justanechoflower · 3 months
*I place a flower plushie next to flowey and places a frisk doll next to frisk then I leave them alone*
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(They don't need plushies when they have each other! And… oh wow, they're already asleep. How cute!)
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the-white-soul · 5 months
So you hate all players? Is there a reason why? You don’t have to answer, I’m just curious
(For everyone who has already heard why you should still read since I’ll put in more lore.)
(Kara) “A long time ago I was put in a weird route of Ch. 3. It was actually a test run and Toby’s changed the game idea but I realized how messed up players were because of controlling others into their and others worse fears. To say I hate all of them is not entirely true even though I once did but in all reality now I don’t hate the people who do it. They don’t understand that we’re alive so all I try to do now is stop the genocide runs. Right now I’m fixing this universe but I’ll help others later.”
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justanechoflower · 4 months
Congratulations! So does this mean that Flowey and frisk have to share things now? Even all the candy gifts?
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justanechoflower · 5 months
Hey Flowey. Got a question! Are we friends?
I mean, I'm moots with Nat, but how bout you and me?
'm I someone you'd trust in a hypothetical life-or-death scenario?
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Flowey: Unless someone else proves they are worthy and willing!
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justanechoflower · 2 months
Wowie! Nice to meet you Carter! Oh my goodness don’t turn around! There’s an unending void behind you! Unless you like that sorta thing.
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Flowey: I think he just have fell into the core or done some other stupid thing to erase himself from the world. That’s why no one can remember who the murderer is, even Grillby! Its gotta be this kid.
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justanechoflower · 8 months
Huh, Flowey do you liked getting hugged? I’m curious due to how different flowers feel about different kinds of affection.
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justanechoflower · 11 months
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justanechoflower · 9 months
Flowey, are you a grinch? I mean you’re already mostly green!
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justanechoflower · 11 months
So little flower, do you have any favorite games? Just curious, since playing games is my main hobby and I hope we can both share in it! Especially now that you can play with your small baby hands.
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justanechoflower · 10 months
Hey im curious, I know another Flowey and wanted some advice! Firstly I know another Flowey, so how can I get them to eat healthier things and not get cavities?
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M!A Count:
5/20 - Cavity risk
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justanechoflower · 10 months
Greetings, I am curious about your favorite holiday Flowey. Also do you think you’ve been a good little flower for Santa?
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justanechoflower · 11 months
Swearing and having a thing for knives? And you even became a human just like them! Maybe you and Chara aren’t so different, right? Or I’m just overthinking things!
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justanechoflower · 8 months
My pleasure for the cat.
Now, what's your opinion on other alternative Floweys?
If you're aware of them of course.
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(I am aware many don't know the floweys on the right side so I'll add the blogs they're from below the cut if anyone wants to check them out.)
Underbinary - @/eandcheckmark
Goldy - @/tremendouslamppaperhero
Shadow flowey - @/r8mix
FT! Flowey - @/foulphilosopherft
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justanechoflower · 8 months
So Flowey, from all the characters in the game (or games if you want to add the FanMades) which is your favourite?
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(AUs Flowey likes/ has friend in but would not like to say so I will hehe:
@pinkmistle06 (Pink) @the-white-soul (Kara) @foulphilosopherft (Gaster) @tremendouslamppaperhero (Goldy) @eandcheckmark-reblogs (I'm sorry he doesn't like anyone as much as the others but he is very interested in your varitions of how things work also UB!Flowey counts some)
(He has more friends don't worry!!! Those I did not tag do not get your hopes down because that's only because you don't have an undertale character he connects with. Hence why I did not tag @nyanthenyan or @grauntiemotersblog for that reason specifically even though you are friends (or for grauntie, his adoptive mother))
(So yeah, while some he feels don't matter, not everyone is just a copy!)
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