nettleclanstale · 5 months
Moon 28
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Even more babies
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crestedclangen · 11 months
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Moons 10 -> 12
the sillies stay silly. also still style testing again im sorry loL. i think i've settled on at least a lineart brush tho
Also!! feel free to send asks to me Or any of the characters!
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 128-Leaf-fall
After four long moons, the war with ChaffinchClan has ended.  To celebrate, Wildpaw (11) has been made a warrior.  His name is Wildcave, honoring his unpredictability.  Fry (35) is so proud of his first kit to become a warrior and is excited for when the rest of his kits will begin the next phase in their journeys.  Yuccastar (107) is checking in with her apprentice, making sure that Lilypaw (7) is alright after the deaths of her father and sister.  They've noticed that Lilypaw’s glow has been dimmer lately.  Almost as dim as Yuccastar’s own. Lilypaw responds that she’s doing alright.  She just. .  .really wants to be safe and follow all the rules.  Caterpillarmallow (78) is feeling protective over the Healer apprentices.  She promises to always look out for Conepaw (11) and surprises Steppepaw (11) with something nice.  Gladekit (4) has also taken to spending time with Caterpillarmallow and Needlepelt (31), who are his aunts, in the Healer's den.  He wants to learn more about his father’s work and what he’ll be doing once he becomes an apprentice.
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From A Storm Comes Blood (moon 5)
“I’m boooooored,” Flintkit complained. He was running circles around his sister, though his face showed a blank expression. He was trying to feel energetic, or excited, anything but the worry that pulled at his muscles and made him want to curl up in his nest and not get up. He missed his fathers. 
“Do you think Dovewave or Minnowfur is better yet?” Gladekit asked, batting at pebbles, trying to hit her brother’s moving feet–not that he noticed.
Dovewave was still sick with heat exhaustion, but Minnowfur had caught whitecough. The only able medicine cat was Ferncurl, who had to work with a sprain, and Tuftedpaw, who only had just over one moon experience. 
Too, the leader and deputy were recovering from a broken bone each after a fox had knocked them off of the lower edge of the gorge.
Flintkit slowed. The small rock skimmed just past his toes. “You got better,” he pointed out. But he looked doubtful. 
Gladekit sat down heavily. Movement made her look up.
Emberpaw, an apprentice one moon older than Tuftedpaw, approached with two minnows and a trout dangling from his jaws. “Hey, you two!” he greeted. “Minnowfur wanted me to make sure you’ve eaten. Would you like me to join?”
“Sure,” Gladekit shrugged, disinterested.
Emberpaw dropped one of the minnows in her paws and plopped down beside her. “What’s wrong?”
Gladekit was watching the breeze sweep at the blades of grass. “Does StarClan cure sickness?” she asked.
Emberpaw blinked at her. Then he looked at the sky, where the warriors of StarClan were just starting to appear, though it was still relatively light out. “The stars seem so distant,” he noted. Gladekit and Flintkit followed his gaze. The stars did seem rather small….so far away. He went on. “Yet I feel like our ancestors are right here, watching over us.” He was silent for a long moment, then he blinked at Gladekit. It seemed he had forgotten her question, and was now humming with his own. “Do you ever wonder, Gladekit, about our purpose in this vast Clan?”
Gladekit tilted her head.
Emberpaw smiled awkwardly. “Ah, you’re too young to be thinking about such things.” He rose to his paws, trout barely touched. “I’ll take this to the elders.” Then he padded away, leaving Flintkit and Gladekit to watch him leave in confusion.
The siblings can't visit there fathers because they're both in the medicine den and Minnowfur doesn't want to risk infecting them.
--Gladekit is batting pebbles.
--Flintkit is running around camp.
--Emberpaw has his StarClan speech.
--Dovewave is still sick with greencough. Every sickness mentioned is because it is happening in-game.
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labyrinthclan · 3 months
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Congrats on solving your first puzzle! The tale continues...
Rimestar may not be thinking clearly right now, but she's a leader at heart: kits always come first.
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mantis-clan · 2 months
Mantisclan Moon 40
Bluesky’s leg has healed!
Locustpond came face to face with an angry rogue during a border patrol. The rogue was chased off but Locustpond was left with a mangled leg.
While gathering herbs, Blisseyes stumbled across the rapidly cooling body of a new queen, her kits clinging helplessly to the lifeless molly. Instantly jumping into action, Blisseyes brings the kits back to camp.
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Billowwhisker’s ghost now wanders. Saplingkit, Gladekit and Ivykit joined the clan.
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antclan-blogs · 1 year
Mossgleam thinks Hushstep is very helpful. Badgerdust discusses recent clan news with Stoatkit.
This moon’s story under the cut!
“You’re very good at what you do, Hushstep.” Mossgleam remarked, watching the medicine cat bustle around Badgerdust, Stoatkit and Rivernose.
“Well, that’s my job.” Hushstep shrugged. “If I wasn’t good at it, cats would die.”
“Cheerful way to put it, Hushstep.” Badgerdust sighed. He and Stoatkit were still poorly with yellowcough, despite Berrypaw and Hushstep’s best efforts.
“What happens to cats when they die?” Stoatkit asked, clearly bored. He had been wriggling around all day, but seemed too weak to move much.
Badgerdust looked down at his kit fondly. “Well, clan cats believe that when we die, we go to Starclan. You know about Starclan, don’t you?”
Stoatkit nodded earnestly. “Yeah! Berrypaw told me about it ages ago.”
Badgerdust nodded. “Well, there you go.” Stoatkit rolled over in the nest and began picking at some stray grass with his tiny claws.
“I wish I was better.” He sighed, and Hushstep gave him a sympathetic ear-lick.
“You will be. You’ve been improving loads recently. Last moon you were barely even talking.” He comforted the small tom.
“Now it’s all he does.” Mossgleam joked, and Stoatkit hissed playfully.
“Nuh-uh! I think a lot, too.” Stoatkit told the warrior proudly. “Badgerdust says I’m clever.”
Badgerdust nuzzled his kit affectionately. “That you are.”
Hushstep glanced over from where he was chewing up a poultice. “And what sort of things do you think about, Stoatkit?” He asked.
“Well, just then I was thinking about Chaff-inch-bounce.” Stoatkit said slowly, sounding the name out so that he could pronounce it correctly. “I was wondering if his tail was better yet.”
Hushstep chuckled. “That’s sweet. Well, it’s a lot better. I think he’s out on patrol now, so can’t be bothering him too much.”
Stoatkit craned his neck to look up at his father. “Did you ask Slightstar who’s going to mentor me and Gladekit?”
Badgerdust felt a pang of pity as Stoatkit mentioned his brother; the two barely spent any time together, as Stoatkit was always in his nest. He supposed Gladekit must feel a bit lonely too, with no cat to play with.
“Not yet,” Badgerdust admitted, “but maybe Mossgleam can ask now?” He added hopefully, glancing up at the dark brown feline as they watched from a corner of the medicine den.
“Sure.” Mossgleam nodded, and pushed their way through the leaf barrier into the clearing beyond. Stoatkit wriggled excitedly.
“I’m going to be the best apprentice ever!” He exclaimed, flailing his limbs as if he were already practising battle moves.
Rivernose, whom had been napping quietly in his nest, sat up and yawned. “I’m sure you will be.” He reassured the bored kit.
Badgerdust smiled thankfully at his friend. He could only hope that Stoatkit would recover in time to see his own apprentice ceremony.
bro stoatkit is so cool, can’t wait to see him as an app then a warrior
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cagedcats · 1 year
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An old Warriors OC I had that I suddenly decided “Yes let’s bring back. For a hypothetical that could’ve happened in The Broken Code.”
Poolfrost (her name was Pool- before but I can not longer remember what her suffix was). The youngest daughter of Squirrelflight and Bramblestar.
Now originally when I made her it was right after Bramblestar’s Storm I believe. With it being revealed Squilf is pregnant. I made them hypothetical kits, four of them since there were four stars (which turned out to be accurate).
I can only remember Poolfrost here, and one brother Redpaw who died as an apprentice in a freak accident. There was two others but they were apparently not important enough to remember X
Now onto the new Poolfrost-
Now in Squirrelflight’s Hope, I recall people mentioning that she wanted more kits. And was even thinking of names to give this hypothetical litter. However Bramblestar didn’t want kits. Which is perfectly fine as well.
Eventually the plot does happen and Squirrelflight decides to drop the topic I guess. I can’t remember how it planned out and I didn’t read the boom so sue me.
Now with The Broken Code, a major plot point is that Ashfur is possessing Bramblestar after he lost a life. This is so he could get close to Squirrelflight and become her mate. I guess? Or torture her as well, but I saw where he said apparently she’d beg to be his mate or some shit.
But in StarClan Ashfur was able to see more that occurred in the Clans. So he would know about this event between Squirrelflight and Bramblestar. And in a way to trying to get close to Squirrelflight- he’d ask her not long after possessing Bramblestar if she still wanted kits.
Cause at first the situation if I recall is that Squirrelflight believed the Imposter was Bramblestar, but traumatized by the whole event. And once the idea of kits were brought up maybe they discussed it for a little bit.
But Squirrelflight had wanted more kits, and she wanted a big family. She enjoyed being a mother and eventually agreed.
Eventually she does realize that this is an Imposter just like the books and the events play out as it went in the books. Except this time, she eventually discovers their efforts were successful.
Since I do remember Redpaw I’ll say he exists too. But let’s call him Gladekit for right now (which that was also one of the names that Squilf thought of) and she of course has Poolkit who she named after her sister.
So Squirrelflight has to work between being a mother to two young kits and as an Acting Leader. But plot eventually plots and Bramblestar has returned to his body hoorah.
Now growing up, Poolkit/paw and Gladekit/paw are… well they’re not well received by many. Since classic Warrior cats behavior of being mean to anyone that is connected to someone bad. Even Bramblestar is distant with the two, and he doesn’t even know if he should consider himself their father.
He does love them, it’s just… yeah weird in his mind.
Which the two also aren’t well received by their adopted siblings or sister, Sparkpelt either. Who view them as children of Ashfur. Since by technically, despite them genetically being Bramblestar’s… they kind of are.
Gladepaw ends up dying as an apprentice like prior. His death is a freak accident like before, perhaps a branch breaking and landing on him just right, or something else who knows. But this eventually just leaves Poolpaw who isn’t close to much of anybody. She’s close with Squirrelflight, but even that gets to be tense sometimes since she feels as though she is a mistake. She shouldn’t exist, and wouldn’t of existed if Bramblestar hadn’t been possessed.
So she feels like a burden. And in the fear of letting anyone too close to hurt her, or eventually abandon her, she pushes everyone away. Using an icy attitude to scare anyone that tries. Which eventually develops to being her actual personality of being bitter and self-deprecating.
She is named Poolfrost due to this attitude, but also to honor Bristlefrost who sacrificed herself to kill Ashfur. Which Poolfrost felt was just another way to point out that she is his kid.
Eventually after a while she has a bad spat with her parents, resolving mostly about everything. And she figures out she (and her family) would be better off if she just left. Which she mulls over a couple days before acting. She tells her mother goodbye and they have a tearful goodbye with Squirrelflight making her promise to be safe.
Which her running away was also originally planned with OG Poolfrost. But it was because she was a Ravenpaw type who felt more comfortable Y’know. Out of the Clan.
Now how she goes about joining WindClan… idk. I don’t know who she gets close to or how, but she ends up joining eventually. Which maybe she went to WindClan formally to request to live there specifically. Cause each of the other Clans were involved in the case more directly then WindClan if I remember correctly.
That or they have kin of Bramblestar in it, and she wants to get away from her kin. And WindClan has a good lack of kin in it, and no one was too horribly involved in it like ShadowClan and SkyClan.
So I guess in this hypothetical she replaces Nightheart. A bitter protagonist who leaves to join another Clan. But this time it’s WindClan. Which helps give them spotlight that they’ve been missing.
But honestly I’d probably just… either give RiverClan three Med Cats or make Whistlepaw the Med Cat focus for this arc, or just scrap Nightheart to focus on some WindClan rando- just give me somebody. Or- or even have Nightheart join WindClan cause he really liked Nightcloud and her name (she’s going to he’s the shit outta him and make him change his name again).
Either way we’ve done a couple ShadowClan POVs for the last couple arcs and two SkyClan, and countless ThunderClan. This is the first arc for RiverClan, give me WindClan you cowards
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The Cursed Clan Challenge - By Emixunn
Your clan is thought to be cursed! Something terrible happens often and the cats living there are never safe. Maybe their ancestors don’t care about them or maybe a higher power is out to get them. The clan is filled with uncertainty and leaders have a history of going insane yet somehow they’ve remained together this long. Every day threats loom over them and they’ve gotten used to cats disappearing. Though somehow they’re stuck here. Some cats may have pasts they cannot return to or the surrounding land is nothing but wastelands. Maybe they’d rather not be alone… how long will the clan survive for? Or will it go extinct and become nothing but a pile of dust.
You are free to also do this challenge and bend the rules to your liking and add whatever five moon events you want too! You can do the events every moon but I wouldn’t recommend it if you want the clan to last long.
The founders of Lostclan!
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From left to right and top to bottom we have:
Dustystar, a compassionate she-cat who is a learner of lore.
Mossydrift, the trusted advisor who is an adventurous transgender tom.
Erminespirit, the thoughtful, beloved kitsitter and great mediator tom who is the clan’s medicine cat.
Goldshock, the childish young she-cat who is a great kitsitter and speaker.
Badgerpaw, the insecure and battle-hungry tom who is Mossydrift’s apprentice.
Specklekit, a three moon old, nervous, interested in clan history, tom.
Pikekit, a three moon old, insecure, tom
Shadekit, a two moon old, troublesome tom, who loves to splash in puddles.
Gladekit, a two moon old, bullying, lover of stories tom.
Rules of the cursed clan challenge
Every moon a random cat must be sent on a solo border patrol and proceed no matter the situation.
Every five moons the wheel of doom is spun and something bad happens to the clan
Exceptions can be made if the clan is too small
Mass extinction events are ON
Expanded mode so cats can be injured and sick
No forcefully making cats into medicine cats unless it is absolutely necessary
Cats will never retire due to permanent conditions is turned off!
Try keeping at least one founder bloodline alive as a treat
Other options and stuff are optional
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negative-corgi · 1 year
I did not mean for this to be so long, I'm so sorry lmao
Also I'm so sorry if things don't make sense or there's a shit ton of mistakes. Firstly I didn't write down everything in my clan, I'm basically going by what I remember and the family trees. I'm also not a good writer lmao
So if i guess I post about Clan gen now and my clans drama.
So, my current casual clan I play is TornClan and I accidentally started a type of Monarchy way back with a cat called Swampstar who was the daughter of a loner Crouchwhisker and adoptive daughter of kittypet and former deputy Joobchomp.
Swampstar would have a short relationship with a she cat named Icefeather who's death is unknown and later becomes mates with a loner named Brindlefoot who she would have a MASSIVE litter of kits with (this would become an ongoing thing in the family). Brindlefoot would eventually die of Yellowcough and Swampstar of old age. Swampstar's son, Palestar, would take her place as leader.
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Very similarly to Swampstar, Palestar would be in a smae sex relationship with a warrior named Fuzzback. Unfortunately Fuzzback would die at only 58 Moons old after freezing to death in a sudden snowstorm.
Palestar would then become mates with highly respected warrior named Brightfur. The two would have one very large litter of kits, just like Swampstar and Brindlefoot. This time however, Palestar would choose to train his kits to become the next leaders of the clan. Many of them took up spots as deputies, medicine cats, mediators and highly respected warriors. Unfortunately many of Palestar's kits would get lost and die outside the clan. Palestar would die of old age. (Brightfur's death is unknown because the game keeps crashing when I try to look at her history lmao) Palestar currently has 6 living grandchildren and 17 grandchildren all together.
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Galestar would be the chosen child of Palestar to take his place as leader. In fact, Palestar actually retired early and gave up his lives to see his daughter become leader. Her sibling Talonclaw would take place as deputy. Before I talk more about Galestar, two moons before she died she came out as trans. So for the majority of her life she was identifying as a tom hence why she had a lot of kits before coming out (I have same sex kits off to prevent a sea of kittens). Palestar would spend most her life as an incredibly competent leader however when she became around 50 moon sold she would realise she needed a mate to carry on the new tradition of leaders being related. She (*cough* I *cough*) would search for moons to find the perfect mate. Finally she would stumble up a kittypet named Beanie Baby who would quickly become Galestar's very loyal and loved mate. Galestar then proceeded to CHEAT ON HER 4 MOONS LATER WITH HER DEAD SISTERS (BLUETOOTH) MATE ROOTBACK. Rootback would hope none of the kits looked like Galestar but Gladekit would look like a mix between Galestar and his Grandad Palestar. All the cats in the clan could tell this was Galestar's kit and it caused a lot of judgement on her. However she would ignore the other cats and still try to train Gladepaw to become next in line. Unfortunately during this time Gladepaw died from water-inhalation after a river accident.
Obviously Galestar was not the only kit of Palestar, she also had her siblings. Since Galestar and Beanie Baby were struggling to have kits. Galestar decided that any grandchild of Palestar was worthy of becoming the new leader. Two cats in the clan stepped up to take challenge. Bogcry, Gladepaws only sibling who was essentially cast aside for Gladepaw when they were little. Galestar's nephew Wheatswipe who was his brother Mosslight's son, would also step up. Neither cat were particularly liked. Bogcry was not very popular due to being overshadowed by not just her dead brother but also by Wheatswipe confidence. While Wheatswipe WAS more popular than Bogcry, cats could tell he was not mature enough to take the leaders place. Too aggressive and willing to start fights. Wheatswipe attitude would be the death of them after they picked a fight with a large group of rogues they could not win against. This might have seemed like a win for Bogcry as she no longer had any opponents but just then, Galestar would announce that Beanie Baby was pregnant and having kits soon. That was Bogcry's chance blown..
Galestar and Beanie Baby would have 8 kits but unfortunately unlike Palestar and Swampstar, some of the list would die before making it to adulthood.. some not even making it to 6 moons.
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Galestar would die just before her kits were 6 moons old. (And I can't remember how because I keep getting the history crash rip). Obviously, the kits are not ready to be warriors so Talonstar takes over as leader with their sister Roaringgale as deputy.
Currently Galestar's kit Venusfang is set to become deputy once training an apprentice. She has already got her warrior name while her siblings are still in training.
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Some info about Galestar's siblings because they were my favourite litter and I'm mega upset so many of them got lost.
Talonstar - Leader - First non-binary leader and possibly aesexual as they've never had interest in romance. Has had 6 apprentices so far !! Talonstar is still alive !
Roaringgale - warrior - Originally got lost and finally made it back home to be with her siblings. Roaringgale is still alive !
Bluetooth - Mediator - Original mate to Rootback and adopted all of her children. She holds no bad feelings towards Rootback for having kits with her brother and says that Bogcry and Gladepaw are just as important to her as their other adopted kits. She has two living grandkids, Stonedance and Leapstripe. Bluetooth died outside the clan.
Fogstalk - deputy - Fogstalk was actually deputy before Talonstar and consistently clashed with Galestar. Fogstalk would be one of the siblings to get lost and never be found again.
Mosslight - Mediator - Mosslight was one of the siblings to not get lost and spent most of their time as the clans head mediator. Later in life Mosslight would make a questionable decision to have kist with a cat named Springheart and then immediately get into a relationship with a warrior named Amerettofalls claiming they were not his despite 3/4 kits having a black and white coat like him.
Rainchaser - warrior - Rainchaser was a childish cat and only made it to 19 moons old after being killed by a dog when trying to lead it off the territory. Ironically, Rainchaser has a scar on her face from his mentor and Grandmother Brightfur after she scolded him for not taking her duties seriously enough.
Badgerfrekle - Warrior - Similarly to Rainchaser, Badgerfrekle would die very young. Even though he was young, he was a model warrior many had respect for. He would die from a broken bone.
Flickerghost - Medicine cat - Flickerghost was one of the lost siblings. Apparently a loved medicine cat, the clan did not get to spend much time with her. (Death unknown, history crash)
Dreamily - warrior - Originally one of the lost siblings, Dreamlily would eventually make it back to the clan in one piece ! Like her siblings, she is close to 120 moons old and is ready for retirement. The only thing she regrets is not getting to spend more time with her clan and having her own kits.
I'm sorry
For anyone who reads this jumbled mess, thank you ??? You must be really bored lmao
Originally had this at the top of the post but have moved it here. It's just ranting about twitter lmao
Once again I suddenly attempt to be active on Tumblr. Twitter has gone to such shit. I follow like 500+ accounts on there and I'm lucky if I even see 6 of them now. I actually like Tumblr more than twitter, I just don't know how to use it properly lol.
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:D that's like... my only creative name, RIP. Are there any prefixes/suffixes you'd like to see? As I was reading Squirrelflight's hope, I loved her kit name idea "Gladekit" :D I hope the prefix gets used at some point
I would love a Gladekit!
I think Hedgehogkit could be very cute, I would also possibly like to see Meadow-, Swan-, Duck-, or Newt- used more (I think at least two of these haven’t been used at all). I would also like to see the return of Shell-, Birch-, Goose-, Sun- and Raven-
I would really like to see a return of the -watcher and -dapple suffixes and I would love -sight, -light, -stream and -song to be used more in future and I think -flash and -hope have some great potential
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crestedclangen · 11 months
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Moons 7 -> 9
yippee :3 still style testing pls bear w me !!!! quiver whaddaheck
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elementclangen · 6 months
Moon 127-Leaf-fall
Despite the disaster, the Clan must go on. With a somber mood still hanging over the camp, Yuccastar (106) makes Luckstripes kits apprentices. Mothpaw (6) is apprenticed to Fry (34), as they are both fire-blessed.  The powerful Flightpaw (6) is apprenticed to Moorleg (39).  And Yuccastar takes on Lilypaw (6) as their own apprentice. Maybe if she trains a star-blessed cat, they’ll be able to create an ally in her.  Peakspots (96) is enjoying having more fire-blessed cats in the Clan again, especially during a war.  It takes some of  the pressure off of him.  Cressfreckle (43) is trying to adjust to life as a single father, after expecting to have the help of three other cats raising his kit.  He absolutely adores Gladekit (3) and is so proud of how thoughtful he is becoming.  He’ll make a great Healer. Just like his dad.  Cressfreckle wants to do something about Yuccastar, but he’s not sure what. He and his mates’ plan was to get Luckstripe on their side to protect his kits, but he’s gone now.  Fry doesn’t seem to be a huge Yuccastar fan.  Maybe he could get him on his side.  Fry’s kits are trying to recover from the loss of their sister, and Steppepaw (10) is really taking to her role as a Healer apprentice.  She enjoys thinking about how to keep the Clan healthy and taking care of others.  Sadly, while out on her first patrol, a ChaffinchClan patrol shoves a boulder onto Flightpaw and kills her.  The Clan mourns the loss of an apprentice, and Mothpaw and Lilypaw mourn their sister less than a moon after the loss of their father. 
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From A Storm Comes Blood -- MOON 4
See the cats
Gladekit curled up beside her father, her little tail draped over the edge of the nest. She had recovered from her bout of whitecough, however Dovewave had gotten what Minnowfur called ‘heat exhaustion,’ and it was now him who was kept in the medicine den. 
“Do you want to go play?” Dovewave asked her. His ears flickered, he could hear Flintkit playing with Rosenewt and Tuftedpaw, who had become an apprentice only a couple of days ago and was enjoying a break from her new duties.
Gladekit thought for a moment, then shook her head. She remembered how miserable she had felt when she was sick. She didn’t want her father feeling the same way.
“You know, you can just tell me when you want to spend time together,” Minnowfur joked. “I know I’m the medicine cat, but getting sick isn’t the only way we can see each other!”
Dovewave purred in response. “Oh, admit it, you’re happy I can sleep in the den with you again.”
Minnowfur rolled his, but his mouth was curled upward in a smile. 
Gladekit looked to her other father. “Can you tell me a story?”
Dovewave licked her cheek. “Which one, my dear?”
Gladekit thought for a moment. “Tuftedki–er–paw said that Sweetdapple knows a good loner story. Can you tell it?”
Dovewave shared a look with Minnowfur. Dovewave visibly swallowed.
Dovewave shuffled, not speaking for several long heartbeats. “Once, many moons ago, there was a loner named Peak. She was a beautiful golden she-cat with fur as delicate as fresh ferns and spots as white as first snow. One day, Peak bore into the world two little kits–one son, and one daughter.”
“Like me and Flintkit!” Gladekit cut in.
For some reason, Dovewave’s eyes widened at her interruption. “Er...Yes, good catch!”
“Are you sure you want to tell this story?” Minnowfur asked. He was finishing up sorting the herb piles and came to rest on Dovewave’s other side.
“She wants to hear it,” Dovewave answered. “She’ll hear it from us, or from someone like Sweetdapple.”
Minnowfur grimaced, but said nothing else.
Dovewave continued. “Peak may have been young, but she was an excellent mother. When she hunted for her kits, she brought back enough fish to feed an entire Clan twice. She had no warrior training, but she didn’t need any, because she only had to look at a fox with her best ‘don’t you dare touch my kits!’ face, and the beasts will be running away with their tails between their legs!’”
Gladekit giggled.
“But...” Dovewave’s voice fell, growing deeply serious. Gladekit leaned in, eyes wide. “...Not even someone as great as Peak could battle the worst enemy of all: nature itself. A horrible storm hit Peak’s home, sweeping her and her kits away to unknown lands. None of them could see, there was so much rain that their skin ached from it, the clouds were so dark that they couldn’t tell sky from water, and Peak was swallowing so much water, her lungs burned more and more, she was growing more and more tired.”
“What happened?” Gladekit asked. She couldn’t help but notice that Dovewave was acting a lot more solemn in his telling of this story than he normally did when he spoke of dramatic tales, but she was too distracted by the story itself to pay that detail any mind.
“Peak could hardly move,” Dovewave told her. “Her legs were so stiff that they felt as heavy as logs, and the water was sweeping her faster and faster through unknown lands. Peak was dangerously close to death, but she had only one thing on her mind: protecting her kits. Peak used every bit of the strength that was left and pushed through the waves like they were puddles, and grabbed her kits. She held them as high as she could, keeping them safe from the water while it battered at her. She focused. She had to get them to safety. She narrowed her eyes. Nothing. Only more water, until at last she spotted shore! Peak had to work against the current. Her legs didn’t want to move, and it took every bit of her will to get her limbs to kick out just once, let alone twice. But she did it. She kicked, and kicked, and kicked, until finally she made it onto the shore. She collapsed, too tired to do anything else. In the distance, she saw two toms, and heard them asking if she was alright. She knew that they were safe, that her kits would be safe with them, and so Peak let out her final breath, happy in her final moments, because she knew her darling kits would be safe.”
Gladekit stared at her fathers for a moment. “Then what?”
Dovewave blinked at her. “That’s the end.”
“But is she really dead?”
“She is,” Minnowfur confirmed.
“What do you think?” Dovewave asked. Was he holding his breath?
Gladekit frowned. “It’s stupid!” she decided. “If I were Peak, I wouldn’t have let silly water kill me!”
Dovewave gaped at his daughter. Why? It was just a story!
Minnowfur looked upset as well. “You’re a RiverClan cat, you need to learn that water can be your greatest ally and most dangerous enemy,” he said sternly. “Don’t disrespect anyone like that again, fake or not, understand?”
Why was he so mad? “But I–”
“Go see if Flintkit wants to play.”
Gladekit glared at him. “Fine!” Rising from the nest, she stormed out of the den, fur bristling along her spine.
When she had disappeared, Dovewave shook his head. “You shouldn’t have been so hard on her. She doesn’t know.”
“When should we tell her?” Minnowfur asked. 
“Tell her what? She knows she and Flintkit weren’t born in the Clan. They both do. Rosenewt’s not their real mother, and you and I can’t exactly have kits.”
Minnowfur sighed. “They’re bound to have questions one day about how we found them.”
“And we’ll tell them then.”
Minnowfur rested his chin on Dovewave’s shoulders. “I just worry that someone else will beat us to it, someone more harsh.”
“You’re too in your own head,” Dovewave told him gently. “The worst they can be told is that we’re not their first parents, and they already know that.”
“And then what? That their fathers found their mother dead on the shore, and left her there without a burial?”
“We did bury her,” Dovewave reminded him. Though Snailstar saw no point, Dovewave and Minnowfur snuck out that night to give the mother proper respects. After all, she had given them two beautiful kits. And she had to die for them to have them.
Minnowfur was silent for a bit. “Do you think she will remember this? When we tell them what really happened?”
“Why do you ask?”
“What if she’s angry that we didn’t tell her the truth–”
“We did. We told her about a heroic she-cat who died protecting her kits, and that’s exactly what happened. We can worry about telling them who those kits were another day. Until then, would you mind getting me some feverfew?”
--Dovewave and Minnowfur deeply respect the dead mother who they found with the kits that they took in, and have come to calling her 'Peak,' to at least give her a name--something possibly decided on when they sat vigil for her.
--Of course, Dove and Minnow came across 'Peak' after she had died, and have no way of knowing her exact story. But they like to imagine that she was a wonderful mother--she did, after all, die for her kits.
--Gladekit recovered from yellowcough!
--Dovewave has heat exhaustion.
--Dove tells Gladekit a story about a loner, but Gladekit doesn't react kindly to the loner's poor luck.
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Squirrelflight comes up with some good names like Gladekit????? Sign me up
squirrelflight comes up with really good names because she has to make up for bramblestar being really bad at them
just like how squirrelflight has to make up for literally everything that he does
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