#trufflu entre
willowisworking · 11 months
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= CW/TW: BLOOD, DECAPITATION = OH YEAH uhhhhhh keep forgetting to post this but here's something I made for @straycalamities as a birthday gift!! (his birthday was several weeks ago and i made this several weeks ago and yes i am only posting this now) Gift art ls always a great excuse to try out new stuff, so I wanted to try making a mini comic :3
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burnt-breadtoast · 7 months
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Bros always shits together
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undeadzombieez · 6 months
guys I did it😭
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fasciahb · 8 months
originally swagtre but whateva i got lazy..
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straycalamities · 10 months
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It's like I'm not even a person, am I? I'm just your problem
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1hav3nofather · 6 months
Zombie kebab 🤭🤭
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(my hyperfixation on One-ler is getting worse jahdhsjajjs HELP)
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twinstars420 · 11 months
Onceler fandom I ask of you a favor.
I don’t remember who drew this. But it’s a truffula flu comic that goes with adventure times Marceline - I remember you song. I think it was oneler and swagler but I could be wrong. Maybe it was bitter?
I really cannot recall.
I just remember the pain my heart was in reading it but it’s been almost a literal decade
Does anyone know what I am talking about?
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hybridkilljoys · 1 year
where can i find truffula flu? i cant find the original
Aw man I wish I had a solid answer but a lot of OG truffula flu was carried out on old ask blogs and many of them have been deleted by now so there's no way to read the story as it was 😔 the AU has become a puzzle with many missing pieces and you gotta make sense of it with whatever pieces are left.
Your best bet would be reading Entre, Rocky, and One-ler's blogs from the start-- a lot of big plot points for camp Entre are archived on there, and you can find a lot of archieved posts from Swag and Bitter's deleted blogs as well which are super important to the plot.
I also offer u This blog which is run by one of the mods who was in the OG truffula flu-- it has info on how the AU/infection started, info about the types of infected, and it reblogs more recent content of the AU! So it's something in handy if you wanna see some of the more recent trufflu content from the past years :^)
You can also check out the truffula flu tag on our beloved Onceler fandom historian @miru667 's blog! And Entre's mod has recently been answering asks about the AU and trufflu Entre! so if you want more fun facts about it you can check his truffula flu tag too :D
I hope this helps!
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junkheaded · 3 years
trufflu headcanon when bitter dies every time entre chops with the axe mmm whatcha say restarts and layers
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whisper-ma-phone · 5 years
I'm gonna try to read Truffula Flu from the very beginning!!
Do you guys mind if I start reblogging Trufflu related content occasionally?
Also, recommend me some Trufflu blogs! I currently have Swag, One, Entre, 72 and Audrey on my reading list ✨.
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burnt-breadtoast · 7 months
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burnt-breadtoast · 10 months
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Cat Entre
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straycalamities · 2 months
gosh I'm sorry I just took a big fat stare at andrew while I was scrolling your art tag again as I always do, and I just realized for the 100th fucking time that he looks very similar to trufflu entre and there was even a post captioned "father of the apocalypse" on your old artblog. Are you hiding something from us chase.. I've literally never heard of the guy from anyone I've only ever seen him in your art tag who is he.
oh boy i didn't even think about how deoncelerizing appears to people who don't know the History 😭
you can find more context in this ask response
but ye andrew cho was my attempt to deoncelerize truffula flu entre. and that's not been or ever was a secret. but he got a big update in 2019 so he's not As much that anymore, he's become more of his own guy, but i still plan on making him my big epic original zombie apoc story's protag...one day.
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straycalamities · 10 months
oh wait i wanna do hug post too tf?
entre...needs to be split hold on mainverse entre: is not a hugger really, but will if it's like...the Social Moment. like if someone else initiates it and ppl Been Huggin he's like welp okay! but he does hug his loved ones...when he can. its rare he'll initiate tho. very rare. and when he does its got uhhh depth to it. social hugging is a light embrace with a friendly pat. emotional hugging is a tighter squeeze and sometimes a burying of the face depending
trufflu entre: is more of a hugger but still bad at initiating bc he would (rightly) assume most ppl dont want a hug from the guy who ended the world. getting hugs absolutely melts the man. hugs are everything to him. he never expects them so when he gets them? man...he will liquify in your very arms. he initiates them more often with swag? thats abt it. when he gets over the shock of being hugged (or when he initiates) hes hugging and squeezing with every muscle fiber in his body ppl might be crushed tbh and he's trying to hide himself in the other person's body with how hard he's pressing into them
spook: not a hugger. do not hug. it will not hug you. do not hug it. exceptions made for ppl that've passed the vibe check and also gotten through all the layers of distrust and other icky things. it can enjoy hugs with its Closest People :tm: but otherwise. Do Not The Hug. its hugs are comfortable? it's careful about how tight it squeezes, but if ur in the hugging privilege, it likes to be squeezed
andrew: hugger! not like supremely because he's got awful social anxiety so he's very afraid of making a wrong move and doing Something Bad Socially. like oh i misread this as a hugging moment. or oh i thought we were close enough i could hug and it would be fine but maybe its not? always worrying about stuff like that (less so when inebriated. becomes super hugger 9000 when on a substance) but he is..liking to hug. hug him. he'll hug you back real tight
ace: absoLUTELY not a hugger. just dont touch him in general? ew? who do you think you are? literally loathes touching ppl so you think you can have a hug? even if its a Social Moment, he will find some way to play it off or manipulate the situation so the hug is forgotten or smth. but okay say youve gotten through his labyrinth of onion layers of defenses and facades......youre In with him good...still not a huge hugger bc like...physical affection...scary. especially intense like hugging, but if someone else initiates he will..be frozen up like a deer in headlights but eventually give you a few awkward back pats back, maybe a little squeeze if youre super special.
daisy: HUGGER! she loves to hug! one of her trademark greetings is basically a glomp. she's a glomper. overexcited catgirl who loves people! she loves getting hugs too! maybe if someones being a little too overfamiliar she'll be a little awkward about it, but she won't turn down a hug despite all that.
eren: hmm complicated... it depends on who and what mood shes in. typically tho she'll hug! more of a return-hugger than an initiator. it's a casual kinda hug, sometimes with a few pats. she honestly feels sort of awkward receiving genuine affection from people because of the complicated feelings she has towards herself and her misunderstanding of how ppl perceive her. if she initiates the hug shes either like...drunk or like something significant and emotional has happened.
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straycalamities · 4 months
this gonna sound dumb but who’s Swags mod? I was wondering if ur his mod like someone who has ownership over him but has a mod 😭 IM SORRY IF THIS SOUNDS DUMB all I know is you’re the mod of Entre and other mods with their characters, just been trying to figure out for Swags
swag has had multiple mods in the past, but his two main ones haven't touched him in years (afaik) the one in charge of truffula flu is @/starxapple and the one mainly in charge for thneedville/thornville high is @/miaoumint
both of them have run his main blog extensively @/ask-swag-onceler
strapple has long since entirely retired from him/being his mod and that's why you see me running around carrying trufflu!swag over my head like a maniac bc i've basically adopted him officially? i guess? if you wanna call it like that
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straycalamities · 10 months
Just to know, what are the canon pairings between your ocs at the moment? :3
cANON? UHHHH uhh what is canon uhhh
well mainverse entre is with 12 they've been dating since......2012? 2013? oh god. (maybe they're married at this point who knows)
trufflu entre isss ummmmmmm hard to answer :) he's With swag obv but its Complicated and Unlabeled (til its not, but that's......a story for another time)
weehawken entre is kinda? flirting? interested? in vin not official yet but they had their Moments
man..entre is my bicycle ill be honest. and there's more aus and iterations of entre all usually with their own boo (or the same boo just different situation) i just like to have fun
but anyways enough about him
eboy is canonly with EDU HIMSELF. uwu
mronceler is canonly. divorced :)
andrew and ace are usually canonly planned to get together. i literally made ace FOR andrew. so i guess they're technically canon? i just haven't officially done any stories yet where they get to that point. but they're supposed to. especially in their main universes (there's like two now..maybe three..oh no)
andrew canonly has feelings for ji-hoon but they're not reciprocated. he also has a thing for julian, but its uh. awful. its bad. i wont go into it here
i think thats about it for him? uh :( same for ace err...yeah they pretty much just have each other rn even in different universes (i'd be down to play around with hooking them up with other ocs if anyone's interested tho wink)
kian is canonly with dev uwu they are in LOVE and sometimes eventually have a dotter named sid (sidney (because of scream yes))
i also have like four more oc pairings with edu, but i think i havent ever posted about them here...uh...seiki, will, aoife, and sean. well i HAVE posted about aoife and will but i dont think edu has anything posted of taelim or dean...so...
erendriel, daisy, and spook as of now are all canonly single and ready to mingle... idk do they even have ""canons"" right now ?? they kinda just exist in my head as amorphous blobs of vibes and vague traits (except spook who's got more than that but not rly anywhere to belong yet. it's just out here.) so if someone wanted to..make smth happen. my ocs. y'all's ocs. fingerguns. i know spook has one interested party rn. and has done stuff with another treasured friend's oc in the past
there's also danny, apollo, beleth, callisto, leah, mary, brady, nayasha, toni, and zenathrael. i have so many ocs dude...umm nayasha has a gf in canon but i havent designed her yet. brady has a...Thing going on with their basically-boss but...:) and the rest are all canonly single. i have even more but idk this is already getting out of hand.
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