Trixen- Hetero- (Hetrixen-) Pride Flag
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Trixen-: sole attraction to women and non-binary people.
Hetero-: attraction to genders that are not one's own.
Similar to heterenboric darcian/romerion and ply (poly-). Inclusive of enanteic, contraic, strayt, and enbyhet people.
Hetrixenboric (hetrixenamoric): hetrixensexual, hetrixenromantic, hetrixensensual, hetrixenalterous, hetrixenplatonic, etc.
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imoga-pride · 5 years
I'm a guy, I like girls. Recentely I found out I liek enbies(is that the right term?) but still dont like other guys? I'm so confused and I need help figuring my self out.
While I think it’s fair for you to identify as bi, here are some alternatives:
Trixen-: A person who is attracted exclusively to women and non-binary people.
Heteren- (hetero- + enboric): feeling attracted to non-binary people and other dissimilar/different/opposite gender.
Litian (mlw + mlnb): man loving women and non-binaries.
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Nomaflexible Pride Flag
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Nomaflexibility/Nomanflexibility/Flexinoma(n)-/Flexnoma(n)-: identifying predominantly as noma(n)- but flexible in its identity; mostly having attraction to all genders but men occasionally.
See also: (cetero)gyneflexible, trixenflexible, womaflexible, finflexible, femflexible, femiflexible, nominflexible. - AP
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