Rising need to encourage recycling presently
India has always had something unique to offer as the nation with the best engineering minds in the world. The concept of entirely recycling waste not only addresses one issue but also finds a solution to another. Trashcon has fundamentally altered India's recycling history; using its straightforward technology, it is resolving a more significant issue by targeting the general public. They have received funding from Boundary Holding, a Luxembourg-based company led by Rajat Khare, an entrepreneur, and an IIT Delhi alumnus. These investments show that progressive investors are now supporting innovative trash management.
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echo · 5 months
so i am trying to find cool larpers in Germany bc i want new pals and someone linked me to this con thing and this website design is wild. how is Comic Sans the least visually offensive thing here??
(preview does not work bc this site has the SEO of a 1995 Geocities site from hell)
anyway i bet i can dare @superchlorine to make this into a tumblr theme just saying
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rajatkhareinvestor · 2 years
Investment in Cleantech is way for a clean future
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When the United Nations set the 17 goals for sustainable development (Sustainable Development Goals, SDG) in 2015, the year 2030 still seemed a long way off. Today the question arises as to whether the goals by 2030 can still be achieved at all. Because the SDGs should serve as a guide for business models and their effects on society, but their implementation fails.
One example is waste management: today, more than 90 percent of solid waste in low-income countries is still dumped or incinerated. According to a report by the World Bank, there are two each year worldwide Produces billions of tons of solid waste. This amount will increase to three billion tons in the next 30 years. No more than a third of this is disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
One of the main contributors to this pollution is the plastic waste dumped straight into our oceans. In 2016 alone, the world produced a staggering 242 million tons of plastic waste. Boundary Holding has taken on these fundamental challenges . The European deep tech investment firm invests in technologies designed to enable the fourth industrial revolution. One focus is investing in cleantech companies to pursue the 2030 Agenda of the SDGs.
For example, the company Trashcon, which has successfully automated waste separation, was supported. She manages to detect metal parts and separated from Remove wet and dry waste. The wet waste is collected and composted with a separation efficiency of more than 85 percent. The remaining dry waste is processed into granulate, from which pressed boards are made. The recycled material can also be used as a substitute for other materials, thereby avoiding the additional greenhouse gases in their production.
Full Article:- https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/16237490-boundary-holding-investiert-cleantech-fuer-gruenere-zukunft
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rajatkhare21 · 2 years
Boundary Holding invests in cleantech for a greener future
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When the United Nations set the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2015, the year 2030 still seemed a long way off. Today the question arises as to whether the goals by 2030 can still be achieved at all. Because the SDGs should serve as a guide for business models and their effects on society, but their implementation fails.
One example is waste management: today, more than 90 percent of solid waste in low-income countries is still dumped or incinerated. According to a World Bank report, two billion tons of solid waste are produced worldwide every year. This amount will increase to three billion tons in the next 30 years. No more than a third of this is disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
One of the main contributors to this pollution is the plastic waste dumped straight into our oceans. In 2016 alone, the world produced a staggering 242 million tons of plastic waste. Boundary Holding has taken on these fundamental challenges . The European deep tech investment firm invests in technologies designed to enable the fourth industrial revolution. One focus is investing in cleantech companies to pursue the 2030 Agenda of the SDGs.
For example, the company Trashcon , which has successfully automated waste separation, was supported. It manages to recognize metal parts and remove them separately from wet and dry waste. The wet waste is collected and composted with a separation efficiency of more than 85 percent. The remaining dry waste is processed into granulate, from which pressed boards are made. The recycled material can also be used as a substitute for other materials, thereby avoiding the additional greenhouse gases in their production.
Full Article:- https://www.boerse-express.com/news/articles/boundary-holding-investiert-in-cleantech-fuer-eine-gruenere-zukunft-525713
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rajatkharevipassana · 2 years
Boundary Holding invests in cleantech for a greener future
When the United Nations set the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in 2015, the year 2030 still seemed a long way off. Today the question arises as to whether the goals by 2030 can still be achieved at all. Because the SDGs should serve as a guide for business models and their effects on society, but their implementation fails.
One example is waste management: today, more than 90 percent of solid waste in low-income countries is still dumped or incinerated. According to a World Bank report, two billion tons of solid waste are produced worldwide every year. This amount will increase to three billion tons in the next 30 years. No more than a third of this is disposed of in an environmentally friendly way.
One of the main contributors to this pollution is the plastic waste dumped straight into our oceans. In 2016 alone, the world produced a staggering 242 million tons of plastic waste. Boundary Holding has taken on these fundamental challenges . The European deep tech investment firm invests in technologies designed to enable the fourth industrial revolution. One focus is investing in cleantech companies to pursue the 2030 Agenda of the SDGs.
For example, the company Trashcon , which has successfully automated waste separation, was supported. It manages to recognize metal parts and remove them separately from wet and dry waste.
Read More:- https://www.boerse-express.com/news/articles/boundary-holding-investiert-in-cleantech-fuer-eine-gruenere-zukunft-525713
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rajatkhare1 · 2 years
Boundary Holding invests in cleantech for a greener future
One of the main contributors to this pollution is the plastic waste dumped straight into our oceans. In 2016 alone, the world produced a staggering 242 million tons of plastic waste. Boundary Holding has taken on these fundamental challenges . The European deep tech investment firm invests in technologies designed to enable the fourth industrial revolution. One focus is investing in cleantech companies to pursue the 2030 Agenda of the SDGs.
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For example, the company Trashcon, which has successfully automated waste separation, was supported. She manages to detect metal parts and separated from Remove wet and dry waste. The wet waste is collected and composted with a separation efficiency of more than 85 percent. The remaining dry waste is processed into granulate, from which pressed boards are made. The recycled material can also be used as a substitute for other materials, thereby avoiding the additional greenhouse gases in their production.
Read More:- https://www.wallstreet-online.de/nachricht/16237490-boundary-holding-investiert-cleantech-fuer-gruenere-zukunft
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coolest-sans · 2 years
zoe trashcon said something nice about you <3 i'm snitching
Zoe: “He did? Did you really, Connie?”
Trashcon: “…Shush.”
Zoe: “You diiiiid!”
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trashconofficial · 4 years
Wondering what time the con will run in your local timezone? For Americans, June 13th at 12 pm AEST translates to June 12 7pm in PST, or 10pm ESTOr you can use this website to translate the time to your own timezone. https://savvytime.com/converter/aest-to-pst-cst-est/jun-13-2020/12pm
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pions · 4 years
in hindsight, dashcon really should've been named tumblr.con but i guess we weren't there yet
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boku-no-family · 5 years
I’m on some weird Bakugou trip... okay brain I’ve been liking him but rn I’m thinking about what will Pro Hero Baks life look like? How will he develop in the future?
Also there are so many scenarios in my head.... I want a fluffy Bakugou, a domestic Bakugou, an asshole Bakugou, I want every side of him.
Send help!
Last night, boy, I met you when I was asleep. Boy you’re such a dream to me.
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Rajat Khare supporting a great business opportunity of repurposing waste!
How does one focus when it can be considered that every issue can lead to an opportunity? Progress in this direction has evolved thanks to organisations like Trashcon. The concept of separating dry and wet garbage and recycling it was clear, but coming up with the ideal answer to the issue was more difficult. They created a mechanism that would allow them to accomplish it quickly and with little expense. Many investment companies were drawn to this, including Entrepreneur Rajat Khare's Boundary Holding of Luxembourg.
“Recycling is one of the most important industries that is gaining every investor’s attention. Every organization looking for investment also seeks guidance and expansion for the future. Diverse levels of separate bio-waste collection exist throughout Europe. Many nations are still far from realizing the full potential of bio-waste. The process of putting in place a separate bio-waste collection system can be time-consuming and complex. More can be done in the field of waste management.” Rajat Khare
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fuzzypastels · 4 years
My Strange Knight // Prince! Jimin X Reader // Royalty au
~The Beginning~
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°•☆•°▪°•☆~The crown prince of the land requires a new knight after the odd disappearance of his previous one. The king and queen have resorted to finding one in their nation. There he stood, the crown prince's knight in shining armour. However, something seems off about this new knight. Something very very strange. The prince just can't seem to put a finger on it~°•☆•°▪°•☆
Crossposted to Wattpad
This is a repost because i have decided to combine the first 2 chapters together🤗💗💖💖💗💕💖💕💕
tags: @nctvisionary (my motivator 🤧💗💘💖💗💕) @monstax-bangtan @trishavolution21 @trashconic @chimcy​
My stomach grumbled. Hunger gnawing at its walls. I stared at the stale loaf of bread in my hand. It costed a fortune to buy it from the baker dressed in rags. I had never known a person so vile in my life. Who charges a beggar more than a regular citizen with the excuse that we were beggars because we were lazy? What a heartless bastard. I would rather eat dirt than ever set foot in that sickening bakery again. However, my dad is ill and he can't live on dirt so I have to thicken my skin and take the humiliation.
My father used to be a knight in the olden days. He was courageous, strong and much healthier obviously. However, after the great war with the opposing kingdom, he lost a leg, three fingers and his mind. He was never the same. His nightmares taunted him in his wake and slumber. He resigned from being a knight via a letter because he was ashamed that they would find out about his condition. He was ashamed and disappointed that he could no longer perform his duties and responsibility to the royal family. Especially the prince who he had loved as his younger brother.
Before the war, he used to guard the prince and they formed a tight bond with each other. Listening to his stories made me jealous because I'm confident that he cared more for the prince than he did his own family. But could I blame him? He did spend more time with them than me. The prince searched for him everywhere but he did not want to be sympathised or seen in his state. As if he wasn't already tormented enough by his nightmares, his beloved wife, my mother died while giving birth to me. He took care of me since I was a child despite his night horrors and insomnia. He used to do odd jobs and run errands every day to keep us alive.
My train of thoughts derailed when I heard an eruption of raspy coughs. I slowly opened the door flinching as the icy breeze stung my face. I began grating the bread with my dagger which gleamed beneath the stark moonlight. The only thing that still looks brand new despite its age. I scraped it into a pot leaving most of it for the days to come. I filled the pot with water and placed it on top of the fire. This weird soup was our only sustenance. We try to make it last a whole month. Scraping away the spots of green fuzz that began to appear. I hated the texture. It felt like bland, warm sludge sliding down your throat but it does its job of keeping us full. I should be thankful for having food at all.
I sighed as I made my way to my father whose face was streaked with dirt. I took the washcloth next to him and dipped it in water before dabbing it on his face gently. His skin felt worn beneath my skin. I looked at the wisps of white on his head, matted and limp. It pains me to see him like this so frail and ill. Not like the eccentric man who taught me how to fence while balancing on uneven ground when I was just seven years old. Smiling softly, I gently fed him the bread soup. I know that by now all sense of optimism and hope should've left me but I was never raised that way and besides, miracles do happen, right?
He stood at the balcony of his large chamber clad in a warm purple velvet robe with a gold sash around his waist. The sky draped over the land like a dark duvet sequinned with tiny stars which twinkled softly. His smooth complexion glowed beneath the pale moonlight. He leaned his elbow on the sturdy wooden ledge of his balcony, hand, cupping his face. He puffed his cheeks and exhaled softly, observing the small white clouds as it dissolved into the atmosphere.
The empire formed by his forefathers lays vast and small before him. Small freckles of light were speckled haphazardly, a telltale sign of the people who were still strangers to the land of dreams. Being born with a golden crown atop your head wasn't easy, as pretentious as it sounds. It was pretty...demanding. It was a lot of pressure being the crown prince. Business conferences, barely any childhood and the constant wondering of whether you were truly good enough to rule benevolently. He pinched his forehead in an attempt to ease the tension pushing against his skull.
Being so high up felt so...lonely. He longed to be a villager whose childhood consisted of running around with a group of boisterous friends entangled in the ropes of tight camaraderie. Picking fresh wild berries straight of the bushes and relishing it amidst lively chattering. Dark and sticky berry juice dribbling down their mildly scabbed skins from climbing up the tree in the first place. Maybe in his teenage years, he'll fall for the village sweetheart. The one with eyes that twinkled and lips as pink as rose petals. Then he'll ask for her hand in marriage and he'll work hard on the farm to provide for their family. A simple life with simpler responsibilities and requirements. His heart ached with longing. Is it possible to miss something that you've never had?
He barely had any outside of business interactions and his daily disguised ventures with Jungkook, his substitute knight, to the market could only do so much. Sure, he had people whom he considered friends in the castle but they were paid to be there so entertaining his presence was an unspoken requirement of their job resume. As bleak as all of that sounded, he felt a strange sense of hope. It was almost as if things were going to change in a direction he would never have expected. He did not want to hold on to this change of heart but miracles do happen, right? He groaned. It was either his lack of sleep or the strangeness of that night getting to him.
In between the twinkling stars, a bright ray hurtled across the inky night sky. A shooting star.
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theryyx · 6 years
I replay lis right know and be at ep.2 and i notice some things:
1. In the junjkard you can found in chloes&rachel hide and seek a blue hair dye shampoo so my thing is rachel dyed chloes hair in the junkyard^^ (i still dont know how they get out the blue hair with the dirty water arround but thats not my problem)
2. The pic of rachel in the withe bikini could be taken by chloe on that spot on the boat wehn you go with max to collect the bottle. There are 2 chairs and a table and the pic can look like that place.
3. Max found that fireplace so my amberprice hart say chloe and rachel had at least for 1 one fireplace romantic date or wahtever there ^_^ mybe also celebrate chloes or rachel b-day
4. Also an imporant read is wehn you talk to the police man in the diner about chloe he says something like "yeah she had something to do with a fire in a trashcon" I REALLY LOVE IT HOW D9 BUILD THIS IN WE DONT HAVE TO FIRGOT BTS CAME AFTER LIS I REALLY FOUND THAT AMAZBALLS. Also does it mean they know it was chloe and rachel^^
Thats all for know but future upates will come^_^
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materialdepot · 2 years
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Tired of seeing unsegregated waste in our cities! How about giving it a new life and clearing it off our beautiful planet? Check out how this is possible on material depot. #materialdepot #architecture #interiordesign #hdtextures #hd#materialtexture #architecture #design #interiordesign#architect #interior #spotlight #brandspotlight #work#architecturedaily #architects #material #materials #interior#trashcon #Interiordecor #interiordecorating#interiorinspiration #interiorinspo #lifeofanarchitect #brand#branding #brands #info #information
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nasiknews · 3 years
Mondelez India, TrashCon tie up to make furniture from recycled plastic
Mondelez India, TrashCon tie up to make furniture from recycled plastic
Mumbai: Mondelez India, maker of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and Oreo cookies, has announced a grant to Hasiru Dala, a non-governmental organisation, to recycle multi-layered plastic waste and create furniture boards. The pilot project will use the technology purchased from startup TrashCon, to convert over 600 tonnes of plastic waste per annum into plywood alternatives called WoW Boards. The initiative…
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coolest-sans · 2 years
trashcon what's your favourite thing about zoe :) zoe what's your LEAST favourite thing about trashcon
Trashcon: “…Don’t tell her I said this, but she does really see the best in everyone.”
Zoe: “Mmm… he’s kinda mean to people… but I know he’s trying!”
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