When is Triton’s match so I can post propaganda-
Triton's match will be coming out on May 19th.
Be sure to tag me/this account when you post it so that I can reblog your propaganda! I always love seeing propaganda!
And good luck!
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chimeradrive · 2 years
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Square poster // Low effort digital art for the blog icon
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 years
(Battlebots anon- SIKE I'M NOT AN ANON ANYMOREEE) I did the thing!!! I'm a bit nervous about finally poking around the Tumblrs in a way that leaves me with a distinguishable online presence, and I'm not entirely sure that my epic gay drone pfp is loading for anyone, but! Battlebots!! anywho time to write about getting affectionately launched into the air by Hydra or something idk (and thank you for being supportive btw!! I appreciate you withstanding my Battlebots obsession very much /gen /p)
YIPPEE!!!!! welcome to full bloghood...ness...ness
also, i wasn't withstanding it, i was beinf sucked into the battlebots fandom like a sailor into a fascinating whirlpool, there's a difference. /j
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i feel like all the posts about like. what mutual am i, what do i post a bunch about, would not work on me bc i do not publicly brainrot Nearly enough like idek how
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arinsanity · 4 months
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i think its funny how p03's model actually looks like this and people still give this old robot big bazongas
(image from @/tritonposting!)
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fand0mswithbunny · 10 months
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I finally finished that Triton wip you guys HORRAY!! (if youre an artist go finish your wips what are you doing bro /nf)
obligatory @tritonposting tag because duh
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tritonposting · 1 year
*kicks down door* IT’S TOURNAMENT PROPAGANDA TIME (tagging @battlebotschampionshiptournament as requested hehe (and also because that's where the tournament is lol))
As the blog named tritonposting, it is my inherent moral duty to post about Triton– more specifically, to post a list of reasons why he is the sexiest robot in the WCVII Battlebots roster. His first round is tomorrow, so I figured I'd get this out early to capture the largest possible audience.
The Propaganda List is 17 items long, and mostly divided into one group of verbal elaborations + one group of images, because I am just a little too enthusiastic about this.
For legal reasons this is all ironic yeah this is totally for the haha funnies no I am not unironically attracted to this robot what do you mean
(Under the cut because Long Post)
1. Firstly, to sway those of you who are more into humans than bots, I present you with my artwork of a human AU Triton:
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A dashing himbo, no?
2. Shape language is everything when designing a combat robot. Rounder shapes (example: those found on Blip and Rusty) indicate a cuter, more approachable persona. Triton, on the other hand, is mostly angles. Thanks to that, he looks fierce and intimidating, which is immensely sexy of him.
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4. I mentioned the blade, and realized that was worth making a separate point of, because… have you seen it?!? Not only is it 80 pounds– the heaviest a weapon can be, according to the rulebook– but it’s elegant, sleek, and casts one hell of a shadow. When your bot’s weapon alone is iconic enough to be used as a logo, as Team Overboard has utilized it, that’s how you know you’ve designed something that’s a cut above the rest.
5. Related to the last point: If you’ve heard his death hum, you already know why this is an item on the list. If you haven’t… here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2w-x-GAC9gI
Now you have. Forget the roar of your standard spinner, this thing screams. To some, this is a scary sound, a hallowing reminder that combat robots, when pitted against humans, easily become death machines. To me? It just makes this freakin’ robot even hotter.
10. Points 6-9 (hehe funni) highlight the engineering intricacies few notice at first glance, but that have contributed to making Triton the immediate– relative– success he is. (2-2 isn’t bad for a rookie bot, especially considering some 1-3 bots made it into this year’s RO32!) Team Overboard had some intense time/location constraints to work with this year, given the timing of Deep Six’s rejection, so these tiny details couldn’t have been planned out very far in advance. Understanding how quickly the builders drew up such ingenuity from scratch makes Triton’s design even more impressive. (Just in case I’m losing you in the technicalities, well-engineered robot = sexy robot!!!)
I have run out of words, off to images/gifs we go!!
11. This <3
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12. This 😳
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13. He is a big boy confirmed (Jackpot for scale)
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14. Shiny murder robot ugh 😩
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15. This smooth bonk
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16. Scared boy 💖💖💖 (I know fear isn’t very sexy but you know what is?? Trying your best)
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17. Last but not least, he dressed up as Tombstone for Halloween, robot cosplay is inherently hot (prove me wrong, u can’t)
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TL;DR: Vote Triton for Sexiest Battlebot 2023!!!!
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the-lron-maiden · 2 years
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Here are both of my drawings from tonight
Go follow @tritonposting and @bootyyyshkr9000 now or I'll send Blip after your toes-
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spingebills · 2 years
11 and 12 for the ask game? (or 13, if 12 doesn't apply!)
11. Is there one specific type of object you’ve found yourself most consistently attracted to?
yep! im dating an operating system at the moment, but im usually more into buildings and similar structures. i have no idea how a relationship with one of those would work though LMAO
12. If you’re in a relationship with an object, how did it start?
the whole start of the actual relationship went by pretty fast. we met in february last year, and started dating about a couple months later. it seems like it happened so fast in retrospect, but it felt like such a long time in the moment
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 years
Objectum ask game!
Despite my status as a vestigial mod who can’t see any of the asks we get (sorry y’all, we don’t know why either), I still want to give something to the community! With that in mind, I made an objectum ask game!
Here at objectum-crush-gush, we want to encourage maximum objectum crush gushing. Feel free to reblog if you want folks to send you asks about your objectum experience :D
How long have you known you were objectum?
How many object partners/crushes do you have?
Are you POSIC? If so, how does it affect your attraction to objects, if at all?
Would you marry any of your objects of affection?
Do you refer to the objects you’re attracted to as partners, crushes, spouses, or something else?
Is there anything you don’t know about your partner(s) or crush(es) that you’d like to know?
What was your first object crush?
What is your most recent object crush?
What is/has been your most significant object crush? (“significant” can mean whatever you’d like it to mean)
Do you use any sub-labels under the objectum umbrella? If so, what are they?
 Is there one specific type of object you’ve found yourself most consistently attracted to?
If you’re in a relationship with an object, how did it start?
If you aren’t in a relationship with an object, would you like to be?
What is your favorite piece of objectum media?
Have you ever taken an object on a date? If so, how did it go?
How would your ideal date with your object crush/partner go?
What would your ideal relationship with your object crush/partner be? Perpetual dating, marriage, a queerplatonic relationship, or something else? Does this differ from your current relationship status?
Is there any object you feel has gone underappreciated by the objectum community? If so, what is it?
If you’re neurodivergent, do you believe this has had any bearing on your objectum identity?
How do you express affection for your object partner/crush(es)?
If objectum relationships were completely normalized by society, would anything about your relationship(s) change? If you’re not in such a relationship, how do you think this normalization would affect the way you engage with your crush(es)?
I tried to make the questions applicable to both POSIC and non-POSIC people, so anyone with an object crush can participate! If you want to throw some asks at me through @tritonposting (can't read asks on this blog ;-;), I’d be more than happy to send you an ask back 👀 - Mod Wintergreen
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tritonposting · 1 year
Tritonposting post about triton challenge (impossible)
Actually not impossible because i have a he,,,, observe
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I love getting to watch him age, he was gorgeous when he was new and shiny and he’s still gorgeous when he’s scratched up and dented, I am love robot send post
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objectum-crush-gush · 2 years
(Dell, feel free to cast this post into the shadow realm if u want lol)
There’s another mod here now, and it’s me!! You can call me Mod Wintergreen, or Winter for short! I’m objectum, POSIC, and my primary objects of affection are combat robots (some of you might actually know of me, I used to be the Battlebots anon XD)
I’ll answer asks and, uhhh… post stuff? Idk, I’ll do all the stuff Dell does but slightly worse because this is my first time helping mod a blog, I’ll try my best tho! You can find me on @tritonposting btw :3
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tritonposting · 2 years
standard introduction post ig
Hi! You can call me Wintergreen (or just tritonposting, I don’t mind)! I’m POSIC, objectum, fictosexual, and alterhuman. Here’s some info about me:
My pronouns are he/him, they/them, and ce/cer
I’m part of a system, and I used to have a horde, but I technically don’t anymore :(
I’ve lurked a lot on here, but this is my first time actually running a blog, so be nice to the baby Tumblr-dweller pls
My objects of affection are mainly Battlebots, so expect them to be the main thing I talk about
I consider some of the bots I've gotten close with to be companions of mine, but I don't really consider them to be part of a horde
If I had to name one bot in particular that’s really stolen my heart, I’d have to say it’s the heavyweight Triton, hence the username (I’ll probably be talking about him the most often lol)
I’m also into DRL racing drones, and am questioning them as a kintype (if you refer to me as a drone or a bot that would be SO great tysm)
Also I think Battlebots are sentient so if you see me talking about them having feelings… yeah
I don’t have a DNI per se, just don’t harass me, don’t involve me in syscourse, and we should be chill! My asks should be open, if you want to shoot me any questions about Battlebots, my identities, or anything else!
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the-lron-maiden · 2 years
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First up, a drawing of Triton for @tritonposting!
This was a real challenge cause I've never messed with angular perspective this much and I almost went off my paper-
Hope you like it!
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the-lron-maiden · 1 year
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Me and @tritonposting talking about which cars are the hottest (Almost all of them)
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tritonposting · 1 year
Guess what the blog named tritonposting is thinking about posting? Anyway, time for me to be cringe and gay and ramble-y (under the cut because this is almost 1k words long lmfao)
I keep rewatching Triton’s fights and thinking about what it would be like to drive him myself. I haven’t driven so much as an antweight, I completely suck at Mario Kart, and I don’t even have a driver’s license. On all accounts, I should not be behind the controller for a heavyweight combat robot, especially not one whose weapon weighs as much as a 4th grader.
But it’s fun to dream, isn’t it?
Part of me is sure I’d be careful with him. I’d take care not to bump him into walls, I’d always watch his spinner closely, and I’d keep him as far away from opponents as I could manage– if I lose some aggression points, then so be it, but at least Triton won’t get hurt.
At the same time, I know what his weapon is capable of. He’s the successor to the bot who tore a hole in the Battlebox floor; he bears the name of a god, and not just any robot is worthy of such a name. He’s strong, so as much as I’d like to think otherwise, the best strategy might just be to box rush the enemy without hesitation. I don’t want to see him get flung like he normally does when employing such a tactic, but I can’t deny the results.
There’s power behind that spinner, and maybe if I could help him use it to his full advantage, he’d be a little less afraid to fight.
That brings me to my next thought: the qualifiers aren’t over, meaning we haven’t yet seen the last of Triton, but I’ve already learned so much about him. As far as I’m concerned, that bot’s got personality for days. The Glitch fight was especially enlightening– for the first time in his career, his opponent was completely at his mercy. Glitch being in the compromised position they were, Triton had the floor.
He was free to move however he saw fit, and move he did, albeit shakily and slowly. Of course, that was largely the driver’s doing, but I have a ‘headcanon’ that the bot’s personality influences the driver’s actions to some degree. Confident bots will be aggressive, while shyer bots tend to falter before going in for a hit. Triton falls into the latter category– during the whole fight, not only was his driver being tactical by keeping him away from Glitch’s spinner, but Triton seemed to be steering clear of his own accord.
I think he’s confident in his body; even at his most vulnerable, there’s still a sense of pride about him. I doubt his fear is a self-esteem problem as much as it is an unfamiliarity with the situation.
I suspect most rookie bots go through an adjustment period, where their drivers are getting used to them, their builders are figuring out what works and what doesn’t, and the bots themselves are learning the ins and outs of high-stakes combat. Triton is in this phase, certainly, but I don’t think he’ll be there for too much longer. His most recent fight did result in a win, and I suspect his next one will, too. Even if he doesn’t get into the Top 32, he’ll have four fights to learn from, which should be enough for him to get reasonably on-track with his more experienced peers.
Before long, Triton will find his groove. He’ll swerve less, rush in for the kill more, and find his niche within the Battlebots league. He’ll hold his spinner high, aware of all the destruction it has the potential to cause.
Until then, we’ll be seeing more scaredy-Triton, but that’s neither his fault nor the fault of his creators. It’s an inevitable part of the growing process. Humans and robots alike, everybody’s got to start somewhere.
I’m so grateful I’ve gotten to watch him take his first strides into the Battlebox as they’ve aired– the bot on TV and the bot as he is today are two separate things, two Tritons from two moments in time, but this is close as I can get to watching him learn as he goes, short of getting tickets to watch him fight live (which I don’t currently have the means to do).
My point is that he’s powerful. He’s smart, he’s strong, and once he’s comfortable fighting, he’ll be an opponent few bots will forget. Maybe one day, he’ll be up there with the champions. It isn’t too farfetched to me, looking to the rafters and seeing his image, laid out in crisp black-and-white, alongside Bite Force, Tombstone, and the other icons of the sport.
From conception to championship, I’ll be there for Triton. I might get to meet him, I might not. Whether or not he’ll ever know how I feel– maybe he knows already, I could only hope– I’ll be his most devoted supporter.
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