cicada--clan · 2 months
Moon 0 - Newleaf
here's our all our founders and a little bit about them!
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rockstar is the leader of cicadaclan. he has a bad habit of isolating himself and he feels stressed about being a leader considering how young he is, but he's doing his best. he's also mates with molestep
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havenfoot is the deputy of cicadaclan. she's well liked by the clan because of how organized and put together she is. rockstar is very grateful for her help. she has a close connection to starclan and she's also mates with hornetmask
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hornetmask is cicadaclan's medicine cat. he is very passionate about his job and very loyal to starclan. he has visions frequently, but one has been bothering him lately. he's also mates with havenfoot
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beetledapple is a fierce and well respected warrior of cicadaclan. she's very popular in the clan although she doesn't really like the attention and prefers to be alone. if she does warm up to you though, she's a great storyteller
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woodhaze is a warrior of cicadaclan. she's a very kind and empathetic cat, making her good at negotiating with others. she's always wanted to be mentor and likes working with kits
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molestep is a warrior of cicadaclan. he's very curious, adventurous, and loves to explore. molestep is very extroverted and is good at talking to others. he's also a bit naive and tends to get in over his head. he's mates with rockstar
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spiderfeather is an elder of cicadaclan. she's a little mischievous and likes to help the kits pull pranks on the warriors. overall though she's a good cat and help mediate arguments
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tricklekit is a kit of cicadaclan. she thinks beetledapple is really cool and wants to be like her when she grows up. she's confident and loud and wants to be a warrior more than anything (just realized i forgot the stripe on her back :( i'll fix that when she's an apprentice)
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serpentkit is a kit of cicadaclan. she likes to be alone and is a little snappy and picky about small things. she mostly just likes to sleep all day
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mothkit is a kit of cicadaclan. most of the clan finds her very delightful and she hopes to become a warrior when she grows up. her favorite activity right now is hunting moss-balls
and that's everyone! i'm kinda wishing i chose less cats but i am attached . it's too late .
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crestedclangen · 11 months
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Moons 7 -> 9
yippee :3 still style testing pls bear w me !!!! quiver whaddaheck
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
Whiskershadow's body was left out in the middle of camp.
It was still. Not even his usual raspy breathing was coming from it. Speckleback stared down at the unbreathing body, his tail curled up against him. Wasn't fair. He did all he could, he was told that by everyone and everything possible, but that didn't change what had happened.
Whiskershadow was dead. A cough, all-consuming, taking and taking until all that was left was a husk, conversing without his heart in it. They both knew it. But Speckleback wanted him there.
Finchstar wandered by, tail curling around him. Speckleback jumped, turning to glare, but Finchstar's own saddened expression made the words that were climbing to his teeth slip away unsaid. Finchstar managed a smile.
"I have to appoint my next deputy." Finchstar meowed. "Already. I'm... sorry to ask you this, but..."
"I'll put him back into the den." Hidden away. Not like the smell of death wasn't hitting the air. He needed to gather more rosemary. "And then we'll bury him." It was a demand, and not a request. 
Finchstar smiled at him, and then grabbed Whiskershadow's body by the scruff. Speckleback helped pull the body towards and into the den, laying him back onto the corner nest. If Speckleback closed his ears, he could even pretend that Whiskershadow was just sleeping.
"You have an apprentice to train soon." Finchstar reminded, once the body was laid back on the nest. "I promise I'll help you bury him."
"I would too, if my bite was gone." Daisyshadow offered, irritation in her voice at the still festering snake bite. It was a wonder she was still kicking.
Speckleback huffed. "It's fine. I promised. You do not have to keep reminding me-"
"That we're here for you, like clanmates are?" Finchstar meowed, loud. "Like we're supposed to be? We were there for Lichentooth, and now we're here for you."
Speckleback didn't say anything else. He just pulled himself out of the den again. Daisyshadow shuffled over to the entrance, and Batpaw stumbled over her trying to reach the entrance, too.
Finchstar wandered over to the roots that made up her den, hopped up, and then hopped up to her announcement branch. She cleared her throat. "All cats of Needleclan, gather for a clan meeting!"
The kits burst out of the nursery, and they had obviously been looking forward to this. Boughkit even looked directly at Speckleback, who was more a part of the center of the camp this time. The warriors and the apprentices came out next, and the sight of them made Finchstar inhale. Riverflight was looking rather distant from Currentdash, but she was still glancing up at Finchstar, waiting. Currentdash glanced to Speckleback, then glanced away. Hollyspike looked as if he was growling. Lichentooth was attentive, but deliberately trying to stick to the edges of the crowd. Bogpaw and Goldpaw were sticking together, while the other apprentices, Graypaw, Larkpaw, and Buzzardpaw went around them.
So many apprentices. So little warriors to apprentice them to.
"Yesterday, Whiskershadow faded away from his greencough." Finchstar announced, as if everybody didn't already know. Speckleback despised the glances he got, and also the ones he didn't. "Life... has to go on. I will appoint a new deputy."
Riverflight, Currentdash, Lichentooth, Hollyspike.
Daisyshadow's snake bite still wasn't healing, so not her. Only the former apprentices, the ones that had been around since the start of the clan.
She knew her choice. Was it the right one?
Gasps. Riverflight blinked.
"You will be our new deputy. Your level head will mean great guidance as our deputy."
After a few moments of shocked silence, Currentdash shoved himself into her, purring. "You did it! You're deputy!"
The others cheered. Bogpaw laughed, nudging herself into Goldpaw and chattering about something Finchstar couldn't pick up on. The kits bounced on their paws.
"That's not the only thing I had to announce!" Finchstar's voice boomed, and everyone went quiet. Finchstar grinned. "We have some kits to promote to apprentices. Why don't you three step up?"
Tricklekit was the first, followed by Rindlekit and Boughkit. Speckleback took that as a cue to step up as well, and everyone's eyes followed his dappled pelt.
"First... I will let Speckleback speak for me."
Speckleback nodded. "I have-" Oh, his voice was shaking. Not great for his appearance. "Boughkit will become my apprentice. Instead of fighting out there for the clan, Boughpaw will be at my side, helping to harvest and heal."
"And talk with Starclan!" Boughpaw said, walking forward. She carefully stepped around and to Speckleback's side. "So... yeah. I'll be another healer."
Finchstar laughed. "Thank you, Boughpaw. Now, Tricklekit. You are now Tricklepaw."
The black and red apprentice nodded her head, gaze fierce.
So few warriors to go around.
"You will be apprenticed to Hollyspike."
Tricklepaw padded over, paws harsh on the ground, to Hollyspike. She reached her muzzle up to touch his, and the fire in her eyes seemed to blaze. After that, she sat to Hollyspike's side.
"Rindlekit, you are now Rindlepaw. You'll be apprenticed to Currentdash."
Rindlepaw touched muzzles with Currentdash, and then sat to his side. The pale apprentice and the pale warrior.
Leaving Riverflight more free for her deputy duties. This would be good. 
Riverflight stepped forward, paws hesitant at first but growing more determined as she sat on the other side of the leader's den. It had been a while since a deputy was well enough to do so.
"With that, clan dismissed!" Finchstar hopped down from the branch to the top root of her den. "Riverflight, you and I can discuss in my den."
Events Referenced: Whiskershadow dies of greencough. Speckleback doesn't take this well. He relies on his clanmates for comfort and company. Riverflight becomes the new deputy. Finchstar still isn't sure if she's making the right decisions, but life must go on. Tricklekit becomes Tricklepaw and swears to starclan she'll do her best for the clan as she touches Hollyspike's nose. (in her head.) Rindlekit's headache went away, and she becomes Rindlepaw, apprenticed to Currentdash. Boughkit becomes Boughpaw, the medicine cat apprentice.
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harem-of-dumb-blonds · 5 months
Bug swarm! (Moon 2) Part 1.
Mightystar loses another life in his sleep. He tells no one.
Mightystar climbs up onto the calling boulder and calls Basaltclan to him.
"Lambkit please come up." He calls.
She shyly comes up, tilting her head back to gaze up at her leader.
"Lambkit here has requested to become a medicine cat apprentice, and Sweetnose has mentioned interest in taking Lambkit as her apprentice. Lambkit, you will now be known as Lambpaw, and Sweetnose will mentor you."
Sweetnose comes over to touch her nose to Lambpaws.
"Tricklekit, please come up as well."
The young tom comes up confidently.
"You will be known as Tricklepaw, and your mentor will be Greenfur." As a kit Tricklepaw used to trail after Greenfur, so Mightystar figured it would be easy to give him to Greenfur as an apprentice.
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pikaclan · 5 months
Moon 347
Season: Leaf-bare
Overarching Events
PikaClan doesn't have enough healthy medicine cats
Emberpaw has reached the age of six moons and has been made an apprentice under Pythonchase
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Stumpygale died from a broken bone
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Garlicbeam misstepped and slipped from a rock, but landed on their feet nimbly, their Clanmates commenting on the show of dexterity
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Downbellow and Fogcrawl have been practically floating on air since announcing their commitment as mates before PikaClan
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Pythonchase realized tom doesn't describe how they feel anymore
Pythonchase is now nonbinary!
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Tricklekit was playing with cardinal feathers earlier, and decides to wear some
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Seeing how Pikepounce is slow to get up in the morning, Shaka brings them pain relief herbs for their twisted leg Flitchest is no longer frostbitten
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Shrewdusk wants to sneak along the border with Tremblemask (medium positive effect) Your patrol glimpses the shadow of a fish as they pad past a stream (proceed) Tremblemask pads closer to the water's edge, careful to keep their shadow away from the water. The fish doesn't seem to notice them and darts too close. Tremblemask's paw flashes into the water and the fish flops onto the bank. They kill it and happily carry it back to camp
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Your patrol finds a kittypet who is interested in joining the Clan (proceed) The patrol convinces the kittypet to join.
Peonyear joined the Clan. He is fixed (we've had a Peony before and it's a kittypet name but they died moon 73 and I really like it as a prefix so I'm keeping it)
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Kits? Kits! (Moon 3) Part 2. END.
Mightystar hauls his aching body up onto the fern rock. Panting softly as he settles. This was the only thing he hated about the new camp.
He calls his clan to him.
"Lambkit please step up."
The nervous kit steps up after an encouraging nuzzle from Loudscream.
"Lambkit has asked to be apprenticed to Sweetnose, and Sweetnose is willing to take on an apprentice. So she will be taking Lambkit on as her apprentice.
Lambkit you will be known as Lambpaw from here on."
Sweetnose gets up and comes over to touch her nose to Lambpaws.
"Tricklekit please step up."
The young tom strides up easily.
"You are also ready to become an apprentice. You will be known as Tricklepaw, and Greenfur will be your mentor."
Greenfur beams, touching noses with the younger cat.
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I desperately want a Tricklekit... Ticklekit... and Pricklekit, but I cannot decide on warrior names, do you have any suggestions??? They might be brothers
Tricklestream tickletail and pricklewhisker
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"You must let them be inspected!"
"What, because they happened to explore a little bit?" Daisyshadow rolled her eyes. Her kits watched from the entrance of the nursery, glancing between each other. 
"You can't keep being defensive over them forever, you know! They'll grow, they'll have time later to explore- but right now, it's a danger. And they sparred!" Speckleback threw a paw out towards Graykit and Larkkit, who pulled back a bit once they were spotted.
Daisyshadow hissed, before glancing back to her kits and inhaling deeply. Speckleback met her gaze.
"I'll allow you to inspect them... only if you can find something in the territory." Daisyshadow grinned, and Speckleback's ears bent down on his head. Always about his own failures. How was he on the losing side of the argument here?
"Fine." Speckleback spat, getting up. "I have plenty, but I will grab some more."
"Go, then." 
Daisyshadow padded back towards her kits, and Speckleback turned to head out into the forest.
Jokes on her, he knew where some herbs were. And it was only a short jog away from camp! 
He brushed past some trees, watching as a mouse skittered away. Someone would find it, he was sure. Hollypaw was out on his own right now- he would. Speckleback walked by the small spot for their dead cats, only sparing it a glance- no rosemary there. He would have to go out further.
Fine. A bit further than he expected. He padded out past a clump of trees with moss on them, and further and further...
Someone whispering. It felt like it was right in his ears. Speckleback's fur raised, and he spun around. Nobody was that close to him.
He felt something leave his back, and an urge to walk in the direction it left to. He followed it, eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out-
He stepped down a ledge, looking around and Oh.
Hidden under the natural ledge was a cat. He... knew this cat once. She had been at the first two gatherings. Spruceshadow? She got exiled. Her body was lying cold on the ground, not moving. Three small shapes pressed against her belly, trying to feed from a body that would never move again.
That feeling again. "Tricklekit." His eyes, directed at the red and black kit. "Boughkit." The light brown kit with white patches. "Rindlekit." The pale kit with a white lower body.
The presence suddenly faded, and Speckleback let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. 
Some rosemary was growing nearby. He plucked it and laid it out on top of Spruceshadow's body. He would come back with some warriors later to bury her body.
Right now... he had to take these kits back. He leaned down and grouped them together, pulling them away from the cold body. Tricklekit let out a small meow, paws swiping the air.
Maybe it was a lucky thing Daisyshadow was still nursing her kits. These three would be able to be nursed by her, too.
He made the trek back, jaws growing a bit more tired the more Tricklekit and Boughkit shook around. Even Rindlekit let out a weak meow. How did Daisyshadow do it so much? Over a few branches, past the graves...
"Oh, you're... b...ack." Daisyshadow paused. "What is that."
Speckleback placed the kits at his paws. They tumbled over, mewing. Speckleback's eyes remained on the three kits. "...Do you remember Spruceshadow?"
"Did you mate with her?"
Speckleback glanced up to Daisyshadow. "What? Absolutely not. Her body was found in the territory. Already dead." He glanced down to the kits, pushing them forward. "...These kits were with her. She gave birth alone, and was not as lucky as you."
Daisyshadow's expression changed, though Speckleback didn't see it. She padded forward, lowering her nose to the three kits. "... I see. I'll care for them, then." She pointed a dark cream tail towards the leader's den. "Finchstar just got back from hunting. Tell her about them."
With that, Daisyshadow pulled the kits toward the nursery, and Speckleback approached the tree that made up Finchstar's home.
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Events Referenced: Speckleback and Daisyshadow argue over kits. Speckleback collected some Rosemary (between moons). While Speckleback is out in the territory, he hears whispers on the wind. Following them, he comes across the body of a dead queen and her three kits, who are still alive. Tricklekit, Boughkit, and Rindlekit.
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a bonus spruceshadow
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"Hey. Hey Riverpaw."
Riverpaw peeked open her blue eye, glancing up at Currentpaw hovering over her nest. With the place empty of Hollyspike now, it was just her and Currentpaw. 
It was nice.
... Not so nice when he woke her up when she wanted to nap.
"What?" Riverpaw asked, trying to keep the irritation out of her voice. She opened her other, green eye to see Currentpaw fully. She wasn't going to get back to sleep, judging by his face.
"Well..." Currentpaw grinned, backing away to let Riverpaw sit up properly. "We have free time..."
Riverpaw did not point out how she was spending her free time napping in the apprentices den. Instead she just stared at him.
"Let's play?" Currentpaw asked, hunching a little bit and blinking his eyes. "Please?"
"Did you see the kits playing and want in?" Riverpaw asked, and Currentpaw glanced away. He did not answer. Riverpaw sighed, getting to her paws. "Fine. I'll do it."
Currentpaw gasped, then he jumped. "Sweet! Come on!" He ran out of the den. Riverpaw yelped, jumping out after him. Most of the warriors were out doing something separately, and Whiskershadow had allowed them some breaktime.
Nearby, the kits were all gathered in a group. Bogkit and Graykit were talking to each other, Larkkit was impatient, Rindlekit fidgeted with a mossball beneath her claws, Tricklekit had her tail tapping against the ground impatiently... Boughkit's eyes traced the mossball, and Buzzardkit was sitting nearby, not involved.
"Come on, stop watching them!" Currentpaw complained, and Riverpaw quirked her ears up and turned to Currentpaw. "Let's do something!"
"Like what?" Riverpaw asked, still standing.
Currentpaw leaped at her, and Riverpaw was bowled over. 
She let out a yelp, but she decided to roll with it. She let the two of them roll for a bit, and then collapse. She laughed, trying to shove him off with her back paws. "Hey, get off!"
Currentpaw lifted his head up, but he didn't move. He smirked. "Mmm... nah. Don't feel like it."
"Get off!" Riverpaw meowed, louder this time, though she was still laughing. She shoved her head into his neck, and Currentpaw let out a gasp that loosened his grip. Riverpaw slid out from under him, and then leaped away.
Currentpaw jumped back. "That's unfair!"
"All's fair in a fight, Currentpaw." Riverpaw meowed, and then turned away. "Try to catch me!"
The kits were watching them. Riverpaw instantly swerved away from the kits and started running. She faintly heard Buzzardkit speak up, but not what he said. 
Currentpaw ran after her. She made sure to slow down ever so slightly to give him a chance, but then sped up right when he wanted to lunge. Currentpaw growled, but he laughed afterwards. 
"Stop doing that!"
"I'm not doing anything!"
"Excuse me." A voice, quiet, said eventually. Currentpaw jumped in order to go face his mentor. Lichentooth, who had a few rocks at her feet.
With them no longer playing, Riverpaw could hear the kits jumping around and chasing each other too. Buzzardkit was one of the ones being pursued, and he ran straight into Whiskershadow, who just entered camp from that side.
Buzzardkit scrambled away without another word. 
Whiskershadow chuckled, shaking his head. "I see we came back at the same time, Lichentooth."
Lichentooth nodded, now loaded up with her pebbles. Currentpaw moved to the side, and Lichentooth moved towards the kits. Riverpaw closed the gap, watching as Lichentooth approached the kits. 
She came up on Boughkit's right side, and the kit jumped when Lichentooth got close. Lichentooth leaned down and put the rocks down, and Boughkit gasped. The kit batted one rock towards the entrance of the den, and then followed with the other pebbles. The other kits dodged around her.
"I noticed she liked a pretty feather once. So..." Lichentooth nodded towards Boughkit, who was batting the pebbles inside, and Daisyshadow laughed from the inside. "Yeah. So, what were you two doing with your free time...?"
Currentpaw opened his mouth.
"Training!" Riverpaw interrupted, ears up. "It's nice to train with someone else, no mentor."
"Maybe you'll be able to do that soon, then." Whiskershadow purred, walking forward. "But for now... Currentpaw, Riverpaw, we're going hunting."
Events Referenced: Currentpaw and Riverpaw play around with each other like they're kits again! Buzzardkit bumped into Whiskershadow while playing and didn't even apologize. Lichentooth brought the kits gifts, and Boughkit decorates her nest with them!
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
Her head hurt. Rindlekit was trying not to make it obvious, when they were tussling around with a mossball, but Boughkit was looking more and more concerned whenever Rindlekit was trying to lessen the pain by breathing. That was what you did, right?
Tricklekit tossed the ball up in the air, before bouncing it off of her head. It rolled to Rindlekit's paws, and she stepped back a bit from the surprise. Tricklekit tilted her head, but didn't say anything.
She gave everyone space. But she still loved them.
That was what she told Rindlekit and Boughkit, anyway. 
Rindlekit put up a paw and batted it over to Boughkit. Boughkit had both of her eyes open, and she swiped at the ball. It sailed way to Tricklekit's right. Tricklekit leaped after it, not managing to catch it but did manage to stop it before it rolled away.
The black and red kit shook out her fur, grinning. "Try again, Boughkit."
"Aww." Boughkit pouted, giving Rindlekit a glance before Tricklekit batted the mossball towards Boughkit again. Boughkit launched forward, managing to actually catch it between her paws this time.
Rindlekit waved a paw. "To me!"
Boughkit's concerned look came back, but she batted it over anyway. 
The pang in Rindlekit's head was still strong, but she was able to bat it between her own paws and then over to Tricklekit. Tricklekit bounced it a little bit, glancing to Boughkit. "I get wanting space but why do you hang with Speckleback so often?"
Boughkit paused. She shook her head. "I- I like being there."
Tricklekit rolled her eyes. "He's weird, and you're around sick cats. Don't get it." She paused, and then she waved a paw in the air. "I mean. I want to hunt, and having all that sounds just too cramped."
Rindlekit nodded. "Tricklekit has a point. I want to be able to fight and hunt, for everyone." Her head hurt. "And I wanna hang out with Bogpaw and the others."
Boughkit nodded. "Well, yeah. But..."
Pawsteps. Boughkit jumped when Riverflight appeared on her right and Rindlekit's left. "Hello, you three. I want to-"
"Riverflight, you know that Boughkit has troubles on her right side." Currentdash scolded, approaching the three of them as well. Riverflight rolled her eyes, turning to Currentdash. Currentdash huffed. "You have to be careful about these things."
"... I needed to talk to them about their future ceremony...?" Riverflight tilted their head.
"Yeah, but you have to consider who you're approaching, too."
Riverflight sighed. "Surprise gets attention. Remember that conversation with Alderstorm?"
"Not the attention you want for a casual conversation! And that was different!"
Rindlekit's head hurt. 
Boughkit noticed Rindlekit wincing away from the warriors. The pale brown kit padded up to Rindlekit and pushed herself against her. "Hey. Let's get back inside."
"Agreed. I don't wanna be around this." Tricklekit meowed, and she led the way back inside, without the warriors noticing.
Events Referenced: Rindlekit has a headache, but tries to play with Boughkit to ignore it. Riverflight and Currentdash fight moments (not good notes basically)
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"...What're you in here for?" Daisyshadow asked, when Batpaw came into the medicine cat den.
Batpaw had a slight limp, holding a paw above the floor and being careful not to walk on it. Speckleback was wrapping a cobweb bandage around her wound, but he looked over at Batpaw when Daisyshadow noticed him.
Boughkit glanced up from sorting the herbs on the rock. Speckleback waved a tail. "Did something happen on your patrol?"
"Well-" Batpaw hated to admit he did think of Speckleback as a dad. It was only a few moons, and yet... did Goldpaw even think the same? Whatever. "I climbed a tree. Made a mistake. Got wood in my paw."
Daisyshadow laughed, snorting. "Can't even climb a tree, huh?"
"Well, I'm new to this! I'm only 7 moons old!"
"Still. The trees are so simple." Daisyshadow tried to shift, and Speckleback hissed at her, causing her to lay back down. She offered a tail flick, instead. "Lichentooth should have taught you sooner."
Ugh. Batpaw rolled his eyes. "Are you going to help, D-" Shit- "Speckleback?"
Speckleback paused for a few moments. He got up, walking over to an empty nest. "Sit here. Keep your paw in the air. Once I'm done with Daisyshadow's wound, I'll get to your splinter."
"What did you even get hurt by?" Batpaw asked. "You're around the nursery, what could've happened there."
"Well, unlike you..." Daisyshadow pointed a tail to the cobweb bandaged leg. "I took a bite from a snake. I felt the poison go through me, and my vision went black, but I am still living! Speckleback says he's going to check on me." Daisyshadow rolled her eyes. "Shame your brother won't be taught by me for a bit."
Batpaw sighed. "Maybe that's a good thing."
A rustling of some leaves. Batpaw glanced back to the entrance of the den, watching as Tricklekit walked over to Boughkit. Boughkit's gaze was torn away from the two injured cats, and she grinned. 
"Tricklekit." Daisyshadow meowed, and Tricklekit glanced over to Daisyshadow. Tricklekit tilted her head. "You have a feather stuck to your face. Still eating messy?"
"Ugh." Tricklekit rolled her eyes, but she reached up and swiped the feather off of her face. "Boughkit, please come back to the den. We need our medicine cat for our game."
"Okay!" Boughkit dropped the plant she was holding in her claws, and followed Tricklekit out of the medicine cat den.
Batpaw glanced after her. "... I guess it could be lonely."
Daisyshadow went quiet then. She laid her head down fully. "... They'll be next. And then I don't have to worry about them."
"Nest is ready." Speckleback was back. "... Please stay still, don't aggravate the splinter. I'll be there." With that, he returned to wrapping Daisyshadow's snake bite.
Events Referenced: Batpaw was climbing a tree and got a splinter! Daisyshadow was bitten by a snake, but lived! Daisyshadow bickering with Speckleback's adopted kits lmao (unhelpful note, past me!) Daisyshadow gets a feather out of tricklekit's face.
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
Daisyshadow got back to camp, and headed immediately for the nursery.
Larkkit pounced on her paws, and Daisyshadow laughed, lifting the paw up. Larkkit put her paws together, blinking up at Daisyshadow. "Hi, mom!"
"Hello, dear."
Larkkit giggled, getting up to pad into the nursery. Daisyshadow followed. Inside, she spotted Larkkit head for Batkit, and the kit immediately tossed a mossball at her face. Larkkit got hit, and the orange and grey spotted kit picked up the mossball and tossed it back at him. Bogkit pushed her face against Goldkit, towards a group of other gathered kits.
She would defend these kits to her last breath
Boughkit was missing again. Probably messing with Speckleback's storage of herbs again.
She padded towards Goldkit, sitting down on a nest in there. "Hello, Goldkit."
Goldkit froze up, glancing to Daisyshadow. Bogkit came out from Goldkit's side, blinking. She grinned. "Hi, mom. How was your patrol?"
"You don't want to hear about that, do you?" Daisyshadow meowed, settling into the moss nest. "It was boring."
"But it's what you do outside of camp! Maybe it'll help Goldkit look forward to being out?"
Goldkit's ears laid back, but he nodded. Daisyshadow sighed, but she was smiling. "Okay. I do get a little violent, though..."
"That's good!" Batkit was suddenly on Daisyshadow's back. He tumbled forward, followed by Larkkit making the same journey over Daisyshadow's back... without tumbling off of her. Batkit stuck his tongue out at Larkkit, and Larkkit stuck her tongue out back.
Bogkit sat down politely, then tapped her tail on Goldkit's. Goldkit sat down the same way, shaking a little in his paws.
Daisyshadow laughed. "No need to be so nervous! I was simply hunting. You see that pile of fresh kill in the middle of camp?"
"The one where we all eat together around!" Graykit piped up, suddenly joining in. "To, um... make clear." He settled beside Bogkit.
"That's right!" She leaned in close. "And we gather those. Hunt, stalking through the shade of the needles in the trees..."
Tricklekit joined the small gathering of kits, followed by the other sister in the den. Boughkit was still missing.
"Is your sister still disturbing Speckleback?"
Buzzardkit pushed his way into the gathering. "Well, not really disturbing..."
"Um, yeah..." Rindlekit meowed.
"Speckleback hasn't been kicking her out, though." Tricklekit shrugged. "Dunno."
"A shame for her to miss this, then!" Daisyshadow concluded, then leaned in again. "So, as a warrior, we fight and hunt for the clan. In order to hunt..."
Events Referenced: Daisyshadow wants to hang out with the new kits Goldkit and Batkit Daisyshadow wants to spend more time with Larkkit!
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
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now that they've been revealed, vote for your favorite! for any reason!
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
The kits were all hanging out. Bogkit had assigned herself as Goldkit's guide, and had therefore planted herself beside him whenever he wanted to go out. Batkit had drifted towards Larkkit, and that left everyone else in the middle.
It was nice to have a big group. Boughkit could still rely on Tricklekit to her left, and Rindlekit to her right. Rindlekit's bright pelt was visible even to her bad eye.
"So!" Boughkit stepped forward, paw on the ground and head high. The others turned their attention to her. "I've finally got a way to get used to our bad eye!" A bit of silence, and Boughkit grinned. Shocked! They had to be! "You gotta just adjust-"
"Bad eye?" Goldkit mumbled. "That's not a thing."
Bogkit winced, but she nodded as well. "Yeah... my eyes are just. Normal?" Bogkit waved a paw in the air.
Tricklekit tilted her head at Boughkit, and Boughkit turned to face her sister. She could see Bogkit and Goldkit fade away at the back of her bad eye. "Don't you have that problem?"
"... No. I just like to challenge myself." Tricklekit admitted.
Boughkit heard pawsteps on her right, and she did not get surprised when Rindlekit walked up to her, ears down on her head. "... I don't either."
"But we were all brought into camp!" Boughkit got up, backing away. "There's no way nobody else has to deal with it?"
Larkkit hissed between her teeth, looking at Graykit. Graykit put his paws together.
Boughkit turned around and exited the nursery, huffing. 
No, she was not making this up. They had to be messing with her. That was it! She made sure to give the right side of the medicine cat door a wide berth, then entered.
Speckleback glanced up from Whiskershadow's side. Hollyspike had a new cobweb covering over his cat bite. Speckleback sighed, wandering towards Boughkit. "Here again?"
"Everyone's messing with me!"
Speckleback blinked, and his ears pointed up. "Taking their revenge on when you brought thorns in from the camp wall?"
"No!" Boughkit objected, then thought about it. No, that would make sense, wouldn't it? She hid those thorns so that nobody would see, and now they were pretending like they could just see more. 
Like how they caught the thorns. They called it obvious, it had to be...
Boughkit sighed. "So everyone does have a bad eye, right...?"
Speckleback let out a little gasp, and Boughkit glanced up to him. Speckleback's expression grew conflicted.
"... no, normally our eyes have the same amount of vision." Speckleback meowed, curling his tail over his paws. 
... Oh.
"So... nobody else has a weird eye that makes cats not appear until they're next to you?"
Boughkit felt very, very small, despite the fact that she was growing bigger. She pressed her paws together. "Is... is that why everyone else doesn't need to consider everything before going into entrances?"
Speckleback nodded. Boughkit stared at the ground. 
Oh... okay. So it was her catching up, not her having the upper hand.
"... I don't wanna go back there." Boughkit muttered. "After bragging and everything..."
Speckleback glanced to Whiskershadow. He glanced back to Boughkit. "I'd rather you not. Please sit outside the den." A pause. "I'll be out."
Boughkit watched as he grabbed another leaf on the rock in the center of the den, then approached Whiskershadow. Whiskershadow lifted his head up, watching as Speckleback pushed the herbs in front of him. Whiskershadow pushed himself to his belly, leaning his head down to eat the herbs.
... She didn't leave. She continued watching as Speckleback reassured Whiskershadow he'd be fine if he just ate. When Speckleback glanced back up, though, she fled the den.
Events Referenced: Boughkit brags about getting used to her bad eye, before being told that it's not a normal thing to experience.
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cicada--clan · 2 months
Moon 1 (pt. 1) - Newleaf
first moon yayy a lot of crazy stuff happened and it hasn't even been a moon lmao
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rockstar finds poppies while out on a walk and decides to give them to beetledapple
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tricklekit was promoted to tricklepaw. before her mentor is chosen, she interrupts and announces that she wants beetledapple to be her mentor. she confidently touches noses with her new mentor
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mothkit was grabbed by an ospery but luckily woodhaze saves her. however, the ordeal leaves mothkit injured (i can't draw birds LOL)
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rockstar fails to interpret a warning sign from starclan and loses a life as a result (btw the first panel is the vision and the last panel is him the med den i should've made that more clear oops . he just gets a second vision at the end)
first / next
ref updates under the cut
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needleclanclangen · 1 year
"Hey, so, who should speak first?" Finchstar asked the other leaders, as they all sat in the middle. Their clans chatted with each other, a murmur of conversation.
Hollypaw was talking with an apprentice who wasn't there last moon- Finchstar couldn't recall the name. Riverpaw was rolling her eyes at Alderpaw. Whiskershadow chatted with Galetuft, who would occasionally exclaim things that registered to her as actual words.
"... I can go first. I hate speaking, so... I want to get it out of the way." Beestar volunteered, her tail waving nervously. It touched the water, and she jolted a bit. She inhaled, exhaled, then went back to doing it on purpose.
"I can go next." Finchstar volunteered. "I think Downclan could go next, and then Talonclan, because it makes a nice circle."
"True." Quickstar nodded.
Stonestar nodded as well. "That sounds fine enough." He glanced at Beestar. "Well, better go and make your announcements."
Beestar inhaled, exhaled. She then shouted, "Clan cats! May all who have gathered get close to the Pool!"
The cats all paused in their conversations and drew closer. Beestar stood up, facing outward.
"Scorchpaw has recovered very well from her encounter with the trap! We have been monitoring them very well!" Beestar nodded towards Finchstar. "You next." With that, she sat and let out another breath.
Finchstar stood. "This moon, we found a dead cat within our borders. She had recently given birth to kits before she passed, and we took the kits in, since Daisyshadow is still able to nurse."
Speckleback lowered his ears, glancing away with his expression dark. "The Starlit Sea, where we meet, is one thing, but hearing her voice tell me her kits names? Is this something we will have to deal with? Dead whispering in my ears even while I'm awake?"
It was wise to not tell them who the queen was. Was this what she was going to do? Keep secrets?
"Their names are Tricklekit, Boughkit, and Rindlekit. That's all from Needleclan."
Quickstar stood, and Finchstar took that as her chance to sit down.
"...Turtlekit has kittencough. Medicine seems to be helping. That's all."
As always.
Stonestar got up. "We are expanding our tunnel system." A smirk. "More unpredictable for those of you who wish to find where we are."
"Which we don't want." Finchstar said, her tail whipping. Quickstar looked a little skeptical, but didn't say anything. Beestar nodded in agreement.
"Of course." Stonestar said, then turned back. "Well, that's it. Nice meeting, everyone."
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