#tristrat tag
drainbangle · 1 year
For the ask meme...
Roland and Cordelia Glenbrook
send me a character
putting them both under the cut since spoilers!
first impression: he looks custom-made in a lab to get me and it scares me
impression now: funniest thing that ever happened to me was when i learned he's voiced by yuichi nakamura, faked his death, and wears a fucking mask like oh it's over for me. but for real i think he's a super interesting character, i adore how the game uses individual character endings to show the characters' worst aspects of themselves with roland as a prime example of it.
favorite moment: him taking up the mask and hat appealed to me specifically. also the duel on liberty route
idea for a story: N/A...
unpopular opinion: i think he's a fine unit gameplay wise, i like strategy rpg characters with a lot of mobility and he's pretty decent if you play him correctly.
favorite relationship: not really a relationship but i'm fucking fascinated by how benedict uses him in liberty/benedict route like good god dude.
favorite headcanon: N/A, i don't have many hc's for tristrat
first impression: didn't think much of her, honestly expected the game to not write her with much depth since i've been burned too many times by similar stories lol...
impression now: i've learned i know better know oh my god. straight up my favorite character amongst the girls, tied w/ frederica. i adore her arc so much i think if she became queen regent had shit gone on longer that would rule.
favorite moment: avlora becoming her knight... her Scheming... also her straight up assaulting a guard to free roland she's so fucking swag
idea for a story: did you know i came up with an alternate class for her bc she Got me so bad. iirc it was like... "regent" for class name, it used staves as a melee weapon since i want to imagine she picked up on some polearm usage and adapted it to staves even on like instinct. she was still a healer but had some attack options for Me
unpopular opinion: N/A, don't keep up with tristrat fandom as much
favorite relationship: she and avlora make me go so crazy bonkers man. since idk how old cordelia is, i can't say i ship em romantically but even still what a fucking dynamic (positive). i'd kill to see more dynamics like that between female characters in hd 2d games
favorite headcanon: see the whole thing about the regent class
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kelbunny · 7 months
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2nd anniversary TriStrat Art 👀👀👀
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pathetic-gamer · 3 months
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do i make this serenoa/frederica or felix/annette? (or just say fuck it and do both lmao)
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soup-for-ghosts · 8 months
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born of strife and sadness
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asteraws · 2 years
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tristrat doodles
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johnbly · 1 year
just did "were i king" tonight and realized that the girl who tries to kill roland
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is the same girl (with her brother) who roland observes at the end of the utility route
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these-detestable-hands · 10 months
I'm gonna shut off my brain and do 1000 hours of grinding in triangle strategy for self care reasons. It's been too long since I've put my brain in the team asano blender
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space-spring · 6 months
1, 9, 21 for tristrat for the fandom ask game!
Oooh thanks so much for the ask!!!! :D
1. My favorite thing about the fandom
I mentioned how small the fandom is in a different answer, but another thing I think is fun about the tri strat fandom is that I rarely come across two people with the same favorite character! It might just be a side effect of the game's cast being so large, but it's really neat to me that people have found so many different characters to love even outside of the main cast. As I've done some of the artbook translations, it's been really cool to see different people comment on the posts with really in-depth thoughts on characters that I initially didn't pay much attention to.
9. Is there anything in general I wish more people in the fandom talked about?
Hmmmmmm tbh I don't know! I think I've been obsessed with tri strat for long enough that it's rewired my brain a bit and I really honestly don't often come across a tri strat post that doesn't hit me with an instant shot of dopamine. The other day I was reading a post from someone who had actively disliked the game and was making some notes of different criticisms they had, and the whole time I was just nodding along like "yeah yeah those are some good points actually" and I just really sincerely had a fun time reading it. I think I just like hearing anything people have to say about it hahaha.
21. An event or a conversation within the fandom I remember vividly
First thing that comes to mind is doing the whole frederica vs. cats final in the tournament a while back! I threw the cats in there on a whim and didn't expect them to be nearly as popular as they ended up being, and the whole thing ended up super fun. Reading through the tags and just generally getting to see everyone's opinions on all of the characters was really interesting to me too.
ALSO bonus thing was getting the tri strat zine when that came out a while back!!! I kept meaning to make a little post just saying how cool it was, but fr it was really such a neat project and I was so psyched to get my copy when it came in the mail. I love getting to see all the different little ideas and headcanons and ships that people have come up with in the fandom, and the zine was especially neat since it had a lot of people from over on Twitter that I haven't seen as much stuff from since I don't go over there super often
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loregoddess · 6 months
001 Wrightworth and 002 your girl Anna Pascal from TriStrat!
wrightworth (the most ship duo of all AA):
when I started shipping it if I did: I guess after I watched the first game? No that's not quite right, more like after I finished watching the second game. I was like, "Ah, I understand why this is a popular ship now" after the first and then was like, "Yeah this tracks" after the second.
my thoughts: Wholesome ship, I totally get the appeal (the ship's actually a QPR in my fleet, but I'm not bothered by others shipping romantic wrightworth at all)
What makes me happy about them: I dunno, the dynamic works so well. Phoenix and Edgeworth saved each other, they believe in each other, they're always there for each other--they're just a feel good sort of duo for me.
What makes me sad about them: Nothing really? I mean, sure the entirety of the second game is a low point in their relationship, but it's also so interesting from a writing perspective because like, these two would not have gone into the future games with the bond of trust they eventually come to share w/out the events of the second game so like *gestures wildly*. I know a lot of fans headcanon/theorize that the time between 3 and 4 was also a rougher time (although I have my own set of headcanons/theories about this blank timeframe), but again, there's something about weathering the tough times together and coming out stronger that I enjoy seeing in any sort of fictional relationship arcs.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Hmm, I don't think I have really any other ships for either of them outside of the main one. They have great platonic dynamics with a lot of characters, but nothing that my brain goes "ah, a QPR or romantic relationship!" about
My happily ever after for them: Retired, living together, supporting Trucy's career, tending a nice small house and rewatching Steel Samurai while giving advice to the younger lawyers in their spare time. Probably show up to guest lecture at Themis more often than not, do mock trials for the students there.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: They take turns, but Phoenix likes being the big spoon more often than not.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Binge-watching Steel Samurai, Edgeworth critiquing the spinoffs while Phoenix plays devil's advocate as a joke, although probably they have little mock court battles for the silliest things. I headcanon Phoenix as an ex-theater/vis. arts double major and Edgeworth had a "formal" upbringing, so sometimes they go to galleries or live theater performances too (silly little discussions about the art/shows they see like, ALL the time).
Anna Pascal (my girl...):
How I feel about this character: Love her, love her, lover her. My MVP who was first to hit the lv. 30 cap bc I used her so often in battle, but also just one of my overall favorite characters in the story.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uhhhh..................actually no one, now that I'm thinking about it? I know Milo x Anna is somewhat popular (as popular as can be in a teeny tiny fandom like TriStrat), but I see them more as enemies to weird coworkers. Although when I realized that both Anna and Avlora were orphaned by the same war, part of my brain wondered what it would be like if they talked/interacted and stuff, and that sort of "what if they talked" question once led to a crackship for a different game, so who knows. If my TriStrat obsession comes back maybe Anna x Avlora will turn from a "wonder what would happen..." to full "welp, guess I have a weird ship now"
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I think Anna has a good relationship with all or most of the House Wolffort people. Obviously her weird familial relationship with Benedict is of endless fascination to me, and I think she has something of a familial relationship with Erador and Archibald as well. I think she gets along very well with Serenoa (and eventually Frederica and Geela) too. Weird coworker with Milo, but the two eventually become weird friends. Accidental mentor figure to Trish and Rudolph and is so confused by this. Accidental parental figure to Decimal. Accidental older familial figure to Quahuag, and he still visits her even after being reunited with his mom. Not entirely sure how she ended up with the giant found family, but isn't complaining.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Honestly I dunno if I have any? Small fandoms sometimes mean there is no "wildly popular" opinions or headcanons to actually go against, because everyone is doing their own thing while also being respectful of their fellow fans, and that's how the TriStrat fandom feels on this site at least.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want to see Anna's conversation with Benedict after her second character story so badly (I still have not played/watched the extra story that got released, so for all I know she does talk with Benedict finally, but until I do play the extra story I'm to sit here and wonder about her weird and wild familial situation in silence).
my OTP: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
a headcanon: I think Anna is very good with children, and probably helped take care of all the kids Serenoa took in during the war. Wildly popular with all the kids in the Wolffort demense. Acted as something of a babysitter, sort of older sister figure to Serenoa as he was growing up. Is a bit baffled by the fact that even teens who are Going Through It (re: Trish and Ridolph) gravitate towards her and think she's cool. Also, I think she got the scar on her face falling out of a tree when she was a kid, but refuses to tell anyone who doesn't already know about the scar's origin, because she knows it makes her look more intimidating and she wants that edge as the official Wolffort spy. Also, also bc I actually have a lot of headcanons, I also think she gets mistaken as younger than she is like, constantly. Partly because she is Very Short, and partly because she has the "age well" genetics. Milo simply did not believe they were almost the same age when Anna finally told her, and it took everyone who knew Anna when she was a kid to confirm that she is in fact in her early 30s. Trish and Rudolph switched from "oh, we're the same" to "holy shit, teach us your ways" as soon as they figured out Anna was not an older teen or early 20s-adult, which was slightly better than the two of them thinking Anna was also a delinquent since they respect her even more now, but she's still a bit ?? about the development.
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TriStrat Artbook Translation Requests
Now that I'm through with translating the pages for the main characters in the artbook, just wanted to throw out another opening for requests! If there are any characters you want to see the concept art for, or any locations/items you'd like to see art about, feel free to send in an ask/leave tags/comment/etc.
Here's a list of what's in the artbook and what's been translated so far (updated as of June 2024):
Some of the general concept art for the title/the game as a whole (like the cover + promo art)
Serenoa (x) (x)
Destra (x) (this was the first one I did, and I want to do a cleaner version at some point)
Roland (x)
Benedict (x)
Frederica (x) (x) (also want to do a cleaner version)
Geela (x)
Anna (x)
Hughette (x)
Erador (x)
Rudolph (x)
Corentin (x)
Julio (x) (want to do a cleaner version)
Milo (x)
Cordelia (x)
Hossabara (x)
Narve (x)
Medina (x)
Jens (x)
Maxwell (also want to do a cleaner version) (x) (x)
Archibald (x)
Flanagan (x)
Groma (x)
Avlora (x)
Quahaug (x)
Symon + Regna + Royal family in general (x) (I've done parts of this one, but haven't touched the parts with Symon yet)
Landroi (x) (want to do a cleaner version)
Silvio and Pattriate
Gustadolph, Thalas, and Erika (x)
Svarog, Dragan, and Sycras (x)
Idore and Kamsell (x)
The Hierophant and various automatons
Sorsley and Exharme (x)
Lyla, Booker, and Tenebris (x)
Clarus, Plinius, and Jerrom (I've done the Clarus parts, but not the rest) (x)
General NPCs
Map of Norzelia (x) (tbf I didn't actually scan this one in, but I do have an image of it that I hacked together from screenshots. Scanning probably won't work super well because the map spans two pages)
Whiteholm - Castle (x)
Whiteholm - Gardens (x)
Whiteholm - Crown City (x)
Whiteholm Bridge
Telliore demesne
Falkes demesne
Wolffort demesne - Town
Wolffort demesne - Castle (incl. interior)
Rosellan Village
Specs of the various boats
The Encampment
Aesfrost - Twinsgate
Aesfrost - Ironstone (incl. interior of the palace)
Aesfrost - Aesfrosti Archives
Grand Norzelian Mine
Hyzante - Hyzantian architecture/Goddess's Shield
Hyzante - The Source
Hyzante - Rosellan homes at the Source
Hyzante - The Hierophant's Palace
Hyzante - Hyzantian interiors + environment
Some WIP 3d renders of different maps
Some other stuff I haven't gotten around to scanning yet (feel free to ask if there's something you're curious about! a lot of it is the other little pieces of art like the pixel sprites, some chibi sprites, and concept art for the various items/weapons)
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tristratzine · 7 months
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Like & Retweet for a chance to get a PHYSICAL copy to adorn on your shelf. Reply and/or Tag with your favorite TriStrat character and why you like them to better appease the lord.
6"x8" booklet
glossy, perfect bound softcover
75+ pages in full color
contains 16 unique works by fans
Closes on March 25th, 2024, and can be shipped worldwide.
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kelbunny · 6 days
After seeing so many bad TriStrat takes about something I've developed a new opinion.
They should have locked the golden ending behind NG+. Like even if you did everything correctly your first run you wouldn't get the scene that prompts you into golden.
I'm sick of people being told "hey don't do Golden on your first run, you'll regret it" and do it anyways and whine the route intended for NG+ is hard on a new game file.
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felikatze · 2 years
why is there edelgard discourse in the tristrat tag <3
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deltoraquest · 2 years
In a tristrat mood as I’m near the end of the golden route and wow going thru the tag you can tell who’s done this part of the game and who hasn’t
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astrxealis · 3 years
omg gn im 1 hour in stranger of paradise demo
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johnbly · 2 months
top chilly favorite song voted by her peers
ok you guys remember that tag game where you had to make a poll of top five characters and everyone voted for who their fave was?
i'm doing that again except with music because i want an excuse to try to bully everyone into listening to the tracks so. here we go. the links to the songs will be under the cut.
i am doing six songs because otherwise i would end up not having potc which seems sad. you guys can do five if you want. or six. whatever. also setting the poll for a week since this could conceivably take more time than simply knowing a character
those chosen by the planet to pass this along: @boltlightning @tortoisesshells @luckyricochet @wanderdreamer and whoever else would like to shove their music taste at their friends
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