#transitioning as a kid saved my life even when everyone around me was horribly transphobic and trying to force me to detransition
raccooninapartyhat · 6 months
I'm a transphobe's worst nightmare (came out as trans at 13 and despite multiple attempts by the gender identity development service to convince me I was actually just a girl with an anxiety disorder, I took testosterone, got my tits chopped off, and live happily as a queer man, and will defend the rights of other trans children to the death)
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lenjaminmacbuttons · 5 years
Hope you’re doing okay, I know there’s been a lot going on the past couple weeks. 🌈🌈💛💛
thank you for the good vibes anon, i love you and it means a lot to me. however unfortunately now im gonna use this to vent dump exactly how much has been going on the past couple weeks off the top of my head. this is actually pretty far from Everything thats happen but im so tired and dont want to think about any of it anymore
my grandma passed away last week. we were prepared for it and we know she’s at peace in a better place et cetera et cetera, her body was all full of restraints & impediments that she doesnt have to deal with anymore and the next time she’s in a body it’ll be all New And Improved and awesome. i missed so much work in anticipation of this that now i can’t get work off on the day of the funeral, so i can still go to it but i’ll have to go immediately to work right from it and have to pretend everythings fine and dandy and nothings going on.
everyone at work Does know there’s something going on however and the two coworkers i have who are actually like i consider them friends mostly they’re all like Hey Im Here For You Talk About Your Feelings Honestly with me and i. dont. want. to talk about my feelings at work. thats not what work is for and i dont like talking about my feelings anyway and i dont want them to ask anymore
the changes to the handbook and the honor code have completely sunk my heart. i had so much hope up until those hideous ridiculous unfathomably transphobic things they wrote and now i don’t feel like i can trust or have hope in ANYTHING the institution does anymore. ive been up all night going back and forth over whether i want to go to church today. or ever again. it’s not bringing me joy. it’s making me feel anxious and depressed and frustrated and alone. i keep seeing people just on the street or on facebook who are so happy and content with the church and whatever it does and i just…i get struck every single time with this thought of “they don’t care about me. they don’t care about any of these problems. they’re not affected personally by it and so they don’t care.”
and then that makes me feel like such a hypocrite because!!! ive been them too for so long!! what makes this moment so different!!!!! why is this the straw that breaks the camel’s back when the camel should have thrown off the whole burden and run to join its friends at the first strike of the owner’s whip!!!!!!
plus it’s making me feel gross about my mormon memes blogs. idk if i can keep running those anymore.
im failing this semester anyway and i keep getting emails about it. i was planning to take a break from school After this semester but ive missed so much class that i just really can’t go back to any of them so i guess im just dropping out right now. as much as i’d love to participate in all the incredible amazing protests going on right now i really really cant be on campus at all without feeling literally physically ill. and my Hope was to do really well this last semester and then submit mission papers and that way i’d know exactly what next to do with my life until i decide what After, and id be able to Get Out somewhere and travel someplace while still feeling like my life has some semblance of structure and direction. however! HOWEVER!!!!!!!!
i’ve been feeling so, so horrible and so worn down and i dont even know where or what my testimony is anymore. but that’s probably a lot lower on the list of Why I Can’t Serve A Mission, because a. i still don’t trust my Local Bishop enough to talk to him about things The Handbook says to b. i am finding it harder and harder and harder to be perceived as female. i never really have dysphoria about my body or my presentation or anything but like, when people say Sister and Ma’am and Miss and Daughter and Hey Pretty Lady It’s Me Your Relief Society President it’s like…that’s not me. that feels gross. and i wear suits and ties to church, have done so for a while and never get any flak for it, and im gradually working up the nerve to maybe start introducing myself as lev or levi instead of lillie buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut. socially transitioning apparently is not allowed.
not to mention my temple recommend expired ages ago anyway. anxiety about bishops prevented me from ever going in for an interview to renew it. i haven’t visited the temple once since before graduating high school. but every time i see it or think about it i long for it so badly and it hurts so much.
and also like, i get that same kinda horrible regretful longing feeling whenever i hear violin music? because i played violin for a few years and then stopped but i still have the instrument because it was given to me by my grandmother. who played it herself until sickness wouldn’t let her anymore and she entrusted it to me and i Stopped Playing but then i hoped to pick it up enough to at least learn how to play her favorite song and aw wouldn’t that be so nice to play that for her on her violin except i never actually got around to printing out the sheet music or practicing At All. and now she’s gone.
and one of the last things she said to me was that she would love to hear my book since her eyesight was too gone to read it so i said i’d record it as soon as i got the right software/hardware to do that and then i never did that either. also i promised alla yalls that book would be Published Published coming up on four months ago now and i still haven’t done that
i took a pair of safety scissors to my forearms as mentioned in a previous post and surprise surprise, the lines have not healed still, it’s getting warmer outside and thus harder to wear long sleeves, and guess what! a while ago on a separate occasion i complained that i kinda wished my self harm scars looked more like the classic cutter lines and Now They Do!! And I Hate It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a couple nights ago my little sister saw them and so i told her i got attacked by a spider-pawed bear and fortunately my brother Understands and backed me up like “dang what do they teach in schools these days i cant believe youve never heard of the spider-pawed bears that live in the mountains and are totally normal and real”
and steven universe is ending. that’s a thing.
and like….okay. not everything in my emotions right now is bad. some of it is just complicated. one coworker friend i have recently confessed that she’s had a crush on me for several months now. fortunately when she said this i was able to be honest and say that im not super eager for a relationship right now, im not ready in the slightest to settle down or anything, im still hung up on my high school crush and also dealing with issues from my last relationship, and she replied that’s all perfectly fine and she doesn’t have any expectations and she’s great being friends and we can take things at whatever pace is good
except i also now have a date with said high school crush loosely planned for tomorrow and i told this coworker friend about it and she admitted it’s making her a little jealous and then she said jealous is an ugly word and amended it to Insecure and i feel bad about that
but i also like. am really excited for this date. like it’s not really a for sure romantic capital-d Date and that’s fine, but i haven’t seen this friend irl for so long and ive been missing her so much over this past little while that we’ve been internet chatting and that ive been i guess officially falling back in love with her but i also like, i dont know what her deal is romantically right now i don’t want to presume anything but i really really really am itching to see her
work is stressful. it’s only gonna get more so as weather gets warmer. but we’re getting two new managers with loads of experience and glowing reviews next week. i have hope that they’ll makes things a little lighter.
and there’s also. good things. peridot took off her visor for the first time ever in canon and i saved like 50 different gifs of it to my computer cus it rocked my world. sonic has she-ra toys for the kids meals and i managed to snag a tiny inflatable version of the sword. i’m making cosplays of the tres horny boys from the adventure zone and they’re all very exciting and making things makes me very very happy. i’m finding joy in all the fanfictions i’m writing right now and in talking about dungeons & dragons with my brothers and friends. ducknerva is a very beautiful Good Ending version of marahope which makes me happy and taako is a super effective projection outlet. i bought cupcakes today and they were delicious. and when i think about those good things, when i think about any good thing no matter how small, everything else disappears.
whatever happens happens i guess.
she who lives will see.
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rfassholes · 8 years
Um, if you feel comfortable and have the time, could you write one where how the RFA + Saeran and V react to MC coming out as ftm trans? I understand if it's outside of your comfort zone and it's totally fine if you don't want to do it. Thank you.
Just so you all know: I will most likely never turn down a LGBTQ+ request, because I am proudly a pansexual, and I’m maybe 96% sure that I’m not cisgender. Requests like this don’t make me uncomfortable whatsoever, and I’m happy to write things like it! These will also be in different situations like MC coming out after they’ve been dating and MC coming out to them before they transition outwardly. I’m also going to give warnings for one slur, a panic attack, and dysphoria. Stay safe, nerds.
Also! I promise that I’ll V and Saeran later, but they’re not in this post for the time being. Soon, though!
Yoosung: (Set at the party, no eye issues, though)
Okay, yeah, he would probably know someone in person that wasn’t cisgender in real life
If he left the dorm outside of classes
But internet friends were much easier to talk to for him so he probably knew someone that was trans
You were trying to convince yourself that it was all going to be fine while getting ready
Even if you couldn’t properly come out, he most likely wouldn’t question your choice of suit over dress to the party
While the chat room was under the impression that you were a girl, including Seven because you weren’t properly out yet, you were going to present yourself as who you are now, not who you were born as
You had just arrived when Jaehee and Zen greeted you, and they were slightly surprised that you were MC, but you were just using this as fuel
“Could either of you tell me where Yoosung is?” “Right here!” he said as he practically popped up in between the other two hosts, “Who might you be?”
Wiping your palms on your slacks before holding out a hand to shake, you spoke determinedly “I’m MC, Yoosung, hope this isn’t that surprising, me being a guy and all”
You flashed a quick smile, partially out of greeting and partially for how your name sounded rolling off your tongue
“O-oh? No, it’s not surprising. Wait, no! I didn’t mean that in a bad way, of course. I just, yeah, okay, I’ll stop talking” “It’s alright, I know what you mean. I wasn’t exactly open about everything in the chat room”
By this point, Zen had already been whisked off by a guest and Jaehee was attending to some problem that came up
Yoosung just nodded a bit trying to figure out what to say
“I’m really sorry that everyone kept referring to you as a girl and misgendering you. I promise I won’t in the future! Is he/him alright?”
You brightened up instantly and nodded while letting out a breath you weren’t aware of holding
“So is this,” you gestured to yourself, “Alright? I just don’t know since I’m not a girl and you’re probably not int-“ “I don’t care about that, MC. Well, I care about how you feel about yourself, but I don’t care how you dress or what name you use. Wait! O-obviously, it more than that, but you know what I mean. It doesn’t matter to me what gender you are, ‘cause I fell for MC, the person, not MC, the strictly-a-girl.”
This was far more than you could ask for and you kept saying thank to which he just replied with “It’s all okay. You don’t need to thank me for not being a jerk”
The two of you went around the party together with you introducing yourself as the coordinator and him as your boyfriend
When you went off to talk to others, he would tell everyone who you were if they asked
“Yoosung, who did you greet at the door?” “Jumin, that’s MC, my boyfriend” “MC is a-?” “Yep, and I’ll fight you if you say anything bad” “I was not going to, and I have my guards anyways. I was only confused, not being a douche” “Oh, okay! Could you maybe have some of your guards kick any guests that act homophobic or transphobic out?” “Most definitely. Yoosung, you should go by MC. They look quite bored”
Yoosung was already walking away before he gave a “Thanks, Jumin!”
The both of you continued walking around the party before you had to leave for the day with Yoosung making threats to anyone and everyone that gave the two of you odd looks
Later in your relationship, Yoosung started taking you to GSA meetings that his campus held if you wanted to go
Would also go to pride with you if you wanted
Introduced you to some of his online friends that were also trans
Forever introduced you as his boyfriend or later, his husband as long as you were okay with it
Zen: (Set already in a relationship and transitioned. Warning for a censored slur in the sixth bullet point)
When you had first came to his home when he got hurt, Zen had no clue that you weren’t a girl, but he didn’t care
He honestly thought it was Seven just playing a joke when you first came onto the messenger
Flash forward to the two of you now, sitting on the couch eating popcorn while yelling at the idiots in a horror movie he was in a while ago
“Okay, but that dialogue was written horribly, Zen” “You should’ve seen the set directions, that was worse” “How do you top ‘I really hope that Ouija board wasn’t real, because I dropped my knife’ while you were alone? Your character was just speaking in the third person! And then they got fucking mangled, and that was just poor foreshadowing” “Yeah, true”
The conversation went on until it switched over to gossip about the actors working on his current set
“Has anyone gotten fired yet?” “Yeah, there was this PA that called the costume designer a t****y, and she was out of there faster than light. Ugh, that disgusted me. Delgado, the designer, is a really good person, and he sure as hell didn’t deserve that”
You bristled slightly at that word, and it made you uncomfortable that it came from his mouth
“I know you were just quoting, but could you please not say that word?”
Zen looked slightly confused and went on to speak “Yes, of course. Is there a particular reason? Not, not that I need one; I’m just curious”
Leaning back into the couch, you thought a bit about what you were going to say
You hadn’t told him for fear of rejection, but he just spoke well of a colleague that he implied was trans, so it couldn’t be too bad
Sitting back up to properly look at him, you spoke with a note of uncertainty, “Yes, actually. I’m transgender, female to male. It’s why Seven thought I was a girl, since he only looked at my medical records. I haven’t legally changed anything yet, since I didn’t have the money to” “MC! I’m so so sorry for saying that word! I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable at all. I should’ve known not to in front of my own boyfriend”
Perking up a bit at ‘boyfriend’, you exclaimed, “Really? You’re completely fine with it?” “Yes, of course, I am. There’s no reason for me to not be. I work in the entertainment industry, and I’ve been acquainted with people of all sorts. It doesn’t bug me if your driver’s license has an F instead of an M as long as it doesn’t bug you”
You could have thanked him a whole bunch, you just rushed to hug him instead
When you pulled back after a minute or two, you looked at him questioningly
“Do you think the press will talk about it a lot if I out myself?” “They always talk, but I’ll make sure that it’s not negative” “Thank you, maybe I can say something next time you have an event I get to attend” “That sounds great, MC. You’re an amazing boyfriend that’s incredibly brave!” “Zen, I’m just existing” “Which can be really hard”
In the future, he started advocating for trans positive organizations and donating as much money as he could to any shelters
Would have you help him make sure everything was worded correctly and speak with him
“There’s no reason for me to speak over you, MC, but I sure as hell will speak with you”
Surprised you with the forms and money to change everything you could legally on your anniversary
Started saving up money for you to get any surgeries or start T if you wanted to
Jaehee: (set in a relationship where MC hasn’t come out yet, but has been passing as male)
She came home from work ranting about an incident that happened with an intern earlier that day
“I can’t believe how they could say something like that, MC!” “Who, where, and what. I wanna hear this now” “There was this new kid starting his internship today, and he walked into my office as if we were friends, and started talking bad about another coworker. It wasn’t just ‘Oh, she eats loudly’ or ‘She taps her desk a lot’. No, he called her, and I quote, ‘a pedophile just waiting to happen’ since she ‘looks like a transgender pig.’ How do you have the audacity to say things like that when you’re working for such a prestigious company?”
Jaehee was still going off while your head was buzzing with second-hand anger
You fumed without thinking if you were cutting her off “What the actual fuck? Did you report them? Please tell me you decked that dickhead. I want to personally file a complaint, and get them so screwed that they won’t be able to go home without wanting to cut out their tongue”
She stopped to listen to you, staying quiet because she hasn’t seen you this fired up about her work issues in a while
“MC? MC, is everything alright? If you’d like to know, I already told Mr. Han directly, and they’ve been fired and most likely expelled from the school they were attending. I was going to slap him, but someone from HR was walking by the door”
You stopped short, starting to go over what she said in your head
“What do you mean if I’m alright? You should be asking your coworker!” “You just seem like this is affecting you greatly” “Well, yes, its showing me that I can’t be respected in a workplace” “What do you mean? You can always be respe-oh”
“Wait, did I never tell you?” “If we’re thinking the same thing, no” “I could’ve sworn that I told you” “Well, I don’t care about it, so don’t worry about it” “Alright” “Alright”
Now you felt like an idiot
You were sure that you came out to her a while ago
She never really brought it up much after that
If you chose to bind, she’d always make sure you were doing it safely
Jaehee would send you articles about laws getting passed and about pride events that were near you
Would also send you lists of foods that lowered estrogen and increased testosterone
Definitely would not hesitate to slap the next person that made a remark
She may’ve would up sitting in a meeting with Jumin on how you can’t hit people and to tell him first to take care of it nonviolently
Jumin: (route spoilers, set when MC is staying with him along with the party and hasn’t come out to anyone yet or transitioned)
Jumin had left you a dress to wear to the party and you were still pacing around the room
You were trying to convince yourself that you only needed to play the role of MC The Woman for a little bit longer
It helped to think of it as you playing someone else than having worse dysphoria, but you just wanted to be seen as MC
Thinking back to when you first talked on the messenger, you winced at the memory of everyone insisting you were a girl even when you said you weren’t
It wasn’t necessarily Seven’s fault, you just weren’t out and couldn’t pass as male or change anything legally
Turning back to the dress, you got the courage to change into it, thinking that it was only a few hours
While you couldn’t wear a hat to tuck in your hair, you could still pin it up to make it look shorter, so you spent some time in front of a mirror and used a bunch of bobby pins to get all of your hair as close to what you had pictured
You were trying your best to still feel masculine even if you had to wear a sports bra instead of a proper binder if you chose to bind
Once you arrived at the party and found Jumin, you tried to hide your discomfort as best as possible until he called you his princess
While it was sweet and he just didn’t know, your throat still felt dry and you excused yourself to go to the restroom
You winced again when you walked past the sign for the women’s washroom and tried to stifle a panic attack that was rapidly getting worse after you locked the door behind you
A few minutes later, there was a soft knock at the door, not like one of someone that actually needed the restroom, so you opened it just expecting to see a cleaning staff member or something
Jumin was standing there trying to play off how worried he was
“MC, I came to check on you, since you’ve been here for nearly half an hour. Is everything alright? You look panicked when I was talking with you, and I assumed that I said something wrong” “To be honest, I’m not okay at the moment, and yes, it was something you said. Don’t worry, tho-“ “MC, I have to worry if you’re not okay, especially so if it’s my fault. Could you please explain what’s going on, so that I can help?” “You didn’t know anything about it’s alright” “It’s not alright. It was ignorance, so could you please tell me what it was so that I can fix it?”
You nodded but asked if you could go sit at a table instead of standing in the bathroom and he laughed just a bit before sitting you down and then sat himself across from you
“I haven’t been completely honest in the chat room about myself, since it seemed impossible to change any of your views of me. To be flat out about it, I’m not female, but I can’t change anything about it right now” “Could you elaborate?”
Jumin looked slightly confused but you could still see how sincerely he wanted to listen to you and help but you kept your head down when you spoke
“I’m trans, Jumin. Transgender. I haven’t been able to come out because of my family, so everything Seven reported was about the MC that’s not quite MC. I can’t really present myself as male yet, but anything that’s put together with femininity makes me feel dysphoric” Dysphoria, that’s the uneasiness that accompanies when you don’t identify with your assigned physical characteristics, yes?”
Jumin wasn’t a dumbass, he just didn’t have lots of real life experience with transgender people
He’s read lots of studies and put rules in place to protect employees, but he’s never had someone close to him trust him with their own experience with it
You looked up and nodded to say yes and were going to speak again when his eyes widened slightly
“MC, I give you my sincerest apologies for making you wear that dress. I had no idea, and I thought you would look good in it. My intentions were not to make you feel bad, and I can-“ “Jumin, it’s okay” “No, it’s not, MC. You’ll have to go around this party for the next seven hours feeling uncomfortable. We can go back to my home if you’d like so you can change” “Jumin, it’s-actually, yeah, that sounds good. Are you sure it’s alright, though?” “Of course, my prince”
That one word made all the difference and you looked at him ecstatically and he gave a small smile to your reactionWhile you were in the car, he started asking you about your transition
He didn’t know that it would’ve been rude to just ask someone, but you answered all of them so that he could understand as much as possible
“I haven’t been able to change my name yet” “How come?” “Haven’t had the money” “…MC” “Yes?” “Would you like to get it fixed?” “Well, yeah, but-“ “We can take care of it tomorrow” “Al-alright”
He tried to ask in a roundabout way if you had had any surgery but you understood what he meant and told him you didn’t
If you wanted to, he called his doctor then and there to recommend someone so that you could schedule it
“I don’t mean to be lewd, and please forgive me if this is out of line, but is that why you’re wearing a sports bra? I feel like that would be very uncomfortable”
His question made your face feel a little hot but you nodded instead of answering verbally
Once you had gotten to your room, you were trying to go through your things to find something that looked formal enough
Jumin walked by the doorway holding a garment bag while you were trying to organize everything
“MC? Is a suit alright? I’m sorry that it’s one of mine, but it didn’t seem like you had much”
Thank any deity right now
However, since it was one of Jumin’s suits, you know what that means?
Matching boyfriends
Once you had gotten back to the party, all eyes were on the two of you
Especially since the other RFA members hadn’t seen either of you at all since you had both stayed out of public spaces as best you could at the beginning
When you were walking around together, he was introducing you to everyone as his boyfriend
Oh, right, that press conference
He had honestly forgot when he was worrying about you, but he was still prepared to answer all the questions
After he had announced that the two of you were involved romantically, he stopped answering the rest of the questions about you and walked over
Jumin had continued to propose to you that evening and Seven tried to yell “Does Jumin Han is gay?”
All he got was a glare and an answer from Jumin of “Grow up. For your information, Jumin Han does MC.”
And with that, you were leaving red-faced
Once you had gotten into the car for the umpteenth time that day, Jumin burst out laughing
You were slightly surprised at the outburst but laughter was taking you too
“Okay, but you realize that that’s what’s going to be everywhere in the chatroom tonight, right?” “I don’t care” “Okay, but you also lied” “How so?” “Because we haven’t, y’know, done anything yet” “Key word: yet” “Okay, bu-wait, what?” “Shit, I didn’t mean to say that aloud” “So would you like to?” “I mean, only if you’re comfortable with it, my prince”
The sight of a red-faced Jumin was something to cherish
Scratch that, Jumin later that evening was something to cherish
Seven: (set where he still comes to the apartment but not under the circumstances of his route , MC that can pass but isn’t completely out)
You had taped over some of the cameras in the apartment when you noticed them the first few days you were there
Yes, it was for your safety, but it made you wildly uncomfortable
So when Seven asked about it in the messenger, you just said that and he said he’d just stay with you then if he couldn’t watch you
Not bothering to force yourself to be feminine, you had changed and picked up the apartment for when he was to get there
Hey, if someone was to be a dick about it out of the members, it wasn’t going to be Seven
You were kicking your clothes under your bed as Seven let himself in so you yelled out
“Wow, didn’t even knock,” you walked into the main room and saw a Seven staring at you, “Everything alright?” “Yeah, yes, your pictures just don’t do you justice”
Smirking in reply, you moved some stuff on a desk to the side when you noticed he had a few laptops with him
“Can I put my shit there?” “What else would I put there?” “Fair point, but I’m going to ditch work for a bit” “Can you do that?” “Why not?” “I wouldn’t want you to get killed by some company that assigned you something” “I just want to watch shitty movies with you right now if that’s alright” “Blanket fort?” “Blanket fort.”
Seven was wrapped up in a random throw blanket and talking trash about the effects or acting every other minute
You made him shut up when a male character was having a flashback and it showed them as a girl when they were younger
Even though the movie was trash, this one scene of representation had you nearly crying
“MC? Is everything alright? I didn’t see a cat or dog die?” “No, no, it’s just-did you even watch that bit?” “Well, um, I was paying more attention to you to be honest” “Dork” “True” “Anyways, it was showing that the character was transgender, and it just, it just really meant a lot to me” “Wait, really?” “Mhmm”
Seven looked almost as excited as you now and he asked you to replay it, and this time, you were watching him rather than the film
“Okay, I know the special effects look like they’re from 2006, but that’s one of the only characters I’ve ever seen that were loudly and proudly trans!”
He was now rambling about how amazing this was and you ending up zoning out his words and just looking at him
His words died down and he started to apologize
“No! Seven, it’s alright. You’re allowed to get excited. I was just thinking about something” “And that would beeee?” “Well, I’m just glad that you’re accepting” “Why wouldn’t I be? You’ve seen that I enjoy to cross-dress. It’d be shitty of me to be transphobic.” “Well that’s good” “Why would you say that?” “ ‘Cause I’m a guy, but you knew me as a girl” “Coolio, do you want popcorn, MC?”
Wait what
“Uh, yeah, thanks, Seven!” “Not what you were expecting?” “Not quite” “Well, I never cared about it, but-oh, fuck” “What’s wrong?” “MC, I am so sorry. I can’t believe that I-“ “Seven, explain” “I told you that you were a girl that first night you messaged us even though you said you weren’t, and I’m an idiot” “It’s alright, but can you get popcorn now?” “Yeah, I just feel really bad about it”
You were still sitting wrapped in your duvet while he was still talking to you from the kitchen thinking about how considerate and calm he was about it
He came back with the bowl and you spoke seemingly randomly, “Hey, Seven, do you wanna date?”
Error: Seven just dropped the bowl and now popcorn’s everywhere
“S-sorry! I’ll pick it up!” you grabbed the bowl and started getting as much of the mess cleaned up as you could, “That was idiotic to ask, Seven. I’m sorry, too. You can leave it made you uncomfortable”
Seven dropped down beside you to clean it up and that’s when you realized he was almost as red as his hair
“Don’t apologize. I was just taken aback. However, I quite would like to have you as my boyfriend” “Wait, really?” “Yeah, I bet you’d be a great boyfriend” “But?” “But my job has me kind of screwed. After I get out of it, could we maybe go out then? I just don’t want my boyfriend getting hurt, because he’s connected to me”
Now you were the one to be surprised and as red as a tomato
“Yeah, that’d be good, Seven. I’m willing to wait as long as you need” “Thank you, MC! Wait, can I still use that name?” “Yeah, it’s fine” “You’re sure?” “Mhm” “Alright, future boyfriend, MC”
You were both smiling dorks leaning on each other continuing to watch the movie and make remarks
When the credits rolled, he turned to you after grabbing his phone
“Hey, MC?” “Yeah?” “Can we take a picture?” “Sure”
Seven flipped the camera then put his arm around you to bring you closerWhile the flash was going off, he kissed your cheek and were startled slightly but just smiled more
You were, once again, bright red as he was grinning and setting it as his profile picture in the messenger
“Can I send it to the chat?” “Sure, you dork, but it’s your fault if Zen starts ranting” “That’s the best part, though” “True, make sure you send it, though, so that I can keep it” “Sure thing”
You both fell asleep sprawled in the blanket fort and woke up to several missed calls and a bunch of unread texts
In the future, Seven finally left his job and was able to actually date
He never failed to use your pronouns and always said my boyfriend whenever he could
Alrighty! If there’s anything inaccurate, make sure to tell me, and I’ll change it. I hope that you liked this, but I know that I probably made a few mistakes. Keep in mind that I’m going to write V’s and Saeran’s soon, too! Sometimes I just cant come up with seven different scenarios, but I’ll try my best to get the other two up when I can. Again, please tell me if there’s anything I should add or delete. (Including warnings!) I hope you all have the days you deserve; much love, nerds!
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