#trion (oc)
bigbeastcyruspt · 1 year
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Here is a short comic that I made! It’s about how Trion got his maid dress :3
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A little bonus drawing :D
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junos-the-confused · 3 months
I LUV THIS GOOBER!!! <3 the chase form is so fun to draw!!!!! It’s so creative and AAAHHHH THE EYES!!!!!!
Character belongs to @bigbeastcyruspt
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onippep · 1 year
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I rendered these lovely pieces that @bigbeastcyrus drew a while back heh
[check out the originals here]
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For @compaculaaa's wtfiys for the sparkling sibling au.
It has been a long time since they’ve done this, and ‘this’ being a family dinner. It has been a good 150 years since their family has been in the same place. 96 years since Archa 7 where Elita 1 was left behind to become the spiderformer known as Black Arachnia and claimed that she wanted nothing to do with her brothers who had seemly left her behind, 96 years since Optimus was expelled from Autobot Academy by his own sire when he took the fall for his older brother, Sentinel, 50 years since Optimus’ space bridge repair crew was attacked by Megatron leaving them trapped in stasis pods on an unknown planet, 3 years since Optimus’ team awoke on Earth, and a year since Ultra Magnus was attacked by the Decepticon spy Shockwave, who turned out to be Longarm Prime their old daycare teacher turned head of intelligence, and left in a coma for a year.
With Optimus’ return from Earth with a captured Megatron, Lugnut, Starscream’s dead body and the missing Autobot scientist Mesothulas. With everything that has happened to them and how badly the siblings’ relationship has deteriorated over these last few years none of the thought that this family dinner was going to end well. What they weren’t prepared for was Alpha Trion to bring out the family photo album and start telling them stories from when they were younger.
The Prime family dinner so far has been awkward to say the least to say the least so far. They had tried getting Uncle Maccadam to come, but Maccadam’s Old Oil House’s annual drinking contest ended up falling on the same the day that everyone else could agree on to meet, so he wouldn’t join them until much later. Ultra Magnus originally didn’t want to join them and leave it to just be a Carrier/Creation bonding day, as he was set to join the crew of the Lost Light captained by Rodimus Prime after stepping down from being the Magnus, but Alpha Trion had forced him into coming as he wouldn’t be on Cybertron for possibly years.
Finally Alpha Trion had enough of the awkwardness and practicality no one talking to each other. Alpha Trion pulled out a thick oldish looking book from his subspace and slammed it down on the table startling the other members of his family.
“Since nobody’s talking to each other, I think it’s time we go down a little trip down memory lane,” said Alpha Trion as he flipped through pages.
The siblings and their sire nervously looked at each other not knowing what the oldest member of their family was going to throw at them. Finally, he stopped at a page he liked and held up the book so his family could see. The picture was of Ultra Magnus up a five-year-old Sentinel so the shopkeeper of the store that they were in could see him. The shopkeeper was a tall lanky bot who looked a little like Shockwave with their clawed servos and singular yellow optic surrounded by black nothingness. The shopkeeper held up a pointed digit up towards Sentinel with a tired expression while Sentinel gave them a look that could only be read as ‘get the pit out of my face’.
“Darling, you remember this don’t you?” asked Alpha Trion.
Ultra Magnus’ face was filled with displeasure and disappointment looking at the shopkeeper in the photo. Black Arachnia and Optimus found it in themselves to snicker at sparkling Sentinel’s face while grown up Sentinel sat in between them presently. Ultra Magnus gave a sigh before saying that he does.
“I hardly doubt that any of you kids would remember this, but this was when Optimus had that weird obsession with trains and clocks, and wanted a clock that was also a train, I had just wanted to buy a cheap plastic toy train and the glue a small pocket watch on it, but your sire was having none of that and insisted on getting a costume one made,” said Alpha Trion before pausing the story to take a sip of his drink.
“After the war there weren’t many places selling physical clocks that weren’t apart of kitchen appliances, because every bot switched over to using their internal chronometer, so your sire ended up searching all over the planet looking for someone to make this clock, and the only bot who makes costume clocks anymore turned out to be Whirl, who was apart of the last platoon he taught when he was just a drill sergeant,” said Alpha Trion laughing lightly.
That would explain their sire’s sour mode when he saw Whirl in the image. They’ve all heard stories of how all their sire’s Autobot bootcamp students going on to be great and decorated war heroes. So, one having end up as a simple shopkeeper selling and making clocks would be like one of them becoming a dock worker and not going into the military or in a science field.
Optimus felt embarrassed to have his childhood obsession with trains and clocks, of all things, brought up again after having long grown out of it. At least Sari and Bumblebee weren’t there to hear that, because knowing them they would mercilessly bully him for it, albeit playful bullying. Both Sentinel and Black Arachnia gave the faintest of ghost smiles upon being reminded of Optimus’ childhood obsession.
Alpha Trion started flipping back through the book before finding another photo he liked. Once again, he held the book up high for everyone to see.
The photo was another of Sentinel when he was younger, this time he was a youngling instead of a sparkling. He was sitting on the floor, arms crossed and pouting, looking clearly beaten up. Standing beside him was their sire looking disappointed in his son. Next to them was another beaten up kid and their parent. The other kid although was of a smaller frame build, but their armor looked much thicker than Sentinel’s, with a purple, black and yellow paint job and bug like features, and on top of that the kid looked clearly proud of themself. The parent was another tall lanky bot whose most notable feature was that two of their wheels were encased in metal skeleton wings with two arch shaped metal pieces below each of the wings, they had orange coloured optics, which was rare for an Autobot, and the thing holding the look together was their rust red and sliver colour scheme. The winged bot as though they were barely keeping themselves from laughing.
Sentinel’s face flushed upon seeing the picture as he stood up. It looked like Sentinel remembered clearly what led up to that picture being taken.
“Don’t you dare tell them about that!” Sentinel yelled while pointing at their carrier.
While making no attempt to hide the fact that she was laughing, Black Arachnia grabbed ahold of one of Sentinel’s arms. Optimus followed his sister’s lead and grabbed ahold of Sentinel’s other arm. Both of them pulled Sentinel back into his seat while shaking him slightly.
“Come Senty, let carrier tell us the story,” said Black Arachnia in a sing song voice.
“Plus, it had happened a long time ago,” added Optimus.
Sentinel made a face of disgust at them before snaring.
“Well it isn’t your embarrassment being outed,” replied Sentinel.
“Sentinel, it’s in the family album it’s meant to be something to look back and laugh at,” said Black Arachnia in a matter-of-fact tone.
Sentinel crossed his arms and slumped down into his chair. Optimus thought that it made Sentinel look just like he did in the picture, which made Optimus laugh.
“The story behind this, was that Sentinel had gotten into a fight with the kid next to him. Sentinel thought it was a fight he could easily win, but the kid he was fighting with easily beat him,” said Alpha Trion looking fondly on the memory.
“Your sire wasn’t even mad that he got into the fight, but that he lost it, your sire was even more upset with the fact that the kid’s carrier found the whole thing hilarious and said, ‘at least you didn’t lose’ to their kid,” said Alpha Trion.
Black Arachnia and Optimus couldn’t keep it back and burst out laughing. Sentinel glared at his siblings but that made them laugh even harder than before.
“Hot damn, they look fine though,” commented Black Arachnia.
Black Arachnia’s comment made Ultra Magnus spit his drink and for Optimus to stop laughing. Sentinel audibly ew’d at his sister’s comment.
“I’m sorry?” asked Ultra Magnus, still in shock.
“I said what I said that kid’s carrier is fine,” replied Black Arachnia.
“Elita you can’t say that about people you don’t know,” said Alpha Trion.
Black Arachnia let out a low growl at being called Elita. She scoffed and rolled her optics’ at her carrier’s comment.
“Relax carrier, I do know them, they’re the one who introduced me to Sliverbolt in the first place,” said Black Arachnia.
For everyone other than Alpha Trion and Black Arachnia this was their first-time hearing about this Sliverbolt bot. Ultra Magnus had the worst-case scenario pop up in his mind. Was his baby girl courting someone without him knowing? Ultra Magnus shook that thought from his head, there was no way his daughter got into something that serious without telling any of them.
“Who’s Sliverbolt?” Optimus asked.
“Oh, he’s just a friend, Acidbrust introduced to me at a science conference when he was helping them move some things that they needed for their presentation,” said Black Arachnia a little too quickly and while rubbing the back of her head with her servo.
Black Arachnia’s older brothers and sire looked at her speciously, already not trusting this Sliverbolt bot.
“And how do you know Acidburst?” asked Ultra Magnus.
“Oh, I met them after my accident in one of Fortress Maximus’ many labs, they were originally assigned to my case but managed to convince Perceptor to let them transfer back to the project they were working before mine,” said Black Arachnia more casually than when she was talking about Sliverbolt.
Ultra Magnus let the relief wash over him. ‘Good, so this Sliverbot bot is just a lab assistant that she met, nothing to worry about,’ thought Ultra Magnus. Unlike their sire Sentinel and Optimus couldn’t care less if their sister was courting someone or not, it was none of their business and her decision. They would only get involved in their sister’s love life if the guy she happened to be an afthole.
During the time that Ultra Magnus, Sentinel and Optimus took to question Black Arachnia, Alpha Trion flipped through the photo album again looking for another picture he liked. Finally, he found one, slamming his servos down on the table to get everyone’s attention. Once again, he held the book up for everyone to see the image clearly.
The photo was of a Black Arachnia when she was Elita 1 as a young child. Elita appeared not to be happy whatsoever. Laying around her were some of her childhood dolls, and next to her was another youngling who appeared to be holding one of Elita’s dolls and giving Elita a questioning look. The youngling was a femme of a larger build, she also had the same colour scheme as the kid that Sentinel had gotten into a fight with only with slight barely noticeable alterations, on top of her helm was two large grey horns and a red visor covering her optics. All of this gave the youngling Decepticon look.
“As all of you know Elita used to be a bit of a brat when she was younger,” started Alpha Trion, “this was when we decided that you kids needed some friends who weren’t also children of high council members, even though I don’t think that you even got along with most of them.”
Sentinel, Optimus and Black Arachnia remembered their creators painful attempt at getting them to try to make more friends. All the younglings that they tried to get Black Arachnia to befriend all liked to rough house and run around screaming when she didn’t, the kids Optimus was forced to be friends with were way too into horror and gore to be healthy for younglings their age when he couldn’t stand that kind of things at all, and Sentinel could not get along with anyone outside of council kids at all back then. It was a disaster to say the least.
“Elita couldn’t stand the kids we set up playdates with, especially Shrapnel here, because according to Elita she was ‘too wild’, which is funny to look back on when you realize that Shrapnel is also Acidburst’s creation along with the kid, Bombshell, in the picture with Sentinel I just showed you,” said Alpha Trion while smiling.
Now that was kind of funny knowing that Black Arachnia was friends with Acidburst themself and with someone they introduced to her. Black Arachnia had changed quite a lot since childhood especially when her accident happened, so it made sense that she was able to get along with bots that before she normally wouldn’t have gotten along with. Sentinel made a mental note to look up Bombshell’s name in the Autobot database to see what he had been up since their last meeting. Optimus also wondered what they were up nowadays, so he also made a mental note to look up each of Acidburst’s creations on the database.
Black Arachnia cringed thinking about her past behaviour, it was just too embarrassing to be something that she would do now with her disfigurements. She also felt even more embarrassed because her creators were cooing over how cute she used to be as a sparkling and her brothers laughing slightly at it.
” Well, since you told us about our childhood, how about you tell us about yours?” asked Black Arachnia, “it only seems fair.”
Alpha Trion laughed at his child’s comment. Ultra Magnus was worried about this because he knew, judging off the stories he was told by Alpha Trion and Maccadam, that his conjunx and his siblings were menaces to society when they were younger.
“Of course, my child, because unlike some bots I am not ashamed of my childhood misadventures,” said Alpha Trion.
Alpha Trion flipped to the front of the book where the pages had yellowed, and the edges of the paper were heavily damaged. That section of the book was very thin, making everyone else realize that because this was so long-ago Alpha Trion probably didn’t have that many photos of his siblings that survived the years. After a shot time Alpha Trion, found a photo that he liked. Alpha Trion looked sadly at the photo before holding it up for the rest of the family to see.
The photo displayed a youngling of about 13 vorns old, with a dark almost purple blue and black paintjob, a crown like headpiece and a flowing purple cape with stars all over it, but the thing that caught everyone’s attention was the fact that the youngling’s face was obscured was a blinding that travelled down to their chasis, sitting down in front of a fountain. Behind the youngling and fountain in the sky, clear as day was two older younglings sword frighting each other. The two younglings were being lifted into the sky by the thrusters in their pedes, they were quite obviously flyers. The one on the left had a white and magenta paintjob with gold highlights, with rather untraditional wings making it obvious that they weren’t a seeker or any kind of jet. The one on the right had a primarily red paintjob with some white here and there and some purple on their helm, without a doubt the figure in the picture was Alpha Trion when he was a youngling.
“You’re a flyer!” yelled Sentinel in shock.
Black Arachnia froze when she realized this, now that she thought about it, she had never saw her carrier transform for all she knew her carrier could have been forged a monoformer. Suddenly a lot of things made sense for Optimus now knowing the information that his carrier is a flyer. Like how he was able to master flying around with his jetpack on Earth so quickly despite never having flown like that before and why Slipstream had thought that he was Starscream. Sentinel did not like flyers at all, mostly because it seemed like all of them were Decepticons, but he did like the jettwins because the council had complete control over them, so the information that his own carrier was a flyer it him the hardest. Ultra Magnus had known about Alpha Trion’s altmode since they started courting and will forever be guilty about the fact that he made it practically illegal to be a flyer or have an altmode that was warframe aligned on Cybertron, even though Alpha Trion was the one who suggested the law as a way to end the war.
“This was when one of my brothers, Vector, and I had gotten into a fight over something I had long forgotten about and we ended photobombing a picture our carrier was trying to take of our youngest sibling, Orionus,  in front of a fountain in the newly founded Metroplex, unseen in this image is Beta laughing like a manic as she climbed a building to try and join our fight while our oldest sibling, Prima,  tried to break up our fight,” said Alpha Trion while laughing remembering his siblings and his antics when they were younger.
Everyone took some time to fully process that story. Getting into a fight with one of your siblings and accidentally photobombing their carrier as they tried to take a picture of one of their other siblings seemed like that Sentinel, Optimus and Black Arachnia would do. Ultra Magnus looked like he was glad that his conjunx was no longer like that and has since grown into the role of wise old mentor.
“Who’s Beta?” asked Optimus, “they aren’t in our family tree.”
Alpha Trion’s optics went wide at the question before realizing he was the one who brought up Beta in the first place, before a sad look came across his face. Ultra Magnus looked concerned for his conjunx, he knew that Beta was a sour topic for Alpha Trion. Alpha Trion had only mention Beta a servo full of times, he could count the number of times Alpha Trion mentioned Beta to him on one servo, but from what he knew, Beta was a freedom fighter in the early days of a war long forgotten to modern day historians and later a general in the Destrons army, the combined forces of the Autobots and Decepticons’ military back when they were a single faction.
“Beta was my only conjunx before bonding with your sire, she died long before the Autobot/Decepticon war had begun, the only reason why she wasn’t in any of the family trees was because back then we only added conjunxs to the tree after they had a creation with the family member they were bonded, and well, Beta and I never had any creations during the time we were bonded for,” said Alpha Trion sadly.
This was the most information that Ultra Magnus had ever heard about Beta. He always suspected that Alpha Trion had been involved before, but the elder bot had never told him about any of his past lovers, and he had no interest in finding out about them. The siblings also became sad upon learning about their carrier’s dead conjunx, everyone knew that losing a bondmate was one of the most painful things that could happen to someone not only because they were losing someone, they loved but because they were also losing apart of their spark as well.
Before they could become even more depressed by this information the dinning room door suddenly slammed open. Everyone immediately turned their heads to who had opened the door. Standing in the doorway was Uncle Maccadam and an unknown bot with a white and sliver paintjob who looked like in another life they could have been a flyer but appeared to have a sports car altmode.
“Hopefully, I’m not too late,” said Uncle Maccadam, “also I found this one pacing around outside, he said that he had wanted to talk to Black Arachnia.”
Black Arachnia looked surprised to see the sliver bot there before blushing and turning her face away from him. Ultra Magnus saw this and did not like the picture that was forming in his head.
“Hi,” said the newcomer while waving, “the name’s Sliverbolt.”
The boys and their sire were surprised to hear that this was Sliverbolt because he did not look like a lab assistant, especially one that would be in a biology lab. That was when they noticed his Autobot insignia was that of the Elite guard but there was a thin line of red surrounding it signalling him to be a member of the Autobot Airforce. That was when it hit Ultra Magnus on who Sliverbolt was, he was the youngest Airforce captain, even though when he was just a pilot, he wasn’t named the youngest pilot because that title belonged to a monoformer by the name of Nyx and was the commander of a small team known as the Airealbots despite having a fear of heights. At least he was someone that he could keep tabs on and not some random shopkeeper, but that still doesn’t mean he trusts Sliverbolt’s intentions with his daughter.
Sentinel looked grumpy to find out that Sliverbolt was a member of the airforce but Optimus was just glad to meet someone who was able to make his sister happy after her accident. Sliverbolt looked nervous to see all of Black Arachnia’s family there, he obviously wasn’t expecting a family dinner to be going. Alpha Trion waved at them to join them at the table. It took everything in Ultra Magnus to not turn the family dinner into an interrogation by questioning Sliverbolt about his relationship with Black Arachnia.
The rest of the afternoon went by smoothly. Even though Ultra Magnus and Sentinel were staring daggers at Sliverbolt and Uncle Maccadam annoying the ever-living spark out of Alpha Trion. They spent the afternoon playing boardgames and going over more photos from the photo album with Sliverbolt sharing a few stories about his team which made Optimus respond with stories of his own team. All in all this afternoon made them realize that there was still hope for their family despite all the tragedy their family faced in recent years.
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transingthoseformers · 3 months
I had a naming system idea. You know how cybertronians have one name and sometime use their city as a byname (ex. Arcee of The Darklands)?
That only really makes sense when they're away from home, and there's still a chance of there being somebody with the same name in their home place. Especially if it's a word name like Soundwave, Snarl, etc.
What if they had a matronymic/patronymic in addition to that? Like Megatron of Terminus, Orion of Alpha Trion, etc?
Could be a thing in Transformers: Surge. Not sure which parent's name a bot would use if they had more than one parent though.
(Shockwave refuses to be called "Shockwave of Bombard" though, because fuck that bitch)
Oooo that'd be fascinating, and if they had more then one parent it might be the parent they were closer to? Maybe? Or it's randomized. Makes sense Shockwave would say "fuck that" to it though.
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noritaro · 10 months
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TF chibi icon commissions for @compaculaaa [Alpha Trion] + WAKPAKU on Twitter [their OC]
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alicefromwhichplanet · 2 months
My new work! In this fiction I made my first attempt to create my OCs. They’re actually sparklings to be more specific:
Jinglestorm— Blitzwing and Bumblebee’s daughter, an orange jet, blue optics
Skystrophe— Megatron and Optimus’s son, a black truck, red optics (a bit inspired by Scourge)
Clobber— Strika and Lugnut’s daughter, a ground unit (like tfc Clobber) but in Strika’s color, red optics
This story is an AU of tfa/ my tfa fiction Heroic Nonsense. The three main characters, as members of a new patch of sparklings born after the Great War, also children of decepticon veterans/ autobot-decepticon parents, are going to blaze a trail to building a new world where autobots and decepticons are peacefully united, while exploring and healing scars left by the old warring world.
Follow their adventures! This will be a story about: trauma after war and how the gap between two race/fractions can be healed after war ended; the growth story of three children with complex identities.
“Then why don’t you tell us about the beginning year of the Great War?” The old professor just can’t let her go. This time she isn’t sure. Her optics wander to her friends— Clobber sitting front right of her, is now staring at the window as well, her mouth agape in a daydream, her biggest optic half-shut, her history tablet almost shut down from power off. Slag! Her optics again wander to the back row. Skystrophe is there giving her a silent condemning look. His book is neatly opened to the page in use but he is clearly not going to give her the answer, and probably does not agree with her behavior of distracting in history class. Skystrophe loves history class, like his famous sire Optimus. Sometimes he is just insufferable.
Looking at Skystrophe’s silent condemning red optics, Jinglestorm is suddenly hit by an idea. She looks back at the professor and says with confidence:
“The Great War began about 5 million years ago. When the decepticon leader Megatron decided to start a riot.”
The classroom falls completely silent. Skystrophe suddenly looks down, pretending to be intrigued by his pencil. Alpha Trion frowns at the young bot, slightly nods and then shakes his helm, looking both satisfied and disappointed at her answer.
“Yes, that was written in textbooks before the war ended. But today, with the united government formed, and a peace treaty being reached permanently between autobots and decepticons— (his mouth corner twitches as he says that) today we say the Great War began when the former autobot government refused to pay decepticon miners full salary at year 917.”
He walks back to his podium with a slightly upset look, while muttering more comments. “The current government believes there are blames on both sides of the Great War, and they required us to be neutral about this part of history teaching. In the past we teach about the dangers decepticon riots posed to our society, but now they say the former autobot government was maintaining an unequal system on Cybertron as well.”
Jinglestorm nods attentively. “Yes. My carrier said…”
“Your carrier, Blitzwing, right?” Alpha Trion’s blue optics narrow as he looks into Jinglestorm’s optics. The girl shrinks a little at the coldness in them.
“You may sit down, Trainee Jinglestorm. ”
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I give you...this absolute unit-
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Yeah, sorry for the wait, but when I finally got his design down in my style, he was actually super fun to draw!!!! I wanted to do his other outfit too since it was rlly cute, but I didn't wanna make you wait much longer cgfgcgct Just gives me an excuse to draw more Trion hehehe >:)c
(Also don't mind my character Sound, he's scared shitless rn he's fine-)
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anuris189 · 8 months
Love is in the air
a WTFIYS for @compaculaaa's wtfiys for the sparkling sibling au.
It's been quite a long time since that fateful day, the day where Elita-1 got left behind on Archa-7 and mutated into a half spider techno organic being. Out of hurt and bitterness, Elita, now renaming herself as Blackarachnia joined the Decepticons to get revenge on her brothers after they seemingly abandon her to the spiders after the cave collapsed because of the unstable energon cubes that exploded the Decepticon warship she and her brothers were looking for.
But what she didn't know that her older brother, Optimus Prime took the blame for her supposed death and got expelled from the Autobot Academy as a result, which lands him a job as a space bridge maintenance bot with a crew of his own that consists of a band of misfits. She meet her brother Optimus again on earth, during Halloween night as she try to persuade Sari Sumdac the human ally of Optimus and his crew to give her the Allspark key in order to 'help' Bulkhead and Bumblebee after incapacitating them. To say the reunion is not that warm or pleasant is an understatement. Blackarachnia straight up attacked Optimus to make it clear she is not happy to see him again, after that incident on Archa-7 for abandoning her to the spiders.
However, Optimus, once he discover that Blackarachnia is his supposed deceased younger sister Elita-1 still wanted to help her, despite the fact she attacked him, his crew and Sari. Though she quickly decline his offers to help her since it will be a long time she trust anybot again, especially him.
Many encounters later, Blackarachnia slowly realized that Optimus really mean what he said. And she start feeling somewhat guilty for doubting his kindness and desires to help her.
After Optimus' return to Cybertron, and the capture of Megatron and his lieutenants Lugnut and Shockwave, he took Blackarachnia home to their carrier Alpha Trion and recovering sire Ultra Magnus; who had been attacked by Shockwave under the disguise of Longarm Prime, the current head of intelligence and their old daycare attendant.
The return of Blackarachnia has received a lot of different response and reaction from each bots in the family. Alpha Trion immediately came over to the spider bot and hugged her once he discovered that she's Elita-1; his long gone daughter, Ultra Magnus can't contain his tears of joy at his daughter's return as he hugged her too, while Sentinel reacted in disgust by the fact his sister is now a techno organic being. Though, he was quickly berated by his carrier and brother for acting like that toward her.
But, that didn't stopped there. Some bots are genuinely afraid of Blackarachnia, or straight up showing distain toward her for being half organic, which makes her feel like an actual outcast to Cybertron. Optimus and Alpha Trion did their best to make Blackarachnia feel better of the predicament, nothing seems to work as she slowly drowns in her spiral of self hate and insecurity.
Alpha Trion can't bear to see his baby girl suffering like this, it hurts his spark more than having a thousand blades impaling him on the sparkchamber. "What seems to trouble you, my love?" Ultra Magnus questions softly, carefully stepping over to his mate.
"It's Elit- I mean Blackarachnia, dear." Alpha Trion sighed sadly, turning over to the still recovering bot. "Lots of bots are avoiding her just because she's a techno organic. She's currently taking a walk with Optimus to Iacon's main park."
"I see." Ultra Magnus secretly regret setting up the whole organic are dangerous propaganda on the first place. This only leads to his daughter's misery, since none of the bots except himself, Alpha Trion, and Optimus wants nothing to do with a half organic even those who are formally Cybertronians.
"I'm getting worried about her." Alpha Trion said. "What if she's going to be alone forever because she's a techno organic now."
With a great pang of guilt and sadness, Ultra Magnus hold Alpha Trion close and let the older bot sob softly on his shoulder. "I... I'm sure there will be someone that love her for herself and not minding her organic half."
"How can you be sure?"
"Well, it didn't hurt to wish for that to happen, isn't it, love?"
"I... I suppose you're right."
However, the older couple didn't realize that their wish is about to be realized. Optimus and Blackarachnia decided to visit Maccadam' Old Oil House, their uncle's famous bar to grab a quick drink after a long walk in the park.
Uncle Maccadam greeted them warmly, and give those two their usuals as he continue to serve drinks to the patrons. Though, the bartender glanced at his niece and nephew, more specifically at his niece with furrowed optical ridges, worried for her mental and emotional health. He is completely aware of the treatment Blackarachnia received for being part organic and cursed those who mistreated his niece internally, even calling them stupid crankshaft for not knowing any better.
Surely enough, another bot enters the oil house and quickly make his way inside. The mech is uncharacteristically tall for a civilian frame, but not close to a Decepticon's height. He has bright orange, white and light orange color scheme with a black slender body and light grey face. He has a pair of cat-like green eyes, slanting upward.
The new mech mech leisurely make his way through the patrons and took a seat near Blackarachnia, seemingly untroubled by her presences. Maccadam look over to the mech and smiles. "Welcome back, young bot."
"Hi, Mr. Maccadam." The mech politely greets back, which caught the attention of Optimus and Blackarachnia since they didn't see or hear him coming. "This place is lively, as always and so are you." He smiled warmly.
The bartender grinned back at him. "Well, I try to be."
"It's good to know. I'll be taking the usual, please?" The mech said.
"One usual, coming right up!" Maccadam said, before he left to fix his orders. "This will take a while, young bot."
"No worries, I can wait."
While waiting for his order, the mech went on fidgeting his digits nervously. Blackarachnia eyed the mech curiously as she take a sip from her energon drink. He doesn't seem to notice that the spider bot has been observing him, but Optimus did.
He watch as Blackarachnia inspect the new mech from head to pede, wondering what she's thinking right now.
"Here you go. One usual." Maccadam came back with a large glass of spiked energon, along with a bowl of snacks in case he wants something to snack on.
"Thank you Mr. Maccadam."
"Anytime, young bot. Enjoy." The bartender smiled before he left.
About an hour later, the mech finished his drink and snacks. "Thanks for the drink and snacks."
"Anytime young mech." Maccadam said with a playful smile plastering his lips.
Before the orange mech could stood up, he stopped on his tracks when he saw Blackarachnia and Optimus. Mostly he was staring at the spider bot, and boy he seems smitten by her. Maccadam noticed this and a smile slowly appear on his feature while Optimus warily watched the mech. Wanting know what the mech want with his sister.
Building up his courage, the mech called out to Blackarachnia, albeit softly, "Uh, hi there." Hearing this, said spider bot turned over to the voice calling out to her, only to come face to face with the mech.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Blackarachnia asked the mech, raising one of her eyes at him.
"Uh...um, not really." The mech fumbled with his words. "But, we can get to know each other now. My name is Thunderbird. What's yours?"
Ah, this mech Thunderbird is overly polite, Optimus thought to himself. He also notice that Thunderbird doesn't seem to care about Blackarachnia being a half organic being, he just see her as a normal femme.
"It's Blackarachnia." The spider bot answered, a bit reluctantly.
"Blackarachnia? Wow, that's a beautiful name." Thunderbird said with a kind and gentle smile. This greatly shocked said spider bot, she is mostly meet with terrified screams and looks of horror and disgust from the other Autobots ever since she was brought back to Cybertron, but this mech Thunderbird he didn't care about how she looks or her half organic nature. He just see her as a normal femme, with a unique appearance.
"T-thank you." Blackarachnia said with an uncharacteristically shy tone.
"No problem. I haven't see you around before, want to tell me more about yourself? It's okay, you don't need to tell me that if you're feeling uncomfortable."
"No, no, it's okay. I don't mind." So, Thunderbird and Blackarachnia started chatting with each other, with Optimus and Maccadam observing the two.
"Sire is not going to be happy when he knows about this." Optimus murmured, he knows it really well that Ultra Magnus is going to get Thunderbird's aft for getting too close to Blackarachnia, since he is known to be really protective of his kids.
Uncle Maccadam on the other hand is grinning widely at this. He has a good feeling that the meeting between these two is a sign for Blackarachnia, a good sign that she will never ended up alone in the future because of her organic half. But, in the other hand he have to convince his big brother Alpha Trion and brother in-law Ultra Magnus to let Thunderbird court their daughter.
Maybe, there's still hope for the whole family, especially Blackarachnia after all the tragedy they've faced.
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obbystars · 1 month
fun little thing that’s pretty much an AU ig
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fishybehavior · 6 days
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Still working on their names and details but I really love how these guys are looking!!
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bigbeastcyruspt · 2 months
You took a dip in that murky ass water and see this 60 ft long beast coming at you
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cursedseabunny · 11 months
Mushroom vs. @bigbeastcyrus 's big hungry fella
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Hehe shading go brrrr
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1silentsiren1 · 1 year
Here is the last post this year. New Year is a family holiday and therefore 13 Primes decided to get together. Having forgotten the old feuds and quarrels, they are again close.
Next year I will try to tell you the complicated story of the last of the Primes, the reason for his (or rather her) quarrels with Prima. There are a lot of stories and I will try to intrigue you and tell you in detail about everything
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Ambrosia and reunions; a short story snippet
“Need some help with that?” The yellow and black mech questioned as he approached a pair of quarreling bots seated on a park bench.
“Not currently my good lad. But thank you very kindly for offering.” The old hooded mech answered as he looked over the dented wrists of a rather tired looking gold and red fembot.
“Uncle- I’m fine. It was just a week in the hospital.” The femme sighed in irration at the mech whos visage was obscured by his cloak.
“You bruise from a iv treatments so easily. Hm. I have just the home remedy for such an occasion…” The elder said with a small chuckle.
“Uncle, I’m fine.” The gold and red bot groaned. “I don’t wanna deal with your smelly homemade ointment.”
Bumblebee tilted his head curiously with a concerned look. “…who is this?"
“You do not recognize me lad?” The elder replied with a grin as he removed his hood. “Perhaps you should visit my archives more often.”
Alpha Trion??
The old hack actually survived the war?!
"...Alpha Trion?!” Bumblebee’s jaw dropped to the ground as he saw that he was actually looking at the old Autobot archivist in person. “But-...how?!”
“Shockwave fell for the oldest trick in the book. I idled my engines to feign being terminated. The fool tossed my ‘body’ out a waste shoot!” Alpha Trion cackled. “It wasn’t long before I made my way out of Iacon and hunkered down in a Kaonite library!”
“As one does, apparently.” Trion’s gold and red niece said sarcastically.
“I’m an archivist my dear. Where else would I reasonably go other than an archive?” The elder replied with a shrug and a playful wink.
“But what’s with the cloak?” Bumblebee wondered aloud.
“My lad, when one gets to my age one tends to get cold rather easily. The cloak holds back the chill. And I suppose that the air of mystery it provides is an added benefit.” Alpha Trion answered.
“He mostly has it for the dramatic flare.” Holos said. “His internal heatin’ systems work perfectly fine.”
“Hush you~!” Trion faux scolded her good-naturedly.
“Holos, why’d you call him uncle?” Bumblebee wondered aloud, his curiousity getting the better of him.
“… because he’s a member of the original thirteen? Which both my parents were members of? He’s literally my uncle.” Holos explained with an exasperated look on her face. “Did you honestly think that I had be jokin’ about that and the fact Optimus is also my uncle back when we were both on team prime?!”
“Holos-“ Bumblebee rolled his eye as he looked at the girl with a small smirk. “No. I didn't. I just figured it was some sort of endearing nickname for someone as old as...him.”
“I don’t joke about-…” The gold and red knight started to argue before before thinking better of it. “Maybe I’m just really tired and sore right now. Sorry about the grumpiness.”
“I have this lovely home remedy that could help alleviate-“ Alpha Trion smirked as he began to repeat his earlier sentence before Holos cut him off.
“No. Nobot wants to hear about the ointment.” She insisted. “It’s really greasy and smelly.”
“I-uh… what is it made of?” Bumblebee asked a bit too inquisitively as he saw the look of disgust on Holos’s face.
“Ambrosia!” Trion said cheerfully.
Holos facepalmed despite her dented palm and wrists. “Good Lord you’re absolutely ridiculous. It’s made from the Cybertronian equivalent to vaseline and shae butter. Not ambrosia!”
“That ‘tis what you think. You have never seen me make the ointment, therefore you cannot for certain claim to know the contents of it.” Alpha Trion pouted as he crossed his arms.
“Uncle Alchemist and uncle Onyx has seen you make it.” Holos deadpanned.
“They relaid that info to me. Also yours smells like rotten fish and stale energon.”
Trion grumbled something about her not having any whimsy under his breath in response.
Bumblebee couldn’t help himself from chuckling as he watched the two bots interact with each other, his curiosity not fully being sated quite yet.
“Wait what’s it really supposed to be for?”
“Bruised and or dented platin’. It also can soothe chapped and dry protoform n’ mesh.” The Knight explained before adding;
“Modern products actually smell nice and aren’t that greasy and gross feelin’.”
“My dear niece, oh you wound me so!” Alpha Trion said dramatically. “My home remedies are so much better than those candy scented follies!”
Holos simply rolled her optics at her uncle. “It does the same stuff but better. Get over it.”
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
G1 SG au: It seems there weren't any Autobots on Cybertron besides Elita's bots and Alpha Trion in the G1 cartoon, and the Cybertron Seven in the G1 comic.
That'd be 14 total (the cartoon's first episode had the crew of 19, comic had even more), BUT.
Cybertron Seven's members were on Earth in the cartoon. And anyway two members, Borebit and Corkscrew, were never even seen. So not sure who else to put on the SG Ark besides Elita's group.
(There were also very few Decepticons on Cybertron, Shockwave and the Rainmakers in the cartoon. Idk the comic, Straxus, Trannis, maybe the Sports Car Patrol (tfwiki is unclear), so i might just keep some Earth team Cons and bots on Earth; cartoon Nemesis had the crew of 14 plus some generics)
Hmm, okay okay
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