#trust me when i say i made some unholy sounds in front of a bunch of people
chiosblog · 8 months
GUYS ajdjsofnksnsks
I met a real celebrity today WTF
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Look how majestic it is 💓
(but not much comfortable inside tho 😂)
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sohin-ace · 4 years
Dio - Back to you
This is cross-posted from Wattpad and available on AO3. This is an old work, the writing has improved ever since. 
Living in London in the 19th century was not easy for everyone.
If you were born in a wealthy or a noble family, you would live a peaceful life, in the countryside maybe. Going into the inner city from time to time to run some errands or have a good time. Study, graduate, get married to a beautiful lady or a nice gentleman, found a family and be happy.
But that was far, far from your situation. You were a street scum. Yes.
You lived in London, in the dark side of the city, where misery reigned. You were an orphan, you only had your father, and unfortunately, he was slowly dying of a horrible disease. A curable one, yet, way too expensive for you to afford the cure.
You had dropped out of school and stole your way out most of your life. You barely had enough to eat every other day. When your father fell ill, you had no choice but to find any way to work when possible and pay for his treatments and your basic sanitary needs, mostly putting his well being over your own.
It was hard and stressful, but you knew you could always count on that one person who was always there when you needed him.
The one and only Dio Brando.
Dio grew up with you, he knew the streets of London like the back of his hand, and he often helped you when you were troubled by the men of Ogre Street, or when you were caught red-handed stealing.
Both of you got close as you were in similar situations, so you helped each other out and talked out your problems and concerns. You only had one another and couldn't trust anybody else.
He could act rather coldly or even violent towards people who picked on him, but you knew he hid great pain under his persona, so you could never hate him. You would usually hang out together outside or get something to eat if you could afford it.
On his side, he was always delighted by your presence. Even with your life situation, you always came up to him with a bright smile on your beautiful face. You never judged his actions and always listened to him.
He wondered sometimes how someone with such a pure heart could even stay with a demon like him. He felt like he had to protect you. He could fight, he was also very smart, he could always help you, he wanted you to depend on him more.
You both had an unexpectedly tight relationship.
One evening, you came up to him inside a rowdy tavern where he often bet and played chess with strangers. You had a surprise for him.
You came from behind him and put your hands on his shoulders to scare him, but sadly for you, it failed. He turned gracefully around and greeted you.
"Oh Y/N, how are you?" his lips curled upwards charmingly.
"Dio I have amazing news! Did you eat yet?"
He shook his head, wondering what was so amazing that he needed to hear it on an empty stomach.
You sat down at the table in front of him and pulled out something wrapped in paper towels. You unwrapped it onto the table to reveal some skewers.
You looked at him expectantly with a huge smile on your face while Dio's eyes widened like saucers.
"Are you nuts?" he questioned your sanity, bewildered. "Where in hell did you get meat? Are you even aware how expensive that is?"
He still couldn't believe how crazy you were, bringing him noblesse food, for no particular reason. Meat was one of those things you couldn't just steal that easily.
"I know, but I wanted to surprise you! You deserve it after all. Here, eat up!" you handed him one of the skewers eagerly.
"How did you afford it?" His tone was dead serious.
"Huh? It's not important, eat!" You insisted with a hand gesture, but he didn't even spare a glance at it. His features darkened suddenly.
"Y/N don't tell me... Don't tell me you..."
"I what?" you asked confused.
He had an idea of how you could have had that much money in such a short period of time, but he didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to even imagine you would have done this, by yourself, alone, without consulting him...
After all, in the dark streets of London, at this time, that business was flourishing, especially with young teenage girls...
"You didn't sell your body for these, did you?" he asked almost painfully. He swore if you said yes all hell were going to break lose.
If he was going to protect you, he would protect all of you. He wouldn't forgive himself if you had to deal with harm all alone for his sake.
You blushed at his unholy assumption and frantically answered.
"W-what?! No!! Of course no- I mean..." You paused, wanting to chose your next words carefully.
"Not yet at least I.. Maybe if one day I don't have a choice anymore... For father, but... I'm okay! I didn't do anything reckless just for meat!"
You tried to reassure him. He was relieved, but still had a dark expression on his face, like he was not entirely convinced.
"I earned that money properly, I swear! I actually worked for it!" You smiled big as he finally took the skewer from your small hands.
"But don't worry, okay? I said if I really don't have a choice, as in... life or death matter. I really don't want to have to do it either..." you trailed off.
"Don't ever do it. Even if you don't have a choice. Only I, can give you the choice to make." He sounded confident as ever, but he couldn't shake the scary thought out of his head .
"Of course! You're the only one I can trust with my decisions anyway." you told him sheepishly.
You knew you weren't as smart and composed as him, so if anything, you'd ask him for help and advice before anything.
"You better, otherwise you'll hear from me." he muttered as he took a bite out of his meat "You don't eat?"
You shook your head "Just for you. You need proteins to win boxing fights, big boy."
He just scoffed and ate, secretely glad to have you safe by his side.
Weeks passed, and Dio wanted to see you to announce something important. You didn't know what it was, but it seemed serious, so you joined him.
You saw him standing in front of the tavern so you jogged a bit to get to him.
"How's my favourite friend?" you said excitedly with a big smile.
"I'm your only friend." he blurted with a straight face.
"Ouch. I mean, it's true but still!"
"Let's get inside." He entered the building and you followed suit.
You both sat down. You were excited wondering what kind of announcement he needed to make.
Dio, however, had a grave expression on his face. He simply slid an enveloppe across the table towards you and you furrowed your eyebrows at it. You took it and opened it to read the content of the letter inside.
"Remember when I told you my failure of a father had history with the Joestar family?"
You just stared at him and nodded silently. He send you a look signaling you to continue to read so you would understand what he meant.
The letter was from Georges Joestar. In it was a message telling Dio that he would be more than happy to take him in, as Dio's father was close to death. A cab would be sent to him as soon as Dio contacted Georges. As you finished reading you put the letter down and softly asked.
"You... You're going to live with the Joestar...?" there was a mix of surprise and sadness in your tone. Dio nodded in confirmation, and you smiled, trying to hide your sadness.
"It's amazing! Really! I'm so happy for you, Dio! You will live in an easy family and finally get what you always deserved!"
You were genuinely happy for your friend. You always told him how sofisticated, charming and smart he was. He was like a prince in the slums, he totally didn't belong in the piss hole you lived in.
No, a man like Dio belonged in a castle, with a bunch of servants ready to serve his every needs. He would flick your forehead everytime you told him this, telling you to stop fantasizing, but secretely hoping it would come true.
As the blond didn't respond you continued.
"You're going to have a great home, and eat a lot, and maybe you'll have a huge library there! I know you love books. And I'm sure you'll feel right at home, you belong in a place like that, I always said it! Your life is going to chang-"
"Y/N you're rambling again." Dio cut you off as he saw you were getting out of hand.
"Ahah, I'm sorry! It's just..." your expression softened as you looked down. "I'm so happy for you Dio... You're getting out of this crappy place once and for all." Even if you were happy for him, you couldn't shrug the pang of sadness in your heart.
"What's wrong Y/N? You should see your face right now." He said, noticing your obvious pain.
It hurt a little. After all, he was leaving you. You only had him, but now he was going away. You tried to imagine how your daily life would look like without him. It was painful.
You couldn't look at him, you were scared that if you did, you would start crying. You just looked away, staring at nothing.
"It's just... I'm going to miss you, Dio... A lot.." You didn't want to make it all about you so you quickly added.
"But it's okay! I'll write you some letters! And if you ever come to the city to visit we'll see each other, right? Let's say... On week-ends? Or I'll sneak into a train and come see you!"
You wanted to laugh it off, but stopped immediately when you felt warm calloused hands grab yours from across the table. Your expression faded and you stared at his sharp amber eyes.
You flinched and your breath hitched. The way he pronounced your name made your heart flutter. You really felt like it was the end for you both when he spoke like that. You wanted to carve his voice deep inside your memory before he went.
"Y/N, I have an objective. There's something that I need to do. I'll come back to London, and I'll come back to you eventually." He explained with dark determination.
He tightened his grip on your hands and you nodded in understanding without a word, not trusting your voice at the moment.
"I'll tell you when I'll go. Don't do anything reckless when I'm gone. Don't go to Ogre street. Come home early. This is not a request this is an order."
He let go of your hands and got up, you got up afterwards and without thinking, ran up to him, abruptly wrapping your arms around his waist. You buried your face in his chest, trying to hide your tears.
You felt him sigh and caress your head gently, letting you sob in his arms.
He was definitely coming back to you, that's for sure. After all, he wasn't done making you his.
Dio is the one character that I can't seem to write about? I don't know, I understand his personality and motives and actions, but writing something with him makes him out of character. Everything I write about him feels wrong.
Curse you Dio, you fucking whore.
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thotzier · 7 years
Bad News, Good Intentions
                                  IT x Stranger Things crossover
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Summary: Derry is a small town were nothing happens but things started to get weirder and weirder, little did this club of losers know that there was another small town that was just as weird as theirs.
Pairings: Reader x The Losers Club
Word Count: 2364
A/N: This is my first fic... and idek man, I think I’ve got a cool concept going on in my head but I don’t know how to properly write it down??? Anyhow, I hope you enjoy it & tell me if I should continue!!
Living in a small town had its perks, boy, you would know. There was no comparison between the empty streets and calm nights with the sounds of cars honking their way through the streets and midnight arguments.
Derry was no different from the other small towns, it was just a place in the middle of Maine where nothing truly happened and everyone was aware of that or at least tried to keep it that way. The only reason why people would mention Derry was because of the outrageous number of missing kids and even then, it seemed like no one was planning to do something about it... well, no grownup at least.
You sat on the edge of the quarry’s cliff, swinging your feet as you waited for the rest of your friends to arrive. You enjoyed being alone as much as everyone else but in days like these, there was nothing you longed more than being with your friends, your losers. Perhaps you spent too much time around them, but when you are being chased by a demonic clown, how couldn’t you?
These people were the only ones aware of IT besides yourself, meaning that you were the only ones who knew the true reason behind the disappearances of all those children. Telling any adult was no use, they wouldn’t listen, your parents didn’t care about you, that’s a thing you all had in common... except Eddie, perhaps his mother cared a little too much.
It wasn’t like you didn’t love your parents, you did, but they were never there for you. You were aware of how busy it was the life of a scientist... or at least, could imagine, considering they were always going from place to place and were never home. They were like a pair of strangers, strangers who would feed and dress you but that was it. You were still fond of them, to a point, after all... they are your parents, and you had to.
Grabbing a pebble next to you, you threw it over the cliff, watching it fall and splash. You stared at the greenish water, smiling to yourself. “Having fun?” A voice said, breaking the silence. Turning around, you saw one your friends walking towards you. “Mike!”
“Hey” he sat next to you. “Don’t you think you arrived kind of early, Y/N?” He checked the clock on his wrist. “It’s just 10:30”
“I don’t know” you said, shrugging. “I thought we were supposed to arrive at 10:00, plus, it’s not like I had anything better to do. What about you?”
“I thought Bill or Beverly would be here by now” Mike smiled. “Guess I didn’t have anything to do either” he playfully punched you in the arm. You laughed, pushing him to the side. “Shut it, home-schooled” you teased.
“You better keep it fucking PG-13, guys!” Richie shouted, hopping off of his bike and making his way to were the two of you were. “If you don’t wanna see, just take your fucking glasses off” you said, puckering up your lips and pretending to kiss Mike. He placed his hand on his forehead, just like a maiden would.
“And listen to the unholy noises? No thanks”
The three of you sat down and talked, the rest of the losers arriving one by one. You all waited until the last one arrived to swim. Beverly was the first one to jump, she always was, followed by Bill and Ben. Richie and Eddie started their usual banter, fighting over something probably stupid, you and Stan had stopped listening for a while now.
Once the eight of you were splashing around, the real fun had started. This was the best part of the day, were everyone would laugh and forget about their problems and pretended to be normal teens. “You’re going down Richie!” Beverly laughed, pushing Richie and trying to get him to fall from Bill’s shoulders. “You sure about that, Beaverly?” He flashed her a playful smile as he pushed her back. “We’ll show them, right, Ben?” She said, looking down at him. “Got that right”
You laughed, resting your arm on Stan’s shoulder. “Whoever wins goes against me and Stan!” You shouted at the other four. “No way, I am not doing that” he said taking your hand off of him and rolling his eyes. “C’mon, Stan! You are being lame, I bet she’ll let you be on top” Richie shouted.
“Beep Beep, Richie!”
After a while of playing, everyone decided to dry off. Eddie wrapped himself in a towel, shivering. “Y-You okay, E-Eds?” Bill asked.
“I don’t want to get a cold because if I do, my—“
“Your mom won’t have more time for me, guess I’ll have to sneak at night so we can—“
“We get the picture, Richie” Mike sighed.
Richie raised his hands in a defeated manner.
“Escaping to see Mrs. K after curfew? Man, that must be true love” Beverly said, taking out a cigarette from her backpack’s front pocket.
“The curfew can suck my dick, it’s not like it works anyway” he shrugged. “That fucking clown takes kids whenever the fuck he wants so... what’s the point?”
“Do you think it will ever stop?” You interrupted, looking down.
“Pennywise. If we don’t stop him... do you think it’ll stop?” You continued. Richie let out a rather bitter laugh, fixed his glasses and looked at you. “We’ll be dead before that happens, sweetheart, I—“
“I’m being serious, Richie!” You frowned at him. “Listen, I enjoy being haunted by a fucking clown as much as the next person does but do you truly think we will stop him?! Don’t you think we need at least someone to help us?!”
“Who?” Stan sighed. “Who in their right state of mind would help us defeat this—this monster?!”
“Stan is right... Even if he got someone’s attention, what would be our proof? Nobody but us can see IT” Ben said quietly. “It’s like the blood in Beverly’s bathroom...”
“We are helpless” Eddie muttered.
You looked around, the happy faces had been wiped out from their faces. You were just a bunch of kids being attacked by something you didn’t quite understand... but you knew some people who maybe could understand, maybe. “I need to show you guys something”
Hoping on your bikes, they followed you all the way home. You trusted them with your life but even with this kind of information, you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to share it. You weren’t supposed to know and yet, you were making your way home to show your friends all of it.
You unlocked the door and ran upstairs, to your room, everyone else followed close behind and closed the door behind them once everyone was inside. “Did I ever mentioned that my parents were scientists?” You asked.
“I think you did once” Mike said.
“Is that why you are such a nerd?” Richie asked, looking around. You had posters of every sci-fi movie you could imagine, shelves filled with books and action figures. “That’s not the point”
“Why are you asking us this?” Beverly looked at you.
Ignoring her question, you asked another. “Ben, in the research you did about Derry... did you find anything about a laboratory research? Anything related with that?”
“No, not really... why?”
You walked over to your bed and started pulling the mattress. You pushed it to the side, unveiling a couple of folders hiding underneath. You handed it to him. “My parents take part in a project, an investigation about a neighbor dimension. The documents explains how they opened the “gate” between that world and ours—“
Eddie turned to look at Stan and then at Bill, blinking rapidly. “You know that this isn’t fun, right?”
“What?” You asked, confused
“You can stop pretending now. Richie and you got us, all of us. You’ve got poor taste in pranks, you know? This is something serious and—“
“Are you serious?! You think this is a joke?”
“It might as well be” Stan looked at you, unsure of what to believe. “This is bullshit”
“But it’s not!” You defended yourself.
“You’re giving me way too much credit, guys, but I don’t take part in this” Richie said.
“And this, this portal?, what does it have to do with us?” Beverly said, scooting over Ben’s side to have a better look.
“You believe that shit?!” Eddie exclaimed.
“I-I don’t understand either, Y/N...” Bill looked at you, biting the side of his cheek. 
“Look, here” you said pointing at a certain paragraph. “It talks about how that other world is inhabited by an unknown species”
“So, naturally, people crossed the gate to investigate and do research. All of the expedition members went missing and were eventually found dead, parts of their bodies had been eaten by, probably, a pack of the species.” Ben gulped loudly, opening his mouth to say something but in the end, nothing came out. “But Pennywise has been feeding itself from Derry’s population for centuries… “
“Maybe the gate has always been open” Bev bit her lip, trying to find a proper way to put her thoughts together. “Maybe they just found a way for us to cross to the other side but these creatures have always been able to cross from theirs”
“Exactly but that’s not all” you handed them another folder, it was full of pictures and newspaper articles. “There was this kid, William Byers, who was taken by one of these creatures” she said pointing at the picture of him, “and he made it out alive… “
“But that doesn’t mean Pennywise is related to this” Mike said, breathing heavily. “What makes you so sure this could be related to us? This project was held in Hawkins, Indiana… Five or six states away from us”
“I don’t think this dimensions would limit itself to just Indiana, if it’s a world just like ours there must be a place just like Derry” your hands rested on your hips. “Plus, do you have a better theory? All we know about IT is the fact that he comes out to eat children every 27 years.”
“You’ve lost your fucking mind, haven’t you?” Richie said, pinching his nose anxiously. “Bill you better take notes, none of the stories you’ve created can compete with this kind of bullshit”
“She has a point” Beverly defended. “What do you have, Richie?”
“Common sense, clearly! Even if I decided to believe this mental story, what would we do? Drive all the way to fucking Indiana and then what?! We’ll ask your parents to help us kill this clown? Fucking great! Sign me the fuck in!”
“G-Georgie could be there” Bill said. “Betty R-Ripsom, Ed… everyone c-c-could be trapped in there and maybe we can save them!”
“I don’t want to save them!” Stan shouted, crossing his arms in front of his chest. “It’s suicide! “
“I’d rather kill myself trying to save them than doing nothing and let it kill me from the inside” you growled.
“That’s you! What makes you think we want to get involved! I didn’t ask for this---“ Eddie responded, stopping to take deep breaths. He took out his inhaler and shook it, later putting it inside his mouth and breathing in the medicine.
“None of us did!” Beverly spat out. “But if we can do something about this, we should!”
“Nobody of us want this, Y/N” Ben whispered.
“I get that all of you are terrified! So am I! But if we find a way of killing this thing one and for all, we might get a shot of living normal lives! We might get our fucking boring lives back, we would no longer have to worry about getting killed by IT! We wouldn’t have to watch our backs when we’re walking alone down the street!” you sighed. “I want my life back”
Before you could continue, an alarm went off. It came from Eddie’s clock, making all of you jump in surprise. “What time is it?” Ben asked, looking at Eddie.
“6:30” he said, popping one of the pills in his fanny pack inside his mouth. “I should get going…”
“Yeah, the curfew starts in 30 minutes and I---“Stan walked towards the door. “Why don’t you stay the night? We can forget about this…” you said pointing at the documents. “We can forget about it for the night and talk about it tomorrow. You don’t have to take a part of this, I just thought you… you would be interested and maybe we could find a way of killing IT”
Stan, Eddie and Richie looked at each other. Sighing. You were sure that Bill and Beverly were with you, maybe Mike and Ben too but the eight of you had to be together to actually make a change, that was a fact. “I’ll say I’m staying at Bill’s” Eddie said. “That way my mom won’t worry that much”
“We’ll stay” Beverly placed her hand on your shoulder and hugged you. “Don’t worry” You rested your forehead on her shoulder and sighed. “I’m sorry for putting all of this weight on your shoulders”
“Now, that’s enough” the redhead said, pulling away and ruffling your hair. “It’s already late enough, we should rest… all this fighting is making me hungry. What about you guys?”
“Finally! I was waiting for someone to say something about food” Richie said, smiling, with an attitude completely different from the one minutes before. “Aren’t you hungry, Eddie Spaghetti?”
“Stop it, Richie”
“We could order some pizza” Ben said, handing back to you the set of documents. “or something, do you think they'll deliver it this late?” he asked Mike, who just shrugged.
You sighed and put the documents back in their hiding place. Everyone was pretending to be happy again, you knew that because you were part of this act but it was alright, it had been enough for today. You would talk about it in the morning ad even though you didn’t have the best feeling about the whole situation, you had hope and you all needed that more than anything now.
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