#transformers match ups
liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hello can I please get a romantic matchup for RID 2001 and MTMTE? (Or if not RID, then 2 matchups for MTMTE?) Thank you very much in advance and I absolutely love your work!
At first glance, I’m rather shy, reserved, and introverted. I try to be as polite and nice as possible to people I first meet, but I can’t help but worry over whether I’m coming off as too rude or if I’m over-sharing due to my lack of social skills and my horrible social anxiety. However if someone somehow manages to get me to open up, I’m much more talkative about whatever’s on my mind, whether it’s sharing something I learned sometime in the past or something that I’m interested in. But as much as I enjoy talking about what’s on my mind, I’d hate for it to be a one-sided conversation unless someone truthfully expresses that they’re fine with just listening. I’m fine with talking about anything as long as it doesn’t delve into anything either of us are uncomfortable with. While I don’t seem all too outgoing, it’s because I don’t bother to spend time with people I dislike unless I ultimately have to, so if it’s to spend time with someone I’m fond of, I’m willing to go outdoors or out on a drive with them. Unfortunately I’m sensitive, and my self-esteem never existed in the first place, nor do I really share how I’m really doing with most people unless I completely trust them. Some people have described me as thoughtful since I always ask how people are and how their day has gone. At times, I draw art for my friends or pick up snacks/drinks I know they like from the store. In my free time I enjoy drawing digitally, listening to music, playing video games, and writing stories.
I match you with...
Prowl (RID2001) and Rung (IDW)
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Neither mind that you're shy and reserved at first and won't push you out of your comfort zone. They like how polite you are and reassure you that they don't find you rude at all. They love it when you open up to them and become more talkative and thoughtful, and neither mind just listening to you if they don't have anything they want to talk about at the moment. They're also very good listeners and will memorize lots of little details of the stuff you tell them, especially about your interests. They also try to help you with your anxiety and low self-esteem, trying to reassure you whenever they can. They don't mind that you're not too outgoing either, as they prefer a day indoors with you anyway. They're honored if you open up to how you feel with them and do their best to make sure they never break that trust. They love to see your art and writing when you share it with them, especially when you make something for him. They also love to listen to music with you and watch you play your favorite video games as they ask you questions about it.
Other possible matches: Optimus Prime (RID2001), Sky-Byte (RID2001), Railspike (RID2001), Ultra Magnus (IDW), Red Alert (IDW), Swerve (IDW)
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hello could I have a platonic bot and con match-up for Transformers Animated?
I like reading, writing, cooking, sewing, and seeing/petting animals! I love playing chess and am always looking for new people to play. Warm drinks like tea and hot chocolate are my favorite.
Personality wise I think I'm the kind of person who lay in front of my computer all day but would go out in the cold just to see some deer. That I'm lazy but I put effort and energy for things/ people I care about. I'm an older sibling, so I have a protective streak. I can be a bit childish, I sometimes do little pranks but admit to them easily with a nervous laugh. I'm Ace/Aro, I like hugs and small kisses but am not comfortable with anything else. I'm prone to self deprivation and over think things.
Am definitely a night owl, with my crazy insomnia. My favorite places to visit are libraries(I've worked in a few), museums, aquariums, forest, and out door markets. I consider my love language to be gifts and food, I love making things for people I care about.
Your friends would be...
Bumblebee and Shockwave!
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They don't mind that you probably rather sit in front of a screen than go out because they prefer that too, though they will check out an animal outside if they see you get excited about it, especially Shockwave since he likes to learn about new things. They're impressed at how creative you are and love to see your finished projects, especially when you make something for them. Shockwave loves playing chess with you and Bumblebee likes to watch you cook. They like how protective you are because they're very protective over you as well. Bumblebee likes how childish you can be and loves to pull pranks with you, Shockwave doesn't mind helping you pull pranks on Lugnut and Blitzwing. Shockwave respects that you're not a big fan of a lot of affection because he isn't either, and Bumblebee is fine with it too even though he likes to hug you. Bumblebee also makes self deprecating jokes so he relates when you do but also tries to hype you up so that you know how awesome he thinks you are and Shockwave will try to subtly give you small confidence boosts with words of affirmation. They like that you're active at night, especially Shockwave since he has a lot of all nighters, he likes when you stay and keep him company while he works. Shockwave likes to go to libraries and museums with you to learn more about humans and Bumblebee loves trips to the aquarium, he likes to see all the pretty little fish!
Other possible friend matches: Ultra Magnus, Blurr, Prowl, Blitzwing, Megatron, Skywarp
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Platonic matchup for G1 autobots? Preferably males. I'm female, and 4'8" I'm 18 years old. I'm shy and timid. I'm a resturant waitress (I move around fast to serve many tables at once). People mistake me for being 12 because of my size, so I'm slightly insecure. I'm very careful when it comes to personal finance, I make sure to pay all my bills off on time so I don't go into debt. I'm an expert with computers and a music lover and I always have wireless headphones around my neck or on my head.
Your friend would be...
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He doesn't mind that you're shy and timid at first and does everything he can to make you laugh and break out of your shell. He's impressed at how fast you can move and asks if you can dance as well as you wait tables. He's also impressed at how responsible you try to be. He likes that you're good with computers too, he'll show you how to work the ones at the base. He loves to listen to music with you, and loves to share recommendations.
Other possible friend matches: Blaster, Prowl, Bluestreak, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, Tracks
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hi, hope I'm not bothering you by asking for a TFA Matchup! (bot/con) My pronouns are she/her. I enjoy quiet spaces where I can write short stories/poems and do art while listening to music. I usually get into the zone when I have music playing as it's a de-stressor so if anyone interrupts I usually get annoyed for a bit until I can return to it. My favorite weather is Thunderstorms. I often dye my long hair ombre purple, and usually need help with it haha. Love going on walks and taking pictures of things I see like waterfalls, flowers, clouds, etc. unless it's at night then I love finding a place away from the open where I can lay down and watch or dance under the stars, love stopping by the duck ponds to give bread to the lads. Also love racing and cars, but know little to nothing about them despite thirsting for more knowledge. I also have very morbid curiosity when it comes to sicknesses and like scary things. It's very easy for me to hold grudges and keep motivation unfortunately and there are days ill do nothing but walk around, or stay locked in my room with crass music playing obnoxiously loud while singing along. Those are some of my biggest flaws. When first meeting me I can come off as someone I'm usually not in an effort to impress people right off the bat (usually try to be tough/act cool) and then later I'll melt into my true demeanor after a while. (Even though I'm afraid of being judged the entire time and being seen as inadequate.) I'll also end up being really protective over whoever I end up being friends with, sometimes it gets to the point where I start doting on them and they adopt me as their 'parent'. Like I won't stand for as much as a sideways glance from anyone at my friends. Hope this is adequate and informative enough while also making sense! (this is also my first matchup request so I'm praying I got nothing wrong.)
I match you with...
Prowl and Blitzwing!
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They can both see through the tough act but think it's kinda cute and funny that you're trying to impress them of all bots. They love when you open up and become you're true self around them, Prowl loves how protective you are and Blitzwing loves how doting you can be (especially Random). They don't mind hanging out in silence with you or listening to your music and just vibing, both actually likes your music taste, especially Blitzwing. They both know to leave you alone when you're in the zone, and love to see what you've written or drawn when you're done. They also like to see the photographs you take, especially Prowl. They'll often help you dye your hair too. Prowl loves stopping at duck ponds with you and loves to stargaze with you as well. Blitzwing also likes to stargaze and Random will join you in dancing. They don't mind you your curiosity for scary things and illnesses, they actually find it kind of fascinating too. Both try their best to motivate you when you're having a low motivation day, although Blitzwing may join you in laying around and singing. Prowl will also try to help you get out of the habit of holding grudges. While neither are particularly good with racing they do like it when you talk about it and will find whatever they can to help you on your quest for knowledge, even when it means having to ask Bumblebee for more info for Prowl.
Other possible matches: Bulkhead, Jazz, Optimus Prime, Megatron, Sunstorm, Starscream
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hello! :D I noticed matchups were open, I hope it’s alright if I ask for TFP and/or RiD2015 romantic matchups if you have the time/energy for them! (But if you don’t, that is completely okay and you can ignore this if you want to!!) 💕💕
I’m bi/ace (she/her) and I always describe myself as someone who has so much overflowing love in her heart!! I like to romanticize my freckles like little stars, I like wearing flowery skirts with bright pretty colors, I like putting all kinds of accessories or even glitter in my hair and I call them my “sprinkles” heheh!! I like wearing bright eye-catching jewelry and painting my nails different colors of the rainbow. I guess I just really love colors and flowers sdjhfhsjdgf
I’m very skittish/fearful but I try to be as brave and positive as I can, especially when the going gets tough! I like to think that in any TF universe, I’d be really flirty and empathetic because I’ve also gone through struggles a lot of the bots face (depression, anxiety, ptsd, abuse) and I’d want to be there for them and make them feel seen and loved ;u;
Activities!! I love to draw the sappiest stuff possible. I like to journal all of my dreams and decorate the pages with sparkly and scented stickers! I love anything creative tbh, drawing, writing, charm-crafting, singing, theatrical performances, stuff like that :D!! I also love baking, though I’m really not good at making them look very pretty, they at least taste like they’re supposed to 😂
Miscellaneous!! I literally never get any sleep, I’m practically nocturnal at this point LOL. I love cartoons, I think I own, like, 20 spongebob shirts. I give almost everyone I know some type of nickname, whether it’s silly or downright sappy. I like sitting in meadows, stargazing, looking at clouds, especially when I can’t sleep... I can’t think of much else at the top of my head, I hope that this was okay, I’m sorry if it got too long skdhsjhfjd I hope you’re having a wonderful day, and thank you for doing these!! 💖💕💖💕💖💕
I match you with...
Smokescreen and Sideswipe!
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They both love how bright and feminine your style is and they adore how loving you are. Anytime they find some kind of hair accessory or jewelry they think you'd like they get it for you. They like to tease you about how skittish you are and always tell you nor to worry because "your big strong bot will protect you!" They like how positive you try to be, especially Smokescreen. They love seeing your art and reading you writing, even when you leave them the cutest, sappiest notes and doodles that absolutely fluster them. They'd love to see your dream journal if you'd let them, and they love watching you do crafts. They also love to watch you bake even if they can't have any, they always comment that it smells really good. They also love to hear you sing ans will sing along with you! They get upset when you tell them you've delt with depression, anxiety, and ptsd, and they get furious at those who abused you, they promise you that they'll always try to cheer you up any way they can. They both love to watch cartoons with you and will try their beat to help you get some rest, usually by taking you on long drives at night.
Other possible matches: Bumblebee (TFP), Cliffjumper (TFP), Darksteel (TFP), Bumblebee (RID15), Grimlock (RID15), Glowstrike (RID15)
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hi! Can I request an IDW matchup? Bot and con please? I'm an introverted, ace gray female. I'm very quiet and reserved with trust issues, but once I get to know someone, I can be very open and friendly. I'm sweet, humble, reliable, and an overall chill person. I also like things to be neat and organized. I do struggle with anxiety. My hobbies include reading and writing fantasy/fiction stories, drawing, listening to music, and watching anime. Thank you!
I match you with...
Ultra Magnus and Thundercracker!
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They like that you're introverted and neither mind that it might take a while for you to trust them. They also don't mind that you're quiet, especially Magnus. They love how sweet and friendly you are and Ultra Magnus admires your humbleness and hoe reliable you are. Thundercracker loves how chill you are. Ultra Magnus loves to help you organize and Thundercracker often asks for you help organizing his own space. They love to read with you, TC will ask you to be his beta reader if you want to, and they love it when you share your writing with them. They love to show you their own writing too and ask for your thoughts. They also love to see your art and if you draw anything for them they'll cherish it, Magnus frames it and hangs it in his office and Thundercracker keeps it in his cockpit. They love it when you show them new music, especially Ultra Magnus, he loves to share his favorite songs with you too. Ultra Magnus might not be too into anime but he likes a few of them you show him, Thundercracker loves it though and especially loves animes with a lot of action in them, but he also enjoys the slice-of-life animes as well.
Other possible matches: Fortress Maximus, Red Alert, Drift, Megatron, Krok, Misfire
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hi, I would love a match up for IDW. I’m a bi female and mtmte is my favourite comic. I like to draw, play games (video and board), reading, swimming and mixing cocktails. I like to consume a lot of media from child movies and Sit Coms to horror Movies and George Carlin. I’m a huge nerd and like both DC and Marvel. I like to be social, helpful and caring, but I prefer small groups and need recovery time every now and then. I tend to be cuddly once I get close to people. I love music, mostly rock and metal and I like art a lot. Thank you and have a nice day!
I match you with...
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He absolutely loves how nerdy you ans love that you like a lot of the same things that he does. He loves to have long discussions with you about the shows you watched and the comics you've read and he loves playing games with you too. He also loves how social, helpful, and caring you are, especially towards him and his friends. He loves to watch you draw and will absolutely melt if you make anything for him. Be also loves finding new music through you. His favorite thing to do with you is have tv show/movie marathons. He also likes that you can mix drinks and asks if you wanna help him run the bar sometimes. He loves how cuddly you are and likes to fall asleep cuddled to you.
Other possible matches: Skids, Rodimus, Misfire, Thundercracker, Nautica, Bluestreak
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hi! May I have a matchup please for Animated? (Bot/Con)
Hi Lias! I’m Natalie. I go by the pronouns (she/her). I love to draw, paint, take photos with my camera, and I like to make clothes. I am a introvert, but I do like meeting new people. I’m also a timid person, but once you get to know me I am a fun person to be with. I’m short and have a curvy waist. I also have dirty blonde hair. I also have green/brown eyes. My favorite color is Blue and Purple. I absolutely love listening to music. Especially in my free time.
Thank you for your time! :)))
I match you with...
Bulkhead and Soundwave!
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Neither mind that you're timid at first, and they like that you're more introverted, even Soundwave enjoys the quiet occasionally. They love how fun you are and they love to pose for your photos. They love to see your art, especially Bulkhead, he often wants to do collaborative pieces together and even gives you a lot of his art as gifts. Soundwave loves all the music you show him and he loves to share his own music with you, he writes you your own songs and plays them for you.
Other possible matches: Optimus Prime, Jetfire, Jetstorm, Sunstorm, Skywarp, Blitzwing
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Match up please n ty. Non binary 5 ft 4 looking for mechs. I sing, dance, nap, read, love history and cultures. Love animals. Sweet yet temperamental if pushed but also get sensory over stimulated easily. Love cuddles n hugs. Sucker for cute things. Prime and IDW.
I match you with...
Bumblebee (TFP) and Thundercracker (IDW)!
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They love how sweet you are. They know you're temperamental so they try to keep you out of stressful situations, and if you get over stimulated they do their best to help calm down. Both love to watch you dance and will often join you. They also love to hear you sing, Bumblebee will try to join in with cute buzzing and beeps. Thundercracker loves to have reading dates with you and often brings his scripts for you to read and asks your opinions on them. Bee likes to take naps with you often and let's you curl up on his chassis. They both love to share their own planets history and culture with you and live to learn about Earth in return. They also appreciate your love of animals, especially Thundercracker, he likes knowing you and Buster like each other. They also love how cuddly you are and they don't mind you initiating hugs or cuddles no matter who is around.
Other possible matches: Optimus Prime (TFP), Breakdown (TFP), Soundwave (TFP), Fortress Maximus (IDW), Ultra Magnus (IDW), Tailgate (IDW)
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hi~! Hope your doing great!Can I get a bot and con match up for MTMTE/LL? I'm Bisexual and my pronouns are (she/her).I usually come off as boisterous especially when it comes to a subject I love. I'm very much an open book, which is a double edged sword since I often share things that would be considered 'TMI.' I'm also very supportive of loved ones,and will do anything to make them laugh. Funny enough I'm also a cry-baby,and have a bit of a temper. I love to read, draw, and watch horror movies!
I match you with...
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He likes how open you are and doesn't mind if you get TMI at times because he shares stuff he probably shouldn't too. He loves how supportive you are and loves how funny you are and loves to make you laugh too. He gets upset when you start crying and tries his best to calm you down. He also tries to help you relax when you're angry. He loves to see your drawings and will frame them and hang them in his bar to brag about how talented you are. He loves having horror movie marathons with you too and loves to hear you talk about your interests.
Other possible matches: Skids, Rodimus, Nautica, Whirl, Trailbreaker, Tailgate
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hey, Lias! Can I get a bot/con matchup for RiD15? Preferably with males?
I'm a petite, slender woman with green eyes. I'm a bit insecure about my size because people often mistake me for being a child. But I like wearing lots of cute crop tops!
My peers describe me as "sweet, curious, resilient, and witty". However, I don't see myself this way. I'm timid, letting out little peeps whenever startled and I also tend to fluster easily. In spite of my mousey exterior, I have a sarcastic side as well as a feisty side. I'm also stubborn and determined to reach any goal and/or get through any struggle, which is said to be my greatest strength. I enjoy gushing over cartoons and I love to swim. Also, I love caring for animals of all kinds, I'm studying veterinary care.
I match you with...
Grimlock and Steeljaw!
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Neither mind that you're timid at first and they find the sounds you make when startled cute. They like how sweet you are and both of them try to reassure you about your size and that they think you're witty as most people do. Steeljaw admires your feistiness and sarcasm. Grimlock admires your curiosity. Both admire how determined you are when you want something. Grimlock loves to watch cartoons with you and Steeljaw likes to watch you swim. They're also very curious about your studies. Steeljaw loves to tease you to watch you fluster. Grimlock teases you too but not as much, he just thinks you're so cute when you blush.
Other possible matches: Bumblebee, Fixit, Blurr, Thunderhoof, Fracture, Quillfire
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Hello! Could I get a romantic Matchup for Prime (Con & Bot)? I'm Nonbinary (They/Them) & Pan. I love drawing, animals, bones, singing, my culture, nature, & listening to music. I'm an open book while also being a private person. I do my best to be honest with people I care about. Gift giving is my love language (receiving&giving). I'm very protective, loyal, playful, kind, friendly, intellectual, passionate, stubborn,& petty. I love to express myself through my clothes, esp. makeup and jewelry.
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It's fine dw (plus I like bones too anyway 😆)
I match you with...
Arcee and Predaking!
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Both love how loyal and protective you can be, they're both very protective of you as well. They also respect that even though you are honest and open with them that you also value your privacy. They love to learn about your culture, and will share theirs with you as well if you ask to know more. They love to hear you sing and see your art when you're willing to show them. Neither get too annoyed at your stubborness as they know they can be stubborn as well. Both admire your intelligence as well. Arcee admires your kindness and Predaking admires your passion. They love to see the looks you come up with and compliment your clothes, jewelry, and make up often. Arcee loves getting gifts from you and giving you cool jewelry she finds in return. Predaking cherishes anything you give him and also likes to gift you odd jewelry, he gives you necklaces and bracelets made of bones and scales often.
Other possible matches: Wheeljack, Optimus Prime, Ratchet, Soundwave, Airachnid, Breakdown
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
Can I get a best friend (platonic) match-up for Cyberverse? I tend to be very polite, though can be awkward in social situations that can’t easily be answered by formal manners if I am not familiar with the situation or people. I am very friendly and often share what I’m thinking as long as it’s a positive thing, but will avoid talking poorly of others or situations. I often look like I’m not taking things seriously because I avoid letting people see negative emotions.
Your friend is...
Optimus Prime!
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He likes how polite and friendly you are. He relates to getting awkward in social situations sometimes and likes to swaps advice with each other on what to do and how to answer certain questions. He also loves your positivity and likes that he never really hears you talk bad about others. He knows better than others that you are taking things seriously even when it doesn't seem like you are, he knows you just hate negativity. He will advise you not hold everything in though, he'll get you a book so you can write stuff down and will tell you that you can talk to him anytime about anything you need to.
Other possible matches: Thundercracker, Whirl, Ratchet, Windblade, Arcee, Grimlock
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
I heard you're doing matchups! I'd like one for Prime and Animated if that's alright.
I'm a straight female, 5'7 with an hourglass figure, tiny titties, long legs, long brown hair and light brown eyes. I'm shy around new people, but if I like their vibes I can crack a few jokes. My humor is based on puns and dad jokes, and I can always throw in a comment about the current situation. I love listening to stories, especially if it can give me a good laugh. I like drawing and writing, I tend to clam up if someone asks what my stories are about and my face gets red. I'm pretty casual, and a go with the flow kind of person(I just nod and go "whelp, I guess this is happening now"). I'm not good at communicating with others and tend to say the wrong thing, I also have trouble apologising so I'm always willing to do whatever they ask of me to make it up. I also tend to be the mom friend, I look out for everyone else before myself and I always come prepared(I always have snacks and bandaids in my bag). While I may be a people pleaser, I also have a bit of a temper, I tend to grit my teeth, and bite my tounge to keep myself from saying something I'll regret. I calm myself down my taking a deep breath and listening to music with my headphones, going for a walk, or for a car ride. If it's really bad I scream into a pillow. I also show my love through touch like hugs, linking arms, holding hands, laying on them, poking them, or nuzzling them like a cat. I'm awkward about physical touch because I don't have many friends so I don't know when it's appropriate to show my affection. I consider my self open-minded, hard-working, loyal, caring, creative, and honest(brutally so).
Love your writing Lias! Happy Valentine's day! 😘💕
Thank you! And Happy Valentine's day to you too!
I match you with...
Wheeljack (TFP) and Jazz (TFA)
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Wheeljack doesn't pay much attention to you on your first meeting but once you start cracking jokes and he sees how laid back you are he gets more interested. Jazz doesn't mind that you're shy at first and tries to crack a few jokes of his own to lighten the mood. They both find you genuinely funny and they love how attentive you are when they're telling stories. Wheeljack isn't great at communicating either, so he tries not to fault you for it, and while Jazz tries to communicate with you he's very patient when you can't seem to find the right words. They like that you come prepared to look after yourself and others as well. Wheeljack understands your temper because he has one of his own, he tends to give you space when you're mad and let you cool down where Jazz might try to help you calm down, either by recommending some good music he knows or offering to take you on a ride. They love how affectionate you are too, your love language being touch is perfect for them because they love to wrap their arms around you and hold hands with you too. They also love to see your art and writing when you let them. Expect Wheeljack to ask about your stories constantly just so he can see how embarrassed you get, Jazz might ask every once in while but he won't push like Wheeljack does. They also love how hardworking you are and admire your loyalty and how caring you are.
Other possible matches: Bulkhead (TFP), Smokescreen (TFP), Bumblebee (TFP), Blitzwing (TFA), Bumblebee (TFA), Sunstorm (TFA)
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liaswritesrobots · 3 years
I would like a matchup for TF IDW and TFA please! I'm fine with any faction. I'm female and pansexual. Some personality traits I have are maternal by nature, overanalytical, can be a bit cynical but I care very much for those close to me. I am patient, kind, and try my best to make those around me happy, even at my own expense. I am an animal lover and have many pets.I have quite the interest In culinary, baking and cosmetology. my goals are to eventually become an esthetician and work with my grandmother at her business in the city. although it may not seem like much, I love making people feel beautiful! Some hobbies I have are drawing, writing , singing, playing videogames, baking, doing makeup, reading, learning new things.
that's about all I can think of for me at the moment lol. can't wait to see what you come up with!
I match you with...
Fortress Maximus and Prowl!
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Both love how kind, patient, and caring you are, they think it's very admirable. They also don't mind the cynicism at times and Fort Max can relate to being overanalytical. They also like how maternal you can be. They think it's nice that you try to keep others happy but often remind you that your happiness is important too. They also love seeing your pets and love learning about Earth animals from you, both can often be found playing with your pets and you'll find Fort Max talking to them. While they can't have food they love to watch you cook and bake. Prowl finds it fascinating that you can take all these ingredients and make them into one food. Fort Max finds watching you cook to be relaxing, and he loves the smell of the foods you make. Both support your goal of working with your grandmother in her business, they thinks it's nice that you want to help her out and are glad that you want to do something you really enjoy. They love to see your art too, and live to hear you sing, especially Fort Max, he finds your voice soothing. If you ask they'll let you practice some makeup stuff on them, they know it won't look the same on them as it would a human but they make great models, especially Prowl since he can stay still for so long. For Max loves to watch you play video games and both like to sit and read with you as well, especially if you've recommend some books you think they'd like. Both love your willingness to learn new things too, and will happily spend hours teaching you some of the stuff they know.
Other Possible Matches: Ratchet (IDW & TFA), Blackarachnia (TFA), Skids (IDW), Optimus Prime (TFA)
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liaswritesrobots · 3 years
(I guess I’ll call myself Bluestreak anon due to getting him) I want to thank you for the matchup, it was really cute! I honestly wasn’t expecting to get Bluestreak, was thinking I would either get Rung or Swerve. Thank you again! By the way, I was wondering if I could get one last matchup, for TFP? (I’m not sure if I have to send in my matchup description again, if I do I’ll send it in again!)
You're welcome, I'm glad you liked the match up! And don't worry about resending it I just went off of your last one so you don't have to re- type everything 😊
I match you with...
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He absolutely adores how sweet and sweet and patient you are and doesn't mind at all if you're more on the quiet side or if you daydream a lot. He loves to watch cartoons and anime with you, and enjoys a lot of the stuff you show him, especially anything with samurais or ninjas. He loves your music and too and likes to do silly dances that make you laugh. He likes hearing you talk about the latest books you're reading and may try download some to check them out when he has the time. He likes the games you play too and often loves to join you on multiplayer games. He absolutely adores your art and is always excited to see the new characters you've made and hear you talk about them. He likes that you love learning too, he thinks it's nice that you're always willing to learn something new.
Other Possible Matches: Smokescreen, Soundwave, Optimus Prime, Breakdown
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