petrorabbit · 6 years
Are people still doing Homestuck heroic title casting? No? Well here one it anyway:
Megatron: Thief of Space
Space bc he changes size and bc I badly need him to be the one in charge of frog breeding. Honestly “decepticon command trying to work together to breed the perfect universe” is the best possible idea in transformerstuck, I don’t know why I’m going to keep going after this
Starscream: Witch of Breath
Witch is the manipulator class (get it) and Breath both as in flight and as in talking
Soundwave: Seer of Blood
Of course, Seer for the all-knowing telepath, and since Blood=bonds, that indicates both his loyalty to Megatron and his many children
Shockwave: Heir of Void
i know this is a canon one but c’mon. it’s shockwave. he IS the void.
Optimus: Knight of Hope
"one who protects belief/one who protects through belief”
Rodimus: Bard of Light
WILDCARD BITCHES. “unpredictable agent of luck” might actually be the most powerful title in all of sburb
Ratchet: Sylph of Rage
he heals people by yelling at them
Prowl: Prince of Mind
“causes destruction through decision making”
Wheeljack: Rogue of Life
they turn around for five minutes and he’s made the dinobots
Jazz: Mage of Time
i feel good about Time but this is the bottom of the class barrel, sorry
Skyfire: Page of Heart
the guy with two names and two factions gets the “i don’t know who i am” title. ngl Skyfire is only here so he can carry Starscream to his quest bed after Megatron murders him (this is after Starscream left Megatron for dead, not knowing what the quest beds did yet, of course)
Arcee: Maid of Doom
See you in the pit, bitches
- all decepticons are Derse dreamers, all autobots are Prospit dreamers
- they think they’re in two separate sessions at first and are horrified when they realize they’ll have to COOPERATE
- Starscream is Megatron’s server player and it is A Disaster
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paragonrobits · 7 years
i’ve been kicking around an idea for the Homestuck trolls as Transformers so what if they were a wandering collective of descendants of the Autobot/Decepticon war, disassociated from either size and not raised into the conflict, but born in places where both sides fought and were forced to leave, unaware that their abandoned colonies bore Sparks that lit up too late to be found
they’ve since been traveling the stars in search of a home and some cultural conext; they’re vaguely aware of the war but they don’t really get it, though some of them have caught onto the galactic respect for the Autobot cause, and the terror the Decepticons have left.
For unknown reasons, they are omnicombinational, but some groupings work better than others, based on their current dynamics.
here’s some of my previous ideas, minus possible Transform-y sounding names:
Karkat is a mini-con, about human sized; his default form is somewhat crab-like in shape, and his alternate form is a cassete which can power-link with any of his friends to boost them, making him invaluable in a fight but he has a lot of issues over being the smallest and apparently most useless one; everyone has to protect him, what good is he (or so he thinks).  he is actually a medic, his small size allowing him to perform delicate surgical work the others cannot do. Due to his small size, he is also able to pull off being a Pretender among human-sized aliens, and his duty in this has developed a fascination with alien cultures and xeno linguistics.
Aradia is a fairly large ‘bot, about the size of the truck-type bots, who is a combiner similar to Chopshop from RID2015; she can disassemble herself into a large group of smaller robots, each capable of becoming an even smaller bot, down to Mini-Con size (thus one or two tend to go with Karkat for safety on excursions). She can only assume her alt mode with all her components available, it’s basically a cool alien excavation truck or mining equipment. Her robot mode has a strong ram-type look to it, complete with large ramming horns that makes her look like a Buffaloid variant.
Tavros actually is a buffaloid; he’s one of the biggest ones, somewhere between Prime-size and Dinobot-size. typically walking on all fours due to his body’s proportions and the massive size of his robot mode’s horns. In his vehicle mode. he becomes a massive RV-style vehicle that he smaller bots can ride in. He’s quite delicate with the smaller robots and any aliens, and is very nervous about accidentally hurting someone.
Sollux; a fairly stout car-sized bot who transforms into a bee-type Insecticon. He has a latent connection with everyone around him that borders on a hive-mind connection and he gets easily stressed completely on his own, but this makes him invaluable for combining; its far easier to drift with each other if Sollux is there to guide the way.
Nepeta: A large beastformer, about Bulkhead’s size, who has a animalistic robot mode and some mild Predacon traits; she resembles a large predatory feline (similar to some of the robots from RID2015) and can transform into a speedy vehicle that’s good at ramming things or doing scout duties.
Kanaya: A heavily-built, weird hybrid of a jet and a tank with some traits of... who knows? A quasi-demonic bat/dragon thing. She’s not quite a beastformer and is hard to classify. Is she a very heavily built jet, a tank that flies? She’d give the functionalists frustrations. She’s also a terrorcon despite never encountering dark energon, implying that the potential exists in her lineage. she’s mostly on top of it but when she’s stressed, she can revert to her basic instincts, causing her alt mode to become more bestial 
Terezi: goddamn DRAGON PREDACON, EVERYBODY. One the largest of all of them under ordinary circumstances, Terezi transforms into a massive dragon that is easily as fierce as Predaking. Sometimes acting as the leader, she’s a boisterous and fierce ‘bot that constantly worries for her friends and puts on a proud front to hide the stress she is constantly under. She idolizes the Autobots as paragons of justice and wants to join their numbers. (May or may not actually worship the Primes, who knows?)
Vriska: An Arachnicon, in the same theme as TFP’s Airarachnid, except that she’s actually a triple changer and extraordinarily smug about it. Her robot mode can transform her lower mass into a spider-like abdomen, and further transform into a beast mode that incorporates aspects of spiders and scorptions, and finally a helicopter vehicle mode. Approximately the size of a Prime-class bot, she acts like the leader and has some sympathies for the Decepticons that she doesn’t like talking about, and is for a rude awakening about their beliefs largely centering around ‘kill all the organics so we can take their stuff’, but in the mean time she and Terezi have diametrically opposing beliefs that bring them into conflict.
Equius: The very model and image of what denotes a perfect robot in the eyes of the old Functionalist order, Equius is a tall and imposing robot who transforms into a jet that is so heavily built and powerful, it resembles a tank. Of all of them he has the most keen interest in their people’s origins, and the one most devastated to discover the loss of their homeworld. He harbors an irrational hatred of the Decepticons for leading to the loss of Cybertron, dispite having little to do with them.
Gamzee: Somewhere between the sizes of a car and a truck, but amazingly massive because he moves in the same way as a gorilla due to how he’s shaped, not unlike Tavros but he has an extra set of limbs that act as arms or legs depending on his mood. His alternate form is a carrier vehicle, unusually lrge relative to his robot mode, capable of carrying the others in land or sea. His processor is glitched, and an infusion of dark energon imbedded in it allows potential sabotage of his body without his awareness.
Eridan: A Sharkticon like Hammerstrike from RID2015, though his rear fluke looks more like a sea-horse’s. Able to assume a submarine form that is capable of flight (even in outer space) he’s pretty smug about being their finest flier despite the apparent clumsiness of his form. His bright purple coloration invites assumptions of Decepticon allegiance, though he has little interest in them. He does have a marked distaste for organics, and he could go either way.
Feferi: She appears to be a Dinobot-sized beastformer that assumes a kraken-like form, and is about as large as Terezi, but the Feferi most people speak with is actually a remote-controlled drone Feferi operates through. She is actually a metrotitan, her true body comprising the ship the group travels in, and in truth she rarely acts directly owing to both massive energon needs and lack of practice actually moving her true body. Due to this enforced passivity, Feferi has a bit of a lazy mentality, at least when acting her drone-body. She is ferociously protective of her group, and like Karkat has developed a keen fascination with alien societies.
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transformersmr-hq · 4 years
Enter name
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A heroic name for the hero of a story, a logical choice indeed. However, this character seems rather unsure if he is worthy enough to share names with the mighty STAR CONVOY, the single greatest heroic figure ever existed in the history of Cybertron. Neither has he made any achievements that could be considered "heroic" in any way, nor is he sure that he himself possesses enough valiance and leadership for making such feat possible.
Perhaps there could be a better choice for him. A name that is perfectly average, unremarkably subtle, and moderately acceptable at the same time...
>Try again  [previous]
For those who wonder, this is how I picked the result. 
Thanks to everyone who pitched in their ideas! 
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velvet-apricots · 8 years
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Transformerstuck is canon now. It’s an official AU. It’s too l8 to stop it. ACCEPT IT. Do It.
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yoitscro · 6 years
transformerstuck au cant exist because its already canon.
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paragonrobits · 7 years
so more transformerstuck relating to Eridan the Sharkticon and an idea i totally forgot to mention to him with my first post about it:
in canon, Eridan is in contact with the angels of his land. They’re, as the game goes, extremely weird. They’re a feature of the land (as consorts are not mentioned in land names, and consorts need protection, not over a minute of fire from a legendary weapon to kill ONE of them); Eridan’s nature as a Prince of Hope is implied to be linked to them tecahing him about vengeance, and they might be indirectly responsible for leading him down the path he took. Lets be honest; Amporas being manipulated or led by terrifying entities is awesome.
So Sharkticon Eridan is also in contact with something alien, beyond his people, and absolutely terrifying.
How did it start; hearing visions of things too big to fit into his processor, voices that blacked out the sky and made his face start disassembling itself? Sounds of thunder and the slow realization that he could hear the world beneath his feet turning, stone and magma and metals grinding against each other like the joints of some unimaginably vast being.
They are there, all the time. They are in his head and they sing to his Spark and they will never leave him. Sometimes, he sees them as floating skulls, tendrils of light trailing from their forms, their surfaces with the strange bio-mechanical appearance of cyberformed worlds, and they are at the same time as big as a Transformer and larger than galaxies. And sometimes, they peel the veil aside for him to see what they really are, and he cannot comprehend it; he collapses, and wakes up screaming as the shadows of everything he does not know flee from him.
Maybe he contacted these entities in an ancient ritual laid down by forefathers that go back to the time of the Thirteen Primes. Perhaps they simply slipped into his head as a useful tool. Perhaps a combination of lineage, form-type and Spark affinity makes Eridan their only viable instrument at this time. But command him they do, and he carries out their instructions as they reward him with deeper knowledge of the way realiy works.
If he believed in mysticism, he might even call it magic, the things he can do now. They promise him relics, secrets to the location of ancient Cybertronian artifacts... even the location of the Autobots, where he and his friends can truly be safe. They promise him much, and he knows tht they ask for much more.
They terrify him, to the roots of his metal. His fangs chatter when he thinks of them, these things that exist outside time and space, whom even the monstrous Quintessons fear to speak.
Once, Eridan found a name. In an long-dead ruin, dust long before Cybertron went cold, in a place that Aradia fell to her components to stand in and made Sollux start screaming until he flew away in chattering horror. The walls curved in impossible ways, out of the air and in front of the ground from a pillar at angles that were just wrong.
Maybe the translated heiroglyphs were just off. Maybe it wasn’t a tale of destruction, of worlds dying and stars ignited for countless eons, all in the service of some grand plan. Maybe he is not the thrall of something horrible and ancient beyond measure.
Or perhaps, he dreads to consider, the tales of the Vok laid down in that ruin are just a hint of the terrors awaiting him.
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transformersmr-hq · 4 years
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A lost Cybertronian stands in the middle of nowhere. It just so happens that today, after long years of seemingly neverending space travel, is the day that this giant alien robot sets his ship on a collision course with a planet named "Earth". Now that he is introduced to this brave new world, it is only right that he will be given a designation!
What will be the name of this robot be?
> Enter name.
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Cursed crossover: Transformers + Homestuck= Transformerstuck
I’d rather not.
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datacoruption · 11 years
Oh god I just realized something. The most obvious candidate for First Guardian would be either Prima or the Fallen, right? Wrong. Maccadam. The glorious multiversal bastard himself is the First Guardian of the Transformers 'verse. Which goes a long way in explaining why his bar is present in every version of continuity.
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ruriginzuishou · 12 years
What is the harm in Transformerstuck?
I'm not even into Homestuck, but still...
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datacoruption · 11 years
So, I'm pretty sure Starscream's ancestor would be Thrust, who would be a mix of Beast Machines Thrust/Waspinator and a little bit of Beast Wars Rampage, and probably strongly resemble Armada Thrust. BM Thrust/Waspinator because he was the closest in personality (and was actually possessed by Starscream at one point), Rampage because he was actually created in an attempt to recreate Starscream's immortal spark (oh hey, there's that clone thing again), and Armada Thrust because he's cool and goddammit we need a jet somewhere in this mix.
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