#ts3 homework default
moyokeansimblr · 2 years
Homework Default Replacement for TS3
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❗❗❗ This is for sims 3! ❗❗❗
My first creation for sims 3! ✨ Since I've been playing ts3 a lot lately and taking heaps of screenshots, the blue homework began to annoy me. You'll still see it in some of my screenshots in the future since my queue is very long but I wanted to share this now! Why wait? 😁 It's not perfect because my gimp skills are trash so it's kind of blurry but I don't mind too much. I may try and improve it in the future.
This is a default replacement for the homework, and will replace it for child-YA. So I tried to pick something non-descript that wouldn't seem too much like one school subject or one age group. It's this image from freepik.
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It's the very first thing I've ever made for ts3, so I hope I did it right. It'll still appear blue in sims' inventories and I don't know how to change that but in-game it's fine. Also because children and teens don't appear to actually flip the notebook open I've put the texture on both the front and back of the notebook. My YA test subject did actually flip it open but it wasn't distracting to have it on both imo.
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Unfortunately, sims won't be any happier to do homework with their snazzy new notebook, but oh well 😅
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It works for me having it in my Packages folder, but the tutorial I followed said to place it in Overrides so you may want to put it there.
📓 TS3 Homework Default on Patreon (FREE)
But please consider donating if you like what I do so I know! 🙏
Enjoy, and pretty please inform me if I've done anything wrong or you have any issues! 🤗
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nagiqie · 2 years
masterlist / tags
mc command center
more columns in cas
andrew pose player
teleport any sim
the sims 4
dlc unlocker
sims 4 studio
adobe photoshop
cas unlock
small mods
open love life
simda: dating app (x)
social activities
sul sul weather app
education overhaul (x)
divergent sims (x)
eye care (x)
health care redux (x)
online learning system
child birth mod
mood pack
smarter self-care
balanced life
no strings attached
rpo collection (pregnancy preferences, pregnancy side effects, paternity, cheating, custody, temporary separation)
profitable handiness
uncomfortable and negative moods do more
less obsession
no more mopping in bad weather
selectable pets
gender neutral birth
family reunion tweak
no disappearing relatives in family tree
buy a better mattress
let friends age up
go for a walk with more pets
homework tweaks
dark hair for asian archetype sims
transfem included in ladies night
longer highschool prom
autonomously change outfits (temperature death)
create a sim
remove ea lashes
cas blob remover
color sliders
more traits in cas
cas lighting
minimalist cc icon
acessories categories
skin details & tattoos categories
makeup overhaul
eye size slider
head size slider
mouth scale slider
expanded nose width
esotropia & exotropia
eye width slider (post)
septum and nostril (post)
nose tip (post)
nostril size (post)
septum width (post)
body sliders unlocked for kids (post)
default eyes & non default eyes
male neck thickness
cc finds
sims blogs
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murfeelee · 4 years
TS3 Simmer - Get to Know
I saw Katsuijii do these here and whaddaya know, it’s that time again!
Your name: Murfeelee the Khaleesi
Languages you speak: English. My Latin's fallen to the wayside, but shockingly my limited Japanese isn’t as bad as it could be. Thank god for anime. :P
Are you a mermaid: I’m seasick and can’t swim. No.
Your play style: Usually for my gameplay posts I have an idea pre-planned, that I force my sims to fulfill come hell or high water. I don’t care about your Wishes, your Needs, your job schedule, the neighbors, your crying kids, or your starving pets; stop stomping your feet and turn that sim into a zombie! >_<
Your selfsim picture:
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Stories or gameplay, builds, lookbooks, edits or cc: Gameplay and builds. I like lookbooks, but I never do them?
Your favorite age state: Young Adult, cuz they have the most content & abilities.
Your favorite season: Winter is so pretty in TS3, but I like default Summer, cuz who wants to be bundled up like a burrito all effing year.
Your favorite holiday: Halloween.
How was your day: I was supposed to do some homework, but instead spent the whole frikkin day prepping my next CC upload and making gifs. #Priorities #ProductiveMuch? U_U
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Your favorite career/profession: Ghost Hunter.
Your favorite Lifetime Wish: Paranormal Profiteer, Master Magician, Renaissance Sim
Your favorite EP or SP: Supernatural all day everyday
How old is your simblr: 7 years old. Good lord.
Have you woohooed:
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Your favorite skill: Artistic, Athletic, Childish, Disciplined, Evil, Green Thumb, Proper, Supernatural Fan, alright I’ll stop now.
The size of your mods folder: 2.61GB, without me adding gameplay-specific CC (I rotate them out whenever I start playing something else).
Your 3 favorite mods: Everything by Nraas, Cmomoney’s Time/Seasons Mod, Buhudain’s OMSP Resizers & You Are Real mod, BrntWaffles’ Dream Dimension + 100% Auroras lighting mod, CmarNYC’s tattoo mod, I can go on. Your interests (other than The Sims): Playing other video games. watching anime, reading Anne Rice novels, eating junk food, etc.
Your favorite sim (picture if possible): Thinking about Nagron (Nasir and Agron from Spartacus) always puts a smile on my face; they’re so freaking precious. :3
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Which Sims games you have played (including mobile games): TS1, TS2, TS3, and I watch the not-so-little-one play TS4 out of morbid curiosity but haven’t deigned to play it myself #BecauseEA.
Propose a crazy scheme: TS5 actually being better than Paralives.
Best part of simblr: Connecting with other simmers, and seeing the cool & creative new ways other simmers play The Sims and push the borders of our sandbox. Worst part of simblr: EA’s brainwashing influence making simmers complacent with mediocrity, constantly voting with their wallets for watered-down regurgitated content rather than putting EA’s lazy uninspired arse to the flames so they can finally make content worth the money we pay for these games year after year.
What other games you play: Most recently: Dragon Age: Inquisition (if EA shuts down Bioware before they make DA4 Imma be so freaking angry! I need CLOSURE!); Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice; Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice; my zillionth replay of God of War 4.
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Other websites or accounts (origin, twitter etc..): Ew, no.
Are you single: Like a Pringle! ^_^
Thanks for reading!
I tag everybody who wants to be tagged.
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moyokeansimblr · 2 years
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Everybody always seems to go into Adam's room to use his desk, even though everyone has their own desk. Karl doesn't look too excited to be doing his homework.
(this was taken before I made my ts3 homework default)
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Even Lainey likes to hang out in Adam's room!
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