mitsususu · 4 years
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My reign will be a super-awesome thing, oh, I just can’t wait to be king! Below are my Top 5 Favorite stories:
* More royals can be found in the fairy tale list and Disney list
“Good Trouble” (G, 750 words) by betheflame
Steve Rogers has a crush on a crown prince and he has told NO ONE. Which makes it complicated when said crown prince asks him to dance.
+ Shrunkyclunks. Mutual crushing and matchmaking. Short and cute
“The Claiming Ceremony” (E, 4k) by alenie
Steve is a Prince in a kingdom where all men of royal blood must remain untouched until their coming of age. Today Steve turns eighteen.
+ Historical AU. Bucky fucks Steve because tradition says so (amazing, yes?). Requited feelings and intentions of courtship 
“A Noble Steed” (T, 37k) by leveragehunters and alby_mangroves
"You say the Warhorse showed up last night," Sam said in tones of profound doubt.
"Yeah," Steve replied.
"The Warhorse. The Warhorse of legend. Daelland's Warhorse."
"The same as the one on the back of the transit card, yes."
"And he appeared in your living room?"
Steve eyed the Warhorse, very large and very black and giving him a dubious look out of his strange grey eyes. "He's standing in it right now."
"Uh huh," Sam said.
"Hey, I'm not any happier about it than you are."
* * *
Steve's mom had left Daelland long before he was born, following her heart to New York, but she'd raised him on stories of its famous Warhorse. Before she died, he'd promised he'd go back and learn the country she'd come from.
That was why he was in Daelland. Not so Daelland's legendary Warhorse could appear in his living room. But planned or not that's what had happened—now Steve had to figure out what to do about it.
+ Historical to Modern AU. Prince Bucky has sacrificed everything to protect his people and Steve is a Good Man
“Always, A Hero Comes Home” (T, 5k) by Gigglepud
Bucky Barnes’ mission is simple: infiltrate the royal guard and cause the Prince to die a ‘natural death’.
On paper, the mission is a cake walk, with good pay to boot. But the more time he spends with one Steven Grant Rogers, the harder it becomes to think of him as only a target.
+ Royal AU. Bucky is Steve’s bodyguard and can’t help but fall in love 
"Hold Me Hard and Mellow” (E, 13k) by earthseraph
James Buchanan Barnes: Youngest sibling in the Barnes family, willing to do whatever he can to help his mother- the queen- out, completely in love with Steve Rogers.
Steven Grant Rogers: Heir to the throne, completely in love with Bucky Barnes.
When Bucky is asked for his hand in marriage he's not allowed to know who his betrothed is, but with his friends and family dropping cryptic hints he can only guess it's Steve. Will Bucky be married to his best friend? Will he finally get to act on the love he and Steve have been sharing for each other? He'll just have to wait and see who lifts his veil on his wedding night.
(Or: The One Where Steve and Bucky Get Their Happy Ending)
+ Modern AU. Arranged Marriages! Bucky is nervous about his future husband, so it’s a good thing he’s got supportive friends. Wedding rituals and smol Steve
*More Royalty in the Medieval AU list
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
53151 words, rated E, complete
After a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission gone bad, Bucky is left with no memory of the past year, which includes his and Steve’s divorce. Steve, who has never really gotten over his ex-husband, is left to navigate the fine line between helping and hindering Bucky’s recovery while trying to protect himself. At the same time, both men are fighting to uncover the truth of Bucky’s disappearance, what was done to him, and why.
I’d like to recommend this beautiful, heartwrenching story that kept me up til 3am last night/this morning. It’s an exes getting back together fic with just the right amount of action/adventure plot on the side, and it utterly destroyed me. The premise of this fic offer a whole new level of mutual pining when it’s so clear to both that they love each other, yet also aware there was a reason they separated, even if neither quite remembers what that reason is, anymore. 
Anyways, highly recommend. So very worth your time, and this deserves so much more recognition.  
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epicstuckyficrecs · 6 years
3 weeks ago in this post (/post/178768566099) an anon asked for a fic where Steve recognises Bucky earlier than in canon, and ends in wall fucking. I think it's Thaw written by Fyre! (/works/2276211/chapters/5001924).
This was the ask! 
Do you know the stucky fic where realizes he's bucky earlier than canon. This is during the time of TWS and in volves mainly sam, maria, natash, bucky, and steve. They're trying to blow up the helicarriers and the last explosion goes off with steve inside. The others think he's dead but bucky knows he isn't. Cue wall sex that was caught on camera.
And here’s the link! :) https://archiveofourown.org/works/2276211/chapters/5001924
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your-fixof-fics · 6 years
the slow reveal of what another needs -- by Gigglepud  Yosuke x Yu, Persona 4 
Summary: Yu’s been acting just a little weird, recently. Just a little; no big deal. Sure, he’s all but stopped inviting Yosuke over to his house, but Yosuke’s sure there’s a good reason for it. He’s not freaking out at all. 
(A 1.8k words fic of Yosuke and Yu being dumb dorks)
AO3: Link
The thing is – it takes Yosuke weeks to notice.
He and Yu have been going steady for three months now, after at least double that amount of time wasted on the delicate dance steps of equal parts pining and flirting.
As far as Yosuke is concerned, everything is great! He sees Yu almost every day, and every time they meet, it still sends a spark straight to his heart. Just thinking about Yu gets a dopey grin on his face. His life is perfect in every way that matters, and he loves it.
Or at least, it should be.
It takes a failed robbery at Junes for Yosuke to figure it out. He’s lurking by the scene as his father recounts the situation to the police when Dojima spots him. Dojima breaks into a grin, slapping his notebook shut as he waves for Yosuke to come over.
“Is something the matter?” Yosuke glances at the arrested robber.
Dojima waves a hand, “No, everything’s all good. Just haven’t seen my favourite nephew’s boyfriend in a while, you know? How have you been?”
“I’ve been great!” Yosuke ducks his head, scratching the back of his head. “We’ve just been busy, I guess.”
It’s only after Dojima has left, the store left quiet and empty, but for the mess of tapes and dislodged displays left for Yosuke to clean up, that a chill suddenly spikes Yosuke’s spine.
He tries to remember the last time he’d been by Yu’s place. And though he remembers fond afternoons with Yu and Nanako from the early days of their relationship, somewhere along the way, those visits had petered out.
 The next time he sees Yu, he tries to bring it up.
“Hey, why don’t we ever go to your place, anymore?”
Yu shoots a surprised glance at Yosuke.
“What? Oh, it’s just a mess, I guess,” he laughs.
“You know I don’t care about that. I don’t see how it’s possible to be messier than my place,” Yosuke retorts.
“Well I still think there are better places to hang out,” Yu insists.
Yosuke lets Yu change the subject, but the nagging thought stays, like a stain on a white shirt that won’t completely fade.
Yosuke tries not to overthink it. It’s not completely implausible that Yu might be embarrassed about his room’s mess, though Yosuke remembers the meticulous neatness the last time he’d been there.
But there could also be other reasons, right? Reasons that has nothing to do with Yosuke specifically.
Nevertheless, Yosuke attempts range from subtle hints to explicit requests to visit Yu’s house. Not even to his room, just the living room, to see Nanako or something. But Yu manages to shut it down every time.
Sometimes, Yu’s segues are so subtle Yosuke doesn’t even realise what Yu’s done until ten minutes later and they’re somehow talking about the similarities between King Moron and donkeys.
Even when Yosuke walks Yu home, he’ll never make it past the threshold of the front door. Yu is never forthright in his rejections, but instead, he’s extra subtle that Yosuke doesn’t realise he’s promising to leave until the words are already out of his mouth.
 “Is that normal?” Yosuke demands, a week later when he’s at Yukiko’s place.
Chie lifts her head from Yukiko’s lap, gestures at herself then the room at large. Her voice is dripping with sarcasm as she retorts, “What do you think?”
Yosuke raises an eyebrow at the two of them. Yukiko seated on her bed as Yosuke has seized the couch. Chie lies lengthwise on the bed, using Yukiko’s thighs as pillow while Yukiko’s finger tangle softly around Chie’s hair.
“That’s different,” Yosuke pouts. “You two are generally disgusting anyhow.”
Chie snorts, “Who’s speaking? You’re just as gross when you’re with Yu. Seriously? Would it destroy you to let go of each other for just a single second?”
Yosuke cackles. The four of them have had their fair share of passive aggressive competitions comparing their relationships. But the humour dissipates just as quickly when he thinks back to the problem at hand, replaced by the harsh pressing of his chest.
“Okay, but then why won’t he let me in his house anymore? I mean, it’s not like I want to intrude, but what does he have to hide? Is he keeping some huge secret from me?”  
“If he is, then I think you should respect that,” Yukiko is soft but firm in both tone and gaze.
“And talk to him,” Chie adds. “Seriously, have you even properly asked him about this?”
“You guys are about to watch the break down of a relationship,” Yosuke wails, but he doesn’t contest their advice.
 Chie finally decides to do her job as a best friend a few days later, when the four of them linger after class.
“Hey, Yu,” She wraps an arm around his shoulder and pulls him close. “Can we go visit Nanako? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
Yu looks thoughtful for a moment, and Yosuke is ready to cut in with an alternative suggestion, before Yu nods.
“That would be good,” Yu smiles. “She’d like that.”
Yosuke tries not to gape too obviously. When he glances confusedly towards Chie, she raises an eyebrow in turn.
“Alright then,” Yukiko claps her hands together, drawing the three’s attention to her. “Let’s go.”
He staunchly averts Chie’s eyes the rest of the way to Yu’s house, and though he tries his best to keep the conversation going, he can’t help the pout that surfaces whenever Yu isn’t looking.
It’s easier to forget his turmoil once he arrives, when Nanako all but bounces to the door. He grins as he squats down to meet her at eye-level, enveloping her into a hug.
“Long time no see!” Nanako squeals. “Are you all here to play?”
“Yeah! We’re here for whatever you want to do!” Yosuke responds with a grin. He glances up to Yu, but instead of the matching grin he expects, he catches a glimpse of a frown before it’s quickly forced away.
“You alright?” He murmurs when he gets up.
“Yeah,” Yu says with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Come on, lets go into the living room.”
 A while later, Yukiko suggests something about fabrics for a new dress, and before Yosuke even realises Chie is ushering Nanako towards the door.
When Yu attempts to follow, Chie puts her hand out, letting it hover right in front of his face.
“Girls only, sorry!” She announces, though she did not sound sorry at all.
Any confusion on Yosuke’s part clears up when Yukiko has led Nanako out the door, and Chie turns back with a sudden glare.
“Meanwhile, you two, talk.”
Yet, when the door slams shut a second later, it only leaves the room drowning in silence. Yosuke darts a glance towards Yu, whose brows are creased as he frowns towards the door.
“So…” Yosuke attempts, only to trail off as soon as Yu looks his way.
Yu waits a few beats, the silence-induced awkwardness manifesting like disease. “Well, I bought that new comic we were talking about last week. It’s in my room, do you want to come see?”
Yosuke rubs a hand roughly through his face. It was the perfect opening, but…
“Maybe later. I think, we probably should probably listen to Chie, first.”
Yu nods, his expression sobering up as he shifts to sit more comfortably in his seat. Yosuke’s heart sinks; he’d hoped, just a little, that Yu would be confused – then at least it would have a higher chance this whole thing is just a figment of Yosuke’s paranoid imagination.
But it seems they’re on the same page, and that might as well be an explicit confirmation that there’s a problem.
Yet, Yosuke doesn’t know how to begin, and Yu doesn’t seem inclined to start, either. It shouldn’t be like this, the two of them sitting across each other, separated by the table. It’s almost like they were strangers again.
“Well?” Yu prompts, when the silence drags on for too long.
Yosuke takes a deep breath. “Why are you keeping me away from here? What have you got to hide that you never invite me to your house anymore?”
Yu buries his face into his hand. “It’s stupid,” he mumbles into them.
Yosuke stares, his heart racing. “What do you mean?” he asks slowly, because if Yu is talking about their relationship, he’s not sure how he’s going to handle it.
But Yu only shakes his head with a groan. “It’s- urgh. It’s just stupid!” He looks back up at Yosuke with a self-deprecating smile. “I’m sorry, you’ve been worrying about this for ages, haven’t you? That’s why Chie got involved too. It wasn’t supposed to become a big deal, it’s just, well…” Yu looks away.
“Well what?” Yosuke tries to be patient, but this moment is the culmination of weeks of tension, and he can only control his anticipation for so long.
Yu shrinks into himself, “Look, it’s just, whenever you come over, you always end up spending all your time with Nanako. And, that’s great, it’s fine, I love that you get along with her so well, but it also means we never seem to get any time alone. And sometimes, well, that gets frustrating, you know?”
Yosuke stares.
Yu stares at the floor, “I know, this is so bad.”
It takes a while for Yosuke to process all of this, but when he does, he’s slamming his hands onto the table as he leans forwards, “No! It’s not bad. This is, like, the best news I’ve heard all week.”
Because it’s true, this could have gone in so many horrible directions.
“Really?” Yu raises a bow.
“Hey, don’t act all high and mighty. You’re totally right that this is so stupid,” Yosuke laughs, and it’s a genuine grin on his face as he feels lighter than he has for a long while. “I can’t believe you got jealous.”
“It’s not jealousy!” Yu tries to protest, but Yosuke just laughs some more.
“You’re an idiot,” Yosuke retorts good naturedly. He’s probably an idiot too, but no way he’s going to actually admit that. “I can’t believe you made me worry for nothing.”
 The next Sunday, Yosuke arrives at Yu’s house extra early. As expected, Yu isn’t up yet, though Nanako is peppered with youthful energy.
He’s enthusiastic as ever as he hugs her, then leads her to the kitchen. “Help me cook?”
The make fried rice together, taking their time as Nanako catches Yosuke up with all that’s been going on with her.
But when they’re done, Yosuke nods satisfactorily at the prepared dishes, then turns solemnly to Nanako.
“Hey, are you going to forgive me if I still Yu for the day? I’ve got a full plan to prove myself a worthy boyfriend.”
Nanako grins and claps her hand, “Of course! I hope you guys have a great time!”
Yosuke grins, and they fist bump before he carries two servings upstairs. They’re going to have such a great day, even just staying indoors, that Yu won’t even want him to leave.
Thanks for reading! Fic inspired by this cute af couple i saw the other day with a bunch of who I assume to be younger siblings at the water park. Title inspired by Damien Rice’s It Takes A Lot to Know A Man, only because it’s the song i’ve been binging all day.  
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sarahats · 2 years
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Grimm x Hornet shipping meme by Gigglepud
if the picture is not large enough, here is each 4 panels =P
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ao3feed-stucky · 5 years
by StuckySituation
Shrinkyclinks Fest 2019's, Prompt #42 by Gigglepud: "Bodyswap au. Steve and Bucky as strangers, but one day wakes up in each other's respective bodies. (Why, how, when, etc up to you)."
“-rnes? Wake up. We’ll be back in HQ in ten minutes.”
Steve is still half-asleep, and not ready to let go of his dream. It was a nice dream.
The details are already slipping away from him, though, no matter how much he tries to resist forgetting the dream. There were other kids? He was in school? Steve groans, and mutters, “Fuck off.”
“I hate to wake you, but dude, you need to shake this off,” the stranger continues, his voice gentle and laced with worry. “You’ll need to go prepare for your trial as soon as we land.”
Words: 8284, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Body Swap, Winter Soldier Trial, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Magic, Soulmates, Reincarnation, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, reposting
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 5 years
In defense of the second chance
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Df0Kfl
by StuckySituation
Shrinkyclinks Fest 2019's, Prompt #42 by Gigglepud: "Bodyswap au. Steve and Bucky as strangers, but one day wakes up in each other's respective bodies. (Why, how, when, etc up to you)."
“-rnes? Wake up. We’ll be back in HQ in ten minutes.”
Steve is still half-asleep, and not ready to let go of his dream. It was a nice dream.
The details are already slipping away from him, though, no matter how much he tries to resist forgetting the dream. There were other kids? He was in school? Steve groans, and mutters, “Fuck off.”
“I hate to wake you, but dude, you need to shake this off,” the stranger continues, his voice gentle and laced with worry. “You’ll need to go prepare for your trial as soon as we land.”
Words: 8284, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Tony Stark
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Body Swap, Winter Soldier Trial, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Magic, Soulmates, Reincarnation, Light Angst, Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, reposting
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Df0Kfl
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
An Underworld movie AU
Two hundred and six years ago to the day, Bucky became a vampire. Fuelled by vengeance, he has become his coven’s greatest weapon in the immortal war against the lycans.
Following an anonymous tip, Bucky saves Steve Rogers for the sake of his coven, and maybe for reasons he refuses to examine too closely. But then Steve is bitten and now they stand on opposite sides of an unending blood feud.
There isn’t a world for a lycan and a vampire, but somewhere between a subway station and a safe house, a Black Widow bite and the rising tide of lost memories, Bucky finds himself doubting everything he thought he knew - including that age-old rule about never falling in love with a werewolf.
97k words of good stuff, complete and rated E. A great enemies to lovers fic where the burn isn't that slow, but the length makes it a bit of a wait anyway. Really great writing, Bucky’s character voice is great, and the internal conflict between his hate for werewolves and attraction to Steve is simply so goood! From the perspective of someone who hasn’t seen the movie, the plot was also very interesting! 
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epicstuckyficrecs · 6 years
gigglepud replied to your post “I need help! I read a fic on ao3 a year ago (ish) and I'm trying to...”
Is it Blue Scales by Chaya? (works/3347195)
Could be? Blue Scales by chaya
@blutenblattern also said it might be a fic titled “Fins” but it appears not to be on ao3 anymore!
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your-fixof-fics · 6 years
Omg I just came across and read you guys oneshot about Karasuma and Irina, the "Mistletoe" one and I really love it. It is super adorable omg. So I'd love to translate that fic into Vietnamese if you guys are okay with it. I promise to give you full credit.
We’d be honoured if you wish to translate any of our fics! You’re very welcome to do it, and feel free to share with us the link when you’re done! 
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puniyo · 5 years
hiya, your icon has been pixelated/blog marked as sensitive media -- is that supposed to be the case for you? (Just wanted to let you know in case you weren't aware of it -- sorry to bother you if you did!)
Yes, tumblr is been going messy again but I already asked for an appeal and hopefully they will solve it soon. Thanks for letting me know though ;) @gigglepud
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ao3feed-stucky · 5 years
by Gigglepud
Bucky Barnes’ mission is simple: infiltrate the royal guard and cause the Prince to die a ‘natural death’.
On paper, the mission is a cake walk, with good pay to boot. But the more time he spends with one Steven Grant Rogers, the harder it becomes to think of him as only a target.
Words: 5965, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Non-Serum Steve Rogers/Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes | Shrinkyclinks, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Enemies to Friends, (To Lovers.... sort of), Alternate Universe - Royalty, Prince Steve Rogers, Hopeful Ending, Hydra (Marvel), Rumlow and Pierce play minor roles, as do Peggy Carter, Canon-Typical Violence
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
Don't you know you can't leave someone in the middle of a convention floor all alone?
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2T4fBys
by Gigglepud
Steve goes to a pop culture convention for the first time. It turns out better than he expects.
Words: 4970, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Meet-Cute, Conventions, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2T4fBys
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
Group Ask 68
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
Anon 1 said:
i’m looking for a stucky fic but the only scene i remember is that it was a halloween party, steve and bucky were dressed as hercules characters, and steve kissed darcy’s forehead or something like that and bucky got jealous and freaked on him? does that scene ring a bell from anywhere
Anon 2 said:
What's the story where Bucky’s out dealing with Russian mobsters with Clint and gets caught up in a bank heist where he's on TV. And the press all think he's just some handsome civvie till the robber shoots Bucky’s Harley?
gigglepud, thenavylanguage, popsiclememories, talk-play-love, artinchaos1, dolphinqueen10, time-lord-no-more, kittybrownjs and a bunch of Anons wrote in with Chapter 7 of Dishonor On Your Cow by mandarou (complete | 111,695 | E )
Anon 3 said:
Hi, I read a fic ages ago and the major thing I remember from it is that it was set in the 30s and Bucky pulls Steve into an alley for sex and as they are finishing a policeman shows up and starts questioning them. Thanks!
Anon 4 said:
Omg pls I spent an hour looking for this fic.... steve is touch starved but doesn’t wanna touch bucky bc he’s scared of taking advantage, but he unconsciously grabs buckys right hand at night, Bucky wakes him up from a nightmare one night and Steve admits he can’t sleep without touching bucky and that he doesn’t hold the metal hand bc there’s no pulse and then bucky cuddles steve back to sleep and he’s all shook... pls I looked through the touch starved tag, ptsd tag, nightmare tag, EVERYTHING
dolphinqueen10 wrote in with The Angel From My Nightmare by Nightwing11 (oneshot | 5,980 | T)
Anon 5 said:
I’m looking for a fic where they come across a baby and don’t have a crib so Steve uses the shield as one?? It’s the only detail I can remember :( I’ve checked the kid fic tag and google didn’t see anything familiar! Thank you for all you do ladies!!!
sciencebeam wrote in with chapter 38 of Give Up The Ghost. by Chaneladdict (WIP | 326,827 | E)
klarafatorovaa said:
Hii so there's this fic i read a while ago and i just can't find it now, it was a highschool au in which steve teachs bucky french, i can't remember anything else..:c thanks for answer! <3
idjits-and-balls said:
Hey hey! of course thank you for your blog it's a dream! i've been looking for this fic for two days and i keep coming up short. it's a wrong number au where steve calls sam while on a date from a payphone and launches into an embarrassing rant about how he can't take him back to his place and again later calls him from his bosses home phone cuz he can't tell if his boss is hitting on him
blondekibum, whitewolfwintersoldier, pearlll09, kittybrownjs and Anon wrote in with Slide To Answer by relenafanel (oneshot | 6,326 | T)
asterisktrash and drowning-in-fandoms1 wrote in with Perfectly right wrong number by melonbutterfly (oneshot | 31,942 | T)
wonwoozi-i said:
Hi! A few months ago i read a fic on ao3, it was an au and all i can remember is how steve wanted to everything to be a secret and bucky saying something close to the lines “look at you, you’re fucking shaking. You don’t even believe your own lies” and i can’t find it, if you guys can help me please
asterisktrash and Anon wrote in with After Hours* by OhCaptainMyCaptain *underage (WIP | 310,592 | E)
anxiety-junkie said:
Hello! I'm looking for a vampire!stucky fic I couldn't find using your tags or in ao3. Bucky, Nat and Tony are vamps; Steve catches Tony feeding and I think Bucky becomes kind of obsessed with him. Pierce is head vamp, I think? Eventually Steve gets willingly turned. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Thx!
teenagemutantninjamushroom sent in wipe the blood from your face and your hands by AustinB (complete | 15,735 | E)
emobipolarbear said:
Im sorry to bother you but I’ve been looking for this fic I read where Natasha keeps setting up bucky in bad dates and then he texts Steve to rescue him from them? I don’t know if you’ve read it, it’s a modern au setting
teenagemutantninjamushroom sent in this is not a drive by by plutos (oneshot | 24,453 | NR)
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epicstuckyficrecs · 6 years
reccasama replied to your post “gigglepud replied to your post “I need help! I read a fic on ao3 a...”
Its Fins, I have a copy! Feel Free to message me to find out how to get a copy!
Thank you! 
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your-fixof-fics · 7 years
Can you do a fluff one with Karma x Nagisa where they're sharing a bed? Thanks x
Bed Sharing -Karma/Nagisa
Summary: Once, falling into bed together - in the most platonic sense - had been as easy as the bright smiles they cast each other, or the banter they shared across the room, as best friends without a care in the world. But time changes people, and even if, physically, they are still sleeping side by side, Nagisa can’t deny that the two of them aren’t the same little boys they were anymore. (2980 words)
Cross-posted on FFN: [Link]
Whenever Karma and Nagisa spends the night together, they would always sleep on the same bed. It’s an unspoken agreement of sorts, or a long-held tradition, or perhaps its just something to be taken for granted between best friends.
Nagisa knows how it began, remembers fondly the nights he heard the quiet knocks on the window of his room. Back then, still in middle school, he would be all nerves as he watches the other boy, sitting on the wide ledge on the other side of the glass, showing no concern that they were 20 floors from the ground.
“What are you doing?” he’d hissed, the first time he let the other boy into his room.
Back then, Karma still had to grace to think of some excuse, “Thought of this plan we can try, to kill sensei.”
“Can’t that wait ‘til morning?”
“Okay but I’m worried if I wait until then, it won’t sound like a good idea anymore.”
It turns out, it didn’t sound a like good idea even when Nagisa was sleep-deprived in the middle of the night.
He doesn’t remember when exactly they moved from chatting on the floor to waking in the bed, cuddled together, the next morning, but he does remember the panicked rush of pushing a reluctant Karma quietly out the apartment before his mother finds out.
Nagisa knew he needed to learn to say no the next time there’s a knock at his window. But it’s hard to reject someone when they don’t even give you the time to speak.
Just waltzes around the room and plays games, reads some comics, and lounges on the bed. Nagisa knows his mum is usually still awake, so it’s not like he can let Karma out of his rooms, and there’s no way he will let Karma out the window again, assassin in training or not, so he learns to just tolerate the redhead.
He argued, for a while: “I’m too tired, Karma, you can play whatever you want, but I’ll just grab a futon for you and then I’m going back to bed.”
“Why do I have to get the floor? I’m a guest, aren’t I?”
“No, you’re just a trespasser”, Nagisa had retorted, resisting an urge to smack his face. Instead, he simply flopped down to his own bed, and slept.
He woke up with Karna’s arms wrapped around his waist and one of the redhead’s legs over his own. He had sighed, before pushing the redhead off the bed to wake him up.
Eventually, Nagisa grows to expect it, that Karma would just turn up outside his rooms suddenly and stay the night. (“How do you even get up here, anyway?” “Your fire escape is pretty close to the ledge.” “It’s actually not. Most people probably can’t make the jump.” “Lucky I’m not most people, then.”)
And somewhere in his last few months of middle school, he catches on Karma isn’t only doing this for fun. It’s the way there is tension in his movements, the force in his smiles, that Nagisa had noticed before but never quite put it all together until one night he notices Karma’s cheeks were slightly more pink on one side.
They had sat together, that night, in a silence that was not quite comfortable, but the alternative seemed worse and Nagisa wasn’t sure if he dared to break it. Instead, he had one hand on Karma’s, the other tracing the faint mark on his face.
Eventually, when they were both under the covers, lights out in the room, Nagisa mumbled, “I knew you didn’t get along with your parents, but I didn’t realise it was this bad.”
Even in the dark, Karma’s gaze was penetrating. “Don’t,” he said in a low voice. “You did fine not asking for almost a whole year.”
“This can’t go on,” Nagisa insisted.
Karma doesn’t respond for a while, to the point where Nagisa wonders if he’s asleep. But then he turns his back to Nagisa, shifting the covers as he moves. “I know,” he said at last. “That’s why, I think I’ll move to Tokyo for high school.”
Nagisa widened his eyes, and tried not gasp. He had always thought Karma would remain local, continue on at Kunigigaoka, or just a nearby high school if it didn’t work out. Not because he didn’t believe in Karma’s ability to make it into an even more prestigious high schools, but because of his casual laziness in his attitude.
He should he relieved, even happy, that once they graduate, his friend can find reprieve. But his heart had felt heavy at the news, and he couldn’t bring himself to be truly genuine when the time finally came to wishing him farewell and good luck.
The next time one of them sleepovers at the other’s place, it’s a year since they’ve seen each other.
Nagisa goes out to Tokyo to visit Karma, who stays at the local dormitories, the redhead hadn’t wanted Nagisa to return back to the hotel at nightfall. Instead, Karma sneaked Nagisa back to his dormitory, introduced him to all his friends in the common room, then led him back to his dorm.
Karma gets the room to himself, but it’s even smaller than Nagisa’s bedroom. There’s definitely no space to lie properly on floor; the desks and chairs are too much in the way for that, so Nagisa is forced into the same single bed as Karma.
Awkward does not begin to describe the experience. It’s an unfamiliar place with an unfamiliar bed that feels too small even for one person, and Nagisa couldn’t even turn without fear of either falling off or crashing into Karma.
He barely sleeps that night.
So the next year, Karma opts to crash at Nagisa’s hotel room instead. The bed is slightly bigger, and though the couch is also available, Karma’s stubborn preference for the bed hadn’t changed.
But Nagisa could feel their own dynamic changing, though. Even as they try to do the same things they’ve been doing in the past, or try introduced each other to new interests, there’s a gap that had grown in two years’ worth of absence from each other, and a few days together is not enough to bridge the gap yet.
And perhaps, that’s why Karma was even more determined to share beds, and do the same rituals they’ve always done in the past.
But they can’t live in the past forever.
As the distance between them grows, Nagisa is desperate to learn the new dance between them. It’s a light, careful tread, where Karma can’t quite meet his eyes. Sometimes, if Nagisa is quick or subtle, he’ll catch Karma’s stare before the other looks away. Their brief touches (no longer the carefree hand holding in their childhood, but there are still gentle squeezes in the shoulder, pats in the back) are firmer, but hesitation often lingers between them before the touch.
Somewhere along the line, the moments spent in bed a welcomed respite as they share a cover. Close enough to hear each other’s breaths, and somehow, in the dark, it almost feels as if not see in each other allows them not to see their own changing feelings.
Until the last holiday before the start of their final high school year.
Karma had turned to face Nagisa, their faces inches apart. “Come to Tokyo,” he offered. “For university, move to the city with me.”
Nagisa frowned. He’d considered before then about his university choices, and Tokyo had always been an option that was plausible, but one he didn’t really allow himself to think about, not daring to think of the implications. But if Karma himself was offering…
“I’ll think about it,” he hummed, noncommitally. “I’ll have to raise my grades a little higher, but I suppose it’s achievable.”
“Please come, I would be sad if you don’t.” Karma’s voice is strained.
Nagisa can’t see Karma’s expression in the dark, and he hopes it goes both ways, because he doesn’t really know how to respond to that.
“I’ll try,” he said at last.
When Nagisa tells Karma he’s moving to Tokyo, Karma was ecstatic. The nervousness leaves Nagisa when it dawns on him just how much of a help Karma is, as someone already in Tokyo, and talks of introducing Nagisa to all his favourite places and helping him settle in.
It still feels weird, Nagisa thought, to explore a side of Karma’s life that he wasn’t a part of. But maybe now, he can be apart of it, too.
And somewhere along the discussion, Karma had decided they should get an apartment together, and Nagisa hadn’t known how to say no to that.
It means there’ll be no more sleepovers, for one thing, because they would literally be living under the same roof all the time, and Nagisa doesn’t know whether to be disappointed or excited at these thoughts.
The day Nagisa moves in, four bags balanced awkwardly on his arms and the huge suitcase he’s carrying, Karma had opened the door with his eyes wide, and shirtless.
There really was nothing that Nagisa could have done to prepare for the sight. He freezes, stiff, as his bags drop to the floor.
“Um…” Karma eyed Nagisa, then swept his gaze down to all his bags on the floor. “Right. I’ll be a second.”
The door slammed shut in Nagisa’s face, and he’s left waiting for a minute outside, before Karma returned with a proper shirt. He opened the door wide, and grabs two of Nagisa’s bags, leading him into the living room.
Nagisa followed mutely behind him, his eyes lingering at Karma’s back, trying to imagine the tanned skin underneath his shirt. Surely, it is fatigue that is making his thoughts so reckless; just a wild, untamed passing thought that demands to feel the chest and abs that Karma had revealed a moment ago.
It’s just that he wasn’t expecting it. After all, they had seen each other shirtless multiple times, back in middle school, and no one had thought anything of it. It’s so easy to forget, that there no longer children who would think staring at each other’s upper body would be perfectly acceptable, and not cause his stomach to stir so.
“Sorry about before,” Karma mumbled, settling down the bags in the living room as he turns back to face Nagisa. “I wasn’t expecting you until next week.”
Nagisa snaps his mind back to the present, tilting his head. “Oh.” He looked around the room, magazines piled on the table, a blanket draped on the couch and the tv paused half-way through a movie. “I’m sorry I interrupted. There was an earlier train and I… I’m not sure why I didn’t call beforehand, I’m sorry about that.”
Karma tilted his head, a wry smile on his face. “Stop apologising, geez, I guess I’ll show you to your bedroom and you can unpa-” Nagisa knew something was bad; can feel his own heart sinking, even before Karma turns back to Nagisa. “Oh shit, the furniture guy hasn’t come with the bed yet.”
Nagisa creased his brows. “Oh, that’s unfortunate.” He looked around once more, eyes pausing at the couch. “But it’s fine, I can make do with the couch. It’ll only be a temporary arrangement, anyway.”
Karma followed Nagisa’s gaze to the couch, and let out a dissatisfied noise from the back of his throat. “We’re not talking about one night; it’s a week. I’m sure you can do better.”
Nagisa shrugged “I really don’t mind.”
Karma put a hand to his forehead and groans. “For God’s sake, don’t be a stranger.” He pulled Nagisa to his own room and pushed the door wide. “It’s a double bed, we’ll definitely fit.”
Nagisa had nodded.
And that’s how Nagisa ended up standing in front of Karma’s bed, as night fell.
They had spent the day helping Nagisa unpack some of his bags (though without most of his furniture, it wasn’t like there was any point in unpacking his clothes or other belongings), and then Karma steered Nagisa to every room in their apartment and demanded Nagisa’s input to how he wanted their shared space arranged. (Nagisa had been genuinely honest when he insisted he didn’t care, it wasn’t just out of politeness, but Karma would have none of that. So Nagisa could only reluctantly suggest some minor shifts in furniture location to satisfy his friend.)
And it helps that they’ve done chores together, because even if Nagisa’s heart jumps a little every time Karma comes near, or if he’s mind is a loss of words whenever Karma speaks, their bodies remember each other. And the shared experience of physical exertion is a quick way to bridge the gap from the past three years apart.
It also means, by nightfall, Nagisa should be too tired to worry about anything. But then, under the large covers, listening to two sets of breathing, Nagisa finds sleep evading him.
He’s lying on his back, half tempted to look towards Karma to the right of him, but he doesn’t dare. He knows from the other’s breathing patterns that he’s not quite asleep either.
It’s Karma who breaks their uneasy silence, when he shifts on the bed. Accidentally, his finger brushes against Nagisa’s and the bluenette feels his heart batter against his chest like a mad prisoner.
He lets out a small gasp from the touch, and feels Karma’s hand freeze at the noise.
“Uh- sorry,” Karma murmurs. Then his hand is gone, leaving only emptiness under the stuffy blankets.
But perhaps, that single touch was all that was needed, for a sudden courage surges within Nagisa, and he reaches across. His hand can’t quite find Karma’s, so it rests on his stomach instead, and he squeezes them gently.
No words are needed, it’s their bodies that direct them into each other, Karma’s hand finding Nagisa’s ribs and pulling him towards him, their legs brushing at first, before they are tangled within each other. They are turned onto their sides now, towards each other, only a breath away.
Despite the darkness, Nagisa finds Karma’s eyes easily. They are bright, fervent, and laughing. Hesitantly, Nagisa leans his forehead forward, and the redhead responds by doing the same, a gentle bump in greeting.
It’s almost like they’re fifteen again, in Nagisa’s bedroom, quiet because they wouldn’t want his mother to hear them. This time, it’s quiet because no words are needed between them.
Their movements - the brushing against each other, their lingering touches, and eventually, their hands entwined - speak more. It catches them up from the years of distance quicker than words can, reminds them of the way they used to be in the familiar positions, but also highlights the things that have changed.
In their close proximity, Nagisa can almost feel the movement of Karma’s chest. His heart lunges, and Nagisa knows what it wants. When he meets Karma’s eyes, he notices they’re looking pointedly at him - there’s a silent question there.
“Do you want me?” Nagisa doesn’t know where he finds the courage. Just knows that it felt like the right thing to say, to ask, in an excited whisper. He pauses, and then, is even quieter as he adds, “I think I could love you.”
He looks away, into the dark nothingness hanging around the room. Doesn’t dare to see the look in Karma’s eyes, because Karma could say yes, but he could also say no - and then that would be it. And when the furniture guy finally comes around he would find that he’d sent the bed for nothing, and Nagisa would probably be out looking for something other apartment instead, that would be colder, lonelier and-
And it’s not something Nagisa could continue to worry about as he felt Karma’s firm squeeze of his hand. His eyes are drawn back to Karma as the redhead responds with a laugh - soft and low at first, before it develops into a full on guffaw.
Nagisa pulls away, brows furrowing. “What’s so funny. I meant it - I was being serious!”
“You- you can’t-” Karma is squeezing out between moments of laughter. “You can’t spring this upon me, now, when you didn’t notice all these years. How can you ask me that, when I’ve wanted you for so long?”
“What? Wait what?”
Karma is calmer now, his laughter dying off as suddenly as it began. He shrugs, “I missed you, during high school. I knew I was developing a crush even as we only kept a bare minimum of contact online. Except you never seemed to care - never even noticed, so I backed off.”
“But I…” Nagisa paused, thinking back. “You’re right, I didn’t notice, but I noticed now. My own feelings, I think they’ve always been here, too, I just never realised.”
Karma hums noncommittally, “I don’t care about that.” He leans forward, “So what do you want to do about this?”
Nagisa eyes widen, “I- haven’t thought this far yet. But I know I want to date you, to be with you.”
“Okay,” Karma pulls his arms from his covers, taking Nagisa’s head in them as he closes the distance between them, placing a chaste kiss on his forehead. “We can date, and be together, and probably discuss this tomorrow. But to be honest, I’m actually exhausted, so if we’ve got this tension out of the way, let’s sleep first.”
Nagisa nods, and shifts to a more comfortable position on the bed (still facing Karma, of course). They stay in each other’s arm for the rest of the night, and it’s the most comfortable of all the times they’ve shared a bed.
It helps, knowing, that even after his own bed arrives, he knows it wouldn’t be the last time he can have Karma in his arms as he falls into sweet, sweet dreams.
hahahahahahahaha okay, you know the part of the request that says fluff? hahaahahahaha okay. i tried. i promise, i really did, but then the plot got away from me… :’)  But I did have a lot of fun with this prompt though, so thanks for the request, even if I didn’t end up as fluffy as I thought it would be~ 
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