justicecaballer · 9 months
can we see the funny little shrimp pls
IF I CAN GET A PICTURE its a ghost shrimp so its translucent. very hard to spot. and just the one, because it hitched a ride in the bag when i went to get some fish
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silenthillmutual · 8 months
prompt: post game the bura family visits shekhen, maybe murky and taya are playing together?
i know this ask is uhmmmmm three years old at this point. and i've not totally followed the prmopt to the t, but all the same; here is where my brain took this prompt. with artemy trying to find peace with himself :)
ily bro<3 anyway!
Shekhen starts to rebuild itself almost immediately. Taya’s influence, Artemy is sure. He sympathizes; after being stuck in place for so long, any kid would grow impatient. There’s not a lot in the way of toys out here, but there’s more space to run around, more people to play with - the Kin who had integrated into the town have started to navigate back. More kids Taya’s age. More talk, more food, more song.
Sticky is beyond curious, beyond excited to learn. All the walk over he has been bombarding Artemy with questions about the language and the culture he has only learned through rumor. Artemy does his best to answer, ashamed at how much he has forgotten in his time away. If Sticky notices the prolonged pauses, he doesn’t comment. 
Murky hasn’t spoken in the time that they’ve been walking. Artemy has tried to check on her, concerned the new shoes don’t fit just right or that she’s shed them entirely to traverse the frozen ground barefoot. There’s nothing for him to worry over - the shoes remain, her expression unchanged. New environments are difficult for her. 
"Would you like me to carry you the rest of the way?" Artemy offers. Her face scrunches up in distaste, shaking her head. Learning her boundaries has been difficult, and this venture out to Shekhen has Artemy worried about her. Sticky, he knows, will be fine. His curiosity outweighs his nerves, and Artemy doesn't doubt he'll make friends easily. Murky, though, has stayed closer than usual, reaching out as if to grab Artemy's smock and ask to slow down. She's been picking herbs as she walks, but her usual commentary is missing. 
“Do you think they’ll like it?” is all she says to him, her expression severe. She’s collected about a dozen plants by now, her fingers shaky as she holds them up for Artemy to inspect. Artemy pauses, tongue wrapping around an admonishment (should have let us put gloves on you) before he swallows it down. 
He doesn’t have the heart to tell her they have their own gardens at Shekhen. “It’s beautiful, Murky,” Artemy says. He smiles at her, but she isn’t looking. Her attention is drawn away by her desire to be done with the walking, little legs taking her farther and faster than they have over the past several minutes. 
Now it’s Artemy who lingers behind. 
When he told Stakh and Dankovsky he’d be away at Shekhen today, their responses had been… mixed. It was clear they were both attempting to be supportive by holding back on their true thoughts, and the result wasn’t nearly as encouraging as they must have thought it would be. Artemy couldn’t pretend to sympathize with their points of view. Understand them, certainly; they both acted as they thought they should, but that meant breaking the Law, and Artemy was tired of being pulled in different directions. 
Maybe one day, they’ll understand. Maybe one day, Artemy can bring them out here and show them his community, his family, all he has left of his -
Artemy stops himself. Eyes closed, fingers curled tight into fists. He concentrates on breathing. Listens to the Earth. 
He takes a step forward. And another. And another. 
The scent of smoke and life greet him at the threshold of Shekhen. He only opens his eyes when the wave hits him, eyes darting around, trying to find something to focus on. It’s grown livelier over the past couple of months. Artemy can even hear laughter amid the buzz of herbs and lowing of bulls. 
For a moment, Artemy is too tense to move. His arms shake from the weight of his nerves, eyes searching for his children. He spots Sticky’s mess of hair, untrimmed and ruffled by the wind, chatting with a teen a couple years his senior. He finds Murky, hand gripped tight by Taya’s confident fingers, weaving through the camp. They could get lost in here, melt into the collage and never resurface.
And that, Artemy remembers, is the point. This is community. This is family. 
In his mind he hears his father’s voice, telling him, “Welcome home.”
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haleghest · 2 years
I got tagged by @hungry-zombie-punk!
Time: 01:07
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: Black and green! Love my greens so much.
Favourite food: right now it's fried leek with miso sauce, grilled tofu and rice
Song stuck in my head: hmm I just listened to my Spotify wrapped and I'm thinking about The Only Heartbreaker by Mitski a lot, other than that I listen to a lot of cold wave during winter (duh) so I often play Dance D'amour by The 69 Eyes
Last thing I googled: Star Trek Data lockscreen (I'm lovestruck)
Something I want: go back home to Kraków and meet my friends
Dream trip: I'm not going to be original but I've always wanted to go to Japan. I'm thinking Kyoto and Tokyo. I'd also love to go back to England, and visit Scotland, Wales and Ireland while I'm at it. I fucking miss Britain and Ireland. I want to visit my friends living in States as well (Hiiii @milk-teeths!!)
I'm tagging: @oidickhead @transdankovsky @transjarylo @good-wine-and-cheese @milk-teeths @fairyboggoblin
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silenthillmutual · 1 year
raspberry, charcoal, lilac, sapphire (affectionate)
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thanks bro<3 now let's get some equipment we have a hunting trip to go on
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silenthillmutual · 4 months
bro have you talked to the doc about ur ankle and get meds sorted out? :3c
i have not called my doc yet bc when i woke up the other day i was feeling 80-85% better, so i thought it wouldnt be an issue. time will tell... i did call the pharmacy tho they never got back to me :(
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silenthillmutual · 5 months
nah i aint doing chores this late but i am having some chocolate orange slices (terry's) do u want some
boy do i!!!!!!!
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silenthillmutual · 5 months
:) <3 <3 <3 <3 bestie!!!!
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silenthillmutual · 10 months
thank you for the tag @yahargulian ^_^
last song: i love rock 'n roll by joan jett & the blackhearts. though the song i have stuck in my head is cirice by ghost, so can that count?
currently reading: interview with the vampire by anne rice :) i've been meaning to read it for a long time and have only now gotten around to it. needed more vampires in my life. i'm almost to part 2! i'm also reading berserk, on volume 4. i need to start reading ace: what asexuality reveals about desire, society, and the meaning of sex by angela chen...perhaps i'll start this weekend!
currently watching: right this minute i am watching twin peaks season 2. i have the last three episodes of the season, and then i can check out fire walk with me. also hoping fox & i will finish season 8 of the x-files soon, because we're stopping there and starting supernatural (seasons 1-5) and good omens s2. also thinking about starting midnight mass once i'm done with twin peaks.
current obsession(s): oh.... well pathologic and silent hill are always there on the backburner, but i can also feel twin peaks taking over my mind and i'm sure the same will happen with berserk. and also bloodborne!
i'm tagging @hermitminded, @transjarylo, @subwayrattata, @caainhurst, @villaingender and whomever else would like to!
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silenthillmutual · 9 months
i was tagged by @yahargulian ^_& yay!!!!!
Shuffle your on-repeat playlist, post the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people.
hysteria by muse
teeth by lady gaga
hypnosis by sleep token
the hand that feeds by nine inch nails
time to wake up by carpenter brut
secular haze by ghost
elizabeth by ghost
superhot by zardonic
discipline by nine inch nails
if you have ghosts by ghost
it's so funny bc i don't know 5 or 8 personally i think both of those get played in the car after my alarms go off.
uhhh let's see.... @stvlti @transjarylo @hermitminded @adrianicsea @doomednarrative @muppetings @justicecaballer @caainhurst and viewers liek YOU. thank you.
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silenthillmutual · 1 year
@go-go-devil tagged me to make an acrostic playlist with my name and then tag ten others! i love doing this kind of thing... so tempted to do both 'icarus' and 'harker' but then we'd be here all night. so!
heaven knows i'm miserable now - the smiths
always on my mind - akira yamaoka & mary elizabeth mcglynn
rub me raw - android lust
kiss - prince
evil - interpol
red right hand - nick cave and the bad seeds
tagging @transmetal, @udurghsigil, @caainhurst, @transjarylo, @adrianicsea, @doomednarrative, @sanguinarybi, @shogoakuji, @learjet75, @thefoulbeast
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