saltpepperbeard · 6 years
Hi! I would like to know your headcanons for post Mockingjay Everlark (and the toastbabies) please and thank you :)
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OOH YAY LET’S SEE…I have quite a bunch of them scattered all over the place, so I probably won’t be able to list all of the ones I have. Ie, I’ll probably recall certain ones after posting this lmao. But I’ll try and list my main ones here…
-They’re in a relationship within a year after Peeta returns home. I like to think that Katniss and Peeta are very quick to share a bed/sleep together after he returns, because they desperately need each other’s comfort during the night. All that close proximity and bed-sharing of course, is quick to evolve into cuddling, which evolves into embracing, then kissing…And then of course, intimacy and “I love you’s” are soon to follow. Honestly? I even headcanon that they got into a relationship/were intimate and open with their love the same winter after Peeta got back. Like, he got back that Spring, and they were already together come Winter.
-Speaking of seasons, Winter and Spring are their favorites. Winter because the snow coats the entire district, erasing any bad memories away with a fresh blanket of white. It also leads to a lot of lazy, grey, snuggly mornings, hot chocolate, long nights by the fireplace, both sweet and passionate…And then of course they love Spring because of the abundance of life. Katniss loves seeing her favorite color spread slowly across the landscape. Peeta loves having new flowers and things to paint. They both love taking dewy, cool walks through the forest, or sitting out on the porch to watch the rain. And of course, dandelions are plentiful, which makes Katniss all the more relaxed/happy.
-And also, SPEAKING of “I love you’s/sex” lol, Katniss’ first “I love you” to Peeta happened somewhere around the “Real or not real” scene. Meaning, she either said it to him during, shortly after, or maybe the morning after. Peeta had offered a few “I love you’s” to her before that, but she was still a bit too shy to fully reciprocate them. She would kiss him or something instead to “say” it back, but never completely returned it until they tore down all the walls/were fully intimate with each other.
-Peeta never has a severe episode, ie one that threatens his safety or Katniss’, after he returns home to D12. I’ve messed with this headcanon through fanfiction admittedly lol, just for Some Angst, but ULTIMATELY I like to think that he never fully lost control of himself again. He’s either able to stop it, or only experiences flashbacks/nightmares. He never spirals back to how he was in D13.
-They stay in close contact with a lot of people, mainly Johanna, Annie, and of course Haymitch. Despite being busy/having other duties, I like to think that Katniss’ mother and Effie check in on the occasion. And, though it goes very much against my shipping character lol, I even like to think that Katniss comes around to becoming cordial with Gale again, to some degree. Like, maybe not completely forgiving him, but not all around hating him.
-Kind of an irrelevant headcanon lol, but going off of that, I like to think that Gale first comes to visit when Katniss is pregnant with her and Peeta’s first. Like, Gale is completely in the dark as to how she’s doin, and knocks on the door to have a very-pregnant Katniss answer, with Peeta standing protectively in the background lmao. Like, not a “Haha, suck it, Gale”….but also a very “HAHA, SUCK IT, GALE.” It makes him realize just how wonderful Peeta is for her, and how important Peeta is to her. Because, Peeta managed to breathe life and light completely back into her, something Gale failed to do. So he kind of accepts their relationship/closeness in that moment.
-Katniss is the one to ask Peeta to marry her. Though I can see Peeta asking her, I also headcanon Peeta taking things at Katniss’ pace. Meaning, yes, it wouldn’t be out of the question for him to ask her, but in not wanting to force things on her/rush her, I can totally see her beating him to it.
-Speaking of marriage, they never get “officially” married. They have a very intimate toasting ceremony, and start referring to each other as husband and wife thereafter. But they never have a public ceremony, nor do they allow the government to have any kind of business in something so important to them.
-Five, ten, fifteen years means three babies. Baby Girl came five years after the rebellion ended, Baby Boy came five years after that, and Baby Three came another five years after that. With that being said, Katniss was either very early into another pregnancy in the epilogue, or had about another year to go before her third was conceived.
-Katniss had mixed feelings towards her first pregnancy. She was terrified, mostly because she struggled to shake the idea of the Capitol returning to take her baby. But she was also very excited, as she was so happy to watch Peeta as a father, so happy to finally raise a child with him.
-Along those lines, birth was probably terrifying for her. Having her daughter was seamless, and nothing went wrong, but the pain and the presence of doctor, even it just being a midwife in the safety of their home, kind of sent her into an anxiety attack. Of course, finally delivering her daughter and actually getting to hold her, doused these anxieties immediately. She realized that she and Peeta would always be there to protect her. She realized that things were okay. She floated down back into her head, back into warmth, security, and love.
-I also headcanon that she decided to birth her son somewhere out of their bedroom, with only Peeta present (MAYBE having Hazelle or someone else there just in case). Like, in the woods, in the meadow, by the lake, etc. Somewhere remote, and somewhere where she felt completely in her element, not at all constrained or reminded of her past horrors. I headcanon this so hard that I wrote a fanfiction about it lmao sO I MEAAAANN…
-Weekly picnics in the meadow are Most Definitely A Thing. They all make a habit of taking at least one day and going to relax in the meadow as a family.
-I’ve always thought that the babies took after their respective parents for whatever reason, ie Baby Girl grows interested in hunting, while Baby Boy grows interested in baking. Which isn’t to say that Baby Girl doesn’t like painting, and Baby Boy doesn’t like archery, but the two of them have their little “Mini Katniss/Peeta” moments lol!
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ashyblondwaves · 10 years
Happy Birthday you awesome woman!! (:
Awe thank you :) :)
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lausol · 10 years
Rosaxx50 tagged me  to answer this amazing questions :)
1. TV adaptations or movie adaptations
I guess for me it depends on the quality of the adaptation. If I know the adaptation is going to be good (for example if I know the actress/actor chosen for the roles CAN act, or that they'll keep the characters IC and actually respect the book and so on) then I'd love a tv adaptation (because more time, yes). If I know that it's going to be a disaster, I'd rather have a movie adaptation so I can ignore its existence more easily. (For example: the Percy Jackson movies)
2. Favourite non-fiction quote
"Treat others the same way you want to be treated"
3. The superpower you would give your best friend
To be happy. I don't know if that's a superpower or not, but I'd like my best friends to be happy and just go through life making their own choices and you know, growing up and finding what they want to do, who they want to be.  Maybe a bottle of Felix Felicis too?
4. Do you have a system for tagging your posts?
Not really, except that for some of my otp's I tag "otp: a piece of a song/poem that reminds me of them way too much or represents them" 
For example, for Sasusaku is "otp: if our love is tragedy why are you my remedy?"
5. What’s your favourite non-fandom side of tumblr?
I like the posts about people being kind to each other or animals. The posts of animals being rescued, or strangers helping each other. Is nice to know that in a world that encourages people to only look after themselves there's still kindness and shared laughs and nices moments between people.
  6. Tell us about a show you know about solely from tumblr.
Welcome to night vale. 
7. Do you watch foreign films/listen to foreign music?
I listen to french music and japanese music from time to time and I've seen american, french, italian and other countries' movies.
8. Whats your favourite word?
Pretichor (the scent of rain on dry earth).
9. Did you have a book or tv series that defined your childhood?
This is going to be such a cliché answer, but: HARRY POTTER. Other books that defined my childhood were Little Women, The little Prince and White Fang. TV series: Digimon and Pokemón. 
10. Do you follow your country’s politics?
I don't, not really. My brother and my dad talk about politics all the time and when we have dinner they put tv programs that talk about it and then you see on tv or everywhere how politicians manipulate the people here and some of them try to make them more ignorant so they can take advantage of the people and it just makes me sick. I can't even stand hearing my president talk on tv, I just want to *incoherent noises* I hate politics but at the same time I'm aware that it's a huge part of our society and that one must be aware of what's going on. 
My questions:
1) The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of your childhood?
2) Favourite song right now?
3) Favourite poem?
4) Do you like to cook?
5) When was your favourite Christmass and why? :)
6) Do you wanna build a snowman? (it doesn't have to be a snowman)
7) Favourite tv series from your childhood?. 
8) A place you wish to go to?.
9) What movie/book/cd are you waiting to come out?
10) Do you like to sing?
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scribbledwritings17 · 5 years
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#love #aliveinyou #cheated #fadedlove #fadedmemories #fadedsoul #wreckedsoul #broken_heart #loveofsouls
#trueloveonly #nolust
Read my thoughts on @twitter @instagram @whatsapp @tumblr
#stories #qotd #quoteoftheday #wordporn #quotestagram #wordswag #wordsofwisdom #brokenheartedits #writeaway #thoughts #poetry #instawriters #writersofinstagram #wreckedsoul #writersofindia #igwriters #igwritersclub
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lausol · 10 years
The Tagging Game
The rules of the game go as follows:
Always post the rules of this game
Answer the questions that the person who tagged you typed out and then make up 11 of your own questions
Tag 11 people
Tell those people that you tagged them
My Questions:
Tell me one of your dreams from childhood!
What do you think your patronus would be and why?
Who is the fictional character you feel you can relate the most?
A book/song/person that changed the way you saw the world/life?
What is your fav drink?
Where is your fav place in the whole world?
Do you like to dance or sing?
Something you're proud of?
Fav music band?
Fav painting?
Tell me whatever you'd like to say :)
Your Questions (via bookedforever)
 Favorite TV Show?
I don't think I have one? It used to be Supernatural, but I stopped watching in Season six. (Although I promised myself I'd start watching it again someday, right now I'm into Arrow and The mindy project. I also watch Grey's Anatomy)
 If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about?
I think it'd be named "Petrichor", and i don't know what it would be about, but I'd like it was kinda like The lover's dictionary, and that the people who read it could connect to it and that the book will make them happy when they're sad or feel like a warm place to return. (like the feelings the Harry Potter books give to so many children).
Would you rather be an amazing artist or writer?
I think I'd love to be an amazing artist because I love how art speaks to people (of course writing also does, but I just have a thing for watercolor paintings or impressionism, my fav painter is Monet).
Favorite number and why?
17, I don't even know why, I like that number since I was a child and when I foud out in HP7 that it was the number when people came out of age in the magic world, I was really exited about it. 
If you could learn a random skill, what would it be and why?
I'd like to speak more languajes, I think is amazing to be able to speak to different people and know their stories, understand a song, a poem. One of my dreams is reading the french version of Little Prince. 
What movie can you watch over and over again without getting bored?
How to train your dragon, Bride Wars and I'm sure I'm leaving some out, but idk. 
OTP from any fandom and why?
Jason/Reyna! Right now because I've been thinking about them since a couple of days, and by "thinking about them" I mean that I listen to the fanmix I made of them and think about a billion headcannons or pray that Riordan will give them the right closure (aka Jason stops being a jerk and at leasts acts as her friend again).
Favorite quote?
"Andábamos sin buscarnos pero sabiendo que andábamos para encontrarnos"  in english it means "We went around without looking for each other, but knowing we went around to find each other." It's from the novel "Rayuela" bu Julio Cortázar.
Describe your perfect day?
A perfect day would be a spring day, when the sun is shinning and everything looks alive and is not too cold and not too hot, and I'm spending time with my friends or reading a really good book or talking with my grandma. 
Which superhero would you team up with to save the world?
I think I'd love saving the world by the side of Dick Grayson or Stephanie Brown.
Favorite sweet?
Chocolat! Most of all the Kinder suprise :)
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