stuckylibrary · 3 years
Recommending this fic because it absolutely destroyed me. Spent so many hours reading this and it may as well be one of the best I've read. It's about married SteveBucky getting a divorce and it broke my heart. dw tho it's tagged Exes to Lovers and Getting Back Together! really enjoyed it so wanted to share :D
The Break-Up by Evanguelia
Thank you for writing in!
The Break-Up* by Evanguelia (complete |  158,691 | M) *chose not to warn; /others
Bucky stares at the papers in front of him, not daring to look up.
In front of him read: No Fault Divorce Form. It was all filled out in his name, as plaintiff. Defendant; Steven Grant Rogers.
“So that’s it?” He has to confirm.
“Pretty much,” Natasha replies. “He can contest it. He can refuse it. You can also never show him. Doesn’t have to matter.”
Bucky nods. Doesn’t have to matter. Doesn’t have to matter that he went to his best friend and colleague to have divorce papers drawn out, all in proper legal jargon, because he’s been thinking about divorce for months and months and told no one.
Not even his husband.
Bucky and Steve have been together all their lives. Bucky thought they would have made it, that they were the other half of the statistics. He thought they would have found their way to each other in the end. Life is funny like that sometimes.
Part 1 of Pucker up, Our Passion's Spent
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thestuckylibrary · 4 years
Hi I was looking for a fic I read a while ago. It was a shrunkyclunk fic where Steve and Bucky were ex’s and Bucky always says how much he hates Captain America. But when Steve is on the run he asks Bucky to let him stay with him and they end up liking each other again.
this one?
Secret Identity by riverwrenwrites(complete |51,855| T)
Bucky is just a regular guy. He works as a nurse, lives in a moderate Brooklyn apartment with his pet cat, oh, and he once dated Captain fucking America. After a pretty rough breakup over a year ago, he's been re-adjusting to regular life, with only a moderate amount of success. But what little progress he had made goes straight out of the window when Steve shows up at his door, and the two of them are finally forced to confront their feelings.
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
For your temporary break-up tag.
still wrap me up by okaynowkiss
Two people who love each other as much as they do will find a way to make it work. Right?
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
ive already scrolled through the break up and get back together tag, do you have any more books?
For the newest fics, it’s always best to go to Ao3, in this case their Making Up tag!
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Could you please help me find a zombie apocalypse fic where Bucky lives and works at a radio tower (?). He and Steve had dated before the apocalypse happened and Steve arrives to drop off supplies with Clint (?). I’ve been trying to find it to no avail. I read it a while ago and would love to revisit if possible!
this one?
In This Last of Meeting Places by DrowningByDegrees (complete |44,001 | E)
It’s been three years since the world ended, and Bucky Barnes has gotten pretty used to the new order of things. From the abandoned radio station he’s laid claim to, Bucky protects his little corner of the world the best way he knows how, sharing information.
When he’s not behind a microphone, his home serves as a waypoint for weary travelers. He knows nearly all of them, counts them as friends even. It’s a good setup all things considered, and Bucky is pretty sure he has everything and everyone he really needs. Then, his ex-husband turns up.
AKA: Steve and Bucky are a divorced couple who find their way back to each other in between trying to avoid becoming a zombie snack.
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
53151 words, rated E, complete
After a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission gone bad, Bucky is left with no memory of the past year, which includes his and Steve’s divorce. Steve, who has never really gotten over his ex-husband, is left to navigate the fine line between helping and hindering Bucky’s recovery while trying to protect himself. At the same time, both men are fighting to uncover the truth of Bucky’s disappearance, what was done to him, and why.
I’d like to recommend this beautiful, heartwrenching story that kept me up til 3am last night/this morning. It’s an exes getting back together fic with just the right amount of action/adventure plot on the side, and it utterly destroyed me. The premise of this fic offer a whole new level of mutual pining when it’s so clear to both that they love each other, yet also aware there was a reason they separated, even if neither quite remembers what that reason is, anymore. 
Anyways, highly recommend. So very worth your time, and this deserves so much more recognition.  
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
I want to rec this delicious piece of slow burn angst 'Begin Again' by 'maikurosaki' for anyone who loves 'back together again' kind of fic with the right amount of groveling and crying.
Thank you for writing in!
Begin Again by maikurosaki (complete |42,171 | T)
Breaking up with the love of his life? Gut-wrenching. Believe him, Bucky knows what he is talking about. After all, he is the guy that lost his arm in a terrible car accident, went through intense and painful physiotherapy, and almost lost his dream of becoming a professional engineer.
But life has a funny way of mocking Bucky's plans. When an accident brings the said love of his life back into his life, Bucky isn't surprised to notice that his feelings aren't as buried as he thought they were. However, there's just as much resentment and pain, not to mention a secret or two, and Bucky doesn't think he can be brave again. Not when it comes to Steve Rogers. Not when he might get his heart broken all over again.–Or the one in which Bucky and Steve try to find their way back to each other.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Hi do any of you know of any new temporary break up fics? Thank you!
Blind Date by glim (oneshot |1,383 | T)
"James?" Steve says, but the name sticks in his throat, because this man, his date, his blind date, isn't James.
New Beginnings by jinlinli (oneshot |1,598 | G)
Five years later, Steve and Bucky fall in love again.
The one where Steve and Bucky reconnect by chicklette (oneshot |2,873 | M)
Me to Kat: I really want a fic where Steve and Bucky date while Steve is smol, then they break up, and then reconnect when Steve is big, but Bucky doesn't know he's big, and Steve loves that because he's 100% over people liking him for his new looks.
accidentally need you by biblionerd07 (oneshot |4,600 | T)
Steve and Bucky broke up, but they're still friends. They just happen to keep going on dates and sleeping together. It's not a thing. (Except it is.)
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Do you have any recs where Bucky and Steve argue a lot? Not the ones where there's character bashing or one party is the total wrongdoer please. Thanks!
I would suggest our Misunderstandings tag and maybe even the Temporary Break Up tag!
EDIT: Anon wrote in to recommend:
Steve Rogers' Dad Face and Other Common Hazards by AggressiveWhenStartled
Today, Peter was honest-to-god going to see Captain America himself up close, in person, and not from a rooftop or tiny crevice like a creepy stalker fanboy.
Even better, he was going to watch Steve Rogers make history by soldiering his beleaguered way through the most intensely awkward and honestly ridiculous press conference in the history of ever-- jaw thrust out and spine ramrod straight. Trying hard to be polite and respectful in the face of adversity.
While a bunch of assholes with cameras and microphones shouted at him about Iron Man’s adolescent dick.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Person asking for multiple Steves and Buckys: THIS FIC!! It's so good!!! archiveofourown*org/works/10659162/chapters/23589582
Thank you for writing in![Dishonour On Your Cow](http://archiveofourown.org/works/10659162/chapters/23589582) by [mandarou](http://archiveofourown.org/users/mandarou/pseuds/mandarou) > “Sergeant Barnes?”> “Oh, hell no, don’t call him that, man,” Sam warned.> “Captain Fuck Off!” Barnes shouted over him. “Fight me!”> Steve didn’t know whether to laugh or just slink away. He managed to combine the two by pacing two steps and snorting instead. Like a bull.> “I’m gonna need you to calm your ass, Barnes,” Sam said as he went limp again, obstructing Barnes’s struggling under him. “This is so undignified. That is Captain goddamn America.”> “Captain goddamn America!” Barnes repeated, louder. And angrier.> Steve cleared his throat again. “I’ve been looking for you,” he told Barnes.> “I hope you brought lube this time!” Barnes shouted.
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
if your heart's still open by steveandbucky
“What’s wrong, Buck?”
“You really gotta ask that?”
“Yeah, I do.” Steve clenches his jaw. “You were the one who ended things.”
Playing For Keeps by AwkwardBlogger
When Bucky Barnes returned from war, newly disabled and mentally unstable, he didn't expect his marriage to fall apart. Now it's up to him to prove to his husband that what they have is worth fighting for.
you're in my veins (and i cannot get you out) by nataliecastle
Bucky breaks up with Steve. Neither of them take it very well.
Includes: lack of communication, flashbacks, and everyone being exasperated at these two being unable to get their shit together.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
hii:) can you rec a fic where steve and bucky are in a relationship but one of them cheats (or something) and there's a lot of feelings and doubt (?) but they get through it? (sorry my English isn't the best🙈)
Your English is fine! Be proud to be multilungual ;) Try [this search](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/search/cheating) on the blog, and our [Temporary Breakup](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/trope:temporarybreakup) tag.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
do you guys know of any fics where Steve and Bucky break up and get back together?
We have a [Temporary Break Up](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/trope:temporarybreakup) tag!
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
It's not "new" but it doesn't have a whole lot of hits, so if the anon looking for temporary breakup fics hasn't read it and is still looking, I've got a short 3-fic series "Maybe This Time We'll Get It Right". archiveofourown(.)org/series/895602
Thank you for writing in!
Cold Contagious by the_genderman (completed series | 6,027 | E)
Songfic? Kinda. Bush’s “Cold Contagious” came on my iPod a couple weeks or so ago and my brain said “Angstfic.” And I was feeling really angsty yesterday, so I did this.
Part 1 of Maybe This Time We’ll Get It Right
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
Hello! I was wondering if there is any new "break up" fics? Thanks!
Yes there are!
"What I want to know, Steve, is why did you bother in the first place? Why put on such a show of kissing me in public when you were so clearly head over heels for someone else?"
You got it!
hang on past the last exit by glitteratiglue 
He hadn’t thought Steve would be there waiting for him when he got out.
It might have taken years to fix him. It should have.
if your heart's still open by steveandbucky
“What’s wrong, Buck?”
“You really gotta ask that?”
“Yeah, I do.” Steve clenches his jaw. “You were the one who ended things.”
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
Hi! Do you know of anymore temporary break up fics? I've already read all the ones in the tag :)
alright i think i found a few?
Sprinkles by The_Nerd_Alert (WIP)
Until then, Steve hadn’t really been sure of what he wanted, or how he wanted to do it, but watching Bucky lick his lips left Steve aching for a taste. He just had to find a way to make it count.
“I need to try something,” Steve said, because it was the simplest way of telling the truth.
Bucky didn’t reply, just frowned slightly, pouting his lips, and Steve dropped to his knees to make himself clear.
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked (WIP) also restricted to ao3 users only by Kellyscams (warnings for sex work– also this one is kinda like they break up as friends? so their friendship is broken up)
Steve’s just moved back to Brooklyn after spending ten years in California trying to make a life for himself as an artist right after high school. Having escaped to the other side of the country following the sudden death of his mother, Steve feels guilty about abruptly leaving all his friends for so long, unfulfilled, scared and nervous about started college at his age, and unbelievably lonely. So when he meets Bucky Barnes, a young sex-worker, at a bar the night before his first day of classes, temptations might be too high to resist.
One night paying for sex with the most sinfully gorgeous guy is nothing to brag to the papers about, huh?
S'not like he’ll ever see him again anyway…
Returning by  perfect_plan
When Steve Rogers’ life falls apart in New York, he has no choice but to go home to the small town he grew up in. Things seem grim at first but a chance encounter with a friend from his past might just change things for him.
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