#treasure13 scenarios
junkyuholic · 2 years
Kim Doyoung - “you never saw me.” highschool au! strangers to lovers!
You never really knew the boy well, but to be frank, not everyone did either, he only had a close knit of friends, plus, he was the type to only speak when spoken to.
He gave off the impression of someone who liked to focus on their interests and hobbies, the type to not waste time partying like most kids at your school did. You admired that. He got good grades and he has a passion for dancing.
Your admiration for him ended up turning into a huge crush, you were always glancing at him, and whenever he would catch you he would only give you a smile in return. You wanted to get to know him better, but despite him literally sitting a row ahead and two seats to your left, he seemed so far away. He seemed like a stranger to you, you often wondered; ‘if he saw me in the streets would he even recognise me?’ You were sure that was the case, you weren’t the only girl to be caught staring at him, and you weren’t the only girl he smiled at.
Your feelings for him deepened ever more when your class voted you both to be captains. Doyoung, of course, got voted captain, and you, vice captain. It was both a nightmare and dream come true, you two would be able to look into each other’s eyes and discuss plans for any class excursions or what not, the nightmare part was you being scared of embarrassing yourself.
You would always make sure there would be nothing stuck in your teeth after every meal and after every snack, you stopped wearing laced shoes due to your fear of them suddenly being untied and you tripping, so you switched to Velcro shoes. You switched to hair clips to put your hair up due to your fear of the hair tie snapping in the middle of class, now that, that was a personal and unpleasant experience.
Despite you always being on edge, Doyoung always managed to let out a small smile whenever you turned your back towards him.
It was like any other normal school day except for the fact that the teacher had been absent and which led to you having a substitute. After a long day the substitute had put you and Doyoung upon the task of bringing the many boxes filled with folders into the staff room. As you and Doyoung rearranged the boxes from lightest to heaviest, Doyoung decided to break the silence.
“Sucks to be here after school hours, huh?” He smiled
It took you a while to register that he was talking to you and there was no one else in the room, you wanted to refrain yourself from embarrassing yourself, of course.
“Yeah, but it feels nice being able to help.” You cringed after that sentence left your mouth, you felt so embarrassed, you mentally facepalmed yourself, you wanted to just jump into any hole avail-
“Hey you don’t have to be so hard on yourself okay?” He smiled softly and put a gentle hand on your shoulder.
‘Huh?’ You has been snapped out of your mental scolding and now you had no idea on how to reply.
“I see the way you’re so cautious around everything or how you scold yourself sometimes, you just gotta relax, you know?”
He continued, “its all apart of life embarrassing yourself but the best part about it is that you can laugh at all the embarrassing things you’ve done.”
He started walking out of the room with you following behind him with boxes in both of your hands.
“Now you’ll be able to laugh at it all, so you know, I wouldn’t call them embarrassing when they’re really just memories in the disgui-“
“Wait your laces!”
It was too late, he had already tripped with the folders scattered around the floor, his cheeks tinted with a deep scarlet red. You put your box down and offered him a hand.
“You never saw me.”
You burst out in laughter with tears brimming your eyes, “what happened to the memories in disguise? Huh?”
He saw you in a light he had never seen you before, he saw you differently, he saw you, and felt like he knew you, he felt familiarity.
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parkaiur · 5 years
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♡ Lee Byounggon 
One Night Stand
♡ Kim Seunghun   
The Dark Hour
Save me
♡ Choi Hyunsuk 
♡ Park Jihoon  
♡ Bang Yedam 
Fake (ex)boyfriend
♡ Mashiho  
[Real]istic Fiction 
♡ Ha Yoonbin 
Skater Boy pt.1 ; pt.2
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speckofglitter · 5 years
martini blue - pjh
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→ word count ; 975
→ genre ; soulmate au | fluff | slight angst
soulmates were always a peculiar concept to you. when you were young, your parents had told you that your body temperature would change depending on the position of your soulmate. if they were nearby, your body would get warmer and if they were far, your body would get colder. for the past few years of your life, you had been looking for your soulmate, getting more and more disappointed at how cold you felt during your dates. you got used to the dejected glances you would get once they tried holding your hands. you were now 18 years old, skin still as icy as a February morning. your soul started becoming as cold as your skin. you were irritated by every single thing, sentences short and abrupt as you hid beneath layers of clothing. you were stuck. a simple bystander in your own life. of course, your case wasn't unique but it was rare. the majority of people found their soulmates by the age of 18 or at least had a warm enough body temperature. yours indicated that you were nowhere near them. they might not even be alive for all you knew.
everything changed once you moved to seoul. you couldn't tell whether it was because spring was commencing but your body started to feel a little warmer. for the first time in forever, you actually wanted to do things, the potential proximity of your soulmate filling you with hope and excitement. you decided to go out to a bar not far from your college campus.
park jihoon was a true hedonist. he was horribly straightforward. he sent reckless texts. he told people he loved them. he told people he hated them. he was real and raw. the type of person who lived for today just in case tomorrow never came. he wanted to set his own patterns, his own ideals. he didn't really mind not knowing where his soulmate was or if they were alive. he was content with going out and drinking to feel some warmth in his throat.
'what's your flavor?' the barman asks.
'he's asking what drink you want.' you look to your left, coming to face a tall guy who looks about your age and suddenly you feel a fiery heat swarming inside of you. a leather jacket swallows his slightly skinny, toned frame, the chain attached to hip beltloop slightly swishing. a black choker sat around his neck, bringing your attention to his adam's apple. your lips part as you take in his soft features and bright eyes, him intensely gazing at you in return. he licks his lips slightly, pink tongue poking out as he takes in your scantily clad body.
'something sweet..' you manage to whisper.
'a vodka blue martini for the lady' he leans into the counter tilting his head as he observes you.
'you're nothing like what i expected you to be like and yet exactly like what i expected you to be like.' he chuckles.
's-so... you're... you're really my soulmate then... what happens now?' you stutter.
'hmmm nothing. we'll figure it out as time goes right? in the meantime cheers to us. i'm park jihoon and you're?'
'y/n. l/n y/n.' you smile as he clinks his glass to yours, smiling as he takes a sip.
his smile reminds you of freshly baked cookies. warm and homey.
tiny hairs stick to your forehead, gleaming with sweat. jihoon licks his lips as his hands roam over your figure, guiding you. you hadn't expected your first date with your soulmate to be a salsa class but you were having a lot more fun than you had expected. jihoon was an amazing dancer. his steps were quick and calculated. he was charming and precise. everything was so... warm. you felt like you were basking in a ray of sunshine around him. your hands were intertwined as you spun around the room, lively music playing in the background.
a few hours later, you're collapsing onto the dark grey sheets of his mattress. unlike the way he dances, jihoon's kisses are soft and gentle. your mind goes blank as you grab onto his belt buckle and pull him close, deepening the kiss. that night, he held you down, kissing you on your forehead, your eyelids, your nose, your cheeks, your lips and your neck. it's almost like jihoon is trying to memorize your face through his lips, and you let him.
you wake up in jihoon's arms, slightly alarmed as you open your phone camera and take in your disheveled state. your eyes glaze over to jihoon who's still sleeping peacefully. he looks like a tiny baby, slightly pouting as he takes deep breathes in his sleep. you look around, finally noticing how clean and organized his room is.
'let's go back to sleep' jihoon suddenly whines, pulling you back to bed. he pulls you against his chest as he falls asleep on your shoulder.
months pass as you and jihoon get to know each other. on your second date he took you out on a picnic to the han river and you fell for him even more. on your fifth date he takes you to his dance showcase and you discover even more of his talents. it felt like you were both removing the layers, and piece by piece you became even closer. you adopted a cat together, naming him 'martini' after the drink that had started it all.
overtime you came to find out about all of the components of park jihoon. he was complex and beautiful. his honesty baffled you but his kindness cured you. your flaws were not erased just because you had met your soulmates. you and jihoon were still a little broken, a little evil and a little off. you were just a little better together.
masterlist - requests are open !! - ya girl tiyi ❤️
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yeppeojiwrites · 5 years
treasure13 (treasure & magnum) masterlist
treasure13 : est. tbd
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hyunsuk (choi hyunsuk) ; treasure 
jihoon (park jihoon) ; magnum 
yoshinori (kanemoto yoshinori) ; magnum 
junkyu (kim junkyu) ; treasure
yoonbin (ha yoonbin) ; magnum
mashiho (takata mashiho) ; magnum
jaehyuk (yoon jaehyuk) ; treasure
asahi (hanada asahi) ; magnum
yedam (bang yedam) ; treasure
doyoung (kim doyoung) ; magnum
haruto (watanabe haruto) ; treasure
jeongwoo (kim jeongwoo) ; treasure
junghwan (seo junghwan) ; treasure
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inlovewithjunkyuala · 5 years
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betrayer!mafia au
["I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell."]
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theboyz-kr · 5 years
important updates
hello my lil peaches so as you can see I've been a little inactive on here. that's mainly because school life is hard when you have 4 kids to watch at the same time and I'm never able to find the time. but it's also, I dont really wanna write for most of the groups I write for, I'm just not as into them as I was. so below is a photo of the groups I did write for, I'll be keeping a few of these , and then adding some. so let's start with who I am keeping
golden child, the boyz, stray kids, nct and ateez + ace .. they are staying. the rest aren't.
I'll be adding;
onewe, oneus, verivery, ab6ix, 1the9, c9boyz, treasure13-silverboys and wanna one bc ha miss them.
that's it none of my rules will change nor will what I write change. I have cleaned my ask box out completely so this is a new start .
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http-asahi · 4 years
Hello I’m 민숭 (minsung) I’m from Korea
-I love A lot of kpop group
-I am born 2004
-This blog is for asahi treasure and might turn into other thing
- i found a love for Japanese line of treasure
- i would write fanfics blurb scenario or imagine for any group
List of groups I can write and my bias from the group:
Treasure - asahi / mashiho/ 재혁
Golden child - 보민 (bomin )
Astro - 산하 (sanha)
Tomorrow x together - 범규 (beomgyu)
The boyz- 찬희(chanhee)
NCT- no bias to many members ❤️
Oneus - 서호 (seoho)
Onewe - all bias 🥺
Stray kids - 휸진 (hyunjin)
Itzy - 류진
Dreamcatcher - 가현
Everglow - Aisha
Bts - 태흉
GFriend- all bias ❤️
Ab6ix - 영민
Cravity (debut soon)
Cix- 현숙
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yedamiee · 5 years
boyfriend!yoonbin dating a foreign girl
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okay so this is highkey a really soft!concept like wow thanks to the person that requested this <3 (i’m also so sorry that it’s very overdue :( i just moved into my college so i finally have time to be on tumblr so i’m back :))
genre: f l u f f
member: ha yoonbin x y/n (female)
how you met
okay so picture this
you’re a girl from (insert your native country)
and you moved to korea to follow your dreams of being a makeup artist
and you got hired to do the makeup for team b of ygtb
okay so that the backstory now’s the tea(???)
so on your first day, was when they filmed their intros and performances 
amd you met all of team b
first being jihoon’s loud ass
your eyes immediately gravitate to yoonbin for some reason
maybe bc you thought he hated you bc of his glare
you just brushed it off and look at your schedule
guess who’s going first????
diNg dinG dinGGG its yoonbin
wow what a great start
pls take my sarcasm lightly okay
so you call yoonbin over to your chair
he looks kind of tense
you noticed and asked if he was okay
he just nods showing no emotion
you just shrug and start doing his makeup
after you finish you were gonna ask if he liked it
but he just got uP AND LefT
like wHat?!
okay next was jihoon
i guess he saw that you looked upset or sad
so he asked what wrong
you tell him about yoonbin
and he says he’ll (jihoon) will handle it
and you get scared
like what does that mean
so as time goes on
filming is finally finished
you were that last person to leave 
because you still had to pack your makeup
but you weren’t alone
ig yoonbin stayed behind to talk to you
bold = yoonbin, italics = you
“um, y/n”
“oh, yoonbin.. is everyting okay?”
“why do you keep asking that?”
“bc you seemed tense all day...”
“look i’m sorry if i make you uncomfortable but as your makeup artist-”
“no it’s not you”
ugh here we go
you’ve heard this all day
from producers, fellow makeup artists, stylists
it gets really annoying
“i mean, i’m the only non korean one here so thanks for pointing that out for the 100th time”
yoonbin eyes get wide
“wait no, not like that”
“i meant you seem cool”
“i would like to get to know you...”
so you’re like shOok
but you act cool and say “oh.. sure i’d like that”
after about a month of hanging out on the low
ya start dating the boi (aint the craz-)
okay so first off
aesthetic pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
idk why but it seems like he would love to take some aesthetic ass pics of you man
like you’d be just about to pick up your coffee
and he’s like ‘STOP’
and youre like o.0
he’s like ‘your hand is positioned perfectly on the cup hold on’
like hUh
anywayyyyssss you love his lil beanies
like l o v e them,,,,,
like its crazy
so whenever you seem him with them on you just melt
you will become best friends with jihoon
whether you like it or not
he won’t give you a choice
and he will mess with you all the time
just like he does with yoonbin
poking you, flicking you, annoyingly calling your name
you name it
jihoon will do it
if you’re from a non-english speaking country
he and probably all of treasure 13 will love for you to teach him your language
i can just see them asking how to say everything lol
“y/n how do you say ___”
it’s cute and you’re glad they’re willing to learn your language
also i just feel like you guys can literally sit in a room together and just chill
like not even talking to each other
just chill
idk i’m whipped af for yoonbin man it’s michyeogane crazy
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kiligaus · 5 years
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Better With you
Y/n a great ballet dancer, Jihoon an amazing hip hop dancer. Both are on their school’s dance team, and both are top tier dancers. Except, Jihoon HATES the sight of Y/n and vice versa. The two can’t stand being in the same room with each other until they are forced to. The next school dance competition is coming, and both were forced to compete as a duet. Oh, did I mention their both total opposites?
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Cursing
Word count: 2.8k
Part 2
It’s been three weeks since Jihoon and I have talked after what happened at the dance studio, and we’ve been ignoring each other since.
I was listening to my usual Spotify playlist whilst doing my work, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Y/n.” I took my airpods out and turned around. “Hmm?” “You're wanted at the office.” Yeorum said. And with that, I got up and made my way to the office.
What is it now, I haven’t fought with Jihoon in like weeks, What does Mr. Yang want? I knocked on the door to his office. “Come in.” I entered his office and saw Jihoon sitting down in front of his desk and Herin beside our principal.
“Sit Ms. Kim.” I took a seat beside Jihoon. “Herin and I wanted to know how the duet was going, as the competition is taking place during the first week of next month.” Mr. Yang explains folding his hands on top of his desk. What the fuck. It’s been a month already?! And we’ve literally have nothing done. And like the next month literally starts after this week!? Ah, we’re screwed.
Jihoon was about to open his mouth when I cut him off. “Of course Sir, we’ve been practicing this whole month at the studio Jihoon has been taking us too.” I smile brightly ensuring our principal that everything was alright when in reality, it was more lies. “That’s great! I expect you two to show the dance team and I by the end of the end of this week.” He smiles back. 
“You two are dismissed then.” The two of us got up and exited the room, and as I was closing the door I heard Herin say, “I told you they’d put their differences and come together.” Well we’re in shit now, aren’t we.
I was walking back to class when I suddenly get pulled into another part of the hallway. “Took some guts to lie to Mr. Yang huh?” I look up at the tall figure standing in front of me, Jihoon. “I mean, would you rather get kicked off the dance team?” I roll my eyes. “Touche.” He replied. “Exactly.” I turned around to go back to my classroom when Jihoon suddenly grabbed my arm and spun me back around.
“And where do you think you’re going?” “To class? where else?” “Y/n, seriously, we need to put our shit aside and work on this dance, we literally have a weeks till’ the competition and we are expected to perform it on Friday IN FRONT of the dance team and our principal!” Jihoon explains. I stare at the boy in front of me. Is he actually is serious? “Fine.” I give in and agree. “Good, meet me at my car in the parking lot after school.” “Whatever.” I say walking back to class. “Don’t be late!” He yells. I just wave my hand, without turning back to him.
“Don’t be late my ass.” I mock. Where the hell is he?! I stood next to his car leaning on it slightly. “Ugh, I really trusted him didn’t I?” I groan. “Y/n!” I look up its Yeorum and my brother. “Hey Y/n, what are you doing? We have practice after school?” My friend questions. “Oh uh, I waiting for Jihoon.” I respond. “Ooo, you guys skipping practice to go out.” She wiggles her eyebrows, elbowing me, as my brother dies of laughter in the background. 
“Hah, in your dreams, we’re going to practice our duet.” “Oh yeah! How's that going?” She questions. “HAH! my sister hasn’t met up with him in like-’’ I put my hand over my brother's mouth before he could reveal anymore. “Oh, it's uh, going fine we’re just polishing up the kinks that's all.” I lied again for like the second time today. “That's great, maybe on Friday, you can show the team?” She lights up.
“Uhhh, I don’t know….” “Oh, come on, I’m sure it's really good. Pleaseee.” She practically begs clinging to my arm. “F-fine.” Good fucking going Y/n you're screwed now. “YAY! Anyways practice is gonna start see you Friday.” Yeorum says as she skips back into the school building. 
I felt something wet on my palm. “WHAT THE HELL!?!” I frantically remove my hand from Yeongue’s mouth. “What was that for you rat!” I scream. “That's for putting your crusty hand over my mouth!” He yells back. We exchanged death glares at each other. “Why did you lie to your best friend?” Yeongue questions.
“It’s what I told Mr. Yang and I intend to make what I said true.” I say proudly. “Hmm, bold of you to lie.” “Yeah, I’ve heard.” “Just please, do NOT tell anyone, I need you to keep this a secret, please.” I beg my younger brother. “Hmm,  lunch for a month.” “HELL NO!” “Fine, oH HERIN-” I cut him off. “Nggh, deal.”
“Now get your ass to practice.” I push him away from me. “Yeah whatever, see ya at home noona.” Man, I really hate how we are so alike sometimes.
 “Y/N!” Finally. “And what took you so long?” I stood up from leaning on his Audi. “I had to help Ms. Han, sorry now get in.” He confessed, taking his keys and unlocking his car. “Get in loser.” 
As usual, the car ride to the fancy dance studio was very quiet, so quiet we were able to hear people yelling from their cars because of the hourly rush from work. Then it was Jihoons turn to break the silence. “Soo....” He started off, just as how I did before. “How are gonna pull this shit show together?” “Uh, I don’t know, we like dance I guess.” I answer staring out the window. Does everything that comes out of my mouth have to be so sarcastic. 
“Jheez, you didn’t have to say it like that.” Jihoon huffs.  And there goes our conversation. With that the car became silent yet again. 
And once again Y/n and I were back at the modern dance studio we came to previously. We walked into the lobby and we were engulfed with the familiar sights we’ve seen about a few weeks ago, when I brought Y/n. I signal Y/n to go and wait while I booked us a room. I walked over to the front desk and was greeted by a familiar face. It was my cousin Jaehyuk.
“Hey, man.” I say as he and I exchanged a bro handshake. “Hey, Ji what brings you here, you rarely come anymore.” My cousin asks. “Ah, I’ve come to practice for our upcoming competition, and I’ve been swamped with work lately, sorry.” I explain to him opening the log book to sign under the room I wanted, or whatever’s available at the time. “Ah, well you should still come around to visit I am your cousin after all.” He teases. “And that’s the reason why I don’t come around.” My cousin shoots me a death glare, as I continue to sign my name in the book, giving zero fucks. A quick wave of awkward silence washes over Jaehyuk and I. 
“Uh, are you here alone?” He attempts to break the silence. Oh yeah I’m with Y/n, lowkey forgot she was here for a bit. “Hmm, nah I’m with her.” I move to the side a bit to reveal Y/n, who is sitting on one of the couches distracted by her phone. I totally forgot who I was talking to until Jaehyuk spoke once again. “Dude, you’re with THE Y/n? Don’t you hate each other? But hey, at least your with someone for once cute.” I snapped back into reality. “What no, I mean yes, I’m with her, and yeah sure she’s cute, wait- I mean- shit SHUT UP WILL YOU!” I panic.
I scrambled over the counter to slap my hand over Jaehyuks mouth before he says another stupid thing. “Please, don’t say a word.” I remove my hand from his mouth, he leaned closer and whispered into my ear. “Don’t worry my dear cousin your secret's safe with me.” He grins. “Get your nasty ass away, as if I like her. This is literally the exact reason I don’t come anymore.”
Jaehyuk slouched back to his side of the desk. “Y/n go get ready, we’ll be in studio nine.” I tell the girl who was still sitting on her phone while that whole fiasco went down. “Took you long enough.” She complains. “Jesus, be grateful for once.” “Maybe I’ll try later.” She retorts going to the change room to get changed.
I watch Y/n as she walks past me and Jaehyuk, she’s so fucking ungrateful sometimes I hate it. But I guess she is kinda cute, she’s different, I guess. “She really is something isn’t she?” Jaehyuk comments when she’s gone. “Yeah, she really is.” I let slip out, again. Silence, shit I said that out loud didn’t I? Fuck. I turn towards my cousin creepily smiling at me, resting his head on his hands. “Oh shut up will you?” I yell, the redness evident in my cheeks. “I didn’t say jack shit.” “Well you were thinking shit.” I say pushing his face wiping that ugly smile off his face as I leave to get changed.
After changing I headed to studio nine where I heard the slight sound of music. Hmm I guess Y/n started without me, I peeked into the room and I see her dancing a lyrical piece to a song with a sick beat. You know what would go great to this song? Some hip hop moves, yeah some hip hop moves would go great to this beat! I smiled to myself thinking about a hip hop set that would go great to this piece. Wait that’s it!
Y/n’s Pov
I was dancing in the studio waiting for Jihoon, getting lost in the music when suddenly I hear someone rushing into the room breaking my concentration, already knowing who it is. “Jihoon how many times have I told you in the past to stop—” “Y/N I HAVE AN IDEA ON HOW WE CAN PULL THIS DUET TOGETHER!” Jihoon grabs me by the shoulder shaking me out of excitement. “Jesus- calm the fuck down and tell me!” I say, wanting him to stop shaking me.
Jihoon and I take a seat in the middle of the studio as he calms down enough to finally speak properly. “Ok , so I was coming into the studio when I saw you dancing, right?” I nod slowly. “And I was listening to the song while watching you dance and I thought that beat was sick and your lyrical style really went well to the beat.” “WAIT, wait you were watching me dance? Like from the door like a creep?” It’s not like I haven’t done that before. “That besides the point Y/n, my idea was: why not use the song add more cool beats, and combine our styles.” I thought about it for a minute. Wait, that shit might actually work. “Like ballet and hip hop, in the same piece?” I questioned. 
“I know it's a long shot but why don’t we try to combine the styles we are both confident in, rather than bickering about which style to go with.” He mentions. I stayed silent, will we really be able to pull off a whole routine in four days, and perform it on Friday for our team to see? I mean why don’t we try? Since we don’t have any other good ideas.” I look up at the boy across from me, he looked desperate to make it work. “Fine, I’m in.” “Wait seriously? I-I thought you’d shut it down right away?” He looked appalled. 
“I mean we don't have any other option do we? So why not try it out, you said the beats sounded sick no? And my dancing seemed to fit it, and with some other “cool beats” we’ll be able to incorporate hip hop right? I trust your judgement, I mean you're one of the best in our team right?” I accidentally blurt out loud. I frantically look at Jihoon to see his response, his mouth agape staring right back at me surprise written all over his face. 
Jihoon shakes his head trying to snap himself back into reality. “Wait, wait did you just complement-” I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. “So how are we going to add these sick beats to the song you’re talking about?” Jihoon smirks and says. “Just leave that to me.” 
And that's how we ended you in front of Yoonbins door. “Are you sure he’ll be ok with editing the song, I don’t wanna bother him.” I worry out loud. “Hah! You worrying for someone other than yourself, thats rich.” He mocks. “Do all the words that come from your mouth always have to be so rude?” I angrily stare at the dark haired boy standing next to me. He ignores my comment and raises his fist to knock on Yoonbins front door. There was a quick silence until the door opens revealing Yoonbin, who looked like he had just woken up from a nap, hair all over the place. “Why must you always disturb me when I’m sleeping?” Yoonbin says scratching the back of his head. “Sorry man, its kinda urgent can we come in?” Jihoon questions. “We?” They boy questions, as he looks to the right of Jihoon. I smile and awkwardly wave making my presence known. “Sure….” He trails off, receding back into his home with us trailing behind him.
“And thats are whole situation.” Jihoon explains while he lies on top of Yoonbins bed making himself comfortable, while I on the other hand, am sitting uncomfortably on his bed, as it is my first time in a guys room.
Yoonbin spins around in his swivel chair to face us resting his elbows on his knees, hands crossed trying to understand everything his best friends just told him. “So let me get this straight.” He starts off. “Y/n you LIED to our principal that you guys have a whole routine and is ready for our dance team to see this Friday? And you Jihoon want me to add some more rhythms to a song in order for you guys to create a dance too?” The both of us vigorously nod our heads. “And what genre of dance are you using? “Lyrical.” “Hip hop.” Jihoon and I state at the same time. “I- is that even gonna work?” Jihoon and I exchange glances and shrug. As the boy across from of us facepalms and sighs out of defeat.
 “I still don’t know why they entrusted rivals to create a dance for the competition that's NEXT week, just lemme hear the song and I'll see what I can do.” I handed my phone to Yoonbin and he hooks it up to his computer and listens to it. As the boy next to me browses his phone, while I just awkwardly sit there, staring at the floor.
Minutes pass as Yoonbin is busy working on the song while Jihoon, on the other hand was on his phone browsing instagram. He’s still using my phone so I have nothing to do, I adjust myself on Yoonbins bed to lean against the wall so I would have some form of comfort. Minutes turn into hours and I find myself slowly drifting to sleep. 
Suddenly I’m disturbed by the bed rising on my left side. “Y/n wake up!” A voice yells. “Mmmm….” I respond half asleep. “Yoonbins done the track.” the voices whispers. This time snap awake, so quickly I didn’t get the chance for the figure to move out of the way before I bump into his head. “Oww! Excited much?” It was Jihoon rubbing his head, I do the same, we both get up and head where Yoonbin was seated. “Let’s hear it.” I exclaim leaning on the top of where the boy was sitting. He hits play and we listen to the new and improved track he made for us, after it was done playing he waits for our feedback. Not going to lie it was good, but not good enough, a little bit disappointed but it was something. I stare blankly at the screen thinking about what to about the track and so does my partner. “Somethings….. missing.” We both trail off.
“Move over.” Jihoon asks his friend, and he complies. As if Jihoon and I were in a trance we both sit down in front of the screen on the single chair unaware of how close we were. “You know what would sound better if the rhythm here was a bit slower to cater to my lyrical style of dancing, then it would transition into so heavier beats and rhythm to suit your style.” I start off. “Then we could transition into a rhythm that best suits both our styles and we can combine our styles from there.” Jihoon finishes my sentences. We both looked at each other excitement in our eyes as we started to work on the song. Unaware that Yoobin was still the room.
“If they wanted it a certain way they could have just done it themselves, instead of asking me to waste my time, ugh.” Yoonbin turns to leave his room, but stops in the doorway and turns back around to face us once again. “But at least they’re getting along for once.” He turns and exits his room with a slight smile on his face.
(a/n: its been a hot minute since I update Better with you,, sorry for being so ugly with the updates skskss,, ive been trying to get this out but life is a thing and so is work,, side note summer is almost over so im hella sad since school is in two weeks:( anyways i hope yall like this chapter and keep supporting me i never expected the first part to get 50 notes so thanks so much for your support<3)
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junkyuholic · 4 years
can u mayhaps do a yedam as your bf post
yes i may!! also sorry for the long wait but thank you for requesting <3
feel like I got really carried away with this considering how long I made it, and I still had so much more to add 😭😭😭anyways enjoy!!!
Yedam As Your Boyfriend
he’s vvv shy at first
before dating you were literally an angel to him
he still thinks of you as an angel when you two start dating
only difference is that his gf/bf is an angel!!
he really adores you 🥺
he’s so shy at first that he actually struggles to keep eye contact with you
he just thinks you’re too perfect
ugh listen he just really adores you
once you two get comfortable with each other:
he won’t stop talking
but in a good way!!
he tells you about his day without missing any detail
and he expects the same from you!!
full of laughs
really listening to you sing
even if your not good at it
makes you two duet at karoake
would make the both of you memorise song lyrics so you two can make a cover of it
and he’ll listen to those covers whenever he misses you 🥺🥺🥺🥺
he absolutely loves it when you two rap
mino x bobby songs are his favourite to rap with you
he always records the two of you whether you’re rapping/singing just for fun or not
and when you ask him why he tells you they’re memories <333
takes pictures of you when you’re not looking
has a whole album dedicated to you
his whole drive is literally filled with songs and pictures and videos of you smh
loves putting those cute filters on when taking selfies together
ok so with Yedam it wouldn’t be full on
but like it would be discrete but not too driscrete you get me ????
like matching phone cases, jewellery, hats and shoes!
he’ll definitely buy you 827;837472929 of them
ESPECIALLY when he goes on tour
y’all would have matching key chains uwu
your dates would consist of you two in isolated areas
where there’s not many people around
so no restaurants or theme parks
but lots of picnics and walking on the beach uwu
sorry but....
ok he’s literally Einstein as a kpop idol 😭
y’all are gnna study together
so if you’re failing in any subjects
don’t worry!!! Yedam will help you!!!
even if you don’t ask him too
the second he finds out your falling behind in any classes he will do his best to help you
mans is literally ranked no.1 in his own school
you’ll get those good grades ok!!
so you know how he has those plush key chains on his bag ????
would be a switch when cuddling
would be the big spoon and the little spoon
doesn’t really mind he just wants whatever makes you happy
but i kinda feel like he leans a little towards the big spoon side ????
is it just me ???
but like on days where he’s upset he has to be the little spoon
he just likes the feeling of you having your arms wrapped around him when he’s upset
brings him comfort and lets him be reassured that he has someone
I feel like he’s somewhat obsessed with your hair
he looked at it once while he was the big spoon and was like ‘you got really soft hair’
loves running his through it
he probably wants to style your hair too
but he’s too shy to ask :(
so when he stares at your hair vvv intensely
don’t say anything
just hand him the brush ok.
Yedam gets at 10/10 for being a good boyfriend !!
can somebody plz request a part 2
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flowerboyyoonbin · 5 years
Broken hearts masterlist
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[ fuckboy au, college au ]
❤︎ Choi Hyunsuk x gender neutral reader ❤︎
Summary: Choi Hyunsuk, a normal college boy who likes to party and sleep around, is about to experience the thing he hates and fears the most in the life: falling in love.
↳ Preview | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Warnings: swear words, mentions of drugs and alcohol
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speckofglitter · 5 years
1 - king - chs x wyk
word count ; 1.6k
genre ; partners in crime!au | fluff | angst
pairing ; gangleader!hyunsuk x y/n x gangleader!yukhei
warnings ; mentioned murder, attempted assault
‘Can’t you just ask someone else?’
‘They can’t even compare. They don’t move like our crew and you know that. I need a queen with my team.’ hyunsuk pleaded.
Hyunsuk had been begging you to join yammy gang for the past three weeks. Yammy gang was the strongest gang in town. Not only did hyunsuk and his gang control the entire town, they also protected the majority of the town from criminals and robbers. You could say they were a more realistic version of the avengers. Hyunsuk rarely recruited people for the gang, that was jihoon’s job but with you he felt like he needed a more personal approach. You were confident and witty and hyunsuk loved that about you. He needed someone who wasn’t afraid of taking risks and most importantly, someone who wasn’t intimidated by him. You were extroverted, logical and street smart. He knew you would be a necessary addition to the gang. You weren't only the missing piece, but the most powerful piece on the chess board.
His slim fingers decorated with silver rings tapped against your desk table, making you nervous. You had been friends with hyunsuk for a while and you were practically an unofficial member but you were a senior now and you just wanted to stay out of trouble. You had seen hyunsuk in pain many times before. Countless times you had seen him tending to his wounds, scraped knees and busted knuckles as you walked by his house, next to your own. Hyunsuk was the only name you ever knew to call when you were in trouble. Maybe one day if you bit your tongue hard enough, you would be able to forget his name.
You were one of the few people who really knew him. How he would run across town when the streets were asleep. How he would spend hours practicing dance when the city woke up, sacrificing his sleep. You would stop by the dance studio and watch him dance, sweat pouring like raindrops and breathing heavy. His movements were as bold as his personality. Hyunsuk had promised his parents that he would stop the gang and enroll in a professional dance company once he turned 22. He still had a few years to go but until then, he was basically leading a double life. Hyunsuk was a natural leader. Sometimes he was sharp and cold like mornings in january. He walked softly but his eyes screamed power. But most importantly, he treated everyone in yammy gang with respect and compassion. They were his second family.
He titled his head and smirked at you, grabbing your hands in his.
‘Princess you were meant for this. It’s only a matter of time before you join.’ he insisted.
He knew exactly what he was doing. Hyunsuk was the king of using his good looks to get everything he desired. You removed your hands from his, meeting his intense gaze as you looked up.
‘Fine, i’ll do it.’ you sighed.
Hyunsuk immediately started cheering, grabbing you into a tight hug. Not many people saw this side of 19-year-old choi hyunsuk. The soft and caring person that he was behind the shell of a protective figure.
‘BUT you have to buy me food whenever i want!’ you exclaim, raising a finger up.
‘Why do my good intentions always blow up in my face...’
young savage🤧💚: hustle and grind! time to get up princess🤑
y/n: can you not… this is not my idea of a cute good morning text
young savage🤧💚: don’t worry you’ll get those sooner or later 😉
y/n: just gonna pretend i didn’t read that,, n e ways i’ll be ready in 30 minutes
You chuckled to yourself as you read through your texts. Damn he was cute.
Hyunsuk picked you up exactly 30 minutes after he had received your last text. You got into his jeep as he drove away, speed put at the maximum. Your posture was stiff as you picked at the chipped nail polish on your fingers. It was your first day so you didn’t know what to expect.
‘So, where are we going?’ you questioned.
‘You’ll see.’ he quietly responded.
‘No mercy huh?’
‘You knew what you were getting into princess.’ he retorted as you sighed, looking out the window. The city was still dark, most of the city still asleep at 5 am.
After a 30 minute drive, hyunsuk stopped in front of an alleyway. He parked, running out to open the door on your side.
‘Follow me.’ he whispered.
You could feel a whole different atmosphere already. You walked behind him before he stopped. In front of you was a huge white wall. The words ‘don’t meddle unless you want some trouble’ along with the signature 'wyk' were spray-painted in red. Hyunsuk sighed, avoiding your eyes. He finally took his phone out, taking a picture of the menacing message.
'This must be from the rival gang nct. They killed a police officer here last week and I caught the murderer right before he escaped the crime scene. My sources say that they're planning something right now.  We especially need to keep an eye on Yukhei, he's the leader. That's gonna be your first mission. I need you to follow him.' he explained.
‘The sun hasn’t even come up and you want me to do what now?’
'I need you to take this chance ok? I know it's your first mission but just trust me. All you have to do is follow him around school. He goes to the same college but he hides his identity. He goes by the nickname Lucas.'
What could go wrong?
Here's exactly what went wrong.
The first few days were easy. Lucas would just go to classes, soccer practice and hang out with his friends. You didn't find out anything about him other than the fact that he was incredibly obnoxious.
You knew there had to be more. That's why you decided to venture into a territory that Hyunsuk had firmly warned you about, Yukhei's house. Getting there was easier than you thought. He threw a party every two weeks and the next one was tonight. You looked through your closet, taking out a low-cut top, ripped skinny jeans and a leather jacket. You wanted to look secretive and mysterious.
Isn't that what all bad boys are attracted to?
You heard loud hip-hop music playing as you entered Yukhei's gigantic house. If you thought you would pass by unnoticed, you were wrong. 'Hey isn't that y/n?' you heard mark excitedly scream. Mark had been your lab partner for a while and you were good friends but you also knew that you had very different affiliations. He was Yukhei's best friend.
'You look incredible' he slurred, eyeing you up and down.
'Back off fuckboy, i'm looking for Yuk- hmm Lucas. I need to talk to him.'
'Why would you talk to Lucas? I didn't know you two knew each other.' mark smirked, probably thinking you were one of lucas' girls. Girls who he would play with and then ditch a few days later. You decided to play along with that idea, asking mark to lead you to him.
'Hey Lucas? You wanna go get a drink?' you asked seductively, twirling your hair as you tried not to throw up from your actions. Lucas was too wasted to think clearly, following you as you pushed him into the nearest bathroom, caging him against the door.
'So, Yukhei, what are you planning now?'
His eyes were glued to your cleavage, completely tuning you out. What a fucking perv... Guess i need to play a game that interests him...
You pulled him close, hand in his hair as you kissed him deeply before abruptly pulling away.
'Damn princess..' he bit his lips, surprised at your confidence.
Princess. That's what Hyunsuk calls me...
'What? Choi Hyunsuk's little wifey not feeling so bold anymore?' he chuckled, lifting his hand to stroke your cheek.
He knew. He knew the entire time. That's why he hadn't been doing anything suspicious when you followed him... You were in deep shit.
Yukhei swiftly turned you around, hand pressed on your hip as he locked the door behind you, flashing you a million dollar smile.
'You've been a very naughty princess... You thought I wouldn't find out about your little games?' he whispered, nibbling on your ear lobe as you tried to move away from him. His hands were cold and his grip on your hips was deadly.
You decided to play along for now. It was the only way you would get out of there alive.
'I know following you was a bad idea... I just wanted to help Hyunsuk... It's really not like that with him.. He's my best friend..' you trailed off, hands roaming all over Yukhei's toned body as he stared at you, eyebrows raised. You took the opportunity to kiss him again, this time using tongue. He let out a groan, releasing your hips as he kissed you back. As soon as his hands were off you kicked him in the crotch, immediately turning back to unlock the door. You ran out of there, not looking back until you reached your house. Hyunsuk was waiting for you on top of his car, smoking a cigarette. He got up as he saw you running.
'Hey, what's wrong? You weren't supposed to follow Yukhei today, did something happen?' he questioned as you frantically looked around to make sure no one had been following you.
'Don't tell me you went to his party... Did he hurt you? I swear to god is that asshole touched you I will make sure he rots in jail.' he rambled on, holding your hands as he tried to get you to answer him.
'He knew... He knew about everything. He's watching us.' you finally answered him.
I tried out a very new concept for this fic so idk if you guys will like it lol. Btw this is just the first part. It’ll be a series.
masterlist - requests are open !!
- ya girl tiyi 💖
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yeppeojiwrites · 5 years
beauty and a beat 9: exita acta probat//multigroup crossover
title translation: (latin) the result justifies the deed
summary : you attend cix’s debut showcase and make some new friends.
pairings : oc!reader x byounggon and oc!reader x hyunsuk (feat. the silver boy gang, ab6ix, and daniel kang)
warnings : none
a/n : after like 12 years,,,here’s a chapter i’ve been putting off writing,,sorry for no read more, i’m on mobile
plain text is english
bold text is korean
italicized bold text is korean with honorifics
Your phone buzzed in your pocket as you sat in one of the seats in the VVIP portion of the South Korean olympic handball gymnasium’s balcony.
18:54 : New Snap from ¡vanessa!
You swiped on your screen to see what your friend sent to you. You pressed on her name and saw a blurry photo of your currently wide-eyed friend in her pitch black room, the only light source coming from her laptop with the caption, “ARE YOU NERVOUS?????”
You tapped your screen once to close the photo and took a blurry photo of your own face with the caption “WHY ARE YOU STILL AWAKE??? IT’S ALMOST 5AM” and sent it.
She quickly opened it and responded with a photo of her laptop screen with the vlive website opened to the “waiting room” of CIX’s debut livestream.
You shook your head and turned off your notifications before pocketing your phone. You decided to take a quick look around the area just to see your surroundings. Some masked figures stood around the area while others who you assumed were the group’s parents and family members sat in their seats.
You looked back to the stage and tapped your fingers in expectation. Suddenly, the seat next to you was filled, spooking you a bit.
“I’m sorry if I startled you.” the person bowed to you.
“It’s okay. Thank you for worrying though.” you bowed in response.
The two of you stood up and cheered as the lights on the stage dimmed.
After watching your friends perform their debut song, the person next to you, who you assumed was an idol because of their mask and cap, turned to you.
“So who are you here for?” he asked.
You hummed for a second as you thought. “Everyone.” you answered. “How about you?”
“Everyone.” he copied your tone. You smiled at him before turning back to look at the stage.
“How’d you know that I spoke Korean?” you turned towards him again.
“No one on that stage knows English well enough to get you a seat up here.” he laughed.
“What makes you think I speak English?” you teased.
“I saw you Snapchatting someone and the app was in English.” he responded.
“You’re really sharp.” you noted.
“I have to be, especially in my field.”
You nodded in agreement.
After a couple more minutes of standing, you sat down as the CIX members started their talking segment. After realizing just how short your shorts were, you tried to tug the hem down to stop them from riding up. After a couple of seconds of adjusting your shorts, the man sitting next to you took off their jacket and offered it to you.
“No, it’s okay.” you shook your head and sat still. The man sucked their teeth and sighed before proceeding to lay his jacket over your lap. He held his hands over yours when you tried to give him his jacket his back.
“You need it more than I do. Just give it back to me later, alright?” he bargained.
You frowned but agreed anyways. “Alright.”
The two of you talked throughout the rest of the showcase, the person next to him chiming in every once in a while with some kind of quip or a giggle.
Twenty minutes after the arena was cleared out, a few security guards came to the VVIP area to escort its occupants to the backstage area.
“Did you watch Treasure Box?” your seat-neighbor from earlier asked you.
“YG Treasure Box?” you whispered. The boy laughed and nodded.
“You don’t have to whisper it. Nothing bad will happen.” the other boy laughed.
“I didn’t want to bring back bad memories.” you explained. “But yes, I did watch it.”
“Did you have any favorites?” your seat-neighbor asked.
“From the final line-up?” you asked for clarification purposes.
The two boys shared a look before looking back at you.
“That works too.”
“Hmm...Hyunsuk and Junkyu are cool.” you answered absentmindedly.
The two boys shared another look.
“We think so too.”
When you finally made your way to the backstage area with your two unnamed friends, you met eyes with Byounggon. His eyes lit up when you smiled at him and widened a bit when he saw who you were with.
“I just realized that I still have your jacket.” you turned to the shorter boy and handed him his jacket. “Thanks for letting me borrow it.”
“No problem.” he answered.
Byounggon finally made his way over to the three of you and flicked the smaller boy’s hat up a bit to get a better look at him.
“So I see you met Hyunsuk and Junkyu.” Byounggon threw an arm around your shoulder.
“Hyunsuk and Junkyu?” you asked. The boys in question took off their hats and masks and revealed themselves to be Choi Hyunsuk and Kim Junkyu.
“Why didn’t you guys say anything?” you asked them.
Hyunsuk shrugged. “You never asked.”
“I thought it was weird that you guys asked about Treasure Box but I didn’t think that it was you guys.” you sighed.
“It made us laugh, so you’re fine.” Junkyu smiled at you.
“So what did you guys think of the show?” Byounggon asked the three of you.
“It was really good! I’m very proud of you.” you smiled at him.
“She teared up at the fanmeet part.” Junkyu informed Byounggon. Your eyes widened.
“No I didn’t.” you reassured Byounggon.
“She was t o t a l l y crying. You could probably hear her blubbering from the stage.” Hyunsuk teased.
“Oh so that’s what I heard on stage.” Byounggon played along. “It’s nice to know that you care about me.” Byounggon laughed.
“I can’t believe I’m being bullied like this by. Mashiho and Yedam have taken your places as my favorites.” You turned to face Byounggon. “And Yonghee is my favorite CIX member.”
All three of the boys gasped dramatically.
“We were joking, please take us back!” Junkyu begged.
You playfully rolled your eyes before moving Byounggon’s arm from it’s place over your shoulders.
“I’ll let you guys talk. I’m gonna go find somewhere to sit down.” you said before walking away.
“I’ll find you later.” Byounggon yelled over his shoulder. You hummed in response.
After searching around the area, you found a free spot on a couch and sat down. You greeted the other occupant, Daniel Kang, and he replied with a bow before turning back to his phone and typing, barely-audible laughs leaving his mouth every couple of seconds.
“I think you and Jihyo are really cute together.” you whispered to him.
“Thanks,” he smiled.
You pulled out your own phone and checked your messages.
“Hey!” you heard a high pitched voice say from in front of you. You looked up and met eyes with Daehwi and Woong.
“Hey Daehwi!” Daniel quickly stood up and hugged the boy tightly. He turned to the other boy and greeted him. “Jeon Woong, right?”
Woong nodded. “Just call me Woong.”
Daehwi’s attention turned to you.
“Oh I know you! You’re Chan-hyung’s girlfriend, right?” Daehwi asked you.
Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Stray Kids Chan?” you asked in confusion. Daehwi nodded hesitantly.
“He said that we’re dating?” you felt nervous.
“Well...no...but I just assumed because- nevermind.” Daehwi shook his head.
The two other boys watched the exchange curiously.
“That’s Chan’s girlfriend?” Woong attempted to whisper to Daehwi.
You and Daehwi shook your heads at the same time.
“Definitely not.” you clarified.
Woong and Daniel shared a look before looking at you again.
“Anyways...I’m Daehwi and this is Woong-hyung.” Daehwi introduced himself and his groupmate. “But you already knew that, right?”
You nodded. “Of course. Your debut was really good by the way.”
The two boys thanked you.
“So who are you here for?” Woong asked you.
“All of them.” you answered.
“Hmm...I don’t know. You and Byounggon looked pretty close earlier~” Woong teased.
“Ooh~” Daehwi instigated.
“I see why you and Daehwi are in the same group.” you laughed. “But we’re just friends. I’m only friends with everyone.”
“That’s debatable.” Jinyoung chimed in from behind Daehwi, patting himself with a towel as he stood next to Woojin.
“There’s a second source.” Daniel said as he put his phone in his pocket.
“Byounggon and (Y/N) have an interesting...relationship.” Jinyoung wriggled his eyebrows at you.
You cleared your throat.
“Enough about Byounggon and I’s relationship...” you diverted. “Or lack therof. Let’s talk about Jinyoung’s relationship with the stage. You were amazing up there.”
“Aw thanks.” Jinyoung sat next to you on the couch. “You should debut too.”
You snorted. “This industry wasn’t made for me. I’m fine with making music behind the scenes.”
“You make music?” Daniel asked.
“She used to make music with with Stray Kids but now she works with Ateez. She made a bunch of other songs too.” Daehwi answered.
“Weren’t you signed with JYP?” Jinyoung asked. You nodded.
“I was on a contract for two mini-albums just to see how we would work together.”
“They didn’t offer you a full producing contract?” Daehwi gasped.
“They did but KQ Entertainment had a better offer so I took theirs.” you replied. “And it’s not like I’m too far away from JYP anyways so I can visit my friends if they’re available. My mom was really worried about me being alone while I’m here so she made sure I that wouldn’t be too far away.”
“How old are you?” Woong asked.
“My Korean age is 19 but I’ll be 20 in November.” you answered.
“So you’re my noona, right?” Daehwi leaned forward.
You cringed. “I’m just a few months older than you, don’t worry about honorifics.”
“Hey, (Y/N)!” you looked up and saw Byounggon waving you over as he stood against the wall.
“The boyfriend calls~” Jinyoung snickered. The boys you were sitting with let out a collective “Ooh~” as you stood up.
“I’ll see you guys later.” you said while shaking your head with an embarrased smile.
You walked over to Byounggon leaned against the wall so that you were perpendicular to the way that he was facing.
“So...” you started.
“What did you think of the showcase?”
“I already told you. It was amazing to see you up there.” you assured him.
“Really?” he smiled. You nodded.
“I’m really proud of you.”
He turned to face you. “Would you come to our first comeback showcase?”
“Depends on when it is.”
He leaned in closer and you leaned back.
“Aren’t you being too bold?” you laughed.
“Am I?” he smirked. He looked you up and down once. “I like your outfit.”
“Thank you.” You looked him up and down. “I like the white.”
“I do too but it gets dirtier than the blue does.” he sighed. “The coordi-noonas scold us a lot.”
“I guess you have to be more careful.” you smiled.
“I guess I have to since you’re telling me.”
“You wouldn’t listen to anyone else?”
“I’d listen to you first.”
You looked down and shook your head.
“I’ll have to leave soon. It’s getting late.” you informed him.
He pouted slightly but nodded in understanding.
“Do you want me to get you a taxi?” he asked.
“No it’s fine.” you assured him. “I’ll text you when I get home, alright?”
“Okay.” he pulled you into a goodbye hug. You hugged him back.
“Aww~” the boys on the other side of the room chorused.
“I’m really really proud of you. Congrats on your debut, Byounggon.” you whispered.
He tightened his grip around your waist.
“Thank you for coming to support me.” he whispered back.
“Thank you for getting me tickets to come support you.”
“You still owe me for that.” he said as he pulled away from you.
“What do I owe you?” you asked him.
“I’ll figure it out.” he tapped your nose. “Get home safely, alright?”
“Good luck with your music show performance tomorrow.” you pat his shoulder.
“You’re gonna leave without saying goodbye?” you heard as you left. You looked over and saw Hyunsuk and Junkyu waiting in the lobby of the concert venue.
“I thought you guys left already!��� you walked over to them. “Are you guys leaving soon?”
Junkyu nodded. “Our manager is coming to get us.”
You nodded in understanding.
“Will you watch our debut showcase too?” Hyunsuk asked you.
“Of course. I’ll even rearrange my schedule just to see you guys.”
“What if we don’t debut?” Junkyu asked. Hyunsuk elbowed him.
“Then I’ll put in a good word for you guys at Seven Seasons.” you countered.
They laughed.
“We’ll see you around, (Y/N).” Hyunsuk smiled at you.
“For sure.”
ayy lmao things have been kinda busy this summer and i’ve been doing a lot of procrastinating but,,,i updated!!!
this update kinda sucks but i promise it’ll get better!! these are just the filler chapters until i get to the good part (spoiler: a reality show)
thanks for reading :)) i really appreciate it
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inlovewithjunkyuala · 5 years
betrayer!mafia au
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quote : "I don't care if I fall in love with a devil, as long as that devil will love me the way he loves hell."
type : social media au
paring : jihoon × hyunsuk
chapters : | part one | part two | part three |
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mashijunkyus · 5 years
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Cream with nothing but your love on top
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http-asahi · 4 years
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