#trsr park jihoon
milkybonya · 2 years
midnight rain ☆ pjh
order 063, anon: large coconut milk tea for trsr Jihoon (song = midnight rain by Taylor Swift)
! : fluffy start, angsty middle and open/hopeful ending?! ft. a breakup :(
# : idol!jihoon x office worker!(gn)reader, inspired by Taylor Swift's song
[💌: anon i'm so sorry for taking so long T_T pls enjoy even though idk how much i can defend the quality!!!]
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dating an idol is everyone's dream, but no one thinks about it being like this: an idol is someone with a dream and goal, already running straight towards that thing... but you just wanted to be loved. the intentions misaligned and that's why things couldn't work out between you and Jihoon.
when you first met him, he was in front of you in the starbucks line. right away, you could tell he was different. he wore heavy, black boots, patterned jeans with chains that jingled every time he moved the slightest amount, his blazer was also uniquely patterned, and his hair had a slightly blue tint to it.
once you both ordered, you stood to the side to wait for your drinks. he looked attractive even while scrolling through his phone, and you wondered how that could be.
so lost in this boy's appearance, you didn't hear your name even when it was called about four times.
"hey, you were after me in line, right? is that your drink? they're calling your name," the boy told you.
"huh? oh.. yeah," was all you could mumble as you staggered forwards.
but before you knew it, he had picked up the drink for you and was holding it out.
"are you okay?" he asked as you stared at his fingers holding your cup. the silver rings twinkled under the ceiling lights.
"yeah," you said again, taking the drink while squinting at the name written on his own cup.
"well, have a good day, then!" Jihoon told you with a smile so gorgeous that even his eyes were part of it.
as you turned to leave, you didn't notice that your wallet fell. you opened the café's door and stepped out while Jihoon eyed the wallet, then your back.
sucking in a breath through his teeth, he picked up your wallet and chased after you.
you had moved so far in such a short amount of time that he was panting when he reached you, a small drop of sweat sliding down his smooth face.
"y/n, you dropped this!" he said while holding out your wallet.
"oh! thank you..." you replied, taking the wallet with both hands.
the tips of Jihoon's ears were red as he said, in a low voice, "well now that i've ran into you for a second time.. can i ask for your number?"
you were shocked that someone this gorgeous would be asking you for your number first, but who were you to say no?!
you switched numbers and just a few hours later, Jihoon was already asking when you'd be free to meet again. he claimed it was destiny that you dropped your wallet, and he couldn't let you slip away.
so, you met up on a friday evening after your long workday. Jihoon listened to you as you complained about work at the office, and he also began to reveal to you that he was an idol.
"can idols.. date?" you asked, worried.
"no.. i mean, i can't right now. so i wanted to tell you, in case you don't want to move forward with this secret relationship."
his painted nails wrapped around the coffee mug in front of him, bringing it to his lips.
"well, Jihoon. you can't just make me fall for you and tell me not to stay," you said with a smile.
and that's how your relationship started.
it was built and upheld by fleeting nights spent chasing after each other in the dark, running to his dorm and him running to your office when you worked late. he'd drop off food and you'd go to his dorm to place kisses all over his soft face. some nights, he'd stay at your place, holding you close and singing you to sleep.
you both formed the most precious, perfect relationship. even if it was all in secret, you were so, completely, and utterly satisfied. content. in love.
but Jihoon started to feel suffocated. he noticed how comfy and safe you were in his presence. he listened as you shared your plans for the future to marry him and have kids with him. he listened and realized.. he didn't want that. what he envisioned when he saw the future was him, treasure, the 12 treasure boys succeeding and making it big. he didn't exactly see himself settled in a house with kids, but he saw himself on stage winning awards.
that's when you started noticing him getting distant. he'd reply to you late and wasn't always there at the dorms or the yg building when you went to see him. when you did get to see him, he was quiet and on his phone. his skin, lips, touch, and hugs felt cold. he felt like a ghost, a skeleton of Jihoon and not the actual Jihoon.
when you were going to confront him about it, he beat you to it. the two of you were sat in the same starbucks that you met, awkwardly holding your half-empty cups as you each waited for the other to speak.
"y/n... i have something to tell you," Jihoon said, softly. his voice sounded warm for the first time in a while.
"i love you a lot, i really do.. but i don't think i see us going any further," he said.
tears were already threatening to leave your precious eyes.
"you want to get married and settle down, but... right now, i just want to be a successful idol. that's all i see for myself right now," Jihoon explained.
you hummed along to his words, looking down and rubbing your thumb along the rim of your starbucks cup.
"how do you feel... about this?" he asked, his voice shaky as he tried to be careful with his words.
"i think i get it, Jihoon. i noticed you were withdrawing yourself from me... it's gonna be really hard but let's end this if that's how you feel," you said, lips wobbling.
unable to look at your now ex any longer, you stood up and left, just like that. and that was the last time you saw Jihoon in-person. it was also the last time you entered that starbucks, since it was the place you both met and lost the most important lover in your life.
Jihoon and the treasure boys did well after you and Jihoon ended things. you always told yourself that maybe it was thanks to the breakup, trying to find ways to console yourself that your tragic end was meant to be. yet you, on the other hand, were still at your 9-5 office job.
you followed treasure an unhealthy amount online, tracking their comebacks and interviews, promotions and schedules. it wasn't even to see Jihoon... or maybe it was, but it was to see how the treasure boys were doing.
on one interview, the boys were asked to talk about the people/things they 'treasure' the most. while many of the boys answered 'teume' and Hyunsuk mentioned his grillz, Jihoon said, "there is someone i'm thinking about right now and i just want to tell them that we'll meet again whenever they decide to step out of their comfort zone and start living the life they want."
your heart beat quickly hearing those words, knowing immediately that they were for you. also, Jihoon was just right. after years of working at the office, trying to convince yourself that this stable life was what you wanted, you started to feel empty inside. really, you wanted to explore your options, discover the world and yourself.
whether it was because of Jihoon's words or your own change of heart, you decided to quit your job. soon after, your most important ex-lover found his way into your life again.
the day you quit your job, you decided to go back into the starbucks where you met Jihoon, even after swearing to never go back there again. and there he was, speak of the devil.
clad in the most simple clothes ever this time, Jihoon waited in line for his order to be taken. and this time, you'd be the one to take action first. you wouldn't wait for him to hand you your drink or chase aftee you with your dropped wallet, but you would take charge of your own destiny.
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doiefics · 1 year
don't fall for the homeboy!
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pairing: jihoon x afab!reader
prologue: jihoon was sure he wasn’t the type to catch feelings for his friend, but what happens when he is suddenly struck by the reality?
genre: fluff + friends to lovers
wordcount: 750
warnings: none
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"Ding Dong!” your doorbell greeted you.
You went to answer, thinking who could it be at this hour? Certainly not your parents, who just left ten minutes ago.
“Hey, Y/N! Your mom sent me to look after you, now step aside and let me in.” It was Jihoon, your childhood friend.
Together, him and you went through everything. Including from being conceived and born around the same time to going to school. He became an inseparable part of your life.
It was not like you did not want Jihoon around.
You had been seeing him since you were born. You bitched about the people you hated together and were each other’s emotional support.
Many assumed the two of you were dating, but that was not the case.
By now, Jihoon had already seated himself in your living room. Of course, your mother did not assign him the babysitting, but he was her favourite anyway, naturally, he was like a family member.
“Stop standing like a sims character over there, and yes, don’t end up creating any more trouble,” Jihoon tried you boss you around.
“Park Jihoon, I am old enough. And you are just thirty-seven days older than me, for your weekly reminder.” You were quick to defend yourself.
“The last time you were allowed to be home alone, you let a stray cat enter the house and scrape away your mom’s favourite curtains.” Of course, he could not let you win this.
“Alright, Mr. Babysitter,” you surrendered.
“That’s my good girl. I need you to behave well for me now.” Jihoon blurted out without realizing what he had just said.
This habit had caused him trouble in the past. Luckily, this time, it was just you. Taking advantage of the situation, you decided to tease him further.
“Woah! Is this the beginning of a porn movie? What should we name it? Babysitter takes care of his little girl home alone?” followed by your roar of laughter.
To you there was no greater joy than seeing his agitated and irritated face.
"You’ve got such a filthy brain, where do you learn these things from?” Jihoon admonished you playfully as a shade of pink now adorned his cheeks.
A movie watching date was soon planned.
The lead couple was just slowly falling in love, offering cheesy compliments to each other and making unrealistic promises.
Best friends falling in love was a crummy genre for sure.
“Ahh, why do they always romanticize it?" The boy spoke.
"Who on earth falls for their friend like this?" He spoke again.
"Aghh, this is just ridiculous. Y/N how about we better watch-” Jihoon had started his timely rants again.
You were so used to it by know. He ranted about everything from overcooked meat to missed buses. Sometimes you really pondered what he was made up of.
“Men named Park Jihoon do. They do fall”. You answered his unasked question.
His mouth hung open, as if you had stolen his lunch money.
The jaw dropped. You wished you could capture this face to tease him about it later.
Despite his refusal to acknowledge it, Jihoon had some feelings for you. Well, you certainly did. He was decently attractive nd coming to think of it, who else could you even date?
"Stop reading those romance novels of yours." He did not even finish his sentence, but you had another response ready, yet again.
“Hoon, admit it.”
Jihoon shook his head at that statement. “No way, I could kiss you right now to prove I don’t feel anything about you.”
His eyes met with yours next and you nodded, granting him the permission.
Jihoon leaped closer.
Tucking your hair to the back of your ear, lifting your chin to meet his face. His hands were shaking. His nervousness was unprecedented.
Pitying your poor friend, you took matters in your hands and smashed your lips onto his.
He immediately responded back. Holding you by the waist now. His and your lips moved in a perfect sync, as though they were meant to be.
This felt like euphoria to you. You held his muscular arms for a better grip. It seemed as if you had been hungry for this since forever.
After what seemed like a good few minutes, you pulled out.
Jihoon’s gaze changed.
He wanted more, and so did you. Quickly after catching your breath, your lips retuned to where they were need the most.
Men named Park Jihoon did, after all, fall for their best friend.
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masterlist please refrain from plagiarising, translating or posting outside of this platform
have a request? prompt fic game is OPEN!
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goingtreasure · 1 year
whitebeard and the blackbeard's son | p.jw
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pairing: park jeongwoo x reader (f)
word count: 8.3k
genre: angst, adventure, slowburn.
warnings: violence, death, toxic relationships, mention of kidnapping.
synopsis: jeongwoo embarked on a quest to prove himself to his father, blackbeard, by attempting to kill his nemesis, whitebeard. however, he was unaware that whitebeard's true identity would completely alter his path.
author's note: after two years since my last update, i'm back! i wrote this fanfiction some months ago and decided to post it now since the reboot is coming (i'm so excited!). i think of this as a origin story for pirate jeongwoo hehe. i hope you enjoy it as much as i did!
author's inspirations: show - our flag means death (max). song - i bet on losing dogs (mitski)
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Jeongwoo had finally accomplished it. After years of meticulous research, tracking ships in secret, studying combat skills, habits, and victims, he had gathered almost all the information he needed to defeat Whitebeard, one of the most notorious pirates of the sea. This was his chance to avenge his father and prove himself once and for all.
As the son of Blackbeard, the infamous pirate, Jeongwoo had grown up in a world of ruthlessness and violence. Blackbeard had collected countless enemies and was feared by even the most dangerous pirates. However, when a new pirate named Whitebeard emerged in the Caribbean, he became Blackbeard's worst enemy, taunting him with his name. Determined to confront the newcomer, Blackbeard engaged in a battle at sea.
During the fight, Blackbeard's crew seemed to have the upper hand, but Whitebeard's intelligence and strategic prowess turned the tide. They damaged Blackbeard's ship, disabled his strongest crew members, including Blackbeard himself, and plundered all the treasure. Whitebeard, however, never showed his face or set foot on their ship, maintaining a mysterious identity. Many believed he suffered from a terrible disease that prevented him from engaging in direct combat. Now, Jeongwoo was about to uncover the truth.
Under the guise of trading treasure on a nearby island, Jeongwoo secretly planned his move. He knew that Whitebeard's crew frequently replenished their supplies on a small island to the east. After carefully avoiding attention and hiding in the island's woods for several days, he spotted a large ship docking on the beach. Observing from a distance, he became certain that it was Whitebeard's ship.
Waiting for most of the crew to disembark, Jeongwoo infiltrated the ship, incapacitating anyone who stood in his way. He intended to execute a silent assassination, killing the captain and escaping and leaving behind a letter signed by himself. Jeongwoo was confident that Whitebeard, who never left his room, would be there. However, as he cautiously opened the door, he discovered an empty room, devoid of any presence.
"Where could he be hiding?" Jeongwoo whispered to himself, feeling a mix of relief and unease. This was the moment he had prepared for all his life, yet something felt off.
He scanned the room, filled with disarray—clothes, medicine, and books scattered around. A large world map adorned one wall, while a plush bed covered in fabrics and blankets dominated the center. Suddenly, he noticed a slight movement coming from beneath the blankets—a rhythmic rise and fall. There was no doubt about it; Whitebeard was concealed there.
Jeongwoo steadied his weapon, standing before the bed, prepared to end the man's life. However, a strange feeling compelled him to see the face of his father's greatest adversary before delivering the fatal blow. With trembling hands, he slowly pulled back the blanket, but the sight that greeted him was unexpected.
Instead of Whitebeard, he found a young woman with white hair, dressed in a beige satin dress with long sleeves. The boy was momentarily paralyzed by the sight before him. This innocent girl had been mistaken for the fearsome pirate captain.
"A girl?" he murmured to himself, unintentionally waking you from your slumber. Your eyes opened slowly, leaving him with no chance to hide within the cabin.
"Hello," you greeted, your voice filled with sleepiness.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Jeongwoo asked, his voice filled with surprise, unable to comprehend the calmness in your demeanor despite the danger you were in.
"You seem nervous." you remarked, observing his reaction. “My name is Y/N.”
"I came here for Whitebeard." Jeongwoo stated, trying to make sense of the situation.
A faint smile graced your lips. "Well, then you found him. I'm Whitebeard."
Jeongwoo's heart pounded in his chest as he processed the unexpected revelation before him. The girl with white hair, Y/N, claimed to be Whitebeard—the very person he had intended to kill. The tremor in his hands intensified, betraying his nervousness. He took a step back, struggling to comprehend the truth. It seemed inconceivable that someone so young could hold the title of a feared pirate captain when he himself struggled to gain respect among his own crew.
"You're lying! Where is Whitebeard?" Jeongwoo demanded, unable to accept the reality unfolding before him.
Your laughter filled the cabin, carrying a hint of amusement. "I'm not the lying kind. The truth is, my name was originally intended to be Whitehair, but people misheard it as 'beard' and I went along with it. I must say, I'm quite surprised you managed to reach here without facing punishment from my crew. You must be a formidable pirate."
Jeongwoo's confusion deepened even more, his conviction wavered. He found himself unable to act upon his murderous intent as he looked upon the spirited girl who awaited her fate.
"I don't understand," Jeongwoo stammered, his disbelief evident. His grip on the knife loosened, his hands dropping to his sides. The confusion within him battled against the impulse to carry out his revenge.
Chuckling lightly, you settled onto the bed, examining the young man before you. "I can see why you're surprised. Most people react the same way, especially new crew members. By the way, that's a good choice of weapon you have there. Sharp and effective for breaking bones. Luckily for me, I've been feeling like dying these past few days. So, what are you waiting for?" you asked, your gaze fixed upon him.
"I... I can't do it. You're a woman," Jeongwoo confessed, his voice laced with uncertainty.
A glimmer of curiosity danced in your eyes. "You've never killed a woman before?"
In fact, Jeongwoo had never killed anyone before, regardless of their gender.
From a young age, Blackbeard had trained Jeongwoo to embody his strength and eventually succeed him as captain. However, the weight of taking a life was a burden Jeongwoo couldn't bear. Fear gripped him, rendering him unable to follow in his father's ruthless footsteps. Consequently, Blackbeard became increasingly ashamed of his own son, distancing Jeongwoo from perilous battles and treacherous islands, effectively dismissing any notion of him becoming his successor. The once-promising young pirate had been reduced to a mere kitchen assistant.
The very reason he was driven to prove himself, came from his father's relentless pursuit of molding him into a fearsome assassin of the seas.
The absence of a response made it clear to you that he wasn't a killer. Despite your preference for staying in your room, you had a knack for understanding people through their behavior due to all the books you’ve read. The boy, who was around your age, appeared scared and confused. It had been a long time since you last talked to someone young. It made you question if this was how you were expected to behave. Should you also be afraid of life and death just like him? You wondered what those emotions were like.
"Well, if it makes you feel more at ease, I could take my own life and you can pretend it was you," you suggested, trying to ease his discomfort.
"What? Why? Why would you do that?" Jeongwoo asked, bewildered.
"Why wouldn't I?" you responded with a nonchalant shrug.
Jeongwoo felt like you were toying with him, playing games with his mind.
"Cause... you're Whitebeard! You possess wealth and power beyond imagination," he argued.
"I can understand why you might think that," you replied calmly. "But having everything doesn't guarantee happiness or fulfillment. There are things in life that money and power can't provide."
Your words brought a pause to the conversation as Jeongwoo tried to process this perspective. The idea that there could be something missing from the life of someone as influential as Whitebeard intrigued him.
“For instance, I've never had a pet dog because I’m afraid it might fall into the sea. Why would I live if I can't have a dog?”
Wanting to die because of a dog? It didn't make sense to him. After all, many ships had dogs as companions, and the fear of losing one to the sea seemed excessive and irrational. The boy couldn't help the thought that perhaps you were just a crazy person, he found it difficult to take your words seriously.
You rose from the bed, stepping onto the wooden floor with your bare feet, standing directly in front of Jeongwoo. The boy remained frozen, unable to move in your presence. Your intense gaze made him feel self-conscious.
"Will you do it?" you asked, your voice filled with anticipation.
"No..." Jeongwoo admitted, his voice filled with resignation. "I can't."
"Coward." you snapped, your anger replacing your previous calm demeanor.
Without warning, you forcefully pushed the knife out of Jeongwoo's grip, catching him off guard. A struggle ensued as both of you fought for control of the weapon. You pushed the knife towards your own neck, while Jeongwoo desperately resisted, pushing back.
"Stop it immediately!" Jeongwoo pleaded, his voice filled with fear.
"No! I want to die!" you exclaimed, your voice filled with frustration and despair.
The fight abruptly stopped as you both heard the sound of an explosion coming from outside. The sudden noise caught your attention, momentarily distracting you from the intense struggle and bringing a sense of uncertainty to the room. Momentarily stunned by the unexpected blast, you released your grip on the knife, which clattered to the floor. The urgency of the situation overshadowed your previous conflict as you instinctively turned your attention towards the chaos unfolding outside the cabin.
"The ship is on fire!" one of your crewmates screamed, her voice filled with panic, as she desperately tried to open the door to your room. Despite her efforts, the door remained stubbornly locked.
Jeongwoo's eyes widened in alarm, and he turned to you, searching for answers. But instead of panic, he found you smiling to yourself, a strange gleam in your eyes.
"The ship is on fire," you repeated softly, almost in awe.
Confusion and concern filled Jeongwoo's voice as he asked, "What are you talking about?"
Ignoring his question, you hurriedly rummaged through your belongings, searching for something specific. Your hands found a large box of gunpowder, and without hesitation, you tossed it onto the floor of the room. The contents spilled out, forming a dangerous circle of flammable material.
Realizing what you were about to do, Jeongwoo lunged forward, desperately attempting to stop you. But it was too late. The room was already filled with thick smoke, making it difficult to see and breathe.
A struggle ensued between the two of you, the suffocating smoke clouding your senses and heightening the chaos. You fought against Jeongwoo's attempts to restrain you, pushing him away with a desperate strength fueled by a strange determination.
In the chaos of the struggle, Jeongwoo lost his footing and fell to the floor, his body slumping unconscious. The smoke continued to billow around the room, its suffocating grip tightening with each passing second.
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Jeongwoo had made many mistakes in his life, but none compared to the decision to kill Whitebeard. Despite knowing that it could lead to his demise, he had hoped for an honorable death, a valiant battle against one of the revered kings of the sea. Now, he was dead, and his crew would remain in perpetual waiting, unaware of his fate.
However, as Jeongwoo surrendered to the embrace of death, a peculiar sensation washed over him. Instead of the anticipated darkness and stillness, he felt a gentle breeze upon his face, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of the ocean. In the distance, a captivating voice sang a haunting melody, unfamiliar yet oddly comforting. It was not the symphony of death, but something entirely different.
Slowly, Jeongwoo opened his eyes, his surroundings shifting from darkness to a blinding brightness. And there he lay, not in the clutches of death, but on the sandy floor of a beach, safe and unharmed. Beside him sat Y/N, the source of the melody that had captivated his senses.
Confusion and relief washed over Jeongwoo as he struggled to comprehend his current state. "Am I alive?" he questioned, his voice filled with a mix of astonishment and gratitude.
You turned your gaze towards Jeongwoo, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. "No, my friend, we both died and unfortunately, we didn't make it to heaven. Welcome to hell." you joked, adding a playful smirk.
Jeongwoo looked at you, slightly taken aback by your remark.
"No, we're not dead. Well, at least you are not dead," you clarified, your tone now more serious.
As Jeongwoo settled down, his eyes adjusting to the sunlight, he couldn't help but inquire about the fate of your ship. "What happened to your ship?" he asked, evident worry in his voice.
"Oh, it burned down completely. I had to carry you all the way up to the beach cause you refused to wake up." you explained, a tinge of exhaustion in your voice. "My crew already gave up on trying to find me. Whitebeard is finally dead."
The weight of your words lingered in the air, mingling with a sense of irony and regret. Jeongwoo absorbed the gravity of the situation, his thoughts drifting to the consequences of his actions and the unpredictable path that lay before them.
"What are you going to do now?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.
"I don't know," you replied, your eyes tracing the vastness of the ocean. "But I'm happy I'm not really dead. And now you can say that you killed Whitebeard as well.”
Jeongwoo clutched his knees tightly as he contemplated the implications of your words. A mixture of guilt and disbelief washed over him, realizing the weight of his actions and the role he inadvertently played in Whitebeard's demise.
"Can I ask you something?" Jeongwoo said. You nodded, signaling your willingness to answer.
"Your room was full of medicine, what is that for?" he inquired, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.
"Oh, that. I have a weak body, you see. That's why I never actively participated in battles. The medicine I had in my room helped me manage the pain and discomfort that came with it." You maintained a positive demeanor, even when discussing serious matters. "I should've thought about that before I burned my room down. Now I have no access to those medicines anymore."
Jeongwoo listened intently, realizing the extent of your struggles and the sacrifices you had made. It deepened his understanding of who you were beyond the legendary figure of Whitebeard.
"Can I ask you something too?" You said with a hopeful look in your eyes.
"Of course," Jeongwoo replied, curious about your request.
"Could you take me with you on your ship?"
Jeongwoo's eyes widened in surprise. "What?"
"See, I want to experience life as a pirate without being the captain. I've always been sheltered and protected, spending my days confined to that room because my crewmates feared for my safety. I want to be a regular crewmate and see what life is like beyond my previous duties. Please, bring me along to your ship."
Jeongwoo hesitated, taken aback by your request. "I'm sorry, but..."
"Please, I promise I won't be a burden. I was always the brains behind our quests, I can help out if you need it. I'll be good company, and once I find a new place to live, I'll leave, I promise!"
"Y/N," he interrupted, seriousness in his voice tone, "I'm a Blackbeard pirate." He braced himself for your reaction, unsure of how you would take the news.
But instead of being devastated or shocked, you looked at him with a knowing smile. "Oh, I already knew. The moment I laid eyes on your knife, I recognized it. That type of blade is exclusively crafted for Blackbeard's crew. I intentionally left yours in my room to make it look like you're the one who caused my death."
Jeongwoo's eyes widened in surprise, his secret now out in the open. "You knew all along?"
You nodded, a playful glint in your eyes. "I told you I'm smart."
"And you still want to join my father's crew?" Jeongwoo asked, concern etched on his face.
"Father? Oh, that's news to me," you replied with a hint of surprise. "But yes, I do!"
"Listen, if he finds out you're Whitebeard, he might do something drastic. I am his son, but I have no idea what he's capable of." Jeongwoo warned, his worry palpable.
"That's a risk I'm willing to take. After all, I'm already familiar with pain." you said, a tinge of determination in your voice as you alluded to your health condition.
Jeongwoo carefully considered the situation, contemplating his father's nature and your resolute spirit. Finally, he made a decision.
"Alright. You can come with me. I'll help you get the medicines you need and we'll disguise your appearance so that your crewmates won't recognize you if they happen to come across us. Having white hair won't exactly blend in well with my crew."
You listened attentively, ready to fulfill your part in the plan.
"But there's one more thing," Jeongwoo continued. "We will have to convince my crew that I killed you, I mean, Whitebeard. It's crucial to ensure your safety. Can you do that?"
A mischievous smile crossed your face as you accepted the challenge. "Consider it done. Together, we'll weave a convincing tale that even Blackbeard himself won't question."
With an agreement in place, you and Jeongwoo embarked on a journey filled with secrets, transformations, and the unpredictable dynamics of a notorious pirate crew.
The crew of Blackbeard was going about their usual activities. Some pirates diligently cleaned the deck, others sharpened their weapons, and a few studied maps. Amidst this routine, the sharp-eyed navigator, Jaehyuk, spotted a tiny boat approaching their ship. He recognized it instantly—Jeongwoo had returned after two long months.
"Jeongwoo is back on the ship!" Jaehyuk’s voice echoed through the air, grabbing the attention of the sailors.
The crew quickly gathered, eagerly awaiting their comrade's arrival. As Jeongwoo stepped onto the deck, he was warmly embraced by his friends.
"Welcome back, mate!" Jihoon, Blackbeard's trusted right-hand man, exclaimed with joy.
However, Jeongwoo's demeanor betrayed a sense of terror rather than excitement. He surveyed the surroundings, his father conspicuously absent. Soon, he would have to reveal the lie he had planned.
"Where's the captain?" Jeongwoo inquired, his voice tinged with apprehension.
"Blackbeard is in his cabin. We're preparing to dock at a new island." Jihoon responded, noting the unusual behavior displayed by the young pirate. "Is something the matter?"
Without uttering a word, Jeongwoo swiftly made his way towards his father's quarters, leaving Jihoon with unanswered questions.
"Well, look who we have here..." Doyoung, the ship's chef, remarked with a sly grin as he peered down at the boat beside the ship, catching sight of you.
Jeongwoo hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to knock on his father's door. He did it and Blackbeard's voice boomed from within, "Who is it?"
"It's me, Captain. I'm back." Jeongwoo responded, his voice slightly shaky.
There was a brief pause before Blackbeard granted him entry. Jeongwoo pushed open the door and stepped into the room, which resembled more of an office than a living space. A large desk cluttered with papers and boxes of weapons dominated the room's center.
"Hello, Father," Jeongwoo greeted, standing before the imposing desk. Blackbeard remained engrossed in his maps, not bothering to look up.
"I have something important to tell you," Jeongwoo continued, his voice earnest. "I lied about going to trade treasure. In truth, I've been working on a plan to eliminate a rival captain. And... I succeeded. I killed him and burned his ship, leaving one of our knives as proof. I'm certain the news will reach you soon."
"I understand. But you didn't mention the crucial part," Blackbeard stated, his voice laced with curiosity. He fixed his intense gaze on Jeongwoo, waiting for the revelation. “Whom did you kill?”
Taking a deep breath, Jeongwoo summoned his courage and spoke, his voice tinged with both apprehension and resolve. "I... I killed Whitebeard, sir," he confessed, the weight of his words hanging in the air. The significance of his action was not lost on either of them.
He looked down, awaiting his father's reaction, but to his surprise, Blackbeard remained focused on his maps, seemingly unperturbed by the revelation.
"Father?" Jeongwoo stammered, seeking acknowledgment.
Without looking up, Blackbeard replied with a dismissive tone, "I heard you. If what you say is true, then I will wait for the news to reach me in due time."
"Additionally, I brought someone back with me to the ship. I hope that's not a problem." Jeongwoo said.
"Your guest is your responsibility. Now, return to your usual duties. "
Jeongwoo's heart sank at his father's lack of response. It seemed that his confession had fallen on deaf ears. He couldn't help but wonder what lay behind his father's impassive facade.
After leaving his room, Jeongwoo hurried to the boat to bring you up to his room. However, to his surprise, you were no longer there. His crewmates had already taken the initiative to escort you to Jeongwoo's quarters. As he entered the room, he noticed Doyoung lingering by your side, a flirtatious smirk on his face.
"Here's some clothes from our shortest crewmates. These are men's outfits, but it might fit you for now!" Doyoung said, placing the garments in your hands. He made a subtle move, his hand briefly brushing against yours in a flirtatious manner.
Jeongwoo's annoyance grew as he witnessed Doyoung's advances. It seemed that his friend couldn't resist flirting with any woman he encountered.
"Oh, Jeongwoo. Hi!" Doyoung greeted, his playful tone evident. "Did Jeongwoo tell you he's my assistant?"
"I think that's enough, Doyoung" Jeongwoo interjected, his voice tinged with annoyance.
Noticing the tension, you decided to break the ice. "Hey, how did things go with your father?"
Jeongwoo glanced at Doyoung and then turned to you. "Doyoung, could you excuse us for a moment? I need to talk to Y/N privately."
Doyoung shrugged, his flirtatious demeanor fading slightly. "Sure thing, Jeongwoo. I'll catch up with you later."
As Doyoung left the room, Jeongwoo closed the door behind him, creating a sense of privacy for your conversation.
"Did you tell him?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
"Yes, I did. But he didn't believe me," Jeongwoo replied, frustration evident in his voice. He paced back and forth within the confines of the small room, trying to process his father's disbelief.
"I see," you nodded, understanding the situation. "Let's not dwell on it for now. It's only a matter of time before news of my... his death spreads throughout the Caribbean."
Jeongwoo sighed, releasing the tension in his brow. "I hope you're right," he murmured, his thoughts preoccupied with the uncertainty of their plan. He shifted gears, changing the topic. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm doing well," you replied, a hint of a smile playing on your lips. "The medicine we got on the way is helping a lot with the pain. Your crew has been welcoming and friendly."
Jeongwoo's expression softened, glad to hear that you were finding some comfort amidst the unfamiliar surroundings.
He took a better look at you, taking in your changed appearance. The clothes you wore were clearly mismatched and of questionable quality, and your long hair was concealed beneath a knit cap. The shoes on your feet seemed ill-fitting and out of place.
"Once we land on a commercial island, I'll make sure to get you proper clothing," Jeongwoo assured you, his voice filled with determination.
You nodded appreciatively, grateful for his consideration.
"This is my room. It's very small compared to yours, but it's the only one on the ship. At least I have one advantage as the captain's son," Jeongwoo chuckled, a hint of self-deprecating humor in his tone. "You can keep it to yourself."
"Really? But where will you sleep then?" you asked, concerned about his sleeping arrangements.
"With the other crewmates on the deck," he replied nonchalantly.
"Well, if you can sleep on the floor with them, you might as well sleep on the floor here," you suggested.
"I'm fine, don't worry," he assured you.
"Come on, we've been camping together all these past days. There's no difference between that and sharing a room," you reasoned.
"Fine, I'll think about it. But for now, I have to attend to my duties. Stay here, and we can talk later," Jeongwoo said, his attention turning to his responsibilities.
"Your duties as the cook's assistant?" you teased playfully.
"Hey, stop it!" he exclaimed, a faint smile gracing his face as he left you alone in the room.
The rest of the day deviated from your usual routine. In your previous life as Whitebeard, your days were consumed by studying and strategizing. However, in these past few days with Jeongwoo, you had taken on the role of his mentor, teaching him the art of combat and imparting your knowledge. It has been an enjoyable experience for both of you.
Now, with a moment of solitude, you seized the opportunity to remove your knit cap, allowing your hair to cascade freely. As you explored Jeongwoo's belongings, you stumbled upon a knife. Remembering his words from earlier, you made a decision. Determined to embrace this new chapter in your life, you courageously chopped off all of your white, long hair, leaving it shorter than Jeongwoo's own hair. It symbolized a fresh start, a declaration of your commitment to this new identity.
When Jeongwoo returned to invite you to dinner, he was taken aback by your new visual. The sight surprised him, but it also reassured him of your determination and commitment to this new chapter. You informed him that you weren't hungry at the moment, so he kindly brought you a plate of food to enjoy later.
As the night settled in, Jeongwoo made the decision to accept your request to become roommates. He settled himself on the floor while you took the bed, contemplating what the future held in store for both of you.
The next morning, a loud knock on Jeongwoo's door jolted him awake. Doyoung's voice came through, urgently informing him that Blackbeard wanted to see him. Panic surged through Jeongwoo as he realized you were no longer in your bed. He sprang into action, hastily making his way to the deck, anticipating the worst.
To his astonishment, instead of a tense confrontation, he was greeted with lively music and jubilant celebrations. The crewmates were in high spirits, reveling in the festivities.
“He’s awake!” Doyoung called out, drawing everyone's attention.
Blackbeard turned towards his son, his eyes filled with pride and joy. He opened his arms, welcoming him with warmth.
"My son," he said, placing a hand on Jeongwoo's shoulder. "Last night I sent Jihoon to the nearest island to verify the information you shared. He found this." Blackbeard retrieved a newspaper from his coat and handed it to Jeongwoo. The headline read: "Pirate Whitebeard killed by a member of Blackbeard's crew."
Jeongwoo looked up, his confusion deepening as he saw his father's wide grin. "I am proud of you, son." Blackbeard proclaimed, turning to address the rest of the crew. "My son has killed Whitebeard!" His words were met with cheers and applause, filling the air with jubilation.
Jeongwoo stood in disbelief, his emotions swirling. The truth had been accepted, and his father's pride washed away any doubts he had carried. It was a moment of validation and a turning point in his journey as a pirate.
"Where's Y/N?" Jeongwoo inquired, scanning the surroundings.
"Your new companion? She's over there, reading books to the boys!" Blackbeard pointed towards the stairs where you sat, engrossed in storytelling for the crew members. "It's a rare find to have someone so smart and well-read among us!"
Jeongwoo's heart swelled with a mix of emotions as he watched you captivate the crew with your storytelling. Gratitude, pride, and a lingering sense of guilt churned inside him. He had never felt valued by his crew before, and his father had never expressed pride in him until now. The conflicting emotions gnawed at him, but he couldn't deny the happiness that bloomed within.
Doyoung, ever exuberant, nudged Jeongwoo towards the festivities. "Let's celebrate!" he exclaimed, urging him to join the merry chaos unfolding around them.
And so they celebrated, laughter and music filling the air throughout the day. Jeongwoo revealed the joyous atmosphere, savoring the newfound recognition and acceptance. Yet, underneath it all, the weight of his guilt remained, a constant reminder of the choices he had made.
The following day, Jeongwoo found himself relieved of his duties in the kitchen. Blackbeard had a different plan for him - to train his battle skills under the guidance of Jihoon. It was a clear indication that his father saw potential in him beyond being a mere cook's assistant.
Meanwhile, you were slowly carving out your own place on the ship. Your ability to read and your intelligence had garnered respect from the crewmates. You found yourself aiding them with your knowledge, and even Blackbeard himself sought your assistance. In return, you received new clothes more suitable for a female pirate, as well as supplies of medicines and books to feed your thirst for knowledge.
Jeongwoo, too, experienced a transformation. He was bestowed with a new sword, a stylish monocle, and a pirate hat that accentuated his growing stature within the crew. Everything seemed to be falling into place, almost too perfectly.
As the months passed, Jeongwoo vowed to prove himself even more, to earn his place honestly and make his father truly proud. Yet, deep inside, despite the newfound recognition and joy, he couldn't fully embrace it without confronting the truth that simmered beneath the surface.
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"Land ahoy!" Jihoon shouted, breaking the silence in the ship.
Blackbeard, standing beside Jeongwoo, turned his attention to his son. "Do you think that's the right island?" he inquired, testing Jeongwoo's knowledge and instincts.
"Yes, sir." Jeongwoo responded confidently, his gaze fixed upon the island ahead.
You, too, recognized the island. It held a special place in your memory, as it was rumored to be the location of an ancient treasure. However, you had never had the opportunity to search for it, as your fellow sailors deemed it too dangerous for you to venture ashore.
“Let me see…” Blackbeard assessed his crew, pondering who should accompany him on this expedition. After a brief pause, he made his decision. "Jihoon, Junghwan, Jeongwoo... and Y/N," he announced. "The four of you will join me. The rest can remain on the ship."
The crew members were taken aback by his decision to bring you, a girl, along on the expedition. They were well aware of the island's dangers, knowing that other pirates might be lurking there. However, despite their surprise, no one dared to intervene or question their captain's choice.
Blackbeard's trusted right-hand man, approached you with a serious expression. "Can you handle a sword?" he inquired, assessing your combat abilities.
"I'm actually better with guns," you replied confidently, recognizing your own strengths.
Jihoon nodded in understanding, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a gun, which he handed to you. "Good choice." he remarked, acknowledging your preference and arming you accordingly.
As you accepted the weapon, a sense of determination washed over you. “Thank you.”
You noticed Jeongwoo stealing glances at you with his familiar anxiousness. Understanding his concern, you nodded reassuringly, silently communicating that you were prepared for the journey ahead.
After the ship docked on the island, the five of you disembarked and ventured into the forest. The dense vegetation made progress difficult, but Blackbeard and the other two crewmates forged a path ahead, diligently following the directions on the map while clearing obstacles along the way. Jeongwoo and you trailed a few steps behind them, engaged in a quiet conversation.
"You should have said you didn't want to come," Jeongwoo voiced his worry.
"Why would I? It sounds like an adventure," you replied with a hint of excitement in your voice.
"But it's dangerous, especially for you." he expressed his concern.
"Don’t underestimate me, Jeongwoo. Despite my limitations, I still possess a wealth of experience." you assured him confidently. "I was once a great fighter before my health condition started to manifest. In the early days of my crew, I always embarked on new adventures.”
Jeongwoo's apprehensive expression softened as he took in your words. He couldn't help but appreciate your bravery and determination, even if it worried him.
"I'm actually glad you came with us..." Jeongwoo admitted. "I don't think i could do it without you."
"Absolutely, we're a team now," you replied. "A crew within the crew!"
The boy couldn't help but think about how different you and Blackbeard were. While you were known for your kindness and care, Blackbeard was renowned for his strength, brusqueness, and his position at the forefront of battles. The juxtaposition of your gentle nature and his fierce demeanor struck a chord with Jeongwoo, prompting him to realize that not every captain had to conform to the same mold.
As you continued your trek through the dense forest, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught your attention. Your instincts heightened, and you swiftly halted your movement, causing Jeongwoo to turn towards you, a questioning look on his face. With a finger pressed to your lips, you silenced him, your senses alert and focused.
A strange, almost imperceptible sound reached your ears, causing a shiver to run down your spine. It was a sound that didn't belong in the natural rhythm of the forest. Gripping the gun that had been entrusted to you, you prepared yourself for the unexpected.
Breaking the silence with a commanding voice, you called out into the surrounding wilderness "We know you are here! Show yourselves!"
The declaration startled not only Jeongwoo, but also Blackbeard, Jihoon, and Junghwan. They turned their heads, scanning their surroundings with wide eyes, suddenly aware of the imminent threat.
In a matter of moments, the once seemingly tranquil forest came alive with movement. Figures surged from the foliage, surrounding you and your crew in a threatening formation.
"I see you have a map here," one of the enemy pirates jeered, a mocking laugh escaping his lips. "Give me that, big boy," he taunted.
The audacity of the pirate's words sent a ripple of amusement through the crew, as they witnessed someone daring to challenge the infamous their captain. Blackbeard's laughter echoed through the air, a deep, menacing sound that reverberated with power.
Without hesitation, Blackbeard drew his sword and his crewmates followed suit. The clash of steel filled the clearing as the two opposing forces collided in a fierce battle.
You and Jeongwoo fought side by side initially, hwever, the sheer numbers and tenacity of the opposing pirates overwhelmed you. In the chaos of the skirmish, you found yourself pushed back, stumbling and falling to the forest floor. But Jeongwoo remained in his protection, his unwavering loyalty shining through.
The battle raged on. Each swing of a sword, each evasive maneuver, and each determined strike propelled the conflict forward. The forest floor became a battleground, marred by the footprints of those engaged in the struggle.
Despite the enemy's relentless assault, Blackbeard's crew fought with a ferocity and skill that set them apart. The enemy pirates, though formidable, paled in comparison to the experienced warriors under Blackbeard's command.
Finally, the tides of battle began to turn in your favor. The enemy pirates, weakened and disheartened, succumbed to the relentless assault of Blackbeard's crew. The forest grew quiet, the heavy breaths of combatants punctuating the stillness.
As the final enemy pirate fell, defeated and broken, a sense of triumph and relief washed over the clearing. The remaining combatants stood tall, their bodies bruised and bloodied, but their spirits unyielding. Blackbeard's crew had emerged victorious, their reputation for strength and indomitable willpower reaffirmed.
Blackbeard firmly grasped the pirate who had dared to speak insolently before, his powerful hand closing around the young man's neck. Bloodstains marred the defeated boy's battered face, yet he still managed a defiant smile through the pain.
As you struggled to rise from the forest floor, Jeongwoo hurried to your side, concern etched across his features. He noticed that your white hair, previously covered by a knit hat, was now exposed. A sense of urgency filled the air as you frantically searched for the lost hat amidst the sand. Jeongwoo, ever attentive, joined in the search, determined to find it for you.
However, before the hat could be retrieved, Blackbeard's commanding voice broke through the commotion. "Jeongwoo? Come here, son," he beckoned, his grip on the pirate tightening as he pressed him against a nearby tree.
Jeongwoo obeyed, making his way towards his father's imposing figure.
As Jeongwoo stood beside Blackbeard, his father's piercing gaze bore into the captive pirate. Blackbeard's free hand reached into his coat, retrieving a knife adorned with the unmistakable mark of Blackbeard's crew. The knife, reminiscent of the one he had used when he first encountered you.
"Take this knife," Blackbeard commanded, placing it in Jeongwoo's hand. "Let's teach this kid a lesson. Show me exactly what you did to Whitebeard."
Jeongwoo's heart pounded in his chest as the weight of his father's expectations settled upon him. He tightened his grip on the knife, his fingers trembling ever so slightly.
Blackbeard callously dropped the defenseless pirate to the ground, creating a space for his son to reenact a murder that had never occurred. His request bore down on Jeongwoo, leaving him disoriented and unable to think straight. He had never imagined his father would be capable of demanding such a horrific act, yet deep down, he knew he shouldn't have been surprised.
"Go ahead, son," Blackbeard urged, his voice cold and demanding. "Kill this bastard and burn his body afterwards. Show us that you're capable of being my successor."
Jeongwoo stood frozen, his mind in turmoil. Every fiber of his being rebelled against the notion of carrying out his father's command. The weight of the knife in his hand felt like an anchor, dragging him into an abyss of moral conflict.
Time seemed to stand still as a deafening silence enveloped the forest. Blackbeard's frustration boiled over, his anger erupting in a primal scream that reverberated through the air.
"SHOW US!" Blackbeard bellowed, his voice filled with rage and disappointment.
But Jeongwoo couldn't bring himself to carry out such a heinous act. He refused to become a mere pawn in his father's ruthless game, to succumb to the darkness that Blackbeard represented.
"I won't..." Jeongwoo whispered, his voice barely audible.
"What? What the hell did you say?" Blackbeard seethed, his face contorted with anger.
Summoning his courage, Jeongwoo spoke with a newfound strength. "I said I won't kill him!" he declared, his words clear and resolute.
Instantly, his father's fist collided with his face, a brutal punch that sent Jeongwoo sprawling to the ground. The force of the blow reverberated through the air, the sound of impact echoing in the silence that engulfed the scene. The crew stood frozen, their gazes fixed upon the fallen young man, a mixture of shock and disbelief etched upon their faces.
"Enough!" a commanding voice rang out, cutting through the tension. Surprisingly, it was you.
Standing tall and defiant, you aimed your gun directly at Blackbeard himself.
"Put an end to this madness, Blackbeard," you demanded, your voice steady and unwavering. "Your son has made his choice, and you will respect it."
A stunned silence descended upon the forest as all eyes turned to you, the unexpected voice of reason in this chaotic scene.
"Who do you think you are to talk to me like this?" Blackbeard screamed, his voice filled with fury and disbelief.
"Whitebeard..." a voice interjected, joining the tense conversation. It was the defeated pirate whom Jeongwoo had refused to kill. He spoke slowly, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I've always heard whispers on my island, rumors that a young girl was kidnapped from our church to serve as a scribe on a pirate ship, but instead she became the captain. The girl with the unmistakable white hair. Now I see, my people were right all along.”
The revelation hung in the air, casting a spell of astonishment over the assembled crowd.
Blackbeard's face contorted with a mixture of emotions—shock, denial, and a flicker of recognition. The realization that the formidable Whitebeard, revered as a fierce male pirate, was in fact a kidnapped child who had seized her own destiny.
In that moment, the power dynamics shifted, eroding the foundation of established hierarchies.
As the crew stood frozen in shock at the revelation, the fallen enemies seized the opportunity to strike back. Swiftly, they immobilized Junghwan and Jihoon, their movements deft and calculated. Meanwhile, Jeongwoo remained sprawled on the ground, still recovering from the forceful blow he had received.
Blackbeard regained his senses and unsheathed his sword, charging towards you with lethal intent. His eyes burned with rage and his sword gleamed menacingly in the sunlight. But before he could reach you, a resounding gunshot pierced the air, causing Blackbeard to halt in his tracks.
He clutched his chest, his hand stained with crimson blood, as his body crumpled to the ground.
The source of the gunshot was not you, however; it was the defeated pirate who had found an opportunity for redemption. He had chosen to intervene, taking justice into his own hands.
You rushed to Jeongwoo's side, your hands cradling his face gently as you tried to convey the depth of your emotions. The confusion in his eyes slowly gave way to clarity as the reality of the situation settled upon him.
"Jeongwoo..." you whispered, your voice trembling with a mixture of sadness and compassion.
He looked at you, his gaze filled with uncertainty and searching for answers. "Y/N... What happened to my dad?" he asked, his voice tinged with apprehension.
"Jeongwoo..." you began, your voice catching in your throat as tears welled up in your eyes. "I'm so sorry..."
Before you could finish your sentence, the assassin who had intervened earlier, stood before you, interrupting the somber moment. He addressed you respectfully, seeking confirmation of his suspicions.
"Milady," The boy spoke, his tone filled with reverence. "Was I right? Are you the girl who was kidnapped from Pueblo Esperanza?”
You nodded amidst your tears, acknowledging the truth. "Yes. It is true."
"My name is Haruto. I lived there as well. I think I recall seeing you when I was young. A white-haired girl like is not easy to forget.” He said, extending his hand towards you. "We should leave. Their crew is now aware of our presence, and they'll come searching due to the gunshots. I can guide us to safety."
Your gaze shifted briefly to Jihoon and Junghwan, who were bound and held captive by Haruto's crewmates. Then, your attention returned to Jeongwoo, his expression clouded with conflicting emotions.
"Jeongwoo, please, come with me." you pleaded, tears streaming down your face.
"Did you kill him?" He asked, his mind still confused because of the attack he suffered.
"I didn't kill your father. I never wanted any of this."
Jeongwoo's eyes narrowed as he processed your words, the weight of his own emotions evident. He uttered his thoughts slowly, his words heavy with regret and pain. "I should've killed you first."
The anguish in his voice pierced your heart, and you recoiled as if struck by his words. Desperate to reach him, to bridge the growing chasm between you, you moved your face closer to his, your voice filled with a mix of sorrow and determination.
Desperately, you pleaded with Jeongwoo, tears streaming down your face. "Please, listen to me… I can't do this without you…" you begged, your voice filled with anguish.
But Jeongwoo's response was a soft whisper, barely audible. "Don't touch me."
The weight of his words struck you like a blow, leaving you stunned and heartbroken. Slowly, you rose to your feet, your eyes devoid of any remaining hope or emotion. In that moment, you felt a profound emptiness settle within you.
You turned to Haruto and accepted his outstretched hand. "Don't kill them," you uttered, your voice barely a whisper, but filled with a resolute plea.
Haruto met your gaze, his expression unreadable. "As you wish," he replied, his tone tinged with a mix of understanding and restraint.
As you bid farewell, there was a bittersweet feeling in the air, knowing that your time together had come to an end. And thus, your journey took a different path from Jeongwoo. The circumstances had led you to part ways, each pursuing your own destiny.
After regaining his senses, Jeongwoo found himself confined to his father's bed on the ship. For two weeks, he secluded himself in that room, needing time to process the overwhelming events that had unfolded. Memories and emotions swirled within him as he struggled to come to terms with the loss of his father.
When he finally mustered the strength to step out of the room, the crew's solemn faces confirmed the grim truth—Blackbeard was no longer alive. The weight of grief settled heavily upon Jeongwoo's shoulders, a reminder of the void left by his father's absence.
In the midst of this somber moment, another revelation awaited Jeongwoo. The crew had chosen Jihoon as the new captain, recognizing his strength and leadership qualities. However, Jihoon surprised everyone by stepping down from the position. He declared that Jeongwoo had always been the true successor, even if his father had never explicitly acknowledged it.
Jeongwoo's heart swelled with a mix of emotions — grief for his father's passing, astonishment at Jihoon's unwavering support, and a newfound sense of responsibility. The weight of his heritage and the expectations of the crew now rested upon his shoulders.
For his first order as the new captain, Jeongwoo didn't request weapons or treasure. Instead, he had a different goal in mind. He gathered the crew together and instructed them to bring forth all the maps they had in their possession. It was time to embark on a quest to uncover a specific place, a place of significance.
As the crew members spread out their maps on the deck, Jeongwoo's eyes scanned the collection. He studied each map carefully, searching for a particular name that held deep meaning to him.
"I found it..." Jeongwoo spoke the words aloud, his voice filled with a mix of anticipation and determination. With a steady hand, he traced the outline of a small island on his own map, marking its location.
Pueblo Esperanza, the village you were born in.
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You awoke in a cozy bed, the gentle breeze and melodious chirping of birds filling the air around you. As you rose from the bed, the cool touch of the concrete floor greeted your bare feet.
Casting a glance at the mirror, you took in your appearance. Your hair had grown, cascading down to your shoulders, and you wore a comfortable nightgown. With a sense of purpose, you reached into your bag and selected a simple dress, swiftly changing into it. Slipping on a pair of shoes, you completed your morning preparations.
Exiting the room, you made your way to the living room of the house. There, seated at the table, was a woman dressed in a religious outfit. As she patiently waited, a warm smile graced your lips.
"Good morning," you greeted her, your voice filled with genuine kindness.
"Oh, good morning, dear," she responded kindly. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes," you replied. "I'm still adjusting to being on land instead of the ocean, though."
"Well, you better not get too used to it if you plan on returning," she responded, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Haruto seems quite eager to come back to the sea."
You contemplated her words for a moment before expressing your thoughts. "Well, he only came here to visit, but... I still haven't decided if I want to continue my life as a pirate."
The woman nodded with a sense of understanding. "That's perfectly alright, my dear. You are welcome to stay here at the church for as long as you need."
"I appreciate that," you replied, a sense of gratitude in your voice. "I have a feeling that Pueblo Esperanza has many things in store for me."
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author's note 2: i'm so sorry about the sad ending T-T... please don't be mad a me haha. i'm thinking about writing a part 2, but i'm still not sure... anyway, i'm sorry again!
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wooahaes · 1 year
i want to be with you more (like the sun sets and rises again)
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pairing: non-idol!jihoon [trsr] x fem!reader
genre: fluff!
word count: 0.6k~
warnings: food mention, one suggestive reference, mentions of a migraine + taking medicine for it. abrupt ending, probably, bc writer doesn’t know what she wants.
daisy’s notes: i forgot i wanted to go see a movie like. weeks ago. movie theater popcorn i miss u...
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Jihoon could hear you sneezing the moment he came into your apartment. Honestly, even though he already had plans to spend your birthday with you, knowing that you were sick only made him want to stay there more.
The plan had been that the two of you were going to catch a movie together that you’d been wanting to see for a while. You’d sneak candy in through your purse, he’d pay for the popcorn because he’s a gentleman who won’t let the birthday girl (who’s, y’know, smuggling candy in) spend extra money for their date, and he’d maybe try to steal a few (or more than a few) kisses from you throughout the movie. Except you woke up this morning with a migraine and your allergies kicking your ass, so the two of you ended up missing the showtimes so that you could rest up. He’d listened to you make a couple phone calls throughout the day to family, and decided maybe he’d just surprise you himself.
So when you decided you’d take a nap while you waited for medicine to kick in (in hopes that it’d help get rid of the migraine once and for all), he ran to the store. He found microwave popcorn (your preferred brand, because it was deliciously buttery), a couple of drinks for the two of you to share, and whatever boxes of candy that he knew both of you loved... but mainly the ones you preferred, because it was still your day.
With his return to your apartment to find you still resting, he knew what his second move would need to be. He’d leave the popcorn until he knew that you were feeling better, but in the event that you were, everything needed to be cozier. So he texted Hyunsuk to ask if a blanket fort would be feasible (who immediately complained about how he texted him before anyone else... before giving out the information he wanted), and got to work.
He perked up when he heard your voice, sitting up from his spot on the floor where he was spreading out another blanket (thank you for your love of blankets, by the way--it truly helped Jihoon make everything a thousand times cozier) to see you standing nearby.
“What are you doing?”
He ignored your question in favor of checking on you first. “Do you feel better?” He stood up, hands reaching for your own. “Does your head still hurt?”
“No, but...” I asked you a question, he knew you were going to say.
“Since we couldn’t go out,” he took a tiny step back, pulling you with him. “I made things look nice. I know it isn’t the same because we can’t see the movie you wanted, but... I have a few accounts--” Not all owned by him, since Hyunsuk was the one with the Disney+ account so he could watch marvel movies. “--And I thought we could have our own movie date here...” He paused, squeezing your hands a little. “Happy birthday?”
You felt sheepish, heat rushing to your face at how casual he was about all of it. As if throwing things together because your girlfriend had a migraine was the completely normal course of actions. “What if my head still hurt?”
“I’d take it down and we could do it later,” he shrugged. “Its your birthday. Even though we missed the movie, we can still have fun here.” While still holding your hands, he gently pulled you down onto the floor with him as he knelt down. “In more ways than one...”
You let go of his hand in favor of gently smacking his arm. “You dork,” you said. “Maybe later.”
He laughed, leaning in to give you a quick peck. “You wait here,” he said as he hopped back up, before pushing the bag of candy toward you. “I’ll go make our popcorn.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​
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mashimarshmello · 2 years
3:16 PM
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pairings: shy!jihoon x gn!reader
warnings: highschool!au, lowercase intended, fluff, jihoon is shy obviously, jihoon wears a mask
word count: 1.77k
a/n: i don’t think i have ever seen a shy jihoon fluff. this type of fic has been on my mind and i think this is perfect for jihoon and to see him in a different light haha. also there’s no specific location but masks aren’t mandatory in your area
"alright class, can i have everyone's attention?" the homeroom teacher talks over the students as they slowly got quiet. you were sitting alone at your desk with you with your backpack in the other seat on your left.
you weren't really the type to 'keep friends' per se since all they cared about was popularity, yet you had many acquaintances who were fond of you. no one really peaked your interest until you look up to see a unfamiliar boy standing in front of the classroom.
"alright class, this is a new student and your new classmate, park jihoon.." she looks at the boy. you can't tell if he's nervous because of the mask covering his face.
"oh right, sorry...hello, it's nice to meet you, i'm jihoon." he greets and waves trying his best to keep his composure.
"now you may be seated. take the one back there by the window beside y/n." the teacher's hand turns to your direction. he mumbles a thank you and makes his way to the desk. you move your backpack to the floor as you realize he's headed your way and the teacher starts her class.
he sits down next you and you notice by the way he sits, he has great posture. you prop your head up with your hand and your elbow on the desk. you thought you were eyeing him discreetly but the boy turns to you as he felt like someone was looking at him. you keep your eyes on him making him more nervous.
"hi." he speaks softly as your eyes are still on him. you give him a smile that only lasted a second before you ask him a question. "you know wearing masks isn't mandatory anymore, right?" you raise an eyebrow at the nervous boy.
"yes, i'm just used to wearing it now." his voice shakes. you were about to ask him if he was okay but you look up as the teacher interrupted.
"jihoon, has anyone showed you around the school yet?" you look back at him and he shook his head.
"that's okay. after the bell, do you mind showing him around?" she looks at you hoping you'll be nice and do it since you're caught up with the class.
"yes ma'am." you answered making the teacher happy. the class goes along quickly and smoothly until the bell rings. you pack up your stuff and wait for your seatmate to get his stuff together.
"you ready?" you ask nicely. he hums as you two walk out of homeroom. you show him the principles office, the gym, the cafeteria, and all the classes you both have together. the walk was quiet, he didn't really have any questions either. jihoon was all eyes and ears as you walk him through the building. you finally ended the walk off outside showing him the different hangouts and locations.
"and that wraps up the tour. do you have any questions at all?" you turn to him. he looks at the bench that's across from you guys. the weather was actually quite nice and the subtle breeze was great, too.
"is it okay if i sit down?" he points to the bench as he walks closer to it. "yeah, go ahead." he sits down, and you sit down next to him. all he's doing is admiring the setting in front of him and his quietness suddenly intrigues you.
"jihoon?" you grab his attention. "why did you transfer here, if you don't mind me asking." the boy might've not been the one to talk, but his eyes were kind. he actually had pretty eyes now that you see them in broad daylight.
"i wanted to start over. the people at my school weren’t the nicest in the world and they didn't make me feel comfortable. i talked to my parents about it and they let me come here. sorry if i seem nervous." he says quietly, making you smile a little bit.
"the people here are more cliquey than anything. everyone seems nice and all but i don't really talk to anyone like that. i'm sure you'll be fine." you reassure him, hoping to calm some of his nerves.
"thank you." he smiles, but only see his smiling eyes as the mask covers the rest of his face.
"you're different from everyone else. do you think fate brought us together?" you joke with him, making him laugh. a faint blush appears on his face but you can't see it.
"we should head back. our next class starts in a couple minutes." you get up and walk back as jihoon trails behind you. you're curious to know more about him as you keep asking him questions.
“what are some of your favorite things to do?”
"i like listening to music and...reading."
"you like to read, huh?"
"sometimes." he pauses. "it keeps me occupied."
you stop in front of the doors before entering. jihoon looks at you with his big eyes stopping right beside you. "do you wanna come with me to the library after school?"
"the library? w-with me?" he stuttered. you laugh at his puzzled reaction before nodding your head. for a second he thought he was dreaming. he actually had someone to hang out with on the first day? he stood there in shock until you finally open the front door telling him to come in.
that evening in the library was definitely a one to remember. you two both talked about your childhood, your hobbies, your favorite foods and favorite songs. halfway through, he seemed more comfortable around you. he actually told you he liked dancing and doesn't read that often, he was just too shy to admit it. you two both decided to stay in contact more and y'all both exchanged phone numbers. you and jihoon befriend each other without fully seeing his face, but at the time you didn't care.
it's been about a month now and wherever you were, he was there, too. even your classmates noticed. you two would help each other with homework in the library and eat lunch together outside where no one could bother you guys. you two actually became pretty close in the past few weeks. you learned that he was actually pretty fun to be around. he would always make you laugh no matter the circumstance and you can't help but think you might've caught feelings for him.
one day, you and jihoon were in the library helping each other out on assignments. you've only been in there for 30 minutes but you were getting bored. jihoon noticed and slid his assignment to the side.
"you wanna take a break?" he asked you. your face lit up and you put your pencil down immediately facing jihoon. he chuckled at your actions.
whenever he laughed, you always wondered what he looked like under his mask. everyday you see him he would always wear that black mask.
"i've actually wanted to ask you something." you ask him.
"can i ask you something first?" he fiddles with his thumbs seeming nervous, you haven't seen him nervous like this since you two first met. you give him your permission to continue.
"i hope this doesn't sound too forward but do you want to go to the movies this saturday?" he hesitates. "i'll understand if you don't want to!" he slightly panics after you leave him in suspense. you wasn't sure if he was asking friend wise or dating wise but his panicking made it clear.
"i'll go." you answer, his eyes widen as a grin grows on his face.
"but can i see what you look like under your mask?" you ask. “i don’t want you to think i’m pressuring you, i’m just curious.” he looks away and your uncertain how he's feeling about your proposal.
"no, it’s okay. i was wondering how long it would take until you asked me." he looks back at you. "i'm actually kinda scared to take it off." he laughs nervously. you put your hand on his shoulder. "you have nothing to worry about, jihoon. it's just me."
he looks around and see that nobody is around you two. he puts his hand behind ears preparing to take off mask. "promise you won't laugh?" he gives you a scared look. you're wondering if anyone has ever teased him about his looks at his old school. you grab his hand that's placed on his knee and squeeze it gently.
"i promise." you reassure him once more. he nods his head and finally reveals his full face.
you were shocked, but not in a bad way at all. you examine his features, noticing his cutely shaped nose and his semi-high risen cheekbones. you also see his pretty plump lips and his nice curved jaw that matches him perfectly. he looked so beautiful and handsome at the same time, you were lowkey starstruck.
all jihoon sees is your mouth slightly open and your eyes wandering all over his face. he doesn't know what you're thinking and covers his face with his hand. "no no, don't cover your face!" you put his hand down uncovering it again. he starts blushing and this is your first time seeing him blush.
you smile and hold his face gently. "you never told me you were this good looking, jihoon."
he chuckles and bites down on his lips feeling embarrassed, looking in another direction to collect himself but you don't let him. you turn his head back to you and you lean in closer towards his face. you halt as you see that he's clearly red in the face.
"is it okay if i kiss you?" you look into his eyes. he takes a deep breath and nods. you lean in and you two share your first kiss with each other. he relaxes into the kiss as you feel his plush lips against yours and pull him in closer. the moment was sweet until you break the kiss pulling away to see him.
he smiles at you, and you see his two perfect rows of of pearly whites while he's giddy.
"your smile is really cute, too." he shys away blushing once more. that homework break was very much worth it he thought to himself.
"should we get back to work?" you laugh knowing that he was still in is head reminiscing the moment that happened ten seconds ago.
"no, not really." he laughs with you. "we can finish this later. i just want to hang with you." he added. you held his hand and start talking to him, admiring him once again.
maybe fate did bring you guys together.
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spttfiy · 2 years
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˚₊ 🦷 ___ ★ ⋆͛ ഒ 🎞️ ᝰ
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standardfriends · 6 months
req rules + who I write for
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requesting rules
no non-con (dubcon is iffy), illegal age play, incest, yandere, hard kinks, etc.
mostly gender neutral or fem!reader, if req male!reader it CANNOT be with a female idol (#sorrynotsorry)
heavy topics are ok as long as they don’t violate the 1st rule
will only take reqs w/mentions of mental disorders if I have said disorder myself or there’s enough general awareness
will not take req for people I anti (mostly serial racists and weird idols)
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who I write for:
x reader ok!!, anything not listed below just ask!
2nd gen: tvxq, shinee, sulli (sfw only),
3rd gen: exo, twice, nct (markrenhyuck, nomin, chenji), park jihoon, seventeen, woodz, red velvet
4th gen: enha, izone, ssera (purinz), trsr (mashikyu), skz, idle, loona, aespa, ive
5th gen: kiof, riize, zb1, illit (sfw only)
khh: giriboy, big naughty, dean, b.i., groovyroom (mostly hwimin), dpr live + ian
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all works belong to @standardfriends - copyright © 2024
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sungtaro · 1 year
Hii it's teubunn here, how you've been? I've been busy with uni and I will be for a while but! I wanted to ask. Since I'm still not that good at remembering the members and also so I could get to know them better- maybe u can tell me some things to know abt each member (or some of them if u want). Like one of those unhelpful guide to videos lol. maybe ur fave physical features and fave personality trait of theirs🥺 idk I think it'll be cute and also like it's so hard to get into a group that's not active so I'm hoping they cb soon. ur mv gif series is so cute btw!!! 🐇🐇💌
hiii bestie 💖 i hope that you're not working yourself too hard at uni ! this is so cute i'd love to give it a go hehe, i'll put in gifs i've made with them all too ... i ended up writing idek what for all of them LOL so i hope it helps 🥹 i also recommend this old but good 'who's who' video it's from ILY era so they look like babies but i think a lot of it is still true and funny; if you have more time and want something more recent this video is amazing for getting to put names to faces! anyways ... the eri version of unhelpful guide below the cut LOL
choi hyunsuk: 1/2 leaders and the oldest. his representative animal is hedgehog (after his jikjin era hedgehog haircut lol) and one thing about choi is he WILL cry. he's a super softie and is totally the group's mom lol my fave Choi Crying moment was when they surprised him for his birthday while filming tmap ! he's a short king and has the cutest nose
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park jihoon: 2/2 leaders and my best friend (real). his representative animal is puppy (formerly panda but he rly wanted to be a puppy lol) and he's super playful and affectionate with the members, def the dad of mom and dad, and a total power extrovert. killer smile and super cute beauty mark under his eye on his cheek !
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kanemoto yoshinori (yoshi): he is a human marshmallow ... very distinct rap voice (all the rappers have unique tones and voices imo) and he's got a recognizable birthmark on his chin ! looks like an anime protagonist come to life honestly. his animal is a tiger. he's soft spoken but when he warms up he's also rly playful especially with hyunsuk hehe
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kim junkyu: MEME BOY literally so introverted that it's not even funny lol he hates leaving his room and he will wear the same hoodie and sweatpants every day of his life. his animal is a koala but he's strong on his catboy agenda like he is meowing left and right these days idk also for a while he was known as being the most like 'yg type' of the group whatever that means ! known for his broad shoulders and generally 'good' proportions, again whatever that means . also never dyes his hair
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yoon jaehyuk: my angel on earth never not making a kissy face. his animal is a lion and you will pretty much always find him with asahi and/or jeongwoo. apparently he was street cast by like 7 different companies bc he's so handsome, so he chose yg and just like . learned to dance and sing a few months before they put him through ygtb hell ... genuinely just so sweet and soft he always has his arm around whoever is next to him i cry
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hamada asahi: looks like a cat but his 'animal' is a robot haha. he's trsr's resident quirky guy and will just do the most random funny things, but he's also a soft spoken sweetheart who is mega talented as a musician/producer and also visual artist. he's come out of his shell a ton over the years we're so proud ... his best look imo is his platinum blonde hair during ILY era. he's got the smudged lipstick in the mv SO iconic
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kim doyoung: little prince .. he rly looks like a little cherub to me. his animal is a rabbit (like you!). dobby is a little corny imo like he will just say the cheesiest pick up lines and wink at u but he's being so serious 😭 it's really cute haha. he's also just super sweet and attentive. some ppl say he and junkyu really look like twins but i've never seen it
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watanabe haruto: the tallest member! and also the deepest voice lol. he was formerly an alpaca but he changed to a butterfly (nabi is butterfly in korean so i believe it's a play on his last name). tutu seems really cool but he's actually really soft and thoughtful.
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park jeongwoo: my annoying little brother (real). also MAIN VOCAL ! his animal is a wolf. the other members hype him up for being handsome hehe bc i think for a while he was really insecure 🥲 he's got so much energy and is often seen messing around w his favorite hyungs, esp jaehyuk and asahi.
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so junghwan: our super king cow baby <3 his animal is of course a cow (so means cow). he's also one of the tallest members haha and i don't think he really acts like a maknae, jeongwoo is much more like 'typical' maknae behavior, junghwan is a bit more reserved and pretty responsible imo so he doesn't really take advantage of being the baby. but it comes out and is really cute haha (he's been known to fall asleep while studying on camera 😭)
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takata mashiho (former): pocket size main dancer beloved i miss u ... he was also the only one who could really cook so i hope everyone is eating okay now lol. very CUTE but also like one of the absolute most responsible members
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bang yedam (former): pd bang u will always be famous ... just absolute main slayer vocalist and songwriter, cute curly hair and super handsome. one of the more down to earth energies of the group too
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qiankunslove · 2 years
does anyone here writes park jihoon stuff? 🥹 (not trsr rn, even tho hes my bias)
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zarazmnie-cos · 2 years
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requested? yes, for anon! hihi can you pls make a treasure headcannon abt them eating you out? thank you thank you have a nice day
contains: treasure hyung line x fem!reader (separately); oral (f. receiving); praise and rough moments mentioned; cringe (as always since it's me); lmk if i missed something!
reblogs and feedback are very appreciated <3
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shy at first, turned out to be a pro. will start slow, but he’ll lose his shit in no time; it’s the way your hands hold his hair, and how you moan his name out. kind of anxious in the beginning, cuz the neighbours WILL hear for sure, but now? he’s making sure the neighbours DO hear how good he’s doing you with his mouth only. his pride goes up up UP i say when you cum on his mouth. will praise you for that too. overall: proud but hidden pro.
more under the cut!
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will tease the heck out of you, but when you’ll neglect him, he’ll get whiny. won’t admit it but wants to spend the rest of his life between your legs, not really caring about you getting overstimulated. i mean, he does want you to be safe and all, but with such good pussy??? he’s not letting you go. and when he’s already between your thighs??? he’s at your mercy and he knows it yet still he wants to be the one in control. mission failed, though. overall: you have him wrapped around your finger (or pussy???) and he’s okay with that; might say differently, but in the end he really is okay.
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will make love to your cunt at a painfully slow pace, unintentionally. bcuz he wants to savor everything you’re giving him, it’s not his fault you’re so delicious! both in looks and taste! will kiss on your thighs first (bonus points to him if your thighs are sensitive), and only then he’ll start kissing your entrance. 100% sure he will be so confused when you’d tell him to hurry the fuck up. overall: slow love maker.
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eats like an absolute madman. he practically makes out with your cunt, in the lewdest way possible. will drool, smear everything all over his face, and won’t care about it AT ALL. will groan right into you, tell you how good you taste, tickle you with his heavy breathing. keeps you so close to his face you’re practically choking him, but does he care? aw hell nah. will push you even more closer, cuz ain’t no way this delicious meal will run away from him. would love you to sit on his face, no matter which size you are; he just wants to eat his pretty girl <3 overall: pussydrunk madman.
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your pleasure and well-being come first to him. you’re stressed??? just let him sit between your legs for a while and you’ll feel better. just like yoshi, he takes it slow, but he does that on purpose. mashi wants you to feel special, so expect him at your service when between your thighs. whatever you want him to do - he will! also, while his tongue is stuck between your folds, you tell (or at least you try between the moans) him about everything that’s been bothering you. and he LISTENS TO IT ALL. overall: best boyfriend 10/10 and his mouth work is as good as him in general
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at this point, even he doesn’t know if he’s saying all those ‘i love you’ to you or your pussy; makes love to your cunt, but will lose his shit the moment you cry out his name in pleasure. i bet his fingers would be nails deep into your thighs cuz goddamn you taste so good it’s unbearable. might get a little rough with his tongue, sucking on your clit too much or groaning into you when you’re getting too sensitive, bUT he will apologize the heck of you with kisses! probably is so proud of himself, will smirk at the thought of your cunt clenching around his tongue. overall: sweet but might get rough, sweet in the end though.
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has a whole playlist for eating you out. at first, he was shy and didn’t know how to do it but as a fast learner, he became a pro. with your guidance he now eats you out like you’re a piece of cake (both literally and metaphorically). the noises you make while his tongue is inside you made him even more turned on, especially when you accidentally harmonize with the playlist. will grind against the bed or will help himself with his hand while his face is between your thighs cuz holy shit you’re so hot. overall: fast learner then, pro now with a whole soundtrack for you
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he needs to go to somekind of rehab cuz goddAMN the way you got him addicted to your pussy is just whew. i am pretty sure when he scribbled down his will, he noted you as his last meal. I JUST KNOW THAT. anyway; he needs constant praise and probably will stop if he won’t receive it; will stare up at you with the saddest puppy look, but your brain is pure mush from the feeling, so how tf can you say coherent words, huh? overall: another pussydrunk fella.
| masterlist! | request guidelines! |
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kimuramasaya · 2 years
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TMI Log EP 18 ↳ Jihoon and Yoshi Cam
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milkybonya · 2 years
alone together _ pjh
order 049, anon: large classic milk tea with mango jelly for trsr's Jihoon
#: boyfriend!Jihoon x gender neutral reader, established relationship, kisses, the beach!, about 1k ish maybe less ?
[💌: the beach being across the street reminds me of my trip to gangreung with my friend,, i miss korea so bad will i ever be over her :(]
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after months of dating Jihoon and never getting to spend a single night together, you decided to treat yourselves to a night at a hotel.
when you walk into the hotel room, you find Jihoon already on the bed, marvelling at the room.
"finally, a night with just the two of us together in our own space. y/n! i'm so happyyyyy," he says to himself, kicking his feet around and giggling.
you suddenly feel a wave of emotion, wanting to run up to him and smother him with your love.
you walk up to him and push Jihoon down onto the bed. he laughs, feeling his heart race in his chest. a blush creeps up on his cheeks and his pretty teeth show as he smiles. carefully, you smooth the hair out of his eyes and he leans into your touch.
"w-what are you up to, y/n?" he stutters.
"kisses," you mumble, placing your legs on either side of him and hovering above him as he lays on his back.
you lean in forwards, pressing hard kisses to his forehead, cheeks, the tip of his nose, his lips, his collarbone. each time, your lips make a loud, smacking sound and the boy beneath you giggles.
your hands find his and you interlock fingers as he waves your hands around on the bed, staring into your eyes.
"kiss my lips again, lovely, i dare you," Jihoon mutters in a low tone.
you let your lips meet slowly and let the kiss linger, enjoying the way Jihoon brings a hand to gently rest on the back of your neck so he can slightly deepen the kiss. the way you gasp into his lips makes him smile.
when you pull away, he smiles and then giggles, pinching your cheeks and kissing your nose.
"i love you i love you i love you y/n."
"i love you even more than that, Jihoon."
he pulls you on top of him to hug you, letting you rest your head on his chest as he strokes the back of your head.
"my angel, you are," he says quietly to himself.
you can smell his cologne and just barely hear his heartbeat. his arms feel strong around you and you love how warm he makes you feel. finally getting to comfortably cuddle like this makes you so happy.
"Hoon-ah," you call out.
Jihoon responds with a hum.
"i'm so happy..."
he presses a kiss to your temple, somehow holding you closer.
"as you deserve to be, angel. i'm so glad," he replies.
"what shall we do today? it's only 3pm!" you point out.
"mmmm," Jihoon hums into your hair, your sweet scent making him dizzy so he's unable to focus.
"can we just stay here forever..." he mum
bles, still stroking the back of your head.
"okay," you agree, propping yourself up with your arms on either side of Jihoon's body.
he peers at you from beneath you, wondering what you're doing as you delicate trace his features with the tip of your finger.
his cheekbones, his nose, his eyebrows, his forehead, his jawline, his chin, his lips. he kisses your finger when you touch them, staring into your eyes.
"i wanna go to the beach," you suddenly say.
the sparkle in your eyes is irresistable, and Jihoon soon finds himself holding your hand as you take the hotel elevator down to the lobby, wearing bathing suits under your clothes.
you and Jihoon had purposely gotten a hotel by the water so that you could get some beach time in, so there's no way you'd skip this.
the two of you exit the hotel hand-in-hand and start running to the beach just across the street. the sand hitting your toes makes you squeal and Jihoon laughs, squeezing your hand as you draw closer to the water. you already know Jihoon will tease the hell out of you and nearly push you in, so instead, you run up behind him and push him in first.
Jihoon stumbles in the sand and falls into the water, laughing as he pulls his hair out of his eyes.
"i can't be having this much fun alone, y/n," he says in a deep voice, getting up and walking over to you. he wraps his cool, wet arms around your warm ones and pulls you closer with a smirk. he kisses your nose before throwing you into the water with him, yet making sure he's behind you so he ends up getting wet and you simply fall on top of him.
you slap his chest lightly and whine, telling him to never do that again even though the way his strong arms caught you made you feel butterflies. he kisses your face, now salty from the water and smiles up at you from below. the way the water droplets on your skin and hair reflect the sun's light makes you seem like a mystical sea creature, and Jihoon admired you with a grin until you shyly tell him to stop staring.
"i can stare at the love of my life all i want, thanks," Jihoon says, brushing the hair out of your eyes.
you take hold of his strong forearms, wrapped around your waist, as you lean in to kiss your pretty boyfriend's forehead. he shuts his eyes and enjoys the feeling of your warmth, the sound of the sea and the gentle breeze that makes him shiver.
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akebo5hi · 2 years
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trsrrie · 3 years
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JIKJIN into Treasure-Makers' hearts~ Treasure looking finer than ever in their #ootd
@/official_truz [16Feb2022]
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wooahaes · 10 months
right in front of you
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pairing: non-idol!jihoon [trsr] x gn!reader
genre: fluff. office worker au.
word count: ~1.0k
warnings: oblivious reader.
daisy's notes: the way id get fired for getting distracted too easily w jihoon around tbh
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Jihoon was… Well… Jihoon. The two of you happened to be the youngest of your coworkers, and something about that had turned Park Jihoon from Jihoon, the cute guy at work to Jihoon, partner in crime and lifeline. 
It wasn’t that everyone was rude. You respected your seniors as much as anyone else would, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that some of them were on a power trip at times. Not all of them, thankfully: just one or two members of the staff that liked reminding you that they were in charge, all while treating you like you were some kid they’d found off the street and graciously given this job to (even though you aced the interview with your own skills and your actual manager had never acted this way toward you). Jihoon would text his remarks to you, forcing you to hide smiles whenever you glanced at your phone, or he’d whisper them to you on the elevator ride out of the building, or on those coffee outings that he took you out on when he wasn’t buying you dinner. At some point along the way, your crush on Jihoon went from a surface level thing to something deeper. 
Of course, it probably wasn’t going anywhere. Jihoon was cute and sometimes he flirted with you, but he casually flirted with plenty of people from what you could tell. At least… That’s what it felt like as you stood across the room from him, watching as he charmed a few of your coworkers. He let out a warm laugh, lighting up the room more than the Christmas tree you’d watched Hyunsuk decorate with a few interns. 
“You’re admiring again.”
And of course he had to come up to you, a cup in hand half-filled with fruit punch. Hyunsuk leaned against you, watching as Jihoon dazzled the room. 
“Am not.”
“You’ve been standing here the entire time,” he said. “There’s no shame in it. You should go ahead and ask him out.” 
With a roll of your eyes, you stepped away from him, throwing away your empty paper cup. “Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m going out to get some air.”
Hyunsuk whined at you playfully, but let you go. You escaped out of the office, pressing the button for the elevator as you collected yourself. Maybe you should ask Jihoon out sometime, but… not tonight. Tonight felt far too soon to make your move. Besides.. Did Jihoon even like you like that? He didn’t seem interested in anyone at work…
The elevator doors slid open, and you stepped in. Seconds after you pressed the button for the ground floor, someone rushed onto the elevator, turning around once he was safely inside. The doors slid shut, and you were met with the reflections of yourself and Jihoon in the clean doors.
“I made it,” he said aloud after a moment, teaching up to loosen his tie slightly. He looked at you after a moment, a confident smile on his face. “I thought I’d miss you.”
You blinked at him, brows drawing together. “Huh?”
“I saw you leave,” he said. “I got caught up talking to the interns, but I had hoped the elevator was slow.”
Something about the way he was looking at you with a sense of tenderness in his eyes was enough to make your heart skip a beat. Now you felt silly: Jihoon didn’t look at other people like this. You looked forward again, not hiding your smile as you stepped a little closer to him. 
“Then I guess it’s good that it was.” 
Jihoon’s hand brushed against your own, and you took initiative to take it. “Are you heading home for the holidays?”
“I don’t think so. Are you?”
He nodded. “I’m heading back to Busan,” he said. “My family wanted to see me, and since we have the time off…”
The elevator slowed to a stop, and the doors slid open. The two of you stepped off together, Jihoon’s hand warm in your own. You ran your thumb across the back of his hand, “That sounds fun.”
“You could come with me, you know.” 
“Oh, really?”
He chuckled. “Really. If you don’t want to be alone… Then you can come with me.” He swung your arms a little, smiling. “My family won’t mind.”
As your friend or as your partner? One of those felt a little soon. Then again, you’d already met his family before. His parents came into the city a few weeks ago, and you happened to run into them as he was parting ways with them after a lunch out with them. Jihoon had waved you over and introduced you as a close friend then with this cute smile on his face that honestly reminded you of the one he’s had since the moment he ran onto the elevator and—
Oh my god. Jihoon wasn’t even hiding it. You stopped dead in your tracks, and Jihoon turned to look at you.
“Is something wrong?”
“I’m an idiot.”
Jihoon could only stare at you at first, clearly confused by your confession. “No, you aren’t—”
“No,” you squeezed his hand. “I like you, too.” 
Jihoon relaxed, chuckling to himself. “I know.”
“You knew?!”
“Why do you think I kept asking you out?” 
Holy fuck. How were you so oblivious? Maybe it was because you were too caught up in thinking about your own feelings that you never stopped to consider his. “Jihoon…”
He stepped closer to you, pressing a kiss against your cheek. “There’s a cafe with hot chocolate not far from here,” he said. “I’ll buy you a cup. It’s better than the cheap stuff that Hyunsuk bought.”
You smiled to yourself, averting your gaze. “Okay,” you said softly. “But I’m buying next time.”
Jihoon guided you toward the front doors of the building, his hand securely holding yours. “I’ll hold you to it.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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lelemyson · 3 years
my question is where the fuck is that book in wattpad called "cassette tapes" about the man himself watanabe haruto???? ITS BEEN GONE FOR AGES AND I REALLY NEED TO REREAD BEFORE I LOSE THE MEMORY OF IT EVER EXISTING
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