dry shampoo rubdown." Mario laughed softly. "Aw Ma, you don't gotta pamper me." "Don't be ridiculous! I will always want to pamper my baby." Closing his eyes, Mario savored the feel of his mother's fingers tenderly massaging his scalp and then brushing the powder out. "I don't think you've brushed my hair since I had it cut short." he said quietly. He glanced back sadly. "Sorry I took that away from you." Marianna quietly continued her work. "You didn't take anything away from me, sweetheart. Don't ever apologize for being my son."
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coffeecat1983 · 3 months
Hmm... I have an idea....
So I'm playing with a full redo of TransMario. We're going with Mario selectively mute, Arthur mostly deaf/selectively mute, and dabbling with going TransLuigi instead (I know, I know, it's been done but this flow just fits better)
Ahem Now then, a preview. Shortly after the twins turn eleven, Arthur falls ill with a severe fever and cough that lands him in the hospital. As he recovers, it becomes clear something has changed….
"Can he hear at all?" "We'll need a full test but from what he's shown he has some hearing in his left ear still. He tilts his head that way and reacts to sound on that side." Giovanni glanced at the hospital bed. Eleven-year-old Arthur was sitting up for the first time in what felt like ages. His face was pale and his normally bright, curious eyes were sunken in, something in the life of them was lost. He was playing with Tony, picking out cards as his twin shuffled them. Some game only they knew, Giovanni mused. Eyes flickered nervously over towards the adults and Arthur tapped Tony's shoulder with two fingers, his signal for attention that he'd used for years when he shut down or was nervous. "Why are they talkin' so soft?" Arthur said. Tony looked confused, able to hear the conversation clearly. "They're not." "Yes they are." Arthur said firmly. "You too." Even more confused, Tony took the headphones from around his neck and put them over his baby brother's ears. Pulling out the Walkman, he clicked play. "Quit p-playin'." Arthur said, his voice trembling as he pulled them off. "Your headphones are busted. It's soft!" Tony held up the Walkman. "Art, it's on high." "Why are you still whispering?" Arthur whimpered. "Tony it's not funny!" Putting the headphones back on Arthur grabbed the Walkman, a move that normally he would have killed anyone for attempting. Fingers slipping as his hands shook, he slid the volume dial up and down and panic began to build. "T-Tony? I can't, can't hear!" His cry got the attention of the others and Salvatore ran over. The twins looked up at him, frightened. "P-Papa?" Arthur began coughing, the sound harsh and gravelly. "I c-can't hear!" he cried out as he burst into tears. Giovanni tried coaxing Tony away to let their father help, but the older twin stubbornly grabbed Arthur and held onto him. He wasn't sure how, but he would help his little brother in any way he could.
Feedback is welcome.
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coffeecat1983 · 23 hours
TransMario unreleased scenes pt 2.
TW for starting period:
We join Mario, now 15, having a slumber party at Arthur and Marie's. Along with Luigi is Peach, her cousin Daisy, and our scene opens in the middle of the night...
   Soft sniffles woke Mario and he sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Mm, Lu? You have a bad dream?" he mumbled. Waking further, he realized it wasn't his brother that was crying. Peach was sitting on her sleeping bag, holding her stomach. Shuffling over on his knees, Mario sat beside her.      "Are you okay? You got a stomach ache?"    Rapidly nodding, Peach curled up tighter. "I didn't know it was due." she whispered. "I don't have my stuff, just my clothes. It's so dark out and I don't wanna wake everyone trying to go home."    It hit Mario what she meant and he stood. "C'mon, Auntie Marie keeps pads in the bathroom, you can use some."    Getting up, Peach followed him down the hall to the bathroom and entering, waited by the toilet. Mario dug under the sink and pulled a few packages out. "She always lets me use these, she won't mind if you need some."    The door across from them opened and Marie came out. "Kids? What's got you-" she stopped when she saw the packages on the counter.      "Can Peach have some of these?" Mario asked.      "Take whatever you need to get you through till you get home. You need to change or wash up?"    Peach nodded nervously and Mario was instantly heading to the living room to get her backpack while Marie got out a towel and washcloth.      "You cramping?" she inquired.      "Y-Yeah."    Opening the medicine cabinet and taking out a bottle, Marie held it out to Peach. "You ever take these before?"      "Mmmhmm, that's the stuff Aunt Rosa buys."    Marie hummed in approval. "Once you're done, meet me in the kitchen. I'll get you the heating pad and something to take this, and here." Reaching under the sink she dug around and pulled out a small purple plastic bag. "You can stash your clothes in here and either I can keep and wash them or you take them home."      "Thanks. Sorry about this."    A sympathetic smile. "Hey, don't worry about it."
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coffeecat1983 · 2 days
TransMario story, unreleased edition.
I don't know if I'll ever finish this one, it grew a bit out of my control you might say, so I'm sharing unreleased scenes from it.
In this scene we join twelve-year-old Mirra and Luigi as Arthur and Marie along with a newborn Bria visit a butterfly house...
   Butterflies flitted all around, dancing from bloom to bloom as the visitors took photos.      "Hey you two, how about a photo on the bench there?" Arthur said, taking out his camera. Taking a seat, Mirra and Luigi stayed still as a couple butterflies came close, attracted to their bright clothing. Luigi's eye went wide as one landed on his outstretched arm.      "Mirra? Mirra what do I do?!" he hissed.      "Stay still, Weege!" she whispered back, going stock still as one landed on the edge of her cap. Arthur quickly snapped the photo.      "You two can breathe, you know." he said. The kids exhaled but the butterflies stayed, exploring their new friends. Luigi held his other hand up and the bright butterfly climbed into his open palm, tickling him.      "Wish I could grow flowers." he said sadly. "Dad says it's a girl's thing."      "Pfft, that's crazy talk." Arthur scoffed. "Some of the best rose gardens have been planted and raised by men."      "You don't have to be a boy or a girl to enjoy nature." Marie added. "Just be you."    Holding her hand out, Mirra didn't make a sound as a butterfly landed on her finger, the tiny creature exploring around. Marie didn't see it as she was busy checking on Bria and talking with Luigi, but Arthur caught the look in the young girl's eyes. Crouching beside her, he watched the butterfly with her for a bit before it flitted off.      "Uncle Art?"      "Hmm?" Mirra looked around at the butterflies. "Butterflies change from caterpillars. Can people change, too?"    He considered this. "People can change in a lot of ways, Firefly. How do you mean?" Taking off her cap she ran her fingers over the embroidered 'M'.      "Can they change, so they're happy?" She turned, her bright blue eyes searching for something. What that was, Arthur wasn't sure. He thought over his words carefully.      "I think they can. It can take time, but yeah, they can. Are you not happy, Firefly?"      "I... I donno." she replied quietly.
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