#tristan Flynn x you
danikamariewrites · 5 months
I have a Flynn request! There definitely aren’t enough out there for our crescent city males. Lol reader is out with friends at a bar and really drunk. She gets separated from her friends and some guy is really creeping her out and won’t leave her alone. She texts/calls Flynn to come get her.
My First Call
Tristan Flynn x reader
A/n: I HAVE FINALY FINISHED CC3 and Flynn absolutely deserves love bc it seems like he’s the only single Pringle left I volunteer as tribute
Warnings: drunk reader, aggressive behavior (not the frat pack), and not proof read sorry
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Wobbling through the club on numb limbs you were jostled by the crowd of swaying bodies. Your mouth was dry but you were craving another fruity-vodka cocktail. As you made your way back to the table your friends were currently inhabiting this evening you tripped a little.
Only two of them were left. The other three having bailed earlier thanks to their work schedules. Who even makes their employees come in on a Friday for a holiday weekend? A crime honestly.
A male had joined the table, too busy flirting with Marcy to notice your presence. Taylor, your other friend, had noticed you cautiously walking back. “Hey,” she says enthusiastically with a small giggle at your drunken demeanor. You giggle back, falling into her arms.
“I want another drink.” Your words coming out as one long sound. Taylor just laughed in response. “I think you need to go home.” You groan at the blonde before remembering your bestest friends are waiting at home. The guys were probably still up. Either playing video games or having a house party in honor of the long weekend.
“Ok. Marcy! Come on.” Taylor commanded. Marcy gave the male one last kiss on the cheek with a look that promised she’d call him. She never called though. She just liked attention and free drinks. What pretty girl doesn’t though?
Letting out a sigh you move from Taylor’s protective grasp. Turning your back on your friends you start to move toward the exit. At least what you think is the exit. The crowd is definitely thinning out. Pushing open a door with peeling paint and rusty hinges you find yourself in a dimly lit alley. At either end is a bustling main street of Lunathion.
“Fuck,” you mutter. Looking from side to side you can’t remember which end of the alley the club entrance would be. “Fuck.” You say a little louder.
Letting out a sigh you start walking to the left, hoping to find your friends. Coming out on the sidewalk you notice a fancy restaurant and a closed cafe. Some business entrances, a bank, then the fanciest hotel in the city. The warm lights of the Regent of Lunathion looked so inviting. Plus they have comfy armchairs to wait in.
You start heading down the street in the direction of the regent. Now that you’re out in the chilly night air and not in the dark, crowded club consuming alcohol your body starts to ache. You hug your arms to your chest, cursing yourself for not bringing a sweater. Your chunky platform heels start to feel heavy with every step you take. The blisters starting to form on the back of your ankles and toes have you stepping gingerly.
Heavy footsteps quickly approach that have you tensing. Hoping it’s just someone on a late night run that will pass you. You move over slightly to not just be in the middle of the sidewalk. Runners in this city get pissy about that.
But it’s not a runner. No, something worse. A male in dark jeans and hoodie falls into pace beside you. “Hey,” he starts, “what’s a pretty lady like you doin’ wanderin’ the city alone?” You roll your eyes, not caring about the consequences. You wouldn’t have been able to hold the annoyed expression back anyway. “I’m not. I’m with my friends.”
The male looked around the almost empty street. “Really? Because I don’t see them.” “Yup.” You reply dryly. Urd, can’t males take a hint these days? “I’m meeting them.” A lie you were sure he saw through but didn’t care. You would say anything to get him away from you. “Well what bar are you going to? I know a short cut,” he says seductively, trying to grab for your arm.
You move quicker than the both of you expect. The situation sobering you up. You looked at him with bewildered eyes. “No!” You scream at the top of your lungs. Passersby staring for a moment before looking away and walking a little faster. Cowards.
Before the male can say anything you book it down the rest of the way to the Regent. The doorman, an elderly human man, gives you a curious look. Your words stick to the tip of your tongue. Not knowing how to form your plea for help as the alcohol still rushes through your system.
You look back down the street. The male looking pissed as he storms up to you. The doorman notices, an angry look now on his kind face. “Head inside miss. And please make yourself at home until your ride is here.” You rush past him with a grateful look. Pulling out your phone, ignoring the texts from your friends, you immediately go to Flynn’s contact and pressing the call button.
he answers in one ring. “Hey sweetheart,” his smooth voice relaxing you as you sink into the plush armchair. “Flynn, can you come get me. I’m a little lost.” From his sharp inhale you could tell he was trying to hide his laugh. “I’m already on my way. Taylor called me five minutes ago.” You let out a sigh of relief. “Wait, how do you know where I am?” “I have your location, sweetheart.” You can hear the smile in his voice.
Urd you love that smile. So suave but genuine. “Only for you,” he’d say with a wink that always made you blush like crazy. It was no secret you have a crush on the lordling. And Ruhn would argue that Flynn had a bigger one on you. Why neither of you had made a move yet was beyond everyone.
The male walked past the window of the lobby staring daggers at you. Your eyes went wide as you remembered why you were in the hotel lobby. “Can you hurry? There was a guy following me and I just wanna go home.” The silence on the other end of the line was deafening.
Flynn gripped the steering wheel so hard his tanned knuckles turned white. “I’m one minute away.” He stepped on the gas, just barely making the light before it turned red. He kept talking to you as he flew down the street. Telling you everything he saw before pulling up to the Regent.
Throwing the car in park, Flynn throws his door open. Passing the doorman he nodded at Flynn with a small smile. “She’s to the left.” “Thank you.”
Seeing you curled up in the chair clutching your phone like it was a life line made hims heart clench. You looked like a lost child. Flynn knelt in front of you taking your hand in his. “Hey sweetheart,” he coos, “ready to go?” It took you a moment to realize who was in front of you. Once it clicked you smiled widely at Flynn.
“Hey,” you drawl. Your exhaustion catching up with you. Flynn smiled back you. Overjoyed to see you unharmed. “Yeah let’s get outta here.” He stands to help you up but you just give Flynn a pout and doe eyes. “Will you carry me? My shoes hurt.” “Of course.”
He knelt back down to unbuckle your ridiculous shoes, holding them in one hand while scooping you to his chest with his other arm. Letting out a deep sigh you lazily wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, snuggling into his neck.
Flynn’s heart soared. He held you tighter, basking in your warmth and scent. Though he could smell the alcohol, that strawberry and honey scent he loves so much is still prominent to him. “I got you, sweetheart.” He murmurs, pressing a kiss to your temple.
Gently placing you in the passenger seat and bucking you in Flynn breathed a sigh of relief. You were safe. Climbing in the car himself he quickly sends a text to Taylor letting her know you’re fine. The drive home seemed long but he didn’t care. Anything to spend time with you.
Your hand grasps his resting on the gear shift. You look at him, your lids heavy. Finally pulling up to the house Flynn looks down at you. “Thank you for getting me. My knight in shining armor.” Flynn blushes as he squeezes your hand. He brings your hand to his lips, pressing soft kisses across your knuckles. “I’ll always come get you. No matter where you are, sweetheart.” You give him a tired smile before your eyes fully close.
Carrying you inside, Flynn tucks you in making sure to take out your hair clips. He even takes your makeup off, gently scrubbing at your face. Just as he sets a glass of water down and a tonic for your headache in the morning, you stir slightly. Flynn froze as he saw you squinting at him. “Will you stay? Please?” You mumble.
“Sure, sweetheart.” You turn to face the side of the bed Flynn makes himself comfortable. He sits on top of the covers, leaning against the propped up pillows. Once he sits you instantly fall back to sleep knowing your safe.
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throneofsmut · 5 months
Can't Believe It
Tristan Flynn x Reader || WC: 520 || Warnings: None
Summary: Tristan Flynn makes Reader laugh with a shitty joke he told at work. Based off this request.
A/N: To the anon who requested this, thank you, i haven’t seen many fics for crescent city characters, so I hope you like it !!
You threw your head back into the fluffy pillows of Tristan’s bed as your whole body shook with laughter. Tears spilled from your eyes that were squeezed shut while you clutched your stomach.
“Babe. . . it’s not that funny,” Tristan argued in between his own laughs. 
Wiping the tears from your eyes as you sat up. “You did not say that to the cheetah-shifter you arrested last night!” You said through giggles. 
He was grinning. “I did. I swear!”
Your grin matched his. “So you mean to tell me that you arrested a cheetah-shifter for stalking his ex-girlfriend and when he complained about it you said, ‘At least it’s not for speeding.’” 
He nodded.
“And he just blinked at you?” 
“Yeah. He didn’t even laugh.” He added with a pout, but his green eyes still shone with mirth. 
You slapped your knee before falling backwards into the pillows again as you howled with laughter. Then your loud laughter turned to silent laughter as you imagined their interaction in your head. 
Tristan without a doubt wearing a cocky grin—proud of his own joke. 
You shook your head and then took a deep gasping breath. Greedily gulping in air after laughing so hard for so long. 
Head tilted upwards as you wiped tears from your cheeks again, smiling, “Burning Solas, Flynn, I haven’t laughed like that in years.” When you looked at him again he was shaking his head softly, a hint of a grin remaining on his face, “What?”
“I just can’t believe it.” He murmured.
“Can’t believe what?”
“How you look even more beautiful when you laugh.” 
You felt your cheeks heat from his words and from the way he was looking at you. Holding his gaze for another second before tearing it away and looking down at your hands. You shook your head. 
He gripped your chin with his thumb and pointer finger, forcing you to meet his gaze. Bright green eyes bore into yours. “I. . . Sometimes, I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.” His lips curved into a genuine smile. 
Unconsciously your lips curved up into a smile too. 
He smiled wider, revealing straight white teeth and dimples. “Beautiful.” Tristan swore. 
Only a heartbeat passed before he cradled your face with both hands, leaning in and then his lips met yours in a heated kiss. 
When he pulls away, both of you are breathless and he presses his forehead to yours. “Gods, you’re so beautiful it hurts.”
Your chest rises and falls, brushing against his muscled chest, as you slowly catch your breath. Still too caught up in the kiss you just shared, you didn’t even realize you were shaking your head. 
Tristan leans back to look at you, brows furrowed, “You don’t believe me, do you?” He says with a frown.
“Flynn. . . I—“ Your words are cut off by another kiss. 
This time when he pulls away, his arms wrap around you in a hug and he rests his chin atop your head. “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll spend the rest of my life proving to you how beautiful you are if I have to.”
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The Bond (T. Flynn) 18+
Summary: Bryce introduced you to the frat pack and the bond snapped in place for Flynn but not you.
Words: 2.8k
Requested: Yes
Warnings or A/N: Smut 18+ Slight sexual assault.
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Flynn didn't notice when Bryce and you entered the room, but the moment his eyes landed on you, a strange sensation washed over him. In that moment, he felt an undeniable, overwhelming wave of emotions wash over him. It was as if time stood still as he gazed at you, feeling an inexplicable connection that went beyond words. He knew that you were different. He despised the way you stared at him with disdain while the dryad planted kisses on his neck. With a firm hand, he untangled her fingers from his hair and pushed her away before standing up. "Hello, I'm Tristan, but everyone calls me Flynn.”
Ignoring Flynn, you focused your attention on Declan and Ruhn. It was Ruhn who initiated conversation with her next. "Wait. Are you really working at Griffin's too? Jesbia approved of that?"
Flynn's heart raced as you smiled back at Ruhn. "Well, I am her best friend's daughter, so I guess I get special treatment,"
"Hey, [Name]!" A male deer shifter greeted her. "I didn't expect to see you at this party. You rarely attend parties.”
"Cole! Hey. Yeah, Bryce convinced me to come," you explained, embracing him.
Cole glanced at Bryce and grinned at her. "Thanks for bringing her out. Mind if I steal her for a dance?"
Bryce shook her head. "No, go ahead."
With gratitude, Cole took your hand and led you to the dance floor. He spun you around so your back was against his chest, and together they swayed to the music.
The feeling intensified until it clicked into place. Jealousy surged as the mating bond snapped. "Who's that guy?" Flynn asked, his voice tense.
"Cole? He's the son of her dad's best friend, the guy she grew up with," Bryce replied, peering at Flynn. "Why?”
Flynn remained silent, his gaze fixed on his mate dancing with someone else. Flynn's protective instincts surged as he watched Cole disrespecting you. Anger boiled inside him as he saw Cole pinning you against him, ignoring your discomfort.
Flynn threw his beer aside and quickly made his way towards you, ready to intervene. As he got closer, Flynn wasted no time and forcefully shoved Cole away from you. "Do not fucking touch her," he growled, his voice laced with fury and determination to protect you. Cole staggered back, clearly taken aback by Flynn's sudden and forceful intervention.
Cole swung a punch at Flynn, but Flynn skillfully dodged the attack and landed a powerful blow to Cole's nose. Cole stumbled backwards, clutching his bleeding nose in pain. Flynn quickly followed up with a kick to Cole's stomach, causing him to double over in agony. “If you ever come near her again, I will fucking kill you," he whispered menacingly into Cole's ear.
Cole glanced at you, noticing your shocked expression mirrored his own. He shook his head disapprovingly before he exited through the front door. You turned back to Flynn, bewildered, and demanded, "What the fuck was that all about?”
Flynn wrestled with the decision of revealing that you were his mate, but he knew he would want to be informed if he were in your position. "It's just that instinctive Fae male protectiveness that kicks in when it concerns his mate," he explained.
Your eyes widened in realization. "Are you implying that..."
Flynn nodded affirmatively. "That you are my mate? Yes, and judging by your expression, the bond hasn't snapped in place for you.”
You sighed in frustration. "No, it hasn't, and I don't want it to. You're a fucking player, Flynn. Everyone knows that," You stated as you turned and walked away.
Flynn watched you walking out of his house with a heavy heart. He sighed and berated himself mentally, realizing he might have lost you before he could even call you his.
"Nice going, Flynn," Ruhn remarked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Bryce approached him and gave him a pointed look. "If (Name) is truly your mate, here's a piece of advice. She's not into the whole Alphahole act. While she appreciates a protective male, she values sweetness and kindness even more. Your behavior just now and reputation have just killed any chance of the mating bond snapping with her," Bryce advised before following after you.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
As you were updating the system with the new items, Bryce emerged from the private collection below. You were aware that she wanted to discuss Flynn with you, but you were not ready to have that conversation. Just then, the buzzer from the front door rang, and when you checked the camera feed, Flynn's familiar figure greeted you. With a sigh, you made your way to the door and opened it, greeting him with a curt "What?”
Flynn took his hands from behind his back and presented a bouquet of flowers. “I wanted to apologize for how I acted at the party. My protective instincts took over and I reacted without thinking.”
You folded your arms. “You think I’m mad that you kicked Cole’s ass?”
Flynn hesitated. “Bryce mentioned that you didn't like ‘Alphahole’ behavior.”
You shook your head, expressing your distaste for that word. "I despise that word. Bryce and I obviously have differing opinions on what constitutes 'Alphahole' behavior. I can't blame you for your actions. It's pretty well known that Fae males are extremely protective of their mates. Even if it wasn't a matter of mate protection, you still prevented him from assaulting me further.” You let out a breath. "The bond isn't there for me yet because I'm aware of how you treat women. I know you're a player and I don't want to be with someone who uses women the way you do," you explained, walking back inside. "And these aren't the right flowers either.”
You approached the desk and met Bryce's gaze as he looked at you. "What was his reason for coming over?"
"He wanted to give me flowers and apologize for his behavior," you responded, turning back to the computer to continue typing.
"Did the bond snap?" Bryce asked.
"No, and it likely never will," you replied without shifting your focus from the screen.
"I've known Flynn since I was a child. He's not one to give up easily," Bryce informed you.
You chose not to respond and remained focused on your tasks.
On Tuesday, as you approached the door, he was holding Orchids. "Not the ones,"
But on Wednesday, it was Lilies instead. "Wrong again,"
Thursday brought Carnations. "Still not it,"
Flynn sighed in frustration. "Give me a clue,"
You laughed and replied, "Where's the fun in that?" before closing the door behind you.
On Friday, he showed up with a bouquet of Gardenias. You took it and inhaled the scent. "Did I finally get it right?" Flynn asked eagerly.
You shook your head and said, "Nope."
"Damn, I'll keep trying until I get it," Flynn said, turning to leave.
You grabbed his wrist and chuckled. "Just kidding. You nailed it this time."
Flynn's eyes sparkled. "Really?”
As you smelled the bouquet again, you nodded and asked, "Did Bryce tell you?"
Flynn shook his head. "No, I asked the florist and described you. She said you seemed like a Gardenia type person, so I took a chance."
"Well, she was right," you admitted with a smile.
Flynn’s heart soared when you smiled at him. He really wanted to make you his but he knew he couldn't rush it.
You brushed a hair strand out of your face before speaking. "Let me see your phone," Flynn retrieved his phone from his back pocket, unlocked it, and handed it to you. You quickly added your number to his contacts before returning it to him. "There's my number. But just so we're clear, this doesn't mean anything,”
Flynn smiled as he looked at the contact information before sending you a text so you would have his number. "There's mine," he said.
"Cool. See ya later, Tristan," you replied.
Flynn hadn't been called Tristan in forever and he honestly hated his name, but the way it sounded coming from your lips just made him fall in love with his name all over again.
He couldn't help but feel a warm flush spread through his chest as he heard you say it with such sweetness. It was as if you brought new life to his name. In that moment, he knew that he didn't just want to hear you say his name again. He wanted to hear you say it for the rest of his life, as his partner, his love, his everything.
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
"Really, Tristan?" You questioned as he approached your table at the bar, interrupting your girls' night out.
"Definitely no guys allowed," Bryce chimed in.
It had been a while since Flynn had revealed that you were his mate. Despite his efforts to win you over and assure you of his intentions, you were still skeptical. However, you couldn't deny that you were spending more time with him lately.
You couldn't deny the appeal of Flynn to all the girls. He was attractive, kind, and attentive, but his reputation as a player lingered in your mind.
"Yeah, I know, but with my mate here surrounded by horny males who don't know the word no, I'm here to make she is safe. Don't worry, I'll be elsewhere in the club so you can still enjoy your girls' night out," he assured you, giving a wink before walking away.
"He is making an effort and that's sweet," Bryce remarked.
"Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact that he has a reputation as a player," you replied.
"He hasn't shown interest in any other woman since the mating bond snapped," Bryce insisted.
"Well, that's only because I'm his mate. It's not genuine loyalty, just hit the mating bond," you responded, taking a sip of your drink.
"In all my time knowing Flynn, I've never witnessed him putting in this much effort for anyone else. That's all I'm trying to say,”
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
You sank down onto the couch next to Flynn, who had been coming over every day after both of your shifts ended. Surprisingly, you didn't mind his visits at all. He never pressured you to engage in conversation or do anything; he simply wanted to be there with you. You had been learning more and more about him during his visits. For example, you found out that he had a younger sister named Sathia, who he was ten years older than. He was set to inherit his father's title when the time came, but he despised the hierarchy and formality that came with it. He behaves the way he does to demonstrate to his father that he does not want it.
Today, you both had just arrived at your apartment. "What do you want to watch?" you inquired.
"Your call. I'm good with anything," he replied.
"Alright. Let's go with my go-to comfort movie," you decided, going to the streaming service and selecting your comfort movie to start playing.
Flynn reached for his phone and began typing something. You snatched his phone out of his hand to see what he was up to. As you scrolled through the screen, you discovered a document titled "(Name) Likes and Dislikes", containing everything you had mentioned to him since you started spending time together. From your favorite drinks and restaurants to your go-to snacks and preferred movies and shows, Flynn had written all of it down, including your dislikes.
You glanced up from his phone and saw Flynn with his hands clasped behind his head. "I didn't want to forget anything you said, so I made notes. Feel free to look at my phone anytime. You'll see that I'm not chatting with any girls. I've actually blocked all the females from my contacts,"
You scoffed. "Not out of sincerity, but due to the band.”
Flynn sat up on the couch and gazed at you. “Maybe at first, but now? I truly want you in my life. The mating bond aside, my feelings would still be the same. These past few weeks with you have confirmed that. You are the one I see in my future,”
You remained speechless as Flynn sat up on the couch and kissed you. Actually kissed you.
His lips were soft against yours, warm and inviting, and for a moment, you found yourself kissing him back.
His hands gently held your face as the kiss deepened, sparks igniting between you. It felt like time had stopped as you melted into each other, the world around you fading away.
But as quickly as it had begun, the kiss ended, leaving you both breathless and wanting more. "I've been wanting to do that for so long," he whispered, a smile playing on his lips.
You gazed into his eyes, and the sincerity of his desire for you was unmistakable. You can pretend for many things, but the intensity in his gaze was undeniable. As you locked eyes with him, a strange sensation began to well up within you, gradually transforming into an overwhelming pull. It struck you like a bolt of lightning, flooding you with a sense of protection and an immediate, deep affection for him.
You leaned in for another kiss and his lips met yours once again. He gripped your hips tightly, drawing you onto his lap and holding you close. Flynn licked your bottom lip, silently asking for permission to enter, but you teasingly refused. He bit your lip, eliciting a soft moan from you as he slid his tongue into your mouth. The taste of him was intoxicating, sweet and enticing, a flavor that left you craving more.
You withdrew from him, causing a look of confusion to cross his face. "I accept," you declared firmly.
Flynn's expression shifted from confusion to understanding. "You already knew I had accepted," he said with a knowing smile.
His lips moved from your lips to your neck, trailing kisses as his tongue glided down your skin. A soft bite below your jawline made you gasp and instinctively buck against him. Your movements grew more urgent as you grinded against him, eliciting a deep groan as he savored the sensation.
You increased the pace of your movements and grinded against him for a while before Flynn grabbed your waist and roughly laid you on your back. With a quick motion, he pulled down your pants and underwear. Keeping your legs apart, he traced his finger over your wetness, causing you to close your eyes in pleasure. "You're already so soaked for me, my princess," He whispered.
"After feeling your cock against my pussy," You admitted.
He grinned before moving his head between your legs. Without wasting a moment, he explored with his tongue, lips, and teeth, driving you to a moaning frenzy. His techniques left you reeling in pleasure. As he inserted a finger into your slick folds, his tongue worked magic on your clit. With each precise thrust, he skillfully hit all the right spots, causing your arousal to intensify. With one last bit to your clit, you released all over his face.
You attempted to flip both of you over and be on top, but Flynn quickly pinned your hands above your head with one hand. "As much as I crave your pretty little lips around my cock," he whispered, tracing your bottom lip with his thumb, "I need to be inside your pussy."
"Good, because I need you inside me too," you responded.
Flynn released your hands and stood up, removing his pants as you discarded your shirt and bra.
You swallowed nervously and smiled at the sight of his size as he stroked himself a few times before entering you slowly. "Gods," you both gasped as you felt him fill you up.
He started moving slowly, allowing you to adjust to his girth, but there was no pain. In fact, he was just perfect. "Fuck me like you mean jt, Tristan," you pleaded, wanting him to give it his all.
His smirk grew as he pulled out completely before thrusting back in with force. "Oh, god!" You moaned.
The sensation was overwhelming as he continued to thrust into you, his gaze filled with lust and desire. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through your body, causing you to arch your back and dig your nails into his skin.
His movements were powerful, driving you closer and closer to the edge. You could feel the tension building in your core, aching for release. With one final, deep thrust, you both reached your climax, crying out in ecstasy as the intensity of the moment washed over you.
Flynn leaned in, his forehead touching yours. "I am completely yours in every way," he murmured, his words filled with sincerity and devotion.
his voice low and filled with a deep passion.
You whispered back, "And I am yours, completely and utterly."
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divinerivals · 8 months
When an Ithan Pov came up
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shadowdaddies · 5 months
I am a sucker for angst so can I please request a Ruhn danaan x reader. Where she and ruhn have been together for a while, and she overhears ruhn saying something about her being a bet or a dare. A lot of angst and maybe some fluffy ending
thanks for the request, love💜
Just a Bet
Ruhn x Reader angst to fluff
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Smoothing your hair, you stepped out of your car in the driveway as you strode towards Ruhn’s house. You were already regretting the heels you’d donned for your anniversary, feet aching in opposition to the excitement you felt to celebrate one year since Ruhn had asked you out.
Cheeks burning from smiling so hard, you turned the door handle and entered the busy frat house. It wasn’t unusual for many guests to be over, so you paid them no mind as you shouldered your way through the crowd toward the game room where Ruhn usually spent evenings like this.
Juniper caught your eye from across the room, and you waved to her and Fury as you approached the doorway where Ruhn’s voice echoed in a comforting rumble - until you heard Flynn’s voice.
“One year ago, I bet you that you wouldn’t ask her out,” he laughed, the sound of clinking beer bottles and jeers following.
Your heart leapt in your throat when you heard Ruhn’s voice, time standing still as you awaited his response. Your boyfriend scoffed, “I didn’t think I could either.”
Dec chimed in at that point - your kindest friend in the group - his tone teasing as he drawled, “I still can’t believe she took you seriously.”
Your pulse pounded in your ears, eyes pricking with tears as the conversation came together in your head. You were nothing more than a bet to Flynn, a joke that Declan couldn’t take serious, and apparently Ruhn felt the same.
Ripping the painful heels off your feet, you sprinted down the stairs and out of the house. Tossing the shoes in your passenger seat, you wiped the tears from your eyes and started the engine before heading back to your apartment.
The dress felt ridiculous, hair a mess and makeup ruined from crying as you stumbled into your home. Why would Ruhn have stayed with you for this long from a stupid bet? Were you nothing more than a joke, for him and his friends’ amusement?
The thought made tears well up once more, this time pouring over your cheeks as you sobbed. Practically ripping the dress from your body, you ignored the buzzing of your phone in favor of your welcoming shower.
Stepping under the steaming hot water, you scrubbed the memory of tonight as best you could from your skin before stepping out. Wrapping a fluffy towel around your body, you sighed with a hint of relief. 
Realizing how dried out you were from your tears, you padded towards the kitchen for some water when you were stopped in your tracks. Bryce lay on your couch, lazily flipping through the tv channels as amber eyes flicked to yours. 
With a dramatic sigh, she set down the remote, turning fully to face you. She took in your disheveled state, expression softening at the redness in your eyes, your puffy cheeks.
Shutting off the TV, Bryce sat up and patted the open space on the sofa next to her.
“I need water,” you whispered through a sniffle, voice raspy from dehydration. 
“I’ll get it for you. Sit,” Bryce directed, her voice gentle as she sprung gracefully from the couch and headed toward the kitchen.
You settled into the cushions, picking a pillow from behind you to hold against your chest. Nodding a silent thanks, you took the water from Bryce and drank it down, the cold liquid cooling your heated cheeks.
“Fury texted me. She and Juniper saw you running out of Ruhn’s house before he came downstairs asking if they’d seen you. He’s been blowing up everyone’s phones, worried about you.”
A bitter laugh escaped your lips, but you found yourself unable to make eye contact with your friend as you muttered, “Yeah, I’m sure he’s heartbroken.”
Before you could react, the pillow was ripped from your arms, Bryce’s manicured nails practically digging holes into its fabric as her eyes simmered with barely contained rage.
“You may be my friend, but Ruhn is my brother. Explain to me why you think his heartbreak is amusing to you.” Your lower lip wobbled at her harsh words, the dam of your emotions about to break again.
Bryce loosed a breath, gently setting the pillow between you on the sofa as she spoke again, her voice softer this time. “I don’t know what happened, but he’s hurting too. Talk to me.”
The patterns on the pillow suddenly became much more interesting, your fingers tracing the stitching in the fabric while you found the courage to voice what you had heard at the house. “I was going to meet Ruhn for our anniversary dinner... but I heard them talking. I heard Flynn say that I was a bet. Even Dec-“
Shifting to rest on your elbows, you hid your face in your hands as the memory flashed too vividly through your mind. “Dec said he couldn’t believe I thought Ruhn was serious when he asked me out.”
You looked up to see Bryce’s own eyes lined with tears, her jaw set in anger as she processed everything you said.
“I’m a joke to them, Bryce. I was just a bet that he’s decided to string along for whatever reason. Maybe he does like me now, but...”
You couldn’t find the words, tongue twisted in knots like your stomach as thoughts eddied deeper and darker as you reflected on the past year of your life. 
Bryce’s hand gently reached for your own, holding them softly as she spoke. “I am going to speak with Ruhn and figure out what is going on. If he was such a dumbass to do something like that to you, I’ll kick his ass. But I feel like there has to be something more to it. They’re good males - stupid alphaholes - but they’re good males.”
You nodded, a flicker of hope sparking in your chest at the thought. They had always been kind to you... Surely that couldn’t all be fake?
“Why don’t you get dressed? I’m going to see Ruhn and I’ll pick you up some food,” Bryce promised, pulling you in for a warm hug before turning and heading out the door, phone already in hand as she fired off messages.
You returned to your room, feeling numb from the pendulum of emotions you’d swung on all evening. You vaguely remembered slipping on a t shirt and shorts, returning to the couch to find the channel on Fangs and Bangs before you fell asleep.
You bolted upright at the sound of a soft knock at your door, rubbing the exhaustion from your eyes to look at your phone. Not much time had passed, but the bombardment of earlier messages from Ruhn and your friends filled the screen. 
“Are you there? Bryce told me what happened, and it’s not what you think.” A tense beat of silence passed between you. “Please just hear me out. If you’d rather talk to Bryce, she’s downstairs... But I brought food.”
As if on cue, your stomach growled, drawing attention to the hunger gnawing in your gut. Stomping towards the door, you flung it open to grab the food from Ruhn’s hands when his appearance shocked you still.
His violet eyes were rimmed red and swollen like yours, his hair a mess. He was dressed in an all-black suit, the shirt unbuttoned and tie loose. You hated how it tugged on your heartstrings to see him this way, how there was a part of you that could never hate him, even if what Flynn had said was true.
“Fine,” you snapped, snatching the bag of food before returning to the couch without a second glance. “You have one shot to explain.”
Ruhn sighed, the sound slightly drowned out by the soft click of the door closing behind him. You spared him a glance as he took a seat on the couch, careful to keep his distance.
The chipped black paint of his nails blended into his onyx hair as he ran a hand through it, his muscular leg shaking anxiously before he turned to you. Wholly still, Ruhn’s voice emanated with earnest when he finally spoke.
“Bryce told me what you heard, back at my house. I understand how it would sound, but that’s not at all what happened, and I first and foremost need you to know that you are not a joke. You have never been a joke - to Flynn, to Dec, and especially not to me. I was the joke in that room. They were teasing me, because, yes, asking you out was a dare of sorts.”
You felt the rage build in your chest at that, setting down your food on the table as you prepared for what he would say next - or so you thought you were prepared. 
“I remember the first time I saw you, when you came into the White Raven with Bryce. It felt like my world tilted on its axis,” he paused, shaky breath leaving his lips as his eyes went hazy, lost in the memory. 
“You were the most beautiful person I’d ever seen, and when you smiled at me I forgot how to breathe. The entire room was staring at you, and you somehow didn’t notice.”
He loosed a breathy laugh, shaking his head as he fought back a smile. “Dec and Marc were teasing me. They saw how I reacted to you, how drawn to you I was. But you were so beautiful and charming, and could have had any male or female you wanted.”
Drawing your legs to your chest, you settled into the couch and fought back the tears in your eyes at his story.
“Flynn’s ‘bet’ was just that I wouldn’t have the guts to ask someone like you out. And I didn’t at first,” Ruhn laughed, toying with his lip ring before those violet eyes flicked up to meet yours. 
“But then Flynn said that if I didn’t ask you out, he would. And that’s when I jumped up from our table so fast I knocked Dec’s beer on me, and made a fool of myself asking you out like that.”
Ruhn looked down at your hands, his own twitching as though barely holding back from reaching for you. So you reached for him. The cold silver of his rings was a familiar comfort, and you felt yourself relax as his fingers twined tightly with your own.
“Dec didn’t think you’d take me seriously because I was a dumbass, asking out the most incredible female I’ve ever met while covered in beer and stumbling through my words.” You laughed then, and Ruhn’s entire presence seemed to brighten in response. 
“I remember. I thought it was cute. You weren’t the snobby fae royalty I would have expected, and I found it very charming,” you teased, a smile spreading across your face as you then relived the memory of the striking yet goofy male first approaching you.
“I am so sorry that I didn’t tell you that. It’s not exactly something that I’m proud of, that I was so nervous to ask you out. Flynn never lets me live it down.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, feeling embarrassed at how you had jumped to conclusions so quickly. “I feel like I ruined our anniversary. I should have stayed and listened to you.”
Ruhn’s eyes glittered like stars, his hands finding your waist to lift you into his lap. Hooking your arms around his neck, you straddled your boyfriend’s hips. Ruhn exhaled sharply through his teeth, causing you to lean back in alarm.
“It’s just a bruise, curtesy of Bryce.” You blushed, biting back laughter over your friend’s protectiveness. “You did not ruin anything. Flynn, on the other hand, got it worse than me,” he chuckled, nodding to his wounded side.
“You have a lot of people in your life who would do anything for you, including Bryce and myself. All I want is to spend the rest of our night together so I can show you just how much I love you,” he murmured, eyed lidded with desire as you settled further into his lap.
“I think I could arrange that,” you purred, leaning down to kiss Ruhn’s full lips before trailing his jaw, down his neck, his exposed chest. 
He picked you up, carrying you bridal style to the bedroom where you spent the night exchanging soft touches and sweet nothings until the sun rose the next morning.
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euphoricpixiee · 1 year
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ night sky (rewrite): chapter one
a/n: i'm going through a dark time right now and I thought I would give this to the world again since it was made from one of my darkest times. I'm currently rewriting chapter two. I hope you all find this redefined story good or at least help you in your darkest times. I love each one of you and you will find your happiness, it's in our future.
wc: 1.2k+
warnings: dark themes, swearing, talk of mental health(?), etc.
pairing: fem!oc x ruhn danaan
Nothing she did was ever good enough. Zorya tried to be like her older sister, Fury, but she couldn’t capture the clever, beautiful, and level of her bravery. Thoughts of never living up to her parent’s expectations weighed on her. She sat on her bed with her laptop perched on her knees while she looked out into the night sky. It was beautiful and also haunting as she watched stars shoot across the sky. Maybe if she worked harder and didn’t take breaks, then she could at least be enough. That’s all she wants, for someone to look at her and tell her she’s enough.
Tears sting the rim of her eyes and her chest caves. She needed to get out of that house and get some fresh air. Yeah, fresh air will help. Whenever her anxiety grew within her, she knew she had been cooped up in the house too long.
Once she saved and shut down her work, Zorya threw up her onyx hair into a bun and pulled on a lilac sweater over the pink tank top she already wore. Then, she managed to get black jeans on without feeling like she tore up her room in the process. Her clumsiness wasn’t a good trait for her. When putting on skinny jeans, it’s a full-blown act not to fall over and/or break something. 
As she slipped on her sandals, she heard her father walking down the hallway and into the kitchen. If she was lucky she would be able to get out of the house without him noticing or paying any attention to her. Not that he did anyway. 
Gently, she opened her door and tiptoed her way down the stairs. From the stairs, it was a straight shot to the front door. But she froze the second she heard her father walking back to the stairs. 
Move your ass, Zorya!
Without another thought, she dashed to the coat closet and hid. If he knew she was sneaking out, he would definitely kill her and most likely ground her, even though she was old enough to make her own decisions, he still liked to make them for her and monitor her like she was a teenager. 
As soon as he shut his bedroom door, she pushed open the closet door and quickly exited the house. Swiftly, she made her way down towards the Istros and didn’t look back. 
Ruhn wasn’t entirely thrilled that he was a rebel now. He knew it was for the greater good but still, if everything went south, he would be dead. The same fate would happen to his sister if they found her, and he needed her for the throne. She was going to be the ruler of the Valbaran Fae, not him.
He watched the water ripple as several otters played out in the distance. He wished he could be as carefree as they were at that moment. He would give anything to go back to his sleeping in and partying all night days but now, it was always one big strategic move to get ahead of the Asteri. 
His thoughts faded as he sensed a female nearby. Her scent wasn’t familiar but it was calming. The clank of her heeled boots echoed through the air as she got closer but he didn’t look back at her. For the most part, he didn’t want to spook her but then again he wanted to see her. When he looked over his shoulder, his heart skipped several beats. She was beautiful and everything he thought was attractive in appearance. 
Please let her have a beautiful personality too…
Zorya stopped in her tracks as she saw a male sitting in her favorite spot on a bench that overlooked the waters. He had long braided hair and she knew exactly who it was. It was the prince. A true prince that glowed underneath the moonlight. Perhaps, she should have turned around and not bothered him but it was hard not to look away from him. He was beautiful in the most masculine way. Probably even the most beautiful male she’s ever seen. 
If only she was good at flirting and not awkward around other people, then maybe she would have a shot with him. Butterflies erupted in her stomach as she took a few steps closer to him and the waters.
“You going to stay back there or are you going to come to sit down?” His tone was anything but mean. It was a genuine question. So, with all of her courage, she got closer until she was sitting on the bench. Her cheeks had to have been red because a smirk tugged on the prince’s lips. 
“Sorry, I’m not used to others being here at the same time I am and I didn’t want to bother you.” She admitted. His violet eyes met hers and he grinned. 
“It’s alright, I’m not usually out here at this time.” Because he was always at parties with his friends, she assumed. But she didn’t say that. She only nodded once then looked out to the waters. “You seem familiar,” his eyes narrowed slightly at her, “like I’ve met you before.” 
Zorya quickly shook her head. He probably saw her sister in her and that’s why he might have recognized her. That could have been the only he could know of her. “We haven’t met but you may know my older sister, Fury Axtar.” The words left a bitter taste in her mouth as she said them. He only nodded once and then asked another question,
“Why are you out here by yourself? It’s not safe.” 
“Needed to get out of the house.” It was true but it wasn’t the full truth as to why she wanted out of the house. She needed to get away from her parents and get out of the house. They only made her anxiety worse whenever she was near them. And that happened to be every day. Ruhn hummed in answer and looked back at the water.
“Why are you out here?” She couldn’t help but be curious as to why the prince wasn’t at a party on a Friday night. Fury had always told her to stay away from who she called “the frat pack”. Fury told her everything from them doing drugs to sleeping with women at each party they held. 
It didn’t matter to Zorya though. Ruhn’s intentions were good as far as she knew, and that was all that mattered. 
“Just need to clear my head about some issues going on.” His nail polish was chipped on the edges and he twirled one of his rings around his finger, maybe from a nervous habit. She wanted to calm him but she restrained herself, but he wasn’t hers to calm.
“I can understand that. Maybe not your exact situation but something similar.” She twisted her fingers in her lap and lowered her head.
Ruhn glanced at her and she saw a flicker of something in his eyes but she couldn’t place what emotion it was. But after a beat of silence, he spoke, “Want to go to my house and hang out? I know you don’t really want to go back home. I have a few friends that can make anyone smile,” he said with a grin.
“I would love that.”
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b00kdiary · 10 months
Better Than Any Fantasy | Ruhn Danaan + Tristan Flynn
Ruhn Danaan x Tristan Flynn x Plus Size Reader
Y/N’s been avoiding Flynn like the plague, and Ruhn knows why and is more than happy to tell him. Especially when that conversation leads to something much better than any of them could have hoped for.
Here's to all my thick, fat, plus-size girlies who want some SJM men love too xo
Warnings: mature themes (18 +) swearing, body-image issues, eventual smut and the Ruhn and Flynn being utterly infatuated with their thick, beautiful lady.
“Ruhn!” The sound that escapes Y/N is like sunlight, the kind of goodness that could be bottled up and sold, a cure for the worst and darkest parts of a person’s nature. “Seriously, how can I flip the pancakes if you won’t let me go?”
“Then forget the pancakes,” I grin against the column of her throat, inhaling the feminine scent of her as I hold her to my chest, my fingers digging into the soft flesh of her stomach, keeping her giggling figure close. “We both know they’re going to taste like shit anyway.”
“Asshole! I can’t believe you!” Y/N exclaims, slapping my hand but she does mercifully drop the spoon in her hand, pouting as she turns off the gas, saving us from having to grin and bear through eating them. “Well, no pancakes for you- The Crown Prince can starve.”
“Ouch, that hurts Princess,” I croon, smirking as I turn her to face me, my hands running along her lush body, down to her soft ass, “Looks like I’m going to have to satiate my appetite some other way then.”
“Really?” She whispers, biting her lip and I can smell her arousal in the air, my smirk deepening at the way her chest rises and falls fast, and she clamps her thick thighs shut, trying to stop the ache between them.
“Really,” I slowly nod my head, watching as her eyes flutter shut as I kiss her cheek, peppering and trailing my tongue over her jaw up to her lips. She gasps into the kiss, her back arching into the counter behind her and it takes everything in me to not lift her onto the edge and feast on the sweetness between her thighs.
I slip my tongue into her mouth, tasting the bittersweet hues of vanilla and coffee and it ignites something in my chest, a dark and intense pulse that burns all the way down to my cock, already hard and throbbing against my jeans.
My fingers curl around the curve of her ass, my nails digging in hard enough to make Y/N moan, and I revel in the feeling of her large tits pressed against my chest, and her stomach too, so comfortable and perfect moulding against me.
The sound of footsteps echoing down the hall toward the kitchen has Y/N halting, and the second her hands push gently at my chest, and her lips draw away from mine, I groan. She giggles at the dejection in my voice, on my face, before pressing a chaste kiss to my cheek as she peels herself away from me- those footsteps infinitely closer now.
“You really have the worst fucking timing, Flynn,” I spit, my dark eyes lifting over Y/N's head, to the brown-haired, golden-skinned pretty boy smirking as he leans against the door pane, looking more than amused at my irate glare.
“By all means, please continue,” Flynn shrugs nonchalantly, teasing us but my lip quirks up at the way Y/N’s body freezes, her cheeks turning an adorable shade of red at Flynn’s words- at the secret between us that made her so perfectly embarrassed.
“Hm, what do you think Y/N?” I mutter gently, my breath running warm against her cheek, and I have to bite my lip to force down my bellowing laughter at the murderous scowl she gives me.
“I need to go get ready, I’m meeting Bryce in a few,” She bites back, ignoring my knowing stare as she pushes at my chest, brushing past me, the stains of red deepening as her gaze meets Flynn’s, before immediately looking away.
“Hey, Y/N,” Flynn smiles softly, but his brow furrows as he takes in her fast-paced footsteps and the way her head is pointed down, unable to meet his eyes.
“Hi, Flynn,” Y/N mumbles back quietly, and before he can open his mouth to speak again, she’s rushing past him, her curvy body curling in on itself like a flower so as not to feel every inch of him against her.
I fold my arms over my chest, trying to blanket my expression as her footsteps bound away and Flynn stares after her, his face a mixture of hurt and confusion, so unlike the usual carefree nonchalance and humour we were used to.
“Okay- she’s barely said five words to me in days, any room I enter she leaves, and she can’t even look me in the eyes,” Flynn frowns, frustration locking his jaw as he comes to lean against the counter-top, staring at me in expectance. “What the hell did I do wrong?”
“You’ve noticed all of that, huh?” I muse, cocking my head at him, and the way his frown deepens, and he leans forward makes me smile. “She’s not upset with you, Flynn. But she is distracted- she sees you and her mind turns to something I said.”
“And what exactly would that be?” He demanded, folding his arms across his muscled chest, seemingly relieved that Y/N wasn’t angry with him, but the glint in his eyes had sharpened, and I knew he was interested, knew he couldn’t help but be intrigued by my devilish smile.
“Well…” I run my tongue across my teeth, my mind racing back to that night four days ago, and Flynn’s eyes darken with shadows as I recall every last detail.
“Ruhn,” Y/N moans, her head tossing back to rest against my shoulder, and I nibble on her earlobe as I fuck my hips up into her, the sound of her wetness mixing with her breathless gasps driving me insane.
I groan as she rolls her hips, my fingers gripping into the meaty flesh of her thighs and hips, guiding her back and forth, up, and down, and the feel of her back and ass pressed against my sweaty bare chest is like heaven.
“Don’t stop, please, please,” She pinches her eyes shut, and I love the sight of her face as she takes me, the TV light casting over her, highlighting every expression she makes- every time she bites her lips, or rolls her eyes, or opens her mouth to release the most delicious sound for me.
“Look at you, such a good girl, so fucking polite,” I croon, my right hand sliding up to cup her heavy breast, bouncing wildly with her movements, and I grin as I pinch her pebbled nipple, rewarded with another whimpered moan from her. “And yet you’re riding me like a slut right now, making a mess of my cock and in the living room, for anyone to come in and see.”
“Oh fuck,” Y/N cries, her body sweating and her breathing erratic and I know her peak is close, know by the way her knees start to give out, her fingers cutting into my arm as she tries to anchor herself. I chuckle, my voice low with headiness and I take it upon myself to drive up into her faster, deeper, to hit that spot that has her seeing stars.
“Bet you’d love that, huh?” I mutter, kissing her neck, running my canines down her throbbing pulse point, “Bet you’d love for someone to walk in right now, to watch you get fucked like a good little slut, your entire body on display.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” She nods her head erratically, fucked dumb and swimming in the clouds of her mind as I slip in and out of her, her wetness almost ridiculous, her walls clenching me so goddamn tight.
“Yeah? Does my Princess want an audience, does she want to be watched?” She gasps as I bite against her sweet spot, that hurt turning to pleasure as I lap my tongue there, feeling her racing pulse. “What if someone came in right now… what if Flynn came in right now, you want him to watch? Or do you want him to join?”
The whimper that escaped her at my dark words surprised me, the way her entire body arched and trembled against me surprised me- because she did want that.
“Huh? You want him to join? You want to get fucked and worshipped by me and my best friend?” The idea makes my core burn, and I know we’re both reaching that climax, that euphoric tipping point where she comes around my cock, suffocating me and milking me dry. “Answer me, Y/N, or I’ll stop.”
“Ruhn,” She pleads with me, and the sound almost makes me give in, give her what she wants, but I don’t relent and when my hips start to slow down, pausing, she groans, and the satisfaction that fills me as she nods her head, almost makes me finish right there. “Yes! Yes, yes, I want that, Ruhn, I want that.”
“Want what? Be specific, Princess,” I coax, groaning, guttural and low as I move inside her, her pussy throbbing around me, her body so happy, so fucking relieved at the feeling of me moving again. “Tell me.”
“I want you a-and Flynn, I want-want to be watched,” Her voice is shaking as she speaks, the sound of her ass slapping back against me so lewd in the air, and I have to grit my teeth at the pressure building in my gut. “I want you both- to touch me an-and fuck me, I want you t-to worship my body.”
“That’s my girl,” I praise, knowing that my encouragement was feeding into her pleasure, heightening it and I know she’s imagining the both of us fucking devouring her, “bet you'd look so good with his cock stuffed in your pretty mouth, or fucking in and out of this tight cunt,"
My cock, my words, the images tip her over that edge with a devastating cry.
“Ruhn, Ruhn, Ruhn-“
“That’s why she’s avoiding you, Flynn,” I state hoarsely, ignoring the way my cock aches, the image of her body and the feeling of being inside her tormenting me now that I’d opened that box up, allowing myself to remember it. “Because when she sees you, she pictures that fantasy all over again.”
“Shit,” Flynn mutters and I recognise the roughness in his voice, recognise the intense, unsatiated gleam in his eyes and the way his entire body has gone hard with restraint. He’s imagining her- her body, her tits, her cunt, her mouth, and everything he could do to her.
I would’ve thought the idea of my best friend fantasising about my girl would make me furious, make me murderously jealous and yet, the more I thought about it, the better it all seemed.
“So, Flynn,” I know he sees the challenge in my eyes, the hot mischief as I grin at him, and I see his brows raise in shock, in interest, as I lean forward. “How do you like the idea?”
“Ruhn?” I call, my heels clicking against the floor as I walk down the dimly lit corridor toward Ruhn’s room, my voice echoing through the silence of the empty house. “Hello? Ruhn?”
My phone beeps in my hand, startling me, and I pause a few yards from his ajar door, not hearing the familiar sound of my boyfriend's voice or any other person's voice for that matter. I click open our text thread, and heat instantly fills my body.
‘Come inside, shut the door behind you and close your eyes- no peeking.’
Another game. Ruhn loved his games, loved watching me pant and sweat and blush under his ministrations and my body pulsed in excitement, knowing that as long as I followed his rules, as long as I played my part, I would get my reward.
I bite my lip, discarding my phone on top of the bookcase outside his door and my knees felt weak as I slowly walked over, the anticipation clogging the air. I close my eyes as I step over the threshold, my hand on the doorknob as I close it behind me, the wood creaking before clicking firmly shut.
It was a mixture of terrifying and thrilling, seeing nothing, hearing nothing, but knowing that he was in here with me. That his eyes were on me, watching me, smiling, his gaze running over every inch of me as I stood there.
I hear footsteps echo against the floor, getting louder, and closer, and my nipples harden, the crisp air feeling hot and thick in the silence- knowing he was coming, what he would do, heightened everything.
“Always so obedient,” Ruhn’s voice ran over me like a caress, prickling my skin and I shivered under it, knowing he was inches from me. I swallow as his cold hand traced up the sleeve of my dress, moving slowly before resting against my chest, right over my thundering heart. “Nervous? Or excited?”
“Both,” I whisper, my voice breaking under the pressure of it all, his fingers teasing against my hot skin, barely touching me and yet it felt like I could feel him everywhere.
“Good,” He praised, and I inhaled as he slipped his hand into mine, tugging me forward. I followed, blindly, obediently, walking forward as he led me further into the room before eventually stopping, likely only a few feet from his bed.
His hand slipped from mine and the need to open my eyes intensified, the desire to see him almost overwhelming, especially as he circled me, like a predator, not speaking as he came to stand behind me, his hands clamped down like a vice on my waist.
“Do you want to open your eyes, Princess?” He whispers against my ear, and I can smell the mixture of alcohol and apples on his breath, it intoxicated me, and I whimpered quietly, arching my ass into his already hard cock.
“Yes, yes please,” With anyone else I would have been mortified by how my voice shook, at how desperate and helpless I sounded, but not with Ruhn, no, I couldn’t ever feel anything but thrill and need and comfort when with him.
“I think you’ve more than earned your reward,” Ruhn nibbles against my ear, his favourite tactic to make me dizzy, to fill my head with clouds, distracting me wholly. “Go ahead, open your eyes for me, Y/N.”
I inhale once, deep and steadying, and then with a long, slow exhale, I flutter my eyes open.
And my heart stops in my chest.
“Flynn?” I choke out his name, jumping at the sight of him sitting on the bed before me, leaning back on his strong arms, his eyes racking over me like I was prey, “What the fuck?”
“Breathe, just for a second, breathe,” Ruhn instructs from behind me, and my body seems to melt into calm, melt into him. It was as if I were predestined to trust him, to obey his words. I force the air back into my lungs as I stare at Flynn, my body shaking at the look in his eyes- for me.
“I don’t understand,” I mutter, my throat drying out as I glance over my shoulder up at Ruhn, to the pleased smile he wore. I watch as his gaze meets Flynn’s and something passes between them, some unspoken conversation I wasn’t privy to. “Tell me, Ruhn.”
“Flynn was upset that you’ve been avoiding him, he thought he had done something wrong,” Ruhn informs me, looking far too smug. It would have annoyed me if I didn’t feel so guilty for hurting Flynn. “I was more than happy to fill him in on the real reason you were being so distant.”
The real reason. That night, Ruhn’s words, his taunting, seductive, torturous words that have me picturing it all again- Flynn and Ruhn, all over me, touching me, tasting me, fucking me, absolutely ruining me.
“I see you remember it well,” Ruhn chuckles- the prick was taunting me, and I almost hated myself for how my body responded, how my arousal scented through the air, so obvious to the two arrogant males before me. “And we wondered if that certain fantasy was one, we could fulfil for you, Y/N."
“Oh,” It was an idiotic response, one that Ruhn would no doubt endlessly mock me about later, but I was speechless, breathless, my entire being trembling and weak at his words, at the insinuation, nervous under Ruhn’s watchful eyes.
“Is that something you would like, Y/N?” Ruhn mutters, and I sigh as he runs his nose down the vein of my neck, inhaling the scent of me. My eyes glanced to Flynn, patiently waiting, and the sweet smile he wore told me it was all up to me.
“Is- is that something you would want us to do, Ruhn?” My voice is weary as I glance back at him, and upon seeing the fear and concern in my eyes, that he would think I wasn’t happy with him, Ruhn smiles- one that warms my heart.
“I’m yours and you’re mine, Y/N, always,” He kisses my cheek, tenderly, and it’s enough to drive me mad, “But that doesn't mean I can't share, in fact, I'm more than willing to see you being pleasured by us both."
Excitement and thrill- that was always what I felt with Ruhn.
“Then yes,” I breathe the words and instantly the air in the room changes, the two males change and the predators in them, the hunters in them, the instinct of the Fae comes roaring out, their eyes latching onto me.
A low, rumbling sound reverberated through Ruhn’s chest and I felt it vibrate through me, straight to my thrashing heartbeat. I clench my hands as Ruhn turns my face toward his, and the second his lips connect with mine, every worry withers away.
I melt into the way his tongue laps against mine, smooth and graceful, so skilled in making something as simple as a kiss feel as intimate and real as when he fucks me, and it makes me just as wet.
“Why don’t we show Flynn here what’s under this dress, hm?” Ruhn muses against my lips, and I can feel Flynn’s intense stare and it’s almost terrifying how still he is. “Let him see what he's been fantasising about all day."
I gnaw on my lip, nodding my head and turning to watch Flynn’s reaction. Ruhn begins to tug at the zipper at the back, and immediately Flynn’s beautiful face turns lethal, feral, sharpening in a way that made me clamp my legs shut, so desperate to stop the ache there.
He tugs the zipper to the end, and together, we pull the material down my arms and chest, letting it slip over my wide hips and thighs before it pools to the floor at my feet.
“Shit,” Flynn curses, his jaw locking hard enough I can hear his teeth grating, and at that moment, wearing nothing but a black bra and panties, I’m glad that I hadn’t chosen something silly or unflattering to wear today- because he was looking at me like I was the beautiful one.
“I know,” Ruhn says, agreeing with his best friend, his brother, and my cheeks heat at the pride in his voice, the sheer masculine satisfaction. He was pleased with Flynn’s reaction, pleased that his chest was racing wildly, that his throat bobbed as he traced over my skin, pleased at the hard length imprinted against the seam of his jeans. “She looks even better without these on.”
Nausea fills me at the thought of Ruhn unclipping my bra and slipping off my underwear, nausea at the idea of being wholly naked before Flynn, every single curve and roll and stretch mark, all my cellulite and uneven skin and bumps on display.
It had taken me a long time to be comfortable enough for Ruhn to see me naked, and I loved him. Letting Flynn see me that vulnerable seemed like such a big leap to take.
"Is that alright, Y/N?" Flynn asked, and the tenderness in his face almost made me sob, the kind and thoughtful gleam in his eyes that told me that I could trust him told me that he would respect any choice I made.
"It's alright," I nod slowly, pushing down the insecurity and when Ruhn's gentle hands move to the clasp of my bra and he unhooks it, letting my aching breasts fall free of the material, I'm glad for that choice.
I recalled Flynn once stating he was a tits-over-ass man, and right now I could tell he was being honest. I watched as he ran a hand over his jaw, his gaze flickering back and forth between both of my breasts, a deep groan escaping him at the sight of them.
Ruhn chuckles, far too happy as he kneels behind me, his fingers gently hooking into the material of my underwear and began slowly tugging it down, over the curve of my ass and my wide hips, down my thighs, the material getting stuck between the places that touched and eventually down to the floor.
I curled my hands into fists, my nails cutting into my palms as Ruhn held onto each calf and slipped off my heels, one by one, and I giggled at the sound of him tossing the shoes behind us, my clothes and underwear flung back to some faraway corner as well.
"You were right, Ruhn," Flynn states roughly, his tongue lapping out to wet his lips, and I smiled under his eyes, the way they moved over me, over every inch, not blanching at any of me. "She's definitely better without anything on."
Ruhn stood behind me again, running his fingers up and down the length of my back, and something in me purred.
“I think Flynn should get a better look," I mutter, my confidence spiking as I glance back to Ruhn and his smirk is proud, arrogantly proud, "Or a better feel?"
The air went taut as I sauntered toward him, Flynn looking almost nervous as I came to a stop before him, staring down at his perfect form. I place a hand on each of his broad shoulders, my knees weak as I climb onto the mattress, his hands not hesitating to grab my waist and guide me to straddle his lap.
My sore nipples brush against the material of his shirt and my wet, aching core sits perfectly over the seam of his zipper igniting red, hot embers through my entire body. Flynn remains silent as he stares at me, his hands moving over my naked hips and thighs, waiting for me to make the first move.
Even if I could hear his heart racing, his eyes telling me that he was on the very precipice of his control.
"Kiss me, Flynn."
And by Cthona, he kisses me.
The way Flynn kisses is different to Ruhn, his mouth moves against me, all tongue, and teeth, suckling and biting and tasting, and I moan into it, relishing every second of him devouring me, every second of his hands all over me, palming and kneading my flesh, slapping, and clawing at my ass.
“Fuck me, Y/N,” Flynn growls in appreciation and I don’t have a second of reprieve as he kisses down my neck hastily, not hesitating to pluck a nipple into his mouth and suck at the taut bud. Gasps slip past my lips as he rolled it, bit it, lapped at it, the nerves alight as he moved between each, looking damn near giddy as he toyed with them.
The ache between my legs intensifies as he sucks at my breasts and I start rocking back and forth to ease the feeling, the material of his jeans and the hardness of his cock underneath rubbing against my puffy clit perfectly.
"Tsk tsk tsk," Ruhn muses from behind us, and my eyes flutter as I glance at him, moving to sit on the bed beside us, his shirt gone and stars gleaming in his eyes as he watches us. "The poor girls rutting against your clothed cock, Flynn, give her what she wants."
"And what do you want? Hm?" Flynn taunts, trailing his tongue over my nipple, his dewy eyes looking up at me as he does so, and I groan at the sight, and at the hold he has on my hips, halting any movement I try and make.
“Your fingers,” I croak, gripping his large hand and watching his breath catch as I drag it down my stomach, whimpering as I run his calloused fingers over my wet folds. “Right here.”
“You’re going to kill me,” He snarls, and my eyes clamp shut when he circles my clit, firm and sure, his fingers knowing exactly how hard and fast to go, and he has me arching my back and moaning, glad for the hand he had keeping me from toppling over. Flynn smiles, kissing my lips and cheeks, moving his fingers against my clit faster.
It was almost embarrassing how quickly my orgasm seemed to approach, and I knew I wouldn’t last long, not as that fire fanned in my core, edged on by every smooth flick of his fingers at my clit.
“You wanna come, Y/N?" Ruhn asks darkly and when my head turns, I see him palming his hard cock over his jeans, the muscles in his chest clenching and flexing in restraint, watching his best friend finger his girlfriend, and loving every second of it. "Be a good girl and ask Flynn if he'll let you."
"Please, please," I mewl loudly, my head throwing back as Flynn slips two fingers into my sopping cunt, the friction of him fucking his fingers in and out forcing me closer and closer to that edge, "Please, Flynn, let me come."
"So polite, asking me so nicely," Flynn croons and my thighs quake when he crooks his fingers inside me, pressing that magic button that has a swarm spreading through my stomach and core. "How could I possibly say no?"
He hooks his fingers against that spot again, and again, and his thumb brushes my clit and before I know it, I’m falling off the edge of a cliff.
“Flynn, oh-“ I cry out as his fingers drive into me repeatedly, hitting a spot that has my core exploding, hitting me hard and fast and lasting so long that my head starts to spin.
“Atta girl,” Flynn praises, and I feel his smile against my skin as he slows his fingers inside me, feeling every pulse and quake of my orgasm, before slowly slipping them out of me.
I sag forward, resting my forehead against his shoulder for support as I catch my breath, tendrils of release still coiling through me and gradually melting into oblivion. Flynn’s touch is soft across my back, waiting for me to come back down to Midgard.
“How are you feeling, Princess?” Ruhn asks quietly, his hand running through my messy hair, brushing it from my sweaty face and hooking the strands behind an arched ear. I flutter my eyes and meet both their gazes and again, that vicious, relentless monster of need rears its head.
“I feel like I want more,” I whispered, my voice hoarse and the heat that filled their eyes made my entire body ache. “Please.”
“Shit, Ruhn, you weren’t lying when you said she was a good girl,” Flynn growls and I giggle when his hands clamp down on my hips, lifting me with ease to sit on the bed between them both, the two of them rising from their seats. “She does deserve all the praise and rewards.”
“That’s my girl,” Ruhn winks at me and my cheeks burn at his words, joy and shyness filling me at the smile both males wore, looking at me like I was a fucking dream come true. “Move back on the bed, Y/N, we’ll give you what you want,”
Flynn chuckles as I rush to do so, my tits bouncing as I crawl backwards toward the headboard, stopping when I’m in the middle of the bed, space on either side of me.
My mouth waters as the two boys before me begin to reach for their clothes. I watch as Flynn unbuttons his shirt, one by one, almost agonisingly slow before he peels the material off his body revealing inches of muscle and rippling packs.
Where Ruhn was slender and lean, with hard abs and glorious tatted skin, Flynn was bigger, corded muscle and a six-pack for days. My pussy soaked at the sight of them both, grinning like they knew what they were doing to me.
I bite my lip hard enough to hurt as they both reach for their pants, the only sound in the air is my haughty breaths, the clinking of their unlocked belts and the sound of two zippers gracefully sliding down.
I whimper at the sight, a high-pitched, needy sound that makes them both look at me, Flynn raising an amused brow as he reaches down, tugging off his jeans and throwing them to the side, Ruhn following suit.
They were big, both of them. Big and thick, gloriously hung with strong veins and white pearly pre-cum leaking down their tips.
It took me a long time to adjust to Ruhn’s size, and even now my pussy was always too tight, always wrapped around him so painfully that he said it was the sweetest torture. And as I eyed Flynn’s cock, saw how red and angry it looked, I knew he would feel the same.
“Such a pretty girl,” Ruhn muttered, his blue eyes darkening to a tidal wave, a terrifying tsunami as he rounded the bed, his body glorious under the lights as he climbed onto the mattress, settling just behind me. “So, fucking pretty, right Flynn?”
“I can’t argue with you there, Ruhn,” Flynn smirks, and my thighs clench when he crawls onto the bed, his cock rising and hard as he settles just before me, looking down at me like he couldn’t believe his eyes. “I’m very jealous of your boyfriend, Y/N.”
He runs his hands up my calves, his touch bare as he moves up and down, going as high as my hip bone before swiftly moving back down, all the way to my ankles.
“Poor Flynn,” Ruhn laughs, and I groan as his hand slips around my neck, curling his fingers to grip my jugular, tipping my head back to meet his face above me, “You wanna help make our friend feel better, Princess?”
I grin, and Ruhn’s face is a mirror of mine as his hand slips away and I roll over and onto my front, my knees spreading and ass arching into the air. Flynn’s breath audibly catches, and the sound he makes is animal, purely Fae, at the sight of my pussy wet and bare, waiting for him.
“Flynn,” I mewl, my head sagging forward and resting against Ruhn’s stomach as Flynn runs his hands over my ass, scratching and fondling the flesh, but he doesn’t move further. “Please just fuck me, I can’t wait-“
“There we go,” Ruhn mutters and I can hear his grin as Flynn rubs his tip over my wet fold and before I can even moan, he’s pushing the head into my entrance, choking on a rough laugh as my pussy immediately sucks him in.
The sounds that escape me are high-pitched and restless as Flynn shoves the rest of his length inside me, not being gentle or slow, and I’m glad for it. Glad for the way he stretches me so thoroughly, glad that I can feel him sink all the way in, brushing a spot far and deep inside.
“Gods above,” Flynn growls, his nails cutting into the flesh of my ass as he draws himself out, nearly to the tip before plunging back in, the sound of skin slapping and my wetness making Ruhn groan. He swears lowly, watching as I suck up his length inch by inch, starting to move faster against me now.
Ruhn runs his hands over my hair, his face full of pride as he watches me kneel before him, my body wrecking back and forth, my tits bouncing as Flynn pounds into me, our moans a melody.
“Ruhn, Ruhn,” I plead, my wide eyes meeting his and he runs his thumb over my lip, a knowing gleam in his eyes, “Fuck my mouth, baby please, fuck my mouth.”
He didn’t say anything, nor did he wait, and my entire body trembled as his fingers gently collected my hair behind me, easily guiding me over his erect cock, waiting so patiently before me, and I closed my eyes as he brushed the tip over my lips and then pushed into my mouth.
“Shit, Y/N,” Ruhn groaned as he fisted my hair, guiding my head up and down his shaft, hitting the back of my throat more than once. I gagged and then moaned, Flynn spreading my thighs wider, and sinking deep into a tender spot within me.
There was so much spit drooling from my mouth, making a mess of Ruhn’s cock and stomach as he bucked his hips up, fucking my mouth just the way I liked, and as Flynn moved behind me in tandem, his cock slipping in and out, in and out, relentlessly, I was a whimpering, breaking mess.
It felt so good, felt so fucking right getting fucked at either end of me, and Ruhn swore, his body twitching as I moaned around his cock, the sound vibrating through him, bringing him closer and closer to that sweet edge.
“Shit, Y/N, shit,” Flynn gasped, his voice rasping and hoarse, breathless as he gripped my ass, as he had his way with me, still so painfully big but the hurt felt good, brought me closer to my end. “Look at that pussy, wrapped around me so fucking tight.”
His words encouraged me, and I suckled against Ruhn’s cock harder, tasting the familiar saltiness of his pre-cum, loving the ache of his fingers yanking at my hair, the pain at odds with the fullness of Flynn pounding into me, that dam inside me starting to fill.
“Princess, I’m not gonna last,” Ruhn warns, his fingers tightening in my hair, his hips stuttering, and I take it upon myself to get him there, to hear him moan my name as I suck against him, hard and fast, hollowing my cheeks and taking him even further down my throat. “Oh fuck- Y/N.”
He growls an animalistic, rugged sound that echoes through the whole room and makes my clit throb, his body jerking as I feel the warm, salty liquid squirt from his cock straight down my throat. I swallow, I always swallow, moaning happily as I do.
“Flynn, I’m so close,” I call out, Ruhn’s semi-hard cock resting against his stomach now and my face burying into his hip, feeling the tender touch of my boyfriend's hand in my hair, so opposing to the brutal, bruising hold of Flynn behind me.
“Me too, Y/N,” Flynn hissed, his cock starting to hammer into me quicker, and I can barely stop the shaking in my knees. I gasp when his thumb reaches around me, rubbing messily at my clit, and the angle changes, moving further and every single touch is too fucking much.
“There, there, there-“ I call out again and again and again, teeth biting against Ruhn’s thigh, something he fucking loves, as I’m hit with my release, a wildfire that starts at my core, and just erupts, moving through my veins and blood and bones and I can’t stop the sounds coming from me.
Flynn’s hips start to falter, curses endlessly falling from his lips as my pussy clenches around him like a vice, so tight and unyielding that he roars, stilling and growling as his cock spills inside me, filling me up.
Pleasure, hot and white and blinding, dying out so slow as Flynn moves inside me gradually, spreading his hot cum all over me, and it all feels like heaven.
I huff out a huge breath of air, my eyes clamped shut and head spinning and when Flynn ever so gently slips out of me, his hands holding onto the flesh of my hips and guiding me to turn and lay flat on my back, I don’t even fight it.
Pure exhaustion riddles me, so much so, that I lay there, my head against Ruhn’s thigh and my body trembling and weak against the mattress, unable to stop how my core throbs with the aftermath of my orgasm.
I blink open my eyes after several seconds and I’m met with the two males before me, their eyes returned to their usual bright shades of blue and brown, and their lips tilted up, sweet and wonderful as ever.
We’re all covered in sweat and panting, but as Ruhn look down at me from behind, and Flynn sits between my legs, rubbing at my weak thighs, I know we’re all fucked out- for now.
“Did that live up to the fantasy?” Ruhn mutters, his smile adoring as he brushes the hair free from my sweaty forehead, his fingers so gentle as he rubs the spots on my scalp he had yanked at before.
“Better than any fantasy,” I breathe, my cheeks hot as I grin, and Ruhn’s eyes brighten as he takes me in. I gnaw on my cheek, glancing forward to Flynn, his eyes never once leaving mine, “And for you, Flynn?”
“I agree, Y/N,” He smirks, his grip tightening around my thigh, and the look is so telling, that even Ruhn laughs, “So much so that I’ve got a few more fantasies that we could try.”
@mis-lil-red @hyemishii @assaultsofthought @starswholistenanddreamsanswered
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 4 months
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Reading Lists
Happy May!
Please make sure to check all warnings before reading. But if you do enjoy a story, maybe leave a comment and reblog to support your local neighbourhood fic writiers.
Ari Levinson
That Secret Place in the Garden by @witchywithwhiskey 🔥
All Over Again by @pellucid-constellations
Bucky Barnes
Brats Don't Get What They Want by @lanabuckybarnes 🔥
Bucky and Bluey and You by @jobean12-blog
Bucky has fun with you and a toy by @buckys-wintersoldier 🔥
Domination by @buckys-wintersoldier 🔥
Finally, Back by @lives-in-midgard
His Empire of Desire by @bucky-barnes-diaries 🔥
Just Please Don't Leave Me by @delicatebarness
Mafia Bucky's Girl Gets Arrested by @buckybarnesb-tch
Oral Fixation by @little-miss-dilf-lover 🔥
Roommate Bucky by @angrythingstarlight 🔥
Southern Cookin' by @eat-limes-bitches
The Interview by @simplyholl 🔥
R&R by @pellucid-constellations
Spiteful, Wicked Mate by @ervotica 🔥
Timeless by @shadowdaddies
Eris Vanserra
Ferocious Beasts with Soft Bellies by @daycourtofficial
Jake Jensen
A Helping Hand by @buckymorelikefuckme
Curiosities by @muddyorbsblr 🔥
Distractions by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Like A Queen by @lokisgoodgirl 🔥
Talk to Me by @vbecker10
Lucien Vanserra
Fireleaf by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Multiple/Poly Partners
Just One Night by @danikamariewrites (Azriel x Cassian x Nesta x Reader)
No Need to Decide by @quinzzelx 🔥 (Azriel x Cassian x Rhys x Reader)
Pathetic by @sweetcarolina-24 🔥
Teamwork by @thyme-in-a-bubble 🔥(Avengers x Reader)
Nick Fowler
A Little Bit Where Nick Wants You To Warm His Cock by @buckys-wintersoldier 🔥
Steve Rogers
The Horny Misadventures of Steve Rogers by @lokischambermaid 🔥
Little Perv by @buckys-wintersoldier & @lanabuckybarnes 🔥
Who Vibes for Vibranium by @late-to-the-party-81 🔥
Another Ache by @little-miss-dilf-lover 🔥
Brown Paper Bag by @little-miss-dilf-lover
Co-workers by @sebsbarnes
Delicate by @pretty-little-mind33
Don't Blame Me by @pretty-little-mind33 🔥 - Epilogue - But Daddy I Love Him
Outta Your Mind by @little-miss-dilf-lover 🔥
Tristan Flynn
Can't Believe It by @throneofsmut
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moonlitstoriess · 2 months
Passionate Storms-Ruhn Danaan x reader (2/2)
Warnings: some more angst, fluff at the end
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This wasn't the plan.
Ruhn didn't think this is how everything would end up happening.
Him, back in the apartment, alone, standing over the counter, reading the note his mate left for him.
I am leaving for some time. I will talk to you if-not when-if I feel ready.
You finally got the peace and quiet you so desperately wanted so don't come looking for me.
Ruhn had the shittiest day ever. First, his brother Tristan Flynn, had the 'loveliest' idea to bring the fire sprites into work at the Auxiliary which led to an unstoppable chaos that resulted in him having to sort the mess out. Why did no one tell him that being the leader of the Aux is never going to be easy?
Then, as if that catastrophe wasn't enough, he had to attend multiple meetings regarding the jobs of the new unions within the city. Ever since the end of the war, the shifters and the fae aren't getting into much of a brawl either, thanks to also Ithan who keeps his pack in check, but from time to time, things happens and Ruhn had to make sure he chose proper units to guard specific locations where these kinds of brawls may happen.
After what felt like a lifetime at work, Ruhn couldn't wait to get his hands on the little surprise he was planning for his darling, his love, his mate.
A specially handcrafted bracelet that he was planning on giving her on their dinner date that he would take her out on tonight with flowers and music.
His y/n deserved that.
Well, guess what? That didn't go as planned either.
He took the gift before admiring and gushing over how perfect for y/n it is. Ruhn hid it inside his leather jackets pocket before heading home, thinking and smiling about how he was going to tell y/n that he was taking her out on a date.
But, as predicted, another shifter and fae fight was happening in the middle of the street and seemingly the very unit he picked for the job was unable to put a complete end to this fight.
With a sigh and a shake of his head, Ruhn quickly headed towards the commotion, shouting "Hey! What do you think you're doing?! This is a children's playground, dumbasses, no fights allowed!"
One of the wolves growled right back at him, "Fuck off if you know what's good for you!"
At this point, his soldiers were busy holding some of the fae and wolves back but this one specific wolf seemed to like the drama. Well, too bad he isn't going to like it when he finds himself with a fine of a hundred gold marks.
Ruhn now stood chest to chest with the male whose head was completely shaved off in a buzzcut, displaying his blond roots as his wild and icy eyes stared deep into Ruhn's soul. But he knew better than to be intimidated by some street rat.
Ruhn kept his voice steady yet firm as he said, "You are starting useless fights on a territory where children come to play. Faelings. You are on our territory. If you don't back off now, you won't like the consequences."
The wolf only snickered as he said, "Oh, really? I am so scared that I think I just peed my pants."
Ruhn curled his hand into a fist, "Last chance. Back. Off."
"Go to hell, prince."
Ruhn turned his head to one of his soldiers. "Give me the handcuff-"
A hard blow to his jaw. That fucking-
And that is how the following steps ensued:
1.Ruhn began beating the shit out of the shifter
2.His soldiers began taking-or rather trying to take-the other shifters away
3.A whole commotion happened as some of the shifters managed to get away and try to take their friend from under Ruhn
4.Ruhn ended up being in the middle of a full blown fight between shifters and fae, at some point having his phone knocked out of his jean pockets.
By the end of it, he had everyone cuffed as his soldiers sent them to the Aux. Luckily, he managed to keep his face clean, only getting blows on his body. Unluckily, his phone was in a shit condition now after being harshly thrown on the ground by one of the idiots and kept on lagging as he tried to answer his girlfriends call.
No success. Whatever, he will get home and explain everything and then tomorrow buy a new phone. Atleast the present is here-
Where. Is. The. Bracelet.
Ruhn began checking all his pockets but found nothing. He began panicking as he looked around only to find the box on the ground. He sighed and sent a quick prayer up to the Gods for the bracelet to be intact-
It was not, in fact, intact.
The bracelet was broken in half, its small jewels shattered.
Oh, he was definitely going to make that shifters life hell now.
Ruhns mood completely soured. He couldn't go home right now, not now. He couldn't look into his mate's happy, beautiful face and put on a fake smile. He needed to collect his thoughts which is why he headed straight to the bar.
There, he sat down and ordered himself a drink, completely drunk already on his overthinking. His surroundings were a buzz and a blur as Ruhn nursed his drink in one hand while blaming himself for everything. And the constant calls from his mate that he couldn't answer were not helping at all.
He was truly the worst. Couldn't even do one thing right. Can't properly lead the Aux, can't do something nice for his mate, his future wife, what are you good for, Ruhn?
He had planned this night differently. He had planned to gift her the custom bracelet that took months to design and make from scratch, then he planned to put it on her wrist before kissing her and telling her to go get ready.
Everything had gone to absolute shit and honestly? Ruhn didn't think he could look at his mate's face right now knowing what he has done.
"Ruhn? Is that really you?"
He turned his head sideways to see....Nixie. A small nymph that was once close friends with y/n. He didn't like her. Not one bit. Especially not after she tried to make clear moves on him before Ruhn rudely and quite frankly rejected her.
However, it seems like she hasn't learned her lesson yet.
Ruhn gave her an annoyed look before wordlessly turning his head back around and trying to once again answer y/n's call but from the looks of it, his phone won't be making it another day.
"Is that y/n constantly calling you? Gosh, she hasn't changed has she? The same chattering monkey that she was when we were frien-"
"Tell one more thing about my mate, Nixie, and I won't hesitate to put you in your place right now."
"Oh, come on Ruhn, you know I would always make a better match for you. We don't have to be mates to-"
Ruhn got up, forcing the nymph to stagger backwards as he pushed her harshly aside with his body, causing her to hit a table, and stalked towards the doors.
He turned his head sideways and said over his shoulders, "If you ever come near me or try to start a conversation with me again, I will do much worse than just push you. Fuck off."
Nixie's whole presence made him even more drained by the time he got home.
Ruhn hoped that his mate would be asleep when he entered the house but the smell of delicious and newly cooked pasta confirmed that she was, in fact, not asleep. And then the sight of his beloved, coming over to him, still all smiley and lovely with the clear exhaustion of the day weighing on her made him feel very ashamed of himself.
He couldn't do it. Not now. Not now.
Then, she kept trying to talk to him, to make him open up and on a normal day, he would. He would talk about his day but not before he listened to her talk about hers. They would eat, they would talk and joke some more, kiss and cuddle. But not tonight. Tonight, Ruhn's mind was very frustrated. With everyone, with himself but not her. Never y/n. Never his sweet, beautiful mate.
But it seems like Ruhn really enjoys ruining everything good for himself because he ended up shouting at his girlfriend, leaving to sit at the bench in the park outside for ten minutes, coming back into the apartment to find himself in the current condition.
Him alone with only shame, guilt, anger and worry as his companions, staring into the note in his hands.
He truly, in every sense of the word, fucked up. But unlike everything else, he wasn't going to let this one good thing get away from him. He will get his y/n back.
"I don- I don't understand why would he do such a thing? Why would he be so rude? What have I done to h-hurt him?"
"Shhh, nothing. You have done absolutely nothing to hurt him, sis. He is just being his famous idiot self."
After y/n left the house, she headed straight to her sisters apartment in the other end of the city, intending to hopefully stay there with her for a while. Atleast until she had cleared her mind.
Her sister, Alexia, gave y/n another box of tissues as she cried nonstop since the minute she arrived here two hours ago.
Alexia sighed as her phone suddenly ringed but y/n was too busy wiping the tears that kept blurring her eyes to hear her sisters say "Oh, for Urd's sake!" as she picked up the phone, gave a small reassuring pat to y/n's shoulder and left the room, coming back what felt like an eternity later with some tea.
"Stop. Stop wasting away your tears on that punk. Here, I brought you favorite tea. Jasmine."
As they sat there on the couch, curled up in blankets, chatting while drinking, y/n almost forgot her pain. Almost.
It hurt too much to forget and ignore. She loved Ruhn and definitely didn't wan't to walk away permanently but...what if she should-
The doorbell began to ring. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows before looking at her sister who just shrugged and said nonchalantly, yawning as she got more comfortable on the couch, "Could you please open it? My legs have been killing me all day, honestly should get some treatment for them. It gets worse every day."
Y/n nodded before getting up and heading towards the door. Once she opened it, there was absolutely no one standing on the other side. She sighed as she tried closing the door but it wouldn't budge.
Y/n looked down to find a small basket filled with some of her favorite snacks standing right in front of her doorstep. She leaned down to pick it when a small handwritten note fell out of it right on to the floor.
Y/n bent down to pick it and gasped when she saw what's written inside it.
My love,
I know you said not to come looking for you but I couldn't just stand by knowing that what I have done was a terrible mistake. I called your sister to ask if you were with her and when she said yes, I wasted no time in preparing this basket for you and having it delivered. Until you feel comfortable enough to face me, I will be sending you small little things each day. I know what I did was wrong and I am hoping to see you soon so that I can explain myself better. Until then, enjoy your favorites.
From your idiot of a mate who loves you beyond words,
Y/n's eyes widened as she reread the letter multiple times, thinking that her eyes were lying to her. At last, with a tiny smile creeping up her face, she turned around and headed back into the living room.
And so it continued for the next few weeks. Every single day there was a new small little surprise waiting for her at the door. The best part, however, were the little notes he would put with them.
One day, he sent her some of her most frequently used cremes and scents with a note saying, 'Your scent for me is the definition of being at home'
Next, in the morning, it was a basket filled with coffee and breakfast from her most favorite cafe, 'I miss you more and more each passing hour'
Tickets for the show she had been talking about nonstop for a while, 'The dates were finally revealed. Go enjoy it, my love.'
This went on and on until two weeks later, she couldn't take it anymore, she had to see him.
Her hands shaking, she texted the number she had been avoiding for two weeks now.
I want to meet you today.
His reply was instant
I will send you the address. Be ready by 8PM tonight, love.
Was she doing the right thing? Y/n was sure of her undying love for her mate and it seems like he was truly sorry for what he had done but....it would be better to finally talk face to face. Not to mention the fact that she did greatly miss his face.
He sent her the address and- what was this place? Y/n didn't dwell on it too long, deciding to prepare and wear something nice to meet Ruhn. After all, it has been a while since she last saw him.
By 8, she was done and ready, Alexia helping her to do the final touch ups while offering words of affirmation.
"If he even does one thing wrong, get out and dump his ass."
"You look beyond stunning, sis. If he dares to break your heart ONE MORE time, I swear-"
Y/n smiled, putting her hand on Alexia's shoulder. "I will be fine, Ruhn won't knowingly hurt me, Alexia."
Her sister just scoffed. "You know, it's really unclear with that bastard."
Y/n hugged her sister tightly before leaving and heading towards her newly fixed car.
Nearly an hour later, she made it to the location Ruhn sent her. It was some kind of a tall building but....why wasn't anyone around? Whatever, with a deep breath, she entered it and walked towards the elevator, pressing on the highest floor.
When the doors opened, she was greeted with the most breathtaking sight ever. It seems like the elevator opens up straight to the roof because above there were only glittering lights that were held up by columns. The lights also wrapped around the columns, causing one to feel like they are in a completely different realm.
In front of her, she had a full view of the busy city in the nighttime. Around her, were multiple soft areas for sitting but it was the very center that got her.
A table for two with a candle in the middle and....Ruhn standing in front of it, looking devastatingly handsome while holding a huge bouquet of roses.
Her eyes were still wide as she took in the entire place, slowly approaching him, coming to stand chest to chest with him. He looked down to her and whispered, "This- I got these for you. You look breathtaking."
She took the roses from him, eyes never leaving each other as she whispered back, "Thank you, this is...very beautiful."
He smiled lovingly at her and asked, "May I?"
She smiled back slightly. "Yes."
Ruhn took her hand, placing a gentle kiss on it before leading her to sit down. She sat down but he didn't. He kept standing by her side, looking at her with an unreadable expression.
And suddenly, Ruhn was a goner. His eyes seemingly welled up with tears as he got down on his knees without any hesitation, making y/n gasp as he looked down onto his own hands clutching his pants.
"These two weeks have been hell without you, my love. Hell. In fact, I would have loved it more if the princes of Hell came to take me to their realm rather than ever be without you. I couldn't eat, drink, sleep, work or do anything, for that matter, without my shame and guilt consuming me whole. I have been slowly but surely descending into madness untill you texted me this morning and I- y/n, I have to make this right. Please, you can't leave me. I love you too much."
"Ruhn look at-"
Ruhn shook his head and said everything in one breath "No, please, listen to me, my love. What I did was wrong. Very fucking wrong and I am beyond sorry, beyond ashamed and beyond guilty for what I made you feel. My whole day had gone to utter shit and- and long story short- I got into fights, broke my phone, which is why I couldn't answer you, had to deal with crazy fire sprites invading the Aux thanks to that little shit Tristan, had to attend multiple meetings with annoyingly egotistic leaders, and worst of all....broke your surprise, the one I had been excited for months. I had planned to surprise you with that gift and a date that day but....clearly the Urd wasn't on my side and then the whole Nixie situation happened because I was so mad at myself that I went to the bar to drink something but sheturnedupthereandstartedmakingmovesonmebutIignoredherplease-"
"Ruhn, dear, slow down, I don't understand anything."
"She turned up there and started making moves on me but I ignored her I swear, I swear I ignored her! She tried to insult you but I made sure that she won't ever come near either of us. I just- that day I was out of my mind, I know it was no excuse for what I did but please, you aren't annoying, you are definitely NOT a chattering monkey. I love you and your bubbly personality, please never stop talking when you are with me, your voice gives me so much comfort. Iloveyoutoomuchtoolooseyoumyloveplease-"
"Ruhn, you're fast again. And please, look up at me."
He shook his head
"I don't deserve you, I don't deserve you-"
"Ruhn Danaan will you please, for the love of Urd, shut up and look at me?"
He finally lifted his head upwards to look at her and oh, Gods...he was crying. His eyes have gone absolutely red and tears are staining his cheeks.
She put a gentle palm on his cheek, causing him to place his hand over hers and kiss her wrist.
Y/n smiled, "I understand, Ruhn. I think- I think I also behaved wrongly. I should have read the signs and given you your space also, I shouldn't have just left you alone instead of solving it properly by talking it out. We both had unfortunate days and I guess we both reached our breaking points. I was really hurt, Ruhn. You hurt me deeply, and for the past two weeks I had been thinking all of this over and I- I love you too, Ruhn. I forgive you. And I hope that next time, if such a thing happens, we will get to solve it in a better form."
Ruhn's eyes widened as a huge smile began overtaking his face. "So you will come back now?"
She smiled back at him. "Yes, I will come back now."
Ruhn eyes softened as he got up while still holding her palm to his face, causing y/n to also stand up.
He leaned in closer as his eyes wondered lovingly all over her face, as if taking in everything he missed in the past two weeks.
"That's really good to hear because I really want to kiss you now, my love."
Y/n giggled and said, "Then what are you waiting for?"
That was all he needed. Ruhn put one arm around her waist as he leaned his head down and kissed his mate, lovingly and gently, conveying the things he couldn't tell her with words.
All of a sudden, y/n felt something cold being slipped on to her fingers. When she pulled apart and looked down, she gasped in shock and awe at the beautiful ring on her finger.
At its center is a luminous, round-cut diamond, its facets expertly crafted to maximize brilliance and sparkle. The diamond is set in a delicate, platinum band that gently curves upward, accentuating the stone’s radiant glow. Surrounding the central diamond is a halo of smaller, perfectly matched gemstones, each reflecting light and enhancing the ring's celestial allure.
The band itself is adorned with intricate filigree work and tiny, pavé-set diamonds that catch the light from every angle. The design features a pattern reminiscent of a starry night sky, adding a touch of whimsy and romance.
Y/n's eyes welled up with tears as she looked back at her mate to see him also tearing up while holding her close by the waist.
"Remember the surprise I had mentioned? Yeah well, it was initially meant to be a bracelet but I thought it was better to turn those broken pieces into a ring instead. And....well, y/n, will you make me the happiest mate in the world by marrying me? Because I never want to experience this life without you right beside me ever again."
Y/n let a few of her tears slip as she smiled and nodded her head, quickly tugging Ruhn down by the collar of his shirt to kiss him.
"I would love nothing more than to experience life beside you, Ruhn."
A/n: Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading<33
Tags: @mirandasidefics
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danikamariewrites · 7 months
oh my god bestieeee 😭🩷
i’ve missed you so much !! i’ve been really into ithan & flynn x reader smut recently BUT i haven’t found much. what’s up with that ? justice for my boys ✊🏻✨
anyway, i was wondering if you could pleaseee make a ithan or flynn x reader with jealousy with a fluff ending ? i would every much appreciate it 🩷🩷
LOVE YOUUUU !!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
My Jealous Lordling
Flynn x reader
A/n: AAAAHHHHH HEY GIRL!!!!!! I’VE MISSED YOU OMG!!!! I don’t think I’ve written for Flynn yet and he is definitely the jealous bf type so plz enjoy these headcanons of jealous Flynn
Warnings: some nsfw, and fluff
Flynn is easily made jealous by any male that makes you laugh or smile
Anyone but him being near you pisses him off
He knows you would never cheat on him, Flynn is just possessive of you
His hands are always on you when you’re out or at home
You love holding his hand the most
While Flynn is an amazing warrior and very well trained his hands are super soft and warm
He would never admit it to the rest of the guys (or Bryce) but he loves pampering himself
Flynn owns all the most expensive/best products for his hair and skin
The only person he shares that with is you and you two will have skin care nights with the door locked so Ruhn or Dec would stay out
Ok back to jealous Flynn
Going out with your friends is your favorite, especially when you party with Bryce it’s always a fun time
Always supports your choices and is your personal hype man. Like when it comes to your hot girl fits he practically falls to his knees bc he can’t believe you’re all his
He just hates that other people will see you in that black mini dress that was clearly just meant for him
Before going out you always kiss his cheek and say, “If you behave you can have a treat later.” Flynn sits at home patiently waiting for his reward for not being impatient and pulling you out of the bar
Sometimes there are nights were you and your friends end up at the same bar with his friends
As much as he doesn’t want to Flynn does give you your space and just makes eyes at you across the bar
Sometimes you two make a game out of it and flirt on the dance floor like you’ve never met each other
Seeing you around your guy friends drives him insane
Flynn knows he’s better than those loser and that they’d never treat you right but he still hates that they “flirt” with you
On the rare occasion you both ended up at the Raven with both groups Flynn kept his eyes on you from the second you walked in the door. He just had a gut feeling something wasn’t right
Flynn watches one of your guy friends try to make a move on you
With what felt like two steps he was across the bar and grabbing the male by the back of his neck pulling him off of you. You clearly didn’t want him touching you and you looked stressed
Flynn didn’t let go of the male until they were outside in the alley. He threw him against the brick wall, punching him over and over until the male was begging Flynn to stop. Flynn grabbed him by the shirt, growling, “you ever go near her again I swear to the gods no one will find your body.”
After watching him run off Flynn storms back into the bar to see both friend groups mingling and comforting you. Ruhn clocked Flynn fuming and started to pull everyone away from you so they weren’t the next victim of his wrath
You dragged him home, equally as mad about that jealous display
“Why did you do that?” You asked calmly, your hands shaking. “He touched you and I saw the look on your face. I saw him flirting with you all night and it got to me. I couldn’t let you be uncomfortable.”
Your face softened at how small his voice sounded. Your friend was telling you to leave Flynn for him and you hated that this affected Flynn so much
The rest of the night you spent cuddling, his head on your chest as you played with his hair
Once you fell asleep Flynn switched positions and stayed up all night whispering sweet nothings to you
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throneofsmut · 4 months
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Tristan Flynn
( * Indicates Smut )
Can’t Believe It — Tristan Flynn makes Reader laugh with a shitty joke he told at work.
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Dividers: @tsunami-of-tears
7 notes · View notes
Firestarter (Tristan Flynn) 18+
Summary: You had a crush on Flynn for all of your life but being Dec's little sister, Flynn never looked at her like that.
Words: 6.4K
Warnings or A/N: thinking about doing a part 2. Towards the end of the story, there is a very descriptive smut. MDNI with this story.
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Tristan Flynn had this charm to him that could draw females towards him with just a single glance, while his intimidating glare could send enemies fleeing in fear. It was this captivating thing that had initially sparked your crush on him.
Currently, he was seated in an armchair, with a dryad nestled on his lap. You couldn't help but let out a sigh, tearing your eyes away and taking a sip from your cup. "Are you interested, Emmett?"
"Interested in what?" You asked in confusion.
"We're all heading to the White Raven. Are you in?" came the question.
"You two have the biggest mouths in town," you heard Bryce remark, causing you to turn your head and see Bryce standing next to Declan, Flynn, and her cousin.
Flynn winked mischievously at her. "I thought you enjoyed my mouth."
"Keep dreaming, lordling," Bryce responded with a smirk.
You glanced at Bryce, taking in her captivating beauty. She exuded confidence with her voluptuous figure, flawless complexion, and mesmerizing eyes. Her vibrant red hair cascaded down her back in gentle waves. She was undoubtedly Flynn's type, unlike yourself. While you knew you were hot, you couldn't compare to Bryce Quinlin's allure. As she turned around and spotted you, a warm smile adorned her face. "Hey, (Name)."
Returning her greeting, you offered a sweet smile in return. "Hey, Bryce."
Although jealousy occasionally flickered towards Bryce and the attention Flynn showed her, you didn't hold it against her. After all, she couldn't control how others perceived her. Glancing briefly at Flynn, who was currently engaged in a steamy makeout session with the dryad, you refocused your attention on your group of friends. Placing your cup down, you nodded. "Let's do it."
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆
Upon waking up, a pulsating headache throbbed in your head, accompanied by a knocking at your front door. As you opened your bedroom door, you saw your friends sprawled on the floor, fast asleep alongside some unfamiliar guys. Before you could even make your way towards the door, it swung open, revealing Dec standing there. He glanced at the males scattered across your living room floor before directing a pointed look towards you. In response, you rolled your eyes and approached him, firmly placing your hand on his shoulder and guiding him out of your house. "What have I told you about coming into my house uninvited?"
"If you had answered your door the first fifty times or even responded to my calls, I wouldn't have to," he retorted.
"Why are you going through all this trouble?" you inquired.
"Because I turned my attention away from you for a moment and you vanished. I just assumed you had left, but then neither you nor your friends could be reached," he explained.
Your heart began to race. Has something happened to Flynn or Ruhn? "What's happened? Are Flynn and Ruhn alright?"
"Yeah, they're fine," he reassured.
"Why are you here at seven in the morning?" you pressed.
"Just checking on you, since nobody could find you at the party and you were ignoring your phone. Now I know why you were busy sleeping with those guys, who knows what they wanted," he remarked sharply.
Perplexed, you blinked at your brother, wondering why he was speaking to you in such a manner. His best friends frequently slept with random women, after all. "Hold on, are you seriously lecturing me for sleeping with random guys when your roommates do the exact same thing with women? Do you honestly believe I'm foolish enough to bring males home? They brought them here. I didn't even know until I woke up. Declan, you of all people should know I would never do that. I'm not that type of woman," You said, releasing a frustrated sigh.
Declan pulled you into a hug, and you reciprocated. "I just tend to get overprotective. I'm your older brother. It's my duty to look out for you," he admitted.
"D, you made sure I could fend for myself when you're not around. You, Ruhn, and Flynn all did," you asserted, stepping away from the embrace. "I'm not that little girl anymore. Your job is complete."
Declan offered a sad smile. "My responsibility to protect you doesn't end simply because you've grown up. I will always be there for you."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, get to the Aux before they fire your ass," you teased.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆
As you stepped into the dimly lit atmosphere of the White Raven, you couldn't help but notice the various scenes unfolding around you. Some people were indulging in drugs in the corners, while others were drowning themselves in alcohol or dancing on the dance floor. Over to the right, in the VIP section, you spotted Ruhn, Declan, Flynn and the dryad from the other night. You rolled your eyes, already sensing that your night was about to become less enjoyable, but you were determined not to let them ruin your fun. You led your friends to your usual table and ordered a round of drinks.
Just as the waiter returned with your beverages, Flynn's dryad friend started making her way towards your table. You let out a sigh, knowing how this was going to play out. "Here we go," you muttered.
"She's going to try to act like she's Flynn's girlfriend," one of your friends predicted.
"They always do," another chimed in.
“If you need anything else, let the bartender know. My name is Myles,” The waiter winked at you three before sauntering away, and just as he did, the dryad approached your table.
She opened her mouth to speak, but your friend interrupted her. "Before you say anything to (Name), just know that you're not special. Flynn will keep you around for, what, two or maybe three weeks before he gets bored and tosses you aside," Your friend sneered.
The dryad's eyes narrowed at your friend before shifting her gaze to you. "Everyone knows that you have a crush on Flynn, but he's not interested in you at all. He's only friends with you because you're his best friend's little sister," she retorted.
You chuckled and turned to face her. "Have you ever noticed the hair tie on his right wrist?"
The dryad nodded. "Yes, what about it?"
"It's mine. I gave it to him a few years ago to hold for me and forgot about it. When I asked for it back, he refused, saying that it's like a piece of me is always with him. So, if you think I don't matter to him, I dare you to go ask him to take it off," You explained calmly as you took a sip of your drink.
The dryad's eyes narrowed further before silently walking back towards the VIP section. "You know Flynn won't be happy about this, right?" she warned.
"I couldn't care less. If he doesn't want me telling off his bitches, he should keep them from running their mouths to me," you replied, undeterred.
You finished your drink and sat it down on the table. With a carefree spirit, you sauntered onto the dance floor, ready to let loose and allow the music to wash over you. As the rhythm embraced you, your body effortlessly swayed and grooved, purely in sync with the music in the club. Your moves became more intricate and mesmerizing with each passing beat.
The bass thumped through your body, elevating your mood and intensifying your connection with the music. With each step, you felt a surge of electricity running through your veins, pulsating with the rhythm. The crowd around you seemed to fade away, and it was just you and the music, in a euphoric trance.
The colorful lights danced across your skin, accentuating your fluid movements and creating an aura of mystique. Everything else became a blur as you surrendered yourself to the music, allowing it to guide you, to release any inhibitions or worries that burdened you.
As you felt a touch on your hips, you turned around to discover that it was Myles, the waiter. Myles was hot and you wanted to feel every inch of him, causing you to realize that you were now ready to move on from Flynn. The constant presence of Flynn's bitches approaching you with intentions to intimidate, driven by their jealousy, had grown tiresome. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you found solace in placing your back against his chest while the rhythm of the club music guided your movements.
Feeling his warmth and steady heartbeat against your back, you let yourself relax and melt into him. His strong arms encircled your waist, pulling you closer. The pulsating beats of the music resonated through your bodies, synchronizing your movements and creating an intoxicating dance between the two of you.
As you closed your eyes, you willingly submitted to the music, allowing it to gently guide your bodies closer in an intimate embrace. Softly, his warm breath whispered against your ear, presenting a question, "Would you like to continue this elsewhere?"
In response, you subtly released your arms from around his neck and nodded in agreement. "Absolutely," You responded with certainty.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆
"And today she simply yelled at me," The dryad recounted.
He nodded his head passively as he endured the dryad's ceaseless prattle. The subject matter held no interest for him whatsoever. Together, they made their way to the White Raven to meet with Ruhn and Declan, intending to drown their collective stress with copious amounts of alcohol. Although it had been several days since he had last spoken to you, an underlying annoyance nagged at Flynn. Yet, he forced himself to suppress those rising thoughts as he approached Ruhn and Declan. "Yo, Flynn. We've got a couple glasses of your regular order," Ruhn announced.
"Sweet," Flynn replied, accepting one of the glasses and swiftly consuming its contents.
The trio struggled to engage in any meaningful conversation, thanks to the incessant ramblings of the dryad. Just as Flynn was contemplating ordering another drink, Ruhn's gaze fixated upon someone, causing a mischievous grin to form on his face. "She's going to cause trouble for us tonight," Ruhn remarked.
Curiosity piqued, both Declan and Flynn directed their gaze towards the same individual. True to Ruhn's prediction, she was definitely going to cause trouble for them tonight. Clad in a short form-fitting black dress with a captivating hollow halter neckline that accentuated her every curve, her hair flowed elegantly down her back. Flynn couldn't help but be captivated by her hair, as he often was. He loved your hair.
She exchanged a pleasant smile with one of the males as he walked by, instantly capturing Flynn's attention. He became tense when he noticed that almost all the males in the club were fixated on her. His gaze followed her as she led her group of friends to their regular table and placed an order with the waiter. Flynn noticed the dryad casting a disapproving glare at him, but he paid no mind. All that mattered to him was keeping her within his sight, especially when she was dressed like that. He only realized that the dryad had left when she reached your table.
One of your friends said something to her, prompting the dryad to turn and address you. However, all you did was laugh and say something back before heading onto the dance floor. The dryad returned to Flynn and scrutinized his wrist. "If we're going to be together, I want you to remove that hair tie."
Ruhn and Declan winced upon hearing her demand, fully understanding the significance of that hair tie to Flynn. Declan glanced at the dryad. "I wouldn't do that."
"I refuse to date someone who keeps another woman's hair tie on his wrist. Take it off," the dryad insisted.
Flynn's hand instinctively touched the hair tie before he lifted his arm to show it to her. "You mean this hair tie?"
Flynn forced a laugh before locking eyes with the dryad. "Do you have any idea how annoying you are? Sure, you may be good in bed, but that doesn't make up for how unbearable you truly are. We are not dating, and we never will be. This hair tie will remain on my wrist, unless it breaks. Now, get the fuck out of the VIP section and lose my contact information."
The dryad attempted to voice her objection, but Ruhn swiftly indicated to the security guard to remove her. Flynn paid no further heed to the dryad, directing his gaze towards the dance floor until he spotted you. His heart sank as he witnessed you and the waiter moving your bodies to the music. His hands were against her waist, guiding you effortlessly across the crowded dance floor. There was something festering inside him but he didn't know what the feeling was.
With each beat of the music, his grip on his glass grew tighter, his knuckles turning white. His once easy going demeanor morphed into something unrecognizable - a mixture of turmoil, anger, and an unfamiliar emotion. He couldn't stand the sight any longer, couldn't bear to see you leaving the White Raven with another male.
He got out of his seat to push the waiter away from you but he was halted by Declan. "Don't," he urged.
Confused, Flynn exclaimed, "What do you mean, don't? She's leaving with him,”
Declan calmly took a sip of his drink and sighed. "She is a grown woman, whom we have all trained. She is fully capable of handling herself, and she knows that we are just a phone call away if she needs us."
Flynn glanced towards the exit of the white Raven, observing the two of you departing.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆
To: Fireststarter
To: Firestar.
I saw you leave the club with that guy. Just checking in. You good?
To: Firestar
To: Firestar
To: Fireststarter
Oh, so you can text Ruhn and Declan back but not me?
Flynn gazed at the multitude of messages he had sent you that remained unacknowledged or unseen. He had reached out to you this morning to check on your well-being, but upon receiving no response, a sense of worry had washed over him. Ruhn and Declan assured him that you were fine, but Flynn couldn't bring himself to fully accept their reassurances. After all, it was unlike you to disregard his messages. So, he found himself standing on your doorstep, inhaling deeply before rapping on the door with trepidation. "Coming," your voice echoed from within.
A surge of relief coursed through Flynn upon hearing your voice; you were safe. However, as you opened the door, his heart sank. Dressed in a male's shirt adorned with visible hickeys on your neck, you greeted him with a casual "Oh hey Flynn."
"Hey. I was just checking up on you. You never responded to any of my texts," he uttered, concern evident in his tone.
"Yeah, sorry about that. I had intended to, but got caught up with something," you explained.
"Yeah, that 'something' would be me," a male voice chimed in from behind the door.
You glanced back with amusement before redirecting your attention to Flynn. "Are we finished here? You can see that I'm alive."
Flynn nodded solemnly, and you promptly closed the door in his face.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆
It has been several weeks, and Flynn has not heard from you much, maybe only two or three times. Surprisingly, Ruhn and even your own brother haven't heard from you much either. It was painful for Flynn, feeling like you were pushing him away, and he was unsure of how to handle the situation.
"Have you seen (Name)? She actually seems genuinely happy for once," Flynn overheard Ruhn and Declan talking in the kitchen.
Ruhn remarked. "I think it's all thanks to Myles," he added.
Flynn quietly approached the kitchen and noticed Declan and Ruhn standing next to the island with an opened box of pizza. "Nah," Declan replied, taking a slice. "While Myles may have played a role in her happiness, ultimately, it's her own doing. She's smart enough not to rely solely on one guy for her happiness."
At that moment, Flynn entered the kitchen and went to the fridge to grab a beer. He couldn't help but ask, "So, she's still with Myles?"
"As far as I know," Declan replied, taking a bite of his pizza.
Flynn's grip on the beer bottle tightened. "I don't understand what she sees in him. He's an arrogant asshole," he expressed his frustration.
Both Ruhn and Declan rolled their eyes. Flynn had been complaining about Myles ever since you walked out of the White Raven with him for the first time. "Come on, guys. No, he's not good for her. He's cutting her off from everyone," Flynn argued.
While Declan remained silent, Ruhn decided to speak up. "Actually, Declan and I hear from her almost every day, if not every night. Her friends also hear from her multiple times a day. He's not cutting her off from anyone," Ruhn clarified.
Flynn's heart skipped a beat upon hearing that news. "What?" he exclaimed in disbelief.
"The only person who seems to be cut off is you," Ruhn said softly.
Flynn's breathing became heavy as he processed the information. It felt as though his world was closing in on him. Could it be true that he was the only one you had distanced yourself from? What had he done wrong? "Why would she do that? I haven't done anything wrong," he questioned, feeling a mix of confusion and hurt.
Declan, who had remained silent on the matter, slammed his hands on the table. "You are right. You hasn't done anything wrong. Ever since she was young, she has had fucking feelings for you. But now that she has grown tired of waiting for your attention and moved on, you suddenly want to act jealous and talk shit about the person that is allowing her to do that? Stop treating her as if she is some kind of lost puppy. Leave my sister the fuck alone, Tristan," Declan stated with a venomous tone before storming out of the kitchen.
The only instances when people referred to him by his full name were when he made mistakes or if they were extremely angry with him. Flynn observed his best friend climbing the staircase to his room before turning his attention back to Ruhn. "I am not jealous. She has been with other people before," he explained as he took a seat on the bar stool.
Leaning against the counter, Ruhn crossed his arms over his chest. "This is different, and deep down, you know it," he asserted.
Flynn sighed and covered his face with his hands. "Yes, I do know that, but I can't quite pinpoint what it is. I have never had such anissue with her seeing other guys like this before."
"That's because you were use to her constant attention. Now that she no longer gives it to you, you realize that you never gave her a chance. You never gave that extraordinary, one-of-a-kind girl a real chance. The girl who would do anything for you, and now you can't," Ruhn replied.
Flynn uncovers his face and remarks, "You sound like you were in love with her."
"Maybe I once was, but it wasn't me that she wanted," Ruhn uttered, uncrossing his arms and leaving the room.
Flynn quietly eased himself off the barstool, swiftly draped his jacket over his shoulders, and exited his house. He needed some time alone to ponder over the emotions swirling inside him before discussing them with you. Was he experiencing these sentiments simply due to his familiarity with receiving your attention, or was he truly developing genuine feelings towards you?
As Flynn stepped outside, the cool afternoon air provided some clarity amidst the confusion in his mind. He strolled down the streets, his thoughts consumed by the question of his emotions towards you. The weight of his jacket, a familiar comfort, mirrored the weight of his contemplations.
Flynn had always appreciated your attention and cherished the moments you spent together. Whether it was engaging conversations or shared experiences, your presence in his life had become significant. Yet, as he delved deeper into his thoughts, he contemplated whether these sentiments were merely a result of familiarity or if they held true depth.
He recalled instances when your interactions transcended friendship, filling him with a sense of warmth and happiness. Moments where laughter came effortlessly, and conversations flowed effortlessly. But Flynn wondered if these were fleeting sparks that could scatter in the wind, leaving nothing but ashes behind.
As he continued his solitary walk, Flynn sifted through memories of shared experiences, both joyful and challenging. The genuine care and support you had shown him when he needed it most left a lasting impression. Your unwavering presence had forged a bond that he couldn't easily dismiss.
"Come on, Myles," a familiar voice beckoned.
Flynn's attention was immediately drawn to the voice and he spotted Myles with a different girl, seated at a restaurant's patio. Upon closer inspection, Flynn recognized her as one of your closest friends. A surge of anger coursed through his veins as he witnessed your best friend lean in and kiss Myles. When your friend noticed him, her eyes widened in shock and she muttered, "Oh, fuck."
"What's wrong?" Myles inquired, turning to face the source of the disturbance. Realizing Flynn's presence, he hurriedly stood up and retreated. "This isn't what you think," he pleaded.
Flynn's hand tightened into a clenched fist by his side as he confidently advanced a few steps. "Oh really? It looks like that you are cheating on (Name) with her best friend," he stated.
Myles stumbled backwards, guilt plastered across his face, intermingled with threads of shame. "Flynn, I can explain. It's not what you think," he stammered, his voice filled with panic.
Flynn clenched his fists. His gaze shifted towards your best friend, her expression a mixture of guilt and sorrow. Anguish jolted through his body, shoving away any lingering doubts or denial.
Flynn lunged forward, his fist colliding with Myles' cheekbone. The sickening crack echoed through the streets.
Myles recoiled, his hand instinctively reaching for his throbbing cheek. Anger and desperation twisted his features as he lunged forward himself, his fist aiming for Flynn's jaw. The punch landed, the sharp pain reverberating through Flynn's skull, but it only fueled his determination to wipe the grin off Myles' face.
Ignoring the dull pain that spread from his face, Flynn unleashed a torrent of punches, each fueled by a cocktail of raw emotion. Blow after blow, he vented his anger, that turned to pure wrath. Eventually, with each strike, Myles began to show the invisible cracks, his movements faltering, his strength waning.
And then, like a final act of defiance against the inevitable, Flynn summoned every ounce of courage he possessed. A powerful right hook, fueled by his pain and the agonizing realization of Myles' betrayal, landed squarely on his jaw. Myles crumbled onto the pavement, defeated and broken.
Flynn's gaze was squarely fixated on Myles, who was scattered on the pavement before shifting his attention towards the gathered crowd. He was well-aware that this incident would be broadcasted on the news later, but his indifference remained unshaken. Swiftly, he brushed away the trickling blood from his lip and turned his focus to your best friend. "You are nothing but a fucking whore that gets her ass beatwhen she finds out. I genuinely hope that once your employers become aware of what you did to their daughter, they ruin your pathetic ass life," he uttered, emphasizing his words with a formal tone. “She didnt deserve this. You don't deserve her,”
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆
When he got home, he disregarded the barrage of questions hurled at him by Ruhn. Explaining himself to him held no importance to him, only one he will explain himself to was you. Entering his bathroom in his room, he flicked on the light, fixing his gaze upon his reflection in the mirror. Various bruises marred his facial features, accompanied by a few cuts on his lip. The cut on his lip would likely heal within a few hours, while the bruises on his face would likely subside by tomorrow evening.
"Gods, Trist," You uttered, his eyes meeting yours through the mirror before he turned towards you directly. Clad in a simple CCU crop top and leggings, he greeted you with a slight smirk. "You should see the other guy," he sheepishly smiled.
Approaching him, you chuckled. "I already did. I was sent the video. Please, sit on your bed," You instructed, bending down to retrieve a cloth from the bottom drawer.
"Firestar-" he began to say.
He gave the nickname "Firestar" after witnessing your Drop and the manifestation of your fire manipulation abilities. Recognizing your initial disappointment upon discovering that you shared this power with Dec, he assured that you were the star among fire users, nicknaming you as Firestar.
“Sit down," you commanded assertively.
He nodded, retreating to his bed, while you soaked a cloth in water. Witnessing you wringing out the excess water from the rag over the sink, he was momentarily captivated. Turning off the bathroom light, you approached him, assuming a position on your knees before him. This image provoked him to almost go feral, a sensation he had never experienced in your presence. Shaking off these unfamiliar emotions, he allowed you to tend to his hand, cleaning the remnants of Myles' blood. After discarding the used cloth in his bathroom, you retrieved another, standing up in the process. Straddling him unexpectedly, you caused his breath to hitch in his throat. He placed his hands on your bare skin. It was while you attended to cleaning the blood from his face that he couldn't help but notice, with heightened appreciation, the sheer beauty that radiated from you. Though he had always recognized this allure, there was something indefinable that set you apart in this moment, something that made his heart skip a beat. Perhaps it was the way your focused gaze softened as you meticulously attended to his wounds, or the way your hands moved with grace and gentleness as you wiped away the blood.
In that moment, everything faded into the background, and he realized that he had been taking you for granted all this time. The simple act of tending to his wounds made him recognize the depth and complexity of emotions he felt towards you. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the full extent of his admiration and love for you.
"Why did you do it?" you gently inquired, placing your hands upon his chest.
"It is one thing to cheat, but an entirely different matter to cheat on you. You did not deserve that. I would repeat my actions countless times, even if it meant incurring you being mad or if it caused you to hate me," he confessed, his grip on your hips tightening.
Though he despised the notion of you hating him, he spoke with unwavering sincerity. He would obliterate anyone who dared to harm you.
"Why him, though? I have been in relationships with others in the past and have experienced cheating before, yet you never did that before," Flynn exhaled heavily. "This is different. I was not bothered by your past relationships because you didn't ghost me. However, it killed me to see you with Myles, knowing you cut me off."
"I didn't want to. He made me," you explained, guilt filling your voice.
"I fucking knew it. I knew you would not cut me off like that. It wasn't like you," Flynn remarked.
"Why does it matter whether I cut you off or not? I assumed you would either forget about me or not even notice," you responded.
This behavior was unlike you. Typically, you exuded confidence and never doubted yourself, even with him. Your fiery personality and self-assurance were always present. "Are you joking?" Flynn questioned.
As you glanced down at your legs that were separated by Flynn's legs, Flynn took a deep breath before gently lifting your chin to meet his gaze. "You are unforgettable, firestar. Do you really believe I could forget about you, especially when I keep this hair tie on my wrist? You know me better than that."
"I am unforgettable compared to the girls that jump at you," you added.
Flynn was incredulous at the words that reached his ears. With a disapproving shake of his head. “Shut up,”
Your widened eyes revealed hurt as Flynn gently brushed his hand across your cheek and into your hair, drawing you closer to him. He drew you nearer to him, gently pressed his lips against yours.
As your lips met, time stood still, and everything else faded away. It felt like a dream, but the electricity coursing through his body assured him that it was very much real. Your fingers seamlessly intertwined with his silky hair and tugged on it. In return, he licked your lips with his tongue, seeking dominance over this kiss. Meeting his request without hesitation, your mouth welcomed his entry with an eager embrace. A delightful shiver down his spine as his tongue slid over mine, evoking a pleasurable moan that escaped your lips, savoring his taste that enveloped your senses.
His touch was electric, sending tingles down your spine as you deepened the kiss, lost in the moment with him. Every movement, every breath, was synchronized as you both moved your lips together.
His hands roamed your body, igniting a fire within you that only he could quench. The intensity of the moment was overwhelming, yet you couldn't bring yourself to pull away. His presence consumed you, drawing you deeper into the depths of desire and lust.
As you reached out to unbutton his shirt, Flynn suddenly pulled away from you and grasped your hands to halt your movements. "I'm sorry, I misinterpreted the situation," You expressed, retracting your hands and preparing to move away. However, Flynn firmly held onto your thighs, anchoring you in place.
“I am well aware that you can feel just how fucking bad I want you as my dick is between your legs but I want to make you know that I just don't want to fuck you. I want all of it. I am willing to take this slow," Flynn explained.
Although he wanted so badly to throw you on this bed and have you scream his name, he wanted you to know that it wasn't just for sex.
After a tender kiss, you reassured Flynn of your understanding. "Let's talk about this after we've fucked," You stated as you proceeded to remove Flynn's shirt.
You position yourself on your knees before him. As you ran your hand over his jeans, Flynn responded by rolling his eyes. Taking your time to savor the moment, you began to unbuckle his pants, prompting him to lift his hips to allow you to remove them. Placing your lips upon him through his boxers, you kissed him before exploring further with your tongue, never breaking eye contact.
Flynn found himself unable to tear his gaze away from you, his breath becoming increasingly unsteady as you continued to kiss and lick him through his boxers. Though the temptation to remove the barrier between you two and take him into your mouth was strong, he restrained himself, captivated by the raw desire in your eyes. With his boxers now removed, you revealed him fully, eliciting a skipped beat from Flynn's heart as you smiled at his size. Firmly grasping him, you elicited a gasp as he responded eagerly to your touch. As you licked and explored every inch of him. “Gods,” Flynn uttered.
Despite Flynn's desire to be more assertive, he allowed you to lead this, not wanting to overshadow the experience for you. While he longed to hear your reaction to him making you gag, he restrained himself, saving that intensity for another time.
The sound of your pleasure as you pushed him to the back of your throat was enough to make him go feral. He couldn't resist grabbing a handful of your hair and increasing the intensity, reveling in the beautiful sounds you made.
As he fucked your mouth, he found pleasure in observing his dick disappearing into your mouth, eagerly anticipating the moment when it would be buried deep inside your pussy. With a guttural groan, he reached his peak and released into your mouth, which you continued sucking until he spilled completely down your throat.
Flynn firmly grasped your throat, hoisting you up from the ground. He kissed you while he removed the hair tie that held your hair back, releasing your beautiful hair from its confinement. He absolutely loved your hair and the way it cascaded down your back like a waterfall of silk. He couldn't resist running his fingers through it, feeling the smooth strands slide between his fingertips. As he continued to kiss you, he felt your body relax against his, surrendering to the desire that burned between you two.
With a low growl, he let go of your neck and pushed you onto the bed. "It's not fair that you're still fully clothed while I'm naked," he remarked.
In response, you flashed a mischievous smile. “Rip them off," you suggested wickedly.
Flynn smiled mischievously in return, taking hold of your shirt and tearing it into shreds, scattering the torn fabric across the room. He noted your lack of a bra when he first caught sight of you in the mirror earlier. Your body responded eagerly to his touch, with your nipples eagerly anticipating his attention. However, he decided to give them attention later as he wanted to taste your pussy.
In a swift motion, he replicated his actions on your leggings, tearing them away and discarding them aside. Firmly gripping your thighs, he positioned himself between your legs and lowered himself onto the bed. Beginning at the base, he traced his tongue upwards along you, eliciting a delicious response from you. The sensation of your moans reverberated through him, further fueling his desire. Concentrating on your pleasure, Flynn shifted his focus to your clit, causing you to arch in pleasure.
As you writhed beneath his touch, Flynn maintained his composure, steadying your movements with a firm hand on your waist. Inserting a finger inside you, he initiated a rhythmic motion that elicited a deep moan from your throat. "Just like that," he murmured, his actions conveying a sense of mastery and control.
As he was on the brink of adding another finger, the interruption came in the form of his door being pushed open. Consumed by you, Flynn paid little heed to the person, fully immersed in bringing you please.
"What the fuck is going on here?”
Even Declan's voice failed to divert his attention from your clit. "Oh hey, Dec," you greeted nonchalantly.
Your voice exhibited traces of euphoria akin to the effects of Mirthroot, a reaction that elicited a smile from Flynn, aware that he was the catalyst. "What the fuck is this?" inquired Declan.
"Your best friend is eating me out. Would you, I don't know, get the fuck out?" You requested.
As the door closed behind Declan, Flynn intensified his actions, inserting an additional digit within you and increasing the intensity, skillfully manipulating his fingers to elicit loud moans. "Gods, Flynn," you exclaimed, your hand finding their way to his hair as you held onto it firmly.
As he indulged in licking, sucking, and biting, the sounds of your increasing moans only fueled his passion. He savored each and every one of your desperate breaths, keenly aware of your impending climax. "Let yourself go, baby girl," he whispered against your clit.
The vibrations of Flynn's words against your skin proved to be the final trigger, causing you to reach the peak of ecstasy and release all control as you climaxed on his face.
Flynn lapped up all of it before leaning up and pumped himself a few good times making sure he was hard enough for you before he flipped you on to your stomach and pulled your ass up to the air. He lined himself up to your entrance and pushed himself into you. You both groaned at the stretching he was causing.
Placing his hands on your hips, he began to move slowly, mindful of not causing you discomfort as you adjusted to his size. "Fuck me like you mean it, Trist. You're not going to break me," you urged.
"You’re going to regret that," Flynn replied, withdrawing from you momentarily before thrusting back in with force.
A sharp cry escaped your lips as you welcomed the pain. With a firm grip on your hips, Flynn increased the hardness and depth of his movements, leaving you grasping at the sheets.
He moved with a forcefulness that made him acutely aware of every point of contact, prompting you to match your movements with his. "Do you like how I feel?" you asked, your voice purred.
"Yes, baby. You feel fucking amazing. Even if I desired another cunt, which I do not, my thoughts would still be consumed by you," he confessed.
Upon hearing his words, you swiftly positioned yourself on top of him, reveling in the sensation of him filling you completely. "I want to fucking ride you," you declared.
Flynn smiled approvingly and agreed. He rarely allowed others to take the reins, but for you, he would make an exception.
You began to move vigorously on top of him, emitting sounds that reverberated in his ears. Flynn was completely absorbed in the moment, experiencing a level of satisfaction he had never felt before. His declaration that he desired only you rang true, as he was utterly captivated by your presence.
"Gods!" Flynn groaned as you both reached climax. Your ecstatic reaction echoed throughout the room, with Flynn showing no concern for the presence of Declan and Ruhn. As you collapsed onto his chest, both of you breathing heavily, a silence enveloped the room as you rested. Gradually, your breaths steadied, eventually lulling you to sleep, exhausted from it.
As he listened to your breathing, he thought about everything. He thought about the night that you left with Myles. That part of him that died. That feeling. Then that feeling when he saw you with him a few more times. One of those times, something hit him emotionally and physically. He didn't realize it at the time but as he listened to your breathing, it all made sense. “She’s my mate,” He said out loud.
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captainsophiestark · 7 months
Not A Relationship Guy
Tristan Flynn x Reader
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Requeted by Anon! This is the Tristan Flynn part of "Az or Flynn" lol. Thanks again for enabling me to write about my faves! Hope you like it! Also, Happy Valentine's Day everybody!
Fandom: Crescent City
Summary: Bryce's good friend from Nidaros has moved to Crescent City with her, and quickly made an impression on a certain fae lord. But she's not interested in a one-night stand, and Flynn has made it clear before that he's not really a relationship guy.
Word Count: 5,252
Category: Angst, Fluff, Humor
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When I'd first come to Crescent City, I hadn't known anyone other than Bryce. We'd grown up together in Nidaros, and now as adults, we'd maintained our close friendship even after she moved away. About a month ago, I'd joined her, following her move to the big city. I'd been terrified and out of my depth, with Bryce as my only connection in the massive metropolis. Now, I stood shoulder to shoulder with the top ranking members of the Fae Aux, screaming as we spectated the end of a beer pong game in the middle of a massive house party.
Things had certainly changed.
Declan and his boyfriend Marc stood on one side of the table, competing against a few people I didn't know. I was still relatively new, although my circle had expanded thanks to Bryce. Dec and Marc only had one cup left on their opponent's side, and then the game would be theirs.
The whole room screamed, a mix of heckling and encouragement, as Dec lined up his shot. Bryce hung off my neck, stone cold sober but shouting like the drunkest one in the crowd, which made me smile. Finally, after an extra moment's pause, Dec let the ball fly.
A moment later, it splashed into the cup, making Marc and Dec the winners.
The room erupted into cheers, no matter if people were rooting for or against Dec. A shot like that had to be appreciated.
The other team got a chance at redemption, but couldn't manage to get all of Marc and Dec's cups without missing. The game officially ended, with Marc and Dec's ten game win streak remaining unbroken.
"Boo!" came a loud voice, stepping through the crowd to the side of the table the losers had just vacated. Tristan Flynn stood tall, heckling his best friend across the table. "Somebody needs to take you two down!"
"Somebody just tried, Flynn!" Dec called back. "And you tried a few rounds ago, too. We're untouchable."
He and Marc did a little celebration, and Flynn rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, that was with Ruhn as my partner. I just need a better partner, and then you two are done." His eyes turned to scan the crowd, landing immediately on Brcye.
"Nope. No interest in being your teammate, Flynn."
He put a hand to his chest, mock hurt. "You wound me, Quinlan."
Bryce rolled her eyes. "You'll live. Besides, you're in luck. I happen to have the perfect partner for you."
Flynn raised an eyebrow in question at the same time Bryce gave me a hard shove forward. I turned to glare at her, but she just grinned back and gave me a little 'shoo' gesture. I narrowed my eyes at her even further, but turned back to Flynn anyway.
He watched me with a skeptical gaze. We'd gotten to know each other a little since I'd come to Lunathion, and we generally got along. That didn't make him trust me as a beer pong partner, though.
"Are you any good at pong, sweetheart?" he asked. I shrugged.
"I guess you're gonna find out."
With that, I turned from Flynn to quickly rerack the cups before picking up one of the balls on the table. I turned to Dec and Marc, waiting for one of them to do the same so we could shoot for who went first. They shared a look, then Dec stepped up, grinning at me as he prepared. I could feel Flynn hovering over my shoulder, but I ignored him as Dec and I locked eyes.
"Eye... to... eye," we said in sync, not looking away from each others' eyes as we let our first shots fly. I sank mine, but unfortunately, so did Dec.
I turned to Flynn. He didn't look impressed, exactly, but the wary skepticism had been replaced by a small, crooked smile.
"You're up," I said simply. Flynn didn't hesitate before stepping up to the table and going through the same procedure Dec and I had just done, but with Marc shooting opposite him. Like me, Flynn splashed his into a cup, but Marc's shot narrowly missed and bounced off into the crowd.
I let up a whooping cheer and high-fived Flynn, who was full-on grinning now. Marc and Dec just shook their heads.
"That means nothing," Dec called across the table. "You're both still toast."
"Yeah yeah, talk is cheap," I shot back. "Toss the other ball over here and let's get this upset on the road."
The game was truly a battle for the ages. The majority of the crowd had quickly rallied behind Flynn and I, since Dec and Marc had been dominating for far too long. They continued to sink shot after shot, but so did we. We held our own, using trash talk and head games and anything else we could think of to our advantage as the game went on.
I wasn't normally a super quiet person or anything, but since I'd been new to town and not in any party scenarios with Bryce's friends before this, I hadn't been ridiculously loud either. Now, however, I screamed, cheered, and jeered at the top of my lungs. With every celebration of success and mocking of the other team's misfortune, I caught Flynn staring at me more and more, an appraising look in his eye. I mostly ignored him, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a warm feeling in my chest when he grinned at me.
We both stayed focused and at the top of our games until, finally, each team only had one cup left. Marc and Dec had briefly pulled ahead, but Flynn had knocked out one of their cups to tie it. Now, the game rested on me.
"C'mon, you can do this!" shouted Flynn, putting his hands on my shoulders and jumping around a little to hype me up. I nodded, then turned to line up my shot as Flynn stepped back.
Marc and Dec were screaming, waving their hands everywhere to try and throw me off. The crowd screamed and the music blared, but I blocked it all out. I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly, my eyes laser-focused on the cup ahead.
Without giving myself time to second guess, I brought my arm forward and let the ball fly. A second later, it landed with a splash in the final cup of Marc and Dec.
"YES!" roared Flynn, and a moment later my feet had left the ground. He'd wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up in celebration. I laughed, absolutely beaming as Flynn set me down again.
"Alright, alright, it's not over yet!" Marc reminded us, bringing us out of the moment. "We get redemption shots."
"Even if you drag us into overtime, we're untouchable now," Flynn called. Our opponents ignored him, even as I joined Flynn's heckling and the two of us did everything we could think of to distract or psych out our opponents.
Marc shot first, and he missed. Me, Flynn, and apparently everyone else in the room held our breaths as Dec shook out his arm, then lined up his shot. Flynn and I waved our hands around, jumped up and down, and shouted things we thought might distract Dec, moving perfectly in sync like we'd been a team our whole life. Finally, Dec let the ball fly.
Flynn and I ripped our hands back to avoid any accidental interference that would cost us the game, and a split second later, Dec's ball bounced off the rim of our last cup. I reacted like lightning. According to the rules, once it hit the cup, it was fair game. I smacked it out of the way, off the table and into the crowd, before it could fall one way or the other.
"NO!" wailed Dec, sinking to his knees dramatically across the table.
"YES!" Flynn and I screamed in sync, and he picked me up again and spun me around. He put me down a moment later, still beaming, hands still around my waist. Our eyes locked, both caught up in the moment of euphoria, and he leaned towards me just a bit. I smiled, squeezing his arm but turning away to where Marc and Dec were still going through the stages of grief across the table.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kiss Flynn. But I also knew he wasn't a relationship kind of guy. The three different females I'd seen him make out with throughout the party tonight were testament to that. I didn't want to just kiss him and then try to pretend to go back to normal as friends the next day, so instead, I focused on the euphoria of our win.
Flynn let the moment pass, too, as we gloated over Marc and Dec's defeat. Finally, after significant whining and complaining, they wandered off and another pair stepped up to challenge me and Flynn. We ran the table for the better part of an hour before stepping away to do other things, our win streak still intact.
I stayed at the party with Bryce for a little while longer, dancing and laughing the night away. Flynn joined us for basically all of it, making a point of paying attention to me, talking and laughing with me. He toed the line of flirting more often than not, and never wandered to other parts of the party even though Bryce spent significant time roasting him every chance she got. When she and I finally left the party just after two in the morning, we only got a few steps from the frat house before she turned to me.
"Alright, spill. What's going on with you and Flynn?"
I laughed, gently bumping my shoulder into hers as we walked. "Nothing's going on, Bryce. He's a friend, that's it."
"I've seen how he acts around his friends, and that's not it. I know you're new, but you must've noticed the difference too."
I sighed. "Yeah, I have. And I won't lie, Bryce, he's great. He's funny, I like talking to him and spending time with him. Obviously he's gorgeous. But based on everything I've seen from him, he's not interested in an actual relationship with somebody. Likewise, I'm not interested in making out with somebody at a party and having that be the end of it. So I think it's best if we just stay friends."
Bryce nodded thoughtfully, letting a comfortable silence rest over us for a few blocks as we walked side by side. I thought that was the end of it, but then she chimed in again.
"I've never seen him keep flirting with somebody as long as he did with you tonight. Normally if he hasn't gotten what he wanted in about twenty minutes, he moves on."
I didn't respond. I mean, what was I supposed to say? I wasn't sure Bryce really knew what she was trying to say either, and a second later, she moved on with a curse. I looked at her in question, and she sighed.
"I just got a text from Jesiba. I have to go into work in the morning."
I winced in sympathy, then let Bryce complain to me the rest of the way home. I fell into bed after promising her some kind of baked good when she got home tomorrow to help her get through the work day, and figured that would be the last of the discussion on things with Flynn.
I was very, very wrong.
For the next few weeks, whenever I did any activity that included Flynn, he took every opportunity he got to flirt with me. I never reciprocated, but I didn't totally shut him down either. More than a few of my friends other than Bryce had mentioned it, but I usually brushed their questions off. Flynn and I got on like a wild fire, there was no denying it. But just staying friends, hopefully good friends, still seemed like the best choice to me.
Around a month after Flynn had first started flirting, our whole extended group had decided to go out to the White Raven together to dance the night away and do whatever the hell we wanted to do. Bryce shot me a look on our way out the door, and I raised an eyebrow after locking the door behind us.
"You look good. Are you going to keep ignoring Flynn, or are you finally planning to do something about him tonight?"
I waved her off. "I already told you, Bryce, I'm not-"
"Interested in a one-time thing, yeah, I know. And that's fine. But he's been chasing you for a month. I think you should talk to him, let him know you're not interested."
"I'm sure he'll lose interest soon enough, B. Probably tonight, when he finally gets a break from work to the point that he notices some pretty thing dancing next to him and forgets he ever had a thing for me."
She gave me a skeptical look, but I ignored it. Flynn had become my best friend other than Bryce over the last month, but I wasn't about to start kidding myself that I might be the exception to his lack of interest in relationships.
Bryce and I were the last to arrive, and we found the rest of the group already posted up at a table, the first round of drinks ready to go. Flynn was already out on the dancefloor, and after saying a quick hello to the rest of our friends, I decided to go join him.
"Bryce? You in?"
She grinned and shook her head at me. "Nope. Have fun."
I narrowed my eyes at her, making sure she knew she wasn't being slick and that her implication wasn't appreciated. She blew me a kiss, and I rolled my eyes before turning from the table to go find Flynn on the dancefloor.
"Hey!" he cried, lighting up as soon as he saw me. "Finally!"
He grabbed my hands without hesitation, twirling me around him in the middle of the dancefloor. I smiled and laughed, then fell forward as he pulled me to his chest. I rested my hands on his shoulders, swaying to the beat with him, his beautiful eyes and devilish smile making my heart race. His hands drifted down my waist to rest low on my hips, and it was enough to shake me out of the moment.
I smiled, but put a little more space between us, and Flynn took the hint. He twirled me out and away from him again, and when he pulled me back this time, he dropped my hands. The two of us danced our hearts out, leaving a bit of space between us, letting the music completely take us over. Flynn's eyes still raked over me, but I just grinned back at him as I moved to the beat.
We spent a long, long time out there, dancing our hearts out without caring if we were good, making absolute fools of ourselves. Flynn's eyes stayed locked on me the whole time, that stupid grin never leaving his face. I tried my best to ignore it and just enjoy the moment with the frat boy I'd somehow become best friends with.
Finally, after the song switched again and Flynn showed no signs of slowing down, I had to take a break. I stopped dancing and stepped forward into his space, and Flynn mirrored the move, even leaning down a little so it'd be easier for me to shout into his ear.
"I'm gonna run to the restroom!" I called, still barely able to be heard over the noise. I leaned back and Flynn nodded at me, shooting me one more grin before I turned and headed off through the crowd.
I ducked past all the drunk patrons, and luckily for me, found no line at the bathroom. I paused at the sinks before heading back into the fray to splash some cold water under my eyes, waking me up a little and removing any misbehaving mascara. Then I sighed, gave myself a giant smile in the mirror, and headed for the door back to the rest of the club.
When I stepped into the hallway, to my surprise, I found Flynn standing a few feet from me. He smiled when he caught sight of me, and I came to a stop just in front of him, crossing my arms over my chest and leaning against the wall.
"What are you doing?" I called over the pounding music still coming from the dancefloor. Flynn's grin just widened and he pushed off the wall, moving to stand in front of me. He braced one arm on the wall over my head and leaned in, crowding me and bringing his face down to within inches of mine.
"What I've been wanting to do since we kicked Dec's ass at pool," he responded, his voice low and throaty, just loud enough to be heard over the music. His eyes darted to my lips, and then he was leaning in, intention clear.
My mind went blank as I stared back at him. He was one of the most handsome males I'd ever met, and I really did love talking to him and spending time with him. My heart raced at his proximity, and I'd never admit it to Bryce, but I wanted to kiss him, bad-
But then I thought better of it, as a group of female shifters passed us, staring and giggling into their hands. How many others had Flynn cornered in the hallway like this, for a physical release before he never called them again? How many females in this club had stood in the same place I did now, with the same male?
I pulled away at the last second, ducking under Flynn's arm to get some space from him. He whirled around to look at me with a frown, arms held out at his sides, clearly wondering what the hell I was doing. He took a step towards me and I took one back, which made him freeze on the spot.
"Sweetheart... what's wrong?" he asked, voice laced with confusion and concern. I wrapped my arms around myself and shook my head.
"I don't... I don't want this, Flynn. I don't want to make out with you in a dark club or hookup at the frat house. I don't care that you like to do that, it's your choice and you clearly enjoy it, but I don't. I don't want to be another fling or hookup or whatever before you move onto the next pretty thing that moves."
Flynn scowled. "What? That's not-"
"You've said yourself that you're not a relationship guy, Flynn. I've heard it a dozen times hanging out at the frat house. And that's okay. But I am a relationship person, and I care about you, a lot. Staying friends with you is more important to me than making out with you one time in a club hallway, only for you to turn around and grind with one of the shifters staring you down half an hour later."
Flynn's whole posture deflated, his expression dropping as he looked at me. I pursed my lips together and tried to give him a sympathetic look.
"Sorry, Flynn. I just... I really think this is for the best."
I didn't wait for a response before turning on my heel and heading back out to the dancefloor. I hadn't expected to care so much, but I could feel my heart threatening to shatter in my chest, and I wanted to get out of here before its resolve totally crumpled.
I reached our table to find my friends laughing and talking, Bryce mercifully on one end of the booth. I leaned in when I reached her, and her demeanor immediately became serious when she heard the tone of my voice.
"Hey, I think I'm gonna head home."
She pulled back and whirled around to look at me.
"What? Why?" Her eyes narrowed. "What happened?"
"Nothing happened. I just... I'm ready to go. You don't have to come, I just thought I should let you know."
She scoffed at me, turning away just long enough to scoop up her purse before standing with me.
"Let's go."
I shot her a grateful look, and she linked arms with me without a second look over her shoulder to the males at our table as we headed for the door. I didn't follow her lead, and when I looked back, I saw Flynn up against the wall again, some gorgeous female in front of him and leaning in with obvious intent in her eyes. That little piece of my heart I'd been trying to hold together finally splintered and broke away.
I hadn't wanted to talk about it, but Bryce managed to get the full story out of me before I went to bed. She looked thoughtful, and clearly had some opinions she wanted to share, but I was exhausted and hurting and didn't want to talk about it. Thankfully, that must've shown clearly enough on my face that she let it go.
At least, until I wandered into the kitchen the next morning.
"You look like shit," Bryce said in lieu of good morning, sliding a cup of coffee across the counter towards me. I narrowed my eyes at her, but took the coffee anyway.
"Thanks. That's about how I feel."
"So... do you want to talk about it?"
"Okay, then I will. Why are you pretending you don't have a thing for him?"
"Who said I was, Bryce? He's absolutely gorgeous and I love spending time with him. He's funny, and chaotic in a good way, and I love talking to him. He's become my best friend here, other than you. But I want to date him, not hookup with him. So there's no point talking about it."
"Are you sure he doesn't want to date you, though?"
I fixed her with a look that communicated clearly how stupid I thought that question was. She shot right back with a fierce look of her own.
"I'm just saying, I haven't seen him with anyone else since you two started hanging out. And he hasn't talked about the single lifestyle since then, either, or even joke-flirted with me."
I sighed and shook my head. "I saw him with somebody as we were leaving the club last night, after I officially shut him down."
Bryce just hummed, eyes narrowed in thought as she sipped her own mug of coffee. I didn't like one thing about that look, so I quickly picked up my mug and headed back to my bedroom.
"I'm getting dressed, and then I'm probably gonna head to the gym. I'll see you tonight!"
I shut the bedroom door behind me before Bryce had a chance to say anything, heaving a sigh of relief the minute it was closed.
I changed quickly, but waited to leave my room until I heard Bryce go into her own. I didn't want to be ambushed and forced into another talk, hence why I was going to the gym in the first place. It would be a good way to lose myself in my music, and to be distracted from feelings by the pain in the rest of my body.
I stayed at the gym for an hour, then took my time showering and getting dressed in the locker room. I stayed under the hot water for a lot longer than usual, trying to wash away the hurt feeling still curled in the center of my chest. It was my own fault, catching feelings for somebody who I knew didn't want a relationship. But that didn't make it any less terrible to try and recover.
When I finally left the gym, the sun was high in the sky, which gave me hope that Bryce might be at work when I got home. I knew I'd have to face her and that thoughtful look she'd had sooner or later, but my preference was later, and I wanted to do everything I could to push that conversation off.
Luckily, our apartment was empty when I pushed back through the door. I sighed, throwing on the first thing that looked good on the tv and heading to the kitchen to make myself some lunch. I'd just settled into the couch and taken the first bite of my sandwich when a knock on the door disturbed me.
Not many people could make it up to our apartment from the lobby, so I knew I couldn't ignore the knock. I set my sandwich down with a huff and crossed the room, not bothering to check the peephole before flinging the door open.
I immediately regretted my decision when I found Tristan Flynn standing before me, a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I frowned, glancing over his shoulder for any sign of the rest of the frat pack, but he was the only one in the hallway.
"Flynn, what- ACHOO!"
My head flung forward violently at the smell of the flowers in Flynn's hands, and I groaned as I straightened up on the other side of the sneezing fit. I looked up at him again, this time through slightly bleary eyes. He looked a little panicked.
"Fuck. Are you allergic to flowers? I told Ruhn it was a stupid idea-"
"Wait, did you bring those for me? Did Ruhn tell you to bring those for me?"
Flynn grimaced. "Yeah. It's a long- hold on."
He cut himself off when he noticed me scrunching my nose, trying to fend off another sneezing fit. He took a few steps back to a pot down the hallway, then with a wave of his hand and a little of his magic, he buried the bouquet in the dirt of the fern.
"Fertilizer," he said, rubbing the back of his neck as he returned to stand before me. "Sorry about that."
"That's okay..." I still sounded a little stuffy, but hopefully that would stop soon now that the flowers were out of nose-range. "What... what are you doing here?"
He sighed, staring at the ground for a few beats before abruptly looking up at me. His warm eyes met my own, and that little shard that had broken off last night dug itself in a little harder, almost making me wince in pain.
"I needed to talk to you. I... came to ask you out."
I laughed. When Flynn's face stayed just as grave and serious as it had been, more serious than I'd ever seen him look, I stopped laughing.
"Wait... are you serious?"
"Yeah, I am. Thanks for laughing, by the way."
"I'm sorry, I just, I don't know. Bringing flowers to my door to ask me on a date doesn't really seem like your thing."
"No shit. I almost killed you with those stupid flowers a minute ago." I cracked a smile again, and finally, a smile made its way onto Flynn's face too. He blew out a long breath, then shook his head. "Look, I know I'm not good at this. I've had a lot of practice and time to get good at other things, but... not this. But I don't want you to be a hookup. I've never had more fun in my life than whenever I spend time with you. You're funny and smart and gorgeous, and I haven't given a shit about other females since you sank that first shot in eye-to-eye. So I'm here to ask you on a real date. For... a real relationship."
His face scrunched up a little at the word, and my eyebrows shot into my hairline.
"You know people are usually excited when they talk about a relationship, right?"
"I am," he said, pinning me with the intense stare he normally reserved for Aux business. "This is just... new to me. I'm figuring it out. But I know that I want you, and no one else. I made fun of Quinlan and Athalar for being so sappy about all that 'dating your best friend' shit, but... having met you, it actually sounds kind of nice."
A smile tugged at the corner of my mouth, especially as Flynn fidgeted in front of me. I'd never seen him nervous like this, probably because he didn't usually fear rejection for meaningless make outs. But that thought brought another image to my mind.
"What about the female in the club last night?" I asked, trying to keep my tone neutral. I failed, emotion breaking through, but at least I'd tried.
Flynn raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"The one you were getting hot and heavy with when Bryce and I left," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. Flynn just scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"Please. She was drunk as hell and throwing herself at the first male she found attractive. Not that I would've minded before, but..." He rested one arm on the doorway above me, leaning into my space with a confident smirk that made my heart race. "Last night I had other things on my mind."
I fought and failed to keep a smile off my face, my gaze dropping from Flynn's. My heart raced at his words and his proximity, and I knew he could hear it. I expected him to rub it in, but instead, he let out a long breath.
"Look, you shot me down last night, and I don't want to put pressure on you and ruin our friendship or whatever. So it's not an issue if you say no, alright? But if you give me a chance..." I looked up, just in time to see that insufferable smirk on his face. "I plan to make the most of it."
This time, I didn't bother fighting the smile as it spread across my face. I rested a hand on Flynn's shoulder and leaned in closer, until I could place a soft kiss on his cheek. His hand immediately dropped from the doorframe to my waist, pulling me tight against him, but I just smirked and leaned back.
"I'm up for a date, Flynn. What did you have in mind?"
He practically growled as his eyes roved my face, down the rest of me, and back up to meet my eyes. More than a small part of my brain wanted to take advantage of the empty apartment behind me, but the rest of me won out. I wasn't about to make it that easy on him.
"I was thinking dinner. Drinks. And then... whatever else we feel like doing, after that."
Everything about Flynn's tone and body language made it clear exactly what he had in mind for "after that". I smiled, leaning into him a little further, bringing one hand up to run it through his hair. Flynn's eyelids fluttered.
"That sounds like a great plan, Flynn. What time do you want to pick me up?"
"Perfect. I'll see you then."
With that, I slipped out of Flynn's grip, shooting him a wicked smirk and wave before shutting the door on him.
"What the fuck?" I heard him yell from outside. I just laughed.
"I've got things to do before our date tonight, Flynn!" I called back, knowing he could hear me just fine through the door with his fae hearing. "If you seriously waited a month, I think you can handle a couple more hours."
I could hear him grumbling on the other side of the door, but I just returned to the couch and my waiting sandwich. After a moment, he called out again, loud enough to still be heard.
"Fine! I'll see you tonight then, sweetheart. Get ready for the night of your life."
I didn't respond, not least of all because I didn't trust myself to. If Flynn was all in, then so was I. And I absolutely couldn't wait for our date tonight, from the dinner to the drinks to whatever might come after.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
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shadowdaddies · 11 months
can you write something for lidia cervos? i cant find much for her and i really love her
maybe her and reader making out in one of ruhn’s parties?
I agree, more Lidia content needed (she might be my favorite CC character). I loved writing this, thank you for the request honey💜
Notice You
Lidia Cervos x Reader
Warnings: not explicit smut but it's spicy, mentions of alcohol and mirthroot
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The smell of mirthroot was heavy in the air as you jostled your way through the crowded party. You friend had dragged you here after Tristan Flynn texted her, disappearing with him moments after you had arrived. 
Sighing, you finally made your way over to the bar to pour yourself a drink, scanning the sea of people in hopes of finding a familiar face. Your heart stopped when you recognized her, your gaze locking briefly with intense golden eyes before you looked away, heart pounding. 
You didn’t know why the Hind would be at this party, but you knew better than to be attracted to her the way you were. She was notoriously ruthless, someone that you should stay away from - but you couldn’t deny your curiosity about her. 
The room suddenly felt more cramped than before, and you stepped out onto the balcony, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. There was an empty loveseat couch on the balcony that you quickly claimed, eager to rest your feet and your nerves. Setting your drink on the coffee table, you leaned your head back and closed your eyes, thoughts drifting to the Hind - Lidia, as you’d heard her called on rare occasion - the way she looked at you that gave you butterflies. 
You felt the sofa cushions shift as someone sat next to you, boots settling down on the table with a thud as a sultry voice asked, “it is a bit overwhelming in there, isn’t it? You would think they’d have tired of parties every weekend by now.” You opened your eyes, turned your head to see those golden eyes staring at you once more, heart thudding in your chest as you took in Lidia’s playful grin, moonlight glinting off her golden hair. 
You quirked a brow at her, perking up slightly as you lobbed back, “then why are you here?” She laughed softly as her eyes quickly flicked over your body. “Same as you. I was dragged along by a friend, gods knows where he went.” Your eyes widened slightly as you struggled to mask your shock. How did she know so much about you?
As if reading your thoughts, Lidia laughed again - the sound surprisingly soft and beautiful, like holiday bells. “I am aware my reputation precedes me. I pay attention to everyone, but I’ve especially been paying attention to you from the moment you walked in tonight.” 
You swallowed, eyes searching her in cautious question. “Why would you be paying special attention to me?” Giving you a dazzling smile, her eyes flicked to your lips as she leaned in closer to you, your bodies almost touching at this point. “How could I not look at the most beautiful person here?” she whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. 
You bit your lip, desiring pooling in your core as you subconsciously leaned closer towards Lidia, faces merely an inch apart now. You laughed softly as you admitted, “that feels ironic. I can hardly look at you - I can’t focus with your eyes on me.” Lidia brought her hand up, gently holding your chin between her fingers and whispered, “then don’t focus,” and leaned in. 
She kissed you softly at first, lips barely brushing yours as you tasted the sweet wine she had been drinking, and you were suddenly hungry for more. You wrapped a hand around her neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss as she moaned, allowing you to slip your tongue into her mouth. The two of you battled for dominance in the kiss as Lidia gently laid you down against the cushions, her full figure pressing against yours eliciting a moan from you.
You ground your hips against each other, you bringing your hand up her waist as you wrapped one leg around her. Lidia’s hand found your breast, massaging it through your dress as you arched into her, giving her the perfect access to your neck that she desired. 
She licked one stripe up your neck, settling on your pulse point as she sucked, marking you as her own. You were half in a daze when Lidia’s phone started beeping, and she sat up stiffly, cursing as she checked whatever message she had received. She looked at you regretfully as she climbed off of you. “I have to go.”
Your jaw slackened as you poorly attempted to hide your disappointment. “Is there any way I’ll see you again?” Lidia smirked at you, eyes flicking to the mark she’d left on your neck that was growing darker by the moment. “I’ll find you,” she said with a wink as she disappeared into the night.
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throneofspicybooks · 10 months
✨Not Sharing - Ruhn Danaan x Reader Smut ✨
Smut - Minors DNI A/N - Requests open! I'm hoping to have 'Being Mated to Ruhn' and NSFW Alphabet up tomorrow!
Sweat slicked the colourful tattoos of his arms, one large hand coming up to cover your mouth while the other dipped beneath your dress to play with your pulsing clit.
Ruhn's body caged you in as you leant over the counter of the shared bathroom. His breath was hot as he whispered seductively in your ear, biting the lobe and pulling slightly to make you gasp. "You better be quiet, Princess. Flynn will hear your moans, and come knocking, asking to join in on the fun." His hips snapped into yours from behind, making you babble incoherently behind the hand he kept pressed to your mouth. "And I have no. Desire. To. Share." He accentuated each word with a hard thrust, forcing your hands to scramble across the counter top in hopes of grabbing purchase on anything you could.
"Quiet now, Princess." He dropped his hand from your mouth to pull your dress down. He rolled your pert nipple in time with his fingers on your clit, the small circles on your nub making you bite your lip so hard blood blooms in your mouth. "Cum for me, Pretty Baby."
You did. Shattering with a hoarse cry, the tight grip of your cunt hauled Ruhn over the edge with you. His hips thrusting wildly, hitting the spongey spot within you and setting you into another fit of bliss.
Ruhn collapsed on top of you when you both come down from your high, the weight a comforting presence as you remained bent over the counter. Rubbing a soothing hand across your thighs and hips, Ruhn soothed your whimper at the loss as he pulled his wet cock from your weeping cunt, your mixed releases following.
The pounding on the locked door had both your heads snapping up. "We can't get through one dinner without you two slipping away to fuck in the bathroom?" Flynn called through the sealed door.
Ruhn chuckled darkly and brought your mouth to his in a searing kiss before he answered. "You're just mad I'm not sharing." Tristan's scoff of outrage was enough proof of the fact. He walked away before he had to listen to round two. And Three.
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lady-of-tearshed · 4 months
How to be rebellious, Tristan Flynn's guide for dummies
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Ruhn Danaan week 2024
@ruhnweek @cadiawrites
Day 2: Crowned Prince
Ruhn Danaan x Reader
Sumarry: "First rule of being a prince: Rebel when you can!" Tristan Flynn's steps to turn Ruhn into a rebel.
A/N: Being rebellious is unnecessary. Do not listen to Tristan Flynn. Don't repeat Ruhn Danaan's mistake of taking Flynn's tips. Or do... At your own risks.
Warnings: Lots of warnings. Smoking, drinking, tattoos, needles, sex, mention of a threesome in a pantry... yeah. That's pretty it I think.
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First step: Feel like a rebel.
“First rule of being a prince: rebel when you can!” Tristan Flynn stated, leaned in the bathroom door frame. Ruhn sighed, and looked away from him, keeping his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him to focus on trying to empty his bladder. “And how, exactly, is pissing with the bathroom door open supposed to feel rebellious?” Declan chuckled from behind Flynn, at least he had the decency to give his friend some privacy by waiting in the hallway. “Alright- just shut up! You’re distracting me.” Ruhn mumbled, teeth gritting and cheeks reddening from the alcohol they had inhibited earlier that night watching sunball.
That and from the embarrassing situation he threw himself in.
The newly crowned prince had made the calamitous mistake of confessing to his friend that never in his life had he dared deliberately confronting his father. Which had made Dec give him a comforting pat on his shoulder, but Flynn had nearly choked on his beer, staring goggled-eyed at Ruhn. Which had led him to make it his mission to teach Ruhn how to be, how to feel, and how to act rebellious. Because in Flynn's humble opinion as a noble himself, a Lord, to be precise, it was a fucking necessity to misbehave from time to time. Daily, in his case.
Ruhn sighed as the pressure of his lower abdomen slacked, and he evacuated in the toilet. The door wide open in his own house. Declan chuckled, and smugly said, “Good job, man,” Flynn still stared at him while the black haired Fae zipped up his pants, flushing the toilet before heading to the sink. Flynn walked closer to where Ruhn was, “Soooo? How does it feel?” He mused, and Ruhn rolled his eyes. “Dangerously rebellious.” He said under his breath.
But Flynn didn't seem to pick up on the Crowned Prince of the Valbaran Fae's sarcasm. “See? Told you so. Now you're ready for the next step.” He continued. This time, Declan walked into the bathroom too, exchanging a worried glance with Ruhn before asking the lordling carefully, “What next step, Flynn.”
Second step: Look like a rebel!
“That's a waste of money,” Ruhn tried to resonate with his friend. And himself. Because if he was being honest, getting a tattoo, or tattoos, was expensive. And those needles didn't look soft.
“Chicken.” Declan muttered under his breath, but loud enough so that the princelling would hear it.
“You're not even getting one!” Ruhn scoffed, his alphahole ego slightly bruised. Declan laughed, and said, “No, I'm not. Because I have the balls to tell Flynn no.” Flynn gasped and punched his friend on the shoulder. “You say this as if I'm forcing him!” He put his hands on his chest, as if Declan’s accusation had stabbed him in the heart.
“Are you not?” Declan smirked before getting back into his car, ready to leave those two dickheads at their appointment before picking them back up later. He just hoped he wouldn't have to bring back two wailing Fae males back home.
“No! I just… convinced him.” Flynn rolled his eyes as if he was stating the obvious.
“By telling him the tattooer had nice boobs?” Declan leaned over the opened window of his car, a knowing grin spreading on his lips as Flynn flipped him off. He dragged a red faced Ruhn towards the tattoo shop. “It's been nice to be your fucking chauffeur!” Declan yelled as he rolled back up the window of his car, before speeding down the street.
The bell rang as they entered the shop, and Ruhn gulped at the sight of the curved lioness shifter standing at the front desk, checking on the computer for their appointment.
“I'm sure you'll eat those for lunch man,” Flynn gestured with his chin to the massive pair of tits of the lioness shifter. She chuckled, hiding her annoyance, then started to tattoo Flynn first, since he had insisted that he and Ruhn got at least one matching tattoo. The lioness shifter greatly punished Flynn’s obscene comments by being not so gentle while she tattooed him, the needle hurting more than usual.
Ruhn gulped.
Ruhn would definitely not have those delicious looking round breasts for lunch.
And he received his punishment too, for his friend poor, so stupidly poor way of flirting with women.
Third and final step: Act like a rebel!
“This is going to end very badly,” Ruhn said, his eyes taking in the sight of their messed up place. People and red plastic cups were scattered all over the kitchen and living room. The floors, even the walls were sticky from the alcohol or whatever substance Ruhn didn't even want to think about. He was also pretty damn sure that Declan had broken his bed frame upstairs with his new boyfriend. Mark, Declan had said his name was. Or was it Max? Mike? Honestly, Ruhn’s brain was too fucked up to recall anything about that conversation. Only that Declan and Mark had smelled like mirthroot, alcohol, and arousal, which had distracted Ruhn to register whatever Dec was saying to him.
He just hoped it wasn't important.
“Why would it end badly?” Flynn raised his eyebrow at Ruhn. He gave the girl that was currently straddling his laps and eating his neck a small slap on the ass before rolling her off him, promising her with a charming smile to get back to her later. Once the female walked away, he scooted over Ruhn’s side of the couch, placing an arm around his shoulder. “This is your house, you do what the hell you want!”
Ruhn huffed at how ridiculous Flynn’s slurred voice sounds when he’s high and drunk. “Yeah, but technically it's my father’s house. He pays for it.” Everything his father paid for, he could take away from him, Ruhn thought. Before the culpability started to gnaw at him, Flynn raised his voice over the music. “So what, just enjoy the party and the pretty ladies, Little Prince!” He poked Ruhn's cheek, and the sound of furniture shattering from Declan's bedroom resonated right above them. “See? Even Dec is having fun. Just enjoy the party, and the pretty ladies, while you're at it! Come on, let it all out, little prince!”
Rhun’s head pivoted in his direction, he bared his teeth out and looked around to make sure no one had heard that stupid friend of his call him that. Ruhn’s formal title was probably not a secret to anyone here, but Flynn didn’t have to shout it from the rooftops. “Don’t call me that.”
“Oh, my apologies, your Royal high-mess.”
“Don’t call me that either.” Ruhn snarled his answer. Flynn only shrugged, watching Ruhn blabbering angry nonsense as he almost stumbled off the couch. As soon as Ruhn wiggled out of his seat to head towards where his stomach was calling him, the female that had been sprawled over Flynn all night settled back in her spot. The newly crowned prince weaved through the mass of partying people, every accidental touch against his body feeled like the most delectable caress, and the bright colored decorative neons all around the rooms made it feel as if he had been transported on another planet. A planet where everything felt, smelled, and tasted erratic, delightful. It was fucking sick, and godsdamned awesome.
He managed to reach his destination: the kitchen. His body felt like it was floating, and yet those doors seemed so heavy to pull. He tugged again on the walk-in pantry doors, and what waited for him inside looked a million times tastier than the waffles he had planned to devour. The set of females that were currently making out inside the pantry stared at him, stunned at first, then the three of them just bursted out laughing. “Join us?” The doe shifter asked, looking at the blond female pinned against her for her approval. The second female agreed, and both of them stared at Ruhn, waiting for his answer. They smelled good. The pantry smelled like sex, female hormones, and mixed food odors. That only made Ruhn hungrier.
Those waffles could wait, though.
“Fuck yeah.” He drawled.
Right now, he felt like he truly was a fucking rebel. Fuck his title, fuck his dad, and he’d most certainly fuck these two females. He planned on worshiping them like the goddesses they were.
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