#Everlark headcanons
adsosfraser · 2 months
I like to think that peeta is an october baby. he was one of the few babies who actually was able to survive during that time in district 12 because winter would’ve been rough but the bakery kept warm everyday and they had enough stale food/carbohydrates stocked up for the family so he could be fed and supported. also i just like the idea of katniss being born in spring while she thinks of peeta as this complete manifestation of hope and goodness and life aka her “dandelion in the spring” while he’s actually born in autumn which is associated with hunting and the harvest and protection (against the long cold dark nights) and bonfires *cough cough* aka “the girl on fire”
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bbrooklynbabe · 2 months
my silly headcanon is that after the war, as access to healthcare improves, katniss needs to start wearing glasses. and it really annoys her. what makes it worse is that peeta doesn't need glasses at all. he could easily work in the bakery or paint while wearing glasses, no problem, but hunting with glasses? not so easy.
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I actually think Katniss and Peeta both fell in love with each other around the same time. Up until the Games, Peeta had a childhood crush on her - I don’t think he was in love with her. I think he fell in love with her in the cave, the same way she started falling for him then. He was just much surer of his feelings because he’s just more emotionally aware I’d say and because he already had his crush, which he recognised as a crush, to build on. (I specify this because I think Katniss also had a crush on him but was completely oblivious about it). Katniss took longer getting there because she spent so much to her life running from love and vulnerability after her dad died. And I think that’s why the cave is “our den” to them. That’s where the seeds of their relationship really blossomed.
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mollywog · 6 months
Peeta finds out that the Katniss plant is sometime referred to as Swamp Potato and this becomes his new favorite nickname for Katniss.
Swamp Potato becomes my sweet little potato becomes just Sweet Potato, (this one drives her a little mad since that’s a completely different plant), sometimes abbreviated to Sweet P. At some point along the line the nickname fades almost completely to an occasional utterance of P (endlessly confusing to the casual observer.)
Until one day Katniss offhandedly praises the toastbaby boy with a ‘good job buddy,’ which Peeta overhears, and paired with the way baby boy sleeps swaddled like a little potato - they begins referring to him as spud.
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tetheredfeathers · 5 months
On Peeta's more difficult days, he lies in bed buried underneath the bedsheets for hours, muttering symphonies of real and not reals. Katniss likes to run warm baths for him. She especially collects lavender flowers from the woods to craft her own oil and use it for Peeta's baths.
Katniss softly whispers the shaking boy awake and convinces him to take a warm bath to feel better. She guides him to the bathroom and places him at the edge of the tub, slowly removing his prosthetic, shorts, and shirt. She still blushes looking at his figure even though they have been married for 10 years. Katniss gently guides him inside the silky water, struggling to get him into the tub as he's way heavier than her. Katniss runs his soft blonde hair through the water and places a dollop of shampoo in his hair, gently washing it. Peeta moans softly as her hands massage his aching scalp, whispers of 'thank yous' and 'you don't have to do this' echo through the room. Katniss shushes him and continues to work all over his body. She then helps him out of the tub and makes him sit on a stool as she dries his body with a towel. Peeta just smiles at her foolishly as he watches her work the salve over his stump. Katniss bends to kiss his eyes tenderly and pulls a shirt over his head. The boy protests against her actions, saying 'she's done more than enough' and ' he can do the rest himself' , she smiles and brings down her lips to his and says, "Baby, you just let me take care of you."
Katniss takes him back to bed and holds his head against her chest while softly brushing the soft curls off his forehead. He asks her to sing, and so she sings, lulling the scared boy to sleep.
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paintedpeeta · 6 days
I’m obsessed with needy Peeta, he finally feels safe enough to just pull Katniss to him all the time. Bakery isn’t open, he’s going to keep her in bed all day. Tiring day at the bakery, he’s walking in the house right to embracing her. Katniss being scowly but cute, he needs kisses.
i can’t tell who would be more cuddly when they’re in a real relationship because we have peeta on one hand who has loved this girl for so long and wanted nothing more than it to be real, and we have katniss who expresses multiple times throughout the series how much comfort and safety she takes from his physical touch. granted that we probably spend a lot more time discussing katniss being cuddly just because we’re privy to her inner monologue, but peeta getting a chance to be needy and clingy is also top tier.
there are days she plans to get up early to go into the woods, and he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses all over her face and begs her to stay home until she’s laughing and giving in. she really doesn’t need much persuading, but she lets him think she does all the same.
they’re not big on pda because they have the luxury of keeping their romance private post-war, but he’s still always touching her in some way, like a comforting hand in her pocket or arm around her waist, especially in larger crowds where she’s less comfortable. at the bakery when she helps him out and there’s no customers around, he’ll come up behind her and give her the biggest hug just because he can.
haymitch thinks they’re insufferably touchy in their home, and when they have him over for dinner he fake gags his way through the evening because peeta rubs her back while they’re cooking together and holds her hand across the table while they eat. him and buttercup take turns staring into the nonexistent camera like they’re on the office.
and as for him needing kisses… you know damn well katniss ‘he’ll probably be kissing me, anyway’ ‘a cool kiss from the giver himself’ ‘his arms are there to comfort me and eventually his lips’ everdeen is going to give ‘em to him! those two will take any excuse to smooch (and good for them!)
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starryprose · 1 year
katniss brings peeta bouquets of wildflowers from the meadow and woods after she hunts. peeta puts them in a vase they bought together and that he painted. peeta let’s katniss be the first taste tester for anything new he thinks of adding to the bakery and she tries them all eagerly and asks if he ever needs other herbs. katniss does the laundry because she picked up a few tricks from hazelle over the years and peeta was never very good at it. peeta cooks because katniss always had to growing up and he wants her to not have to have that responsibility. katniss opens the window for peeta before they go to bed each night and peeta always makes sure the top sheet is untucked before katniss gets in because she hates falling asleep with it tucked. when katniss learns she’s pregnant, peeta paints the walls of the nursery and she builds the crib herself. they fit in a balanced way. they make each other stronger and though they have their differences they are not differences that harm them but rather ones that make them work together more smoothly <3
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sameschmidtdiffname · 3 months
Do you think Everlark got in a fist fight over who was taking who's surname when they got married
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softchouli · 1 year
Mr. Everdeen probably had a moment of realization that his story was at risk of repeating itself, whenever he got to trade his gains and run little errands around Twelve with a tiny Katniss on Sundays. All because, he couldn't miss how this little pair of blue eyes somehow were always paying attention when he and his daughter passed by close enough to the bakery
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adsosfraser · 1 year
with the way katniss neglected herself so much after mockingjay that she would barely even eat unless greasy sae was there, I imagine her hair would get matted in that time and one of the first physical touches between everlark after their hug is peeta gently working his way through every single knot for hours and it being therapeutic for both of them. for him to concentrate on one thing and work with his hands again. for her to just sit back and feel something besides the fog of her mind or the drowning grief. he apologises each time he has to cut out a section or it simply comes out (and he’s still unsure if his apologies hold a deeper meaning yet). in the end, he would attempt katniss’s signature braid and laugh so hard at the disjointed mess that katniss has no idea what’s going on back there but laughs along with him because it feels so good to hear that for the first time in years really. he unravels it and instead does two simple braids down her back, just like his girl who sang the valley song
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fatallyfalling · 10 months
Strawberry Wine ~ 𖤓
“ safe & sound “
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{{ Peeta Mellark Headcanons }}
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, canon Hunger Games violence/trauma, wholesome fluff, etc.
{{ word count }} 487
{{ prompt }} fluffy headcanons for our beloved bread boy !!
{{ a/n }} this is short & sweet while i test out Peeta’s character! I’m not sure what i exactly want to write with him since i’ve adored everlark for forever but for now please enjoy my silly happy thoughts! Some of these i’ve heard around the internet i think but i can’t remember where :[
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Peeta Mellark, the ashy blonde from District 12 who stole the hearts of the Capital with his charms and sweet, boyish nature while also managing to tame a stubborn Mockingjay - Katniss Everdeen, and poured out his heart and soul to get back to her any way he could.
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- Peeta is a morning person. He'll get up early and have breakfast ready by the time Katniss pulls out of bed (she learns to sleep in post-rebellion).
- His favorite type of bread/pastry is croissants. The tedious labor of laminating the cold butter block into the fluffy dough is cathartic in a way.
- Once, he tried to teach Katniss to paint. Once. Her attempt at trees looked more like crazy brown and green spiders but he still kissed her temple and had the painting framed, much to the girl on fire's dismay.
- Peeta doesn't like hard liquor - he never did. Effie hooks him on a strawberry wine made special in what used to be District 11, he's gifted at least one bottle every birthday or holiday.
- He's such a housewife no questions asked, hands down. Hungry? He'll cook. Thirsty? Anything you want. This man has to be physically removed from the kitchen during friendly gatherings so he can actually relax and enjoy the company.
- Also, his Dad lore is insane.
(speaking to his kids when they're older) "Oh yeah, your Mom tried to kill me once. but it's okay I made it even the next year so we're good now."
"One time I almost got eaten by a monkey in a fight to the death."
"Another time I took a spontaneous road trip, got held hostage, and then led a rebellion to victory alongside your Mom."
- Peeta teaches himself guitar so he can play along while Katniss sings. His chords are wildly out of tune at first, but he gets it eventually.
- Peeta doesn't like store-bought bread, saying his homemade loaves taste better (they do).
- He's a hugger, every hello and goodbye is met by a bear hug. His hugs are amazing as well, nice and tight but also comforting and warm.
- For a while after the war Peeta kept a journal on his nightstand to record his dreams/nightmares. Even if the text turns out to be chicken scratch in the morning Katniss still helps him decipher and work through it to solidify reality.
“What does that say ?”
“Uh… I think… no - wait, I have no idea,”
- Effie and Peeta definitely have wine nights to talk about their scary guard dog partners and how much they love them.
- Speaking of paint - it’s everywhere, all the time, mainly his hands. Oil paint is next to impossible to clean so almost all of Peeta’s shirts have some amount of color speckled on the sleeves or the thighs of his pants.
- Peeta also keeps a cookie jar of homemade cookies in the kitchen, they’re replenished every week with regular flavor swaps.
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I saw a tiktok saying that Peeta would be the soft parent who’d get Katniss to discipline their kids but actually I think the complete opposite. I think Katniss would be the softer parent, the one who lets them get away with anything and Peeta would be like “babe, you can’t let them just do wherever they want!”
he’s absolutely the one who does most of the reprimanding. I’m basing this on the fact that in their personal relationship in the books, he’s more of the dominant one, the protector, the one leading, as well as my own gut feeling
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jpai0508 · 2 months
Hi besties.
Just curious but what do you think PMJ Katniss and Peeta argue about? These arguments can be silly HCs (like Peeta freezing Katniss with the windows open at night? Dishes left in sink? Idk??) or serious ones (maybe about the bakery? Kids? How to raise the kids? Idk?)
Let me know what you guys think!!
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mollywog · 1 year
After the war, Katniss and Peeta strip their homes of all the frivolous capital decor. The useless articles are boxed in the basement - they’re too pointless even to donate.
During one of her visits, chaos queen, Johanna is riffling through their basement (because why not) and finds the boxes. She hauls them upstairs setting the canvases up for target practice and teaches Katniss and Peeta the art of ax throwing.
Haymitch sits on his porch, ‘supervising’, suppling the liquor, and donating to their loot.
When those are thoroughly destroyed, they begin launching the ceramics as target practice for Katniss; Tossing multiple in the air at a time to see how many she can hit at once.
When their cathartic destruction is complete, Peeta collects the discarded shards of pottery to make mosaics.
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paintedpeeta · 5 months
now, many of us, have at length discussed Peeta “born to be a little shit, forced to be a prisoner of war” Mellark coming into his own after the war, and I would like to hear your take on it but ALSO have we been sleeping on “two can play at the game” Katniss being just as immature when Peeta is pulling his stupid boy behavior? … basically, your headcanons upon the topic “Let Katniss and Peeta Be Normal Teenagers 2024”
this instantly made me think of the part in catching fire where katniss and finnick smear their faces in ointment just to spook peeta… like, if she’s able to be a little silly in the middle of a death match then she definitely goofs off when they’re safe and living a soft life together.
I think katniss’ sense of humour is often overlooked (which is fair enough because there’s a lot going on) but that girl was roasting career tributes names and giving us bangers such as “I suppose the apples ate the cheese” like 💀
but anyway, I agree that she definitely gives as good as she gets. peeta plays on her weaknesses by teasing her and being crude because he knows it makes her flustered, but katniss knows exactly how to deal with him too (think back to the ointment thing, where she uses a soft sing-song voice to call his name and wake him up). she’ll have him on the ropes, distracting him in the kitchen by acting all flirtatious and letting him think he’s about to get some and then THWACK. face full of whipped cream.
also I personally headcanon that peeta is a very neat and orderly person (to a certain extent… the room he uses as a studio for his painting is a wreck at all times) and he’s very specific about the way things should be done. purely in the name of being a pain in the ass, katniss will wrongly pair up socks when its her turn doing the laundry and leave her boots where she kicks them off at the door rather than lining them up the way he does.
just general cat behavior as well. she’ll plop herself down on his lap, to hell with the fact he’s reading the newspaper. yeah she’ll come padding into the room to bug him while he paints and yeah she will knock things off of the desk.
not exactly catlike, but a couple of times she tries to switch around his mug of tea and his mug of paint water. it fails every time because, y’know, he has a nose and all but hey. a girl can dream.
plus a plethora of other things she does just for the love of the game. the game of being a pest, that is. she’ll flick water and suds at him while they wash the dishes together, or shut the hot water off for just a second while he’s in the shower, or bite his finger when he tries to let her taste a new recipe.
when they’re not ribbing each other, they’re teaming up to terrorise poor haymitch. he’s so done with them but he would also never admit how much he likes seeing them so happy and actually getting to act young, even if it does mean being rudely awakened on weekends by the sound of laughter coming from their open windows as peeta crashes around after her because she slipped an ice cube down his shirt and then dashed.
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CW: this little snippet discusses my thoughts on Everlark's first time, 18+ only
So I'd imagine like everyone else that it's kinda awkward, not uncomfortable but the way you would expect two virgin adults who have gone through lots of trauma to be for their first time.
I definitely do think that it would unlock something in them after their firstime, even with Peeta who would know a little bit more as his brothers described in detail to him what sex is like, still becomes insatiable like Katniss.
I also think she would basically alert everyone in D12 the next morning, people can just tell by the look on her face what went down. The subtle pride on Peetas face is not subtle at all and people either clap him on the back or refuse to look at them.
Along with that I think it's funny to imagine Peeta panicking about Kat bleeding for their first time (I know it doesn't happen to everyone but whatev), and basically running rampant in his mind if he hurt her.
And lastly, the whole of D12 chips in to get Haymitch earmuffs, cos they know these bitches ain't gonna be quiet
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