#trsr jihoon fluff
milkybonya · 2 years
midnight rain ☆ pjh
order 063, anon: large coconut milk tea for trsr Jihoon (song = midnight rain by Taylor Swift)
! : fluffy start, angsty middle and open/hopeful ending?! ft. a breakup :(
# : idol!jihoon x office worker!(gn)reader, inspired by Taylor Swift's song
[💌: anon i'm so sorry for taking so long T_T pls enjoy even though idk how much i can defend the quality!!!]
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dating an idol is everyone's dream, but no one thinks about it being like this: an idol is someone with a dream and goal, already running straight towards that thing... but you just wanted to be loved. the intentions misaligned and that's why things couldn't work out between you and Jihoon.
when you first met him, he was in front of you in the starbucks line. right away, you could tell he was different. he wore heavy, black boots, patterned jeans with chains that jingled every time he moved the slightest amount, his blazer was also uniquely patterned, and his hair had a slightly blue tint to it.
once you both ordered, you stood to the side to wait for your drinks. he looked attractive even while scrolling through his phone, and you wondered how that could be.
so lost in this boy's appearance, you didn't hear your name even when it was called about four times.
"hey, you were after me in line, right? is that your drink? they're calling your name," the boy told you.
"huh? oh.. yeah," was all you could mumble as you staggered forwards.
but before you knew it, he had picked up the drink for you and was holding it out.
"are you okay?" he asked as you stared at his fingers holding your cup. the silver rings twinkled under the ceiling lights.
"yeah," you said again, taking the drink while squinting at the name written on his own cup.
"well, have a good day, then!" Jihoon told you with a smile so gorgeous that even his eyes were part of it.
as you turned to leave, you didn't notice that your wallet fell. you opened the café's door and stepped out while Jihoon eyed the wallet, then your back.
sucking in a breath through his teeth, he picked up your wallet and chased after you.
you had moved so far in such a short amount of time that he was panting when he reached you, a small drop of sweat sliding down his smooth face.
"y/n, you dropped this!" he said while holding out your wallet.
"oh! thank you..." you replied, taking the wallet with both hands.
the tips of Jihoon's ears were red as he said, in a low voice, "well now that i've ran into you for a second time.. can i ask for your number?"
you were shocked that someone this gorgeous would be asking you for your number first, but who were you to say no?!
you switched numbers and just a few hours later, Jihoon was already asking when you'd be free to meet again. he claimed it was destiny that you dropped your wallet, and he couldn't let you slip away.
so, you met up on a friday evening after your long workday. Jihoon listened to you as you complained about work at the office, and he also began to reveal to you that he was an idol.
"can idols.. date?" you asked, worried.
"no.. i mean, i can't right now. so i wanted to tell you, in case you don't want to move forward with this secret relationship."
his painted nails wrapped around the coffee mug in front of him, bringing it to his lips.
"well, Jihoon. you can't just make me fall for you and tell me not to stay," you said with a smile.
and that's how your relationship started.
it was built and upheld by fleeting nights spent chasing after each other in the dark, running to his dorm and him running to your office when you worked late. he'd drop off food and you'd go to his dorm to place kisses all over his soft face. some nights, he'd stay at your place, holding you close and singing you to sleep.
you both formed the most precious, perfect relationship. even if it was all in secret, you were so, completely, and utterly satisfied. content. in love.
but Jihoon started to feel suffocated. he noticed how comfy and safe you were in his presence. he listened as you shared your plans for the future to marry him and have kids with him. he listened and realized.. he didn't want that. what he envisioned when he saw the future was him, treasure, the 12 treasure boys succeeding and making it big. he didn't exactly see himself settled in a house with kids, but he saw himself on stage winning awards.
that's when you started noticing him getting distant. he'd reply to you late and wasn't always there at the dorms or the yg building when you went to see him. when you did get to see him, he was quiet and on his phone. his skin, lips, touch, and hugs felt cold. he felt like a ghost, a skeleton of Jihoon and not the actual Jihoon.
when you were going to confront him about it, he beat you to it. the two of you were sat in the same starbucks that you met, awkwardly holding your half-empty cups as you each waited for the other to speak.
"y/n... i have something to tell you," Jihoon said, softly. his voice sounded warm for the first time in a while.
"i love you a lot, i really do.. but i don't think i see us going any further," he said.
tears were already threatening to leave your precious eyes.
"you want to get married and settle down, but... right now, i just want to be a successful idol. that's all i see for myself right now," Jihoon explained.
you hummed along to his words, looking down and rubbing your thumb along the rim of your starbucks cup.
"how do you feel... about this?" he asked, his voice shaky as he tried to be careful with his words.
"i think i get it, Jihoon. i noticed you were withdrawing yourself from me... it's gonna be really hard but let's end this if that's how you feel," you said, lips wobbling.
unable to look at your now ex any longer, you stood up and left, just like that. and that was the last time you saw Jihoon in-person. it was also the last time you entered that starbucks, since it was the place you both met and lost the most important lover in your life.
Jihoon and the treasure boys did well after you and Jihoon ended things. you always told yourself that maybe it was thanks to the breakup, trying to find ways to console yourself that your tragic end was meant to be. yet you, on the other hand, were still at your 9-5 office job.
you followed treasure an unhealthy amount online, tracking their comebacks and interviews, promotions and schedules. it wasn't even to see Jihoon... or maybe it was, but it was to see how the treasure boys were doing.
on one interview, the boys were asked to talk about the people/things they 'treasure' the most. while many of the boys answered 'teume' and Hyunsuk mentioned his grillz, Jihoon said, "there is someone i'm thinking about right now and i just want to tell them that we'll meet again whenever they decide to step out of their comfort zone and start living the life they want."
your heart beat quickly hearing those words, knowing immediately that they were for you. also, Jihoon was just right. after years of working at the office, trying to convince yourself that this stable life was what you wanted, you started to feel empty inside. really, you wanted to explore your options, discover the world and yourself.
whether it was because of Jihoon's words or your own change of heart, you decided to quit your job. soon after, your most important ex-lover found his way into your life again.
the day you quit your job, you decided to go back into the starbucks where you met Jihoon, even after swearing to never go back there again. and there he was, speak of the devil.
clad in the most simple clothes ever this time, Jihoon waited in line for his order to be taken. and this time, you'd be the one to take action first. you wouldn't wait for him to hand you your drink or chase aftee you with your dropped wallet, but you would take charge of your own destiny.
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doiefics · 1 year
don't fall for the homeboy!
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pairing: jihoon x afab!reader
prologue: jihoon was sure he wasn’t the type to catch feelings for his friend, but what happens when he is suddenly struck by the reality?
genre: fluff + friends to lovers
wordcount: 750
warnings: none
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"Ding Dong!” your doorbell greeted you.
You went to answer, thinking who could it be at this hour? Certainly not your parents, who just left ten minutes ago.
“Hey, Y/N! Your mom sent me to look after you, now step aside and let me in.” It was Jihoon, your childhood friend.
Together, him and you went through everything. Including from being conceived and born around the same time to going to school. He became an inseparable part of your life.
It was not like you did not want Jihoon around.
You had been seeing him since you were born. You bitched about the people you hated together and were each other’s emotional support.
Many assumed the two of you were dating, but that was not the case.
By now, Jihoon had already seated himself in your living room. Of course, your mother did not assign him the babysitting, but he was her favourite anyway, naturally, he was like a family member.
“Stop standing like a sims character over there, and yes, don’t end up creating any more trouble,” Jihoon tried you boss you around.
“Park Jihoon, I am old enough. And you are just thirty-seven days older than me, for your weekly reminder.” You were quick to defend yourself.
“The last time you were allowed to be home alone, you let a stray cat enter the house and scrape away your mom’s favourite curtains.” Of course, he could not let you win this.
“Alright, Mr. Babysitter,” you surrendered.
“That’s my good girl. I need you to behave well for me now.” Jihoon blurted out without realizing what he had just said.
This habit had caused him trouble in the past. Luckily, this time, it was just you. Taking advantage of the situation, you decided to tease him further.
“Woah! Is this the beginning of a porn movie? What should we name it? Babysitter takes care of his little girl home alone?” followed by your roar of laughter.
To you there was no greater joy than seeing his agitated and irritated face.
"You’ve got such a filthy brain, where do you learn these things from?” Jihoon admonished you playfully as a shade of pink now adorned his cheeks.
A movie watching date was soon planned.
The lead couple was just slowly falling in love, offering cheesy compliments to each other and making unrealistic promises.
Best friends falling in love was a crummy genre for sure.
“Ahh, why do they always romanticize it?" The boy spoke.
"Who on earth falls for their friend like this?" He spoke again.
"Aghh, this is just ridiculous. Y/N how about we better watch-” Jihoon had started his timely rants again.
You were so used to it by know. He ranted about everything from overcooked meat to missed buses. Sometimes you really pondered what he was made up of.
“Men named Park Jihoon do. They do fall”. You answered his unasked question.
His mouth hung open, as if you had stolen his lunch money.
The jaw dropped. You wished you could capture this face to tease him about it later.
Despite his refusal to acknowledge it, Jihoon had some feelings for you. Well, you certainly did. He was decently attractive nd coming to think of it, who else could you even date?
"Stop reading those romance novels of yours." He did not even finish his sentence, but you had another response ready, yet again.
“Hoon, admit it.”
Jihoon shook his head at that statement. “No way, I could kiss you right now to prove I don’t feel anything about you.”
His eyes met with yours next and you nodded, granting him the permission.
Jihoon leaped closer.
Tucking your hair to the back of your ear, lifting your chin to meet his face. His hands were shaking. His nervousness was unprecedented.
Pitying your poor friend, you took matters in your hands and smashed your lips onto his.
He immediately responded back. Holding you by the waist now. His and your lips moved in a perfect sync, as though they were meant to be.
This felt like euphoria to you. You held his muscular arms for a better grip. It seemed as if you had been hungry for this since forever.
After what seemed like a good few minutes, you pulled out.
Jihoon’s gaze changed.
He wanted more, and so did you. Quickly after catching your breath, your lips retuned to where they were need the most.
Men named Park Jihoon did, after all, fall for their best friend.
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masterlist please refrain from plagiarising, translating or posting outside of this platform
have a request? prompt fic game is OPEN!
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wooahaes · 1 year
i want to be with you more (like the sun sets and rises again)
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pairing: non-idol!jihoon [trsr] x fem!reader
genre: fluff!
word count: 0.6k~
warnings: food mention, one suggestive reference, mentions of a migraine + taking medicine for it. abrupt ending, probably, bc writer doesn’t know what she wants.
daisy’s notes: i forgot i wanted to go see a movie like. weeks ago. movie theater popcorn i miss u...
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Jihoon could hear you sneezing the moment he came into your apartment. Honestly, even though he already had plans to spend your birthday with you, knowing that you were sick only made him want to stay there more.
The plan had been that the two of you were going to catch a movie together that you’d been wanting to see for a while. You’d sneak candy in through your purse, he’d pay for the popcorn because he’s a gentleman who won’t let the birthday girl (who’s, y’know, smuggling candy in) spend extra money for their date, and he’d maybe try to steal a few (or more than a few) kisses from you throughout the movie. Except you woke up this morning with a migraine and your allergies kicking your ass, so the two of you ended up missing the showtimes so that you could rest up. He’d listened to you make a couple phone calls throughout the day to family, and decided maybe he’d just surprise you himself.
So when you decided you’d take a nap while you waited for medicine to kick in (in hopes that it’d help get rid of the migraine once and for all), he ran to the store. He found microwave popcorn (your preferred brand, because it was deliciously buttery), a couple of drinks for the two of you to share, and whatever boxes of candy that he knew both of you loved... but mainly the ones you preferred, because it was still your day.
With his return to your apartment to find you still resting, he knew what his second move would need to be. He’d leave the popcorn until he knew that you were feeling better, but in the event that you were, everything needed to be cozier. So he texted Hyunsuk to ask if a blanket fort would be feasible (who immediately complained about how he texted him before anyone else... before giving out the information he wanted), and got to work.
He perked up when he heard your voice, sitting up from his spot on the floor where he was spreading out another blanket (thank you for your love of blankets, by the way--it truly helped Jihoon make everything a thousand times cozier) to see you standing nearby.
“What are you doing?”
He ignored your question in favor of checking on you first. “Do you feel better?” He stood up, hands reaching for your own. “Does your head still hurt?”
“No, but...” I asked you a question, he knew you were going to say.
“Since we couldn’t go out,” he took a tiny step back, pulling you with him. “I made things look nice. I know it isn’t the same because we can’t see the movie you wanted, but... I have a few accounts--” Not all owned by him, since Hyunsuk was the one with the Disney+ account so he could watch marvel movies. “--And I thought we could have our own movie date here...” He paused, squeezing your hands a little. “Happy birthday?”
You felt sheepish, heat rushing to your face at how casual he was about all of it. As if throwing things together because your girlfriend had a migraine was the completely normal course of actions. “What if my head still hurt?”
“I’d take it down and we could do it later,” he shrugged. “Its your birthday. Even though we missed the movie, we can still have fun here.” While still holding your hands, he gently pulled you down onto the floor with him as he knelt down. “In more ways than one...”
You let go of his hand in favor of gently smacking his arm. “You dork,” you said. “Maybe later.”
He laughed, leaning in to give you a quick peck. “You wait here,” he said as he hopped back up, before pushing the bag of candy toward you. “I’ll go make our popcorn.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao​
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seung-scrittore · 2 years
treasure’s reaction to your henna design ! — hyung line
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genre; fluff, a little comedy || warnings; kisses, SMALL FONT !!, some teasing, they’re all really cheesy || wc; 1.7k
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wanting to touch the ink - jihoon
it was early into the evening when you had finished intricately decorating your left arm with flowers and miniature patterns. the ink extended until your fingertips, where the chocolate coloured henna contrasted the supple skin of your palm. calling out for your boyfriend, jihoon, to see the gorgeous pattern which was slowly staining your skin. he'd seen your henna designs many times, though you'd never quite done such an intricate design. in truth, it had taken you most of your morning to etch the ink onto your shoulder and down to your forearm, with added difficulty when trying to duplicate each pattern onto all of your fingertips. once he emerged from the doorway, he saw your figure, basked in the golden sunlight that filtered through the window of the small room, and the way in which the delicate henna glistened across your skin told him that it hadn't quite finished drying. he extended his forearm, in a manner that expressed he meant to reach out for your still-drying shoulder. you quickly shuffled away from his hold, extending your right hand toward him with your palm facing outward. "hold it right there, hoon." you continued despite the pout that now adorned his features, "you know as well as i do that you're not allowed near me until this dries." his pout deepened in response, if you weren't dead set on keeping him away from you, you'd have probably broke out in laughter at his almost comical expression. "don't you remember what happened last time you were near me while my henna was drying? 'cuz i do. and it sure as hell wasn't pleasant." crossing his arms in front of his chest, he stared at you with contempt, "hey, that was one time! i'm responsible, y'know." his brows furrowed and his eyes slanted in mock indignation. he stepped closer to your frame, grabbing your right hand and clasping his fingers around yours before raising it above your head, taking a step back until your waist was trapped against the windowsill. you seemed ethereal against the golden light, your skin seemingly kissed by each ray of sunlight. he planted a brief kiss on your lips before diving back in for another, his right hand coming up to your frame out of instinct, where he accidentally brushed against the wet ink. his thumb smearing the corner of one of the beautifully crafted flowers at the top of your shoulder. he pulled away from the kiss at the contact, grimace adorning his face at the slight smudge against your skin. your eyes still shut, you tilted your head down, "jihoon, if you just did what i think you did, you have five seconds to run." "but wouldn't that just smudge it more?" "jihoon!"
hugging you // asking you how you did it - hyunsuk
"hyunsuk! c'mere!" you shouted from the bedroom that the both of you shared. you were basked in a pale moonlight, the open window in the back corner of the room sporting a full view of the waning moon. your skin seemingly glowing, showcasing the newly drawn henna along your palm. the ink-stained towel that you'd used to clean up the edges of your design now lay discarded atop your desk with the rest of your henna ink and pens. the clutter only adding to the mess that was your workspace. small ceramic bowls decorated the edges, filled with paperclips, bottle caps, thumbtacks, and other small doodads you'd kept or deemed useful. "hyunsuk!" you shouted once more, hoping for his sake that he wasn't ignoring you. just as you were about to storm out of your room to find him, a sleepy looking hyunsuk appeared in your doorway, causing you to immediately put your henna-clad hand behind your back. suffering from a bad case of bed-head, hyunsuk leaned his palm against the frame of the door to balance himself as he fought off his urge to sleep. lidded eyes looking up at you from the downwardly tilted position of his head, muttering something near unintelligible. "what? 'sukkie, you look like you just died and came back." in truth, you loved how he looked when he was tired. the weary look in his eyes and his slow blinking matched the small pout he unconsciously sported. drowsily making his way through the bedroom and over to you, hyunsuk nearly bumped into your desk. taking a look at the discarded rag, he'd realized that's why you'd called him over. before he could ask, you confirmed the suspicion by revealing your hand and palm to him. "oh, it's beautiful. just like you." shifting his gaze from the intricate art on your hand, “you should show me how you do that.” he looked into your eyes and blindly moved his hand to hold your waist. "you're a dork," you scoffed, tucking a strand of hyunsuk's hair behind his ear as he leaned his head against your shoulder, "hm… but i’m your dork." you noticed hyunsuk's breathing slow and his head get heavier against you as you smiled at the slumped-over dork. maybe he was a bit of a mess, but he was your mess and that was all that mattered to you. “i love you, you dork.”
you find them doing research on henna - yoshi
it was nearly two in the morning when you stumbled over a sleeping yoshinori. he'd fallen asleep at his desk as he so often did when he got overly excited about researching one topic or the other. his computer light illuminated the wisps of his hair as you cautiously stepped toward the sleeping boy, you noticed his notebook had clean, perfect handwriting which transformed into scribbled-down notes and later into indecipherable shapes on lined paper. skimming over the notes as best you could without disturbing the boy whose face was pressed against the reams of the notebook cover. when yoshi tried to learn something, he certainly gave it his all. you knew that already. though, most often he would share what he was learning with you since you'd always loved the way his eyes lit up when he talked about something he was excited about, this was not one of those times. he'd kept his research to himself and his journal. as you looked over his scribbled notes, you realized he was researching henna. you weren’t aware yoshi had any interest in it, but his notes were thorough, thought out, and he even included little scribbles of flowers. one of the drawn designs looked oddly similar. looking down at your henna covered arm, you immediately recognized the flower patterns you had raved about to him. it’d taken you a while to perfect them, and you were quite proud of the design you’d crafted. and so, you were more than excited to show yoshinori. carefully, you pulled a woven acrylic blanket over a shivering yoshi. he stirred slightly, looking confused as he rose from his hunched over position at his desk. “hm?” you giggled to yourself, watching his eyebrows furrow. “nothing, love. come to bed and get some proper rest, yeah?” he shuffled, rubbing his eyes and stretching before going rigid and closing his notebook, as if he’d been caught in the act of something illegal. “i, hm. i didn’t mean to fall asleep.” you decided he looked too cute to not tease; “who would mean to fall asleep when doing all that research? must’ve been interesting.” you smiled as he looked up at you, “it was.” “what did you research?” you asked as you grabbed his arm, coaxing him toward your shared room. “henna. mmh, i wanted to learn about henna for you.” he muttered, one hand over his eye in an effort to lazily wake himself up. “for me?” you inquired. “mhm,” yoshi prodded at the henna drawn on your arm, “it’s pretty, you’re pretty.”
taking photos - junkyu
you were sat at a table overlooking your backyard, where your boyfriend kneeled, taking photos of the flowery hedges which formed a lush border around the carpet of grass that was slightly overdue for a trim. there, you dragged the pen which held your henna ink along your skin, etching spirals along the blank canvas that was your thighs. you'd been lucky, the weather was finally at a bearable temperature for you to wear shorts, though not warm enough for you to feel burdened outside in the sunlight. the hem of your shorts was pulled up to your waist in an attempt to not stain the worn polyester. as you carefully dragged the cold liquid across your skin, a glare of light silhouetted your actions, shortly followed by a faint shuttering. once you'd turned your head to look for the reason which your vision had been overcome with a bright light, you were met - face to face - with the culprit, camera in-hand. junkyu, softly smiling at you from behind the dark frame of the lens. "sorry," he timidly muttered, hand coming up to the back of his neck in what you presumed was embarrassment, "you just looked too beautiful." to say you were speechless at his brazen compliment would be an understatement. your mouth agape, you stared at the soft-spoken boy in front of you. pen still in hand, you froze. your pinky slightly extended outwards from the overhand grip you currently had on your henna pen and your wrist tilted awkwardly above the unfinished texture so as to not let the dark liquid smudge nor come into contact with the blank flesh of your arm. "i looked too... what?" "beautiful." your mouth now clamped shut, lips forming a straight line as you stared into his chestnut eyes. still slightly embarrassed, his lips tugged upward in a shy smile. quickly grasping the black, boxed camera, the black strap which connected each side of the old fashioned camera moved from its formerly stagnant position around his neck, junkyu once again positioned the camera to face you. thumb resting on the underside of the lens, supporting the weight of the camera whilst his index finger hovered above a hard, recently-used button. click. the familiar, harsh shutter was heard again as a sudden bang of light crept upon your vision, the vivid light staining your surroundings for a moment before dying down. "sorry, just... had to capture that expression."
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leo’s notes [🦔] … sorry it took forever to release !! i started working on it a while back and it got lost in the sauce… anw, enjoy !! ty anon for requesting this n thank you @alohajun for beta reading !! your compliments meant the world <3
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tagging: @kflixnet , @kdiarynet , @kwritersworld , @yogurteume , @shysakuno , @sunoo-bby , @tbzloonar , @yedammi , @noramoons , @lluvnhwa , @septabuspass
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mashimarshmello · 2 years
3:16 PM
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pairings: shy!jihoon x gn!reader
warnings: highschool!au, lowercase intended, fluff, jihoon is shy obviously, jihoon wears a mask
word count: 1.77k
a/n: i don’t think i have ever seen a shy jihoon fluff. this type of fic has been on my mind and i think this is perfect for jihoon and to see him in a different light haha. also there’s no specific location but masks aren’t mandatory in your area
"alright class, can i have everyone's attention?" the homeroom teacher talks over the students as they slowly got quiet. you were sitting alone at your desk with you with your backpack in the other seat on your left.
you weren't really the type to 'keep friends' per se since all they cared about was popularity, yet you had many acquaintances who were fond of you. no one really peaked your interest until you look up to see a unfamiliar boy standing in front of the classroom.
"alright class, this is a new student and your new classmate, park jihoon.." she looks at the boy. you can't tell if he's nervous because of the mask covering his face.
"oh right, sorry...hello, it's nice to meet you, i'm jihoon." he greets and waves trying his best to keep his composure.
"now you may be seated. take the one back there by the window beside y/n." the teacher's hand turns to your direction. he mumbles a thank you and makes his way to the desk. you move your backpack to the floor as you realize he's headed your way and the teacher starts her class.
he sits down next you and you notice by the way he sits, he has great posture. you prop your head up with your hand and your elbow on the desk. you thought you were eyeing him discreetly but the boy turns to you as he felt like someone was looking at him. you keep your eyes on him making him more nervous.
"hi." he speaks softly as your eyes are still on him. you give him a smile that only lasted a second before you ask him a question. "you know wearing masks isn't mandatory anymore, right?" you raise an eyebrow at the nervous boy.
"yes, i'm just used to wearing it now." his voice shakes. you were about to ask him if he was okay but you look up as the teacher interrupted.
"jihoon, has anyone showed you around the school yet?" you look back at him and he shook his head.
"that's okay. after the bell, do you mind showing him around?" she looks at you hoping you'll be nice and do it since you're caught up with the class.
"yes ma'am." you answered making the teacher happy. the class goes along quickly and smoothly until the bell rings. you pack up your stuff and wait for your seatmate to get his stuff together.
"you ready?" you ask nicely. he hums as you two walk out of homeroom. you show him the principles office, the gym, the cafeteria, and all the classes you both have together. the walk was quiet, he didn't really have any questions either. jihoon was all eyes and ears as you walk him through the building. you finally ended the walk off outside showing him the different hangouts and locations.
"and that wraps up the tour. do you have any questions at all?" you turn to him. he looks at the bench that's across from you guys. the weather was actually quite nice and the subtle breeze was great, too.
"is it okay if i sit down?" he points to the bench as he walks closer to it. "yeah, go ahead." he sits down, and you sit down next to him. all he's doing is admiring the setting in front of him and his quietness suddenly intrigues you.
"jihoon?" you grab his attention. "why did you transfer here, if you don't mind me asking." the boy might've not been the one to talk, but his eyes were kind. he actually had pretty eyes now that you see them in broad daylight.
"i wanted to start over. the people at my school weren’t the nicest in the world and they didn't make me feel comfortable. i talked to my parents about it and they let me come here. sorry if i seem nervous." he says quietly, making you smile a little bit.
"the people here are more cliquey than anything. everyone seems nice and all but i don't really talk to anyone like that. i'm sure you'll be fine." you reassure him, hoping to calm some of his nerves.
"thank you." he smiles, but only see his smiling eyes as the mask covers the rest of his face.
"you're different from everyone else. do you think fate brought us together?" you joke with him, making him laugh. a faint blush appears on his face but you can't see it.
"we should head back. our next class starts in a couple minutes." you get up and walk back as jihoon trails behind you. you're curious to know more about him as you keep asking him questions.
“what are some of your favorite things to do?”
"i like listening to music and...reading."
"you like to read, huh?"
"sometimes." he pauses. "it keeps me occupied."
you stop in front of the doors before entering. jihoon looks at you with his big eyes stopping right beside you. "do you wanna come with me to the library after school?"
"the library? w-with me?" he stuttered. you laugh at his puzzled reaction before nodding your head. for a second he thought he was dreaming. he actually had someone to hang out with on the first day? he stood there in shock until you finally open the front door telling him to come in.
that evening in the library was definitely a one to remember. you two both talked about your childhood, your hobbies, your favorite foods and favorite songs. halfway through, he seemed more comfortable around you. he actually told you he liked dancing and doesn't read that often, he was just too shy to admit it. you two both decided to stay in contact more and y'all both exchanged phone numbers. you and jihoon befriend each other without fully seeing his face, but at the time you didn't care.
it's been about a month now and wherever you were, he was there, too. even your classmates noticed. you two would help each other with homework in the library and eat lunch together outside where no one could bother you guys. you two actually became pretty close in the past few weeks. you learned that he was actually pretty fun to be around. he would always make you laugh no matter the circumstance and you can't help but think you might've caught feelings for him.
one day, you and jihoon were in the library helping each other out on assignments. you've only been in there for 30 minutes but you were getting bored. jihoon noticed and slid his assignment to the side.
"you wanna take a break?" he asked you. your face lit up and you put your pencil down immediately facing jihoon. he chuckled at your actions.
whenever he laughed, you always wondered what he looked like under his mask. everyday you see him he would always wear that black mask.
"i've actually wanted to ask you something." you ask him.
"can i ask you something first?" he fiddles with his thumbs seeming nervous, you haven't seen him nervous like this since you two first met. you give him your permission to continue.
"i hope this doesn't sound too forward but do you want to go to the movies this saturday?" he hesitates. "i'll understand if you don't want to!" he slightly panics after you leave him in suspense. you wasn't sure if he was asking friend wise or dating wise but his panicking made it clear.
"i'll go." you answer, his eyes widen as a grin grows on his face.
"but can i see what you look like under your mask?" you ask. “i don’t want you to think i’m pressuring you, i’m just curious.” he looks away and your uncertain how he's feeling about your proposal.
"no, it’s okay. i was wondering how long it would take until you asked me." he looks back at you. "i'm actually kinda scared to take it off." he laughs nervously. you put your hand on his shoulder. "you have nothing to worry about, jihoon. it's just me."
he looks around and see that nobody is around you two. he puts his hand behind ears preparing to take off mask. "promise you won't laugh?" he gives you a scared look. you're wondering if anyone has ever teased him about his looks at his old school. you grab his hand that's placed on his knee and squeeze it gently.
"i promise." you reassure him once more. he nods his head and finally reveals his full face.
you were shocked, but not in a bad way at all. you examine his features, noticing his cutely shaped nose and his semi-high risen cheekbones. you also see his pretty plump lips and his nice curved jaw that matches him perfectly. he looked so beautiful and handsome at the same time, you were lowkey starstruck.
all jihoon sees is your mouth slightly open and your eyes wandering all over his face. he doesn't know what you're thinking and covers his face with his hand. "no no, don't cover your face!" you put his hand down uncovering it again. he starts blushing and this is your first time seeing him blush.
you smile and hold his face gently. "you never told me you were this good looking, jihoon."
he chuckles and bites down on his lips feeling embarrassed, looking in another direction to collect himself but you don't let him. you turn his head back to you and you lean in closer towards his face. you halt as you see that he's clearly red in the face.
"is it okay if i kiss you?" you look into his eyes. he takes a deep breath and nods. you lean in and you two share your first kiss with each other. he relaxes into the kiss as you feel his plush lips against yours and pull him in closer. the moment was sweet until you break the kiss pulling away to see him.
he smiles at you, and you see his two perfect rows of of pearly whites while he's giddy.
"your smile is really cute, too." he shys away blushing once more. that homework break was very much worth it he thought to himself.
"should we get back to work?" you laugh knowing that he was still in is head reminiscing the moment that happened ten seconds ago.
"no, not really." he laughs with you. "we can finish this later. i just want to hang with you." he added. you held his hand and start talking to him, admiring him once again.
maybe fate did bring you guys together.
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asahicore · 2 years
trsr & enha :: their favorite forms of skinship !
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pairing. ot7 enhypen x reader + ot 12 treasure x reader genre/warnings. just fluff after fluff after fluff... the part for heeseung/jihoon/yedam might be slightly suggestive but not even that much, not really proofread word count. 1.5k a/n. another reaction/headcannon type post!! i don't know why but i love writing these, they're just really fun and quick to do. if there's one you'd like to see from me feel free to ask! also i just love my 19 boys lmao so i wanted to include all of them at once, pls lmk what u think of this!!!
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一 cuddling ; junkyu, jungwon, junghwan
simple explanation for junkyu: he’s lazy and wants to stay in bed, but he also loves you so much that he wants to be as close to you as he can. he’s got that i-want-to-crawl-into-your-skin-but-that’s-not-physically-possible-so-i’ll-settle-for-the-next-best-thing kinda vibe, y’know? so get ready for cuddle sessions that last so long that at some point you forget where your body ends and his begins. jungwon and junghwan, on the other hand, like the possibilities that cuddling brings: they have access to your hair, your face, your back, just whatever they want, basically. they like sleepy conversations about anything and everything and the fact that they can speak really quietly because of how close they are to you. it just makes them really warm inside! 
一 playing with their hair ; jake, ni-ki, doyoung, yoshi
puppy line! jake was a no-brainer for this one. he really likes cuddling up to you when napping or watching a movie, and your hand finds its way up to his head and just play with his hair or scratch his head. he loves it far too much and it puts him to sleep like nothing else, but the problem is that he would get so used to it he would start practically pushing his head onto your hand so you’d start doing it… but how could you say no? i can also see something like this calming ni-ki down. if he’s super energetic and running around the room, just thread your hand through his hair and he’ll calm down in one second, it’s just that therapeutic to him. i think he’d also like it if you literally played with his hair, as in if you gave him stupid hair-dos and put a bunch of ribbons in there, he’d just find it funny and it’d also be a good opportunity for him to just stare at your face and without it being creepy. i had a somewhat harder time finding a category for doyoung and yoshi, because they both absolutely love any and every sort of skinship, but i think they fit here. if they really had to choose one form of physical touch, they’d choose this one. they love it especially while cuddling - their head resting in the crook of your neck and you giving them head scratches, maybe telling them about your day or whispering sweet nothings while they drift off to sleep. heaven.
puppy line! jake was a no-brainer for this one. he really likes cuddling up to you when napping or watching a movie, and your hand finds its way up to his head and just play with his hair or scratch his head. he loves it far too much and it puts him to sleep like nothing else, but the problem is that he would get so used to it he would start practically pushing his head onto your hand so you’d start doing it… but how could you say no? i can also see something like this calming ni-ki down. if he’s super energetic and running around the room, just thread your hand through his hair and he’ll calm down in one second, it’s just that therapeutic to him. i think he’d also like it if you literally played with his hair, as in if you gave him stupid hair-dos and put a bunch of ribbons in there, he’d just find it funny and it’d also be a good opportunity for him to just stare at your face and without it being creepy. i had a somewhat harder time finding a category for doyoung and yoshi, because they both absolutely love any and every sort of skinship, but i think they fit here. if they really had to choose one form of physical touch, they’d choose this one. they love it especially while cuddling - their head resting in the crook of your neck and you giving them head scratches, maybe telling them about your day or whispering sweet nothings while they drift off to sleep. heaven.
一 holding hands ; sunoo, jeongwoo
ok, these two are for pretty different reasons. i’ve seen this on enhablr, there seems to be a general consensus that sunoo is somewhat the least physically affectionate of the group - not that he doesn’t like it, but he just expresses his love for you differently. if physical touch was really important to you, he’d of course make an effort, but the only thing that really comes naturally to him is holding your hand. whether you’re walking or sitting, maybe watching a movie or just talking, if you don’t need to use them, his hand finds yours as if by instinct. i think he’d also really like it if you wrapped your hands around his upper arm while you walked, i don’t know why but i can just see it. jeongwoo also really loves holding hands, but i see it more as a too-shy-to-do-anything-else thing (i’m really pushing my shy jeongwoo agenda here). he’s just got this vibe of being super loud and obnoxious around his friends and then super shy and blushy and quiet around the person he likes, namely, you. at first, he can barely look you in the eyes, so when he takes your hand in his for the first time, it’s really a step up. even when he starts getting comfortable around you and showing his completely insane side, the habit stays, so you often find your fingers interlocked with his. he’d die inside if you pressed a kiss to the back of his hand, by the way.
一 peppering their face with kisses ; hyunsuk, jaehyuk, haruto
these three LOVE to be babied, i don’t make the rules. they’re so adorable that i feel like whoever dates them would get cute aggression all the time. it may not be as obvious for haruto than for hyunsuk and jaehyuk, but i just know he lets out his cuter side around his s/o, especially if they’re older. he wouldn’t go full on aegyo or anything, he’s not that crazy, but would definitely act sweeter if he knew it would get him affection. if you started kissing him all over his face, he’d pretend he hated it and tell you to stop with a huge smile on his face, so you’d just keep going. i think it’d make him laugh a lot and he’d (not so) secretly love it. hyunsuk and jaehyuk though? they have no shame. baby talk, pouting, whining, they do it all. they’re practically begging for attention even at their grown age, and the more in-their-face the skinship is, the more they like it, so they would absolutely die for something like this. i can also see them loving this in the morning, like if you woke them up like this… can you imagine the sleepy smiles and giggles… i’m gonna go cry in a corner now.
一 back scratches / massages ; jay, mashiho
these two radiate the strongest husband energy from their respective groups and i will die on this hill. not only do they do the cooking and the cleaning, they also check up on you through regular texts, smother you with affection and know exactly what you need and when you need it. the perfect men if those even existed, basically. they’re just always, always taking care of you. they think so much about your well-being that they sometimes forget their own, so when you offer to scratch their back to help them fall asleep or even a full-on back massage, especially if they’ve had a long day, they may burst into tears. or ask you to marry them right then and there. or both. you would probably have to fight jay to stop him from giving you one in return, though. i think mashiho is less mental than that, so he’d just gladly accept it and lay there, smiling contentedly. 
一 lazy make-outs ; heeseung, jihoon, yedam
absolute menaces, the three of them. making out is like, their favorite way to hang out. they just can’t help themselves - if you’re around, they’re gonna want to have their lips on yours. and the setting is always so obvious, like a dimly-lit room with chill music playing in the background and a conveniently comfortable bed or couch nearby. yedam would invite you over to his studio, pretending he wanted you around while he worked on his music but actually just wanting to be able to kiss you. heeseung would use that movie you’d talked about as an excuse - the laptop would be discarded in ten minutes, but you wouldn’t complain anyway. to be honest, jihoon wouldn’t even try to come up with an excuse. this man will fuckboy-text you ‘u up?’ months into your relationship and show up at your house at random times of the day and night just cause he wants to make out. i wrote ‘lazy make-outs’ because they all give that chill vibe, cuddling or sitting on his lap, their hands resting on your lower back and your own in their hair or something like that. it could last for hours (with water breaks), they like it that much. they also like the moments when you take pauses and chat for a little bit, then get back to business. it’s all very chill but intimate, and they love the feel of you close to them.
一 literally anything but they’d rather die than tell you that ; asahi, sunghoon my two biases… either i have a type or i am projecting onto these men, we’ll never know! you could do anything to these two, as long as you’re not in public, they’d be completely fine with it. hold their hand, touch their hair, kiss their cheek, spank their butt, punch them in the face, if you’re touching them, they’re happy. they just like knowing that you’re being clingy and trying to get their attention. but they will never, ever tell you that. asahi, because he’s just shy like that and although he loves any crumb of affection from you, he neither knows how to tell you that nor how to reciprocate it. he’s trying, though. a kiss on your forehead from him is like a confession of his undying love for you, and if he back-hugs you, in his mind, you’re practically married. sunghoon, however… is a menace. you being clingy inflates his ego, and he will never not tease you about how much you love him and how needy you’re being, when in reality, if you spend ten minutes without kissing or touching him, he’s scared you’ve already moved on to someone else. sometimes you’ll get tired of his shit and want to ignore him for a little while. don’t do that, you’ll kill him. or worse - you’ll make him initiate the skinship, and the few times it’s happened, he almost didn’t survive it. he’s actually just a little shy, so you learn to put up with him. asahi and sunghoon are so cute anyway that you can look over things like that <3
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permanent taglist: @ozymandia-s @bbujiikseu @sd211 @lalalalawon
© asahicore on tumblr, 2023. please do not repost, plagiarize or translate my works. reblogs and feedback are always appreciated!
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trsrina · 2 years
hiii!! i love ur blog is so pretty ~ can i request angst w a mix of fluff for jihoon from trsr ? thank you in advance <3
ofc!! thank you so much 😭😭
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MIDNIGHT Treasure Jihoon
written in second person pov, gender neutral reader, established relationship, fluff, angst warning!! anxiety in a relationship? wc : 565
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another sleepless night with your mind clouded by thoughts that keep you up, different possibilities entering your head.
turning over to face the digital clock that sits on your bedtime table, the glowing of the number ‘00:00’ comes into your vision.
you have college in six hours yet you’re still wide awake, talk about sleep deprivation. as your mind wanders off, you think about your boyfriend, jihoon, he’s probably still in the practice room, practicing for his upcoming stages.
that was also one of your many worries that keep you up, your boyfriend being an idol, you have your insecurities but the thought of you just being a waste of your boyfriend’s time and how he could do so much better than you like how others tell you.
just in time, it seems that your boyfriend decided to have a late night visit or it’s an intruder as you hear your front door open with footsteps towards your bedroom.
it’s 12 in the morning and you simply don’t have any energy left to check if it’s jihoon or an intruder that could possibly murder you, if death decides to welcome you then let it be.
“good morning, sleeping beauty, why are you still awake?” the familiar voice of the man of your dreams rings in your ears, you automatically sit up to welcome him in your arms, feeling the warmth of his body which is from the sweat from his vigorous practices.
“nothing, just thinking of stuff, what are you doing here? you must be tired from practice. you should’ve gone straight to the dorms,” you worriedly said as he held your hands, comfortably getting into your bed though he’s covered in sweat and kinda stinks.
“what was going on in your pretty mind?” jihoon lays beside you, playing with your messy hair with his hands, staring in your glistening eyes.
noticing the tears threatening to fall from your eyes, jihoon knew something was wrong, “what’s wrong? you can tell me,” he caressed your hair, hoping to give you as much comfort as he can.
“it’s just,” before you knew it, your tears started falling down like waterfalls, uncontrollably crying in your knight in shining armour’s arms, “everything’s so stressful and i have been so tired lately. everything with just school and just sometimes, i think you deserve better than me and i’m just not worth your time.”
“what are you even talking about? i love you so much, alright? you’ll always be worth it and we deserve each other. i love you through all your insecurities and imperfections, no matter what happens,”
jihoon whispered those words softly into your ears, welcoming you in his warm embrace, giving you the affirmation you needed.
“thank you, i can’t even begin to describe how much i love you,” you buried your face into his shoulder, soaking his already sweat-soaked shirt with your tears, hiding your puffy eyes and tear-soaked face.
“hey, come on, let me see your beautiful face,” jihoon tries to cheer you up, moving your face to face him and looking into your eyes with an adorable smile that never failed to give you comfort.
“there now, stop crying, alright? i love you,” he hugged you again with your heavy breaths slowly slowing down.
you relax in his embrace and sooner than you know it, you fell asleep in his arms, your midnight insomnia vanishing.
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AHHH IM SO SORRY THIS WAS SO LATE hope you liked it lol pls like and reblog lol pls
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standardfriends · 6 months
in progress / requests
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superman | h. seunghan & j. sungchan
- idol!seunghan, idol! sungchan, platonic, mature themes (murder), psychological thriller, angst
like that | k. doyoung (trsr) x reader (req)
playful fluff, suggestive, bf!dobby, non-idol!dobby, fem!reader
do I look easy? | purinz x reader
college!au, playgirlz!purinz, volleyball!purinz, nerd!reader, fem! reader, smut
jihoonterview | p. jihoon
platonic, idol!jihoon, interviewer!reader, fluff
12:30 | j. soyeon (ft. yuqi)
camgirl!soyeon, smut, unrequited love, playful yuqi, one shot
ex for a reason | k. junkyu & t. mashiho x reader
toxic ex bf!junkyu, bf!mashi, school!au, stress smoking (cigarettes), series, fluff, angst, smut, mentions of ptsd & abuse
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reqs are currently: OPEN
works posted on this page are fictional and are not a reflection of their real world counterparts.
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all works belong to @standardfriends - copyright © 2024
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churrutos · 3 years
My Roommate
• Jihoon X gn!reader
genre:bestfriends to lovers
warnings: none
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You wanted to move out from this shit hole as soon as possible. You did your research on buying houses and found out that you can only buy a house when you’re married or if you’re single you can only buy a house at the age of 35.
Knowing only one person that can relate to you, you introduced this idea to your best friend Jihoon.
*text convo with Jihoon *
y/n - *screenshots from offical housing website* IM NOT LYING .
*text convo with Jihoon ends here *
You met up with Jihoon at a café nearby to plan out about what is going to happen in the future. You brought a pen and a paper with you to take down some notes. You both agreed to moving in together and you set out some rules .
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Afterwards you inform your family that you and Jihoon have been dating for the past 2 years and you wanted to get married. The shock in your mom’s eyes when you informed her.
“I knew something was fishy about your friendship hahaha! But i support it ;)” Your mom replied to your announcement.
Two months later , you and Jihoon gets married. Having a small wedding nothing to fancy. Everyone was shocked when they received their wedding invitation, not expecting both of you to become a couple.
On the wedding day ,Jihoon and you sitting next to each other and smiling happily. Not because its supposed to be the happiest day of your life but because you both know that it was a joke. You both had no feelings for each other but to put on a show to your family and friends.
You both followed what was on the contract and lived together as best friends behind closed doors. Family members would come and visit and you would have to pretend that your room was a guest room and that you actually sleep with Jihoon. You both knew you didn’t have feelings for each other.
Until that one time where your friend ran away from home and needed to stay over for a few days. You had no choice but to sleep with Jihoon since your friend thinks that you both are deeply in love. Luckily Jihoon sleeps in a king sized bed so that both of you could actually fit.
Before sleeping, Jihoon asked you a question. “you okay with me sleeping with you? I can grab a mattress and sleep on the floor if you’re not comfortable with it,” You shook you hand together with your head indicating that you are okay with sleeping together .
As you were tossing and turning in the bed causing the bed to shake you felt Jihoon’s hands draped over your waist.
“Jihoon what are you doing?” You questioned him with a confused tone.
“i thought that if i hugged you, you can finally stop shaking the bed. im trying to sleep y/n-aa”
You turned around to face him. Looking up to see him back asleep. You noticed that his face glowed from the moonlight. woah he’s really good looking… his lips looks really soft. what if i just… Your hands placed on his cheeks as you leaned forward to connect your lips with his.
With just a small peck you felt your heart racing. You realised that you had feelings for him. After disconnecting your lips you felt your face burning. Feeling embarrassed you turned around not facing him anymore.
Suddenly you were forced to turn to face Jihoon again. His hands that were placed on your waist pushed your body around and closer to him. “Jihoon what’s wron-” You started but were cut off by Jihoon’s lips against yours. Your stomach filled with butterflies by the sudden contact but before you could kiss back he disconnected from you.
His breath coming out heavy as he looked deep into your eyes “hm i think we should sleep like this from today onwards,” Jihoon whispered in your ears before kissing you again.
The kiss tasted sweet. Jihoon’s hand traveled up to your back to bring you closer to him. To kiss you deeper. You put your arms around his shoulder. Your fingers tangled in his hair .
Your lips left his. Your face buried in his chest, hands wrapped around his waist. Jihoon playing with your hair.
“I would love to sleep like this everyday,” You mumbled into his chest. Jihoon heard you. He moved his hands down to your neck to hug you tighter. You can hear his heart racing.
- end -
a/n : hii this is my first time writing so hope that its not too bad and im sorry if i keep using vague descriptions 😟 BAGAHHA LOL IM SORRY SHDBJSBS
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lyjikyu · 3 years
オヤスミ ★ アサヒ
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" trans: good night " I'm just so in love with the thought of going to asahi's dorm to relax ><
“hello there 'sahi.” you speak quietly, as it was already night time and you didn't want to disturb the other members who were asleep, especially junghwan who had school tomorrow. the young male– who owned the nickname you just spoke turns his head to face you– smiling when he realizes how adorable you looked peeking behind the door.
asahi stands up and lets you inside, closing the door behind you. you sit on the couch, happy that he knows already what you're here for. it had become your nightly routine to come over to his dorm and help him with his songs or just comfort and relax with him on the sofa. and believe it or not asahi was the one who suggested to do this.
“asahi how many more minutes 'till you finish that?” you ask as you come over behind his chair and placing your chin on his head. “four more. you can wait right y/n?” he says knowing that you can be a little bit impatient sometimes. but you nod your head– wrapping your arms around his neck. asahi leans his head backwards so your lips can meet and plants a short kiss before going back to finishing his song.
you had gotten used to this little actions of his but certainly your heart was not, and it would keep beating everytime he does so. you smile before letting go of your arms from his neck and walking back to the couch to sit down and entertain yourself with your phone.
an hour has passed and you start to feel drowsy, asahi notices this and grabs a blanket. as he sits down next you, he carefully moves your head to his side so you can rest on his shoulder. smiling, he wraps both you and him with the blanket and kisses the top of your head before joining you to sleep.
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please I just want to live a life where I can hangout inside asahi's room everyday (ノT_T)ノ ^┻━┻ also this might be the last one shot I will do for awhile, since im going to be doing a lot of headcannons !!!
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minho-hoho · 2 years
Yandere!TREASURE meeting reader for the first time Hyung Line
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Middle Line
GENRE - yandere, fluff ???
PAIRING - yandere!TREASURE x gn!reader
WARNING - obsession, yandere themes, not proofread
REQUESTED - yes, by @writerfrommoon
WC - 1.6k
NOTE - pls the layout is softer and lazier srry but EL COVIDI is doing stuff to me, and yes I'll change layouts all the time lol, and Junkyu is just so ughh i had to, anyways, first trsr reaction!! it's so not yandere please wassup?? OK it might seem really rushed I'm so sorry
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It wasn't very often that you went on a shopping spree alone. But everyone happened to be busy, so that was your only solution.
Going through isles, carefully looking at the clothes, in hopes of finding the one that will fill your need. A lot of clothes caught your attention but none of them caught your heart. However, you did catch the heart and attention of someone. Not so far away, a young man was stealing glances your way as you were too busy inspecting each piece of clothing in your hand. Nobody has ever gotten his attention like you did, he was mesmerised by the way your were closely judging the attires proposed by the store. What he felt was much more than a normal attraction, no. Each second he spent looking at you he felt himself getting more infatuated. He wanted to get to know you, to approach you. He needed you. Nothing was stopping him. He was not leaving this store without having at least your number.
He took confident steps towards you, certain of getting his way. He lightly tapped your shoulder, making his presence known to you.
“Hey, seems like you have good taste in fashion, hm” He smiled, catching you a little off guard. But you were not complaining. You thanked him.
“I think this would suit you really well.” He handed you a beautiful outfit that matched your taste. Your eyes widened, a stranger managed to find your style perfectly in a way you probably couldn't have yourself. You tried the outfit, and as expected it fitted you perfectly. You both chatted before checking out.
“That's on me, let me buy it for you” He said as he paid for the clothes. At the exit of the store you couldn't help but express your feelings of gratitude.
“I don't even know how could I repay you..” You sighed, your back slumped.
“Well, you could start by giving me your number.” He smiled slyly, making you chuckle.
“That's a deal. I gotta go but I'll text you when I'll get home, alright?” You told him as you wrote your number on a piece of paper. “Here.” You gave the paper to him before waving goodbye to him as you went away.
Taking a peaceful walk near the river was something you enjoyed doing frequently. The calm feeling it provided you was something you loved, and for that very reason, you often came to that one spot. It let you have a great view of the water and if the city. You could also lay down on the grass and observe the sky and all the different shapes the clouds had. No one went there when you were there, you considered it as your secret place. Little did you know, you weren't the only one frequenting that place of yours.
As you laid down on the grass, closing your eyes, clearing your mind, you heard footsteps coming closer. Without wasting a single second you open your eyes and looked around to see who was coming towards you.
He could have gone another way after seeing you, but he instead kept going. The second he laid his eyes on you, he was intrigued. He wanted to know all of you. And it seemed like you two shared a favourite spot. A perfect topic to discuss.
As he got closer a small kind smile made its appearance on his face, making him look quite angelical, friendly and approachable. You too, ended up wanting to get to know him.
“I see I'm not the only one who likes this spot hm?” You giggled. He couldn't help but smile, his eyes forming crescent moons, he just found you adorable. You moved a little, letting him sit down next to you. Soon enough you found yourselves talking for almost 2 hours. You didn't feel bored a single second and you were genuinely hoping to see him soon.
“Hey, before I go, mind if I get your number. I really enjoyed my time with you.” You said as you felt your face heaten up a little. “Sure” And with that, you both to your own houses, thinking about each other, though Jihoon might have thought about you a little too much.
You were going on a little vacation in the mountains with some of your friends. The cold weather was everything you all needed to relax.
This time, your friends had decided too stay indoors and chill inside. But you were not having any of it and chose to go outside and enjoy the scenery.
You put your earphone in your ears and went through your front door and started walking quite aimlessly breathing the refreshing air. You were appreciating the crunch sound under you feet as you walked on the snow. You weren't paying a lot of attention to your surroundings as you should have been. If you had, you probably have noticed you were in the way of someone.
You heard someone shout, though you couldn't decipher what they were trying to say to you. But you noticed the person was on a sleigh that was coming dangerously and rapidly close to you. You barely had enough time to react that the person threw theme self to side to avoid hurting you, hurting themselves in the process.
You ran to their side to check on them.
“Are you okay?” You asked worriedly as you sat down next to the guy that was now laying down on the snow. He seemed to be light-headed, but despite his dazed state he managed to make out your worried face that was over his. He could have stayed like this for an eternity, just admiring the pure beauty of your features. He couldn't even speak properly, was it because of the impact of his fall or the impact of your beauty, he liked to think it was the latter.
The lack of response from his part was starting to seriously worry you. You tried calling out to him a few times again, and much to your content he did answer.
“I'm fine don't worry... What about you?” You shook your head as a no. As relieve d'as he was to see he didn't hurt you, he would have preferred to hear your sweet voice once more. He tried moving to get up, but it was clear that he had difficulty doing so.
“Here let me help you.” You said as you helped him get up. “Let me bring you to my place while you recover, that's the least I can do” You said upset by what you caused. He just nodded, happy that he'd get to spend even more time with you. As you lead the way he couldn't help but fantasise about you. All the emotions he felt were so unfamiliar to him, yet he craved them. And you were the one causing them. He wanted you to himself so bad, he wanted to feel those emotions forever. And he made it his mission to win your heart just like you won his.
You decided to have your own little self care Friday by going out and doing stuff you enjoy. And one of the things you really enjoy doing was going to your local arcade.
You arrived at the place in a good mood, you really liked the atmosphere of the arcade. You knew your way here and immediately when to your favourite game. You were excited and didn't pay much attention to the person next to you.
You sunk into your seat as you didn't manage to beat your best score, you let out a disappointed sigh. Your antics caught the attention of the boy next to you. He found you fascinating and captivating. He was watching each one of your actions closely, eager to know you. He was slowly muttering the courage to talk to you.
“Hey, I'm Junkyu. I see that we're liking the same games. This one is of my favourites!” Your face lightened up, you were happy to see people sharing the same interests as you, especially one of your favourites.
“Oh hi ! I'm Y/N. This one is of my fave too! But I do prefer this one” You pointed at a dance game a few meters away.
“Oh really? I haven't played it yet.” He tilted his head adorably.
“Well why not try it out with me?” And with that you two were off dancing your life away. You two played other games too and even managed to win prizes and get some of the highest scores there. It was the most memorable afternoon at the arcade you've ever spent.
“Whew, you're the best arcade partner I've ever had that's for sure.” You sighed happily.
“Of course I am! I'm Kim Junkyu after all.” He put his hands on his hips looking proud, you could help but laugh a little.
“We should do this again” He nodded in agreement.
“You can only have this type of fun with me so only do this with me got it?” You shook your head.
“Of course. That's a promise from me to you.” He nodded his head in approval, earning another silent giggle for you. “Well then, I'll talk to you later” you said before walking out.
Junkyu, he on the other hand, didn't feel like leaving just yet. He sat and grabbed a drink, and thought about all those emotions that he had when he was with you. He meant it when he said he only wanted you to have fun with him, he wanted you to himself, for you to only enjoy yourself with him, to be the centre of your happiness for you to feel the emotions he felt towards you for him. He was going to do his best to capture your heart just like you did with his.
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PERM TAG LIST! : @stacey-stonem, @sh1mzu, @axartia, @echantedrose, @leeknowbuttsmasher, @nikipedia07, @deafeningballoonnacho, @sristsblog
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milkybonya · 2 years
사랑가시 _ pjh
order 047, anon: small strawberry milk tea with fresh taro for treasure's Jihoon
warnings: this is all angst </3
#: idol!Jihoon x non idol!(gn)reader, breakup angst, <500 words
[💌: communication is important in any relationship/friendship, kids ♡ always communicate and tell people what you want/how you feel!]
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it was all Jihoon's fault.
he blamed being an idol and being so busy that time was taken away from you both, but in the end it was Jihoon's fault and he knew it. he just didn't want to admit it. to leave with guilt on top of everything else meant he would fall apart, which he kind of already was.
so, he had to lie. he had to lie on that interview for his own sake and pray that you wouldn't watch it, even though you did.
"Jihoon, you recently covered 'Pricked' by WINNER, is there any reason you chose this song? teumes have been speculating the song means something to you, since your emotions while singing it were so strong," the interviewer said.
the rest of the treasure members eyed Jihoon, wondering what he would say. they all knew about your breakup with him and knew he was the one in the wrong.
"actually.." Jihoon started, scratching the back of his neck, "i can say it now because we're no longer together but.. i was dating someone. i loved them a lot, maybe even to death but they hurt me. because i was an idol, it was hard to find time for us even though i tried and... they were extremely mean to me about it. my feelings were hurt a lot."
Jihoon's voice was shakey and his mouth wobbled as he spewed lie after lie. Hyunsuk threw an arm around him as a gesture to stop talking.
your eyes filled with tears watching the interview on your computer at home. how could he say all of that, publicly? how could he put the blame on you when you were nothing but patient?
you broke up with him because it didn't make sense to go on any longer.
Jihoon was always at his schedules or the dorms, barely even making time for you once a month. it was only after his schedules slowed down, which took a few months, when he could properly make time for you. even when he was with you, his attention wa elsewhere, on his phone or a computer game.
so one day, you told him you wanted to end it.
"there's no more love in us, Jihoon-ah. let's stop before we hurt ourselves even more."
although you were the only one hurt at the time. it was only after the break-up that Jihoon started feeling the hurt, too. so much so that he actually wanted to cover 'Jerk' by iKON instead of 'Pricked', since as the song goes, he wanted to be the bad guy instead of you because you were so good to him.
but he was scared and couldn't bring himself to do it, so he blamed you. he blamed you and... he missed you. and he hated himself.
this is how his painful first love would end: with you not knowing how hard he actually tried to keep you, and him not knowing that it was never enough.
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9h4mn · 3 years
the language of flowers
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➞ multi-fandom
➞ fluff, angst, and everything in between.
➞ coming soon
➞ flowers have a language of their own and when used correctly, it gives a message beyond words. will your flower give you your romance or will it give you something of a shakesperean tragedy?
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anemone – sf9's inseong // angst, war au
perhaps everyone was right when they told inseong to never pursue them. they came from the very land of his enemies, whose to say that their love would be true?
asphodel – oneus' ravn // angst, emperor au
old, sick, and dying that is the state of the once great emperor, youngjo. his son, the crowned prince and the next in line for the throne, listens as he shares his final tale.
azalea – ateez's san // angst, post-war au
five years ago, san got drafted to the army and so he leaves his homely village. with the war over and him coming back home, it would seem as if everything is ok but who knew fate would be so cruel to him?
belladonna – vrvr's kangmin // fluff, high school au
people were beginning to catch up to the fact that the school's sweetheart is very much taken but who was the mysterious boyfriend? the flushed color on kangmin's cheeks whenever he stares at them isn't a hint, it really isn't.
crown imperial – victon's seungwoo // fantasy au
years ago, the crown was stolen and worn by an undeserving king. with the current struggle for the throne, it was only right that the true owner of the throne returns.
currant – enhypen's sunoo // dystopian au
born into a world where everyone can rate each other, sunoo mastered his perfect illusion. his rate would stay high and relevant—he was sure of that—but for some reason they can't get out of his mind. weren't they supposed to be as perfect as he is?
enchanter's nightshade – trsr's jihoon // witch au
perhaps its time to set their differences aside when jihoon's only hope to find his familiar is to team up with them and join them as they start a rescue operation for both their familiars.
ficiodes – gncd's jangjun // fluff, college au
whoever decided that it was a good idea to pair a tsundere and a prankster together must have lost their mind or maybe they were right, who knows.
hemlock – cix's yonghee // fluff, actor au
yonghee's sure he is the outgoing one but as his supposed reserved co-star kept on flustering him, he isn't so sure anymore. he'd get his revenge on them, he'll make sure of it.
juniper – astro's sanha // fluff, barista au
his friends could laugh all they want but it would never be able to ease sanha's worries. just why is the person he likes such a walking hazzard? he's so close to wrapping them in bubblewrap.
mourning bride – trsr's doyoung // angst
doyoung's life was finally headed to the right course; his dream school, great friends, and the loveliest girlfriend were all his now but why is it that he feels empty?
venus' trap – chebu's jiwon // forbidden love
life as a trophy wife, it seems like quite a dream especially when jiwon gets to enjoy her husband's money but life wasn't like that. even if years have passed, jiwon's only lover was always going to be her own sister-in-law.
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©9h4mn | all contents belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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wooahaes · 10 months
right in front of you
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pairing: non-idol!jihoon [trsr] x gn!reader
genre: fluff. office worker au.
word count: ~1.0k
warnings: oblivious reader.
daisy's notes: the way id get fired for getting distracted too easily w jihoon around tbh
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Jihoon was… Well… Jihoon. The two of you happened to be the youngest of your coworkers, and something about that had turned Park Jihoon from Jihoon, the cute guy at work to Jihoon, partner in crime and lifeline. 
It wasn’t that everyone was rude. You respected your seniors as much as anyone else would, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that some of them were on a power trip at times. Not all of them, thankfully: just one or two members of the staff that liked reminding you that they were in charge, all while treating you like you were some kid they’d found off the street and graciously given this job to (even though you aced the interview with your own skills and your actual manager had never acted this way toward you). Jihoon would text his remarks to you, forcing you to hide smiles whenever you glanced at your phone, or he’d whisper them to you on the elevator ride out of the building, or on those coffee outings that he took you out on when he wasn’t buying you dinner. At some point along the way, your crush on Jihoon went from a surface level thing to something deeper. 
Of course, it probably wasn’t going anywhere. Jihoon was cute and sometimes he flirted with you, but he casually flirted with plenty of people from what you could tell. At least… That’s what it felt like as you stood across the room from him, watching as he charmed a few of your coworkers. He let out a warm laugh, lighting up the room more than the Christmas tree you’d watched Hyunsuk decorate with a few interns. 
“You’re admiring again.”
And of course he had to come up to you, a cup in hand half-filled with fruit punch. Hyunsuk leaned against you, watching as Jihoon dazzled the room. 
“Am not.”
“You’ve been standing here the entire time,” he said. “There’s no shame in it. You should go ahead and ask him out.” 
With a roll of your eyes, you stepped away from him, throwing away your empty paper cup. “Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m going out to get some air.”
Hyunsuk whined at you playfully, but let you go. You escaped out of the office, pressing the button for the elevator as you collected yourself. Maybe you should ask Jihoon out sometime, but… not tonight. Tonight felt far too soon to make your move. Besides.. Did Jihoon even like you like that? He didn’t seem interested in anyone at work…
The elevator doors slid open, and you stepped in. Seconds after you pressed the button for the ground floor, someone rushed onto the elevator, turning around once he was safely inside. The doors slid shut, and you were met with the reflections of yourself and Jihoon in the clean doors.
“I made it,” he said aloud after a moment, teaching up to loosen his tie slightly. He looked at you after a moment, a confident smile on his face. “I thought I’d miss you.”
You blinked at him, brows drawing together. “Huh?”
“I saw you leave,” he said. “I got caught up talking to the interns, but I had hoped the elevator was slow.”
Something about the way he was looking at you with a sense of tenderness in his eyes was enough to make your heart skip a beat. Now you felt silly: Jihoon didn’t look at other people like this. You looked forward again, not hiding your smile as you stepped a little closer to him. 
“Then I guess it’s good that it was.” 
Jihoon’s hand brushed against your own, and you took initiative to take it. “Are you heading home for the holidays?”
“I don’t think so. Are you?”
He nodded. “I’m heading back to Busan,” he said. “My family wanted to see me, and since we have the time off…”
The elevator slowed to a stop, and the doors slid open. The two of you stepped off together, Jihoon’s hand warm in your own. You ran your thumb across the back of his hand, “That sounds fun.”
“You could come with me, you know.” 
“Oh, really?”
He chuckled. “Really. If you don’t want to be alone… Then you can come with me.” He swung your arms a little, smiling. “My family won’t mind.”
As your friend or as your partner? One of those felt a little soon. Then again, you’d already met his family before. His parents came into the city a few weeks ago, and you happened to run into them as he was parting ways with them after a lunch out with them. Jihoon had waved you over and introduced you as a close friend then with this cute smile on his face that honestly reminded you of the one he’s had since the moment he ran onto the elevator and—
Oh my god. Jihoon wasn’t even hiding it. You stopped dead in your tracks, and Jihoon turned to look at you.
“Is something wrong?”
“I’m an idiot.”
Jihoon could only stare at you at first, clearly confused by your confession. “No, you aren’t—”
“No,” you squeezed his hand. “I like you, too.” 
Jihoon relaxed, chuckling to himself. “I know.”
“You knew?!”
“Why do you think I kept asking you out?” 
Holy fuck. How were you so oblivious? Maybe it was because you were too caught up in thinking about your own feelings that you never stopped to consider his. “Jihoon…”
He stepped closer to you, pressing a kiss against your cheek. “There’s a cafe with hot chocolate not far from here,” he said. “I’ll buy you a cup. It’s better than the cheap stuff that Hyunsuk bought.”
You smiled to yourself, averting your gaze. “Okay,” you said softly. “But I’m buying next time.”
Jihoon guided you toward the front doors of the building, his hand securely holding yours. “I’ll hold you to it.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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wooahaes · 1 year
plushies & petting zoos
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pairing: non-idol!hyung line & gn!reader
genre: fluff. sequel fic to mingyu fic from earlier.
word count: 0.8k~
warnings: food mentions. hyunsuk denying his cuteness a little.
daisy's notes: oh to go to a fall festival with the trsr hyung line... oh to win a cow plushie and see yosh cuddle w it... oh to--
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“The stupid darts booth guy kept flirting with someone the entire time,” Junkyu huffed as he made his way back to you, hugging a plush panda bear to his chest. “But I finally won something.” 
It’d earned a quiet laugh from you as you watched Junkyu brace himself on the table with one hand, hopping into the spot next to Jihoon. The four of you had split off from Junkyu when he insisted he wanted to win something from the darts game, saying that you would all go get food. Jihoon wordlessly slid over Junkyu’s meal for him, having been protecting it from the rest of you the entire time. 
“We told you that you could have played something else,” Hyunsuk said, grabbing another fry from the basket the two of you were splitting. “The guy running the ring toss was nice.”
Ah. Yeah. That Vernon guy—you’d caught his name when one of his friends came over to say hi. You actually won a cow plushie from him (she currently sat in Yoshi’s lap as he hugged her, head resting atop hers) and he’d been super chill about just… throwing in a bonus tiger because you were one of the few people who’d been there in hours and he was feeling nice. You’d give the tiger to Yoshi later on, but you’d tucked him into your bag. 
“I wanted the bear!” 
You giggled again. “It’s cute,” you said, and saw the way Junkyu seemed to beam with pride at having someone on his side.
“See? I’m not the only one who thinks so,” Junkyu said.
Jihoon rolled his eyes, flattening out the small map made up for this place. “There’s a petting zoo,” he said aloud. “Yoshi wanted to go.” He looked to Hyunsuk, “Didn’t you also want to—”
Despite Hyunsuk’s edgier exterior, undercut and big rings and everything, he was the biggest softie you knew… Well, aside from Yoshi. He’d speak up and over Jihoon, as if someone might be watching and realize that Hyunsuk “didn’t have as much swag as he looked” (which was how Jihoon put it once when the five of you went to some superhero museum Hyunsuk had wanted to go to). Truly, anyone who saw his love for superheroes would know that he was a huge dork who told bad dad jokes sometimes. 
Yoshi just giggled to himself, and then spoke up to lightly tease Hyunsuk, “They have bunnies…”
Hyunsuk averted his gaze. “I know they have bunnies… I saw them earlier. We can go if you want to.” 
You merely rolled your eyes. He wasn’t going to drop it until he saw the animals himself. The rest of you cleaned up your trash while Junkyu quickly ate, rejoining all of you as you started to make your way to the petting zoo. You had accepted the cow plushie back from Yoshi, hugging it close to your chest. 
Just as you expected, Hyunsuk dropped the ‘cool guy with tons of swag’ energy he tried to keep up the moment he saw a baby cow. Truly a relatable moment as he all but dropped everything to clean his hands and then make his way over. 
Jihoon came to your side, one hand tucked into his pocket as he held onto the panda bear in his other. Junkyu must have pushed it onto him when he went to pet a sheep, Yoshi lingering around him before he saw Hyunsuk trying to feed a baby cow a treat. 
“Kids,” he said with this chuckle, as if all of you weren’t pretty close in age. You rolled your eyes, and Jihoon’s shoulder bumped against yours. “I can hold that if you want me to.”
You looked down to your cow plushie, shaking your head. “I’d rather pet a bunny.” 
He chuckled again. “If you change your mind, I’ll consider holding it… If you buy me a caramel apple before we leave.”
Ah. He drove a hard bargain. You rolled your eyes, smiling to yourself. “The kids seem to be having fun.”
Junkyu looked back, calling out your name. Without saying anything, Jihoon held out his other hand, and you sighed with a smile. Fine. You passed the cow to him, making your way over to join Junkyu as he continued to pet a sheep excitedly. 
“They’re so cute,” he chuckled. 
“We’re going to see the bunnies!” Hyunsuk called out to the two of you, standing at the edge of the pen. “Are you coming or not?”
The two of you shared a knowing look before rejoining your group, following Hyunsuk as he led the way to the bunnies. Although the handler nearby had to step in and help you pick one up, the group gathered around as someone snapped a picture. Jihoon had managed to set things aside to join all of you in for one group picture with a lop-eared bunny named Cherry. 
Maybe the five of you would come back next year, too. You’d go anywhere with these guys if they asked.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao
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wooahaes · 2 years
december prompts ‘22
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pairing: non-idol!skz + non-idol!svt + non-idol!trsr x gn!reader
genre: pretty much all fluff/domestic stuff.
release date: 12/01/2022 - 12/31/2022
warnings: varies by prompt. general warning for skinship in most cases + food mentions in many of these! each fic contains more specific warnings.
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december 1st: always there to catch you - husband!mingyu. 1.0k.
december 2nd: baked from scratch - [trsr] jihoon. 0.7k.
december 3rd: sweet like chocolate - elementary school teacher!seungkwan. 1.0k.
december 4th: fluffy wings - doyoung. 0.3k.
december 5th: peppermint kisses - asahi. 0.7k.
december 6th: cat tower - lee know. 0.6k.
december 7th: bedtime routine - dad!hoshi. 0.9k.
december 8th: crisp edges and bows - seungmin. 0.4k.
december 9th: evergreen leaves - husband!wonwoo. 0.6k.
december 10th: cozy and warm (and safe in his arms) - jun. 0.5k.
december 11th: button eyes and a carrot nose - jeongwoo. 0.6k.
december 12th: homemade - junghwan. 0.6k.
december 13th: second honeymoon - bang chan. 0.6k.
december 14th: a healthy dose of competition - jeonghan. 0.7k.
december 15th: drowsy and drunk - han. 0.6k.
december 16th: red-nosed - hyunsuk. 0.5k.
december 17th: a little extra space - elementary school teacher!vernon. 0.8k.
december 18th: stress relief & snow - junkyu. 0.6k.
december 19th: the scent of vanilla & sugar - the8. 0.5k.
december 20th: matching pair - changbin. 0.7k.
december 21st: the race downstairs - dad!dk. 0.6k.
december 22nd: sprigs of mistletoe - i.n. 0.5k.
december 23rd: the struggle of gift giving - haruto. 0.7k.
december 24th: small and shiny - dino. 0.7k.
december 25th: where the love light gleams - s.coups. 1.0k.
december 26th: pre-show jitters - jaehyuk. 0.5k.
december 27th: first snowfall - hyunjin. 0.5k.
december 28th: thrift shopping - yoshi. 0.7k.
december 29th: palm to palm (to the point of my heart bursting) - felix. 0.6k.
december 30th: the look of being in love - joshua. 0.5k.
december 31st: midnight kisses - woozi. 0.8k.
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