impomed · 6 days
Cobimetinib 20 mg is transforming cancer treatment in India, specifically for patients with BRAF V600E mutations. This advanced targeted therapy offers significant improvements in survival rates and quality of life for those battling advanced-stage melanoma. As a leading provider, Impomed Healthcare ensures widespread access to Cobimetinib 20 mg across India, making this life-saving treatment more readily available to needy patients. With its precision in targeting cancer cells and reducing side effects compared to traditional therapies, Cobimetinib 20 mg in India represents a major advancement in cancer care. Learn how Impomed Healthcare is pivotal in delivering cutting-edge cancer treatments. Contact Impomed Healthcare today for more details about Cobimetinib 20 mg.
For more information click on this link-:https://www.impomedhealthcare.com/
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indianph · 14 days
Trastuzumab for Injection Latest Price and Availability Trastuzumab is a targeted therapy used in treating HER2-positive gastric, colorectal, lung, and metastatic breast cancer. It works by attaching to HER2 receptors on cancer cells, slowing their growth. For the best Trastuzumab price and availability-related information, contact The Indian Pharma (TIP). TIP specializes in facilitating the supply of Trastuzumab to patients globally. Stay informed about Trastuzumab cost and ensure timely access by reaching out to TIP. Kindly Call/WhatsApp: +91 8130290915 or dial TOLL-FREE: 1800-889-1064 to know more about procuring trastuzumab 440 mg injection.
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trigenenterprise1 · 1 month
Buy Rituximab at Trigen Enterprises UK: Trusted Quality
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Purchase Rituximab from Trigen Enterprises UK, ensuring trusted quality for lymphoma and leukemia therapy.
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rightnewshindi · 2 months
सुक्खू सरकार की कैंसर पीडितों को बड़ी राहत, 40 हजार का ट्रैस्टुजुमाब इंजेक्शन मिलेगा फ्री
Cancer Patients in Himachal Pradesh: भारत देश के उत्तर पूर्वी राज्यों में कैंसर के सबसे ज्यादा मामले सामने आते हैं. हिमाचल में भी कैंसर के मरीजों की संख्या में इजाफा हो रहा है. हिमाचल प्रदेश कैंसर के मामलों में देश में दूसरे स्थान पर आ गया है. कैंसर के मरीजों को वक्त पर इलाज दिलाने और उनके स्वास्थ्य से जुड़ा राज्य सरकार ने अहम फैसला लिया है. हिमाचल प्रदेश सरकार सरकारी अस्पतालों में कैंसर के…
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exportimportdata3 · 7 months
Check out the comprehensive guide to trastuzumab imports in India, an important drug for the treatment of breast cancer in India. Get valuable information on import regulations, risks and the latest import data. Rely on Seair Exim Solutions for accurate and current trastuzumab import data and streamline your import process.
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arkon-solution · 8 months
Arkon Solutions is dedicated to empowering lives by facilitating India's access to Trastuzumab Deruxtecan, a revolutionary advancement in healthcare. Discover how our unwavering commitment to expanding healthcare options is making a significant impact, fostering well-being, and instilling hope across the nation. Join us in our mission to transform lives through accessible and innovative healthcare solutions.
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enhertu · 1 year
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aria-ashryver · 6 months
caesar keel over yet?
ik you sent this a couple weeks ago, but i thought it was funnier if i answered it today
Diagnosis: Aggressive HER2+ ductal carcinoma, weakly estrogen positive, metastasized, technically incurable Name of Tumor: Caesar Classification: little bitch
108 IV lines / blood tests / self-administered injections
19 Eggs harvested
9 Embryos frozen
8 Supplementary medications
5 Ultrasounds
4 Computed Tomography (CT) scans
3 Mammograms
3 Chemo regime changes
2 Core biopsies
1 Positron Emission Tomography (PET-CT) scan
1 Bone Scintigraphy
1 Multigated Aquisition (MUGA) scan
1 Echocardiogram
1 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
1 round of genetic testing
1 "this is the biggest tumour I have seen in my recent years as an oncologist"
1 reclassification from Stage 2 to Stage 4
1 "this is one of the best responses to chemotherapy I have ever seen"
(and GOD KNOWS how many litres of Paclitaxel, Pertuzumab, and Trastuzumab pumping through my veins...)
We can safely call it. At my last clinic, my oncologist told me he was happy with that my last few scans had remained stable, and that I wouldn't require any surgery or radiation therapy.
Folks. I did it.
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coochiequeens · 4 months
UK. What the Hell?
By Bryndís Blackadder June 4, 2024
A UK trans activist found guilty of sending threatening messages to author JK Rowling and Labour MP Rosie Duffield has now been sentenced. Glenn Mullen, 31, avoided jail as his eight-week prison sentence was suspended for two years.
Mullen, a Manchester-based trans activist, was arrested and charged with issuing violent threats to the two women which he sent in January of last year. Reduxx were among the first to identify Mullen, and immediately sent the details of his identity to Police Scotland once aware of them.
See rest of article
Scottish Breast Cancer patients are being offered a potentially life-saving drug that can cut the risk of advanced breast cancer spreading by more than a third, despite both NHS England and Wales choosing to block the drug. The game-changing drug, Enhertu is approved for use in HER2-low breast cancer patients in both Scotland and Northern Ireland, but in a controversial move, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has blocked its use in England, with women in Wales also being denied the life-prolonging medication.
Compelling evidence suggests that treatment with the drug, whose full name is, trastuzumab deruxtecan can actually increase the amount of time patients can live and ultimately give them more time before their disease progresses, reports The Guardian. In fact, earlier this week new data from the world’s largest cancer conference revealed “really exciting” news about Enhertu, when scientists revealed that it may actually be even more effective than previously thought.
Sharing the results of their recent trial data, medics explained how they had discovered that the drug, which targets the HER2 hormone (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) can stall the growth of tumours by more than a year - a huge increase when compared to traditional chemotherapy treatment.
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impomed · 12 days
Trastuzumab Deruxtecan (T-DXd) 100 mg, offered by Impomed Healthcare, is a cutting-edge therapy for HER2-positive cancers now available in India. This antibody-drug Trastuzumab Deruxtecan 100 mg in India conjugate combines trastuzumab's precision with deruxtecan's cytotoxic potency, delivering targeted treatment with minimal impact on healthy cells. With higher response rates, improved tolerability, and extended survival, T-DXd provides a new treatment option for patients with resistant cancer forms. Accessible at select oncology centers, it marks a significant advancement in cancer care in India.
For more information click on this link-:https://www.impomedhealthcare.com/
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benzinaocenere · 1 year
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Ti ricordi? Ero un po' diversa ma gli occhi son gli stessi. C'è una cosa che capita a tutti ed è la vita. La vita è normalità e la normalità è di tutti. Anche quello che è successo a me. Ero impegnata a vivere i miei 32 anni, vivevo la mia relazione, vivevo il mio lavoro, lo studio. Poi ho iniziato a vivere anche il cancro. Carcinoma infiltrate her2 positivo che, insieme al triplo negativo, è il carcinoma più aggressivo che può colpire una donna (ma anche un uomo). Per curarlo ci vogliono le chemio. Epirubicina e ciclofosfamide prima, trastuzumab e paclitaxel poi. 4 cicli del primo cocktail, 18 del secondo, 12 del terzo. Protocollo standard per quelle che hanno la fortuna, come me, di averlo scoperto in tempo. Ho 33 anni, non vivo più la mia relazione andata in frantumi durante il mio percorso oncologico, vivo il mio lavoro saltuariamente, vivo sempre la mia vita, più intensa e più pensierosa di prima. Questa, signori, è la normalità e la normalità è di tutti, non sentitevi invincibili perché non guarda in faccia al numero che segna la vostra esistenza. Non abbiate paura perché non è nulla che non si possa sopportare.
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tukysa · 1 year
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abclonal · 1 year
Role of Monoclonal Antibodies in Different Clinical Fields
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have emerged as an outstanding class of medically trained professionals, changing the field of medicine and giving new streets to treating an enormous number of diseases. Monoclonal antibodies are produced in the laboratory. These specialized antibodies have gained high attention in the last few years for their ability to target specific cells and molecules associated with disease processes.
As the number of Monoclonal Antibodies for Sale is increasing regularly, patients now have more options for treatment and better outcomes. The development of therapy choices in various clinical fields because of monoclonal antibodies has changed patient considerations. They act as powerful therapeutic agents that play a major role in transforming the landscape of autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, cancer treatment, infectious diseases, and beyond. The different roles of monoclonal antibodies in different clinical fields that you must know are listed below.
Treatment of cancer: One of the most significant developments in the utilization of monoclonal antibodies is the treatment of cancer. Multiple mAbs have been developed to specifically check the signals that allow cancer cells to grow and spread. Additionally, these antibodies also impact the immune system with the objective to recognize as well as attack the disease cells more effectively. Individually, monoclonal antibodies like trastuzumab and rituximab have altered the treatment landscape for breast cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. With this, they have increased survival rates and improved patient outcomes.
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Treatment of autoimmune diseases: Also, the treatment of autoimmune diseases, in which the body's resistant framework mistakenly goes after its tissues, has shown exceptional efficacy utilizing monoclonal antibodies. By focusing on specific immune system components like cytokines or immune cells, these antibodies can control the immune system's responses and reduce inflammation. Monoclonal antibodies like adalimumab and infliximab turn out to be effective in managing conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. They play a major role in providing patients some relief and improving their quality of life.
Infectious diseases: The treatment of infectious diseases benefits from the adaptability of monoclonal antibodies as well. Antibodies can be designed to specifically inhibit or neutralize the effects of pathogens. They prevent them from entering host cells. In the treatment of viral diseases like Coronavirus, HIV, and Ebola, monoclonal antibodies have turned out to be highly effective. Antibody therapies like bamlanivimab and casirivimab/imdevimab have been approved for emergency use in COVID-19 patients. For those who are at high risk of severe illness, this could be a lifeline.
Conditions of the brain: Despite the particular challenges they face, monoclonal antibodies have demonstrated potential for the treatment of neurological disorders. In conditions such as multiple sclerosis, monoclonal antibodies can target specific immune cells that attack the nerve protective covering to reduce disease activity and prevent relapse. The presence of monoclonal antibodies for sale has made it easier for medical experts to make the best use of them. These antibodies can also be utilized to treat conditions other than autoimmune diseases and cancer.
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What would you do if you were to be a doctor
I'd write an open letter on the internet for the US government urging it to put pressure on the FDA not to approve the Glaxo SmithKline breast cancer drug Trastuzumab because its approval was "discriminatory" against women and a violation of the Equal Protection Clause. I'd publish my signature and add it to a list of signatures to be published by other people to send to the FDA. I'd also ask the FDA to release more documents in the next few years, including the documents that were used to approve Trastuzumab. I'd encourage the FDA to re-review the data and reconsider its decision to approve this drug, as I believe there may be an increased risk of metastatic breast cancer (the only use for Trastuzumab at the time of its approval) and some side effects from the drug itself, although these problems have yet to be documented in the clinical trial for the drug.
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drcare4u · 9 days
Chemotherapy De-Escalation Associated With Excellent HR+/HER2+ Breast Cancer Survival
Patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/HER2+ early breast cancer who were treated with neoadjuvant (presurgical) endocrine therapy or chemotherapy plus Herceptin (trastuzumab) and Perjeta (pertuzumab) (T+P) followed by adjuvant (postsurgical) pathological complete response (pCR; the disappearance of cancer)-guided chemotherapy and adjuvant T+P plus endocrine therapy experienced what…
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pilcare-nce · 16 days
Hertraz 440mg Injection - Trastuzumab (440mg) - Mylan - Pilcare - Exporter from India to Guyana
Hertraz 440mg Injection is used in the treatment of breast and stomach cancer. It works by killing the cancer cells by inhibiting HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor protein).
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