#truly the whole circus šŸ¤”
overlyinvestedinlife Ā· 8 months
Okay so we watched:
Lando be informed of his lap time deletion and walking away whilst Max was being interviewed
George giving an interview believing he was p3 not knowing about the lap time deletion and only being informed at the end by Oscar
Max off to the side with Mark Webber (Oscarā€™s manager) whoā€™s explaining what happened with Lando.
Oscarā€™s lap time being deleted mid interview
Naomi having to inform him at the end of his interview of his lap time deletion and being dropped 3 grid places.
Oscar still ending up in the post qualifying picture because it was way to late to go find Lewis
F1 is a completely serious multibillion dollar sport with a long and esteemed history.
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mbabeys Ā· 1 year
this might be a bit random but i figured since everybody's feeling some type of way, might as well bring back the OG clownery when it comes to PSG šŸ¤”šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
in 1973, a midfielder lost his dentures at some point during a match and didn't notice until they were back in the locker room. It was snowing and cold, but they had to light up the whole stadium so that the entire team, staff included, could search the pitch. Never found the dentures and nearly caught hypothermia in the process
in 1979, PSG was invited to Cameroon to play two friendlies for a big check (see? nothing's changed). The team was traveling aboard two buses, but no one had noticed the microphones inside were directly broadcasting the whole ride through the town. They were nicknamed the 'PSG circus' for a while because of it. The local press had a field day.
in 1983, the club organized the first football cruise to 'ease the team back into training' after winter break (and make big bucks). Fans, families, staff, everyone aboard. There was literally no space to move and they sent about a hundred balls out into the sea. No one ever truly knew why they even came up with something like that. They ended up playing friendlies in Senegal, including one where after the equivalent of not one but two matches in a row, the score was still 0-0.
in the early 1990s, the team famously spent hours combing the locker room for the second shin guard of their resident Awkward Boi. He had put both on the same leg. They showed up late and were finned.
in 1998, the back-then President of PSG and the back-then President of RC Lens got stuck in an elevator together. They'd almost gotten into a fist fight earlier that night, everyone thought they were going to murder each other in there.
at some point in 2010-ish, the team's hotel couldn't get enough ice for ice baths for the players. The staff had to go fetch some at a local supermarket. Great right? Except it was from the seafood department. Some of the players couldn't get rid of the smell afterwards.
in case anybody ever wondered, this team always had chaotic written in their DNA
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skiplo-wave Ā· 2 years
the fact that this linda twitter user was caught few times answering to her own tweets as if she was different user is still sending me šŸ˜‚ girl you have to log out and log on your other account
Same energy trying send yourself anon hate but forgot turn anonymous on šŸ˜‚
AH Stanā€™s truly be a whole circus šŸ¤”
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fdcwasright Ā· 1 year
This has to be one of the most ridiculous blogs I've ever seen and I mean that in a "this blog is a joke (/insulting)" way lmao
Congrats for getting onto "block + report" posts in both the aspec and plural communities it's truly an amazing feat I must say /sarcastic
Also watching people dump whole FANFICTION into your ask box while you only respond with a mere 1-10 word sentence is actually hilarious and it makes this ridiculously toxic blog even more of a joke that I'm actually missing the point of you trying to start wars and laughing at how absurd your reblogs and answers are You're not a clown. No, not at all. You're the entire circus; You're the troupe, tent, ringleader and then some šŸ„°šŸ¤”
I hope you rot in hell though ā™„ļøŽā™”ā™„ļøŽā™”
I know Iā€™m pretty special huh
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shameless-notashamed Ā· 2 years
saddest shameless scene go
Hey anon! Thank you so very much for this ask. I had to take some time to mull this over, a question such as this takes thought and consideration. My mind immediately went to 3x06, 3x12, 5x12, 6x01, hell even 7x11. But Iā€™m making this totally personal, my saddest Shameless moment is actually wrapped up in one of my happiest as well.
Iā€™m going with 9x06. It felt like this was for real the end of something I had loved for so long. Having seen behind the curtain I knew that this was meant to be Ianā€™s last episode (Cam was leaving the show). And with that went my absolute last vestiges of hope of ever again seeing Ian and Mickey together on screen. There wouldnā€™t be any other ā€œsurpriseā€ episodes like season 7 where gloriously two of my most favorite characters ever came back together.
Iā€™ll never forget the sadness I felt watching Ian walk through that prison, that stoic look on his faceā€”trying so hard to hide his fearā€”every step he took toward his final destination seeming more bleak than his last. And then he entered his cell, trying to take a moment for himself to possibly fucking hyperventilate. Only for his cell door to open moments later, and as he armored himself, holding back tears of absolute desolation because he was entering an unknown hell for his foreseeable future. He turns aroundā€¦ And there is Mickey mother fucking Milkovich.
I canā€™t even explain rightly how in that split secondā€”but a mere momentā€”how my saddest of feelings got flipped turned upside down. Saying good-bye to Ian I truly believed I was saying good-bye to Mickey forever as well. But boom, there they were, looking at each other with sheer awe. I fucking wept, Iā€™m not too proud to say it.
I totally know Iā€™m in the minority by saying I actually enjoyed s11. But then again, I joined the fandom at the end of s10 and I remember people hating quite a lot on that season as well, so maybe s11 will prevail in the long run? I have loved and lost Ian and Mickey so many times. Over the years, Shameless, in general, was a roller coaster ride I wanted to get off of. But I always stuck around. So to get two more whole seasons with Ian and Mickey together? And to cap off the most epic love story these two eyes have ever witnessed? Youā€™ll get no complaints from me. Put me in the circus with the clowns if you must, but Iā€™ll still honk my red nose and say I liked s11 and was happy with the ending because I got something more after I truly believed there was nothing else. šŸ¤”šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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icantswim-03 Ā· 2 years
hi im obsessed with all your writing and wondering when MOAAARRRRR! without any pressure, of course.šŸ’–
I love your fucking mafia fic and IM OBSESSED WITH YOUR CIRCUS FIC Idk if you will write that one again, but i love it bc im a clown and fall in love with things that aren't finished <3 šŸ¤”
anyway, just rooting you on! Your groupchat text fics are also funny as fuck, but you can't give kudos more than once! So, here is your extra kudos for that! <3
anyway, hope you're doing well and just sending some love! <3leo
This just made my whole ass day! I have been falling a bit behind on writing because of finals and such but I do plan on continuing to write both the mafia fic and the circus fic!
This means a lot coming from you between your amazing fics and the joys you bring on Tumblr, I feel truly honored :) <3<3
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Tombstone 13x06 -Ā ā€œIā€™m your huckleberryā€
Here I am again probably reading more into what the writers actually intended for these two but hey my clown outfit is super-glued on until November 19th so... starts the circus musicĀ šŸ¤”
Episode 13x06 - I truly loved this episode. Not just for Dean and Castiel but also for the whole family going on a hunting trip and the humor of course. Not to mention a great moment between Dean and Cas talking about watching one of the best movies ever. Itā€™s one of my personal favorites!
One thing I would like to look at is Cas choosing to say the phraseĀ ā€œIā€™m your huckleberryā€ in the car scene when Dean reminds him that he made him watch the movie.Ā ā€œOh right, the one with the guns and Tuberculosis. Iā€™m your huckleberry.ā€ This is meant to be a comedic statement, and also running it past Dean to make sure heā€™s got it right since Dean just told him to act like he is from the movie when dealing with the police at the crime scene. As we all know,Ā ā€œIā€™m your huckleberryā€ is probably one of the most famous phrases from the movie. Val Kilmerā€™s Doc Holliday had a lot of great one liners in that film, one of my favorite roles for Val, but definitelyĀ ā€œIā€™m your huckleberryā€ sticks out.
Now, Iā€™m sure they only used the phrase because of itā€™s popularity but when watching the episode it reminded me of something:
1) Tombstone scene: the scene in the middle of town where Johnny Ringo is drunk and wants toĀ ā€œplay for bloodā€ with the Earps - when Wyatt shuts him down and tells Johnny he wonā€™t fight him, and the Earps turn their backs, Doc is on his feet, Johnny shouts after them and immediately, Doc saysĀ ā€œIā€™m your huckleberryā€, getting his attention instead of leaving it on the Earps.
2) Tombstone scene: the scene where Johnny Ringo and Doc Holliday square off in their final confrontation - Johnny is expecting Wyatt to show so he can kill him. Doc and Wyatt have just shared a scene earlier where Wyatt realizes he canā€™t beat Ringo, heā€™s not fast enough on the draw compared to Johnny, but he is going to show up anyway. Doc is sick in that scene and tells Wyatt he wishes he could go with him but he canā€™t, heā€™s too sick. Wyatt tells him thatā€™s alright, says goodbye, and leaves, not knowing that Doc is actually not as sick as heā€™s claiming to be and will eventually show up in his place thus saving his life. During the confrontation with Johnny, Doc immediately saysĀ ā€œIā€™m your huckleberryā€ to let Johnny know itā€™s him and then proceeds to goad him into a confrontation which leads to Ringoā€™s death.Ā 
Again, this may be a stretch and I could be totally pulling this out of thin air (all signs point to ā€œyesā€), but I found it interesting that they chose that phrase and then for Dean and Cas to be AgentsĀ ā€œRussellā€ andĀ ā€œKilmerā€. Just callbacks to the film they just mentioned and the name of the episode, the fact that theyā€™re in Dodge City, the villain theyā€™ll be dealing with by the end of the episode, and of course, Deanā€™s ā€œcowboy fetishā€ but I delved a bit deeper with it.
In Tombstone, itā€™s obvious that there is a very close friendship between Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp. Itā€™s historically documented that they were friends and this film/script showed that friendship to be as deep as a brotherhood. For story purposes or not, itā€™s there. Doc gets along with all the Earps present in this film, but his friendship is really with Wyatt, thatā€™s what they focus on. When Doc says this phraseĀ ā€œIā€™m your huckleberryā€, itā€™s in two situations where he is dare I say protective/defending, or better yet, looking out for Wyatt (and the Earps by extension). The first scene, yes it is to get Ringoā€™s attention, but Ringo was raving drunk and the Earps had their backs turned to him. The second scene, it is directly implied after the shootout with Ringo, that Doc wasnā€™t as sick as he made himself out to be to Wyatt, and he basically saved his life.Ā 
And all of this got me thinking, wow, if this was Cas and Dean instead of Doc and Wyatt (okay stay with me lol), then Casā€™ role as Doc would completely make sense, based on that filmā€™s portrayal. Cas looks out for Dean (yes, I know Dean looks out for him too but Iā€™m focusing on Cas for the moment), and has tried to look out the best he could for Deanā€™s family (aka Sam and mostly Mary). Cas really is Val Kilmerā€™s Doc Holliday minus the gambling, tuberculosis, cowboy hat, and company of Big Nose Kate. And if you think about it, Dean really is a bit like the Wyatt that Kurt Russell played. Not strictly a lawman, but the righteous man so to speak, as weā€™ve heard him been referred to time and time again. The scene where Cas kills Billie to keep Dean, Sam or Mary from having to die and then Deanā€™s anger afterwards on Cas going all ā€œhalf-cocked and making knee jerk decisionsā€ and not thinking his actions through in case there were cosmic consequences. When Cas did what he had to do with Donatello in the devilā€™s trap room in the bunker and Deanā€™s anger and insistence that it wasnā€™t okay afterwards with Cas still insisting he had to do it. And then it hit me...holy crap, this really is a far fetched reflection of that supposed friendship and brotherhood in that film! That is one hell of a comparison and I donā€™t think the writers actually meant to go that deep with it but wow! While they are two completely different universes and two different time lines (historical vs modern day) and two completely different characters when compared to each other, I just found that incredible. Iā€™m not saying Cas was meant to say that line to show the comparison but it just got me thinking and it blew me away.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TJELlvHJeAĀ (Cas kills Billie scene, it wouldnā€™t let me embed it sorry, 12x9)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7MFmH8WrCQĀ (Cas strips Donatelloā€™s mind - 13x14)
https://youtube.com/watch?v=o1eL-3BJihgĀ (Dean and Cas talk from 13x19)
There is one more scene in Tombstone (which I couldnā€™t find on YouTube, sorry), a moment that happens after the O.K. Corral shootout: Wyatt tells Sheriff Behan that he wonā€™t let him arrest him, Doc, and his brothers right then, Virgilā€™s wife rushes over to him as Morganā€™s wife does the same with him, and there stands Doc, watching Wyatt, waiting for him. Wyatt makes his way past onlookers towards Doc and the two walk away from the scene together. That moment gave me such a Dean and Cas feel and I think Iā€™ve seen a similar moment somewhere in the series (Iā€™m not 100% sure but I strongly feel like I have) but I just donā€™t know where at the moment. But, wow.Ā 
I really donā€™t think the SPN writers had all of this in mind when writing this episode (or maybe they did but only meant a surface reflection, not as deep down the rabbit hole as I went) but I love that I now have made that connection for myself. It gives me even more appreciation for that episode and those two characters than I already had. In case you were wondering, no I donā€™t think of the friendship that Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp had romantically, historically or artistically. But in that film, itā€™s a brotherhood and close friendship, definitely a BFF vibe, and I enjoy it as such. And making the sort of parallels to Dean and Cas, I only see it reflecting their brotherhood and deep friendship. If Doc died, Wyatt would grieve (which we saw slightly in the hospital scene near the end of the film). Wyatt trusted him and had him in his posse to hunt down the Cowboys when he sent his injured brother and other family away. That to me, I could totally see Dean sending an injured or sick Sam off, no matter how much he would have wanted to stay, and Cas joining him in what he needed to do.
Iā€™m going to tag this destiel because for me, even though itā€™s not a meta type writing to confirm the existence of their romantic relationship in subtext, it does encompass some of the facets that I personally enjoy from their ship: their deep bond and friendship which has definitely turned into a brotherhood. They will always have that soul connection for me, whether they end up as endgame or not (romantically or platonic). Cas is Deanā€™s ride or die, just like Sam is (though obviously itā€™s different), and I think these past seasons have shown us that. Season 6 and 7 are hard to watch for me (even harder than the ā€œdivorceā€), they feel so off kilter to me then, but we do start to slowly get them back in season 8 and then leading to Season 9 and beyond, almost as if rebuilding that foundation for something incredible to be built upon. As we all know, Cas is not your typical angel, even by the showā€™s standards, and he has been loyal to Dean (even when there were times he would betray him) and he has been there to try to help when he can. Which includes taking care of Sam (not that Sam and Cas donā€™t have their own friendship, they do), protecting him, and having Deanā€™s back as much as he can. He is Deanā€™s wingman (no pun intended), his fellow soldier, his best friend, his other brother, and his guardian (sort of). Now if you take away all of the Supernatural elements of it, most of these if not all describe Wyatt Earp and Doc Hollidayā€™s friendship in the film Tombstone to a certain extent.
And now I have a brand new appreciation for not only the scene in 13x06 but the episode. Destiel really has got me likeĀ šŸ¤”
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souds7 Ā· 2 years
your bio šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
when I first read it I was super confused like wtf but then it made sense and oooohhh your mind is truly incomparable you circus legend
šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” I am literally the whole circus supporting spurs but they are my beloved cock on ball team
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