raynehallowell · 9 years
Thank you very much
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eleplay · 9 years
truthunderlies replied to your post: “playing da:o and running around lothering like where’s hawke!!! which...”:
the Templar near the man screaming about his wife dying has hawkes voice hAWKE WERE U A TEMPLAR
i’m a lil unfamiliar with dude hawke’s voice but i think ur right... wtf...... ur voice is trapped in a templar. also i was curous and looked it up and the hawkes actually voice a couple people scattered throughout da:o. neat
also i’m looking thru this imdb page in general and it’s kinda neat
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poseidon, zeus, hermes, hades, &&&& athena
poseidon: list three fears
getting stuck in any enclosed area for any period of time
not doing enough with my life which usually ends up with me trying to do way too many things at once
feeling like theres a disconnect between how i view myself and how those around me view me whoops this just got way too deep whatevr
zeus: three places you want to travel to
japan would be cool even though idk what i’d even eat, really any place where u can see the northern lights well, idk maybe a few places in africa
hermes: last text you sent
“get hype”
hades: do you believe in life after death?
ghosts are real if u dont agree get the hell out my face right now
athena: share a piece of wisdom
always take an imodium before any standardized test because you never know when you’re gonna get really bad diarrhea shits and for me its about once or twice a week
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the reason canadians are always so nice is because we feed on negativity. no, literally, we suck it out of people. (but we all know jb's filter got clogged and that's why he's so rude) emily where have u been it's been too long ya
THIS IS VERY TRUE that's why we're so friendly
also yooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ive been around but just kind of FLOPPING and dumb. let me cuddle you nerd.
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disloyalorder · 9 years
truthunderlies replied to your post:alright i’m real heckin desperate for those m&g...
are those tickets expensive?? talkin’ like 300$?
tbh i think they're about $150 each they were during the save rock and roll tour and no prices have actually been released which is inconvenient since their exclusive fan presale is tomorrow afternoon? 100 sold for each venue with fan password that they emailed out today, first come first serve.
and i just really want to meet them before they end up breaking up again and they kinda just surprise dropped their tour a few days ago with ticket sales so soon after u g h and these things sell out quick
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raynehallowell · 9 years
truthunderlies said: Yes indeedly you are. (Wink wink)
No you!! ;D
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solelysakura · 10 years
m-maybe a fic rec for KakaSaku or NaruSaku? (Preferably sweet or long[?] if possible?) (sorry for the bother,,) great blog you have here! I love it already...!!
Oh gosh, of course!! Thank you so much!
Here are some KakaSaku ones!
House of Crows  by SilverShine
Rated M. 46 Chapters. Completed.Summary: War is coming to Konoha and Sakura is far from home, uncertain of her future. But one thing is for sure, Sakura will protect her unborn child at all costs, whether it be from Konoha’s enemies… or from its own father. (It isn’t sweet at first but definitely an amazing read)
Wrappings by Silberias
Rated K. 2 Chapters. Completed.Summary: Wrapping or unwrapping things from around a woman’s legs is generally a sensual thing, but for Kakashi and Sakura they will leave that for when she returns home alive rather than exchanging a distracting and potentially fatal “good luck” charm.
Love In Three Parts by eosdawnaurora 
Rated K+. 3 Chapters. Completed.Summary: Falling in love from beginning to end
Here are some NaruSaku ones I could find!
Only Human  by peanutbutter126
Rated T. 7 Chapters. Discontinued(but still so good)Summary: There are countless ways to kill and torture a person. When he is forced to kidnap a dead man’s daughter, Naruto Uzumaki has to acknowledge that love is the deadliest blade of them all. (It doesn’t sound sweet but it gets there!!)
Hands and Feet by cutecrazyice
Rated T. Oneshot.Summary: Her hands were cold and so were her feet - but always, always, he was there to warm them up.
Move Over  by Sabaku no Skyla
Rated M. 11 Chapters. CompletedSummary: Naruto found that he slept much easier with company.
I hope these are perfect for you! Feel free to ask for more! (:
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ask-mad-cry · 10 years
(Thanks a bunch, Trooper.)
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eleplay · 9 years
truthunderlies replied to your post: “as to how that hugeass mask manages to stay on her face… the answer is...”:
or potato uses magic like glue and magic glues it to their face hehe
or she used real glue and the reason why she doesn’t take it off during the entire ball is because it’s stuck
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thatssodesireerenee · 10 years
truthunderlies reblogged your post To the people who is sending me mess... and added:
wait what what are they tellin’ ya?
basically someone brought up old drama and people(including myself) flipped out. And now her "friends" are sending me asks.
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mexicanfood420 · 10 years
do u even know what his hugs are? they are bad hugs. bad bad bad hugs!
All hugs are good hugs.
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raynehallowell · 10 years
Nerd. (Kisses cheek and runs away.)
Thank you, You Derp!! *blows kisses in your direction* 
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ptbsde · 10 years
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Trudy made Snake look fabulous, he's so excited for murica!
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