#trevelyan trio
oopsallmabari · 2 years
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my favorite Siblings With Issues heehee
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thefathersbride · 11 months
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Your power, it gave me new life Made me reborn and refined Rebuilt from inside And we both know why (x)
another @redreart commission from a while back, this time with my inky Dagmar Trevelyan and Cullen Rutherford ❤️
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For good (Neira), For bad (Liam) and Family/leave for June!
[ask game]
Hi Mo, thank you for the ask! :]
For Good (Neira): Is there anyone in your OC's life who had an undeniable positive impact on who they are as a person? How did knowing this person improve your OC's life?
Oh man, a bunch! First of all Jowan, who was the closest family she had for practically all her life. Then.. honestly, pretty much all of the blight companions. As a group, the support and family and bond they shared in a time where they all needed it most. Alistair who she could share the burden of their experiences with. Wynne who gave her a sense of stability and taught her a lot of the skills she uses now. Leliana who made her see life's small beauties. And so on..
For Bad (Liam): Is there anyone who had an undeniable negative impact on your OC’s life? How did your OC deal with that change? Have they been able to move on?
Well. I could name the obvious ones like Cory and Meredith and Quentin lol. Who all had a big part in fucking up his life! Depending on where you put the blame, the Arishok. Liam certainly blames him. For wreaking havoc in the city, for Isabela leaving, for almost killing him and permanently fucking up his back. And Leandra. She is far from being a solely negative presence in his life, but it's also undeniable that her mistakes as a mother impacted him pretty bad. Did he move on? Well, depending on the timeline, nope! <3 When he survives the Fade though he manages to work past it.
Family (June): What's your OC's family like? Is it a family of blood, choice, or something else? How does your OC feel about their blood relations? If they have a family of choice, how did they come together?
In one word? Religious! Her biological family, anyway. She hasn't been in contact with her parents since she was sent to the Circle, and neither with her middle sister (who, last she knew, was on her way to be a Templar). She does eventually get in touch with her eldest sister again though. As for found family.. There are many things she hates about the Inquisition era, but making a new family is not one of them. Now she has a QPP and best friends and the Chargers spread all across Thedas! Which is something she never would have imagined.
Exit (June): Has your OC ever had someone important leave their life in a way that was unremarkable, unintentional, or clumsy? How do they feel about it? Is there any chance they'll meet again?
Tbh i still have not given her Circle life much though but i'm sure there were one or two people who at some point decided that associating with her was too risky. She wasn't exactly a model student and well, not everyone likes pushing their luck with the Templars. I think June's reaction would've been something between disappointment and contempt, for as much as she tried not to get too attached to anyone it's kind of impossible not to. Meeting again? Unlikely. If they didn't have the guts to stand up for themselves then she doesn't recon they held up well after the rebellion either.
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ammoniteflesh · 1 year
I think it's really cool when people put their Inquisitor & Hawke & Warden together in fic and let them interact. and I would also love to do that. but I know in my heart of hearts that it would just end in Ghila & Maryam fight to the death while Thren throws a literal tantrum over not being the centre of attention.
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cityandking · 5 months
trevelyan siblings inquisition au. companion!vepser & inquisitor!rosie trevelyan. 1.5k.
in the world where rosaline trevelyan emerges from the breach alive, hand glowing and newly contemplating a faith she thought she had left behind, vesper stumbles into haven at sunset near a week later, haggard and half-starved and leading a quartet of faltering apprentices.
rosie is gone when she gets there, ridden east to the hinterlands with her newfound companions, and so it is something of an unpleasant surprise when the mage apostate claims to be of the house trevelyan. there is much discussion among the inner circle (which is, at that point, only the advisors) about what to do with her, and the children, until the herald returns, and vesper politely offers to spend the night in the dungeon, because there is at least a roof for their heads and a thin stew for their bellies.
(one of the apprentices eats until she is sick, and vesper holds her hair through the night, keeps watch. old habits, you know.)
(one of them, sickly and frail already, dies in the night. all vesper can muster is hollow exhaustion.)
there are questions aplenty in the morning: who is she (vesper trevelyan, youngest daughter of bann raymond trevelyan of ostwick and lady valérie hirondelle of val chevin); where is she from (the circle at ostwick); why is she here (for the conclave); how is she alive (they were late on account of the apprentice’s illness and saw the explosion from afar); why have they come to haven (they saw smoke and sought shelter).
in the end, leliana finds her harmless enough, and she and the children are given meager quarters and a guard (for their protection or for that of the town is unclear) and allowed to wait for rosie’s final judgement.
(a sentence would be far kinder than waiting for the word of a sister she has not spoken to in some fifteen years, but that choice, like so many others, is not hers to make.)
she is lucky; rosie returns within the day with the good word of a chantry mother and a trio of companions vesper cannot in her wildest dreams imagine her sister willingly befriending. they all disappear into the chantry, and it is hours before her elder sister emerges.
it is one thing to be told chance has turned your sister into the last hope of the world; it is another to see it for yourself. as far as vesper can tell, all she looks is older.
it is not a pleasant reunion.
rosie is unfailingly cold, sharp-edged as ever. it has been a long, long time but vesper remembers her sister’s anger and the subtle cruelty of it. this, at least, is not the willful hurt of their youth. there is something more desperate about it, and vesper understands desperation like a native tongue, one they now share. in the end she is allowed to stay so long as she makes herself useful, so she does.
it is something of a comfort to be a hedgewitch rather than a rebel apostate, to put her skills to work as a healer, to craft complex wards to keep scouts and soldiers safe. the spymaster watches her work at first, and eventually wariness warms to quiet friendship. she takes a swift liking to the dwarf and his stories, and a shy liking to the commander. she learns a great deal from the elven apostate, about magic and the fade and living beyond a circle. she watches from afar as her sister collects followers and faithful as though she were andraste herself, and is oddly grateful to be near her through this.
when the time comes for rosie to choose a side and close the breach, her sister looks her in the eyes and elects to work with the mages in Redcliffe, and asks if vesper will come with. it is, vesper thinks, the first time they have truly seen each other in some twenty years.
(there is a long, forgotten year that follows, and vesper survives through burning anger long enough to send her sister back to try again. it is a good thing to forget those horrors. it is a better thing to be sure they never happened at all.)
a handful of mages march back with them, a vanguard to lend their aid in sealing the breach, and it is odd to be among them again, like wearing old clothes that no longer fit. she avoids their glances, walks quietly with the seeker instead and tries not to think too much of the knowing glances leveled at her.
“the herald did a good thing here,” cassandra says quietly as they bed down for the night, bone-weary. “perhaps you should speak to her of it.”
“my sister has never valued my judgement,” vesper tells her, bluntness born of surprise, but she seeks out her sister anyways. she finds her staring deep into the fire, and does not say anything as she sits, only offers silent invitation.
the trevelyan children have always been particularly good at reading each other. how else would they know where to hit where it most hurts?
(”you were so real,” rosie says when the fire is almost embers. vesper glances in her direction to see her staring at the burnished glow. the light turns her hair copper. “it was like a dream, but you were so real. you called me posie.”
it is an old, old nickname, and hearing it here, now— something catches in versper’s throat. but she has never been one to make a scene; she swallows it away.
“you all died, so I could come back.”
“you can end it,” vesper says quietly. rosie looks up.
“I know,” she says, and there is new-forged iron in her voice. it is strange to hear such decisiveness from her, from roxie’s shadow. perhaps they have both grown more than vesper has realized. “I will. will you stay?”
vesper had not even thought to leave. “yes.”
“good.” and she is quiet again. vesper finds herself smiling at the fading fire. a little care and attention, she thinks inexplicably, and it will roar back to life. there is something comforting in that.)
there are things to see to when they return, and vesper is relieved to escape the scrutiny of the mages and rosie’s companions alike. she watches from the chantry as her sister seals the hole in the sky.
the festivities are a nice change of pace. the attack is more of the same.
it is harder than she cares to admit to follow the commander, half wanting to linger in wait for her sister and knowing that this sacrifice will mean nothing if they do not flee.
the worst of it comes when her companions stumble out of the snow and smoke without her.
(there is magic, she wants to say, but the words stick in her throat, forbidden. there are magics of blood and binding she can do to find her, to find out if—
rosie stumbles out of the wind and snow hours after sunset and vesper’s relief leaves her shaking, and there is something awful about it, about caring so much and wanting it so little.
she is there when rosie wakes, and neither speak of it. there is far too much between them, around them, weighing upon them. there is far too much, and far too little time. some things must wait.)
skyhold is a comfort. there is something humming through the stone, some old magic that is almost familiar, and it is the most at home she has felt perhaps since she was a girl. leliana allows her a workstation to call her own off the gardens, and rosie brings her along now and again on her travels and it is— there is something free about it. something of worth. something far more fulfilling than she has ever imagined might exist.
rosie’s companions are a strange sort, and it takes her a long time to realize she counts among them, and that realization, more than anything, has her seeking out her sister, asking why.
“I don’t think we’ll ever fix it,” rosie says, and vesper does not need to ask what it is; there is bad blood aplenty between them, burnt bridges and thick walls. but there is trick with burning—fields must be scorched clean so life may grow fresh. “but maybe we can make it a little better. the whole world is changing, sister. I think maybe we can try to be better people with it.”
rosie, vesper discovers, is a leader she is proud to follow.
(she is right; it is not fixed, and some days they find their old soft spots and dig in until the whole keep simmers with that old, cruel bitterness. but some days are not all days, and slowly, slowly, they fill the space between them with something akin to friendship.)
(helene shows up at skyhold six weeks after they declare rosaline trevelyan inquisitor, and that is a whole new dynamic to this particular disaster, but this generation of trevelyans are nothing if not unpredictable.
besides. vesper’s a fan of anything that will leave father rolling in his grave. some battles are worth the sweat and blood, and she has missed having a family.)
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panther-os · 9 months
(sort of) tagged by @boxonthenile
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I don't know as many people as I have WIPs so I'm going to tag my mutuals-who-write-iirc and then list as many titles as I can before I run out of ones I actually want to talk about.
@atohii @reconstructwriter @sneaky-witch-thief @floresparabeatrice @spid3r-trans @noxsoulmate @blackat-t7t @necrocotta @blackbirds-on-the-marsh @overlordraax @mogseltof
Seelos Trio Time Travel Fix-It
Silas/Mace fic
the force says fuck it
Clone Pairbonds Fix-It
Kill Your Darlings
the spiderchatfic that got away from me
Trevelyan Twins
Avernus' Legacy
the great clone bake off
pavitr syscovery
arcehn + naml found by wolfpack
5 times hobie brown acted his age
how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
in the land near the water
in the morning when I die
the adventures of major broody at blood gulch outpost no. 1
911 sense8 fusion
Fenders and the Blighted Titan
Dalish Demigod Fenris
Cryptid Clone Grandma Yaddle
if mace windu had an akk puppy
Scotty + Fedtenants
he got a belly button
SciFantasy Clone Battalions
Lærke/Lathnan Justfenders Past-Velanders
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crackinglamb · 9 months
AO3 Year End Roundup, 2023
Normally, I'd do this in a couple days, but we're close enough for government work (and I'm on a deliberate break anyhow, so nothing new is being posted). Normally this would also be a tag game, but I haven't seen it floating around yet, so...
Hey, you wanna do your own roundup? Go for it. Yes, I mean you (looking at you, DAFF crew). Consider this an open invite. Tag me back so I can see what y'all have been up to.
Words posted: 241,283 . This total has had subtracted from it the amount that already existed for the fic that carried over from last year (which was WG, of course). So this is actually what I posted this year.
Additional Words Written: ~166K. I have several WIP's going on in the background. One of which is finished and will begin posting after New Year's. Another of which is about halfway done. The rest are...procrastination projects/getting the wiggles out. They may never see the light of day. But they count as writing, so they are included.
Grand total of words: 407, 283 (goodness gracious)
Fandoms: 2
Works: 12, 11 of which were new.
Highest Kudos: Into the Current, at 271 (just like last year, I'm not counting WG since it wasn't new). The Iron Bull/OFC, rated E, 79K words, complete.
Highest Hit Oneshot: The Mighty Fall, at 706. Sookie Stackhouse/Eric Northman. Rated T, 2900 words.
New Things I Tried: I wrote a trio of fics for True Blood/Southern Vampire Mysteries this year. The WIP that's finished and waiting for the new year is a continuation of this series.
I also posted a ficlet I'd originally posted here on tumblr for archiving purposes. Some Years Into the Future...
Fic I Spent the Most Time On: Driftwood, my Bullmance series. Writing ItC itself wasn't particularly long, about two months, but T3, the next fic, is still being written. At first it was all going to be one long fic, but then I decided I've had enough of epics (meaning any work significantly over 100K words), and split it into parts.
Fic I Spent the Least Time On: The Mighty Fall. I have finally gotten to use the tag 'I wrote this instead of sleeping'. 🤣
Favorite Thing I Wrote: Usually, I have trouble with this category. I'm poly, you know. But this year, I actually DO have a fave. Okay...I have two.
How Deep the Bullet Lies - a gift for @rosella-writes, for the Solas Lovers Exchange. Solas/Cassandra Pentaghast with a whumpy open ending. Rated M, 4200 words.
More Than Mere Stone - a gift for my beloved @ir0n-angel in the same exchange. Solas/F!Trevelyan, pure fluff. Rated G, 1500 words.
Favorite Thing I Read: In Twain, by CatC. It's everything I wanted in a 'background character gets caught up in events' fic. With a sizzlingly hot Bullmance and So Much Cole. I think I've read it three or four times already. At least. If you need something comforting and wonderful, I cannot recommend it enough. It's simply delightful, and so is the author. Rated E, 172K words, WIP.
Something I Finished: I did it, at long last. I finished What a Wicked Game to Play. It was the focus of NaNo (and took literally three days once I put my mind to it, hence much of the other writing I did that hasn't been published). It feels really good to have my beloved Behemoth marked with a green checkmark. The story itself isn't finished, and I'll eventually write more for Imogen and Co., but for now, it is Done.
Writing Goals for 2024 – Keep on keeping on. I want to finish T3, so I can start posting it. I want to finish a couple other things from the WIP list. There will of course be a new Fluffuary prompt list. Biggest goal, however, is simply not to burn myself out. I've started waiting to publish until a fic is finished, which has done wonders for my stress levels. No more posting gaps on an in-progress fic.
Allow me to Gush about some things I wrote this year.
(Otherwise known as: honorable mentions)
Out of the Dark - Lark Cadash was once going to have an epic fic to her name. But I'm Tired, and frankly, I'm bored with rewriting the events of DA:I over and over again. So I've turned her into a series, where I can just put up oneshots and short chaptered things in no particular order that add up to one big story. This is one of them. Post-canon, Lark goes into the Deep Roads to find the answer to a riddle that's bugged her for her entire life. She gets more than she asked for, with a side serving of sad Solas. I've had many of the headcannons included in it for a long time, with no home. Now, they're out there in the world. Rated G, 4800 words.
What Lies Beneath - my actual giftfic for the Solas Lovers Exchange. I had such fun writing this, and had ideas for it as soon as I received the assignment. I got to set something in the Hissing Waste, which is one of my favorite places in the game, as well as write a polyship for my two favorite romances. F!Cadash/Solas/Iron Bull, rated T, 3400 words.
Maker Damned Fools - back in 2020, I wrote a Varric/Hawke short little thing for the first Fluffuary. I always wanted to go back and expand it into a fuller story. Add it to the pile of Things I Finished This Year. From their meeting to post-canon. Rated E, 32K words.
What a Wicked Game to Play - *deep satisfied sigh* It took two years and ten months to complete, with near constant weekly updates. It's 412K words by itself (not counting the rest of the series). It contains about 350 embedded images of either screenshots or fanart. It is both the highest hit (over 90K) and highest kudo'd (1535) work on my archive. Affectionately known as 'the Behemoth', extensively written with my signature yeeting of canon. Imogen McLean, MGIT, Inquisitor, beloved of Fen'Harel. I am stupendously proud of this work, but I am also incredibly happy it's done. I set out to write an epic, and I damn well succeeded. Rated E.
See y'all on the flipside! 💕
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persephoneggsy · 1 year
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I’ll probably ink + color this later, but for now I just wanted to get this AU idea out there. A Mass Effect Andromeda x Dragon Age AU, because of course.
EDIT: complete!
Details below!
Featuring, from left to right:
Marian Hawke:
Having come to Andromeda with her younger siblings in hopes of starting a new life after their parents died, Marian was initially a part of the Nexus’s security team. She was trained as a powerful biotic as well as a skilled medic. After the Andromeda Initiative proved incompetent (at least, in her eyes), she grabbed her siblings and joined the other exiles on Kadara Port.
The Hawke family soon established themselves as a trio of talented mercenaries and smugglers, and found more success on their own than they ever would’ve had they stayed with the Initiative.
At least, that’s what Marian figured. Her view on the Initiative begins to change when she crosses paths with the human Pathfinder…
Sebastian Vael:
As the grandson of one of the first humans to go through a mass relay and explore beyond their solar system, Sebastian always dreamed of following in his grandfather’s footsteps. Following a troubled youth, he got back on track with his dream when he joined the Alliance and rose through the ranks, eventually earning the coveted N7 designation and the praise of his superiors. His military career drew the attention of an Andromeda Initiative recruiter, who came to him with the opportunity of a lifetime.
Sebastian eagerly accepted her proposal, though many raised an eyebrow at such a young man being named Pathfinder. He was determined to prove his worth, and to many, he earned that respect as he rose to every challenge Andromeda threw at him.
Still, there are many who continue to scoff at his youth, and yet more disagree with his decisions. It doesn’t help that there’s a rumor flying about that claims Sebastian has become romantically involved with the infamous exile and smuggler, Marian Hawke.
Hildegarde Trevelyan:
Hildegarde’s entire family joined the Initiative, and she wound up getting swept along with them. That isn’t to say she doesn’t believe in the Initiative’s mission, but she was hesitant at the prospect of never returning to her home galaxy.
Her anxiety was calmed somewhat when she learned that a childhood friend of hers was going to be their Pathfinder, and that he’d asked for her specifically due to her background as a xenoanthropologist — someone who studies other alien cultures would surely be an asset in a new, uncharted galaxy. And because she’s a trained biotic, she was put on Sebastian’s ground team.
Hildegarde flourishes in the new galaxy, finding a confidence and sense of self-worth that had eluded her back in the Milky Way. And it’s with this newfound confidence that she decides a pursue a relationship with Cullen, a Nexus militia fighter who joined their team after their arrival.
Cullen Rutherford:
A model Alliance soldier, Cullen opted to join the Andromeda Initiative after he became enamored with the idea of pioneering a new era of space exploration. However, while that’s partially true, the main reason he joined the Initiative was for a new beginning; a mission gone horribly wrong back in the Milky Way left him the sole survivor of his unit, and he was traumatized as a result. While he was eventually declared fit for duty, he found it difficult to focus when nearly everything reminded him of those awful days.
Going to Andromeda got him away from those reminders, while still giving him the chance to do something good. He joined the Nexus’s security division, briefly met Marian while there, and fought on the Initiative’s side during the rebellion, though his faith in the Initiative had begun to waver.
With the arrival of the human Pathfinder and an ark, however, he found a renewed sense of purpose, asking to be placed on the Pathfinder’s crew. Sebastian welcomed him to the team, and Cullen found himself growing unexpectedly close to their resident xenoanthropologist, Hildegarde.
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alexsrandomramblings · 2 months
Welp, my creating simultaneously existing characters for every race/class combination continues on fram Lavellan to Trevelyan. Though this time, it's three brothers and their cousin.
Don't ask me why I went two warriors plus rogue and mage this round rather than mage/warrior/rogue like with the Lavellan trio. That's just how my brain chose to work.
Also, the Trevelyans are supposed to be this large extended family anyway, so why the fuck not?
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Do you have any ocs besides Al and his sister? I would love to know about all of them!
... *looks over to closet door stuffed with OCs* maybe.
A lot of them are dragon age, such as the Origins trio Cahel Mahariel, Cherche Mahariel (belongs to reallyfuckinggay), and Miris Tabris. Then there's the 2 Duo, Avery Hawke and Moses Hawke (belongs to reallyfuckinggay). Finally there's the Inquisition 7 which include Kaaras Lavellan-Adaar, Akri Lavellan-Adaar, Jackel Lavellan (belongs to reallyfuckinggay), Hissra (reallyfuckinggay), Aeronwen Trevelyan, Ian Trevelyan, and Owain Trevelyan.
And that's just my canon run. Non canon Shepards include MK Shepard, Calliope Shepard, and Jacob Shepard. I have non canon Wardens (Rose Cousland, Vonnar Brosca, Zara Aeducan) too. I also have a Solavellan kid named Conan Lavellan-Aclassi and an eventual DA4 character named Isana Stonebreaker.
If you wanna know about any of my kids, just let me know!
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etdraconis · 3 months
( okay I’ve decided that for the sake of RP and me trying to actually get organized for once in my life I will have three main Dragon Age world states!
Default/main state: Amara Cousland as Hero of Ferelden, Leanore Hawke as Champion of Kirkwall, Evelyn Trevelyan as Inquisitor.
Or as I like to call it, my Bad Ass Lady Trio state. Unless otherwise discussed or requested I will default to these three with any other Warden, Hawke, or Inquisitor OCs of mine being companions for their main verses. The other two world states however include:
Secondary state, or as I like to call it the “Feral Hobgoblin Trio”: Aurelia Tabris as HoF, Callum Hawke as Champion, Declan Trevelyan as Inquisitor
The world of Thedas may get saved. Or it may end up burning instead. It’s yet to be determined.
Lastly the “Gay Mage Boys” trio: Oliver Amell (actually pansexual but we’ll forgive that technicality), Kenton Hawke, and Maxwell Trevelyan.
They’ll get the shit done, kiss their handsome men, and mostly avoid fucking shit up. … mostly.
A couple of my wardens also have HoF verses, and my Lavellan does as well. But for the most part they are all simply companions for the Warden, Hawke, or Inquisitor :) )
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oopsallmabari · 2 years
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they’re just THE SAME she was meant to be his shadow he was meant to lead her by EXAMPLE she spent years and years chasing after him!!!!
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For this worldstate I've changed the names of my canon pwotagonists, for various reasons:
Raleigh has become Warden Lachlan Cousland.
He's still a S-n-S Warrior and I'm still on the bi modding life to make him Alistair's Prince-Consort. I decided that DA2 and DA:I using she/her pronouns for him and calling him Queen is based on an incident of homophobia that him and Ali decided to Own as their running gag.
*I mainly changed this one because I completely forgot about canon!Raleigh and never stopped feeling guilty about the bad associations the name must have brought up for Leliana. I also remade his face because I originally... accidentally gave him face tattoos that look uncannily like vallaslin, no thanks to the character creator.
Ashe has become Shannon Hawke.
*Not much has changed about her otherwise, she's still a Double Daggers Rogue and still romances Isabela, but the polyamory life with Isabela and Merrill is way too good to pass up, let's be honest here.
*I picked the first name because it sounded like it could be somewhat androgynous, and it is, and 'Ashe Hawke' just sounds cool to say, but unfortunately it just didn't sound Fereldan enough to me by the end of the game. Her new name basically means 'wise' if memory serves and that does fit her Class Clown-but-secretly-pretty-intelligent act (65% Purple, 23% Blue, 12% Red).
Lester has become Inquisitor Wolfram Trevelyan.
*He changed the most out of the three. His love interest also changed from a modded Blackwall to The Iron Bull. This is not a mark against Thom in any way, I'm still in love with him, but I do think Bull fits my character better (I would totally poly him/Thom/Bull/Dorian if I could, but alas) I'm even redesigning his looks when I get to Inquisition, which I didn't really do for the other two, sans the aforementioned lore correction.
*His name changed not only to sound more like it would come out of Ostwick, as well as bringing up his wolf-motif to contrast with Solas' own, which I'm gonna try to color code in-game too. He's still a Knight-Enchanter to further parallel his antagonist and to round out my Warrior-Rogue-Mage trio.
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I want to go back to a time before it was too late.
Shaeranni Carrimack, the adopted ward of the Trevelyan estate, and the third companion to the terrible trio, beside Jayhon and Dayton. 
She was also my very first Inquisitor. Over the last few years she’s been promoted from self-insert to original character, however I’m still proud and shameless about all of it🌿
UPRIGHT: Grief, sorrow, separation.
REVERSED: Healing, forgiveness, reconciliation.
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thefathersbride · 1 year
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queen jayna cousland (da: origins) // champion iris hawke (da ii) // inquisitor dagmar trevelyan (da: inquisition)
I was tagged by @baldurians and @fenharel to create some OCs with this picrew, and this time I chose to do my DA ladies trio! Because it has been a while, I am not tagging anyone except YOU, if you have not been tagged yet! :)
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mageofholyandraste · 2 years
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I saw @galpal95 extend the invitation, so to speak, to make some OCs in this picrew and I’ve made so many in it that it’s time for my main Dragon Age trio. I don’t even have anyone else to tag, but I’m sharing my appreciation for this picrew :>
If you wanna do this/see this, consider yourself tagged!
In order of appearance: Livia Cousland (she/her), Thomas Hawke (he/him), Valeria Trevelyan (she/her)
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