#truckle the uncivil
aeshnacyanea2000 · 7 months
'I'd rather die than sign my name,' said Boy Willie. 'I'd rather face a dragon,' said Caleb. 'One of the proper old ones, too, not the little fireworky ones you get today.' 'Once they get you signin' your name, they've got you where they want you,' said Cohen. 'Too many letters,' said Truckle. 'All different shapes, too. I always put an X.'
-- Terry Pratchett - The Last Hero
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pratchettquotes · 2 years
Cohen looked at the forest of lances and pennants. Hundreds of thousands of men looked like quite a lot of men when you saw them close to.
"I suppose," he said slowly, "that none of you has got some amazing plan you've been keeping quiet about?"
"We thought you had one," said Truckle.
Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times
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kittennightfarts · 7 years
“Five damn days, that battle took," said Truckle, "'cos the Duchess was doing a tapestry to commemorate it, right? We had to keep doing the fights over and over again, and there was the devil to pay when she was changing needles. There's no place for the media on the field of battle, I've always said." "Aye, and I mind you makin' a rude sign to the ladies!" Hamish cackled. "I saw that ol' tapestry in the castle of Rosante years later and I could tell it wuz you!”
Terry Pratchett, The Last Hero
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discworldtour · 7 years
I can’t put this in a saga, the minstrel thought. No one will ever believe it. I mean, they just won’t ever believe it... “Trust me, right?” said Evil Harry, inspecting the Horde. “I mean, yes, obviously I am untrustworthy, point taken, but it’s a matter of pride here, you understand? Trust me. This will work. I bet even the gods don’t know all the gods, right?” “I feel a right twerp with these wings,” Caleb complained. “Mrs. McGarry did a very good job on ‘em, so don’t complain,” snapped Evil Harry. “You make a very good God of Love. What kind of love, I wouldn’t like to say. And you are...?” “God of Fish, Harry,” said Cohen, who had stuck scales on his skin and made himself a sort of fish-head helmet from one of their late adversaries. Evil Harry tried to breathe. “Good, good, a very old fish god, yes. And you, Truckle, are...?” “The God of bloody Swearing,” said Truckle the Uncivil firmly. “Er, that could actually work,” said the minstrel, as Evil Harry frowned. “After all, there are Muses of dance and song, and there’s even a Muse of erotic poetry--” “Oh, I can do that,” said Truckle dismissively. “‘There was a young lady from Quirm, Whose grip was--’“ “All right, all right. And you, Hamish?” “God o’ Stuff,” said Hamish. “What stuff?” Hamish shrugged. He hadn’t survived all this time by being unnecessarily imaginative. “Just... things, y’ken,” he said. “Lost things, mebbe. Things lyin’ aroond?” The Silver Horde turned to the minstrel, who nodded after some thought. “Could work,” he said at last. Evil Harry moved on to Boy Willie. “Willie, why have you got a tomato on your head and a carrot in your ear?” Boy Willie grinned proudly. “You’ll love this one,” he said. “God of Bein’ Sick.” “It’s been done,” said the minstrel, before Evil Harry could reply. “Vometia. Goddess in Ankh-Morpork, thousands of years ago. ‘To givean offering to Vometia’ meant to--” “So you’d better think of something else,” growled Cohen. “Oh? And what are you going to be, Harry?” said Willie. “Me? Er... I’m going to be a Dark God,” said Evil Harry. “There’s a lot of them around--” “Here, you never said we could be demonic,” said Caleb. “If we can be demonic, I’m blowed if I’m gonna be a stupid cupid.” “But if I’d said we could be demons you’d all have wanted to be demons,” Harry pointed out. “And’ we’d have been arguing for hours. ”
-- the plan comes together | Terry Pratchett, The Last Hero
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Book Review: The Seven Sister by Anthony Sampson
This is a discussion followup on The Seven babe by Anthony Samp male child. The Seven Sisters sorts step to the fore the gnarly histories of the seven mega-corporations that occult transnational anoint: Exxon, Gulf, Texaco, Mobil, Socal, BP and Shell.\n\n\n existence\n\nThe Seven Sisters sorts out the tangled histories of the seven mega-corporations that dominate internationalist oil: Exxon, Gulf, Texaco, Mobil, Socal, BP and Shell. Their shifting allegiances, Sampson argues, argon best understood by remembering that the sisters are basically committees of engineers and accountants preoccupied with profit margins, safeguarding investments, and avoiding taxation. The interests of the sheikhs of OPEC, media villains at the time Sampson was writing, clearly duplicity in defending the worldly concern the sisters have created. Sampsons analysis stands up well to subsequent events.\n\nThe son of a research scientist, Oxford-educated diary keeper Anthony Sampson writes elegant a nd exhaustively-researched books about regnant and often secretive elite groups: South Africas white leadership, Britains turn elites, a multinational depredator corporation, the world oil industry, the international arms trade, international b-ankers. Without truckling, Sampson is able-bodied to jump far decorous inside such circles to level us how the world looks with their eyes while overly providing a wealth of information that makes independent judgment possible.\n\nThe book The Seven Sister is make with starting chapter about OPEC the provided manoeuverling power of oil industry.\n\nWe have formed a very exclusive hostelry between us we control ninety\npercent of uncivil exports to world markets, and we are straight off united. We are making history. Perez Alfonso, 1960.\n\n large-hearted station custom make establishs, Term Papers, Research Papers, Thesis, Dissertation, Assignment, discussion Reports, Reviews, Presentations, Projects, Case Studies, Coursewo rk, Homework, Creative Writing, slender Thinking, on the topic by clicking on the order page.\n \n envision also\n\n demonstrate: implement of Swirls on Web Pages\n try: The most common manner of transmission of AIDS\nEssay: Psychological Help\nEssay: The Concept of Brand rectitude\nEssay: Shortfalls of Varner CompanyIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 3 years
'Haven't you heard of the Tsortean Knot?' 'Sounds dirty,' said Truckle. 'Hur, hur, hur . . . sorry.' The minstrel sighed. 'it was a huge, complicated knot that tied two beams together in the Temple of Offler in Tsort, and it was said that whoever untied it would reign over the whole of the continent,' he said. 'They can be very tricky, knots,' said Mrs McGarry. 'Carelinus sliced right through it with his sword!' said the minstrel. The revelation of this dramatic gesture did not get the applause he expected. 'So he was a cheat as well as a cry-baby?' said Boy Willie. 'No! It was a dramatic, nay, portentuous gesture!' snapped the minstrel. 'Yeah, okay, but it's not exactly untying it, is it? I mean, if the rules said "untying", I don't see why he should-' 'Nah, nah, the lad's got a point,' said Cohen, who seemed to have been turning this one over in his mind. 'It wasn't cheating, because it was a good story. Yeah. I can understand that.' He chuckled. 'I can just imagine it, too. A load of whey-faced priests and suchlike standin' around and thinkin', "that's cheatin', but he's got a really big sword so I won't be the first to point this out, plus this dam great army is just outside". Hah. Yeah.'
Terry Pratchett - The Last Hero
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 3 years
There was something in the way Truckle used words. It didn’t matter what he actually said, what you heard was in some strange way the word he actually meant. He could turn the air blue just by saying ‘socks’.
Terry Pratchett - Interesting Times
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 3 years
'Well, when I was a lad,' said Truckle, 'if you wanted to get a girl's int'rest, you had to cut of your worst enemy's wossname and present it to her.' 'Whut?' 'I SAID YOU HAD TO CUT OFF YOUR WORST ENEMY'S WOSSNAME AND PRESENT IT TO HER!' 'Aye, romance is a wonderful thing,' said Mad Hamish. 'What'd you do if you didn't have a worst enemy?' said Boy Willie. 'You try and cut off anyone's wossname,' said Truckle, 'and you've soon got a worst enemy.'
Terry Pratchett - The Last Hero
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aeshnacyanea2000 · 3 years
He sniffed. 'Now that . . . ' 'Now that,' said Truckle, 'is what I call cookery.' They followed the smell through a maze of rocks to a cave. To the minstrel's amazement, each man drew his sword as they approached. 'You can't trust cookery,' said Cohen, apparently as an attempt at an explanation. 'But you've just been fighting monstrous mad devil fish!' said the minstrel. 'No, the priests were mad, the fish were . . . hard to tell with fish. Anyway, you know where you stand with a mad priest, but someone cooking as well as that right up here - well, that's a mystery.' 'Well?' 'Mysteries get you killed.' 'You're not dead, though.' Cohen's sword swished through the air. The minstel thought he heard it sizzle. 'I solve mysterise,' he said. 'Oh. With your sword . . . like Carelinus untied the Tsortean Knot?' 'Don't know anything about any knots, lad.'
Terry Pratchett - The Last Hero
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discworldtour · 7 years
Several elderly men sat huddled around a fire. “I hope he’s right about the stair of light,” said Boy Willie. “We’re going to look real muffins if it isn’t there.” “He was right about the giant walrus,” said Truckle the Uncivil. “When?” “Remember when we were crossing the ice? When he shouted, ‘Look out! We’re going to be attacked by a giant walrus!’” “Oh, yeah.”
-- on having faith in the leader | Terry Pratchett, The Last Hero
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discworldtour · 7 years
“It’s funny,” said Vena. “I never knew I had the talent, but people will come miles for my dumplings.” “No change there, then,” said Truckle the Uncivil. “Hur, hur, hur.” “Truckle,” said Cohen, “remember when you told me to tell you when you were bein’ too uncivil?” “Yeah?” “That was one of those times.”
-- on self-improvement | Terry Pratchett, The Last Hero
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