farlydatau · 1 year
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A Tribe Called Quest Vintage Hip Hop Typography Art Streetwear Retro 90's ATCQ Graphic
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neverwednesday · 2 years
wednesday w her pigtails ending in nooses... wednesday with claws.... wednesday with fangs............. somewhat auburnish eyes with gold flecks...... canon
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enternecersarc · 2 years
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    it  was  not  easy,  losing  someone  so  close  and  dear  to  you.  hayley  unfortunately  had  grown  all  too  familiar with  grief  and  loss,  something  which  she  had  tried  to  protect  her  daughter  from  and  failed.  in  fact,  it  was  her  biggest  failure  to  this  day,  that  hope  had  lost  her  father  and  uncle.  now?  finding  out  her  daughter  had  killed  her  greatest  love  too?  hayley  could  feel  the  familiar  bitter  taste  on  her  tongue.  it  was  not  fair.  ❝  hope?  ❞  the  woman  called  out,  knocking  on  her  daughter’s  door  as  concern  washed  over  her  features.
@tribreds​  /  sc.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
R becoming very overwhelmed when they find out their family is secretly a long line of vampire/supernatural hunters around the same time they start openly dating Hope
Hope Mikaelson x GN!reader
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Growing up your parents always told you to stay away from the kids who went to Salvatore prep, you had no idea why but you listened to them up until when you met Hope.
You had bumped into each other at the coffee shop in town and instantly fell for her but as soon as you found out she was a Salvatore student you thought it was better to keep it quiet until things got more serious. 
After a few months together you thought it was time to finally tell your parents about your relationship and invited her over to your house for dinner. 
Your parents were fully ready to spend the dinner telling embarrassing stories of your childhood as parents do but they recognized Hope the moment she stepped into your home. 
Hope had a weird feeling that she had somehow met your parents before but brushed it off as she had just seen them around town. 
Dinner was quiet, oddly quiet.
"Dinner is really good mom," you say, trying to break the silence. 
"Yeah Mrs. Y/L/N, everything is great," Hope smiles. 
"Thank you Hope," your mom nods.
"So Hope, do you go to Mystic Falls high?" Your dad asks, already knowing the answer but not wanting it to be too obvious. 
"No, I actually go to Salvatore prep," Hope replies. 
"What is it like there?" He questions. 
"It's very… eccentric," she chuckles, "a lot of interesting people." 
"Do your parents live in the area?" Your mom adds. 
"Actually my parents died when I was a kid," Hope responds.
"Sorry to hear that," your mom says with faux sympathy. 
Dinner continues on with the awkward small talk and you are so grateful when Hope says that's it late and she should be getting back to school.
You walk Hope to her car and kiss her goodbye, returning inside to your parents who are washing dishes in the kitchen. 
"So what did you think of Hope?" You ask them nervously.
"How could you date someone from that school… and Hope Mikaelson of all people," your mom says, putting down the dish she was washing. 
"What do you guys have against Salvatore Prep? And do you know Hope or something?" You ask confused. 
Your parents look at each other and without needing to say a word nod in agreement.
"Y/N, it's time you know the truth about our family," your father states.
They sit you down in the living room, serious looks on their faces. 
"Okay you’re really starting to worry me," you say, no possible idea what they could want to tell you. 
"This town has a lot of secrets and Salvatore prep is the home to a lot of them," your mom states. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"We weren't going to bring you into this until you were 18 but Y/N…Monsters are real, all the stories and legends you heard as a kid it's all real," your dad tells you, "those kids aren't like you, every single of them is supernatural and a lot of them have hurt people." 
"Very funny," you laugh. 
"This isn't a joke honey, the last few decades Mystic Falls has been a hot spot for supernatural creatures thanks to the Salvatore Brothers and the Mikaelson family," your mom explains, "that's why we moved here when you were five." 
"So you're trying to tell me that Hope is what? A vampire? A werewolf" You say in disbelief.
"She's both actually as well as a witch, she's called a tribred and probably the most dangerous of them all." 
"And how exactly would you guys even know about any of this?" You question, "and if you do know about this why would you move us here in the first place?" 
"Because our family has been hunting monsters for centuries and protecting the innocent from them," your father explains, "when we heard about the Salvatore school opening up for kids like them we came here to keep Mystic Falls safe." 
"This is insane, Hope isn't a monster," you say getting up from the couch, "she would never hurt anyone." 
"Y/N wait," your father attempts but your mother puts her hand on his arm.
"Let them go, it's a lot to take in, they just need some time," she tells him. 
You don't talk to Hope for days, too busy pulling all nighters researching the supernatural world and trying to figure out how true what your parents told you really was. 
Eventually Hope gets concerned at the radio silence and goes to Mystic Falls high looking for you. 
"Y/N hey," she says approaching you at your car after school.
"Hope what are you doing here?" You say nervously. 
"I haven't heard from you since I went to your house for dinner? Did I do something wrong?" She asks, "did your parents not like me?"
"I'm sorry I can't talk right now," you say attempting to get in your car. 
"Whatever's going on you can tell me," Hope says, stepping closer to you and going to touch your arm but you pull away. 
You look around, making sure no one was close enough to hear you, "... are you a tribred?" 
"How do you know what that is?" She says in shock. 
"You are, aren't you, god my parents were telling the truth."
"Your parents? How do your parents know about me?"
"Because apparently their fucking monster hunters and expect me to be one too," you say through gritted teeth. 
Hope is trying to process this news but now there's way too many other students around. 
"Can we please go somewhere and talk," she asks and you agree. 
You drive in silence to a secluded spot outside the woods, normally when you and Hope came here to be alone it was for a very different reason. 
Hope tells you everything, the story of her parents, how all her friends that you had met weren't totally human and even about the few encounters she had over the years with hunters that you both assume were actually your parents. 
"So you're telling me there's a magical pit in Georgia that is a portal to a hell dimension that's basically a jail cell to an evil golem named Malivore that wants to murder you so he can take over the world," you say trying to wrap your mind around it all.  
"To sum it up, yes," she nods. 
"What the actual fuck," you shout slamming your hands on the steering wheel. 
"I'm so sorry, I never should have started seeing you, the last thing I wanted is you to be involved in this," Hope apologizes. 
"Hope this isn't your fault, I would have gotten involved eventually. My parents said they weren't planning on telling me until I turned 18 it's just all so overwhelming," you sigh, "I dont believe that you and your friends are bad people and I really don't want to hunt anyone, especially not you I fucking love you." 
"You love me?" She says low and you realize what you just said. 
"Yeah… I do." 
"I love you too," she smiles. 
You lean in to kiss her and she puts her hand on your cheek, gently rubbing her thumb across your skin. 
"What are we going to do?" You ask, your hand on her waist pulling her as close as you could over the center console. 
"I don't know but we have each other and that's all that matters." 
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klonnieshippersclub · 8 months
Im curious how you think Abby and Rudy would react to Klonnie. Also how would they have reacted to Bonnie being pregnant with the miracle tribrid baby? And what would the response be from Bonnie and Klaus?
Abby and Rudy aren’t present enough in Bonnie’s life. Abby has a disdain for magic, she judges Bonnie for having vampiric friends. A hybrid boyfriend and later tribrid baby is not acceptable in Abby’s opinion.
Abby is trying to kill the baby or convince Bonnie to kill the baby. She hates the supernatural and barely even loved her own child. She's planning how to get rid of Klaus from the moment she finds out. She's a vampire now but she is still trying to summon the ancestors to kill him. Ayana wouldn't let it happen though. If Caroline told Abby to care for the child and Bonnie maybe she’d have a change of heart knowing how TVD functions. Abby would be grandma of the year then.
Rudy would not understand or care about a magic tribrid. He'd be more concerned about Bonnie's choice in men and how having Klaus' child would connect them for the rest of their lives. Klaus is unemployed. He doesn't have an education or a job. That's not what he wants for his daughter. Rudy cares more about Bonnie's career goals than he does that Bonnie's baby is a tribred. A baby is a baby to him. He doesn't care what species.
Bonnie believes that because her parents were so absentee that they cannot tell her who she can and cannot date. She doesn’t need parenting advice or criticisms from people who couldn’t be bothered to deal with her. It’s her body, her choice and her baby. Klaus doesn’t give a fuck what Bonnie’s parents think and no they won’t be splitting them up or cutting him out of Bonnie or their child’s life.
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crowtheflame · 4 months
[🦠] i keep forgetting to follow you back but i have now remembered. hello there. i only know you from canonically and sneegens asks but you seem fun. could you tell us more about the wof!randy collective stuff? /nf
ofc! this is gonna be talking abt HOW i like design each person, like for example: Sneegen's dragon Blueblood is a Seawing/Icewing, those were chosen bc of the seawing being a commonly strong dragon and a powerful swimmer, and also bc of the glow in the dark scales that if lit up in a certain way can be used as another language called Aquatic, and the icewing bc they are also quite strong and have this thing called frostbreath. i also picked them bc of how i can mix them together with the colors of Sneegen's blog theme. i chose a tribe/tribes based on the color of the blog and the energy they give off, it can be a pure blood dragon, a hybred, or a tribred.
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wof!sunshipduo have this special place in my soul- wof!Aimsey being named Daisy, and being a leaf/sky hybred, and wof!Guqqie being named Butterfly, and is a rain/silk/leaf tribred.....aughhhh them <3
i love them so bad
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catalystcreature · 1 year
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Introducing, Timber! One of my 4 wofsonas, one that is supposed to be more "realistic" to myself, but thats a stretch and I dont think pup serves that purpose anymore, we will see
Timber uses they/pup pronouns, and is a sand/mud/leaf tribred. Since Timber was originally a custom headshot from my friend, @chu-dandd and making the rest of pups body design was really fun! I loved adding details to tie in the different breeds together, which was a challenge to do esp when I went all out with the leafwing scaling haha. Im pretty happy with the design overall, maybe ill make some adjustments in the future, for now this is what pup looks like.
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Very interested in your Most Powerful Being On Earth Shigaraki AU 👀
Basically he wins and destroys afo and hero society. He rules over all as the most powerful. His girl kept close to his side. There a group after her because she's a tribred (like Hope on Legacy and The Originals. She with/vamp/werewolf) and holds a secret.
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I'm an different person from the anon but it disappoints me how you defend the queen, I can't tell if it's a mistranslation but you do realize the queen was a bad person right? she defended her pedo son, married her 3rd cousin, not only that but as an indigenous person it upsets me cause she took indigenous children away from their tribr and never returned them and they were never heard from again . .. lmao queen is burning in hell that's for sure
Okay, my intention was never to properly defend the queen. At the moment I'm just annoyed by anon who first tells a shitty "joke" and then starts barking and blaming others.
The truth is, I really don't know all the bad things the queen has done. But defending a pedophile boy and taking native children away is absolutely wrong. There is nothing defensible about that.
I am currently doing extensive background research on the colonialism claim.
Bad things are bad... It's frustrating when you can't express yourself properly.
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abimee · 2 years
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okay but isnt watching it regardless supporting the creator? because regardless of if im watching it on their channel, im still going "im fine with consuming the work of a horrible person and ignoring their horrible actions to watch a piece of media". plus if i watch tribr 12 and start posting about it/get interested in it, thats also supporting the creator, because im giving their work attention and spreading a positive opinion on it that may have others watch it
im not watching a piece of media made by someone who endangers other, and people who can know about these things and still sit down for a good old watch of some stupid youtube series need to reconsider what they mean by "support"
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neverwednesday · 2 years
anyways so my take on wednesday is that she is a tribred, gomez was a werewolf, morticia a witch-vampire, the kids are all like that. pugsley, pubert. it just so happens that wednesday is the most powerful of the three. pubert being second.
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sona-verse01 · 2 months
hello sp!! may i please participate in your tarot event?
i'm ss, and i'm she/her, attracted to he/him!
may i please ask the physical features of my fs? 🌈
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here's the exchange!! <3
thank you so very much for your hard work and effort!!
Hello 👋🏼
Thanks for participating & for participating.
Here's ur reading:
He is younger than you, or looks younger. But I can see the age gap here. His ancestors can be related to a tribr of his country, or he lives in a area that has some connections with a tribe. He looks powerful, so maybe he is on a high government position, or something like a ceo. He has some marks on his body, from an injury or allergy. His hairs can be of shoulder length & coarse-curly too. He may love to wear, or looks really good in glasses. Maybe he has prescribed glasses.
He can be Asian. I can see exaggerated features too. Maybe pointed nose or ears or something like that. I got the card for 'baby face' that matches with younger looks, so it's a confirmation about it. He can be of average height, but taller than you.
Note: Not everything will resonate with your FS.
Feedback is compulsory.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Wednesday masterlist
* means nsfw
■ means male reader
□ means gender neutral reader
Wednesday x reader
Tribred reader headcanons ■
Picture perfect ■
Himbo werewolf reader headcanons ■
Water elemental reader headcanons □
Sherlock holmes esque reader headcanons (part 2) □
Attached* ■
Asking her out headcanons □
Reader gets hurt headcannons □
Kent x reader
Harvest festival date □
General dating headcanons □
Divina x reader
General dating headcanons □
Yoko x reader
Bianca x reader
Relaxed* □
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allthingsdarkanddirty · 6 months
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Can she find a way to avoid supernatural war...?Speak of the Demon by Brenda Trim and Tia Didmon is a cataclysmic addition to the Shrouded Nation. Preorder it today!! Universal: https://geni.us/SpeakotDemon
A bounty. A fallen goddess. A queen of hell.
As a tribred and a member of the supernatural community, I have faced creatures of the night, battled curses, and danced on the edge of danger. But nothing could prepare me for a fallen goddess with an insatiable thirst for power. Her malevolent artifact is the key to our destruction and it will take more than my wits to thwart her treacherous plan. With the fate of the abducted innocents in the balance, I will need the help of those I hold dear in order to avert a supernatural war. But there is a sacrifice needed to track a demon with the powers of a goddess. Can I risk my family for the good of the Shrouded Nation, or am I destined to kneel at the feet of a new master? Find out what lurks in the shadows of Ravenholde by reading Speak of the Demon, the new Paranormal Women's Fiction series readers are comparing to Shannon Mayer, K.F. Breene, and Victoria Danann. One click to continue this Magical Midlife adventure now!
#teaser #teasershare #teaserfriday #comingsoon #preorder #bookpreorder #pwf #paranormalwomensfiction #paranormalcozy #paranormalmystery #paranormalfiction #speakofthedemon #shroudednation #supernaturalmidlifemystique #books #reading #matureheroine #midlifefiction #womensfiction #bookish #bookbuzz #booksbooksbooks
About The Authors
A USA Today bestselling author, Brenda loves everything paranormal. She has co-authored over twenty-five books in the best-selling Dark Warrior Alliance series, as well as the Hollow Rock Shifters series. She also has best-selling solo titles readers are raving about. Brenda created worlds that feature dangerously handsome heroes and feisty heroines. With the help of popcorn and candy, she takes dragons, fairies, witches, vampires, and so much more and brings them to life. She lives in Texas with her husband and three kids who fuel not only her heart but her life. If she's not writing, she's reading, traveling, or knee-deep in projects with her husband and five sisters. She encourages readers to Dream Big. If your dreams don't terrify and electrify you then they aren't big enough!  
Tia Didmon is a USA Today bestselling author of provocative paranormal romance. When Tia isn't busy writing about sexy shifters and dreamy demons, she spends her time binge watching The Order and reruns of The Vampire Diaries, cooking with her daughter, and serving her cat. Her love of writing stems from a self-diagnosed book addiction.  Subscribe to Tia's newsletter at tiadidmon.com for a free book and start your journey through Tia's supernatural world today!  Find Them Both Online! https://www.brendatrim.com https://tiadidmon.com
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bunnyblooded · 7 months
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"Someone wanted to see her Uncle Stefan for Thanksgiving," @hayleylabonairmarshall said to Stefan as he opened the door. At the sight of the younger Salvatore brother's face, baby Hope smiled, squealed, and leaned forward to grab his nose.
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He is unphased by the nose snatching but does pretend for a moment that she stole it and he no longer had one. He does humor babies and small children. Then, he looks at Hayley again. "You brought a baby." The baby. The hybrid baby. The tribred baby. "I think you're overestimating what it looks like when these people are on their best behavior."
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