#trigun / fallout crossover
lost-technology · 1 month
Fallout: Maximum
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Concept art for a possible fanfic. A Trigun / Fallout crossover! Basic Setting Idea: This takes place on Earth, in North America, based largely upon the Fallout universe (games and TV series). I am having trouble figuring out a specific area (as my familiarity with the games is mostly in the East Coast setting games 3 and 4 and I have only played New Vegas just a little bit), but I am highly tempted to set this partly in Arizona (and thus in the series' commonwealth encompassing parts of California and Nevada). Arizona is where I grew up and ever since I learned that there was a scrapped game, Fallout: Van Buren, that was supposed to take place there, I was kind of excited. (Van Buren street! I know that area!.... *side eye* There's a reason why your character was to be an incarcerated criminal...
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In the fusion-universe, Plants remain Plants. There was a project fronted by the United States government to engineer an efficient power source that would end America's dependence on both fossil fuels and the weird atom-punk direct harvesting of nuclear energy. A major problem was of course making it profitable, because late-stage Capitalism rules Fallout's pre-war North America in some of the most hilarious, yet horrible ways. It was done, though, by the secretive Project SEEDS - which had some relation to Vault-Tec, but, being its own separate thing, was spared the horrors that Vault-Tec did for sick funsies and had its own horrors to contend with. Independent Plants have the powers that they have in Trigun-canon, including their long lifespans, putting them at equal to ghoulified humans. They also, like ghouls, are pretty well immune to gamma radiation - except that it becomes clear that they are even stranger beings in the presence of it, as their Plant-markings will glow. Pictured above is Vash in one of the Glowing Seas leftover from a direct atom-bomb strike and Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Ghoulwood), smoking some good ol' Grey Tortoise cigarettes.
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Okay, so, somewhat of a response I cannot make to a thing I saw pop up on my dash.  I cannot reply directly because the OP is someone who has me blocked (don’t ask).  I just saw this thing re-blogged by someone who is a mutual about fandom-obsession and person showing off their merch.  Their... many things of a same thing... yeah, wow.  More power to you.  Still, wow.    And, yeah, it did make me feel better about my various fandom-obsessions. I don’t own any wearable She-Ra stuff, save for a couple of pins affixed to one of my game-system carriers, mostly because I don’t want to have to explain it to people... but I do own a lot of Zelda-shirts.  Mostly Hyrule-crest, I had one Wind Waker stained glass window shirt that I wore out that I would like to replace. Zelda is a little more of a mainstream fandom, so I feel “less weird” in my geekdom with them.  My shirts are different, though.  Even the Hyrule crest shirts are... one that’s gold, one that’ s green-gold gradation.  And it’s a solid design - just a good royal crest.  Got jewlery, too, because the Triforce makes awesome jewelry.   But... OP’s character-specific obsession makes me look back, specifically,  to my Trigun-obsession from several years back and my ongoing love of Vash the Stampede. I had large official-merch dolls of him, both regular flavor and the toy-only Dark Vash that I used to cuddle like a teddy bear at night. Yeah, I did that, so maybe if they somehow read my post (unlikely) that will make them feel less weird. That was in my 20s.  And I know how weird that is.  But, man... Vash was like... it for me. And I’m glad that he was my main obsession for a while, my “character obession 101″ course because he was the kind of character that people wouldn’t harass you for being “immoral” over liking since he’s the hero of his story and is an interesting combination of a badass pacifist. Now, people would get into arguments with you over a love of Vash back in the days of late ‘90s early ‘00s anime-fandom precisely over the sustainability of his philosophy and the way he goes about it, but it all boils down to the kinds of arguments people have been making about “a time to kill” since the beginning of time and people really couldn’t fault your personal morals in liking the character - a paragon hero. In other words, comparatively, being a Hordak-fan is much harder because we both live in a wankier fandom-age and he’s a villain.  Liking the guy who crushes nations is a tad different than liking the misunderstood outlaw who goes out of his way to not-kill and bears scars from doing everything necessary to save *everyone.*  I do both, going from paragon hero to tragic villain in my character-loves, so I’ve seen the difference.  ... If I ever crossed the streams, Vash would spare Hordak - absolutely no doubt.  He’s with She-Ra on this one.  Hell, Vash would probably try to make an argument for sparing Horde Prime if he could be contained / put in a place where he could no longer harm people. Vash be like that.  *Imagines Vash and Hordak getting into a conversation about having abusive brothers.*   (I actually read a fanfic once where there was a bit of Trigun crossover!  It was a She-Ra main fic that crossed over a lot of different sci-fi through mention of other planets and the Planet Gunsmoke / Nomans Land was one of them, so yes, crossover can be feasable).  God, there’s even some potential parallels in Clones and Plants... (Stop it, Shadsie, you’ve already got that Fallout crossover chewing your brain, you don’t need this)!  By the way, you might see me wink off this blog into the ether when the 2023 reboot of the anime “Trigun: Stampede” comes out.  First loves, you know. Even though by the trailer, I *hate* the new art-style, but...my boy will be back, so yeah.   Anyway, I just felt like rambling.  The OP did make me feel a little better about my weird fandom fixations, because... I’ve never had that many of the same shirt? Not even when I was going to anime conventions in a red longcoat I had commissioned with a garage-kit fake gun and belts over my arms to make a pretend prosthetic doing a cross-dress cosplay of my Fave of All Time.  
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lost-technology · 24 days
Fallout Maximum (more concept art)
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From my ideas for a potential fanfic Fallout / Trigun crossover. SEEDS-Vault scientist Rem and little twins. Wastelander Tesla reading Tesla magazine. (Thanks to @somereaderinblue I am always going to put her in purple).
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lost-technology · 1 month
Dear My Brain, I do NOT need to do another massive Trigun AU right now. However, just to make you happy, I'll toss out my ideas here for "maybe someday." Okay, I'm on a Fallout-kick lately. Good show for my games, yes? A rare pretty decent live action adaptation of a set of video games. Definitely nods to fans / players there. Also been doing a little playing of Fallout 4. (Fallout 3 is the only game of the series I've played all the way through main quest sadly (maybe I'll download the classics from Steam...) Anyway, I've played with this notion for Trigun before - but only in the "if they were players." I made perks / gameplay styles for the main characters. So, what are you doing, brain? Why are you starting to come up with ideas for an actual story for me to write as a crossover?!!! Especially when I do not know if there are enough people who like both properties AND read fanfiction to be interested in a crossover AU / fusion fic - then again, I tend to write things primarily for my own delight, anyway. I was telling myself "no, these two things are already too similar, there's really no need," but then came the idea that "no, there are some things unique enough to the Fallout setting that you could really have fun with the Trigun characters wandering a post nuclear North America rather than Planet Gunsmoke / No Man's Land." I could even interchangeably refer to the Wasteland as No Man's Land... Okay, Brain, so you're telling me that in this fusion universe, Vault-Tec had a subsidiary that worked closely with the budding U.S. space program, which if I am not mistaken, is canon (that satellite-dish quest in Fallout 3 and that experimental for space-colonisation front Vault concealing the real experiment in the Nuka-World expansion for 4). SEEDS was sort of its own separate thing, more benevolent than the Vaults and free from their wild secret experiments. Their mission was open: Developing a new, yet profitable, source of power for the cooperate overlords to profit from, being a failsafe for re-terraforming the Earth in the event of a nuclear war, and being a study for close-quarter scientist-living for potential space colonies. SEEDS Vault 05 (as distinct from Vault 5, SEEDS gets a different class) saw the successful bioengineering of life forms they called Plants. They were actually developed shortly before the war of 2077, but were not considered perfected. After the bombs dropped and the doors sealed, further study showed the Plants' potential as essentially living G.E.C.Ks (Garden of Eden Creation Kits). A living answer to the G.E.C.K, water-chips, cold-fusion... Even a potential way to divest from the atomic energy that America had been depending on since the end of WWII. (Fallout, for non-players, is an AU of reality diverging at WWII's end). And then Independents are born. Rem Saverem, a rogue scientist who rebels against Vault-Tec's lack of ethics managed to smuggle out the first Independent. Poor Tesla, being a little girl she had to send out, but the Hell of the Wastes were literally a better shot for her survival than for her to stay in the SEEDS-Vault. Sometime later, a pair of twin boys are born and Rem manages to convince the crew not to make them into test subjects. Until she can't. Cue big escape scene where she gets Vash and Nai out of the vault and dies in a hail of bullets right before them as guards cut her down and come after them... And so starts the journey of pair of living McGuffins who can either save the world or destroy it in search of their lost sister. Nai eventually becomes Millions Knives, a brutal Wasteland warlord bent on the destruction of humankind. Vash is on the run with bounties upon bounties upon him. He meets a ghoul named Wolfwood, dependant upon a certain kind of Chem to heal his wounds and to keep him from going feral and a couple of reporter-ladies from one of the larger settlement-cities intent upon uncovering Wasteland mysteries.
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lost-technology · 7 months
What if... they played Fallout?
So, a thing came across my dash showing off Wolfwood's amazing carrying capacity and it led to me joking about what if Wolfwood were in Skyrim? Honestly, Fallout is more like their world and I've given thought to how the characters of Trigun would play the Fallout games - whether they were caught in a crossover that put them in a world even more bleak than the one they live in or they...discovered video games and played. (This accounts for characters making play-characters that actually reflect themselves if latter. I mean, I'm a weakling who loves to play a heavy-melee and sometimes big guns characters... I doubt I'd be able to lift a sledgehammer with ease in real life, but my motto in game is "Super Sledges don't run out of ammo!") Vash - Small Arms specialist. High agility and perception. Uses V.A.T.S. constantly (I think hey may canonically have some kind of Plant-inborn version of V.A.T.S!) Downs more Nuka-Cola Quantum that that Petrovita-lady. Luck stat is in the toilet. Is one of those "Hold my beer, Bethesda!" pacifist-challenge players. Despite a low luck stat, he has the Mysterious Stranger perk for whatever reason. It's Wolfwood. The Mysterious Stranger is Wolfwood and Vash gets P.O.ed when he saves Vash's life by killing a tough opponent. Meryl - Small Arms specialist. High intelligence. High Charisma. Takes on a lot of the sidequests that let you explore the world and find out little things about it. Definitely there for the lore. Stampede version Meryl is doing ALL of Piper Wright's quests and will take her as a main companion. Wolfwood - Big Guns. Uses V.A.T.S. sometimes, but prefers a simple target and rapid-fire. High medical skill / all the Medical-related perks. Hoards and owns ALL the Stimpaks. Milly - Big Guns. Carries a Mini-Gun because it reminds her of her stungun. "I had to kill those Supermutants, Mr. Vash, it's just a game! Don't worry about it!" Likes all of the good karma quests were she gets to help people. Would probably enjoy Fallout 4's DLC Striker (the gun that shoots bowling balls). Likes anything with abnormal ammo. Elendira the Crimsonail - Concentrates on doing all of the little quests / getting all of the blueprints for building the Railroad Gun and hoards every railroad spike she finds along the way. Uses the Railroad Gun exclusively. Millions Knives - Melee specialist. Starts out with things like switchblades, graduates to swords as soon as possible. Isn't much for the sledgehammers, but will take a baseball bat and mod it to have razor blades / Bladed Swatter. A murder-hobo who slaughters everything, especially every human he comes across, settler and raider alike. Doesn't do any main quests, just kills stuff. Probably feels some kind of kinship to one of the non-human or left-of-human downtrodden races, like the robots or synths. Ghouls are probably still too human for him to like. Legato Bluesummers - Being more of a telepath than heavy on weapons, I imagine him finding that Vault in the Fallout 4 DLC you can run or downloading Fallout Shelter and running a Vault - in the most evil way possible. Just horrible manipulation on the human residents to torture them and see how they tick.
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lost-technology · 22 days
Currently welcoming ideas to hash around about this. I don't know if I'll make it a full fic, but I know I need to figure out some things if I do, so commenting on on the concept-set on Ao3 is appreciated!
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