#traumatized butches are actually the strongest people on this planet
peppermintmochafem ยท 9 months
What if... Strong boys? Boys who've always been in charge, made to take charge of situations far too complex and difficult for them to handle and blamed when things fall apart. Boys who responded to that by doing better next time until it's reflexive.
Boys who have trouble understanding that they're safe from that now. Boys who need a little extra reassurance?
...boys who might be crying a little. Sorry ๐Ÿ˜…
boys who get told how handsome they are when they cry for me. boys who get told how strong and brave they are being for letting me be in control. boys who get to feel as weak as they want under me. boys who get to sit beneath me with nothing to handle on their own, just get to sit there and rest at my feet looking handsome for me. boys who have no decisions of their own to make. boys who I get to remind not to do things on their own, that they arent meant for that, that it is for me to do, for me to take care of. boys I get to watch fall apart for me so perfectly.
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